c1.2 Coursebook (Unit 20-26)

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ion oo sn send sb pro, plo son {er pron sere, sen ar on on, tule beakers ens, gat he nes, os Srl, rect ue fares | "eps Det pe gw pee sare Pome a/c son, ete eg SErSgeeiste pian tc sover se, | Senne bet St pe Sern oe J tury your head inte sand ‘err robe ra anes Shao rd eps at Spear |_| ivgermeanate esmpertans evan attr setage apse coe bac ecto, ng pet ero 2 stave your way youve i ‘ue anda ve 7 C8 oe pep’ Beles ard myo te, en ithe ey ean em yur onn il (fo eoings ‘se rece in reo get sot you mint or ap acne, ‘pedal hen th ar | |rettape {ake the aw into your om hande the powers hat be throw the Bok ats ers soneone very sovealy ders hum ample convoy saree a —_areievconrtesiysaneoneese aera | vag sour rack do oa) te estat aegreson sapessveress ages aggressive) ce Ene arth, rp, cherty clarinet, icant rine eral, cra cmaliy eat torinate— domen donate, Greece ‘niet mimi moral eri err every, rr, ‘marae den/aoral ratory eft cata ersunde since persuasion, persue, esi example cls, eerste, exergy fer nsgover gover pve, gute, meng garment ae alt 20 oe rer Topic vocabulary: Power A Creo the correct word ahead techs pres consent / submit to & tein elacons, but hin they shod be alowed to © Complete using the correct form af the words in the box. ominate impose +1abel *oerte eresist«restct + subject» sunmon undermine + vetnise yaw, Power ——_____—_ Pe: he wo nv et 162 SR Topic vocabulary: Social issues D Complete using th correct form ofthe words inthe box. bureaucracy + community * convict * c legsleton pre tion * deterrent + institution | ‘com = Sa Crime and punishment ——___ The demand for prison as steady creased as mere and mere pele have come o te that locking people wo in 2) simply does eduee ere, Not oly nt cous very lit to helo — meen | Ete word in bois correct, put atc, tis Incorrect, replace with one of the word a bld ‘rom the other sentences. Is uous fo think that we shuld advocate passports adjust et eerore go whe at dort understands wy the zoverment arr dig te work tat he eta, ‘Waring: We wil aboith anyone caught hopttng..-- | suppose as prileged to got arate shod, ut dont Hk about t much ‘Mere must be core to prosecute the sulting of poet soy. rarenee Shr to stata rom Europe nthe ince cenary meat there mas api ncrease nts opuiton. i a i a a i : i i i Phrasal verbs F Match to make sentences 1 No matter what 3, Chris esed atthe man gt 5. The Pime Mister it 6 Things have carontymoroved since yo tok that we so desperatay nee. 7 The atoribes shot ge H back at er cries and claimed he had done 8 I dort care who get os ang wrens 163 Tait 20 waneny ids arcund inthe playground, phrasal verbs with up, such as lek up, have meanings connected to astening or restricting the sentences where the phrasal verb has 4 meaning connected to Yastenng ot rostrcting, Phrases, patterns and collocations | Wit one word in each gap | The Hoody | | eet. or ads coe sone yb fh ce nth. seers get | ration vere teens ‘eae ote wang beef Cates pelea Teeten thoy in some Tes fave even gone s fa sto ban people wearing hoodies, Tey cam at he "hem the right to do it ut here a danger tet young peel wil actualy ~» behaving nance ways trough ru ke ths. They may fel that those over ae cisriminaing against ther, ar thet tey rele to ten when they deny one anything wong. I seems to be a dassic example)... oder people fesing threatened bythe fashions ofthe young. Atte end ofthe day, what the members of ter peat (20)... ns tink waaay be are portant oe yung ten wha peop running shpoing centres thik tey shoul or shoul Wea. ES 14 For each queston, mite one word which can be used in all tree sentences ko an exception People must be made o respec the 08 an the ram, naan fa oF wel Rae neh, ‘of thumb is that you shod low 19 ramtes fea thatthe Buy who ees io heft usa beleve they ‘Why cant you foow Greme one... ished Aaron severe nade to ake YOU BPN nnn and go sons 0a le round ere where young peope 6 My parents have decided to ay down the Ths goverment top prety fn an Have tings improved sce the Freedom of bicemaon K. choose the correct answer 1 We have to fotow the ni rectus Abeyo Bove Cavove 2 Aepatety, belore te fit some of he yous had Nites 8 Camed 3 The woman was contd and sentenced Aer Bon ‘Cw 4 Snceitwas amino ofc, Derek was sent to ancpen Banessy Casot 7 ont worry the document re safely Ander Bi Con 8 The most powert force na teenagers eis probably Mend Boe C company yeu thst we have decided a. Cami fur way trough the crowd anc each the ext mee irs t moe Idioms 'N Each of te words in bod is in an incorrect form. Rewrite them correct. L_ complete using the words inthe box. book # hand » teed © law © Ine * powers i * tape thumb + way inthe sand 2nd nope tat ts problem goes away, you know. | ‘ed gate theo gare, but leer abit stonge, only got where am tody by woking hardly. men tein youths efiildom, i (© The prema in misgov can be se wt sm ous and verbs 6 mesh a/b or ‘wrong/wrongly’. Tick the words below which can form words using mis-. " 1 apy a 2 aoe u 7 6 — ” 18 edie, We same carry nstmite ters alte eter of te lw but DUTY och na came ryag on OFFICE 9 - 2 es tote tam sat vse rena - : — at 2 Sw Units 19 and 20 D Compete the second sentence so that R has asiilar meaning to the fest sentence, using the ord given, De not change the word glen. You must ure betweon tree and eit monde Including the word phen. A. irte one word in each gap. 27 ke to remind you that here a tealoyes are aowed to lave ey, ed you tat erloyes atewed to leave ey roth monager i were you, hams ne manager were you 29 Passengers can cyber te line wen bes ave be ceceaftr ay board the pla. 30. The website woud alow me to access certain pages. denied The webete eran pages. 3. ets cred stot ito te poo wen we ara had No the ids he ino he oo 38 Roege ane te ae say *° The patce were caled, “ te 4 doy fit ou e sloveso cris ee ta ee What do you tink = terse me ke that? (2 marks por ance) sey rugs that ar curt E choose the correct answer. tut infact they send an porta signal tothe 35 Tere has been alot of surouning 9 to standard, tik you have the goverment proposed sche fo compl, eartorrsy ia much Bconsert Bexh Devery (1 mank pee answer 36 Ourtown has areal roblem with youth crime, 40 Jes a toh character and cet wont et ‘0 many ob: Br town anyone push hm Cas uns are, bet? byte wole company bard Ihehada arate Tb gu, wwe cri ees nda ck Tes nce 9 fk ot cade snes Soerfgapesn, ste ences lee aunque psi an amr + Meuse a/ata sow tat cup someone cr sain bene, a sy n/a. Le madre. Tate go acer argh ba sting edn | Teg spt {stat the tseoy were at sat ath eay Coma | he ae ces i tet eee a tain spec The scabs ar talc symbol, kn pce Wo de the pb ore son? 5 | thre eee coma | Pop muse hs bays appeal me othe young (te © + Weoteruse mewn ssl rg tat ae igs lg te moon te Que G = Weotenase pass monies thes an carea mune es fst E+ Wecanuee he toean te vation or he famous eee Thmped io Gaia Hist the rt ne spear ( = te wlio ari) ‘on tur yung i use eloor nspeiead Ar ast lcs es mapation = G_ Wooten ssn ate fer cnent etsy es sry, pee ra. the Krg the Pico the Presse, | Rasa, Seam Presta, goo the rie Paces |ishere a each nesrtre?_|the Hinson, the Pater, | Mount vert a, Arn, Ie Sete Earth testa, | Ante sae Pet See, te USA bo Cte Sry ses” | ate incean Aone W {08021 ener ‘A. itee the correct word. Hf bth are correct, circle both (bel fart sat the wrong sentence, write the correct word on the line ete Do you war artigo. Su get me flock of chawg gum when you go te stops? a. ng an tok us ages to get by You sid you ward to get rew bar of trusers, St you? nn of geting. blade of owes frou aniversary. Oo you thrk that manic? There wat Myris That speck of ids wil be migrating south forthe winter Sncewe aot the gost there's not alot of gress enger tan about vo cotnate? "We do ke eric Bt of steak evry now nd How hea’ that sheet of corre, wad you Net eve you sto eys anda secury pass. ‘Theres not grain of thin what she se. ug = Bape i youre ging o tke notes. Compete the pais of sentonces using the coroct form of a word inthe box. ‘am + cake « chicken » chocolate » damage » giase » har help + hrowledge * paper» space » tine * WOOd + work 2 Right of to HOW many ono at by Pease ean you actly nae? 2 The stom ot gute aot of The jury anarded them 3 | drt ik We ever baked tree rom sath none day oul yout acter pce of oF 4 Maths, youve Been a Brat eo Wout your we doit mow what wed have done ‘5 Edwas looking in the mor and noticed oe of his tad gone ge, "ete Raton onnnnns back in fashion angle youn. 6 id you knw tat. is actualy kno aie? ear iy Have you seen them anywhere? ~~ Fal longer than your righ? trades an dusty ta ratrer have nothing odo wth Ws plastic of eighteenth centr potty is astounding of eighteenth cera ote, 2 OU SEFEEM IN soa because heres no sound aed hee ta 11. How ed pease wt tings dom before oe as verted? The str appeared in mas of he Sunday - 12 One of our so we've had to cal the vet ot Tie ann tates lieu 23 Hom many ans ae told youn to do at What — id ou get home ast igh? 14 Lets ge a big a of mi. ‘Oh nl There ae ny two lente bos moe Complete each second sentence using one of the wo words in bold and any other words you ‘ed so that thas a similar meaning tothe fest sentence, 1 Only wo boys votre to handout rogranmes. double / couple ony boys volute