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Name (photo)

Contact number
Email address

I. Certification

Registered Aircraft Mechanic (Airframe and Powerplant)

License Number: __________
Issued By: Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines

II. Work Experience

Company :
Address :
Position :
Inclusive dates :

Company :
Address :
Position :
Inclusive dates :
**list all work experience**

III. Detailed Work Experience

1. Company (inclusive date)

Detailed work experience

 Perform all maintenance tasks, routine and non-routine of Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Schiebel S-
100 camcopter
 Certify and release to service of UAV Schiebel S-100 at the highest quality and safety standard
 Retrofit of Schiebel S100 Camcopter to Al Sabr U200

2. Company (inclusive date)

Detailed work experience

IV. Aircraft Experience

Boeing Aircrafts:

Airbus Aircrafts:

Other Aircrafts:

V. Trainings Attended

Topic – Date - Company

VI. Educational Background

Tertiary (Name of School/Address)

(School Year attended)
Secondary ___________

Elementary ___________

VII. References

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