Marketing Plan American Telephone and Telegraph Inc.: 1.0 Executive Summary

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Marketing Plan American

Telephone and
1.0 Executive Summary Telegraph Inc.
AT and T also known as American
telephone and Telegraph Company is a
multinational conglomerate holding
company it is the world’s largest
telecommunications company. Aside
from this AT and T also is the largest 2.0 Situation Analysis
mobile telephone services and the largest
provider of fixed phone services in the AT and T is has been in operation since
United States through AT and T 1983. Customers using its services and
communications. AT and T as of 2018 products have reported that they are very
has currently 153 million wireless satisfied in using the company’s said
subscribers and has a voice coverage in services and products, further marketing
more than 225 countries with data and development is needed to increase
coverage in 210 countries. Since AT and satisfaction levels as well as increase the
T already has established itself as the amount of subscribers. AT and T offers
largest telecommunications service numerous and products in relation to
provider, it is easier for the company to telecommunications such landline
be able to market itself as well as have phones and data roaming services.
the resources to do so. The company is
capable of fully dominating the 2.1 Market Summary
telecommunications industry with the
right marketing strategy and business
model. AT and T needs to have further AT and T has extensive information
enhance their wire and wireless regarding the market and the industry in
connections as there is still the lingering general having been operating for 36
threat from major competitors such as T- years. This information would enable to
Mobile and Verizon. It also needs to know customer’s needs as well as the
expand its reach in asia particularly in complaints of each customer.
south east asia where people are less or
even unaware of the company’s
existence, it needs to have a presence in
Target Markets
this region to be able to dominate the
 Communications
2.1.1 Market Demographics communication needs. The company seeks
to fulfill customer needs such as:
The profile for the typical AT and T
customers consist of the following:  Quality connection. Subscribers
have complained regarding the
quality of the connection as they
 AT and T although based in the USA cannot understand the
is a multinational company spanning representatives.
in 225 countries around the globe
 Good Communication skills.
 Target population is at least 160 Subscribers have complained that the
million representative’s communication
skills in English have been lacking.

2.1.3 Market Trends
 Many of the subscribers of AT and T
come from the United States AT and T would distinguish themselves by
delivering Products and Services that are of
 Most of the customers that use AT highest quality while also giving the
and T are aged under 24 many of the subscribers a quality of service that would
customers are of African American be unique only to the company. The number
descent. of subscribers are not limited to one country,
continent or age group indicating a presence
in the world market. AT and T has products
Behavior Factors related to telecommunications for virtually
every subscriber. There is a growing
 Subscribers emphasizes the
demand for a better quality of service from
importance of having good
the subscribers of AT and T and in the
communication skills particularly in
market in general. Market demand dictates
for better quality connection as well as good
communication skills from representatives
 Subscribers seem to value the
as these are the main problems that the
importance of having a good quality
subscribers have encountered. With this
connection between them and the
information it is expected that rival
companies would make moves and decisions
to improve in these two areas in order to
 Subscribers are willing to be patient
gain a competitive advantage over the
with representatives that have
difficulty explaining

2.1.2 Market Needs 2.1.4 Market Growth

AT and T is providing its customers with a With the ever increasing improvement and
variety of services and products for their development of telecommunications
technology as well as the increase of  Participation within an ever-growing
awareness of it the market growth will see a industry
steady increase in the years to come with  Possible Increase in profits due to an
sales expecting to rise as more people ever increase in potential subscribers
subscribe. Market growth indicates an  Ability to control the market due to
increase in-spite of issue regarding quality sheer size and reach
of service.

2.2.4 Threats
 High level of competition can
The following SWOT Analysis captures the result in difficulty attracting
key strengths and weaknesses within the more subscribers
company and describes the opportunities
and threats facing AT and T.  A slump in the economy which
could result in subscribers having
to cancel their services and
2.2.1 Strengths decrease product sales

 Largest Telecommunications
company in the world  Natural Disasters that could
possibly destroy
 Ranks second in the telecommunications
Telecommunications industry infrastructure

