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In September this year

You will be asked to vote on the continuation the of commodity levies to fund both
Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ), and these vegetable product groups:

Vegetable Product Groups’

Levy Proposals 2012
The vegetable product groups who have Vote for each relevant product group
levy as well as the HortNZ levy
brought you this document would like Growers will be asked to vote in support of the HortNZ
to share information with you about the levy and also each of the vegetable product groups they
are members of.
September levy referendum, and to seek
HortNZ and the product groups do different and
your feedback on the proposed levies complimentary work to deliver support and services to
for 2013 – 2019 and how they should growers. They work together effectively and efficiently.

be spent. The referendum is not a choice about

We have a long history of listening to growers and supporting
voting for one or the other – a vote for
vegetable businesses through our action and influence. HortNZ and each of your product groups
Since HortNZ came into existence in 2005, the vegetable is needed to maintain the support you
product groups have continued to work for you alongside
receive today.
HortNZ to improve the strength of your business and
the industry.
So we can continue to add value to your business through
complex and challenging times, we are asking you to support
each product group levy and also the HortNZ levy when you Please check the enclosed brochure for more
vote in September. details on the levy proposals, including the
proposed levy rates for the crops you grow:
The activities outlined in this document and in your individual
product group information sheets enclosed have been
developed by the vegetable product group board members •• potatoes
who you elected to be your industry representatives. •• onions
•• fresh tomatoes
•• fresh vegetables
•• process vegetables
We would like your feedback on the proposals
– contact details are provided on the product-
specific brochures.
What the vegetable product
groups do for you...
As we ask you to invest in your future Grower Input and Information
The vegetable product groups understand growers’ concerns
by supporting each levy, we’d like and issues so that we can act on your behalf. This includes
to highlight some of the things that representing your views on product specific issues to make
your voice heard with officials and influencers.
the vegetable product groups have The only way we can do that is by communicating with you as
achieved for you. often as we can, in a variety of different ways. The NZGrower
magazine is a combined effort between the vegetable product
For detailed information on the product group(s) you groups and HortNZ. We use the magazine to tell growers
belong to, see the leaflets included with this document. what their product groups are doing, what HortNZ is doing
and what other growers are doing. The magazine is financially
Research & Development assisted by product group funding, although the bulk of its
The vegetable product droups jointly invest in the Vegetable costs are covered by advertising.
Research and Innovation Board, which commissions and The vegetable product groups also work hard to get
oversees research projects of benefit to vegetable growers growers together at regional meetings and at the national
in the areas of: conference, run in conjunction with HortNZ.
•• crop management
Agrichemical Reassessments and
•• climate change
•• new product development
•• new biocontrol agents The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has a
programme of reassessing chemicals that growers use.
The board leverages significant outside funding, e.g. the It is essential that they understand how growers use these
MAF Sustainable Farming Fund. Representatives from each chemicals so they are retained where appropriate. The
vegetable product group executive sit on the board. vegetable product groups’ elected representatives and
growers have given feedback on each chemical review
Promotion and these have been coordinated into a single submission
The vegetable product groups have a joint promotional on behalf of each product group, giving more weight to
programme, raising the profile of vegetables through the industries requests. During 2011 five submissions were website and resources (recipes, posters, made in response to EPA’s call for submissions on the
nutritional information and newsletters for consumers, the critical uses of organophosphate & carbamate agricultural
food service industry, schools and retailers). The groups are chemicals under review.
also financial members of 5+ A Day, and carry out their own Vegetable product groups are also supporting a three year
sector-specific promotion. project to gain access to new chemicals that are available
overseas but not yet available in New Zealand. There are
Market Access and Biosecurity three trials underway that will result in greater availability of
Vegetable product groups work together to liaise directly with tools to vegetable growers.
MAF and biosecurity officials on pest or disease incursions
that directly impact or affect vegetable growers e.g. with the Resource Management
tomato/potato psyllid pest incursion in 2006. Supporting the work of HortNZ by providing product-
We are also working with HortNZ to achieve an outcome on specific research and representation when submitting
the proposed Biosecurity Government Industry Agreements on regional an district plan changes. Your vegetable
(GIA) that is acceptable for the industry. Each product group product group representatives coordinate growers’ direct
has begun work looking at their own engagement with GIA – involvement in plan hearings and consultation, protecting
the risks and value for growers and how product groups can growers “right to farm” in each region.
best work under the proposed agreements.


