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• Chemical literature

-Types of article

• Searching the chemical literature

-Chemical Abstracts - Scifinder Scholar
-Science Citation Index – Web of Knowledge
Literature 1 - Purpose

• The sharing of knowledge

-Years ago (before 1800) scientific results were kept a secret.

-In the middle of the eighteen hundreds the first scientific journals were
started in Germany, France and England.
-Today the sharing of knowledge among specialists, is a foundation stone of

• “Two hours in the library saves you months in the lab.”

-It is not scientific, not practical and just plain stupid not to investigate the
literature before you start a research project.
-You risk doing a lot of work only to find out later that other people have
already described this in the literature.

• There are several hundred journals within chemistry alone.

-Organic chemistry has been around for More than 150 years with as we
know it today.
-Millions of pages are published in journals every year
-There are also patents and lots of other published work such as textbooks
-How are we to navigate through all of this?
Literature 2 – Types of publications
• Primary literature (new results).
-Research papers, In journals, peer-reviewed, new results.

• Communications (letters)
-Interim results.
-Often a full paper is published later.
• Full papers/articles.
-More thorough investigation than communications.

• New results, the same as research papers.
• For the protection of copyrights.
• N.B. not peer-reviewed.
-Dissertations (masters, Ph.D., thesis).
-Lectures/posters at conferences.

• Secondary literature
-Reviews (in journals, peer-reviewed).
• Fast introduction to a new topic, often up-to-date.
• Book/series of books/encyclopedias on a single topic
• Often older information.
• Handbook with a collection of experimental procedures, good for standard
Literature 3 – Chemical handbooks

• CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

-Good source of information for physical chemistry
• Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry
-Gives descriptions of chemical reactions and reagents.
• Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Chemistry
-Description on how to make common reagents.
• Purification of Organic Laboratory Chemicals
-How to purify common organic compounds.
• Aldrich and Lancaster chemical catalogue
-Has density, boiling point, melting point molecular weight.
-Aldrich has separate reference book for spectra on (NMR, IR)
-Lancaster has some references literature to show how the chemical can be used.
• Organic Syntheses
-Has information on many typical reactions.
-Organic Syntheses is online at
Literature 4 – Journals
• Publishing House
-A publisher issues many journals with different topics.
-American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Wiley and Elsevier.
-Almost all are in English, older chemical literature is often in German or French.
• Journals
-Different quality (cutting edge science or “boring” results).
-Different impact factor (how many people read and refer to articles in the journal).
-Different contents (topics and kind of articles).

• Printed editions in the library of the biggest/most important chemical journals.

-Printed editions are expensive to buy and to store. Therefore only until 2002.
• Since 1995 (almost) everything is online as PDF-files
-Some publishers even have PDF-files of their entire archives (ACS).
-Search either or the list from our library’s website
-Online access from Kemisk Institut or the Statsbiblioteket with a login (library ticket).
• Copies of articles in journals that cannot be found online or in the library can be ordered by
the librarian or by the Statsbiblioteket
-Takes around a week.
-Might cost money
-Typically it will not be necessary for Kemi23
Literature 5 – The road to a publication
• Simplified process from idea to publication
-Idea for a project.
-Literature search (must also be done continuously).
-Experimental work.
-The manuscript/paper is written.
-Submitted to a publishing house.
-Editor sends the manuscript to expert reviewers in that area (peer-review).
-Reviewers comment on the manuscript and indicate whether it should be accepted for
-The manuscript is changed according to their suggestions. Perhaps additional
experiments are needed.
-The corrected manuscript is send out.
-The article is published, often first on the net as PDF-file and then in printed edition.

• Peer-review maintains a high scientific standard

-Impartial experts (as reviewers) check the manuscript for errors etc.
-The identity of the reviewer is secret.
-Cutting edge research can be published in the best journals (JACS and Angewante).
-Good, but not as exciting results go to journals of lower standard.
-Insufficient, faulty or very bad results cannot be published and are neglected.
Literature 6 – Full papers
• Bibliography information
-Periodical name, year, volume, page
List of students who did the work either in order of who did the most work or
Corresponding author (usually the professor) his name is marked with a star
-Date received, date accepted
• Abstract
-Short summary on the nature of the work.
• Introduction
-Gives the background information for the paper including previous work done and why
the research has been carried out.
• Results
-List of the results obtained in experiments
• Discussion
-Discussion of what the results mean and maybe a theory to explain them.
• Conclusion
-Short conclusion summarising the important points of the paper.
• Experimental section
-Experimental procedures and characterisation of compounds
-List of information used, either in footnotes or at end of paper.
• Supporting information
-PDF file of NMR spectra or crystallographic information.
Literature 7 – Full paper
Literature 8 – Communications
• Communications are much shorter than full papers.
-They are often only 2 pages long although in some journals they can be up to
five pages.
-It is common for a communication to be published first to claim an area for
yourself and then for a full paper to follow.
-Supporting information is generally not included in the paper but in
supplementary information.
Literature 9 – Kemitidsskrifter
• Some journals are better than others!

• Nature and Science are the best (not easy to get organic chemistry in here!)

• Reviews subjects within chemistry

-Chemical Reviews (Chem. Rev.)
-Chemical Society Reviews (Chem. Soc. Rev.)
-Accounts of Chemical Research (Acc. Chem. Res.)