fw people atthe party wto Ihnen. umber / amount pease at the pay wha knew, sal never hear of computers. te / fe i, never beard of computers. etch etn te bot ie /tew Teds have ut eras down aed mach maney on me, mai. number / amount _ money ot me, mai alot of what he said, to be honest. much / many nf wat she Si, tobe honest. Brtsh peone F Crete the correct mord or phrase. More than one option may be corect in each sentence. oul you te any / some cote? Ie hardy got any / some mo Only afew / Few /Afow of ne "ve ny got ate / te / a small amount of ire, so makeitquick [Nother / Nekher of te / Bath guards was mr ine attack. nan road somes eee nnn lBStighes architect for ter doy. Ste signed... copy of ors mero it noc HOEY Of Wl ference between... wear an. er or me posts You dnt know? Then, fm nt Hic the corect answer. 1 fe thse widows realy ret made ot Cass D passes 2 fancy avin pote, Have we got 2 sO cassie? Councn Det of the mesine tow Datew 4 The onthe kitten able Agrceyis B grocery ae 5 Hocy ofthe pags at he | ire one word in each g0p. 2 Oo beret roduc new pees, More tana) mane to be made fom Ine peformances, hats sometimes cad hadng bs For musicans, there ae royals fr performance eon CD) afr wing. Homeve 2). Tegal wansteof dita muse vi but ts frei ot bleak. Teri sti age (15). | ater wore or se, Boone Csome Brew Day ies spportnty to se Arcan ile ini ar enero. Ranunaue Che weve Baunque Dunne ou cnt st demand you have eana” Aarespect Conyrespect Bie respet Deesect Almost person Ne asked says ‘theyre going onthe anwar cemonstoton ext Sates. Bevery Bean sy ea tobe Soll. The other tno - ope tat when they sel enn ter yers they wil have great, suse nsty~be pop, . OS Topic vocabulary: Quality Topic vocabulary: The arts A Circo the correct word. both are correct, eirle both Wire a word rom the boxes tore etc ts vry goo. became —__ tor decorators wilde tm actualy wating fort [besiseler + paperback seoieconveamaeome/ or suey seine slg eto ye Tetangttoeadiniaonesee ae] Scenics ened ae commana 8 Bg 2B on tig whch sands quite and its raver boon strengthened / betored resin, Thayve gota guest condctr who's aie famous. Apparently es wren ‘ne 6) ofr arumrber of movies, 1 We wet that). aL Museum ast week wae very good We got who told us avry teresting story about on He ous that someone had found tin ther ate. thought tas ® ne 0 50 ave Rt a ei wort {0.0 restoring damaged or aces realy sashing seeing an ad pang [bbs + works ofa. mu 2 more bast den exquite / sound We ol ectire about fim tats cose redeeming / ultimate > wih are hoe on tp) which people can view art Another way to goto "You cor have to atoushit youre gang to bid or Van Gop, you'd Bester They actualy a gretwoy to learn abet at, because the ctaogu sve dead irrmation aout each pee, and there’ ten ore vary one day, tere maybe the act itu = art ich neues scutes and ceramics as wel sparing), calectors lang rom boars to postcards), caaogue wil hep you workout what the artist was trying to express] and even satisfactory /irstrate of people for is project uimate / optimum m8 179 Phrasal verbs 0g to completly charge te ook ofthe Semason’ spare bedoom ee ging to campetey ‘rer the Simosons' spar bedroom, F 11 words nthe wrong sentence, writ the corect word onthe ine. M itis correct, put ack. 50 we were able to ald he reception rondarents came 0 i ay atthe heath fam nas an. Mey cy ge us afew vegetables every evening —llmost smartoned on)! Phrases, patterns and collocations G circle the correct wor friend / enemy. He copa he asi sld ay fis panting, For each question, write ane word hich can be used in 1 The caterers attr up and te est of encu rather disastrous staton, "om yur nt very Keen a a, ut st do your | ert ge te jb inthe end, bts 2 Imatraid were anon oa CO, ‘As soon | et otf pion tm tein 9 MAKE aaa tae 40d rw from her backbuster tour of the USA here's. The Goldsmith 3 She ant ome a ann Yak lee the publ Ths doctors nave given me 3 Complete nn Th term, sheet, 1d anybing you od won ast, ly dort now mach abet that ‘has a rockstar, make sure |was ested wh $5 bump i039 yon a of ine Daves on of achtectre whoever went ots tis morning, rand when it comes to doing the carnal sco — he's been cong t i wee gong 1 have to consider puting Mum fa eos hone, They think im stp but m not going to let tam get the ome, We coud saya ote ear the esl 0, yok mW the grounds, Yes, tm cara al the fortwo weeks the sn Write one word in each gap Contemporary Art st standards have go Oe th at 10 yrs ech ressonse berg ny tree yeu farsi the art wl | ‘Theres 2 wide held view ce ike his, we wed worl stegnet and backuarBloung srt aston 53 that, some coalamperary et of pose Dut tats te ot every ort