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Vol. - No.

- - 2018 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1

Brief Report

Comparison of Coping, Psychological Distress, and Level of

Functioning in Patients With Gastric and Colorectal Cancer
Before Adjuvant Chemotherapy
Caterina Calder
on, PhD, Paula Jimenez-Fonseca, PhD, MD, Carlos Jara, PhD, MD,
Raquel Hernandez, PhD, MD, Eva Martı́nez de Castro, PhD, MD, Sonal Varma, MD,
Ismael Ghanem, PhD, MD, and Alberto Carmona-Bayonas, PhD, MD
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology (C.C.), Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona; Department of
Medical Oncology (P.J.-F.), Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo; Department of Medical Oncology (C.J.), Hospital
Universitario Fundacio n Alcorco n, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid; Department of Medical Oncology (R.H., S.V.), Hospital
Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife; Department of Medical Oncology (E.M.d.C.), Hospital Universitario Marque s de Valdecilla, Santander;
Department of Medical Oncology (I.G.), Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid; and Department of Medical Oncology (A.C.-B.), Hospital
Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain

Context. Patients with gastrointestinal cancers are at high risk for functional problems that are generally accompanied by a
decline in their overall status and intense psychological distress.
Objectives. This study compares the level of functioning in individuals with gastric cancer (GC) and colorectal cancer
(CRC) and analyzes whether improved functioning can be explained by patients’ psychological status and coping strategies.
Methods. This is a prospective, transversal, multicenter study in patients with nonmetastatic GC and CRC before initiating
adjuvant chemotherapy. Participants answered questionnaires evaluating quality of life, including functioning (European
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life questionnaire), coping strategies (MinieMental
Adjustment to Cancer), and psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventorye18).
Results. Between December 2015 and July 2017, 266 patients with CRC and 69 patients with GC were consecutively
recruited. A pathological level of functioning was more prevalent in people with GC than in those with CRC (20% vs. 5%).
Individuals with GC presented worse functioning and more psychological distress and displayed more hopelessness, anxious
preoccupation, and cognitive avoidance as coping strategies than those with CRC. Psychological distress and fighting spirit
accounted for 40% of the functional status in GC patients, whereas psychological distress and hopelessness represented 58%
of CRC patients’ functional status.
Conclusion. Our findings suggest that level of functioning affects many subjects with GC and reveals the importance of
developing interventions targeted at enhancing adaptive coping strategies before initiating adjuvant cancer treatment. J Pain
Symptom Manage 2018;-:-e-. Ó 2018 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key Words
Gastrointestinal cancer, coping, functioning, psychological distress

Background every year.1 While its incidence has declined around

the world in recent years, the absolute number of
Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common can-
cases has remained stable or even risen, owing to the
cer worldwide, after lung, breast, colorectal, and pros-
higher world population and life expectancy.1 Its mor-
tate cancers with approximately one million new cases
tality is decreasing, particularly in endemic areas,

Address correspondence to: Caterina Calder

on, PhD, Depart- d’Hebron 171, 08035 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: ccalderon@
ment of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology, Faculty of ub.edu
Psychology, University of Barcelona, Passeig de la Vall Accepted for publication: May 8, 2018.

Ó 2018 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 0885-3924/$ - see front matter
Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2018.05.010
2 Caldero n et al. Vol. - No. - - 2018

