Final Speech Investiture

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Ceremonial Inauguration of the BiPSU & Investiture of its

1st President, Dr. Victor C. Canezo, Jr.
August 28, 2019 | BiPSU Gymnasium

Weaving the Future of BiPSU’s future: Moving Forward!

(Long list of greetings)

Ladies and gentlemen, / it is with GREAT humility, / STRONG

commitment, / and a BURNING passion / and commitment that I
ACCEPT / the presidency / of the Biliran Province State
University. o //r BiPSU.

It was back in 2017 / that I was first given the challenge / of

becoming to be the caretaker of this university, / albeitthough not
yet full-fledged at that time. // Looking back, / I have realized the
significance of two values, / which I consider nuggets of wisdom
/ and which I feel I have to share with you todaythese nuggets of
wisdom that I feel I have to share. // These are / gGratitude / &
and lLearning. //

The progress of the uUniversity / is owed to its people. // The
faculty, / the & staffemployees, / the the students, / and even the
the community, the alumni, / and all other people who have
extended their assistance / to the institution’s plans and
programs / especially to Hon. Rogelio J. Espina, / Governor and
former Congressman, / now GovernorrRepresentative of the
Province of Biliran, / now governor (photos of Escudero and
Duterte) and the principal author of the Republic Act 11170, / an
AACT / renaming Naval State University to BiPSUBiliran
Province State University. // Likewise, / to the past former / and
the present members of the Board of Regents / headed by then
/ Chairperson J. Prospero De Vera III, / and now Commissioner
Aldrin A. Darilag. // The university / We would not have become
/ what it is todaybe who we are now, / without you. // You are /
the lifeblood of this university. //

This university / has been surviving the test of time / since 1946,
/ when in which we started as a secondary institution. // True, /
we have almost been castigated put down / by a number of
challenges, / big and small, / from left to right, but we have
emerged victorious every time, / bringing and have learnedwith
us / lessons as our battle scars. // THERE IS NO DEFEAT IN Formatted: Font: 16 pt, Bold

LEARNING. // Formatted: Font: 16 pt

Today, / we face an exciting / and challenging times / as we are

in the midst of a dawning/ of a new era promising phases in
higher education. // The commitment of my administration / is

“What are the marks of en can you say that you have a
successful presidency? / “How will you I shepherd the this
university?” / I am sure tThese are the very may be the questions
that plagueare in your have now in minds. //. My response is
sisimple, / it’s when the stakeholders / —- students, employees,
faculty members, alumni, and the community can proudly / and
loudly could say / WOW BiPSU!//.

But the next question iss is, / hHow? // In order to achieve this, /
we have crafted our new vision and mission / and the strategic
direction / dubbed / as the WOW BiPSU / or WEAVE OF
WORTHINESS / for Biliran Province State University. //

The notion of weaving, / which is the central theme / of this

development plan, / is an inspiration from my mother, / Mrs. Lolita
Catigbe Cañezo, / who is a mat weaver / and the first person who
taught me / the intricate / yet / creative art / and beauty of
weaving. // Weaving mats / wasbecomes my mother’s source of
income and livelihood, / with my father / working , who works as
a farmer by dawn / and a fisherman by dusk. //
It is more than just the an art of creating a handicraft / or a
beautiful masterpiece out of raw materials. // Seeing my “Nanay”
doing this craft / almost every day, , / I understood its intricate
and sacrificial nature, / from carefully choosing / and
meticulously preparation preparing of the materials, / to the
tediously processing / and of arranging the multi-colored strips
of raw materials. // I truly understood / ; that for every piece of
woven mat finished, / my siblings and I/ will would no longer go
to school / with an empty stomachs / and that we wcould survive
the in the next few days.; // For me, / weaving symbolizes / the
helped knitting of our hopes / and dreams , not only for myself,
but also for myfor our family. //

Without weaving, / all there would will be / are , were just strands
of raw materials, / which alonedo not achieve any practical
purpose / by themselves. // It requires sustained efforts, / dido
not serve achieve any practical purpose by themselves. The
materials It requireds the sustained efforts, sheer focus, / and
strategic planning. // In order to achieve something for the
university / and create a to be turned into something useful. In
order to achieve the vision of something for the university and
create a masterpiece / marked by excellence and quality, / we
should start weaving our goals, / plans, / and programs. //

