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The relevance of Non-alignment movement (NAM):

points in favor
Posted Date: 14 Jun 2012 | Updated: 19-Apr-2019 | Category: General (/resources/category-3-general) | Author:
Ankita Sinha (/member/Ankitasinha.aspx) | Member Level: Gold (/general/MembershipLevels.aspx) | Points: 125
(/general/ContentRating.aspx?EntityType=1&EntityId=152627) |

Non-alignment movement is one of the major foreign policy developed and adopted during
the cold war era. In this article, attention is paid on the relevance of Non-alignment
movement even after the end of the cold war and the disintegration of USSR.
The Non-alignment movement was started by the Third world nations or the newly independent nations who
don't want to join any of the existing power blocs. Non-alignment movement in this context emerged as the
most desirable platform which provided this nation independence to follow its own foreign policy. It was
adopted by Asian, African, and Latin American countries. The emergence of NAM in the cold war situation
provided the world politics a new twist. For the newly independent countries, NAM became a protector to
escape from race of militarization promoted by two world powers at that time i.e. USSR and USA. Non-
alignment countries were in favor of disarmament and were against social discrimination. It emerged as a
great moral force and initiated the co-operation for world peace in the cold war era. The policy of Non-
alignment that is staying away from alliance should not be considered as neutrality or isolation. There is a
vast difference between the concept of NAM, neutrality, and isolation.

Difference with neutrality

Neutrality means aloof from everything including the war, but NAM is not the same as neutrality. It never
promotes aloofness from the world's affairs and war rather it promotes peaceful intervention in world's
politics. For example, India is a member of NAM participated in world affair and was not aloof from it. India
itself involved in many wars and even intervened in concluding the war peacefully. But a neutral country
doesn't participate in any such negotiation and war type situation, further they even do not take any position
on the appropriateness or morality of war.

Difference with Isolation

Non-alignment is not isolationism since isolation de nes a country which is aloof from world affair. NAM
policy never promoted isolation from world county rather it promoted the policy of uni cation of the world
by preaching peace and co-operation. For example, India was not isolated since it involved in the war of
liberalization and through the era of cold war further, India played an active role in mediating between the
two rival alliances seeking common interest to promote world's peace and stability. Switzerland can be said
politically neutral country. Even the foreign policy of the US promoted the isolationism policy from the
American War of Independence in 1787 to the beginning of the rst world war.

Origin of NAM
NAM was originated by 25 nations(newly independent) at the Belgrade conference. India was among the
founding member of NAM. The root of NAM went back to the friendship between three leaders-Yugoslavia's
Joship Broz Tito. India's Jawaharlal Nehru and Egypt's leader game Abdel Nasser came together to hold a
meeting in 1956. Indonesia's Sukarno and Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah came to strongly support this policy.
Hence these ve leaders are known as the founding father of NAM. The rst non-alignment summit was held
in Belgrade in 1961. The rst summit was attended by 25 member states. With the passage of time, NAM
membership expanded including countries of different political system and interest. At present, NAM has
120 member countries and 17 observer countries. There are various causes that can be said as an emerging
factor for promoting the existence of NAM. The various causes of NAM can be divided into positive and
negative aspects.

Major causes for formation of NAM

NAM existence can be called the contribution of many positive and negative aspects arising at that time in
international politics. The various major causes that led to formation of NAM are as follows-
1. Nationalist feeling-The newly decolonized nation was deeply enriched with the feeling of the
nationalism and at that point of time was not willing to compromise at any stage with its freedom and
henceforth this nationalist feeling and love for one's nation paved a path for the formation of policy that
secure integrity and sovereignty of these small countries. In this context, NAM ful lled the desired
requirement and came into existence.

2. Economic development-After the country been decolonized its foremost objective is to attain
economic development so same with these countries at that time, they try and focus on economic
development. And if they join any of the power blocks the economic condition of those countries would
further get weaker. So NAM as non-alignment policy was most desirable to secure the economic

3. Cultural and racial aspects-The newly independent countries shares the common cultural and racial
aspects. So to preserve and promote their cultural and racial aspects they came together and unite in
the form of NAM. They found that they have common problems regarding polity, economic and social
system which could be discussed for all member nation country to bring development in those newly
underdeveloped countries.

4. End of second world war-With the end of the cold war the political environment of the world turning
more hostile and unfriendly and cold war came into existence. The world was divided into two power
blocks both seeking and attaining its own goal and tried to increase its alliance and support from small
and less powerful countries. So to avoid this system of alliance newly freedom attained countries opted
for NAM as a policy of non-alignment.

5. Military alliance-When NAM came into existence it was the time when the cold war was at its apex. And
military alliance was the key feature of the two power block. They tried to add more and small countries
to them, so to avoid this military alliance newly decolonized nation opted for a policy of NAM as with
military alliance their economic and political stability cannot be attained.

6. Fear of colonialism and imperialism-There was deep-seated fear in all the newly decolonized nation
that in future they might not get under any powerful nation as colonies for them. So this fear makes
them unite together and ask for their protection of integrity and sovereignty of a nation, freedom to
follow its own foreign policy and they looked upon NAM as the best policy for their need and NAM
came into existence.

Quali cation required to become a member of NAM

When NAM was formed, certain quali cations were laid down by founding members for the new nation who
wanted to join NAM. The various quali cations of NAM are as follows-
Having an independent foreign policy.
Having sovereign state.

Peace-loving country.

Not aligned with any power blocks.

Mutual respect for every nation's sovereignty and territory.

Non-interference in domestic affairs.

Avoidance of aggression.

Promote equality, co-operation and bene t for all nation.

Relevance of NAM
NAM was founded during the height of Soviet-Us confrontation in the mid-1950s. Its political bearing has
diminished in the post-cold war environment with the disintegration of USSR but NAM is still relevant in
today's international environment.