thanks to the implementation of early detection strate- of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology. Adults
gies and Helicobacter pylori infection treatment.1 The (>18 years old) with nonmetastatic, resected GC or
greater number of GC survivors has raised interest in CRC, eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy, were consec-
understanding the impact that treatment, surgery, utively recruited. Patients who had received preopera-
and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy have on their tive chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy were
functioning and quality of life. excluded. Medical oncologists proficient in gastroin-
Beginning cancer treatment is often characterized by testinal cancer management from 14 Spanish hospitals
heightened psychological distress owing to factors such carried out recruitment. Participants completed study
as anxiety, worry, and, in some cases, the perception questionnaires before beginning chemotherapy and
that their diagnosis was delayed. This distress may be after providing informed consent. The study was
associated with and exacerbated by the decline in func- approved by the Ethics Committees of each center
tioning and quality of life.2 Coping, that is, cognitive or and by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical
behavioral activity aimed at overcoming stress, has been Devices.
conceptualized as either adaptive or maladaptive and
affects the person’s perception in a stressful situation. Variables and Measures
In the transactional model of stress,3 the use of one Patient and tumor characteristics were obtained by
kind of strategy or another influences the outcome means of interview and clinical history. The following
(e.g., in better daily functioning or in terms of quality variables were collected: gender, age, marital status,
of life). Lashbrook et al.4 suggest that subjects with education level, occupational status, tumor stage,
breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers use different time between diagnosis and surgery, time between sur-
coping strategies that vary from seeking social support, gery and chemotherapy, if the advisability of adjuvant
accepting responsibility, to cognitive avoidance or treatment was decided by a multidisciplinary commit-
denial. Specifically, CRC patients emphasize the impor- tee, type of adjuvant treatment, chemotherapy and/or
tance of looking for information to manage functional radiotherapy, and number and type of cytotoxic drugs
difficulties and to be able to resume their social activ- administered.
ities through emotion-based coping,5 whereas in indi- The questionnaires completed by the patients were
viduals with GC, hopelessness and resignation were the European Organization for Research and Treat-
associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression, ment of Cancer Quality of Life questionnaire, the
and psychological distress.6,7 MinieMental Adjustment to Cancer, and the Brief
Several studies, mostly conducted in Asian popula- Symptom Inventory.
tions, have compared quality of life in GC patients The European Organization for Research and
on the basis of the type of cancer surgery.8,9 Most of Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life questionnaire13
these authors find a decline in physical and emotional contains six functioning scales (physical, role,
functioning before the intervention that recovers emotional, cognitive, social, global health status),
beginning in the third postoperative month, while rated on a four-point Likert scale ranging from
cognitive and social functioning scores failed to 0 (not at all) to 3 (very much); the higher the score,
display statistical differences during the first year of the higher the level of functioning. A linear transfor-
follow-up.10 There is a paucity of literature on the mation was used to standardize the raw score; scores
prevalence of functional difficulties in individuals range from 0 to 100 (in this sample, a ¼ 0.85).
with CRC initiating adjuvant chemotherapy, although The MinieMental Adjustment to Cancer14 contains
the data suggest that 30%e50% are affected by these 29 items grouped into five coping strategy subscales:
problems during and after treatment.11,12 fighting spirit, hopelessness, anxious preoccupation,
This study examines and compares functioning in GC fatalism, and cognitive avoidance (Cronbach’s a was
and CRC sufferers before initiating adjuvant chemo- 0.80e0.79 in this sample).
therapy and analyzes whether there are differences be- The Brief Symptom Inventory15 includes 18 items
tween groups in sociodemographic and/or clinical divided into three dimensions of psychological distress
conditions, psychological distress, and coping strategies (somatization, depression, and anxiety) rated on a
and, finally, if improved functioning can be explained by five-point scale from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely)
patients’ psychological status and coping strategies. (in this sample, a ¼ 0.86).

Statistical Analyses
Descriptive statistics are reported for demographic
Methods and clinical information. Participants were divided
Study Design and Participants into those with GC and those with CRC. Independent
NEOcoping is a prospective, transversal, multi- t-tests were performed to compare differences for
center study promoted by the Continuous Care Group continuous variables. The chi-square test was used to
Vol. - No. - - 2018 Coping, Distress, and Function in Gastric Cancer 3