As the university transitions / and embarks / on a new chapter of

to another page of its history, / it also transcends / from the
previous banner program of the this administration, / the NSU is
YOU! / to the WoW BiPSU! / “Transcend” / because it never left
the NSU is YOU! Program /s is still there in the very core of this
universitybehind. // But we have moved to a higher purpose, /
thus, / coming Instead, we integrated them intoup / with a new /
and comprehensive development plan. // If NSU is YOU /
evokeds the concept of family, / claiming that the school / was
an integrated and holistic unit, / as a family the WoW BiPSU
carries with it / the pride of what the uUniversity has achieved /
and will ever still achieve. //
The interjection WoW, / which can be spelled out / as Weave of
Worthiness,/ specifically sends a social gospel / that a university
serves as the thread of support / for human empowerment / and
societal development. // The WoW BiPSU / echoes the goals / of
the different global trends / and standards / such as the ASEAN
Integration schemes, / Global Innovation Index, / and the
internationalization efforts / of the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) / and the collective long-term vision / and
aspirations / of the Filipinos / through the AmBisyon Natin 2040
/ by ensuring / “Matatag, / Maginhawa, / at Panatag na Buhay” /
and integrating moving the education arena/ toward the Fourth
Industrial Revolution in Education. //

These weaves / cover the four-fold functions of the university, /

namely / research,/ instruction,/ production, / and extension. //

As we envision / to become a university / leading in research /

and innovation, / we look forward / tto establishing industry-
responsive research / and development programs / and initiate
research-based activities / attuned with the Harmonized National
R&D Agenda (2017–-20220) / and the development plans of
Biliran Province / and Eastern Visayas. // Years from now, / we
envision / to have establish / anothermore research centers; / to
exponentially increasesinge / our students and faculty research
outputts,, - completed and published, studies of our students and
faculty -researchers / both completed, / published, / and
externally-funded; / to ; produceinge more utility models / and
even patents / innovations registered under to the Intellectual
Property of the Philippines; / and to strengtheningcommercialize
/ our research outputs its commercialization efforts. // We also
aim / to have a journal database / and to increaseinge the
engagement / of both of the faculty and students / to in research-
based activities, ; / and to sustaining / the international category
accreditation / of its peer-reviewed journal, / the Journal of
Science and Technology (JST) /, as accredited / by CHED, / and
to apply under for the Asian Citation Index (ACI). //
In terms of instruction, / the university targets / to develop a
culture of competence/ and innovation / among students, /
faculty, / and staff / who can beare responsive to the needs of
the industry. //, Likewise, / the students or the graduates / can s
start-up self-employment or enterprises, / and be scientifically-
educable, / and technologically-trainable,/ and socially-
responsible / in their chosen fieldadvocating positive values,
sustainable development, social responsibility in their chosen
field of endeavor. // In doing so, / the university will be
recognized / Our aim is for the university to be recognized as
SUC Level IV, / Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA)
Certified, / AACCUP Institutional Level Accredited, / sustain its
ISO 9001:2015 Institutional Certification, and have at least / 2
programs accredited / as Center of Development (COD) / and
sustain / the ISO 9001:2015 Institutional Certification. //. We will
also be applying for AACCUP Institutional Accreditation and aim
to achieve Internationalization Development Level I. Continuous
and sustainable capability building activities among its teaching
workforce will also be done, as well as the modernization of
academic buildings and classrooms, and implementing blended
learning in instruction.

As a response toward internationalization / and globalization in

the academe, / the university will continue to strengthen / and
expand its partnership / with international industries / and
universities / for cross-border student-faculty mobility, /
internships, / and exchange programs. // We intend to establish
are also open to accepting international students in the university
and to designing an English Language and Korean Institute / in
our efforts to achieve Internationalization Development Level I
status by the CHED International Affairs Staff (IAS). //

