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Contusion : Memar
Sprain : Kesleo (ligament)
Strain : Terkilir (tendon)
ER : Emergency Room (ruang gawat darurat)
Broken wrist : Patah tulang pergelangan
Swell : Bengkak
Bruise : Memar
Banged : Terbentur
Suffering : Penderitaan
Painkillers : Pereda Nyeri
Pale : Pucat

Noun Verb Adjective

Blood (darah) To bleed (berdarah) Bloody (berdarah)
Breathlessness To be short of Breathless (tersengal-
breathe sengal)
Bruise To bruise (memar) Bruised
Cough (batuk) To cough
Dizziness Dizzy (pusing)
Infection To infect Infected (terinfeksi)
Pain Painful (nyeri)
Swelling To swell (bengkak) Swollen
Sickness To feel/to be sick

Asking about symptoms and injury

If you want to ask someone about their condition, use open question (WH question)

Open question Close question

How long did the pain last this time? Are you …?
How do you feel the pain in your arm? Does it..?
Can you describe…? Were you taking…?
Tell me how it happen
Can you tell me how…?
What were you doing when…?
How bad is ..?

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