Risk Analysis Evaluation of Piroxicam 20Mg Capsules Manufacture Process by Fmea Technique

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Priscila et al.

International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794


Available online at www.ijdra.com
Cardoso Priscila*, Marotta Flávia, Siqueira Kelen.
Pharmascience Indústria Farmacêutica, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
*Corresponding Author’s E-mail: cardosopriscila18@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22270/ijdra.v6i1.215


This paper presents an application of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) on the manufacturing process of
Piroxicam 20mg capsules, with the objective of identifying possible failures and creates subsidies for improvement of
the production stages. Brainstorming or Collaborative critical analysis was used as a tool to collect information and
support FMEA’s application. After the risk analysis, evaluation of the production process using FMEA, manipulation
and secondary packaging were found to be the critical stages in the production process necessary for implementation
of actions in order to mitigate the risks.

Keywords: Risk analysis, FMEA, Piroxicam, manufacture process.

pharmaceutical drugs, has risk management

become a real demand for companies. In
The risk, according to the Q9 guide "Quality accordance with the regulation: quality, safety
risk management" of the International and efficacy must be designed and defined for a
Conference on Harmonization of Technical product. This indicates that the aspects relating
Requirements for Registration of to the product such as Excipients and
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), is the manufacturing processes must be studied and
combination of the probability of occurrence of known. (4,5)
an undesired event and the severity of this
damage in a context of uncertainty. In the Recently, RDC no 60/2014 (revoked by RDC
pharmaceutical industry, risk analysis is carried no200/2017) and RDC no 73/2016, incorporated
out in order to estimate the risk associated with the demand for risk assessment in the
identified hazards. This is an instrument that registration and post-registration for new
pharmaceutical drugs, generics and similars.
assists in decision making about processes and
allows the prioritization of the factors with Through these resolutions, ANVISA established
greater influence on the quality of the product. differentiated procedures and demands
according to the complexity of the
manufacturing processes and sanitary risk. This
In Brazil, pharmaceutical industries have been started the requirement for manufacturers of the
facing continually increasing regulatory pharmaceutical drugs to demonstrate the critical
requirements, which, in turn, continues to drive stages of the manufacturing process in order to
demand for a greater understanding of classify post-registration changes as greater or
manufacturing processes. (3) less impact. (6-8)

The risk approach has been present in Brazilian The ICH Q9 defines the concepts and principles
health legislation since the publication of the of risk management, describes the procedures
Organic Health Law (Law no 8080/1990, article for risk assessment and proposes examples of
6, § 1), however only with the publication of the applications. This document is widely used by
Resolution of the Collegiate Board of ANVISA, the pharmaceutical industries as a complement
(RDC) no 17/2010, which establishes good to the Brazilian legislation. (1,3,9).
manufacturing practices (GMP) for

