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ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN FOR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES, [Edward Summers [A project submited to the faculty of Brigham Young University {in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements forthe degree of Master of Science Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brigham Young University December 2009 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a project submitted by Edward Summers ‘This projet has been read by each member of the following graduate committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. 1 [iglor a PALI W. Richard Chair Nov 18, 200 4 PiGufeco _16.Nev 2004 yh Ui Date Ryle NM Roilins Accepted forthe Department ABSTRACT ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN FOR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES Edward C, Summers Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1 ‘Master of Science Anchor bolts are an essential element for nearly all structures and provide the necessary interface between a stel column base plate and @ concrete foundation. The =2.5in) Reduction Factor ‘a= 0.75 Steel Reduction Factor for Tension 0.70 Concrete Reduction Factor for Tension 0.65 Steel Reduction Factor for Shear = 0.70. Concrate Reduction Factor for Shear Page Sof 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Shear Breakout Failure per ACI 318-08 Appendix D Date: 9121/2000 ‘Assuming: Cast-i-place headed studs, Engineer: ECS Loads evenly dtributd all anchor bots 107.1 kip Nominal Strength of Anchor (Group in Tension 121 kip Batic Concrete Breakout Srength ofa single anchor 485 kip Concrete Breakout Stongth in Tasion (Group) 285 kip Pullou.stengthfor single headed stud 188.7 kip ‘The Nominal pullout Strength in Tension (Group) NA kip (Sdeface blowout strength a single bt) N= NA kip (Side-fooe blowout strength of bat group) @N,= 339 kip DESIGN OK Shear Results: ©4.3 kip Nominal Steet Shear srangth for astin-place anchors 7.0 kip Basie Concrete Breakout Stronath 232 kip Concrete breakout Strength (Group) 243 kip ‘Nominal Prout Strength for a singe anchor 20.8 kp Nominal Prout Svenath for @ group of anchors Wis 162_Kip No Good interaction Rat: Ratio= 1.23, No Good Page 4 of 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Pullout Tensile Failure per AC! 318-08 Appendix D Date: 9121/2008 ‘Assuming: Castin-pace headed studs, Engineer: ECS Loads evenly dstibutod all anchor bots Loads: ASCE Load Combination F Aopendis Load Combination 40.000 ]kip Factors Tensile Loas 15.000 ]kip ——_~Factored Shear Load 7 Number of bis x direction 7 Number of bots y direction 7.000 in Distance between anchors x rection 0.000 in Distance between anchors y rection (0.000 fn conic x direction (0.000 }n EEcconricy y direction Page tof 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Pullout Tensile Failure er AC} 318-08 Appenst D Date: 9721/2000 ‘Assuming: Castimplace headed studs, Engineer ECS Loads evenly disinbuted to all anchar bots Bolt Properties: Pst-nsaled Dust Steal ‘Anchor Bot Diameter Embeement Depth Effective Embscmant Depth Number of Bats Load bearing length of anchor for shear Effective Tension Bot Area Effective Shear Bot Area Anchor Bot Matera Anchor Yield Svangth Untimate Tensle Anchor Strength Concrete Properties: Light Weight Concrete onsite Reinforcoment/~ ‘Cracked Concroe™ ‘Shear Reinforeamant™ re=[_ 4000 Jost 4 |n Concrete Thickness 72 In CConerate Dimension 1 72 In CConerate Dimension 2 35 in 38 in 38 in 3 in 8 in Minimum Clear Cover on Critical Edge Distance 1296 in? Projected tension Concrete Faure Avoa 1298 in? Projected Concrete Falure Araa af a Single Bott 3456 in? Projected Shear Concrete Faure Area 5632 In? Maximum