• The best journals for organic chemistry

-Journal of American Chemical Society (J. Am. Chem. Soc. – JACS)
-Angewante Chemie (Angew. Chem. – Angewante)
-Journal of Organic Chemistry (J.Org.Chem – JOC)
-Chemistry – A European Journal (Chem.Eur. J.)
-European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Eur. J. Org. Chem.)
-Chemical Communications (Chem. Commun. – ChemComm)
-Tetrahedron (Tetrahedron)
-Tetrahedron Letters (Tetrahedron Lett. – Tetlett/TL)
-Organic Letters (Org. Lett.)
-Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry (Org. Bioorg. Chem.)
• New, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1 and J. Chem. Soc. Perkin
Trans. 2. combined
Literature 10 - Referencer
• In scientific literature (and others) all references used must be given. Otherwise
you are guilty of plagiarism.

• Two different styles of writing references.

-American (ACS – American Chemical Society)

• Katsuki, K; Sharpless, K.B; J.Am.Chem.Soc., 1980, 102, 5974

Surname, Initial; journal abbreviation, year (bold), volume (italics),
page number.

-European (RSC – Royal Society of Chemistry (British))

• G. Pattenden and G.M. Robertson, Tetrahedron Lett., 1986, 27, 399

Initial. Surname, journal abbreviation (italics), year, volume (bold),
page number.

-It is important to choose one style and keep the style consistent when writing
your references..
Literature searching 1 - Problem
• There are millions of articles, books and other sources of information about

• How do you find the information you require?

-You are searching for a needle in a haystack.

• In the old days:

-Large collections of books were used.
-Indexes could be searched by hand for compound names or subject.
-This was very slow and difficult to search through.
-Reference books were only updated every year or less.

• Now: we have online databases

-Books are almost obsolete!
-Incredible tool, has revolutionised the way we search for literature.
• Can search for reaction type or structures
• Find articles online in PDF format.
-Most are online here in the department.
Information retrieval 2 – Chemical Abstracts

• Chemical Abstracts
-Huge database with abstracts from pretty much all chemical publications
(articles, patents and others).
-All compounds have an unique CAS Registry Number.
-Used to be indexed in books – now it’s online.

• Online database – Scifinder Scholar

-CAS Registry (1957-) >24 million org/inorg. compounds.
-References (1907-) >23 million articles, patents (contains abstracts).
->9.000 journals indexed.
-Updates daily, >400 new compounds, >3000 new references.
-Reactions (1840-) >8 million reactions.
-Also has an index of >800 chemical catalogues.
-Also can search in the pubmed-database (life sciences).
Information retrieval 3 – Scifinder Scholar
• Advantages
-Access to the entire Chemical Abstracts database.
-Biggest chemical database. Contains by far the most journals and patents.
-Updates daily.
-Search for keywords in abstract/keywords, structures, publishers and
additional bibliographic information.
-Shows abstract from the article, references in the article and references to
the article (citations).
-Many possibilities to search and choose from in the hits.
• e.g. only reviews, only newer than 2001 etc.
-Many possibilities to help sort out and analyze hits.
-ChemPort to online articles, many articles can be found easily and quickly
without having to go to the library or the publishers homepage.

• Disadvantages
-Unfortunately only one user at a time for the entire chemistry department as
licenses are so expensive.
• Easiest access in the late afternoon/evening.
Information Retrieval 4 – Beilstein

• Old German database for chemical searches

-Has existed since 1881.

-Can search for structures, reactions and chemical information (such as melting
point, boiling point and density).

-Access Beilstein through Crossfire server.

-Crossfire also lets you use Gmelin (inorganic chemistry).

• Beilstein database

-Organic reactions and structures (1771-Present) >8 million structures and >10
million reactions.

-Can access physical, chemical and biological properties. >20 million. Properties.

->175 periodical indexes.

-Updates every 3 days.

Literature search 5 – Crossfire Beilstein

• Advantages

-Centred around organic chemistry.

-Easy to search for structures as well as substructures.
-Can also search for specific reactions.
-Also shows physical and chemical properties with literature references for
NMR data and experimental procedures.
-Possible to search for distinct catalysts or solvents for more specific
-Can find required article with one click using the literature link.

• Disadvantages

-No abstracts from before 1980

-The literature link often does not work even though the article is available
-The database does not include all journals so you can’t rely on the results as
being comprehensive.
Literature seach 6 – Web of Knowledge

• Science Citation Index

-Database of publications and references
-Lots of access, (unlike scifinder)
-Also contains
• Impact Factors
-How ”good” is a journal
• Advantages
-Often updated
-Has more than only science
-Can search for key words in abstract, authors or document
-Shows abstract of article and references
-Can also check new articles which cite the article you are interested in.
-Easy to get the full text of articles

• Disadvantages
-No articles before 1945.
-Can not search using structures only text.
Literature searching 7 - Diverse
• Other online databases:

-SDBS – spectra (including NMR) of many simple compounds.

-KIROS – Chemistry departments chemical register and safety data.
-Pubmed – life science (biochemistry, microbiology and medicine)
-Broomhilda – list of books in the chemistry department library.
-Google scholar: ok for general or quick searches

• When you look for experimental procedures:

-Start out with Beilstein which is often the easiest.

-Always find more than one – preferable 3-4 different methods. Compare and
choose the best (easy, safe, fast, cheap, high yield and purity).
-Don’t underestimate the usefulness of looking in books instead of searching
for articles.
-Check references carefully when a relevant article is found.
-Get the procedure approved by the instructor before you start the syntheses.

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