02 Ar2e 5 Test CHL U6

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Name: Unit 6 Challenge test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. / 10 marks
1 2 3

4 5

2 Listen to Cheryl and answer the questions. / 10 marks

1 Cheryl is going to go on holiday with her family. True False

2 They’re going to go to the beach. True False
3 They’re going to stay in a caravan. True False
4 They’re going to stay next to the beach. True False
5 Cheryl’s dad is going to go sailing. True False
6 Cheryl’s mum is going to go surfing. True False
7 Jason’s going to .
8 Kathy’s going to .
9 They’re going to have a on the beach.
10 They’re going to have in the evening.

Amazing Rooftops 5 Unit 6 Challenge Test –PHOTOCOPIABLE– © Oxford University Press 60

Name: Unit 6 Challenge test

3 Talk to your teacher. / 6 marks

4 Talk to your teacher. / 4 marks

having making listening to going to learning finding

How about going to …?

Yes, I’d … (but I can’t, …)

Amazing Rooftops 5 Unit 6 Challenge Test –PHOTOCOPIABLE– © Oxford University Press 61

Name: Unit 6 Challenge test

5 Read and complete. / 10 marks

sunbathe isn’t go swim have going aren’t excited stay hotel

My name’s Kevin. Next summer, we’re going to 1 ---------------------- to Spain on

holiday. I’m really 2 ----------------------! We’re going to 3 ---------------------- in a
hotel next to the beach. I’m going to 4 ---------------------- in the sea every day
and I’m going to go surfing, too. There’s a surfing school at the beach, so I’m
---------------------- to have surfing lessons with my brother, Tim. My mum and
dad 6 ---------------------- going to go surfing because they don’t like water sports.
My dad 7 ------------------- going to go swimming because he can’t swim! They’re going to 8 ------------------
on the beach. We’re going to eat in the 9 ---------------------- every day, but we’re going to have picnics
as well. We’re going to 10 ---------------------- a big barbecue at the hotel on our last day too.

6 Read and answer. / 10 marks

Hi Lucy,
How are you? Next week, I’m going to go camping with my family.
We’re going to stay in a tent near the beach. We’re going to swim in
the sea every day and have barbecues every night. I’m going to make
sandcastles with my sister, Mara, and we’re going to play with a
beachball, too. My mum and dad are going to buy a rubber dinghy
and we’re all going to go sailing.
After our holiday, I’m going to go to a music festival with my dad.
The festival is on 15th August. Do you want to come with us?
I’m going to go to a restaurant this evening because it’s my mum’s birthday.
Can you phone me tomorrow?

1 Sophie is going to stay 2 They’re going to go 3 They’re going to have

in a a surfing every day. barbecues
a caravan. b fishing every day. a at lunchtime.
b tent. c swimming every day. b in the morning.
c hotel. c at night.
4 Sophie is going to make sandcastles. True False
5 Mara is going to play with the beachball. True False
6 Mum and Dad are going to go sailing. True False
7 Sophie and Mara are going to a festival. True False
8 The festival is in August. True False
9 It’s Mum’s birthday today. True False
10 Sophie is going to phone Lucy. True False

Amazing Rooftops 5 Unit 6 Challenge Test –PHOTOCOPIABLE– © Oxford University Press 62

Name: Unit 6 Challenge test

7 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 ∑e've got a 2 3

4 5 6

8 Write Jake’s email about his family holiday. / 8 marks

1 2 Hello! I’m Jake. We’re going to go on holiday
to the beach.
1 I’m going to
3 4 2
3 My sister
5 6 5
7 8

9 Write an email to Jake about your next holiday. / 6 marks

Hello! I’m . We’re going to go on holiday to

Total for test ______ / 70 marks

Amazing Rooftops 5 Unit 6 Challenge Test –PHOTOCOPIABLE– © Oxford University Press 63

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