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Electrical Safety Hazards

Lecture 4
Sabahat Sherien
Hazards and consequences to personal

Primary Hazards Secondary Hazards

• Electric Shock • Burns
• Exposure to Arc flash • Release of toxic gases
• Exposure to Arc blast • Molten metal
• Exposure to excessive light and • Airborne debris
sound energy • Shrapnel
Effect of various values of current on Human
Condition Effects
1-3 mA of current Mild sensation
10 mA of current Muscles contract, releasing grip may be
30 mA of current Breathing difficult, possible loss of
150-300 mA of current Ventricular fibrillation
100-200 mA of current Respiratory paralysis
Over 1500 mA of current Tissue and organ burn
150o F Cell destruction
200o F Skin experiences “third degree” burns
Path ways for current to travel in human body

There are three basic pathways electric current travel through body:
• Touch potential (hand/hand path)
• step potential (foot/foot path)
• Touch step potential (hand/foot path)
Arc Flash
An arc flash is an unexpected sudden release of heat and light energy
produced by electricity traveling through air, usually caused by
accidental contact between live conductors.
Arc matrices

Energy (E) = Power (P) × Time (t)

Power (P) = Volts (V) × Amps (I)
Calories (E) = Volts (V) × Amps (I) × Time (t)
1 Calorie = 4.1868 watt-seconds
1 Joule = 1 watt-second
What determines the severity of an arc flash
• Available short circuit current
• System voltage
• Arc gap
• Distance from the arc
• Opening time of overcurrent protective device (OCPD)
Causes of Arc Flash
• Broken conductor insulation
• Exposed live parts
• Loose wire connections
• Improperly maintained circuit breakers and circuit switches
• Water or liquid near electrical equipment
• High voltage cables
• Damaged tools and equipments
First aid
• Burns
• Bleeding
• Broken bones
• Contact with chemicals
• Exposure to toxic fumes
• Breathing stops
• Sprain and bruising
• Heart stopped breathing
• Shock

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