 Giant network of wired and wireless

access capabilities and has access to
2.3 Competition
latest developments in
telecommunications technology AT and T has numerous competitors
in the market, companies like
Verizon which is currently leading
2.2.2 Weaknesses
the telecommunications industry.
 Not all regions have good quality This amount of competition within
connections(line) the industry will only increase as
more telecommunication companies
 Representatives usually come from are being set up across the world.
business process outsourcing this However AT and T has an advantage
may result in a decline in the over other competitors which is its
understanding between subscriber longevity and foothold in the
and representative. industry. This enables AT and T to
be less threatened by incoming
competition due to its sheer size and
2.2.3 Opportunities reach in the global market.
2.4 Product offering As an already established business
with a long history, AT and T still
AT and T offers several products and
has critical issues in:
 Development of
 Fixed Telephone service.
This service has been the
Infrastructure in other
staple of AT and T for
decades this allows
subscribers to have a
 Pursue a more viable
telephone line which enables
business strategy that would
them to communicate with
enable it to dominate the
other people who has access
global market
to a telephone line
 Constantly monitor customer
 Internet service. AT and T
satisfaction, ensuring the
provides stable internet
effectiveness of growth
connection as well as a the
strategies being applied.
internet package of the
subscribers’ choice
3.0 Marketing Strategy
 Mobile plans and devices.
The Key to the marketing strategy
AT and T offers a variety of
will focus on better quality
mobile phone products with a
connection and better representative-
plan of the subscribers choice
subscriber relations, AT and T can
approximately cover 40% of the total
2.5 Keys to success telecommunications market because
of how long it has already been in
The Keys to success are offering
the industry and its sheer size and
products and services as well as
reach in the global market. AT and T
developing telecommunications
is able to provide services and
infrastructure and representatives to
products to satisfy each market
meet market demand and increase
segment. Its products are useful to all
customer satisfaction. If these keys
segments of the market.
are achieved AT and T would see a
dramatic increase in profits as well
as gain more popularity in the global
3.1 Mission
AT and T’s mission is to provide the
subscriber with high quality service
2.6 Critical Issues and products that are suitable for
their telecommunication needs.
3.2 Marketing Objectives company with good service it is only
necessary that AT and T should
 Maintain positive, strong
focus on maintaining its current
growth each quarter (not
subscribers to prevent further losses.
withstanding seasonal sales
3.5 Positioning
 Achieve a steady increase in
customer satisfaction and The positioning will be achieve
growth in the number of because of its quality and reliability.
subscribers AT and T have designed and
assembled a highly network that
 Increase brand awareness and enables you to have a convenient
decrease acquisition costs. services. It means that we deliver
internet and other services that
provide communications. AT and T
3.3 Financial Objectives
communications became one of the
 Increase the profit margin by core sales units which means that
1% per quarter through they provide lower prices to compete
efficiency and economy of with the other companies.
scale gains.

 Maintain a significant 3.6 Strategies

research and development
budget (as a percentage The marketing strategy that will be
relative to sales) to spur used is through advertising in this
future products way people will be aware of the AT
developments. and T products quality and services
to have their opportunity to purchase.
 Achieve steady growth in It is not about the demand but also of
profits for the next 3-5 years. its quality. And the last method that
will be use is through social media or
website that will be sent out to the
3.4 Target Markets customers, and we are stating the
facts of AT and T fast connections.
With the telecommunications market
This strategies will help us to
having approximately 7 billion users
promote our products and generally
word-wide this is still increasing. AT
accepted as something specified.
and T aims to expand its reach in the
These strategies will seek to
market by promoting its brand and
communicate because of its
the products and services that it can
usefulness and well known product.
offer to potential subscribers. With
increase in population and more
people seeking a telecommunications
3.7 Marketing Program
AT and T Telecommunications areas will be monitored to gauge
comprised of the following: Pricing, performance:
Quality, Advertising, Services, and
 Customer satisfaction:
monthly and annual

 New Product Development

• Pricing - Set the price very
affordable to the users.
5.1 Implementation
• Quality - Very useful and long
lasting products offers high The following milestones identify
improvement. the key marketing programs. It is
important to accomplish each one on
• Advertising - Different types of
time and on budget.
method to promote the product.
• Services - Achieve to be well
mannered and approachable to the 5.2 Marketing Organization
The Head of Marketing will be
• Convenience - Located in a place responsible for marketing activities.
that is nearby and easy to get to.

5.3 Contingency Planning

3.8 Marketing Research
Difficulties and Risks
We conducted marketing research as
 Problems in maintaining
of AT and T Telecommunication to
customer satisfaction
test its entire product and it
 Being outpaced in
simplifies that it has a lot of
technological advancements
improvements such as fast
by competitors
connection, and reliable to all users.
Those feedbacks led to the
conclusion that the quality is being Worst-Case Risks
better than before, AT and T
telecommunication allowing us to do  Determining that the business
something in easiest way and to cannot support itself on an
provide all our needs through ongoing basis.
communications.  Having to liquidate
equipment, property or
intellectual capital to cover
5.0 Controls
The purpose of AT and T’s
marketing plan is to serve as a guide
for the organization. The following

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