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Teacher: *looks at the students* Class dismiss, be sure to pass all your
assignments tomorrow.
Students: *smiles brightly* Yes, ma’am! Bye! See you tomorrow!
Boy: Tsk! We’re given so many homeworks. I’m too lazy to do it all.

The boy saw a book. He approached it and it suddenly blew glitters, it made
the boy clueless and curious, so he walked to get the book, but then when
he was about to grab the book, the book suddenly moved and the boy was
swallowed by it.

The colors saw him, by his appearance, they are all staring at the boy.
Wondering what he was doing in their place.

Yellow: What color is that?

Red: I don’t even think that it is a color.
Green: I have never seen a color that is so dark.
Indigo: Yeah! It’s even darker that me!

When the boy saw the colors, he fainted.

Orange: Oh no! We have to take care of him.

Violet: I’m the one who’ll take care of him.
Orange: No! I’m the one who represents health! He needs me!
Red: I’m the one sustaining life, blood is color red!
Green: Will you stop fighting?! I’m the one who represents peace, I can’t
afford to just watch all of you fight because of some sort of color we don’t

Even though Green have shouted at them, they did not stop fighting, and
continued to brag about their color.

Indigo: You know what, I can’t afford the noise because I represent
silence.. Let’s just make a deal. Let’s see who is the best color for him, and
when he wakes up, that color will be the one who’ll take care of him. Deal?

Yellow: Deal!
Red: Challenge on!
Orange: Sure! He’ll pick me, I’m sure of it.
Violet: Hmm! I’m the prettiest color, He’s going to pick me!

From afar, the Clouds are watching them as they speak, but has no idea
what is going on.

Cloud 1: Woah! I’ve never seen them this happy.

Cloud2: They look like they’re fighting!
Cloud 3: No! They must be agreeing to each other’s opinion!
Cloud 4: Let them, They must be playing

SCENE #4 (Climax)
When the fight starts, the colors are all gathered around, forming a circle.
The boy is on a bed, sleeping peacefully while the colors quarrel over him.

Red: Ha! Of course I’ll win! I am the color of blood that sustains life. The
color which represents love, bravery, and courage! Even love symbols
sush as heart and roses are colored red! I’ll surely win! I am also the color
of kid’s favorite fruits such as strawberries, apples and raspberries!

Yellow: Tch! Apples, Strawberries? Raspberries? Ha! Those fruits won’t

grow withour me! I am the sunlight. I represent happiness, he’ll be happy if
he’s with me! I am also the color of warmth, he be warm if he is with me. Of
course, I’ll win!

Orange: Ha! What are you talking about, Yellow?, Remember than sunrise
is orange not yellow. I represent health and strength, the boy will surely get
stronger with me! And talking about fruits? You must see all the ripened
fruits and vegetables, they’re color orange!

Green: Hays! Vegetables and fruits? I’m the leaves which eventually grows
to fruit or vegetable and even medicine! Vegetables and fruits comes from
trees and plants, trees and plants had leaves, and that is my color!

Blue: Ha Ha Ha! Plants and trees won’t grow without me! I am the farthest
sky, the deepest oceans and seas. You all need me to live, especially that
boy. I’m going to win.

Violet: Ha! What are you talking about Blue? You are the deepest sea? The
farthest sky? Remember that I am royalty nobility, luxury, power and
ambition. I can definitely take care of that boy because the flower violet can
be a medicine. Ha! Them what’s up with you Indigo? THE

Indigo: Hmm! Let’s see, you said that you are royalty? Well, I am peace,
silence, fairness, justice and deep sincerity which a royal family needs! HA
HA HA! Losers, I’ll definitely win!

SCENE #5 (Falling Action)

The clouds saw how serious and furious the colors are, they should have
believed (Cloud 2) that they are fighting. They went to the colors place, all
the colors went pale, they know that the clouds are going to lecture them.

Cloud 1: What is the meaning of all these noises?!

Cloud 2: Why are you all shouting at each other?
Cloud 3: Are you really fighting?!
Cloud 4: Green?! Even you?! You signify peace!
Cloud 1: Indigo! You are silence and fairness, why do you need to compare
yourselves to others?!
Cloud 3: Orange! You are strength, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll fight
against each other!
Cloud 2: Yellow, you signify happiness not war, you represent positivity
not negativity!

They lectured every single one of them and the color realized all their
faults, they kept their head low, they can not look into the clouds’ eyes
because of fear and nervousness. Then, the leader of clouds (Cloud 5)
walked to them.
Cloud 5: You shouldn’t do it like that, my friends. You are scaring them.
*looks at the colors* Colors, you should not fight or quarrel again, You
shouldn’t brag about yourself, because you are special in your own way,
you are unique in your own form, you are beautiful because you are you.
You might have something that others doesn’t, so, you shouldn’t use it
against them, use it to help them, because all of you can’t live without each
other. No matter what color you are, what you signify, what you represent,
you are you. Never compare.

All the colors embraced each other. When they did a group hug they
suddenly got stucked, thay can not move even if they try. And they were
raised up in the sky, all together they formed a rainbow.


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