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Summer Training Project Report


Title Of the Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of award of BBA degree of

GGSIPU, New Delhi

Submitted By:


Enrolment No.:

Semester: BBA Vth Semester

Batch: 2017-20

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management

(Affiliated to GGSIPU)

FC-26, Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

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The successful completion of the project would be incomplete without the mention of the people who
made it possible.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude to my corporate
mentor, Ms./Mr……………………………………………………………, (Designation),….…………(Company Name),
….……………….. I am greatly indebted to him/her for providing valuable guidance at all stages of the study,
constructive suggestions, positive and supportive attitude and continuous encouragement, without
which it would have not been possible to complete the project.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express a deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide,
Dr./Ms./Mr………………………………………, ………………………..(Designation), BBA Department, Dr. Akhilesh
Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi who in spite of her/ his busy schedule has
co-operated with me continuously and has provided valuable guidance at all stages of the study, that has
been certainly indispensable for my project work.

I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to Mr. Asim Sahore, Department Incharge, for his
continuous encouragement and cooperation during the course of my study.

I express my sincere thanks to the Course Director, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology &
Management, New Delhi, for being a constant source of knowledge, motivation and guidance.

I would also like to convey my warm regards to my family members and friends for their kind support and
helping hand.

Student Name:

Enrollment No.:

BBA Vth Semester, Batch 2017-20

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1 Company Profile

2 Introduction to the topic

3 Objective of the study

4 Literature Review

5 Research Methodology

6 Data Analysis

7 Findings & Conclusion

8 References/ Bibliography

9 Annexure- to include questionnaire, balance sheets,

tables, reports if any

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Creatvision established in the year 2011, is the fastest growing Manufacturer firm specializing in Led

Light and material. We take pride in garnering the challenging client needs by presenting the wide

assortment of quality products which includes LED Bulb Spare Parts, LED Tube Lights Parts, LED Panel

Light Housing and many more. Crafted with utmost dedication to flawlessness, the offered products are

developed at our state of art infrastructural setup and demanded widely for its comprehensive benefits

of unique designs, premium finish, rust proof lifespan, hassle free maintenance, and energy efficient

performance. We aim to keep our future green and we strive to accomplish the objectives by

maximizing the usage of renewable resources. We have used best in class raw materials that allow us to

raise the bar of manufacturing standards at a new level. Our endeavors to provide unmatched quality

products empowered the dedicated approach of our team members who are engaged in rapid

cultivation of our organization in the industry. Furthermore, owing to our state of art infrastructure, we

have become motivated to outperform the competition in the dynamic marketplace. Moreover, we

make sure to implement the rigid rules of quality compliance on our product range to ensure high

caliber and innovative mechanism. Mr. Ankur giri is the driving force behind our rapid growth. His vast

industrial knowledge and dynamic guidance...


To become a highly respectful, knowledge based innovative global enterprise in LED Lighting

manufacturing segment.We stand for ‘Leadership Position of Excellence’ for our quality products and

aim to be a Global player in improving the quality of Human life.We believe that, this endeavor is a

continuous process, and strive hard to evolve and excel in every part of our activity.

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We stand for what we say and what we do, with total commitment driven by Values and sets out the framework and objectives for the future, and directs everyone in the

organization towards achieving the set goals.aim is to be a growing company, driven by experiencing the

true sense of self-respect with a high level of integrity.Creative translation of 'Innovative Ideas' with a

vision of 'Powerful Future' is our ambition.


To find fulfillment at every step, by continually improving the quality of human life.To be a successful

Global Company, by enabling People and Businesses to realize their full potential.To build integrity,

fairness with high performance in whatever we do, and be a respected corporate citizen.We stand by

our statement and will achieve our mission by:

Focusing on ‘Quality Deliverance’ as the core competency of our business process

Being a ‘Customer Centric Organization’, with continuous value addition

Embracing ' Continual Improvement ' as a practice, in all our Business operationsNurturing

'Breakthrough ideas' with our 'Industry wisdom' and delivering the best possible solution through our

'Knowledge ManagementHolding the true sense of self-respect in whatever we do, both in terms of an

individual Associate and Organization as a wholeAbove all, we measure our success in terms of the

positive contributions we have made in the lives of people.