test differences in proportions. Pearson correlation ratio ¼ 20.049; 95% CI, 9.31e43.16). Two or more
coefficients were calculated for the relationship be- cytotoxic drugs were administered in 35% of GC cases
tween functional, adjustment to cancer, and psycho- versus 65% of CRC patients who received polychemo-
logical distress scores in both groups. Multiple linear therapy consisting of the association of fluoropyrimi-
regressions were used to determine whether higher dine and oxaliplatin (c2 ¼ 16.500; P < 0.001; odds
functional scores were related to adjustment to cancer ratio ¼ 0.330; 95% CI, 0.19e0.57; see Table 1).
and psychological distress in participants. Significance
was set at P < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed Comparative Data Between CRC and GC
with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) soft- Before initiating adjuvant treatment, functional sta-
ware (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Armonk, NY: tus was worse among participants with GC (mean
IBM Corp.). [M] ¼ 72.4, SD ¼ 20.9) than those with CRC
(M ¼ 81.4, SD ¼ 15.8) (t[330] ¼ 3.793, P < 0.006,
d ¼ 0.51) (see Table 2). If we set a cutoff of #50 for
the functioning score, the percentage of individuals
Results with a pathological level of functioning was signifi-
Descriptive and Clinical Data cantly higher in patients with GC (20%) compared
Between December 2015 and July 2017, 377 patients to CRC (5%) (c2 ¼ 19.404; P < 0.001; odds
were consecutively recruited; 42 were not eligible ratio ¼ 5.990; 95% CI, 2.48e14.41). Insofar as coping
(nine failed to meet inclusion criteria; 12 met exclu- strategies are concerned, subjects with GC exhibited
sion criteria, and 21 had incomplete data at the time more hopelessness (M ¼ 29.9 vs. M ¼ 19.5, t
of this analysis). [332] ¼ 3.957, P < 0.001, d ¼ 0.52), anxious preoccu-
Table 1 illustrates that 266 subjects had CRC and 69 pation (M ¼ 51.2 vs. M ¼ 41.7, t[332] ¼ 2.714, P <
had GC. Demographic variables were the same in both 0.001, d ¼ 0.38), and cognitive avoidance (M ¼ 62.2
groups. Of the clinical variables, differences were de- vs. M ¼ 51.6, t[332] ¼ 2.969, P < 0.001, d ¼ 0.40)
tected between individuals with GC and CRC as re- than those with CRC. Similarly, GC patients presented
gards time between surgery and adjuvant greater psychological distress (M ¼ 65.6 vs. M ¼ 62.3, t
chemotherapy and adjuvant treatment modality. On [332] ¼ 3.570, P < 0.001, d ¼ 0.52) (see Table 2).
average, patients with GC started adjuvant treatment
11 days later than those with CRC (t[334] ¼ -4.417, Univariate Analysis: Functional Scale
P < 0.001, d ¼ 0.51) and received chemotherapy In the GC group, functional scale results were nega-
together with radiotherapy in 46% of the cases, tively associated with psychological distress
whereas only 4% of those with CRC (all of whom (r ¼ 0.603, P < 0.001), anxious preoccupation
had cancer of the rectum) received adjuvant radio- (r ¼ 0.411, P ¼ 0.001), and hopelessness
therapy (c2 ¼ 87.378; P < 0.001; odds (r ¼ 0.294, P ¼ 0.018) and positively associated

Table 1
Patient Demographic and Clinical Characteristics
Colorectal Gastrointestinal
Patients Patients
Characteristic (N ¼ 266), n (%) (N ¼ 69), n (%) P-value

Gender (male) 155 (58) 34 (53) 0.455

Age, M (SD) 63.1 (11.1) 63.9 (11.3) 0.599
Marital status (married) 194 (80) 50 (78) 0.763
Education (high school graduate) 97 (40) 23 (36) 0.562
Work (retired) 163 (68) 46 (71) 0.516
Tumor stage
IeII 89 (33) 26 (38) 0.282
III 177 (67) 43 (62)
Time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis in days, M (SD) 192 (75) 180 (94) 0.608
Time between diagnosis and surgery 183 (164) 211 (194) 0.274
Time between surgery and chemotherapy 43 (19) 54 (33) 0.001
Adjuvant treatment decided by multidisciplinary committee 132 (49) 28 (42) 0.180
Adjuvant treatment
Chemotherapy 255 (96) 37 (54) 0.001
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy 11 (4) 32 (46)
Cytotoxic drugs
One drug 94 (35) 43 (65) 0.001
Two or more drugs 172 (65) 26 (35)
M ¼ mean; SD ¼ standard deviation.
4 Caldero n et al. Vol. - No. - - 2018