nen $a po Into en ony cece iat va are reat carpe, Svea ‘mediocre or bad novels to eampae them t. However, ase () {he 09 ofthe conemperary art wold are producing ncvate and |ctalengne neces 6) ‘oreo ars a xg we ato | | posses or arto be aly contemporary art and psectoart Abstr inthe ced by eas, fr exam eur the ule and the errant of he money, | Idioms 4 Complete using the worden the bos. eal + Ine + par + pride © stow + sient « tap + whste * word + word edge + + Maestros undoubtedly he ast ont foot ates on BAC on OU martepiece, though i the oe | meteicestyteieiaet | ae 6 a ver bdo to Spend on Se Word formation Use tne word given in capitals to form a word that ft in the space, she knows Lath and Anon ek, st Orord, 20 Wied, she i tay and despa DESTROY Ber: és actived such atin such a sheet space of tne drt be exes olen on T ‘thst age MPRESS iy performers seed feingso as woud be to get some of these old te jewelery worth the 15 16 v7 Slate iets an understatement Periorming onstage er the rst tne nas the me ference ve ever hd. TERROR Dor tow avay consumer package Most ofits Theresa YOU Ue te crab. USE erence between ahotograthy ad site droning. QUALITY |L_Use the word given in capitals to form a word thats nthe space. The working world of: Jacob Lawson the wrk te of Jaco Lanson who bys and se et. had otra trough unde (TERROR! wi geneay by and 2). iage clocks to knives end cond. sn ISTRONG) state Zot avery god ating have given me very 2008 ree ‘so G00d ot spotting whats (12) (VALUE) nd whats compete ~ (WORTH. For exami, here's 2 par of (13) 5 they damon, have got domage mas on tem, So wort be by 5 "0001 youre ting Before you pu ‘tes have prety good pois youre not aise with your pockone Tart ca ten mean tor However awards sich a vate, des not mean ‘no'or no Tek th words where lt means nat or nd: Puta rots nesta te od oben nt 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ‘The Inbound fig rom Chicago hasbeen delayed du bed weather, ‘ell do vai my independence The whole fariy was infamous rund oe stoi behaviour, eft the easton every because of This mates inlammable, isi? hat en ingenious ies, Te pace soon beinhabtable, wort? She as charged with beng diserdery ad Intoxicated, 183 of lace ajoe's CD ealecton ‘Complete the second sentence so that has a similar meaning to word given, Do not change the ward given. You must use between een ory and uring te it (2 marks per answer} (mare per answer) nds actualy (mark per anower) Total mark 150 ht compen Unt 23 £3 E+ passe ams, ms flowed yt taki. pA = ham made we apelogie ty st as mat apologise my ste. 1+ Theres ace af nod can be utd as moda, which case they afl hte ve pet ire Sone three ened ine ph oder me (CHEERED) oe srt erst im alee [eee ma ie Gowen foe ‘ede mse rest om consider distke taney nove postpone an ‘epprecisle | contemplate | end up eee ‘aH orien sens ee ja [ae a ‘ak ut ete conldring geting exgoge ote ate to emer a past eet never forget asking Hs ty | cote © Nacy verbs are followed by a preposition + 4ng for. we a 2 ‘Daeien| on ‘te party. In looking forwerd t0 meeting your brother. © Starnes ce omen eh ae wey nce Bein . ‘2 a eeomuend ine Ce ance wate ciacsnrocmmeterat town & refer to different subject, we can use an object pronoun oF 8 possessive “mergers ‘Semaine te ce 1700 yeu me/ny ans with you seer? ‘be sry tot wt as appre ovo egret sting up Acc? ‘kot past ert [dot remember asking foro (TE ey com nm eating ey rome sorting 28s expert sabe a poten Yocouley bying sone owes fans Wes sane vets, si as fd or coil, Kian posse own a a peartiey exe rele tes and oe at get. a — Tp sabe vb farm wc ons ot ah nt id pron Spar "poe use these hat cbse ate words upon a someting ices ree Te doctor suggested tt Sor take same nef work, Ri vy ora hat Greg mot know et Te subjnce oms fer bere, you bee. ts ssa set be Famed Sooo a he Pests, We can aso ue sit +The dtr sieges tt Sam shou se soe tne mk I One verb in each sentence i inthe wrong form, Underine the incorrect form and cewrte iReorrecty 1 You deserve to be given a medal fra the work you when you volurteered op a fish todear ut the atte 2 The company kas resohed to movove performance inthe coming months and pins ress being forced to dose ary ofces, oes to make lot of compromises ad being prepared tara ove with other ote to apply / applying othe ark for a oan, ra aplosto jon joining tre ary? Sscussons but he needs to acd to be so shy or hel never ing ub a spat, 50 ce to exercise fot of 29 many peo 6 detest beng kept wating, and tends hapesng at ts hotel mor han ay ore, 50 sop gig me 2. Place dont hestate to comact/ contacting me “ : 7 nat promoted me appv to join the poe force was that my parents expected met