Difference Between Public and Private Administration

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Analyse, giving examples, the difference between Public Administration and Private

Public Administration Defined

There is no consensus definition of public administration.
-Activities undertaken by the Government to look after its people/to manage its affairs.
- Public administration deals with public policies, state affairs, government functions, and
providing of various services to the general public;
-It is based on the principles of uniformity, service motive, and external control and it is usually
carried out on a continuous basis.

What is Private administration?

- Deals with the management and operations of private organizations usually business entities.
-It is carried out by the private individuals or a group with an aim to earn profits usually.

Differences between Public administration and Private administration:

❖ Public administration operates in the governmental set-up; while private administration
operates in the non-governmental set-up.
❖ Public administration is closely related with the political process and often conducts
itself as a part of the larger political process; while private administration concentrates
on the commercial and business activities.
❖ Public administration usually covers all the territory within the jurisdiction of the
government or a nation; while private administration may cover the multi-country
operations or activities of an organization spread over a number of national
jurisdictions, or only a very small office.
❖ Public administration is usually carried out on continuous basis; while private
administration is basically carried out on periodic basis.
❖ Public administration has a bureaucratic approach; whereas private administration
usually has an egalitarian approach.
❖ Public administration involves numerous types of public services and governmental
activities; while private administration may involve only with a limited set of activities
as private organizations function on the basis of division of labour or core competency.
❖ The public administration is welfare oriented and works with a service motive; whereas
the private administration is typically profit oriented.
❖ Objective of public administration is to provide the best service to the public at large;
while objective of private administration is shareholders’ wealth maximization.
❖ The scope of public administration is determined by the government laws or
regulations; while the scope of private administration is determined by the management
of the organization.
❖ Public administration is subjected to many laws and regulations along with a focus on
transparency and equal treatment; but private administration is subjected to less number
of laws and has permissible levels of discretion and differential treatment to the
customers or clients.
❖ Public administration has considerable authority and power over the public and
territories; but private administration has little authority or very limited authority
related to the specific activities and employees of the organization only.
❖ Decision making in the public administration is typically pluralistic, transparent and
subject to public scrutiny; but decision making in the public private administration is
monopolistic, discretionary and often secretive.
❖ Public administration is accountable to the general public at large or the representatives
of the people; while private administration is accountable to the owners of the
❖ Public administrators or officials are usually appointed through a competitive process;
while the private administrators may be appointed on the basis of personal choice or
❖ Some specific qualification is compulsory for public administrator or official; but any
specific qualification is not compulsory for a private administrator.
❖ Public administrators are considered public servants; while private administrators are
considered private employees.
❖ Public administrator gets a salary; while a private administrator may get a profit share
along with a salary.
❖ Revenue or income for the public administration is typically generated through taxes,
duties, fees, penalties and other dues paid by the citizens; while revenue or income for
the private administration is typically generated through operating profits.

Similarities between Public administration and Private administration:

❖ Many of the fundamental theories and processes of both public administration and
private administration are similar.
❖ Both need a thorough knowledge of administrative theories and principles.
❖ Both are concerned with the best utilization of the limited resources at their disposal.
❖ Strive to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.
❖ Are focused on attaining the objectives of their organizations.

Summary of Public vs. Private administration:

❖ Public administration and private administration both are important for a country and
society at large. Public administration and private administration both have similar
processes and techniques like planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling,
accounting, hierarchical chain of command or reporting structures, personnel and
financial issues, etc.
❖ There are many differences between public administration and private administration.
Public administration works in a governmental setting and focuses on service motive,
transparency, public welfare, etc. Private administration is a discretionary business
process; and focuses on effectiveness and efficiency to earn profits.
❖ However, they also complement each other in some respects. Both public
administration and private administration play a crucial role in contributing towards the
growth and development of the country in various ways.
❖ Public administration maintains proper law and order providing a peaceful environment
to the private administration for better functioning.
❖ On the other hand, private administration may bring in jobs and prosperity leading to
more revenues and taxes for the public administration.

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