Table 2
Psychosocial Characteristics as per MinieMental Adjustment to Cancer and Brief Symptom Inventorye18 Questionnaires
Subscales Gastrointestinal Patients (N ¼ 69) Colorectal Patients (n ¼ 266) t P-value d

Functional status 72.7 (17.9) 81.4 (15.8) 3.793 0.001 0.51

Fighting spirit 78.3 (18.5) 78.6 (17.6) 0.118 0.930 d
Hopelessness 29.9 (21.1) 19.5 (18.6) 3.957 0.001 0.52
Anxious preoccupation 51.2 (24.1) 41.7 (25.9) 2.714 0.007 0.38
Fatalism 72.3 (18.2) 67.0 (19.9) 1.976 0.050 d
Cognitive avoidance 62.2 (25.7) 51.6 (26.1) 2.969 0.003 0.40
Psychological distress 65.6 (6.5) 62.3 (6.5) 3.570 0.001 0.52

with fighting spirit (r ¼ 0.472, P < 0.001). In CRC pa- psychological distress (b ¼ 1.75, P < 0.001) and
tients, functional status was negatively associated with hopelessness (b ¼ 0.86, P ¼ 0.003) (see Table 3).
psychological distress (r ¼ 0.739, P < 0.001), anxious
preoccupation (r ¼ 0.505, P ¼ 0.001), and hopeless-
ness (r ¼ 0.292, P ¼ 0.018) and positively associated
with fighting spirit (r ¼ 0.223, P < 0.001) and age Discussion
(r ¼ 0.225, P < 0.001). In both the GC and CRC In patients with cancer, a good functional status is
groups, we found that as the level of psychological fundamental for both treatment and survival. This is
distress, anxious preoccupation, and hopelessness particularly the case in people with GC, given that
decreased and the degree of fighting spirit increased, their functioning can be diminished as a result of
functional status improved (see Fig. 1). complications associated with the surgery itself.16
Therefore, functional status and quality of life in onco-
logical patients has become an increasingly compel-
Multiple Regressions ling focus of research.17,18 Our study revealed a high
In GC, multivariate analysis predicting functional percentage of pathological postoperative functional
scale produced a significant regression equation levels in people with GC compared to CRC (20% vs.
(F ¼ 22.32, P < 0.001) and explained 40% of the vari- 5%). This has adverse repercussions for their quality
ance in functional scores. The significant predictors of life,11 negatively impacting them psychologically, so-
were psychological distress (b ¼ 1.34, P < 0.001) cially, and economically.19
and fighting spirit (b ¼ 0.25, P ¼ 0.016). Integral therapy that incorporates surgery, chemo-
In CRC patients, multivariate analyses predicting therapy, and radiotherapy has become the leading
functional status produced a significant regression treatment modality for GC.20 GC is often diagnosed
equation (F ¼ 165.64, P < 0.001) and accounted for in locally advanced or metastatic stages, and symptoms
58% of the variance in functional scores. The signifi- that hinder proper nutrition and cause physical
cant predictors of functional decline were decline are common.21 In our study, the combination

Fig. 1. Correlations between functional status (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) and adjust-
ment to cancer (MinieMental Adjustment to Cancer) and psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventorye18) in patients
with gastric cancer (GC) and colorectal cancer (CRC).
Vol. - No. - - 2018 Coping, Distress, and Function in Gastric Cancer 5

Table 3
Linear Regression Analysis to Predict Correlation Between Functional Scale and Psychological Variables (Adjustment to
Cancer and Psychological Distress); Adjusted r2, Unstandardized Coefficients, Standardized Coefficients, Variance
Analysis, and Significance
Group Dependent Variable Independent Variable b Standard Error P-value F-value r2