fn job whch promised to ofr securty and good prospects, ‘8 Mary young people yearn to getlmotved in making fis, bt few ae prepare oendeto work for years to erect ek acting Sas. 9 sik having to-pretend geting on wit someone when they de atompt to get to know me. a team oy you cart face | B Circe he correct verb form, Katty: Erm. helo, You must be Preston, Preston 10 tyou considering apphing to become a student at Central Universi we recommend you to. Contact te secretary, who needs knowing which course you sre panning to flow. Preston: Ei E Complete each sentence wth 2 par of vor from the box in the correct frm. Kathy: ts, tars - Preston i catch wish fel follow « fd /hide + gece / wa» hear / sy \ Kathy: notice /try observe / interact + $e6/ come» sna / brn + watch ers Preston: Oh, el og ns = Se ent gears side ac Preston: Seafood so 00d. Can you see our water? 3 During the experimert, We sams the arias... with each other. 1 Seinen tg ‘ 5 felecect hg ea Ss en ee |) Ces ae 2 gag eae es [How can you ustity 9 Patrick, _ ims ww he had never accepted the job in the frst place. 2 Everyone voted, 101 — Vanessa. vow towards me, $0 | quickly dived into the nearest shop to | vai F Undertne weve vers in the wrong form and rewrite them correct. Divorce — tose accusations! vente to oe. es 189 8 The lecturer descrbed the war talk Youre ging tobe angry but forgot 10 Dart tet me youve fergaten No, doit realy or ike because ifs nt certain, you krow jad to top ‘3 coupe ofthe gs ‘word given, Do not change the word given You must use between tres and eight words, Inauding the word given. eteve when they 6 rey sony that you inte 0» ‘to te head teacher about he problem jared a boom with my bothers when was young and ate edit ke 2 hedorn wit my brothers when was young Mes nen ne ble ai Liam to oi us onthe tr? regret - Lam to jus onthe tio? ev Aedes for with Mr and Wes Are, such afantas character your new nove? to What sucha fontestc character n your ne nove? choose the correct answer. 1 When she suggesieg over the weeend was so arg tat reatened| taut me to worting Bre toner 2 The manager requested tat stat 7 Dont you ‘resent ahe mest. fe st ogee? have been Kocroy fod Bte Binghcredble 3 iat you that Marta wast 8 You shout have lt Kerry with Atle vist eben ora Rtinkitstange Cink strangely Rive Btinx stonge Dirk sangely Brolewe 1 a eer a ga cpt it® 9 Raayabtenbaasng tn ewe as theres any Change inh ptr condo, ang he test. Ave'tratted ‘were noted Cheat Beng noted De noted Dio creating 5 too the commites hat 10 tts og ® ‘of mibers are very ihspoy wh ‘be cron ay. the decison Rtowat Cust Ny day City dy Bains Dior wating Bhs my dy D that my daty J Wee one word in each gap. find tt 10 org, Debi te itsbange xtra London wth 100 other peopl wt The idea wih speed dating is hat you ave ‘one he Sa sa ee 50 aie me aid te oes Ia ‘at wea ro yong wanes ngs, tte we hina fond ne -- hed tow vty wh wt yous ect ocr Ina bd hts ane dee n= oa ae per opty eal ng ur choral pete ote a | Phrases, patterns and collacations anf suse, nee ee, nce epics ear (es eon ee as 9 ‘ig oan ue by nse aren on pron est so apa ‘la is aa rate cea, ‘sere areune aia tone cae on lesen "asm ait ire, ay (eer, estan, une etic) (leis, sess, ese, Seco eps, tnsesebl, spate, hon ‘oats ests, lsmoshete, itiSmoarteay ous yuh, yun ast 24 Wenn Topic vocabulary: Relationships [A complete using the correct form of the words in the box. sy that wht Im say ist ue? Into the exctement of wing the tay. is | with he, Or ofees gong 10 14 Havaga succesful marrage B choose the correct answer. Warey accused me of i C inererng between Arg’ ba bend 23 Sudo | evereard Metso and At aking about ein the Ratoched Besde Crear pressure rom parts Doutécor pet of growing w Base integra Dtrat ecsion, so don tame my exw cooperate ont hat you si ast week. comes continous ‘ite peace togeter Deomnst Fossett OB © Complete using th correct form of the words inthe box. c comatle * compromise * confct » soerte = averse © divorce Innste + ma When people are in When th (I sc enennee he 5 who have problems berg (7) — with each respect often bes. Ofen, people ned to lar that they crt have “ ns neces, Topic vocabulary: People Complete using the words inthe box. '3 Everyone who wants to goon he school ir nes to bing the fr ito that you rave get yout egal 6 | 2 Srangoioking woman who dr sem to have any hgeage +a sal woman ofa smlar age wih fo suteaees, nbody He alvays Seems to get nto coersation wherever ted to become an Aen. 3s sc0n to fee! athe belonged nee E circle the correct mor. you can realy empathse / sympathiee wi ne whan 3 Mypares often adopted /fortored chien fr 2 fm morths when | as young and they must have looked