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Reviewer in DIASS for 2nd Quarter Examination

Social work - is closely associated with government welfare and social programs aimed at achieving
social justice, fairness, and attainment of social equilibrium.
- promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their well-being
Social Worker - people aim to protect the vulnerable ones from abuse neglect of self-harm and
to help enhance their well-being and quality of life.
- operate within legal frameworks for protecting and supporting vulnerable
The following are principles of social work except the two.
1.Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being.
2. promoting the right to participation
3. Respecting the right to self-determination.
4. Neglecting the needs of people.
5. Creating each person as a whole
6. Identifying and developing strengths
7. Promoting abortion
8. Challenging discrimination
Service - the core values of social work which directs a social worker to go beyond purely performing
a service for a pay and allow them to be generous with their time.
Social justice - the core values of social work which is their basis for understanding of the need to
ensure that everyone get serviced and that everyone get a share of what the community
possesses in material and non-material asset.
Compassion - a core values in social work, it separates social caregiving from social work. Through
special training social worker becomes separated from all common sense, culture, and
religious based care.
Career opportunities of social work:
1. Facilitator
2. Educator
3. Manager
4. Case Manager
5. Broker
Areas of specialization of social work:
1. Family and child welfare
2. Health
3. mental health
NASW - National Association of Social Workers
Psychological assessment - is an evaluation of a person’s mental health, social status and functional
capacity within the community.
Communication - deal with how humans used verbal and non-verbal messages to create meaning in
various context.
- process where people send and receive information to one another.
- a transactional process where people generate meaning through the exchange
of verbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal
forces and embedded in culture.
Setting - is a basic element in communication which means the context where communication
Channels - is a basic element in communication which means that routes travelled by a message as it
goes between the sender and receiver.
Intrapersonal Communication - refers to communication that occurs within us.
Interpersonal Communication - refers to communication that occurs on one-to-one basic usually in
an informal, unstructured setting.
Intercultural Communication - refers to interpersonal communication that occurs between or
among members of different cultures or people who are enculturated differently.

Interviewing - It makes use of a series of questions and answers usually involving two people or
Small Group Communication - It occurs when a small group of people meets to solve a problem.
There is a cooperative thinking; there is a specific purpose.
Mass Communication - Example: A wedding
- the Top 9 at 9 countdown on KGNC radio station
- A candidate making a campaign speech before a large audience in the
community center

Feedback - the receiver’s response to a message is what part of the communication process.
Noise - is something that interferes with a message and is usually temporary .
Interpersonal Communication - Two friends passing notes during class would be an example of
what kind of communication
Decoding - interpretation of the message by the receiver
The difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication
* Interpersonal involves two or more people and intrapersonal is within a single person.

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