Product range

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1. LED chip - which stands for Light Emitting Diode, is a light source that becomes illuminated by the

movement of electrons or an electrical current passing through a semiconductor material. A

semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound that can conduct

electricity under some conditions making it a good medium to control an electrical current.

2. An LED driver - regulates the current flowing through the LED, similar to a ballast in a compact
fluorescent lights.LED drivers can be internal or external. LED Light output is proportional to its
current; any slight variation in the current can result in unacceptable changes in light output. So the
led driver is a very key component the light output and greatly impacts the lamp life of the LED.

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3. The heat sink - is a key component in a good quality LED. LEDs do not generate much external
ambient heat but they do generate internal heat within the junction, High temperatures near the LED
junction affect the short term and long term life and affect the LED performance. Heat must be
removed from the LED Chip to maintain expected light output, life, and color. Short terms effects of
improper heat sinking would be lower light output, and also a wavelength color shift, while the long-
term effects would be a lower lamp life. The heat sink is essential to removing heat which is removed
through convection (by air) or by conduction (by contact). Most metals are excellent conductors which
why they are used as mounting materials for most LED’s.

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Our state-of-the-art infrastructure is segregated into various departments including Production, In-house
designing, Quality controlling as well as Research and development. We have established a well equipped
manufacturing facility which enables us to produce a quality range of L.E.D. Lights. Our manufacturing
unit is spread all over south and north Delhi and has a massive capacity which enables us to undertake
bulk production in case of urgent orders.

Creatvision is one of the leading LED lighting manufacturers in Delhi specializing in lighting, controls and
day lighting systems in the era. It offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor lighting solutions suitable for
every application and environment. The company’s diverse portfolio of 3lighting products caters to several
industries including education, commercial offices, healthcare, hospitality, government, industrial, retail,
residential, transportation, roadway, bridges, tunnels, sewer and dams. The company is focusing on
developing new technologically advanced products such as solid-state LED lighting integrated with digital
controls, organic LED lighting (OLED) and variety of LED-based lamps. The digital lighting systems
manufactured by this company comes equipped with LED driver technology which provides superior
system performance, innovative features and a wide range of power levels.

Environmental Product Declarations(EPDs)

Creatvision makes sure a product's impact on the environment is transparent. Creatvision was the
first company in the lighting industry to publish environmental product declarations in compliance
with the international ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards. EPDs are prepared by Creatvision l in
compliance with a process verified by independent auditors. A filter function in the online product
catalogue can be used to quickly find the EPDs that have already been made available.

The environmental product declaration lists in detail all traces left by a product in the environment
over its entire life cycle: which raw materials are processed? How much energy is required for
production, transport and waste disposal, how much is reclaimed through recycling? This
information is relevant not only for environmental certifications such as is also a sound
basis that helps green-minded customers make their deci

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Introduction About The Topic

Compensation is the remuneration which is given to the employees for the work they do into the
organization. In other words, an employee is entitled to both the financial and the non-financial
benefits in return for his contribution to the organization.

Compensation includes that, “The total remuneration which includes a host of benefits that protect
and expand the lifestyle and health of workers and their families”.

Definition of Compensation
A step by step approach for designing a remuneration system that recognizes job requirements,
employee related knowledge and skills and performance related incentives that link individual,
work unit and organizational performance”.

Compensation is the total cash and non-cash payments that organization give to an employee in
exchange for the work they do. Salary, Bonus and other benefits are included in compensation.
Compensation is more than an employee’s regular paid wages or salary. It also includes many
other types of wages and benefits.

Key components of compensation include:

1. Basic pay or Salary (hourly or salary wages)

2. Bonus pay
3. Recognition and Reward
4. Benefits (insurances, standard vacation policy, retirement)
5. Other non-cash benefits
I. Salary and wages: A wage is monetary compensation or remuneration, personnel
expenses, labor paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done. Payment
may be calculated as a fixed amount for each task completed (a task wage or piece rate) or
at an hourly or daily rate (wage labor) or based on an easily measured quantity of work

A salary is a form of payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified

in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour or other
unit is paid separately, rather than on a periodic basis. This is usually the single largest
component of a compensation package, and not surprisingly, the most common point of
comparison used by employees and potential employees. Salary should be tied to a person’s
skills and experience.

