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Risk factors of soil-transmitted helminth infection among elementary school students

A high prevalence of intestinal parasite infection in a school within an area following

a mass eradication program. Furthermore, absence of a toilet, no routine nail triming, and
outdoor footwear usage are found to be associated with STH infection. However, there is no
association between STH infection and nutritional status. As a recomendation, regular STH
monitoring, sanitary improvment, and de worming programs are necessary to reduce the load
of infection and effectively minimize eggs being deposited into the environment. The steps
may subsequently decrease the rate of recurrent infections.(Sudarmaja, 2017)

Sanitation of House and School, Personal Hygiene and Infection of Soil Transmitted
Helminths (STH) among Elementary School Students
STH infection is very influenced by personal hygiene. personal hygiene that has a
correlation with sth infection is the custom of washing a hand, cutting a fingernail and
wearing a slipper. considering the personal hygiene practice by the elementary school
students, it was probable to occur for stg infection continually or in other words will be able
to cause the school children continually get infection. (Damanik & Husodo, 2014)
Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Associated Factors among Pre-School Children in
Butajira Town, South-Central Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study
Poor personal hygiene such as not washing hands before meal and untrimmed
fingernail were the key factors significantly associated with STH infections among the
children. This highlighted the need for integrated control of STH in the study area. Therefore,
the existing health education program should be strengthened to sustain the effect of
deworming.(Shumbej, Belay, Mekonnen, Tefera, & Zemene, 2015)

Kebiasaan mencuci tangan yang buruk, tidak ada perawatan kuku, penggunaan alas kaki
dan tidak adanya toilet merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya infeksi Soil
Transmitted Helminth (STH) (Sudarmaja, 2017). Maka dari itu diperlukan langkah-langkah
dan kesadaran diri untuk meminimalisirkan keberadaan STH (Damanik & Husodo, 2014).
Serta diperlukan program pendidikan kesehatan terutama tentang penyakit kecacingan
(Shumbej et al., 2015).
Poor hand washing habits, no nail care, the use of footwear and the absence of toilets are
factors that cause high infection with Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) (Sudarmaja, 2017).
Therefore we need steps and self awareness to minimize the existence of STH (Damanik &
Husodo, 2014). A health education program is needed, especially about worm diseases
(Shumbej et al., 2015)

Damanik, D. M., & Husodo, A. H. (2014). Sanitation of House and School , Personal
Hygiene and Infection of Soil Transmitted Helminths ( STH ) among Elementary School
Students, 3(1).
Shumbej, T., Belay, T., Mekonnen, Z., Tefera, T., & Zemene, E. (2015). Soil-Transmitted
Helminths and Associated Factors among Pre-School Children in Butajira Town , South-
Central Ethiopia : A, 377, 1–11.
Sudarmaja, I. M. (2017). Paediatrica Indonesiana, 57(6), 295–302.

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