after abut 50 youngsters stogeer 4 was adopted / fostered y Fak ana wen wae jst Sk weks thy the oy iets ie r ——== [nit 24 oceuiny a Howe ASICWCERAT H Some prasl vrs wth Back. ch a nner ack, hve meanings comecte 6 responding to othr pone. Compe th semanas ng te wasnt bor te cont orm fit + fee get © Wit» pay + the » write 1 Emo agaresse, but # someone attacks me, ten Mn bh 2 ck ati tes and accused them of beng biased 3 bch othe teacher, 4 : 5 | nove me, bt m2 descendant / successor of saa Newton atnough dot shore the 6 Simeone 7 8 vegota good pen — | Phrasal verbs . F Wite one word in each gap. Phrases, patterns and collocations || One word in each sentence is incorrect. Undertne the Incorrect word and write the correct word on te tne. 2 3 1 We dt share the same father tongue, ut we managed to communi M ENKN.-so 4 2. When ny brother got marred, my Stern very quekty became one form he fry. = 7 5a 3 sometimes fd hat born speakers of Engch spk at to ft si 4 6 Being given some responstlty realy trout 2 side of nda’ eharacerIhagnt : ie on date, but Im aad being ejected § Elcabetn and st eanceles aie efor ut it geting het 2 9 ° 10 The problem of child mises much bigger than ou mt tink 11 ‘took me along me odo ens wi use, butt was worth vd nature to want to Sete down, get marred a 1B) ater + around + back + ito + on © out + togeber + up J Write one word in each gap + town, Ord pysies teacher, Me Watson il, many years before the ‘Amongst communities that pratse ranged mariage, its not usual forage oven up between parents and chen wih may yung pel refusing to sce However, the partes treat each ote (7)... tespect an ecogise that the are bath “nna €Qal ah, there doesit Seem Tobe ay el Dame oan a happy marred Ie. ir Unita via For each question, write one word which ean be uted in all three sentences. at tests ng dom ery irene aro attend the celebrity wed othe yar. manage to gel the sport on tire, B&BS aan NE Idioms very 635 or you. You were bor with 8 1 iy ae 30 alte. Theyre ike Wo eye t eye on ts issue 1 own problems in perspective. Word formation M Complete the sontonces by changing the form of te word in capt. ones. RACE oes cae wat oer peopl ink of im me wats better yeu about he, LOYAL = 8 youve ary complains shout a eighbour take them to your residents here hey Sold be able to ace you futher ASSOCIATE 9 Mansn used tobe ute wld, bt he's. ss calm these dys, RELATE ings job and then geting Sverced were but Bk there's to the moter, ATTACH oo uniform that & complete destos a - OMDUAL (CHARACTER! 2s (SYMPATHY) fire who aways there's o chance you wil repeat the same behaviour. in er devotion ober chien, there's» chance ~ HUMAN posi for your ose, © The profs re, asin reappear, can go betore verbs, nouns and adjectives to mean ‘aga. Tick the words below which can form words ing re 1 arange rs 2 bala 8 aa ew 3 conser ° poss 2 tal 4 com Bat ans 22 se 5 create produce 23 wory 6 ole 12 nest = 2 whe Complete the setonces us 1 mba 0 2 ween you 3 Dontforetto Ur BESIDE or you wnt be able to come 4 Ya sit cfs on my notebook! Now tm gino have to 5 When my mum ster ob, she cece to as an engines 6 Enpty hat bt of Coke coun he sink an then you can the bot wih ate 7 8 9 0 was so cose thal theyve decided he tes Pars wie expoed the aes and then them afew day ter — ‘the condons tat ested on Earth mins of years ago. «the very good perfomance you putin dure 199 A Use the word gven in capitals to form 2 word that fi inthe epace Culture clashes ne (cuanacrER) (2 marks per answer) Tasmania sis ound anyatere Queen nas atthe vere erson, but se cid Send someone to represent et 3 Some say tat hanging isthe nearest ting beng abe oy le 2 (0 mark por answer} E choose the correct answer 39. Aer the inesigaton, the accent was pit dom to Dele Do yu tik he generation betes rou te oa te for, bt oar ore er ay he Cot 33 Mary peopl consider Davies the puriched cute Anes rst of his generat, M8 yOu ak me. be tobe Ctote Boche Diobeing Dio bed hr, (1 mare per anewer} ‘otal mark: ..../50 ince | [A Complete each second sentence 0 that tha 2 similar meaning tothe fret sentence, ys tat deity wast gong to the etch on Stray. med hte had been big when esi he had tng to do wt the breakages. "inte ea, « Faso tab pdm we teas stat se haat ede ease Feed So. were going to set up a web "annawrced Sebasin, ss4edDina when sh ta ot mar 9 Kermasiet renee Diana? asked Karen. cous boobs bike for couple of hours. Packed Feta 8 Dit you say hat you do / id wart sug , { 10 told Bian ast week ta the ofc ant / wasn’ operngon Tuesday so dot know why he showed up esterday mora. 1 © tthe word or phrase In bod ie correct, ut a ek. His incorrect, rewrite correctly would be coming into - . we dott have to do at exerse and hen yesterday he sald he made 2 Do you bate hat ‘old my mum that she'd had better get 2 lanes, thnk she's ight west othe party, Cla tls me that must be on my best behaviour a evening, has very ude gh 8 When was a teenager, my dod aay told me that fm motto stay out ter than ten elock. 