© 2018 IJDRA Publishing Group, All rights reserved Page 19

Priscila et al. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794

Several methods and tools are available to occurrence, being an estimate of the probability
evaluate and manage risks; all of these tools are of process failure due to one or several causes;
based on a process of searching, recognizing severity, a reflection of the failure’s gravity
and describing hazards. One of the most used effect on the process; and the detection, an
quality tools in the pharmaceutical industry is evaluation of the probability of the failure to be
the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). detected at the predicted control point.
(1,10) (13,16,17)
FMEA is a methodology that aims to assess the The index of occurrence, severity and detection
risk of failure in processes and to identify the were assigned as established in table 1. The
most important areas for improvements. FMEA RPN was then calculated and classified as high,
is an essential element for quality planning in a medium and low risk according to the score
company. It allows accurate detection of the obtained, being the risk classification (1,11,18):
potential failures of a company’s processes and
their respective occurrences and detection rates. -Low (score 1 to 6): Tolerable. It does not need
(11-13) to implement corrective actions to reduce risk.
-Medium (scores 8 and 9): Actions should be
The present study focused on applying FMEA to implemented to reduce the level of risk.
the manufacturing process of Piroxicam 20 mg -High (scores 10 to 27): Immediate actions
capsules. The aim of this work was to recognize must be implemented to reduce the level of
potential failures in the productive process, the risk.
critical points at which they may occur and
identify the actions necessary to eliminate or To analyze the possible failures that may occur
reduce the possibility or occurrence of these during the process, a discussion was conducted
failures. in a multidisciplinary group (Brainstorming)
and the FMEA form was completed. For this
MATERIAL AND METHODS purpose, the following steps were described:
process stages and equipment (column 1 and 2
Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory of the form); types of potential failures (column
drug, indicated for a variety of conditions that 3); effects of the failure (column 4); possible
require anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic causes of the failure (column 5); current
activity. (14) The product under study is controls (column 6).
Piroxicam 20 mg capsule. According to the
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia 5th edition, the A process point was classified according to its
monograph of this product requires degree of risk. They were considered critical
disintegration, determination of weight, points if they were evaluated with a medium or
identification, uniformity of unit doses, high risk and noncritical if the point were
dissolution, purity tests (related substances), deemed with low risk. The process stage was
assay, total count microorganisms and research considered critical if it contained at least one
on pathogenic microorganisms as quality control critical point.
tests. (15, 16)
Manufacturing process
Risk analysis – FMEA
The capsule production process may be carried
The Risk Analysis was performed using the out by wet or dry handling for further
FMEA, to ensure that all possible failures of the encapsulation. For the Piroxicam product, the
process were considered and analyzed. The aim manufacturing process chosen was the dry
of this approach is to eliminate identified process. This process consists of mixing
failures before the start of production using different particles, in which the particles are
recommended corrective actions. arranged according to an interaction, forming a
repetitive pattern taking into account the size of
For the evaluation of the risk analysis through the particles and their distribution. (19)
FMEA, the risk priority number (RPN) was
calculated by multiplying the occurrence, The manufacturing process of Piroxicam 20 mg
severity and detection for each point. The
© 2018 IJDRA Publishing Group, All rights reserved Page 20
Priscila et al. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794

capsule consists of several steps as described in figure 1.

Table 1: Occurrence, severity and detection index

Index Occurrence Severity Detection

The failure has low impact. They are
The probability of minor failures and do not affect the Easily detectable.
Low occurrence is very product. They cause reduced process Existing controls
low, remote. performance and gradual emergence of detect the failure.
inefficiency. No impact on public health.
The impact of failure is serious. It can
The probability of affect the quality of the product or the Moderately detectable.
occurrence is process by leaving them out of their The controls can
moderated, specifications, but it is possible to correct identify the failure.
occasional. the error during the process.
No momentary impact on public health.
The failure has a high impact. It directly Hardly detectable. It is
The probability of affects the quality of the product or the very difficult to
High occurrence is very process by leaving it out of its identify during the
high. specifications. process and/or there
Has impact on public health. are no controls.

Figure 1: Flowchart of the manufacturing process of Piroxicam 20 mg capsule.

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Priscila et al. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the risk sources of the process were listed. Table
2 shows the study performed using FMEA.
In consonance with the process flow and the
unit operations inherent to each stage,
Table 2: FMEA of Piroxicam 20 mg capsules production process




Equipment Failure Effect Causes Controls

* Double check
in the weighing
* Wrong check step
* Incorrect
Weigh of Excipients * Checking the
different raw * Decalibrated raw materials
of the product
material and / balance before the
* Process
Weight or incorrect * Non- manipulation
Weighing change 1 3 1 3 Low
balance quantity of the compliance stage
* Physico-
requested in with * Training
the production production * Conference by
alteration of
order. order the Quality
the product
parameters Inspector
* Daily weight
balance’s check
* Final mixing * Non-
without compliance
uniformity with
Use the mesh * Inadequate production * Training
Granulator with incorrect drainage order * Mesh mount 1 2 2 4 Low
granulometry. * Weight parameters double check
variation * Inefficiency
* Density of employee
variation training
Manipulation * Non-
* Uniformity
outside the
Divergent production
* Inadequate
mixing time order
lubrication, * Training
V-Mixer from the parameters 2 2 3 12 High
with difficulty
production * Inefficiency
in draining the
order of employee
* Weight
* Insufficient
mixing time
* Improper
* Control in
* Non-
process of
Unsatisfactory compliance
weight 2 3 1 6 Low
powder flow. with
* Training
* Weight parameters
Encapsulation Encapsulator
variation * Improper
* Non- * Control in
compliance process of
filling of 2 3 1 6 Low
with weight
production * Training

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Priscila et al. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794