Projected Area fora Single Anchor Page 2014 Anchor Bolt Design - Pullout Tensile Failure por AC! 316-08 Appendix D Date: 9121/2008 ‘Assuming: Casti-place headed studs Enginser: ECS Loads evenly ditrbuted to al anchor bats Factors/ Coefficients: ‘Tension Factors: Yeun= 1.000 Factor fr insufcient side cover Yeu® 1.25 (1.25 eastin-place, 14 postnstalled, 1.0 cracked) 4.000 Postinstaled Anchor Medication 41.000 Factor for Eezentcty Ver= 1400 (cracking =1.0, no cracking=1.4) ‘Shear Factors: Vous 0.800 Factor for insuficlent side cover Ver 1.25 (1.Scantinglae, 14 poi, 12 cached 14 bearer) Veew* 1.000 Factor for Eccentricity vyav® 1.061 Modeation factor when hyet.Sey, + (075torlghtweight, 1.0 for normal weight) 24 (4 Castin-place, 17 posinstalled) 2 (10 forhye28in, 2.0 forh>=2.5in) 0.75 Stoo! Reduetion Factor for Tension 0.70 Concrete Reduetion Factor for Tension 0.65 Stes! Reduction Factor for Shear 0.70 Concrete Reduction Factor for Shear Page 3014 Anchor Bolt Design - Pullout Tensile Failure per ACI 318-08 Appenatx O Date: 9721/2008 ‘Assuming: Castn-lace headed sud, Engineer, ECS Loads eveny dstnbuted to al anchor bots Results: Tension Results: Nu= 757 kip Nominal Stength of Anchor (Group) in Tension N= 631 kp Basic Concrete Breakout Strength of single anchor Ne= 789 Kip Concrete Breakout Svengin in Tension (Group) Ny= 372 kip Plloutsrength for single neades sts N= 621 kip The Nominal ult Seng in Tension (Group) Nas NA kip (Sidovace Blowout strength ofa single bot) Negt NA Kip (Sideface blowout stongth of abot group) a= 365 No Good Shear Results: Vax= 454 kip Nominal Stel Shear stungth fr castin-place anchors Viz 1449 Ko Basie Conte Breakout Strength Voa= 1025 kip Conerete breakout Svengh (Group) Veg= 1262 kip Nominal Pryout Strength fora single anchor Ven" 187.7 kp Nominal Prout Strength fora group of anchors Wi= 295 _ kip DESIGN OK Interaction Rato: Ratio = 1.60 No Good Page 4 of 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (6" embed) por ACI 318-08 Appendix D Date: 912172008 ‘Assuming: Castr-place hoaded studs, Enginoor: ECS Loads evenly debuted fall anchor bots Loads: ASCE Load Combination F* Appendix ¢ Load Combination N=[/30.000 kip Factoree Tensile Load v,*[-50.000 Jkip Factores Shear Load Anchor Geometr naf_2 Number of bali x decton a Number of balis y decton In Distance between anchors x rection ln Distance between anchors y direction ln Eccentricity x direction In Eccenticiyy direction Page tof 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear F: jure (6" embed) por ACI 318.08 Append D Date: 912172008 ‘Assuming: Castiplace headed studs Engineer: ECS Loads evenly dstbuted o all anchor bolts Bolt Properties: Postinsaled Dusile Steal? ifn Anchor Bot Diameter jin Embedment Depth 500 in Effective Embecment Depth 4 Number of Bots 6 in Load bearing login of anchor for shear 0.969 in’ Effective Tension Bat zea 0.90 in? Effective Shear Bolt Ares ser iF [FIE35—T]_ Anchor Bor material 38 ksi Anchor Yield Stangth 58 Ksi_—_Uttimete Tensile Anchor Svength Concrete Properties: Ugh Weigh Conecote ‘Tensile Renforcament ‘Cracked Concrote ‘Shoar Reinforcement | [2000 Jost 24 In Conerste Thickness 700 in CConerote Dimension + 300 Jin Conerate Dimension 2 “in in in “in Sin Minimum Clear Cover o in CCrical Edge Distance 786 it? Projected tension Concrete Faire Area 224 in? rejected Concrste Faure Area ofa Single Bolt 2400 i Projected Shear Concrete Flire Area Maximum Projected Area fora Single Anchor Page 2014 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (6" embed) er AC} 318-08 Appendix D ‘Assuming: Castin-place headed studs, Enginoor: ECS “Loads evenly dstributd fo all anchor bots Factors/ Coefficients: ‘Tension Factors: ‘Shear Factors: Other Factors: ke ke Reduction Factors: 4.000 076 070 06s. 