I believe / that the success of our students is / tantamounts to a

well-woven mat / that is in demand in the market, / and so our
graduates— / – the BiPSUnistas / will also becomeis are also in
demand in the work force.// Hence, / this administration / pledges
to inculcate in them / the core values of the university— / -
UNITY. //, by initiating programs and projects that will develop
students’ highest reach out their potentials.
Moreover, / eEqually vital important for their great contribution
tofor the university, / we also recognize the role of our alumni /
as this administration is serious / by fully reviving the link
between the alumni and the university. // I challenge the alumni
/ of this University/ that finally / after a decade, / you could send
a representative to sit in the Board. // Likewise, / I envision / to
through strengthen ing ithe ts graduates’ tracer study, / and
particularly reaching out to the alumni / who are now residing
abroad. // As, such, / as we willmay could establish/ an active
BiPSU Alumni Association - USA Chapter / and and counterparts
in or maybe in other parts of the world,/ where they are situated.
Recognizing its greatest resource, / we are determined / to hire
competent human resourcecapital; / i. This is also to announce
that the administration is currently working on the scrapping of
unfilled plantilla items, which will be used in building new
positions that the university requires. Along with this, we are
positive that the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing
Standards for SUCs (ROSSSS) will help us to realign and
promote our existing non-teaching personnel within the next one
to three years; implement comprehensive capability building
workshops / for our faculty and employees; / intensify the
performance management system / through improved human
resource; / and fully transform the culture of excellence / through
a gratifying rewards and recognition. / This is true / to our
milestone of being awarded / by the Civil Service Commission /
in the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in
Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) Maturity Level II
/ and soon aiming for the Level III. // by the Civil Service
Commission (CSC).
Apparent to being a land mark of a progressive university, / we
are committed / to crafting a Land Use and Development
Infrastructure Program (LUDIP), / which promotes a well-
planned, / efficient, / and functional infra and IT development, /
an industry-engaged production, / and infrastructure projects /
such as the completion of Technology Building, / Student Center,
/ and the construction of Nursing and Health and Sciences
Building, / Automotive and Garage Building, / and the
Administration Building. // Moreover, / the new BiPSU façade, /
which symbolizes the gateway of towering accomplishments /
and embodies our strong desire / for an e-BiPSU, / in a turnstile,
- features / an automated system / providing students, / faculty, /
and employees / access to relevant information and services /
such as viewing of grades,/ bills, / and the human resource
information system. //

In our extension external campus in Biliran, / which is an

agricultural college, / we look forward to provide facilities / and
laboratories / that will strengthen the four core functions / such
as / the rehabilitation of the fish pond / through a research grant
/ by the Department of Agriculture, / the establishment / of the
Center for Turmeric or Ginger Resource Management / for
Enhanced Research Innovation and Conservation / by the
DOST- NICER Program, / the construction of the the
construction of infra projects such as the Research and
Academic Building, / and the establishments of the Vegetable
Production Area, / Tropical Greenhouses, / Forest Nursery Area,
Forest Department Building Complex, / Feed Mill, / Piggery, / and
Waste Treatment Ponds, Agro-tourism Ssite, Agro-industrial
Economic Site, Agroforestry Economic Zone. //, and Turmeric
Production Area.

Through research-based extension activities, / we seek to

promote stronger university-industry / and demand-driven
community linkages / for Biliran and neighboring localities / within
the Eastern Visayas region / focusing on the promotion and
operationalization ofand the transfer of technologies / and
innovations / to the target beneficiaries for the improvements of
their quality of lifeliving conditions. // Additionally, we will soon be
an OP/PEZA-declared reservation site for SEZ Development
and the SEZ Institute for Eastern Visayas and increaseing the
number of our extension projects and activities by forging
partnerships to with different government and private

From fibers and threads / to colors and prints, / the WoW BiPSU
/ weaves its vision/ into a state university / leading in research
and innovation / for human empowerment/ and societal
development. // Years will pass, / and this intricate art of weaving/
tempered with the concerted efforts / of the BiPSU family /
espoused with the support of its stakeholders / will surely lead to
realization. // And most specially, / this will be crystalized / by a
leader / who has a sheer passion / and untainted commitment /
in working with his people. // Thus, / I would like to underscore /
this realistic quotation that says, / “Being a real leader / doesn’t
mean you’re the one who knows how to do it all. // It means /
you’re the one / who knows how to get it done, / which always
means/ working together / with the talents and skills of others.” //

It is my sincere prayer / that the same support, / that the BiPSU

family gave to the NSU is YOU program / will also be accorded
to the WoW BiPSU. //

Time and time again, / I emphasize / the VICTOR’S FORMULA

OF SUCCESS. // This formula can be applied / regardless of
your role the role you play in the your workplace. //

Victor’s Formula of Success

Victory = Competence+Character+Connectivity

Competence / is the ability to do, / Character / refers to one’s

attitude, / and Connectivity / refers to the network of significant
people you meet. / Competence coupled with the right character/
towards work / and how you deal with people / and expanding
your network / willould surely make you a real VICTOR. // More
than that, / I personally believe / that one’s victory /, is also
determined by the number of lives you have touched / and
transformed / and changed and that is the real test of
significance. //

Together, / let us continue making a difference / in the lives of

others transforming the lives of others. // With this
administration’s clear vision / and strategic direction, / I am
looking forward to working with you in the next days, / weeks, /
months, / and years of my administration. // It is also my fervent
prayer to God, / as I quote / Psalm 25:4–-5, / “Show me Your
ways, / O LORD, / teach me your paths; / guide me in your truth
/ and teach me, / for you are God my savior, / and my hope / is
in you / all the day long.” //

Again, / for the greater glory of God / and for the good of
humanity, / let’s start weaving for worthiness / of Biliran Province
State University / and together, soon, / we can say, / WoW
BiPSU! //

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