GC Functional scale Psychological distress 1.34 0.29 0.001 22.32 (<0.001) 40.4
Fighting spirit 0.25 0.10 0.016
Constant 141.15 23.81 0.001
CRC Functional scale Psychological distress 1.75 0.10 0.001 165.07 (<0.001) 57.8
Hopelessness 0.86 0.03 0.020
Constant 192.59 6.39 0.001
CRC ¼ colorectal cancer; GC ¼ gastric cancer.

of surgery-chemotherapy-radiotherapy was the treat- with GC and in 63% of postoperative patients or those
ment of choice for resected, nonmetastatic GC, fol- initiating chemotherapy.28,29 This is slightly lower in
lowed by surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. In the individuals with CRC, as psychological distress is pre-
case of CRC, consistent with clinical guidelines, all pa- sent in 54% at diagnosis,30 40% at two years, and
tients with colon cancer underwent surgery and adju- 42% at five years.31
vant chemotherapy; adjuvant radiotherapy was only Coping strategies are crucial to getting through
administered to subjects with rectal cancer, who had this stressful situation. People with positive coping
not received it before surgery. Differences were also strategies tend to adjust better psychologically,
found with respect to the timing and choice of chemo- whereas depression has been correlated with less
therapy between individuals with GC and those with adaptive coping.32 Similarly, studies show that psycho-
CRC. Participants with GC received chemotherapy at logical distress in GC is associated with a poor overall
an average of 11 days later than CRC patients after sur- survival rate33 and greater risk of suicidal ideation,
gery, given that postoperative recovery tends to take especially when accompanied by hopelessness as a
longer in GC. Similarly, some authors have found coping strategy.6 In CRC, individuals with greater
that people with GC exhibited significant functional chronic psychological distress experienced greater
and social decline due to cancer and/or the conse- loss of physical and social functioning and worse
quences of treatment.22 The GC patients who under- quality of life, compared to those who did not present
went open gastric surgery had more complications distress.34 Previous research has shown that cancer
and worse functioning scale scores than those under- type, personality traits, and both internal and
going laparoscopy. Furthermore, these consequences external resources are associated with improved
lasted up to four years after treatment.23 We also de- HRQL in CRC survivors.35
tected differences regarding chemotherapy; GC was Both psychological status and coping influence pa-
treated with a single drug, fluoropyrimidine, associ- tients’ functional status or quality of life. The results
ated with radiotherapy in most cases compared to of our study indicate that functional status is partly ex-
the use of oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine in CRC. plained by psychological distress and coping strategies
Patients with gastric or rectal cancer who underwent in both groups, albeit with nuances. In GC, less psy-
preoperative treatment were excluded from this study chological distress and greater fighting spirit corre-
to prevent interference of treatment on coping and lated with better functional status, whereas in CRC,
psychological distress measures. less psychological distress and less hopelessness were
Psychological factors, such as psychological status associated with better functional status. This leads us
and coping strategies, play an important role during to assume that psychological treatment should be
treatment and subsequent rehabilitation and impact different depending on the type of cancer, timing,
cancer survivors’ quality of life.24,25 A significant pro- and the individual’s needs. For GC patients, interven-
portion of GC survivors are at risk for physical symp- tion can be aimed at support during the process of
toms, psychological distress, and financial burden adaptation in the different phases of the disease, pre-
related to their illness.26 In our study, participants paring them for surgery, bolstering a sense of personal
with GC displayed greater psychological distress, control over their situation, and fostering active partic-
more hopelessness, anxious preoccupation, and ipation and fighting spirit throughout the process. In
cognitive avoidance than those with CRC. The diag- CRC, treatment might target identifying patients who
nosis of cancer is a stressful life event that often gener- are either depressed, pessimistic, or feel hopeless
ates psychological distress,27 which varies widely from about their disease, helping them to express and
one study to another based on the type of cancer; manage their fears and reduce maladaptive emotional
for instance, it is present in some 44% of people reactions.
6 Caldero n et al. Vol. - No. - - 2018

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when intervention would be necessary. It seems that ments. This study is an observational trial without
psychological evaluation and treatment to improve intervention.
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of the integral approach to patients with GC starting
at the beginning of treatment, in light of the high References
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