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• Social preparation
• Team Preparation


PLAN • Packaging the BDP
IMPLEMENTATION • Presentation of BDP results to
General Assembly
• Resource Mobilization
1 2

Institutionalization Orientation of Barangay Barangay Profiling-Data Gathering

Planning Team
Issuance of Executive Roles and data gathering Secondary data (sectoral)
Order Tools/procedures Land use mapping
Creation of MTWG/ Data validation:
Brgy Planning Team - FGD, Workshop, interviews
Institutionalization PRA tools

3 4 5
Situation Analysis Revisiting/Formulation of Setting of Goals, Objectives, Strategies,
Vision-Mission Generation of Solutions (PPAs)
Review of Tools
Refinement of FGD/PRA Results Setting the goals,
objectives & strategies
Consolidation of Issues
9 Identifying the solutions

MONITORING & EVALUATION Analyzing the responsible

Persons/group-duty bearers
8 7 6



 the basic political unit mandated under Section 384 of
Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160
“as the primary planning and implementing unit of
government policies, plans, programs, projects
and activities in the community and as a form
wherein the collective views of the people may be
expressed, crystallized and considered..”
 With this, the barangay shall adopt a participatory
development planning process in the formulation of
its Barangay Development Plan (BDP)
…If all barangays become progressive,
automatically all LGUs will be progressive…
Strong, Autonomous, and Self-sufficient Barangay
- form a strong, autonomous, and self-sufficient local government peopled with
active citizens who are partners in the achievement of national goals

Devolution, Deconcentration and Debureaucratization

- the transfers of some powers, responsibilities, functions, and resources from
the national government to the local government units – province, municipal
and most importantly, the barangays
- the administrative transfer of power, responsibilities, functions, and resources
from the national agencies to the local government units. The management of
offices formerly directly under the national administration was entrusted to the
local chief executives of the local government then down to the punong
- the process of removing the monopoly of a few bureaucrat-politicians in the
government. This is done by making room for the participation of citizen
organizations in the country governance
Localization of the development planning processes at
the barangay level
Improvement of delivery of services
• help government and non-government agencies identify more appropriate
projects that would respond to the actual needs of the target groups

Self-Reliance and Independence

• encourages the Barangay LGUs design and fund their own poverty
projects and look for other resources to finance their projects

Wider Participation in Local Governance

• increased participation of local communities in the actual implementation
of development projects
• larger representation from various sectors that will ensure wider impact.
• encourages mobilization of local resources that will increase barangay
• “an organized, deliberate and sustained effort to choose the best way to
obtain a desired end. It is a systematic process of analysis and
choosing among many possible alternatives, activities, or actions that
would address identified needs and problems to attain development

Barangay Development Planning

• the most relevant and practical means of people empowerment

• It is a people-based approach to bring about meaningful growth in the

improvement of people’s quality of life toward a truly democratic and
people-centered governance

• lay-outs the causal inter-relationships of the key concerns and challenges

for community development, the vision-mission-goals-
Guiding Principles
1. Genuine Social Participation - All sectors in the priority-covered
barangays will be encouraged to participate in the planning processes

2. Empowerment - Strengthening the decision-making mechanisms and

strategies starting at the sitio/purok level (rural folks to participate in
decision-making aimed at rationalizing investments )

3. Transparency - the setting of the final prioritization processes should be

open and generally acceptable to all concerned to secure broad ownership
of the priority list

4. Accountability - The selection process will be anchored on the desired

results and will not be viewed as an opportunity per se to lobby for
development assistance. Various sectors within the barangay will be an
active partner in implementing the strategies to eventually attain their goals

• Social preparation
• Team Preparation


PLAN • Packaging the BDP
IMPLEMENTATION • Presentation of BDP results to
General Assembly
• Resource Mobilization
Institutionalization Orientation of Barangay Barangay Profiling-Data Gathering
Planning Team
Issuance of Executive Roles and data gathering Secondary data (sectoral)
Order Tools/procedures Land use mapping
Creation of MTWG/ Data validation:
Brgy Planning Team - FGD, Workshop, interviews
Institutionalization PRA tools

3 4 5
Situation Analysis Revisiting/Formulation of Setting of Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Generation
Vision-Mission of Solutions (PPAs)
Review of Tools
Refinement of FGD/PRA Results Setting the goals,
objectives & strategies
Consolidation of Issues
9 Identifying the solutions

MONITORING & EVALUATION Analyzing the responsible

Persons/group-duty bearers
8 7 6


Barangay Development Plan (BDP)

