Should Britain Abolish The Monarchy?

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This document is about the British Monarchy. It is referring to some point that are
criticised in our actual society they are judged too past. First, we can speak about the
hereditary appointment that isn’t agree to the meritocracy of the country, based on merits.
Moreover, the Queen Elisabeth II has important powers such as dissolved the Parliament
or sign treaties for example.
Then, because of the hereditary appointment, government can’t choose the next autocrat.
It can create some troubles in the monarchy organisation because they can’t be certain
that they will be agree with his ideology.
I agree with this last idea but I think that this part of United Kingdom history and that it is
what makes her charm.
To finish, i disagree with the autor that claims that the Royal Family damages the Empire’s
image. The Royal Family is, according to me, a real symbol of the monarchy and the
meritocracy. Last but not least, they are real appreciate all around the world and they form
a model to follow. The Queen and the princesses seem like a dream.

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