9 a when Ay toi us thats can Ne us pant te, oT noun than hat at ozone do have letter they sent sa mont ago 2 in touch again soon. Wel avert ear ys ote Pre tested hats gover wl be cost. doer oat j warm coe D Write one word in each gap. 1 “Ohno These shoes dont o wt iar go wie 2 Tis lays abit Suen td 3 My sister Chow's coming to stay Shes cated iste? ordered Wie tot te water — cute rude in my opinion that actualy realy Ted te shoes but Maureen tld me tes that lay nas fem days’ Why Derek Say that sisters catee cm on case what trainers ware too expense sol dit § ‘Wyner easy, Its 123456. You dont know Sind phone ruber, do yeu? She i acy te ne nnn RUMAT Bu | tpi ergot 0 wef ow these onthe tale” Mam asked me to put on he tate eve wht hapgened to us las ight. Angus and Janes told me ha an Rowse was sti. Nom 1 Seamus asked Maras what he was dong a 2 Marios repied that net he was | ot doing ang much | 3. Seamus mention scm tad te bial yu eh 4 Nar at Seam acl wet 2 al oF ys 00, sre goo 5 Matos remind Seamus ithe Londo eaten 5 Matis tld Seamus that he had bee ling to caltiite doy ‘Seamus sid he was at ne ofce and suggested they mest. J | 425 comme a __ F Complete eoch second sentence so thet ithas a similar meaning tothe frst sentonce. |" Wc a verb trom the box inthe correct form in each gap. [ stack » ao » = He * make * pass * take © tak tun » use © want © werk | ~~ LARA Ter et e+ role pss» ale © ke ten« we 1 You's better kt securty guard ho into 2 That has so ie of em task ether! _ 3 How you asked me 4+ Wy dhe oicer ogee men gee to he buidng at the weckend, the was Re amine, pais, ey were cutrbere? 5 would ask you ts, 5 | case befew it when Sancy come cut an sted re gs bate, . 7 dont easing you Saturday, but Im ata there's no 8 Yeu shuld have asked yur mote - 8 exasfamy when you mere asked by te tecnican tow 20 She very kindly asked me fr eke ang Go and ash your dad... ea cf, woul your 12 tm sory, but weve deen nuctes sO repartars nder any ra = She'd non, the computer a. Pert would have tobe rere’ sa Gees J Choose the correct ansine, G Completo the second sentence so that thas a meaning tothe frst sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given, You ‘se botween tires and eight words, 1 Do youdeny swine deirdre S The aot. ea Senter Conamg dscsses Cesting came ithe oe concer nit Tasty” Anes asked Gre, go Dtonave decane Set pet Ofer geting ose aed oe cae elo Mrs, > 5 veape lesa | ae bee Soe ston to Betin att ck asked Peta wheter | is peer tr tek Keto Crattobe ante tne a ering Ti? ashes a. Stent Dat beng ne pone a evenng. 3 th s asked wheter any spond teat tet ever le to her pres you amore? Ato have caied Ato say ed Domi, me Bom cating Diorhevegcaled Bhat he sid 4 Ste may cm PAD but ncbods rm begging eal bout it TH her octay son he Srtcate yout say nove c Bhat you stay p you do teases, Cara Boring Dishehas 0 we ely hav ogo ta bed ight on? is K. Write one word in each gap eo Ld ° 80 to bee right then, bs Hobbies H correct word or phrase ‘The net tie someone asks me (2) hobbies, tm temptec to retise 1014) Re Wea he DodbIS are. Doueas they 4 Kostas cnt cae ook lei here had she / she had Seen he previous evening 2 | emt to ach ty ld Reni want / Ran wanted ost net fo Han so bad 3 We dt ask ox 9 She had / had she ited but fo: sone reason she would el us | -~ = ha sae fe. They spend 10 es gong fo De ar, mae Gates thing, dowriosrg msc, argh cat wth recs, stg Gore ne | | tte a nay tal Wich an ers be ele ay | SSN a alate | 201 ‘he (19 then f sicienbe he eet vite tne ie Wg sre bat tee 9 eer inode iedinse at sth doe fr want omens to very eat ol eves S.dm and ra, especil wth your fred he ground ‘estat bate ey ‘Sort sprig sry Sdn, sure stimu, di Std sre tendency 2a, toy) 209 a C circle me correct word. Topic vocabulary: Preference 1 Stare your chocolate wih you brother and dont be so ereedy/ obsessed 2. Caud's complete greedy / obsessed wth Jack and cows ak abou anh es these dys her carer cede t0 2 smiled in anticipation /asplraion 2: the wai A choose the correct answer idhave referred to cary on workng, my repealed Csacriiced D abolished aie to make an arbitrary / optional desc, has alto king / taste. Topic vocabulary: Leisure activities i the word in bold i corect. puta ck Mit is incorrect, replace it wth ne of the words in bold from te ether sentence. seen anyone s9 Bees 1 Rshoul be ute a sedentary eer, so dnt 25S Up 0 MURR sa 2 Without enough sure ee, people Sento sur rom sess and elude. 