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Bus stand
Secondary Research
Secondary data is data gathered from studies, surveys or
experiments that have been run by other people or from other
A bus stand, also called a bus bay, or bus stance, is a designated
parking location where a bus or coach waits out of service between
scheduled public transport services. A bus stand are seen at different
busy spots. Like school or college gates, markets, medical centres and
the crossing point of two or more roads.
Buses are the major component of bus stand. A bus is a road
vehicle designed to carry many passengers. Buses can have a capacity
as high as 300 passengers. Buses may be used for scheduled bus
transport, scheduled coach transport, school transport, private hire, or
tourism; promotional buses may be used for political campaigns and
others are privately operated for a wide range of purposes. The most
common type of bus is the single-deck rigid bus, with larger loads
carried by double-decker and articulated buses, and smaller loads
carried by minibuses; coaches are used for longer-distance services.
Many types of buses, such as city transit buses and inter-city coaches,
charge a fare. Other types, such as elementary or secondary school
buses or shuttle buses within a post-secondary education campus do
not charge a fare.
In India, buses are an important means of public transport. Due to this
social significance, urban bus transport is often owned and operated by
public agencies, and most state governments operate bus services
through a State Road Transport Corporation. These corporations have
proven extremely useful in connecting villages and towns across the
country. Alongside the public companies there are many private bus
fleets: As of 2012, there were 131,800 publicly owned buses in India, but
1,544,700 buses owned by private companies.
However, the share of buses is negligible in most Indian cities as
compared to personalised vehicles, and two-wheelers and cars account
for more than 80 percent of the vehicle population in most large
cities. Many Indian states government have their own fleet of buses
which are run under their State Transport Department. Some of the top
bus fleet are as follows:
Primary data
Is data that is collected by researches from first hand resources,
using methods like surveys, interviews or experiments. It is collected
with a research project in mind, directly from primary resources.
In our research for primary data we went to the kangra bus stand to
survey the people who travel using buses. We interviewed people asking
them the questions that we prepared. We tried to understand the
problems of people . We mainly focused on hygiene and communication
problem. We surveyed nearly 22 people which included men, women
and students, including our experiences also.
People of all age groups i.e. 12-45 years of age were surveyed. 65% of
them were male, 30% were females and the rest were other. Surveyed
people included shopkeepers, students, businessman, bus conductor.
Out of all 47.6% were localites, 33.3% were students and 19% tourists.
Out of them 42.9% people travelled daily,9.5% travelled weekly, 23.8%
travelled occasionally and other 23.8% travelled on monthly basis. Out
of which 80% people bought tickets from conductor and rest 20% from
ticket from ticket counter. The usual places they visit are sumela, kaned,
Delhi, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Dharamshala, McLeodGanj,
shahpur, nagrota etc.
Now out of all the people that were surveyed 70% people knew about
the inquiry desk while 5% do not know about inquiry desk and rest 25%
were confused about the inquiry desk if it exists or not. 61.1% people
said that the inquiry desk is helpful and 38.9% people were against it.
When we asked people if they got information about the bus being late
50% of them agreed about getting the information while 50% disagreed.
80% of the people agrees that the conductors cooperate when they are
in any problem and 20% fully disagreed. When asked, 78.9% people
wanted the signboard even at the back of the bus and 21.1% people are
satisfied with the present signboard.
Most of the people had no issues when asked how and where they file
the complaints whereas some people said that they go to inquiry desk to
file complaints and some people even answered that they don’t even
know where to file any type of complain. And we felt that there should be
announcements regarding the timings of the buses because the board
where the information regarding the bus timings had font that was so
small almost not visible and when asked the same 75% of the people
agreed to our notion and 25% were satisfied because they were people
who used to travel everyday and hence knew the timings of the buses.
When asked if the washrooms were clean or not 52.4% of the people
said that it was clean and the rest 47.6% of the people found the
washrooms not clean. And most of the people agreed that there was
handwash and working taps with water inside the washroom. About
68.4% people said that there were no dustbins inside the washroom and
suggested that there should be dustbins inside the washroom.
76.2% of the people were satisfied with the drinking water facility inside
the bus stand while the rest were not satisfied. 71.4% people agreed
about the waiting hall being clean and hygienic while the rest didn’t and
66.7% people told that the waiting hall is comfortable and appropriate
while the rest 33.3% didn’t, even suggested that there should be more
chairs to sit.
66.7% people said that there are enough dustbins in bus stand and
33.3% said there should be more dustbins but people believed that
dustbins were enough but people do not use them. Litter was found
everywhere in the bus stand.
Buses were clean from inside as 85.7% people agreed to this and the
same percentage agreed on the fact that the seats of the buses were
comfortable and clean. 81% people preferred a dustbin inside the bus.
We inquired if there were any other problems faced by people they
replied by saying that there was lack of security, there was no electricity
backup, people smoking and a lot of stray dogs roaming inside the bus
And on asking for suggestions people said that there should be
information board on the back of every bus and there should be more
dustbins and there should be a first aid kit in every bus.
From the above data we can conclude that
1. There is an inquiry desk in the bus stand which is known to most of
the people but still some people do not know about the presence
of inquiry desk. Mostly people agreed that the inquiry desk is
helpful whereas some people claimed that there is no one sitting at
the desk and even when there is someone they do not respond
2. When asked about getting the information about any delay in bus
timings half of them replied that they get the required information
whilst other half replied that they do not get any information and
hence they have to wait uninformed.
3. Only few people had negative remarks regarding the behaviour of
the conductor. People were satisfied and said that most of the
conductors are friendly and helped them during any problem.
4. Nearly all people acknowledged that signboard be there on the
back of the bus. Tourists and shopkeepers sympathised on the
fact that signboards be there on the back of the bus as well
whereas local people or the people who travelled daily had no
issues regarding this as they already knew where the bus would
be standing and where it would go.
5. Most of the people had no issues when asked how and where they
file the complaints whereas some people said that they go to
inquiry desk to file complaints and some people even answered
that they don’t even know where to file any type of complain.
6. The board where the information regarding the bus timings had
font that was so small almost not visible and when asked the same
people had no idea about bus timings. And some were satisfied
because they were people who were frequent travellers and hence
knew the timings of the buses.
We received mixed answers about the sanitation facility.
1. Nearly half of the surveyed people saw eye to eye when asked if
the washroom were clean where as the rest didn’t.
2. More than half people admitted that there was handwash and
working taps with water inside the washroom.
3. People denied saying there were no dustbins inside washroom.
4. People were satisfied with the drinking water facility.
5. About the waiting hall more than half people said that the waiting
halls were clean and appropriate but some suggested that there
should be more chairs as during summers or rainy season the
number of people waiting in the hall are too many and hence there
is no space to sit.
6. People did not complain regarding the dustbins as they thought
that the number of dustbins were enough but the problem was with
people because they didn’t use them and hence the place
remained dirty.
7. Three questions were asked about the inside of the bus i.e.
(i)Are the buses clean from inside?
(ii)Are bus seats clean and comfortable?
(iii)Do you prefer a dustbin inside the bus?
And nearly all people had the same answer that is “Yes”.