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Subsequent increases need to be based on an employee’s performance, value, and
contribution to an organization. For salespeople, it might be important to find a balance
between salary and commission.

II. Bonuses: Bonuses, which are usually paid in a single lump at the end of the year or paid
in half year, are way of providing performance incentives. Profit-sharing plans are a more
formal way of sharing or given bonuses, but they’re not as effective for rewarding
individual performance and compensating employees for meeting their goals.

A bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to someone's pay, usually because they
have worked very hard. Payment over and above salary given to an employee as an
incentive or reward.

III. Recognition or Reward: In this term of reward and recognition employee wants to get
rewarded. It’s one kind of motivation also. When people gets reward or recognized they
try their best to achieve it again and again. Company should have a good reward system,
So that everybody has a chance to get recognized and rewarded also.

According to Henderson, An organization is formed to accomplish a specific mission. To

do this organization attract and hire people who certain knowledge, skills, aptitudes and
attitudes for this reason organization provides rewards

IV. Benefits (insurances): Employer-sponsored health insurance is fairly standard among

medium-size companies. Plus, it’s a benefit that has great value to employees.

An employer-sponsored plan saves employees money, and gives them peace of mind in
knowing that they won’t be denied coverage, even if they have existing health problems.

V. Non-cash Benefits/Compensation: Other forms of compensation to consider include

employee assistance programs, which can provide everything from psychological
counseling to legal assistance; discounts on company products; the use of a company cars;
and any other incentives that motivate employees and give your company a competitive

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Compensation Theory

Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory: This theory is based on the assumption that, the
reward-earning behavior is likely to be repeated an employee would do the same thing again for
which he was acknowledged once.

Similarly, in the case of Expectancy Theory, given by Vroom, the employee is motivated to do a
particular thing for which he is sure or is expected that performance will be followed by a definite
reward or an outcome.

Equity Theory: According to this theory, there should be equity or the uniformity in the pay
structure of an employee’s remuneration. If the employee feels he is not being paid fairly for the
amount of work he does in a day will result in lower productivity, increased turnover and high
absenteeism. The remuneration system should comply with three types of equity:

A. Internal Equity: The employee perceives the fairness in different pay for different jobs
based on the nature of work involved. he must feel that pay differentials among the jobs
are fair.

B. External Equity: The employee should feel the fairness in what they are being paid is in
line with what other players in the same industry are paying to their employees for the same
kind of job.

C. Individual Equity: The employee perceives the pay differentials among the individuals
who are performing the same kind of a job and within the same organization. Usually, an
individual with more experience gets high remuneration as compared to the fresher
irrespective of the nature of a job.

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Agency Theory: This theory states that both the employer and the employee are the stakeholders
of the company, and the remuneration paid to the employee is the agency cost. The employee will
try to get an increased agency cost whereas the employer will try to minimize it. Hence, the
remuneration should be decided in such a way that the interest of both the parties can be aligned.

Thus, these theories posit that the compensation in the form of salary or wages can be decided on
the basis of the outcome or the behavior of an employee.

Reward System

An organization or company formed to accomplish a specific mission. For doing this it must attract
and hire people who have certain knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to achieve the goal. To attract
and retain or hire such people the organization provides rewards. An organization designs and
implements a reward system to focus worker attention on the specific behaviors the organization
considers necessary to achieve its desired objectives.

The reward system of an organization includes anything that an employee may value and desire
and that employer is able or willing to offer in exchange for employee contribution. A rather broad
classification scheme that facilitates the identification of the various kinds and qualities of rewards
provided by employers is to separate the compensation components and non-compensation

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Compensation System

Compensation system depends on organization rules and payment system. It take some point. Like,
Economies scale available through group purchasing, the benefits through tax and regulation and
government laws requiring certain.


Pay for work and Pay For Time not Health,Accident,

Disability Income Deferred Income
Performance worked Liability

Spous Income Equivalent

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Non-Compensation System

Non-compensation system contains many of the components that behavioral scientists have been
describing for 50 years as critical improving workplace performance.


Dignity and
Social Relationships
Satisfaction work
performance with co-workers

Offers Supportive
Allocate Suffciant Physiological,Health
Leadership and
Resources ,Intellectual growth

Compensation Study Framework

This report on the basis of Classic Shirts Ltd compensation management. I worked on three basic
components one is basic pay and other two is incentives and benefits. Basic pay is the employee
salary which are given from the organization. It excludes extra lump sum compensation such as
bonuses or overtime pay, as well as benefits and raises.