3 get 25 cays ayearvonu, which robaby about average. 4 The new Arts Cente should be a great outing or concerts Dincined aay a he monet Bvearod Complete using the correct form of the words In he box. 9. Works so tecous at 10 The most rea Compete using the correc form ofthe words in the box to thei parents ealaratng + ide + indulge pastine + pursue + rcreaton + respite + na when the fie broke out. | The beginnings of modern leisure anyone who vals persoraleedom to ole aga hi repos the suggestion tom te leader othe opposition and sai thatthe ‘overent woud conser carly. dot hrom how Lz can n= to work at hat lace ave dear gol to are wth te Ten Hour | 3 ‘rc work at te nd ofthe day ae i Say and ensured tat workers got Same ‘rom between a 01s has to norase: Phrasal verbs F Mate to make sentonces. supe | send at of testa | G Complete using a pirasal ver with a word from box Ain the ight form and a wor from box B. You x B more than once Al ate ge take war to + of «on = oat * H. The phrasal verb got into has a meaning connected tothe idea of becoming imohved in. ‘uation Tick the sentences where the phvacal orb has a meaning connected to simi Phrases, patterns and collocations |. One word in ech sentence is incorrect. Undertine the incorrect word and write the correct word Ive decid four local sviming tear. 4 5 6 7 8 8 - 1. You shoud pen rings mare carta nat jus act with empl al te tne. J Cree the corect word The future of leisure other acts they choose / decide / opt: Wo can expect to see increased per / dacision / option. The range of sure | actions / hobbies / pursuits wi have te (7) decision / ation / preference enjoyment / leisure / relaxation | ay / recreation / rest the rei ot one of neraased sure, tent won be for (10) need / desire / want of cemend, 1 oar the bos ai that Marin sways tes pat When Er aly tart to mae 2 important that poole fe they can exercise Yur fe 0 ate at Im aad we have no he gate and came se, assured tat hot sop Ie he person who damaged the schol ey, F Idioms L_ Complete using the words inthe box tutenes * end © = pany + potato * spi ony hans 9 he TF ey. Word formation [M Complete the sentences by changing the form ofthe word in capitals, + atin tobe abit iable + do motive + play prter » rel may akeadybe aware of Marston Coucts‘Ge Act! camoaign. We'd Ihe to tke this pporunty to rerind you fhe campaign and to gh you some sole sto hep you aye family sot active. * tsimpossble to ‘o tar of wih god rte id enercsg toga: 889 femal can he you Some verbs form noune us ing -ence, a in preference. Some form nouns using ance, Put nouns formed from the following words in the corect category, secs ated Bow aoe soy ear sepear (asset books coming 1 be ely fo be able to comple You might fee! ke ging up, bt xe pra esto von the sou, sting was justo minor disagrees going cates shosing with Caro ~ hes so ss Hat He takes hors to fi a 4 n'a e oe tng sot te 0 25 ou deste mse a sersn, bid eye casera game ot gl ‘SPORT ® " have word tat th hdren 2A lari the covet fe essen tan oe via is ens bout is hearing, MOVE (mark per answer) Complete using the words in the box nthe corect form. You wll not need one ofthe words bedrooms can ha Teenage rsoace hs wedses such as MySpace hee (8) af, age fo ilo and span bos 9 day and ight centre * get + go + prom + mess © pck + seck © tke + warm 27 We've never ey. or camping olay, have we Susan? 28 Thepet rowrd a group of pensioners in (0 mark per answer 29, See ulster Dont i, wit you 30 it ets song at rt bit realy ‘me recent sentence using the 31 Could you me kom schoo 3 ha bear ee “ 32. Thefist ume cfher aobicereony 33. Well ced ten minutes or st up 34 Stop aout (0 mark per answer) E choose the correct answer. sone atoe 35 get so strossed at work itshad som ot yours to 13. oes oy oto ; i oennes 4m gong to enjoy mysel row the exams are over! sai Hei air Sane Done now te exams were ove rounded by fre enges, rst "on the uray as mediately How sad she 140 Jen asked Todt rewasever Chetad ever Bwastewe — Dhadte ever stoppet onthe una, was immediate doesnt us Youkacu what they 41 The play wasr very good butt wasnt very br the spect ster Asay speak Mes Chee it hoppened. atat Dstate B Mediocre OM ao 18 Lacie Dee aa hata buy tard now re 238 Theintereweresied 42 the questo, !Does your heart (2 marks por answer] B that he answer 12temes arswerag C Complete the sentences by changing the form ofthe word in capita to genset eases. TEND be gen treatment at an apt jst becouse (marie por anewen) | 150 | Total marks. rag haben witha am the

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