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Ismailia Public Free Zone

- About Us
The Public Free Zone was established in Ismailia by a decree from the President of the Ministers
Council No. 904 of 1995 on an area of 677 acres of which a first stage of 100 acres has been
equipped by facilities, equipment and is currently occupied by the investment projects, the
second stage of 128 acres is currently being equipped by facilities, equipment and the reception
of investors is being conducted to establish their investment projects to occupy it.

Site Benefits
The Public Free Zone in Ismailia is characterized by a unique location where it mediates the
distance between the two gates of Suez Canal on the way to international trade and navigation
at a distance of 85 km from Port Said the northern gate of the Suez canal overlooking the
Mediterranean Sea, to service the export of the products of your project to the European
Union and the American countries which locates at a distance of 85 km from the port of Suez
the southern gateway to the Suez Canal overlooking the Red Sea, to serve exporting the
products of your project to the Persian Gulf, Southeast Asia and East and South Africa, it is also
about 125 km from the port of Damietta which is one of the largest container ports in the
territory of the Mediterranean countries as well as it is about 120 km from Cairo Airport which is
one of the largest pivotal airports in the Middle East.

Surrounding environment

The Public Free Zone in Ismailia is located on the outskirts of the city of Ismailia a densely
populated communities which is providing qualified manpower scientifically and technically by
colleges and institutes of the University of the Suez Canal, to meet the needs of your project
for human cadres in various specialties, in addition to accommodation, recreation, housing,
hotel and tourism services as well as the site area is near the site of the Valley of technology on
the east coast of the Suez Canal in front of the city of Ismailia which is rich in its natural
resources and large capabilities, As well as it is near of the two industrial zones in both of
Ismailia and East Qantara overlooking the high way leading to it, to meet the exporting needs
of your project of goods and services, In addition to its adjacent location of Alfardan Railway
bridge and the upper bridge of Alsalam passing through the Suez Canal linking the two
continents of Africa and Asia through the international Coastal Road for exporting the
products of your project overland to neighboring countries and North Africa.

The Public Free Zone in Ismailia is equipped with an integrated network of facilities and
infrastructure services that operate efficiently like water, sewage, industrial drainage,
communications and a station to provide electricity (medium voltage) as well as a network of
roads and internal lighting, the site is fully surrounded by an external fence.

The projects established in the public free zone of Ismailia have strong network of logistics and
banking services providers through a number of maritime companies, in addition to the
branches of national and foreign banks and a large network of banking, insurance and
reinsurance companies within the bride of the Canal to provide services needed by your project
to conduct its activities.

Administrative Body
The Public Free Zone in Ismailia is administered by an administrative apparatus of staff of the
General Authority for Investment, with a high level of qualification, competence and
experience. This body works according to Total Quality Management (TQM) standards, after
obtaining the certificate of Quality Assurance ISO9001 of 2008, is to provide all services
required for your project 24 hours a day. In addition, it has the potential to overcome any
obstacles or problems your project established in the Zone may encounter in coordination with
various government bodies that it permanently and continuously communicates with them.
Investment Services
The Public Free Zone in Ismailia includes a branch of the investment services complex in the
same administrative building of the region with a working administrative apparatus staff from
the General Authority of Investment to assist you in completing the establishment procedures
for your project and issuing work and residence permits for the employees in it, in coordination
with the relevant governmental bodies.
-Why Us?
Total Area 464 thousand m2
Vacant Area 21 thousand m2
Average area/Project 5750 m2
Average Capital/Project $ 11 million
Average Annual Exports /Project $ 5 million
Average Job Opportunities/Project 215 jobs
Nearest Ports for Export/Supply Port said Port on a distance of 85KM
north – The Suez Port on a distance of
85 KM south.
Most Important Countries We Export to The EU countries and USA
Textile, Furniture, Carpet and ready-
made Garment Industries
Engineering, Electrical and Electronic
Main Activities Food and Food Products Industries

Transport, Shipping, Export, and Re-

export Services
Aurajlo Egypt for the manufacture of
Lambie International Industry
Velocity Aparilz / Velocity Jeans
Important Food Industries
Main Projects Sun Prism Energy Technology
Almohandes Industries (Tknukimakal
Techno Ntezi)
US $ 3.5/m2 per year to exercise an
industrial activity
US $ 7/m2 per year to exercise a
Rental Value storage/service activity
US $ 25/m2 per year in prefabricated

Contact Us

The administrative body of Ismailia Public Free Zone stands ready to communicate with you,
our dear investor, during official working hours from nine o'clock am until four o'clock pm
seven days a week, except Fridays, Saturdays and public holidays, or through the following
means of communication:-
Post Mail: PO Box 121 – Ezeldin- Ismailia.
Phone No.: (002 064) 348 28 65-70 (6 lines)
Tele-Fax: (002 064) 348 28 69

How to reach us?

Dear Investor, you can use your own car or taxi from several governorates or from the nearest
ports and airports through the high way of Cairo/ Ismailia until you reach Ez Eldin station where
is the location of the region’s headquarters as follows:

- From Cairo airport, at a distance of 120 km through Cairo / Ismailia high way down to the
headquarters of the region.
- From the Port of Port Said, at a distance of 85 km through Port Said / Ismailia Road
down to the headquarters of the region.
- From the port of Suez, at a distance of 85 km through the Suez / Fayed / Ismailia Road
till reaching the headquarters of the region.
- From the port of Damietta, at a distance of 125 km through Damietta / Port Said
international coastal road then Port Said / Ismailia highway till reaching the
headquarters of the region.

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