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Compensation mainly awarded for results and output of work done rather than for time worked.
Incentive pay which is also known as pay-for-performance. Because the prospect of financial
compensation is supposed to be an incentive for an employee to remain motivated, work hard and
going for the best possible results or outcome. Commission, where sales employee get paid a
proportion of each sales they make, is a common form of incentive pay.

Although incentive pay refers to money. Some companies do offer different incentives. But
particularly when part of a larger, more complex incentive scheme in many ways. Non-monetary
incentives or those where the employer has already borne the cost (such as dinners or gifts), are
often known as ‘casual incentives.’


1. Employees and executives

2. Annul Report
3. Websites
4. Compensation Books
5. Survey

Basic Pay/Salary/Wages

Incentives and Benefits perception

with compensation practices

Evaluating performance apprisal

Findings and Suggestions


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Objectives Of The Study

 To ensure the motivation and morale of employees for achieving towards goals and
objectives of the organization
 To ensure employee meet their economic,personal,social and psychological needs and
 To ensure talented employees for continuous of organizational performance.
 Identify trends and implement new practices to engage and motivate employees
 Evaluate and report on the effectiveness of employee benefit programs
 Draft job descriptions, job analyses and classifications
 To explore the influence of compensation and benefits towards job satisfaction
among employees
 To investigate the importance of job satisfaction among employees
 To identify about the opinion of the employees about compensation and benefits
on job satisfaction

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Review Of Literature
Developments have made it more important than ever for companies to make sure they have a strategic,
holistic and integrated approach to compensation. To compete in a tough arena, organizations now more
than ever need the support of an informed, involved and motivated their employees (Chen & Hsieh,
2006). Here, compensation and benefits is a primary motivator and rewards for employees. As noted by
Lawler (1995), compensation can be an effective motivator only if it is important to people and it is seen
to be tied to their performance in ways that are perceived to be credible and direct. Without rewards, a
company is planting seeds for high turnover, low productivity and long-term failure.

According to Herman (2005), compensation help to focus on the position and duties performed. And, it
attempts to influence employee’s current and future working performance. Besides, compensation servers’
different objectives, the main ones being to attract, retain and motivate high-potential employees.
Meanwhile, the fulfilments of those goals are subject to constraints such as the maintenance of equity,
cost control and legal requirements (For example, wage and salary legislation) (Steven & Loring, 1996). To
employee, compensation may be seen as a return in exchange between the firms they work for and
themselves, as an entitlement for being an employee of the company, or as a reward for job well done. It
is given to employees in exchange for work performed (Milkovich & Newman, 2008).

Steven and Loring (1996) observe that for employees, compensation is an important issue since pay is
perceived to be an indication to their personal and market value to the organization. Based on
(2009), for employers, compensation is one of the crucial communication tools, to send a message about
your organization’s expectations and goal achievement rewards. Besides, Yale and Donald (2002) stated
that compensation rewards performance relative to others and progressive improvement in year-to-year
results and providing regular measures of success or progress. It also balances rewards with risk and
providing capital accumulation opportunity. Therefore, compensation has very crucial to not only the
employees but also the employers.

Carter (2002) proposed that benefits are increasingly expensive for businesses to provide to employees,
so the range and options of benefits are changing rapidly to include, such as flexible benefits plan. For
employers, they use benefits to attract and retain good and talented workers. For employees, they rely on
benefits (for example, medical subsidies, vacations, and retirement) to secure their financial well-being. By
linking benefits (for example, pension and holidays) to seniority, workers will be reluctant to change jobs
(Gerhart & Milkovich, 1992).