Now the present world scenario is in a slow but steady pace. Uni-polar is slowly shifting to a multi-polar
world. And eager to look into the matter of global economic issues. Even G8 realized that they cannot
withstand without developing nations in this phase of acute crisis. So NAM a non-aligned system can play a
big role in controlling and changing the present international environment. With the passage of time, NAM
emerged as a political personality of its own. It survived the cold war and out-living it. The relevance of NAM
can be traced from the following points-
1. Preservation of the world peace-NAM after so many years of foundation it still abides by its founding
principles, idea and purpose i.e. to establish the peaceful and prosperous world. It promoted
disarmament and even prohibited invasion of any country, henceforth creation a sovereign world order.

2. Preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty-Nam proved its repeated relevance with the idea
of preserving the independence of every nation. This policy will survive long lasting till the time
sovereign nation-state exists irrespective of any periodical, marginal changes, in the existing system all
over the world. It has repeated relevance in every stage until the concept of international relation
exists. So weather world is unipolar, multipolar or bi-polar NAM as the policy will grow stronger.

3. Platform of Third World nations-Third world countries ghting against sociological- economical
problems since they have been exploited for a long time by other developed nation, after the end of
colonization their new motives is to look forward to development. In this situation, NAM acted as a
protector for these new formed small countries against the western hegemony. Not only this it
empowers the member states to take its own decisions without any external in uence.
4. Support of UN-NAM total strength compromises of 118 developing countries and most of them being a
member of UN general assembly. IT represents 2/3 members of general assembly hence NAM members
act as important vote blocking group in UN.

5. promoting equitable world order-NAM promotes equitable world order. It speci es the same ideal
foreign policy for all nations. It acts as a bridge between the political differences existing in the
international environment. It arose as consensual policy on burning topic of current world politics to
which the vast majority of a nation could subscribe.
6. Check on big power ambitions-NAM constitute of 120 developing nation and this overwhelming
strength of this third world nation act as a check on big power ambitions. It stood as a unifying force
against the traditional foreign policy of great powers and strictly restricts imperialism, nationalism, and

7. Base of South-South co-operation-NAM act as a catalyst to foster the co-operation between south -
south nation. It raises issues that are of major concern for the south countries. It initiates economic,
political and social development corners to achieve the desired result of moving from developing to
developed nations.

8. Integral part of foreign policy-NAM as foreign policy is very much relevant till today even after the
disintegration of USSR. Many developing nation including India still follows NAM policy as its major
international and foreign policy tool. The policy to avoid colonization and imperialism continues to
remain valid for all small and developing countries.

9. Peaceful settlement of International disputes-NAM since its foundation act as a platform that protects
the interest of developing countries. It protects it from the huge and in uential power in the
international sphere, so if disputes arise between developed and developing nation at any point of a
concerned topic then NAM act as a platform which negotiates and conclude disputes peacefully
securing the favorable decisions for each member nation.

10. Alternative world power-NAM with the passage of time emerged as the alternative world power. With
its strength and its motive to democratize the international system proved its quali cation as
alternative world order which would promote equality and peace all over the world and even provide
new dynamics to the existing world's politics.

11. Voice of developing nations-NAM is emerging as majority day by day, each year its strength increases
which act as a force and give its members to put their point on international issues. For example-NAM
recently challenges the Ban-ki-moon decisions on Srilanka panel plausible.
12. Integral component of north-south co-operation-NAM act as a unifying force representing developing
countries interest. Hence it plays an important role in north-south dialogue on different issues and
accomplishment of different goals for the betterment of the world.

13. Criticism of US policy-NAM played an active role in criticizing the US policy on various events. US
action such as invasion of Iraq and the war on terrorism, Iran and North Korea's nuclear plant have been
attempted to sti e by the US have been brought to notice by NAM as violation of human right and
committing roughshod means to denounce the sovereignty of smaller nations.
14. Self determination of Puerto Rico-Puerto Rico self determination case have been supported By NAM
since 1961 by discussing it before United Nation.

15. Self-determination for Western Sahara-NAM like with the case of Puerto Rico supported for self-
determination of Western Sahara before United Nation since 1973. It is 2009 reminded United Nation
once again on the case of self-determination of Western Sahara.

16. Cultural diversity and human rights-NAM is said to be the protector of human rights and propagated
the existence of cultural diversity. They even promoted the societal-cultural concept and the tolerance
of religion. NAM always remain active to secure the human right of every nation and if found it being
violated it stands for its protection.

17. Sustainable development-NAM supported the concept of sustainable development. They even
determine what are the factors which hinder the development and discuss it at large wherever they get
the platform, including the United Nations.

Hence the relevance of NAM is well justi ed from all the above-mentioned points. NAM since its formation
always abides by its principle and purpose to attain peace and to keep itself non-aligned to any power blocks.
The success of NAM can be well traced from its ever-growing membership each year. Even after the end of
the cold war the membership drastically increased and it's still increasing at a rapid speed justifying its
perpetual relevance in the present international environment. Further, NAM as a policy of weak and small
state will continue to remain valid as long as there is a concept of sovereign nation-states and perpetual war
for power. NAM propagated the concept of sovereign states based on independence and equality will
continue forever irrespective of the existence of bipolar, unipolar or multi-polar world system. NAM nature
and scope changed but its relevance thrives to the height of success in the contemporary world. In-fact its
relevance is being more prominent than ever before, in the present scenario, NAM nature is more inclined
towards economic relevance than political relevance. Hence NAM in the present time is well embedded in
the international politics, its role has a vital impact and it emerged as the powerful creed which is more
powerful than the two power block put together at that time.

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