Internship Report On "The Travel Memoria's Functions and Roles in Tourism Industry."

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Internship report

“The Travel Memoria’s functions and roles in Tourism Industry.”

Submitted to:
Prof. Mojib Uddin Ahmed, Ph.D.
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:
Md. Zahidul Islam
Student ID:54
Program BBA
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka

Submission date: 10 April, 2019

I do here by solemnly declare that the work presented in this internship report has been carried
out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other university/ college/ organization
for an academic qualification/ certificate / diploma or degree.

The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright and no portion of this report is
copied from any work done for degree or otherwise.

I further undertake to indemnify the department against any loss or damage arising from breach
of the foregoing obligations.


Md. Zahidul Islam

Id: 54, Section: B
Batch: 21st
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka.

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Supervisor’s Certificate

This is to certify that the Internship Report on “The Travel Memoria’s functions and roles in
Tourism Industry.” has completed by Md. Zahidul Islam, Id: 054, as a partial fulfillment of the
requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the department of
Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Dhaka.

The report has been prepared under my guidance and is a record of the bona fide work carried

Prof. Mojib Uddin Ahmed, PhD
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka.

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April 10, 2019

Prof. Mojib Uddin Ahmed, PH. D
Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management.
University of Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Sir,
With due respect to I beg to submit my internship report. I have done the report on under your
active supervision. My study is to reveals the functions and roles of Travel Memoria in tourism
Indeed, this is a practical and significant topic I tried my best to gather necessary information with
regard to this issue and arrange them sequentially.
I must be admitted that without your kind hearted co-operation and proper guidance it would have
been impossible on my part to prepare this report, so I express my gratitude to you for your helpful
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would accept my report considering my efforts and constraints
and I am ready to explain anything to you if you feel necessary.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Zahidul Islam

Id: 54, Batch: 21st
Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka.

IV | P a g e

I would like to thank my honorable supervisor Mr. Mojib Uddin Ahmed Ph.D. for guiding me on
completion of this report and on conducting the required studies. Without giving your courage and
continuous support, it was quite impossible for me to carry out the preparations and proceedings
of this report. I also thank Mr. Saifulah Rabbi the Chairman and co-founder of the “Travel
Memoria” for providing me the internship and clearance on condition of required data collection.
Travel Memoria’s employees should be also thanked for his valuable time given for the interview.
Employees of all other departments are very helpful and the employees are to be thanked for their
unperturbed assistance and guidance in finding out my desired data. Special thanks needs to be
customer relationship manager of the company, namely Mr. Shamim Hossain are helping me
with the available annual reports of the company.

I am also grateful on the official’s support, without support it was quite impossible for me to
continue the proceedings of this report. The officials supported me with every possible answers
and queries that I asked for.

I had done this activity, where I work hard on Internship project.

I would like to thank to you for helping to make this report. Once I again the heartiest thanks will
go to my course instructor Mr. Mojib Uddin Ahmed, Ph.D.

At first I would like to thank the all mighty ALLAH for blessing me with the strength, ability and
patience to accomplish the study.

I would like to thank my faculty advisor, Mr. Mojib Uddin Ahmed, Ph.D. for giving me the
opportunity to work with her during my internship period on this interesting topic under her
counseling, I have been able to complete this report in a comprehensive manner. I have tried my
best to implement her constructive suggestion, wherever relevant.

I have gathered vast information about corporate world, the people and corporate culture through
this internship. Workings with Travel Memoria were being a great pleasure. So I would like to
thank the Chairman and co- founder Mr. Saifulah Rabbi, for his vast co-operation to give me the
information and guidance.

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Table of Contents

Chapter-1 Page

1.1 Background 2

1.2 Objective of study 2

1.3 Methodology 3

1.4 Literature Review 3

1.5 Limitation 4

Chapter-2 5
Travel Memoria Ltd. Profile

2.1 Travel Agency in 21st century 6

2.2 Travel Memoria Ltd. 6

2.3 History 6

2.4 Vision 7

2.5 Mission 7

2.6 Goals 7

2.7 objective 7

VII | P a g e
2.8 Product and services 9

2.9 Product and services offering 9

2.10 Promotional strategy 10

2.11 Tourism Marketing and Promotion 11

Strategies for Package Tour

2.12 SWOT Analysis 13‐14

Chapter-3 15
Job as an intern

3.1 Specific responsibilities of the job 16

3.2 Different aspect of job performance 16

3.3 Critical observation 16

Chapter-4 18

Roles and Function of travel Memoria 19

4.1 Provision of Travel Information 21

4.2 Market Research and Development

4.3 Reservation of Tickets 22

4.4 Reservation of Hotel Rooms

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4.5 Reservation of Ground Services 22

4.6 Selling Cruise Package 23

4.7 Preparation of Itinerary 23

4.8 Costing Package Tour 23

4.9 Designing Package Tour 23

4.10 Conducting FIT, GIT and FAM Tour 24

4.11 Promotion and Publicity 24

4. 12 Reservation and Cancellation 24

4. 13 Management of Ground Services

IX | P a g e
4.14 Travel Documentations 25

4.15 Preparation of Annual Budget 25

4.16 Corporate Social Responsibility 26

4.17 Training and Development 26

4.18 Maintaining Relationship with Tourism 27


4.19 Membership of National and International 27

Travel Organization

4.20 Travel Insurance 27

4. 21 Currency Exchange 27

4.22 Operation of MICE 28

4.23 Disaster Preparedness 28

4.24 Use of Information Technology

4.a Linkage of profit sharing of travel 29


4.b The role of travel agency ( Travel 30


4.c Challenges of the Travel Memoria 31

Chapter 5 32

Finding and Conclusion

Finding 33

Conclusion 33

XI | P a g e
Reference 34

Executive Summary
Travel Memoria Ltd. a familiar name in the travel and tourism sector of Bangladesh is engaged in
the healthy growth of travel trade in the country. It is run by a team of young and energetic
professionals fully conversant with modern day's travel trade. Travel Memoria Ltd. an IATA
accredited Travel Agency in Bangladesh. The office of Travel Memoria Ltd. is centrally located
in the hub of Bijoy Sarani, in Dhaka. The office is well appointed with the internal and external
communications, being effectively maintained by telephone, fax, internet, computer networking
and computer reservation systems (CRS) to meet up the demand of our Clientele. The company,
one of the units in a group is based on a solid foundation with multi-discipline business experience,
such as travel and tourism, hotel reservation, campaign organizer etc. Travel Memoria started its
journey on 2000, with fifteen energetic people. First they do their business on event management and
software developing. But after some years they concentrate on travel related services. But with the grace
of time it has become one of the most promising travel related company. Basically Travel Memoria
very much concern about their functions as it is a travel agency and tour organizer. They are very
much concern about to catch up the national and international organization they take as their
company brand name to focus on standard of excellence and fulfill their valuable customers need.

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