Lee, Hsu and Lien (2006) stated that benefits are designed to safeguard employees and their family
against problems due to sickness, sickness, accidents or retirements. Here, let use some examples of
components of benefits to bring out its effect of employees. Work life balance with regard such as
temporal flexibility, leave benefits, and interpersonal relationships has the potential to reduce or increase
stress on workers with life responsibilities. The provision of work life balance strategies can provide a
positive and direct effect on an employee’s decision to remain with an employer (Macran, Joshi & Dex,

Based on Milkovich & Newman (2008), income protection helps protect employees from the financial risks
inherent in daily life. It serves as a backup to employees’ salaries in the event that an employee is sick,
disabled, or no longer able to work. Besides, workers allowances are absolutely needed for employees. It

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helps to reduce the financial burden of employees and also can treated as extra sum of salaries indeed
(Herman, 2005). Therefore, a benefit has great significance to the whole organizations

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Research Methodology
Research methodology is a strategy that guides a research in providing answers to Research questions
and for this, research survey is being done. “Accuracy of the study Depends on the systematic application
of the method”. The researcher has to decide the method to be used that helps him to get a desired
direction in a systematic way. One of the most important users of research methodology is that it helps
in identifying the problem, collecting, analyzing the required information data and providing an
alternative solution to the problem .It also helps in collecting the vital information that is required by
the top management to assist them for the better decision making both day to day decision and critical


A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the market research project.

It detail the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to
design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research
questions and provide the information needed for decision making.

A research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting the particular study.
Broadly speaking, research design can be grouped under 3 categories –

1. Exploratory research

2. Descriptive research

3. Causal research

 The nature of research in this project is exploratory research as it directly aims at spreading
the awareness of Creatvision RESEARCH PLAN

Meaning of Research plan

After identifying and defining the problem as also accomplishing the relating task, researcher must
arrange his ideas in order and writer them in the form of an experimental plan or what can be
describe as research plan.

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Developing the research plan

The next stage of marketing research calls for developing the most efficient plan for gathering the needed
information. Designing the research plan call as for decision on the data sources, research approaches,
research instrument, sampling plan and contact method.


The main step is to determine the sources of data to be used. As there are two methods of data

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

i) Primary Source

Primary Data is the first hand data collected through filling the questionnaire from the respondents. It
is more reliable, fresh and accurate. It is through the following:-

Structured Questionnaire

In this collection data, structured questionnaire is used as a tool by asking a set of Standardized
questions to know job satisfaction of employees


The next step involved in collecting information requires discussion with people. Thus valuable
information was gathered informal friendly talks with the people.

Questionnaire Design

The questions were designed in an easily understandable way with the help of Ms.Monika Gupta so that
the respondents may not have any difficulty in answering them.

ii) Secondary Source

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Secondary Data is the data collected for some purpose other than the problem at Hand. It is collected
from magazines, newspapers, periodicals and Internet. It is less reliable as compared to primary data.
Various websites were consulted to collect literature relevant to the topic

In this research the data used is from primary sources.

As a primary source of data, method used is simple and effective; questionnaire. In this method,
usually some questions are asked to the persons concerned with and on the basis of their answers
the analysis is to be made. These questionnaires are a very effective means of collecting the data
and it is also the cheapest method. These questionnaires include the questions like their preference,
awareness, perceptions etc.

Some useful primary data is also obtained through various formal or informal communication with
the clients


Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inference from the collected facts after an analytical study,
in fact it is a search for broader meaning of research findings it is through interpretation that the
researcher can well understand the abstract principle that respondents beneath his findings. The simple
statistical tools will used to analyze the data collection; Bar Graphs and pie chart have been used to
illustrate the findings Diagrammatically.


The key instruments used in this research are;



Sampling Unit: The respondents who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the Sampling units. These
comprise of employees of various corporate such as Anarock property consultants , socio influencer ,

Sample size: The sample size was restricted to only 100.

Duration of Study: The study was carried out for a period of 45 days.

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Response Rate

The response rate was average. As the questionnaire asked for the financial information of the
respondent, most of the people hesitated to provide the required information. Also the questionnaire
contained some financial terms that were technical in nature, which resulted into reduced response


Delhi region

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Data analysis And interpretation

Data Collection

It is a “subjective but systematic evaluation of how well the content of a scale represents the
measurement task at hand”. For this purpose, the contents of the questionnaire were prepared with
the help of literature, database, annual report, text, employee and staff, also from books and

Salary and Wage

 Wages & salary breakdown is 60% Basic and 40% allowances.
 Any work after 8 hour will be treated as overtime. maximum total working hours a day are
10 hour and per week 60 hours.
 A worker will get double payment the basic for working overtime more than 8 hours.
 In every seven days of week one day is off as weekly holiday.