* Improper
* Non-
compliance * Control in
with process of
opening and 2 3 1 6 Low
production weight and
closing of
order disintegration
parameters * Training
* Inadequate
* Process
control of blister
* Non-
* Conference by
* Incorrect another
expiration date operator, quality
Incorrect production
and batch inspector or
encoding order 1 3 1 3 Low
* Incorrect or controller
setting. parameters
missing * Training
* Inefficiency
information * Describe the
of employee
regulation of the
equipment in
the production
* Non-
Blister * Appearance * In-process
Primary compliance
packaging of the blister in control of
Packaging Incorrect with
machine disagreement content
setting of the production
(presence of verification,
blister order 1 3 1 3 Low
holes, leak test and
packaging parameters
kneading or print/colour of
machine. * Inefficiency
deformation the blister
of employee
and leakage) * Training
* Non-
Inefficiency in * In-process
* Blister production
manual control of
missing order 2 3 1 6 Low
spreading of blister’s content
capsule parameters
capsules. * Training
* Inefficiency
of employee
* Non-
* Double check
* Incorrect conference of
expiration date the coding
Incorrect production
and batch * In-process
encoding order 1 3 1 3 low
* Incorrect or control of
setting. parameters
missing cartridge’s
* Inefficiency
information coding
of employee
* Training
Secondary Packing training
Packaging machine * Non-
* Cartridge compliance * In-process
missing blister with control to verify
Incomplete and package production the content and
and damaged inserts order presence of 2 3 2 12 high
cartridges. * Cartridge parameters damage in the
crushed and * Inefficiency cartridge
deformed. of employee * Training

© 2018 IJDRA Publishing Group, All rights reserved Page 23

Priscila et al. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs; 2018, 6(1), 19-25 ISSN: 2321 - 6794

For scoring purposes, during the evaluation of After the implementation of the suggested
the risk analysis, it was defined that whenever actions in these critical stages, the possible risks
the current control is performed only with will be mitigated, demonstrating safety and
employee training, the process detection will control of the evaluated production process.
receive the maximum number of the score – 3,
since this control can’t be quantified during the CONCLUSION
With the increase of regulatory rigor in the
Regarding the parameter severity, the score was pharmaceutical industry the ability recognize
considered high in almost all stages of the failures of the manufacturing process and to
process, that is, the failure has a high impact propose actions which can eliminate or reduce
which directly affects the quality of the product the occurrence of failures, is fundamental for
or leaves it out of its specifications. continuous improvement of the pharmaceutical
manufacturing process.
To score the occurrence, it was noted that there
is a correlation inversely proportional to the The application of FMEA to evaluate the
number of existing controls. The greater the production process of medicines can predict
number of controls for a given process step, the nonconformities and promote constant
lower the likelihood of process failure, causing improvements in the performed controls. Thus,
the reduction of the score. it is necessary that the FMEA be carried out by
a multidisciplinary team, with a broad
After multiplying the points of the factors of knowledge of the process, in order to identify
occurrence, severity and detection of the the greatest number of possible failures.
manufacturing process of Piroxicam capsules, a
low degree of risk was obtained for weighing, Through the risk analysis performed for the
encapsulation and blister stages, considering production process of Piroxicam 20mg capsules
that the RPN was equal to or lower than 6. using FMEA, it was possible to detect failures
However, for manipulation and blistering that could occur during the process. With the
stages, RPN results were equal to 12 (high obtained data, several actions were able to be
degree of risk), resulting in these stages being proposed to reduce the criticality of the process
critical. and avoid rework.

In order to reduce the criticality of the DISCLAIMER

manipulation stage, it is suggested to include
The views and opinions expressed in this article
the conference of the mixing time scheduling of
are those of the authors and do not reflect or
the equipment by another operator. This way,
represent the views of the company the authors
the occurrence will be reduced to 1 and the
work for in any manner.
RPN will result in 6, changing the degree of
In order to reduce the criticality of the blister We take this opportunity to express deep sense
stage, it is suggested to install an analytical of gratitude to IJDRA journal for publishing my
balance at the end of the packaging line to article.
verify the weight of the cartridge. If the
cartridge is missing blister or has an incorrect CONFILCT OF INTEREST
blister quantity, it will be easier to detect the
failure. This way, the occurrence will be The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
reduced to 1, and the RPN will result in 6, interest.
changing the degree of risk to low. REFERENCES
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