19-183 Policy For The Enforcement of Sbma's Courses of Action Against Subic Bay Freeport Locators and Residents With Unsettled Accounts and Other Contractual Defaults

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SUBIC BAY Certification No. 19-183 Series of 2019 MEMORANDUM Subject POLICY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SBMA’S COURSES OF ACTION AGAINST SUBIC BAY FREEPORT LOCATORS AND RESIDENTS WITH UNSETTLED ACCOUNTS AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL DEFAULTS This certifies that: The records of the Board Secretariat show that during the Sixtieth (60") Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority held last 23 May 2019 wherein there was a quorum to validly transact business, the following resolution was approved: Resolution No. 19-05-1264 “Resolve, as it is hereby resolved, that upon recommendation of Management and without prejudice to COA regulations and pertinent laws on the matter, the Board hereby approves the Policy for the Enforcement of SBMA’s Courses of Action against Subic Bay Freeport Locators and Residents with Unsettled Accounts and other Contractual Defaults, as contained in Management's PowerPoint presentation a copy of which is incorporated herein by way of reference.” Issued this 6" day of June 2019. sewure OOO Board Secretary V ‘Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority BOARD SECRETARIAT Building 229, Waterfront Road, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, 2222 Philippines = Tel: +6347 252.4172/6174 ‘+ Fax: #6347 252.4170 ¢ || =BF:Ad0d © 1 WaLSVW *SLINV4AG TWNLOVULNOD YSHLO GNV SLNNODOV GATLLASNN HLIM SLNAGISAY GNV SHYOLVIO1 LYOda4y4 AVE JIGNS LSNIVOV NOILOV 4O SHSYNOOD S.VINAS JO LNAIWNSADYOANA AHL YO4 ADI1Od G3SOd0ud # uoHeJUuesald pleog BACKGROUND © The Accounting Department generates and sends billings to locators/residents pursuant to the existing Stringent Policy on Collection. In case of non-payment. Credit and Collection | (Treasury Department) sends two (2) “friendly” | demand letters to pay to the locators/residents. a MASTEn | ® copy: 19-183 setny j SUBIC Bay sae : , £ 8b =6T:Ados waisvW, AVa dians © *(pa}esouab-10}ndwo05) WOS p2ayoe3e ue YR [IeEU-3 N4y} ‘jee OF Pa119j01 SEM UO!1}OE OU Y3}IM 1038907] ‘u01}99]109 8 yipeig ay} Aq }UuaS S$19}}3] OM} BY} 0} yuanbesqns LOCATOR REFERRAL Dare ATTY. TEOPHANIE s. REUTOTAR Oticn-InsChange, Lepal Depormere Tour 2028-19 Ohe-m-i-0-091 LOCATORS Wir OVERDUE ACCOUNTS January 3, 2019 son Unit's tors ané series of communications, he lence, be infged that dagite the Crete & Coles ‘line Sons one nes Gate ae Mec, Uns los and se sccounte with Subic Bay Mevopaian Auovoniy (abe ‘inthis vepard. we respecelly refer this matter fo eppropiae legn action “Your sooperation is high aspreiaig, gory. fe teeer at resolve ter outs oe : wosis'c =, : eae £4) ison @ = YSLSV cows - - wa HET = evowet sesacer oie roo's SeODET i oc Toa “yas en nine pine sa a moe amo ps ye eee 2eme4 ee 20 senpmaamaes 7 De Pon ma te Hae) ¢ meso otday a ee crores: ava SiNn02DvanaWsAO MLM suISSFIDMISNOH = © = Ssoarans teat veasvo a vita wom om sande mb av yn 129 va ag so amse0 SOININD W1EVHOON ALLY ne. Iwuusasay