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Group Assignment (5%) – (DUE DATE: 2 DECEMBER}

Projectile Motion

Write a program to provide information on the height of a ball thrown staright up into the
air. The program should request as input the initial height, h feet, and the initial velocity, v
feet per second. The height of the ball (in feet) after t seconds is given by the formula h + vt
+ 16t2 feet. The four options to be provided by buttons are as follows:

a) Determine the maximum height of the ball. (Note: The ball will reach its maximum
height after v/32 seconds.
b) Determine approximately when the ball will hit the ground. (Hint: Calculate the
height after every 0.1 second and determine when the height is no longer a positive
c) Display a table showing the height of the ball every 0.25 second for 5 seconds or
until it hits the ground.
d) Quit
Write the code:
Public Class Form1

Dim ballHeight As Double = 0

Dim h0 As Double = 0

Dim v0 As Double = 0

Dim t As Double = 0

Dim valid As Boolean = True

Private Sub btnMaxHeight_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnMaxHeight.Click



If valid = True Then

lstOutput.Items.Add("The maximum height is ")

lstOutput.Items.Add(MaxHeight() & "feet.")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnApproxTime_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnApproxTime.Click



If valid = True Then

lstOutput.Items.Add("The ball will hit the ground after")

lstOutput.Items.Add("approximately " & timeInAir() & " seconds.")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnTable_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

Handles btnTable.Click



If valid = True Then


End If

End Sub
Private Sub btnQuit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Handles btnQuit.Click


End Sub

Sub InputData()

valid = True

If IsNumeric(txtInitialHeight.Text) Then

If CInt(txtInitialHeight.Text) >= 0 Then

h0 = CInt(txtInitialHeight.Text)


MessageBox.Show("You entered a negative number. Please try


valid = False

End If


MessageBox.Show("You did not enter a numeric value. Please try


valid = False

End If

If IsNumeric(txtInitialVelocity.Text) Then

If CInt(txtInitialVelocity.Text) >= 0 Then

v0 = CInt(txtInitialVelocity.Text)


MessageBox.Show("You entered a negative number. Please try


valid = False

End If


MessageBox.Show("You did not enter a numeric value. Please try


valid = False

End If

End Sub

Function maxHeight() As Double

t = v0 / 32
Return CDbl(h0 + (v0 * t) - (16 * t * t))

End Function

Function timeInAir() As Double

t = 0

ballHeight = CDbl(h0 + (v0 * t) - (16 * t * t))


t += 0.1

ballHeight = CDbl(h0 + (v0 * t) - (16 * t * t))

Loop Until (ballHeight <= 0)

Return t

End Function

Sub DisplayTable()

t = 0

ballHeight = CDbl(h0 + (v0 * t) - (16 * t * t))

lstOutput.Items.Add("Time" & vbTab & "Height")

lstOutput.Items.Add(t.ToString("N2") & vbTab & ballHeight)


t += 0.25

ballHeight = CDbl(h0 + (v0 * t) - (16 * t * t))

lstOutput.Items.Add(t.ToString("N2") & vbTab &


Loop Until ((ballHeight <= 0) Or (t = 5))

End Sub

End Class
Main Display
Determine Maximum Height

Determine approximate time untill ball hits the ground

Display table

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