 Transportation facility.

 Two festival bonuses paid to every employee in a year. Equivalent to two basic of wages
or salary during two Eid festive.
 Provided free Medical facilities. To face any emergency company provides free ambulance
 Leave encashment: after completion of year if any employee who does not enjoy portion
of earned leave or leave not granted as per rules, the amount of that leave paid in cash.

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Leaves & Holidays:
5 types of leaves are provided to the employee in a year.

 Festival holiday- 12 days with full pay.

 Casual leave- 10 days with full pay.
 Earned leave- 14 days with full pay.
 Sick leave- 14 days with full pay.
Annual Increment
Annual increment is given in accordance with BEPZA regulations. Special increment also given
those who demonstrate extraordinary experiences or skills.

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1. Are you satisfied with your current salaries

Particular Responds Percentage

Satisfied 3 20%
Strongly satisfied 10 66%
Neutral 2 13%
Dissatisfied 0 0%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 15 100 %

From the above figure, we can observe that 66% employees are strongly satisfied with the
current salary and 20% are satisfied where 13% employees are neutral

Most of the employees are strongly satisfied with current salaries.


Most of the employees are think that they did not get promotion regularly. 30% of
employee are not satisfied with promotion. They think that Company should give
promotion regularly or Company should give something that can satisfy employee not to
leave the job. But 25% of employees are neutral means that some employees have to stay
in the job because they didn’t have any alternative job.

1. I think that company have a good working environment for me.

From the table, it observe that 40% employees are strongly agree, 20% are agree, 5% are
neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 20% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

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Strongly Agree 8 40%
Agree 4 20%
Neutral 1 5%
Disagree 3 15%
Strongly disagree 4 20%
Total Frequency 20 100%

20% Strongly





Employees are happy and also satisfied with the working environment. 40% of employee
think company give them a good working environment. In side company everyone is co-
operative. Everyone is like a family. Almost 60% of employee are happy with company
working environment.

2. I think that Organization provide the bonus on time.

From the table, it clearly observe that 35% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree,
20% are neutral, 25% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.

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Employee Opinion Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 7 35%
Agree 2 10%
Neutral 4 20%
Disagree 5 25%
Strongly disagree 2 10%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Disagree 35%

Neutral 10%


Employees are happy or satisfied with the bonus. 30% strongly agree and 10% are agree.
Like 45% of employee happy with the bonus which is provided from the company.
Company has a good bonus structure for the employees.

3. I think that company provide reward on time.

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From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 20% are agree, 30%
are neutral, 35% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 3 15%
Agree 4 20%
Neutral 6 30%
Disagree 7 35%
Strongly Disagree 0 10%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Strongly Strongly
disagree Agree
Disagree 0% 15%




35% of employees are disagree. That means company doesn’t provide the reward
regularly. Or company doesn’t reward the rightful employee. So company needs
improvement in reward system.

4. I think that company provide overtime regularly.

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From the table, it observe that 25% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree, 40%
are neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 5 25%
Agree 2 10%
Neutral 8 40%
Disagree 3 15%
Strongly disagree 2 10%
Total Frequency 20 100%

disagree Strongly
10% Agree
Disagree 25%



40% employees are neutral that means Company give them a good overtime bonus or
employees are satisfied with the overtime payment. But company always have to take it
as consideration the some how they manage but in the long run it will not give them
better benefit.

5. I think that company has a good compensation structure.

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From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree, 40%
are neutral, 10% employee disagree and the rest of 25% are strongly disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 3 15%
Agree 2 10%
Neutral 8 40%
Disagree 2 10%
Strongly disagree 5 25%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Strongly Agree
disagree 15%



I think that compensation structure is not strong enough. Almost 35% employee is not
satisfied with the compensation. 40% are neutral because if they leave or quit the job
doesn’t have any other job or alternative.

6. I think that company provide much medical and insurance facilities.

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From the table, it observe that 25% employees are strongly agree, 15% are agree, 10%
are neutral, 20% employee disagree and the rest of 30% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 5 25%
Agree 3 15%
Neutral 2 10%
Disagree 4 20%
Strongly disagree 6 30%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Strongly Strongly Agree

disagree 25%


In medical and insurance facilities company must be developed the situation. Most of the
company giving safety and medical for employee. So in here the observation says that
company needs a better medical and insurance facilities.