070 Date: 972112008 Facts for insuficlent de cover (7.25 castnplace, 1.4 postnstallg, 1.0 cracked) Pos installed Anchor Mediation Factor for Eccentricity (cracking =.0, no cracking=1.4) Factor for nsufclent ide cover Factor for Eccenttcity Modification factor when hyet.Sy sd, 0H nha. 14 ec (0.75 or ightweight, 1.0 fornormal weight) (24 Castin-pace, 17 post.nstaled) (1.0 forhnys2.5in, 20 for hg>=2 Sin) ‘Steel Recucton Factor for Tension CConerete Reduction Factor for Tension ‘Steal Recuton Factor for Shear CConerote Reduction Factor for Shear Page 3014 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (6" embed) per AC! 318-08 Appendix D Date: 9/21/2000 ‘Assuming: Castin-place headed studs, Engineer: ECS Loads evenly dsibuted oll anchor bots Results: Tension Results: 2248 Wp Nomina Strength of Anchor (Group) in Tension 183 kp Basle Concrete Breskout Strength ofa single anchor 45.7 kip —__Conorete Breakout Skength in Tension (Group) 426 kip ——_Pillout strength for single headed stud 1744 kip Th Nominal pullout Strength in Tension (Group) NA kip (Side-face blowout strength of a single bolt) Nee® NA ip (Sideface blowout strength ofa bt group) N= 927 _ kip DESIGN OK Shear Results 1949 kop Norninal Stee! Sher strength for castinplace anchors ATTA kip Basic Concrete Breakout Strength 107.1 kip —_Conerot breakout Strength (Group) 286 kip Nominal Pryut Strength fora single anchor 935 Kp Normal Pryut Strengtn ora group of anchors W,= 654 kip DESIGN OK Interaction Ratio: Ratio= 168 No Good Page 4 of4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (10" embed) per ACI 318-08 Append 0 Date: 9121/2000 Assuming: Castin-place headed studs Engineer ECS is evenly dstnbuted o all anchor bolts Load 1 ASCE Load Combination ‘opandbC Los Combination N=[_30.000 Jip Factored Tensio Load v,=[750.000 Jap Factored Shear Load Anchor Geometry: Le, Number of bas x ection =e Number of bts y ection «(70000 Jn Distance between anchors x erection s,*{10.000 fin Distance between anchors y arection 0.600 a Eecenticy x direction 0.000 _n Ecceniicyy direction Page tof 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (10" embed) per ACI 916-08 Appendte D Assuming: Castanplace headed studs, Loads evenly distributed to Bolt Properties: Postintaled[~ Dut Stal tian 70 In 70.00 in 4 0 i 0.960 i 0.969 i teri [ Fresa3s 3] 36 ksi 58 isl Concrete Properties: Light Weight Coneroto~ ‘Cracked Concrate f.=[_ 3000 Jos! r=] 24 fin 6, =[100_ fin 700 Jin “in 4 in 4 in in 6 in om 600 in? 900 in? 2400 in? ora in? Date: 97212008 Engineer: ECS Anchor Bot Diameter Emoedment Depth Effective Embacmant Dapth Number of Bots Load bearing length of anchor for shoar Etfectve Tension Bok Area Effective Shear Bot Are Anchor Bok Materiat ‘Anchor Yels Svength \Untate Tensile Anchor Strength ls Tensile Reinforcement ‘Shear Reinforcement ~ Concrete Thickness CConerete Dimension 1 CConerete Dimension 2 Minimum Clear Cover Creal Edge Distance Projected tension Concrete Fale Ares Projacted Concrete Failure Ares of Single Balt Projected Shear Concrete Faure Area Maximum Projctes Area for a Single Anchor Page 20f 4 Anchor Bolt Design - Concrete Pryout Shear Failure (10" embed) por ACI 318.08 Appendtc D Date: 9121/2000 ‘Assuming: Castin-place headed st, Engineer: ECS. Loads evenly distnbited 0 al anchor bolts Factors/ Coefficients: ‘Tension Factors: ‘Yean™ 1.000 Factor for inuficent sae cover 1 (1.28 castinplace, 1.4 postinstalle, 1.01 reckes) 4.000 Postinstlas Anchor Modiation 4.000. Factor for Eocentrity 4.000 (eracking=1.0, no eracking=1.4) ‘Shear Factors: Vouw® 0.800 Factor for insufficient side cover Ver® 1A (125 eainae 1.4 postales, 10 acd, 14 eer nies) Yauy= 1.000 Factor for Eocencty 4.677 Modfcaion factor when hy

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