March to June 2012 July 2012

Consultation with growers on the levy proposals Final levy proposals confirmed
“Over the past six years HortNZ and the Vegetable Product
Groups have established a strong working relationship.
We do different but complimentary work and together,
we’ve achieved some great results for growers.
It is important that growers understand that HortNZ
cannot do the work that the product groups do and
product groups cannot do the work that HortNZ does.
I urge you to support your product group and HortNZ
to help us build a strong future for you – together.”

Andrew Fenton
President, HortNZ

Answering your questions

Why is a referendum being held?

rking together
The product groups are funded by a levy order established

Wo under the Commodities Levy Act 1990. The current levy

order expires in June 2013, so a grower referendum is being
held in September 2012 to establish grower support for a
new levy order.

How will votes be cast?

There will be separate voting papers for the HortNZ
levy and each of the Vegetable Product Group levies.
To be passed, each commodity levy proposal must be
supported in a referendum by a majority of voters,
measured both on a ‘one grower one vote’ basis and a
‘value of production’ weighted basis. Voters will be asked
to indicate their value of production (in the preceding
12 months) for the crop being voted on.

Your support of both the HortNZ and

for a product group levies will be required
ll growers to maintain the support and services
you currently receive.

With your support in the referendum, the product groups What happens if the levy proposals are
and HortNZ will continue to work cooperatively to create a supported in the referendum?
more efficient, effective and productive sector for growers. If the vote is positive, the product groups will apply to
the Minister for Primary Industries for a new commodity
levy order to be put in place. The existing levy order
expires in June 2013.

Late August 2012 Late September 2012 Early October 2012

Voting papers to go out to all growers Voting closes Result announced
What if the referendum isn’t supported?
If the vote for any of the vegetable product groups is not
successful then the product group will have no mechanism
for funding beyond June 2013 and will have to consider
their position. One vote for HortNZ

If the HortNZ commodity levy is not Vote for each product group
supported, then HortNZ will cease to exist. That you belong to

What does HortNZ do? What is HortNZ’s proposal?

HortNZ is the industry’s proactive voice with central HortNZ is proposing a levy of 15c per $100 of sales on
and local government, dealing with issues such as: all fruit and vegetables.
•• the Resource Management Act You can find more information about this proposed levy
•• regional and district plans in the Horticulture New Zealand Commodity Level Proposal
– discussion document, which you should have received in
•• environmental standards
early March this year.
•• food safety
•• biosecurity
•• transport To share your thoughts on the HortNZ levy
•• labour or ask questions:
HortNZ works with government policy makers, Email, visit
officials and politicians. or free phone HortNZ on 0508 467 869.

Tell us what you think

Please contact your vegetable product group Chairperson to ask any questions and to share your thoughts on the levy proposals
and how it should be spent to best support you. For contact details, see the insert sheet for each product group.
If you would like to hear from or see your product group representative about the levy proposals, please get in touch.
If you have any grower meetings or events scheduled where a product group representative could speak about levy, please get in touch.

“Tomatoes are New Zealand’s favourite

vegetable, and Tomatoes New Zealand
knows it has a responsibility to keep it “Growers are working 24/7 and we need to
that way. We are growers, working for know our people in Wellington are keeping
growers.” up. Vegetables New Zealand is run by
Wim Zwart Chairman, Tomatoes NZ growers, for growers. We get things done
smarter because we work together with
the other product groups and HortNZ.”
“When times get a bit tough, that’s the
Keith Vallabh Chairman, Vegetables NZ
time you look to each other for more
support, not less. Potatoes New Zealand
intends to keep working across the entire
sector to improve returns for growers,
and the entire value chain.” “Onions New Zealand is transforming
Stuart Wright Chairman, Potatoes NZ itself into a peak body organisation and
has obtained overwhelming grower
support in principle to move forward in
this direction. It’s an exciting time for our
“Vegetables might be one of the smaller industry which now has a true platform
product groups but we work hard to to deliver tangible value to growers.”
leverage off the work being done around
us by the other vegetable groups and Michael Ahern Chairman, Onions NZ
HortNZ. It is a great relationship and I
know growers benefit from it every day.”
David Hadfield Chairman,
Process Vegetables NZ

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