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Parts of Plant cells

Nucleus: Controls the fate of the cell, tells cell if it is to be part of the muscle or skin.
Mitochondria: Powerhouse of the cell, stores energy for various cellular functions.
Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER): Helps the cell in synthesizing lipids as well as proteins and their
Golgi Apparatus: Processes proteins generated at ER by post-translational modifications.
Vacuoles: Large and empty sacs usually filled with water in animal cells, in plant cells they may
contain nutrients and capture energy from the sun.
Vesicles: Small vacuoles that participate in carrying proteins from cell organelles or other cells.
Lysosomes: Vacuoles filled with enzymes to break the food.
Peroxisomes: Vacuoles filled with oxidizing enzymes to neutralize toxic substances.
Ribosomes: Synthesize proteins from mRNA produced by cellular genomic DNA.
Centrioles: Align chromosomes on spindle during cell-division
Cell membrane: Protection of Cellular integrity.
Microtubules: Involved in division of cellular DNA and cytoplasm.
Nucleolus: Produce ribosomes.
Villi: Increase the surface area of the cell.
Cilia: Help in transport of cellular surface

Parts of animal cells

 Cell (Plasma) Membrane - thin, semi-permeable membrane that surrounds

the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosing its contents.
 Centrioles - cylindrical structures that organize the assembly of microtubules during cell
 Cilia and flagella - specialized groupings of microtubules that protrude from some cells
and aid in cellular locomotion.
 Cytoplasm - gel-like substance within the cell.
 Cytoskeleton - a network of fibers throughout the cell's cytoplasm that gives the cell
support and helps to maintain its shape.
 Endoplasmic Reticulum - an extensive network of membranes composed of both regions
with ribosomes (rough ER) and regions without ribosomes (smooth ER).
 Golgi Complex - also called the Golgi apparatus, this structure is responsible for
manufacturing, storing and shipping certain cellular products.
 Lysosomes - sacs of enzymes that digest cellular macromolecules such as nucleic acids.
 Microtubules - hollow rods that function primarily to help support and shape the cell.
 Mitochondria - cell components that generate energy for the cell and are the sites
of cellular respiration.
 Nucleus - membrane-bound structure that contains the cell's hereditary information.
 Nucleolus - structure within the nucleus that helps in the synthesis of ribosomes.
 Nucleopore - a tiny hole in the nuclear membrane that allows nucleic acids and
proteins to move into and out of the nucleus.
 Peroxisomes - enzyme containing structures that help to detoxify alcohol, form bile acid,
and break down fats.
 Ribosomes - consisting of RNA and proteins, ribosomes are responsible for protein

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