7. I think that company provide a good incentives.

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From the table, it observe that 10% employees are strongly agree, 30% are agree, 15%
are neutral, 25% employee disagree and the rest of 20% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 2 10%
Agree 6 30%
Neutral 3 15%
Disagree 5 25%
Strongly disagree 4 20%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Strongly Agree
disagree 10%



Incentives system of the company are not so good at this time. But day by day they are
developing it. Right now company didn’t give much incentives. But they are working on
it. Right now 20%+25%= 45% employees think company needs to give much incentives
to the employee.

8. I think that employee performance appraisal is correct.

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From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 35% are agree, 25%
are neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.

Employee Opinion Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 3 15%
Agree 7 35%
Neutral 5 25%
Disagree 3 15%
Strongly disagree 2 10%
Total Frequency 20 100%

Strongly Agree



the graph it clearly see that company are not interested in performance appraisal.
Company gets benefit from the employee but they ignore or avoid his performance to

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Findings And Conclusion
 25% employees of creatvision think that they are paid less. According to them, they
deserve more salary. Some of them blamed that someone who serves for any other same
 Almost 40% of the employee think that company should give promotion regularly. They
think that organization doesn’t give proper promotion what they deserve.
 Working condition of the company is very good. 40% of employee think that working
environment of the company is better than other company.
 20% staffs of creatvision think that festival bonus is good. Rest10% of staffs thinks that it
is poor. That means most of the employees of creatvision like their festival bonus.
 The result of gender based employee satisfaction it can be said that men’s are satisfied
than women. It is also found in research that the staff who gets more salary are highly
satisfied and dissatisfaction mainly comes from the lower paid staffs.
 outcome of this analysis shows that 10% staffs of creatvision think that overall
compensation benefit of creatvisison is good. 15% of them think that it is excellent. 40%
of staffs were not interested to give their feedback about overall compensation benefits of
creatvisison and rest 25% of staffs think that overall compensation benefit of creatvision
is bad.
 Creatvision does not provide any life insurance policy which I have come to know while

If a organization wants is development it has to every all any sector of an organization. There is
always a scope for development in the organization. Every organization must take the benefit of
this scope. Creatvision company has established itself as led lights parts manufacturer with a high
reputation and a customer profile that includes some of the best names in the business. Creatvision
knows that in this competitive world of quota free access, winners would be decided based on their
international competitiveness and product quality. In the generally prevailing uncertainties and
impending liberalization of quota regimes the design team again played a pivotal role in changing
the perception of creatvision as a typically Asian supplier with increased customer contacts,
collaborative working method.

This is an optimistic hint of future expansion of Human Resource Management and production
department of creatvision . From the study it is also clear to us that which products, what
commodities are used by these customers. So, finally I will say that this internship at creatvision.

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Compensation Management Practices under the Human Resource Department has enlarged my
theoretical knowledge of Bachelor of Business Administration in to some practical knowledge and
made my education more complete and practical.

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 Increase salary of staffs as 25% staffs are dissatisfied with their salary. Competitors
may take this opportunity and hire talent staffs of creatvisionby offering them
attractive salary.
 Providing more facilities to increase job satisfaction. There are lots of area they have
to develop.
 Employee safety should be more developed. Right now they have only a narrow fire
 Overtime and Bonus must be provide on time. Payment should be not due any of
employee. Because it will cause a bad effect on employee performance.
 Performance appraisal should be on 360 degree format. It will help the company to
find out the actual performance of employee.
 Incentives system should be more developed. Some allowance should be paid. Like
mobile, transport.

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1. K Aswathappa,(2017). Human Resource Management (8th ed.). McGraw Hill
2. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya,Compensation Management,Oxford University Press
3. Ram Ahuja,research methods,Rawat publications

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1. I think that company provide basic salary is appropriate for me.

2. I think that employees get promotion regularly.
3. I think that company have a good working environment for me.
4. I think that Organization provide the bonus on time.
5. I think that company provide reward on time.
6. I think that company provide overtime regularly.
7. I think that company has a good compensation structure.
8. I think that company provide much medical and insurance facilities.
9. I think that company provide a good incentives.
10. I think that employee performance appraisal is correct.

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