• the most centerpiece document that identifies the development

priorities, needs and interests of the local community

Scope of the Plan

Barangay Profile - describes the characteristics and the general situation of
the barangay. Statistical data on the various sectoral areas
are shown in this part of the BDP
Situation Analysis - The analysis on the situation of the barangay wherein
development issues and problems of the barangays are
deliberately discussed
Development Plan - discusses the directions of the barangay in response to
their situation; the broad to specific development goals of the
barangay; the strategies and methodologies to be undertaken
to achieve these goals
Implementing Mechanisms - The specific mechanisms on how, when where
to get resources and who will implement the development
Barangay Profile Situational Analysis Development Plan Implementing M echanisms
1. History 1. Land Use Conflicts 1. Development 1. Local Administration
2. Demography and Issues Framework 2. Resource
3. Physical 2. Sectoral 2. Proposed Land Use Mobilization Plan
Characteristics development 3. Poverty Reduc tion 3 . Annual Investment
Existing Land Uses potentials, gaps, felt Agenda Plan & Budget
4. Sectoral Profiles needs, concerns, 4. Five Year - (Sectoral)
(including issues and Development 4 . Monitoring and
marginalized sectors problems a nalysis Investment Ev aluation Plan
and poverty profile) with emphasis on : Program (Sectoral) 5 . Policy Agenda
5. Local Governance a) Gender and 5. Annual Investment (Sectoral)
( including revenue Development Prog ram
generatio n data ) (Participation of
disadvantage &
vulnerable groups
in local governance
& access to social
services & other
benefits )
b) Poverty Analysis
Planning Methodology
The general approach to BDP process is through Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) using different tools, such as:

1. Semi-structured interviewing
2. Focus group discussions
3. Preference ranking
4. Mapping and modeling
5. Seasonal and historical diagramming
 To ensure that the needed resources for the
planning activities are readily available
 To obtain commitment, support and participation of
barangay officials and the whole community to the
planning activities
 To organize municipal and barangay planning
teams that will focus in the conduct of barangay
planning activities
 To orient the barangay officials and barangay
planning teams on the planning framework and the
expected outputs of the planning activities
 Barangay Officials
 Barangay Planning Team

 Municipal TWG (lead by MPDO)