LINN SNISNOH SAMPLE ATTACHED SOA CORPORATION | srareuenr or oursiauenis accauit © = MASTER copy; 19-185 ava 18s © acetone es £0 | 61 i409 | tu | ‘soBieuD JOUIO pue Joqe7 ‘sediAlesg |eoIpay\ ‘see4 odess ‘see4 yodily :ajdwexy "s]jNejap yenyoesjUuo9 ou U}IM uoljoesue} pue sjunoose aidwis -Aeg 0} puewiag “1 :J9]]97] Jo sodA} (Zz) om, senssi juswyedeq jebe7 Ldla94y NOdNn 2. Notice of Default - Contractual defaults or non compliance on its Lease Agreement. ry copy:19- i a _} o SS i as get 61 AdOD 6 | | vase VY s}inejop Arejyauouw 19430 . (juswees6e aseajqns 104) a1eys eseajqns , puog aouewojiog , yUSWIWIWOS JUsUIdOJaANg /JUZWI}SAaAU] , yisodag A}iunsag 9 je}Usy BdUeApPY , ISB YyoNs JusWJIeEdap paus992U09 10430 YPIM aouUe!]dWI0D uou pue }Jnejap yoea Aj11aA puke 3921309 ay} Y99YD - "(Ado ou aaey am 4!) 39213009 ay} yo Adoo ay} }sanbay . ruoHdy [e11U] quowaaliby aseay Yy}IM S}1UM BuISnoP 10 1032907 Upon obtaining verbal reply from the concerned departments — on the contractual defaults and non compliance of each Locator/Housing Unit, Legal Department drafts and issues a Demand ( or Notice of Default according to its final | assessment. ’ MASTER 183 © ah “Bl “AdO3 ue YWSLSVW Ayoe4 YAS Bulsn u ,Bunsipjoelg, - (syunoooy ajduig) :Aeg 0} puewag 104, :J9}}97] panss! au} UO payeoipul poled Buns ey) ulyym Ajdwoo pue Aed JOU PIP JO}YeED07 SY} JEU} JUBA OY} U] *For Notice of Default: (With Contractual Defaults) - Proceed to the next step on Pre-termination (Recommendation to the Board) f - Upon approval of the Board, issue the Notice I of Pre-Termination or Repossession t - For non compliance and non payment within the period given on the issued Notice, Pre Termination and Repossession will take place. 6 master | 1 copy; 19-483 pring i , Rae ¢egl-61 Ad09 6 MALSVW ‘Aidde 1m Adod yuabuys ‘sjunoooe uoneBbligo Aejouow edulis 104 J ‘uonoa1]0D uo Aoljod jUabuLS Bunsixe au} 0} juensind sjuapiseu/suoyeoo) 0} sbull[iq spues pue seyeioueb juswedeq Bunjunossy ey] b dalLs * Separately, non compliance and other contractual defaults of each Locator/Housing Lessees must be monitored by the concerned Department of the Business Group (Account Officer) and submit a semi-annual report/list to Legal Department for issuance of Notice of Default in accordance with Step 4 hereof. MASTER [ @ ese, copy:19- je sate i ot awes au} Buljdeooe a10jaq jdig09J Jo Joold ayy pue ‘Bullliq ay} ‘40}290] 94} 0} JUBS S19}}9] Z auj jo Adoo e apnjoul jsnw OND jo jUelWesiOpUy :8}ON aE c0| -ar'Moo & yaisvW Q < Etat “gjoesjU0D eAnoedsal JOU} jJepun Jo} papiaoid se (‘oJ8 ‘suonebigo Aleyeuow Jayjo pue J suumutucs JUQWISOAU! ‘S}USW}ILUWOD jJUELUdOJeASsp YM ) Mduioo 0} eunjiey se yons) s}inejyep jenjoe.juo0d JoY}O ale 9191} J aulWWalep 0} ‘dnolg sseulsng ay} Oo} ysIP}OeYo AJessed9uU au} anssi |jeys Juewyedeq je6e7 eu) uewpedeg jebe7] ou; 0} 99D 9} Jo JuUsWAaSJOpUs UOdN ‘aways juawKed peaoidde ue UM dn ewod oO} anjIej 4o/pue jUeWAed -UOU Jo ased BY} U| 2 dalLsS CHECKLIST * Statement of Accounts (SOA) * Status of Performance Bond ° Approved payment scheme if there is any * Current CRTE/CR/BPT * Lease Agreement/Amendments/Assignments * Prior demand made by concerned department * Advance Rent and Security Deposit * Executive Summary containing the chronological history’ account * Status of Development * Approved Board Resolution (In the case of Commitment Notice of Pre-Termination/Termination/Vaca MASTER | © copy; #9- 183 Seca : — ee} - 6p A400 ® SS “BLS ‘uolenjeas pue uoleUulluexe ayy jo yolqns (Aue j! ‘synejep jenjoesjuos Buipnjoul) junosse ayy jo Ayewwins aAynoexe peubis pue paiiyieo-Ajnp e Aq paluedwoooe aq ||eys dnoig ssoulsng a4} WO. JUBWaSJOPUS OU] :8}0N “suoneBlqo jo yuawAed-uoU 34} UY} JO4}O isynejep jenjoesjUCD JOJO Bie B14} JOYJOYM UOBIOU} ) Buneys juewyedeq je6e7 94} 0} }sI}OeYyYD OY} Ul payejs sjuowinoop Ayessedeu 84} YIM Jeyjabo} yoeq asiopua |IM ‘JsIpooyo/juawassopus s,juaWYedaq je6e7 94} jo jdieoe, woy skep QZ UIYIM ‘dnoig sseuisng ay} jo juswWyedeq PeuJaoUOd Oy] € dials STEP 4 Upon receipt of the report and findings from the Business Group, the Legal Department will issue a Notice of Default and/or a Demand to Pay of the outstanding account giving the defaulting locator or resident a curing period as stated in the contract, if there is any. f Note: If no period is specified in the contract, the curing period suet bay shall be 15 days from receipt of the notice. If no representative * ‘ is found in the address specified in the contract, the period shall commence from the date of posting of the notice in the leased premises or housing unit of the defaulting locator or resident. Posting of Notice shall be duly filmed, documented and/or photographed showing when the actual_posting—was rendered for reference purposes. | MASTER y COPY: 49-983 i sey 2 \ a _ me <6T:Ad09 ) i YILSV | “um pal|dwioo aie ywigs Aq pesoduii suoipuos ay} Jo/pue paino s| ynejap ay} ssajun (Qa) sepIWWwoD uoHen|eAg s]UNO0y VIS eu} a10Jeq Bulpued suojoesued} Jeyjo Aue JO 4QuUeW JO WO} J2Aa}EYM Ul ‘s}YBL pjoyasea| Jo eouekeAuocd Jo Jajsuey ‘sjuawubisse jo sjusweeibe aseejqns jo jeaoidde ‘juaweaibe eases] jo jemeuel JO jUeWUpUSswe Jo} ysenbes so/pue jesodosd asee] sjuapise JO J0}e90| Bunjneyep 0} uoNoafqo asodsajul ||! juowpedeg jebe7 :0]0N STEP 5 In case of non-payment and/or failure to cure the contractual default, the Legal Department as assisted by Business Group shall recommend to the SBMA Board the cancellation of the CRTE/CR and/or Pre-Termination of the Lease Agreement (if _ the locator is a direct lessee) or withdrawal of consent to ( assignments and/or sublease agreements entered by I defaulting locator or resident. —<$_—_ | ae _p1 AAO & ee walsvW % Ee6eN ‘Kuedold : ayy eyeoe 0} puewed yy yuaplses JO JO}e90] Sis Bunyneyep OU} Aq peiejue sjuaweeibe asee|qns | Jo/pue sjuawubisse 0} jUesSUOd jo jemespyyiM jr (eesse| yop e SI! Joyeoo| J!) juoweaby gsee7] JO UONCUIWUE|-1d JO adKjON Jospue FLO jo uoejeoueD JO BOON ou} JUspIsel JO Joye90| Bunjneyep a4} 0} Puss jyeus juewyedeq je6e7 eu} ‘uonje|}aoued OU} senoidde pueog ey} JUaAe 94} Ul 9 dALS STEP 7 The Legal Department together with the Account Officer, LADD, LED, PPMD and Media productions Department will Note: Other Offices concerned should be copy furnished of the Notice of Take-Over. Copy: 19-183

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