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Merits and Demerits of Democracy

Democracy is something that gives the right to the people to elect their head. In short, you can
say that democracy is all about electing officials through people’s vote and consent. There are
many big countries that enjoy democracy as it is considered to be the basis of any system. For
any country to progress, it is important that democracy is established. Though democracy offers
a number of benefits to the people but there are a few disadvantages too. Let us see how
democracy has both pros and cons related to it.

Merits of democracy:
• As already said above that in a democratic country the people have the right to vote so that they
can choose the people they trust. The citizens of the country participate in taking the important
decisions thus ensuring the smooth running of the government.

• Democracy ensures that the people of the country are equal and they have similar rights to cast
a vote and choose the officials of their choice. Thus it helps in maintaining equality which brings
the people together and establishes harmony as well.

• With democracy people come to know about the political condition of the country as which
party is good and which one is more efficient. Based on the information, the people decide as
which party is good for the country and should be elected for the next term. So democracy is
definitely a source to guide people about the political scenario of the nation.

• Democracy brings change from time to time. If people are not satisfied with the working of any
party or their officials, they can always re-elect another party thus bringing a huge revolution. So
the parties and officials ensure to please the citizens in every manner. With democracy, a sense
of participation comes from the people that help them in bringing the desired change.

• There are fewer chances of any revolt as political decisions are based on the liking of the
people. This establishes peace in the country and ensures a healthy environment.

Demerits of democracy:
• Sometimes democracy can lead to wrong decisions as people might not be able to make the
right choice. Thus, in turn, will affect the political condition of the country thereby increasing the

• Unethical activities take place during the voting as every party wants to be at the top. So this
leads to wrong practices being followed or people being bribed for the same.

• Not all the people go to cast their vote as per the achievements of the party and get carried with
people who belong to their caste. This is an injustice because the one who is efficient and
competent may lose due to fewer votes.

• There are cases when the decisions are not clear and this wastes a lot of time as well as money.
Re-elections have to be conducted in such a case so that a clear decision can be reached.
So democracy not only has its positive effects but the negative side as well.
Merits and Demerits of Democracy
Democracy is something that gives the right to the people to elect their head. In short, you can
say that democracy is all about electing officials through people’s vote and consent. There are
many big countries that enjoy democracy as it is considered to be the basis of any system. For
any country to progress, it is important that democracy is established. Though democracy offers
a number of benefits to the people but there are a few disadvantages too. Let us see how
democracy has both pros and cons related to it.

The merits of democracy are -

1) a democratic government is better form of government because it is more accountable form of
2) democracy improves the quality of decision making.
3) democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
4) poor and least educated has the same status as the rich and educated.
5)democracy allows us to correct our own mistake.

The demerits of democracy are -

1) leaders keeps on changing this leads to instability
2) democracy is all about political competition and power play there is no scope for morality
3) so many people have to be consulted in a democracy that it leads to delays
4) democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition
5) ordinary people don't know what is good for them , they should not decide anything .

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