Intrams and Drugs

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Vanessa S.

Articulo 9-2 9/24/19

Intramurals’ Summary

For two days, I have experienced and observed many things

from our intramurals. Let’s start from the opening parade or opening
program. There were many people; crowds, students, faculties, and
even outsiders who went to witness and enjoy the Intramurals 2k19.
The intense energy was overflowing through every grade level who was
ready to support for their athletes. Then, on the morning of September
20, the first day for the intramurals, was when the first football game
occurred between the grade levels, 9 and 10. There was anticipation
and determination in the air as everyone waited and see who would
make the first goal. And with every goal or even just when the ball is
in a player’s, you can hear the loud cheering of the supporters. On the
afternoon, in the Paglaum, was where the football and basketball game
took place. The basketball game started between the grade 7 and grade
8, whereas the grade 8 players won. Everyone was supporting their
teams and with that everyone was anticipating for the next games.
After that was the basketball game between the grade 9 and 10. Then
it got a little confusing when they made the football games and
basketball game start at the same time in the same place. You can hear
the students cheer when the basketball team scores and the football
team goal. It was kind of funny because the football went into the
court as they were playing. On the following day, fewer people went
into the school because there are lesser games that occurred within
the campus and most of the students are in their MTAP classes, but
nonetheless, it didn’t stop the intramurals to happen at Panaad where
the swimming game and arnis and others took place. And chess in the
NOHS AM Building. On the morning of September 23, was the
awarding for the winners. The grade levels received a hefty amount of
gold and silver medals. And it was nice knowing that everybody did
their best. All in all it was a fun and nice experience.
Vanessa S. Articulo 9-2

82% of Pinoys satisfied with drug war – SWS

As the news report says, most pinoys in the Philippines

are agreeing to the drug war led by our president, Rodrigo
Duterte. And it makes people wonder. The news are filled
with statements saying that this person didn’t want the rug
war and this and that. But this results told us otherwise.
Because why are people satisfied with it? What makes it so
beneficial to us? And what do I have to say about it.
Now, my opinion is very simple on this topic. I am
absolutely satisfied with the drug war. And based on the
report, a lot of people said they were satisfied with the drug
war because “Drug suspects have lessened.” Or “Drug
suspects are being arrested.”. Which is actually true. Because
in my opinion the streets of our hometown have been more
safer than it was before. Less and less families are getting
affected by the drug suspects that can influence their
children and ruin their family. I think it is only right that
more people are satisfied with the drug war because it does
have many benefits for us people who are living in the same
environment as them.
And in conclusion, the 12 and 6% of people that are
dissatisfied with the drug war has probably never seen the
difference that it has done in the Philippines right now.
Because for me, it has been a great help for the safety of the
citizens of this country that they can think and feel that they
are in a safe space. And the drug war prevents bad things
form happening because most of the crimes are happening
nowadays because of the use and abuse, and the influence of
drugs .

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