 Resistance from the barangay officials or residents
to undergo the planning process
Creation/Organization of the Municipal Technical Working
Group (MTWG) on BDP
 Preparation of an Executive Order signed by the Municipal
 Mobilization of resources (human resources, funds, materials)
for the conduct of Capacity Enhancement on Effective
Barangay Governance (through Barangay Development
 MTWG will organize themselves according to requirements
under the sectoral planning groups (social, economic,
environment & natural resources, land use, infrastructure,
local governance/institutional devt)
 MTWG members shall ensure to capacitate the Barangay
Planning Team in the different planning processes,
particularly in the following:
 Collection, Review and validate secondary data
 Identification of maps to be collected and prepared
 Development & preparation of maps based on the existing
thematic maps and collect the data as identified
 Gathering of additional secondary data if needed
 Preparation and write-up of the Barangay Profile
 Facilitation during the Situation Analysis and actual
development planning activities
 Drafting the Barangay Development Plan
 Presentation of the Plan during General Assembly and
BDC meeting
Selection of membership to the sectoral
planning group
Sectoral Planning Will Analyze the Following Possible Members (minimum 4-5 members)
Social Development• History of the barangay • Barangay health worker
Sector • Population (size, growth, distribution) • Teacher in elementary school at the barangay
• Social services and status of well-being (health, education,
• Mother’s group representative
• social services facilities, Water supply, electricity • “Hilut” or traditional healer
• Social welfare • Day care worker
• Protective services • Parent’s Teachers Association representative
• housing • Women’s group representative
• Special concerns (women, senior citizens, PWDs, youth,
• Barangay
children,Kagawad assigned to social
indigenous peoples, etc) development concerns
• Housing
• Disaster preparedness management
Culture and Peace Sector • Religious leaders (Ulama/Ustadz/Aleem/Aleema)
• Peace and order • Traditional leaders/Indigenous Peoples
representative/tribal leader
• Mechanisms for con?ict resolution and persons involved• Lupong Tagapamayapa representative
• De?ne processes undertaken in con?ict resolution • Barangay kagawad assigned to Peace and Order
Council or Committee
• Human security
• Peace process: peace advocacy, community peace building,
• CVO/CAFGU/Barangay
social Tanod
justice, programs for reconciliation, reintegration ,reha- bilitation
and development
• Culture and traditions • Youth leader
• Ancestral domain and land tenure • Women’s group representative
Sectoral Planning Will Analyze the Following Possible Members (minimum 4-5 members)
Economic • Agriculture • Transportation • Farmers/?sherfolk representatives
Development • Irrigation systems • Tourism • Women’s representative
Sector • Livestock & poultry • Cooperatives • Cooperative organization chairperson
• Fisheries • Cottage industries • Vendors’ group representative
and Enterprises
• Forestry (production) • Barangay kagawad assigned to economic
development concerns
• Manufacturing
• Electricity • Other sources of income
Environment and • Environment & Natural Resources Mngt • Forestry/?shery of?cial
Natural Resources• Waste management • Farmers/?sherfolk representative
Sector • Water, Land, Air quality • People’s Organization representative
• Protection Forest • Women’s group representative
• Hazard prone areas • Barangay Kagawad assigned to environment an
natural resources concerns
Land Use Land Use • Disaster preparedness group/NGO representat
• Current uses of land • Environmental group/NGO representative
• Water sources
Sectoral Planning Will Analyze the Following Possible Members (minimum 4-5 members)
Infrastructure Inventory of facilities, location and status of • Barangay official – committee on
sector their condition infrastructure
(coordinate with other sectors) • Sitio leaders
• Barangay workers – health, daycare, secretary,
Institutional • Organization and management • People’s Organization representative
• Fiscal management
Development Sector • Women’s group representative
• Legislative output • Barangay chairperson
• Inter-organizational linkages • Barangay kagawad
• Purok leaders
• Council of Elders representative
Selection of key responsibilities:
1. Facilitator
 Acts as moderator during barangay sectoral
groupings and plenary discussions
 Explains the process and the objective of the activity
 Ensures that the discussions are in the right context,
towards the attainment of the objectives
 Moderates the discussion so that all participants are
provided equal opportunity to speak
 Summarizes agreements arrived at and the
problems and opportunities that arise from every
tool or activity
2. Documenter/s
 Ensures that the names of the tool, facilitators and
participants are written
 Documents the discussion and its results:
• Time started and finished
• Highlights of the discussion per issue
• Questions raised
• Disagreements
• Decisions made
 Transfers the tools from the manila papers to a notebook or
pad paper
 Safekeeps the tools and other documents
 Documents the outputs (tools, problem situations identified,
needs prioritization) of the sector for presentation during the
Barangay Development Council meeting
3. Process Observer (optional)
 Helps the facilitator and the documenter in ensuring
the quality of the discussions and the process
 Observes the process including what is said by the
facilitator and the reaction of the participants
 Informs the facilitator of his/her observation
 Checks the checklist of data; remind the facilitator if
there are data that has been omitted
 Evaluates the performance of the team for team

• Coordination with Barangay Officials on the Planning

- Coordinate ahead of time with the barangay officials regarding
the conduct of planning activities and the creation of barangay
planning team (BPT) that will be trained (on-the-job) by the
MTWG throughout the barangay planning process.

 Creation of Barangay Planning Team

- Barangay Planning Team is a group of people chosen and

trained for the purpose, who come from various geographical
(purok/sitio) and sectoral groups of the target community to
serve as planners for the barangay.
Criteria for selection of members for the BPT that will be
organized or created: (at least 15-20 persons)
 Must be a permanent resident of the barangay
 Must have willingness and commitment to devote time for
the planning activities
 Must be Literate (can read and write)
 Must have credibility and respected by many in the barangay
 Must represent geographical sections of the barangay
(contiguous puroks/sitios Cluster leader)
 Must represent the different sectors of the barangay such
as: social sector (women, youth, IP, muslim, senior citizen,
differently-abled), economic sector (fisherfolk, farmer),
environment sector (upland farmer, forest guard, etc)
 Must be knowledgeable on the issues and concerns of the
different sectors and in general situation of the community
 Must represent the each committee in the barangay council
(committee Chairperson)
BPT Roles/Responsibilities:
1. Collect, review and validate secondary data
2. Facilitate during the conduct of data gathering activities
3. Accomplish the conduct of barangay PRAs
4. Coordinate with MTWG conduct of planning activities (venues,
date, participants, materials/supplies, food, accommodation of
5. Facilitate during the conduct of actual barangay development
plan formulation
6. Assist the BDC in the packaging of the Plan and in the
presentation of the Plan during the Barangay General
7. Other functions that maybe specified and requested by the

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