1. We inquired if there were any other problems faced by people they
replied by saying that there was lack of security, there was no
electricity backup, people smoking and a lot of stray dogs roaming
inside the bus stand.
2. And on asking for suggestions people said that there should be
information board on the back of every bus and there should be more
dustbins and there should be a first aid kit in every bus.
A quick glance at major problems

lack of inquiry

signboard issue

information regarding
bus timimgs

lack of dustbins inside

washrooms and buses

shortage of chairs in
waiting hall

litter found
According to us problems regarding
1. Communication can be solved as follows:
 There should be a proper inquiry desk where all the
information needed by the people be provided. Also
proper signboard to as where the inquiry desk is, should
be available so that people do not have to roam around
asking other people where the desk is.
 One of the main problems faced by most of the people
was lack of signboard about where the bus was going.
Although signboards were present in the front of the bus
but according to us and most of the people we surveyed
we realised that there should be signboard even at the
back of the bus so that people do not have to go in front of
the bus to find out the destination of the bus.
 Other main issue faced by tourists and people who do not
travel at regular basis was lack of announcement about
the buses. Now as there is announcement in railway
stations about the train we believe that the same can be
done in bus stands.
2. Hygiene can be solved as follows:
 Dustbins are really important part of cleanliness
everywhere and the same should be provided inside the
washrooms and even inside the bus so that people have a
proper waste management even inside bus because we
saw a lot of dry waste inside the bus, so this issue can be
solved by just keeping a dustbin inside the bus that would
be cleaned regularly.
 People find no place to sit particularly during summers
and rainy season in the waiting hall, so for this more
chairs can be provided to solve this problem.
 Again coming to the point of dustbins, although there were
enough dustbins all around the bus stand but still litter
was found everywhere so this issue can be resolved by
putting banners and posters to encourage people to use
dustbins instead of throwing the waste outside.
1. Brainstorming
2. Mind mapping
3. Questionnaire
This survey is for the assignment that we have been given in our class.
Please spare some time to answer our questions.
1. Are you a tourist/localite/student?
2. How often do you travel by bus?
3. What are the usual places you visit?
4. Method of getting ticket and why.
a. Broker b. Ticket counter c. Conductor
5. Is there any enquiry desk?
a. Yes b. No
If yes, is it helpful?
a. Yes b. No
6. If the bus is late, do you get the information?
a. Yes b. No
6. Are the conductors cooperative or not?
7. Do you prefer a signboard at the back of the bus?
a. Yes b. No
8. Where and how do you file a complain regarding any issue?
9. Do you feel there should be announcement regarding timing of
a. Yes b. No
10. Are the washrooms clean?
a. Yes b. No

11. Do you find water and handwash in the washroom?

a. Yes b. No
12. Is there any dustbin inside the washroom?
a. Yes b. No
13. Is there drinking water facility inside the bus stand?
a. Yes b. No
14. Is the waiting hall clean or not?
a. Yes b. No
15. Is the sitting space on the bus stand comfortable and appropriate?
a. Yes b. No
16. Are there enough dustbins in bus stand?
a. Yes b. No
17. Are the buses clean from inside?
a. Yes b. No
18. Are the bus seats comfortable and clean?
a. Yes b. No
19. Do you prefer a dustbin inside the bus?
a. Yes b. No
20. Do you have any other problems?
21. Any suggestions?

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