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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] ‘= Recap of Basic Concepts +» Thomson's Atomic Model = Spectrum © Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Raciations: ‘+ Bohr’s Atomic Model ‘+ Modern Atomic Model += Rutherford’ Atomic Model += Role of spectral study in building an atom ‘© Quantum Numbers ‘+ Rules involved in filing of electrons, Electronic Configuration Recap of Basic Concepts John Dalton developed his atomic theory. ‘According to this theory the Atom is considered to be hard, dense and smallest particle of matter, which is indivisible, the atoms belonging to a particular element, is unique, The properties of elements differ because of the uniqueness of the atoms belonging to particular elements. This theory provides a satisfactory basis for the laws of chemical combination. The atom can neither be created nor be destroyed icc., it is indestructible, Drawbacks: It fails to explain why atoms of different kinds should differ in mass and valency, te. The discovery of isotopes and isobars showed that atoms of same elements may have different atomic masses (isotopes) and atoms of different kinds may have same atomic masses (isobars). Sub Atomic Particles: The discovery of various sub-atomic particles like electrons, protons etc. during late 19 century led {o the idea that the atom was no longer an indivisible and the smallest particle of the matter. However, the researches done by various eminent jentists and the discovery of radioactivity have established beyond doubt, that atom is not the smallest indivisible particle but had a complex structure of its own and was made up of still smaller particles like electrons, protons, neutrons ete. At present about 35 different subatomic particles are known but the three particles namely electron, proton and neutron are regarded as the fundamental particles. We shall now take up the brief study of these fundamental particles. Characteristics of the three Fundamental Particles are Electron [Proton | Neutron Discoverer | 1. Goldstein Thompson, James Chadwick Symbol | core P = Approxim | 1/1836 T T ate relative “Approxim ate relative charge No charge Mass in ke | 9.109107 | 1.67310] 1.675.107 Mass in s.a8sxi0~ | 1.007 1.008 ‘Actual = + ° charge | 1.602x10"" | 1.60210" (coulomb) ‘Actual charge (es), = 48x10" + x10" The atomic mass unit (amu) 1s 1/12 of the mass of an individual atom of ,C", ie, 1.660 * 10” kg. ‘The neutron and proton have approximately equal ‘masses of 1 amu and the electron is about 1836 times lighter, its mass can sometimes be neglected as an approximation, The electron and proton have equal, but opposite lecitic charge while the neutron is not charged Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, NEWTONCLAS: ular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0851-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES [Formative Worksheet J 1. Which of the following has highest e/m ratio? 1)He? 2)H3)He 4) H 2. What is the ratio of specific charge (e/m) of an Pn Andy ;. Name the electromagnetic radiations with maximum. wavelength. Bohr’s Atomic Model Neil's Bohr developed model for hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms one-electron species (hydrogenic species). He applied quantum theory in considering the energy of an electron bond to the nucleus, Planck’s Quantum Theo When a black body is heated, it emits thermal radiations of different wavelengths or frequency. To explain these radiations, Max Planck put forward a theory known as Planck's quantum theory, The main points of quantum theory are: Substances radiate or absorb energy discontinuously in the form of small packets or bundles of energy. The smallest packet of energy is called quantum. In case of light the quantum is known as photon. ‘The energy of a quantum is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. Ex v (or) E~hv where‘ v’ is the frequency of radiation and h is Planck’s constant having the value 6.626 * 10” erg-sec or 6.626 * 10°*J-sec. ‘A body can radiate or absorb energy in whole number multiples of a quantum ie.,hy,2hv, 3hy inhy where ‘n” is the positive integer. Neil's Bohr used this theory to explain the structure of atom. Postulates of Boke’ Atomic Model: Circular Orbits: An atom consists of a dense nucleus situated at the center with the electron revolving round in circular paths called circular orbits Stationary Orbits: As long as an electron is revolving in an orbit it neither loses nor gains energy. Hence these orbits are called stationary orbits oF stationary states. Energies of the Orbits: Bach stationary state is associated with a definite amount of energy and itis also known as energy levels, The greater the distance of the energy level from the nucleus, the more is the energy associated with it. The different energy levels are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, (from nucleus onwards) or K, L, MN ete. iv) Energy Emissions or Absorption: Ordinarily an electron continues to move in a particular stationary state without losing energy. Such a stable state of the atom is called as ground state or normal state. If energy is supplied to an electron, it may jump (excite) instantaneously from lower energy (say 1) to higher energy level (say 2, 3, 4, ete) by absorbing one quantum of energy. This new state of electron is called as excited state. The quantum of energy absorbed is equal to the difference in energies of the two concermed levels Amount of Energy Emitied or Absorbed: Since the excited state is less stable, atom will lose it's energy and come back to the ground state Energy absorbed or released in an electron jump, (AE)is given by AE=E,~E,=hv Where E, and E, are the energies of the clectron in the two different energy levels, and v is the frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted, Qualitative Angular Momentum: OF the finite number of circular orbits possible around the nucleus, and electron ean revolve only in those orbits whose angular momentum (mv) is fan integral multiple of factor h/2 on where, m= mass of the eletron 1 = velocity ofthe electron 1 orbit mumber in which eletron is present 1 = radius of the orbit Merits of Bohr's Theory: i) The experimental value of radi and energies in hydrogen atom are in good agreement with that Calculated onthe basis of Bohs theory. i) Bots concept of stationary state of electron explains the emission and absorption spectra of hydrogen ike atoms, ii) The experimental values ofthe spectral fines Of the hydrogen spectrum are in close agreement with the caleulated by Bohr’ theory. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Limitations of Bohr’s Theory: Bohr’s model could not explain the spectra of ‘atoms containing more than one electron, Bohr’s ‘model could not explain even hydrogen spectrum ‘obiained using high resolution spectroscopes. Each spectral line, on high resolution was found to consist of two closely spaced lines. It was observed that in the presence of a magnetic field, each spectral line gets split up into closely spaced lines. This phenomenon, known as Zeeman effect, could not be explained by Bohr’s model Similarly, the splitting of spectral line under the effect of applied electric field (Stark effect), also could not be explained by Bohr’s model In 1923, de Broglie, the French physicist, suggested that electron, like light, has a dual character It has particle as well as wave nature, Bohr had treated electron only as a particle. Thus, Bohr’s model ignored dual character of electron. ‘The main objection to Bohr's theory was raised by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. According to this principle, it is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position and the momentum of a small moving particle like an electron, The postulate of Bohr that electrons move in well-defined orbits around the nucleus, therefore, is not valid. Thus, Bohr’s model contradicts Heisenbera’s uncertainty principle. Bobr’s model could not explain the ability of atoms to form molecules and the geometry and shapes of molecules. y. Reasons for the Failure of the Bohr’s Model: ) In Bohr’s model, an electron is regarded as a ‘charged particle moving in well defined circalar orbits about the nucleus. The wave character of the «electron is not considered in Bohr’s model. An orbit is a clearly defined path and this path can completely be defined only if both the position and the velocity of the electron are known exactly at the same time, Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, therefore, not only ignores dual behaviour of matter ‘but also contradicts Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. I Formative Worksheet | ‘what is the ratio of energies of two radiations, one with a wavelength of 400 nm and the other with 800 Find the number of photons of ight with wavelength 4000 pm that provide 1J of energy. How many microwave photons are needed to generate energy equivalent to the smallest unit of energy ? Wavelength of microwave is 1.2% 10 A®, (Hint: Smallest unit of energy is electron volt (ev) = 1.6 x10") 3 * 10! photons of certain light radiation are found toproduce 1.5 J of energy. Calculate the wavelength of light radiations, (h= 6.63 = 10 Js). |. Ina certain process, intial energy of the system is ~ 13.6 eV and final energy is -3.4 eV. The cnergy loss is due to the emission of a quantum of light by the system. If the energy of the quantum of given by E = hy, where h isthe Planck's constant ‘and v is the frequency of light, find the wavelength of light emitted. . Electron cannot occupy an intermediate or between n= 3 and n= 4. Give reasons. Find the angular momentum of first orbit of hydrogen ‘atom. (Hint : Angular momentum (L) = mvr). Find the momentum and kinetic energy ofan electron revolving in the first orbit of hydrogen atom, whose radius is 0.5294 ‘The radii of first and second orbits of Helium atom are x and y respectively. Find the ratio of the velocities ofthe electrons revolving in their orbits, [Conceptive Worksheet JH 21,1 S.L. unit of *h CGS. units of a. ‘What is the energy of ‘n’ quanta whose frequency is'v"? . If ‘nt is the no. of photons needed to generate an ‘energy equivalent to *E’, then, find the wavelength of each photon 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X} Modern Atomic Model — Orbits: Atom consists of several stationary states or stationary orbits. (as per Bohr s theory) Sub levels: Each orbit is further divided into sub-states called sub levels (as per Sommerfeld’ theory). Sub levels are given by / values, where !~ 0, 1, 2,3, represented as 5, p, d and f respectively. Note: The number of sub levels (0) in an orbit are equal to the orbit number (n). Orbitals: Under the influence of magnetic field, these sub states (s, pd, 1) are further divided into orbitals s-sub level contains 1 orbital; p- sub level contains 3 orbitals - sub level contains 5 orbitals; 3 Il, I i ORBIT Number =n 2+ 1 (=Sub level Important Points No. of orbits possible= 7 No. of sub levels in an orbit No. of orbitals in a sub level Address) No. of orbitals in 2 sub level in an orbit = n?(n = Orbit No.) The maximum number of electrons in an orbital are wo. ‘The maximum number of electrons in orbitals = 2 x no. of orbitals. ‘The maximum number of electrons in a sublevel i+). ‘The maximum number of electrons in an orbit = 2°, [Formative Worksheet | 19. An orbit has ‘p" number of sublevels, then find the number of electrons that it ean accommodate |. Number of sublevels in an orbit which has maximum no, of 50 electrons is How many sublevels are possible in yy 3 energy level? Name them, Find the no. of orbitals that each one of them can accommodate, ‘The ratio of maximum number of orbitals in s, p, d & f sublevels respectively, is ii mc ‘Theratio of maximum number of orbitals in K, L, M and N orbits, respectively, is The subshell that arises. after ‘f is called “s subshell, a) How many ‘g’ orbitals are present in “g’ subshell. ) In which orbit would the ‘g” subshell first occur and what is the total number of orbitals in this orbit? [Conceptive Worksheet I - $4, Which orbit can accommodate 72 electrons? 55, How many no. of sublevels present in 5* orbit ? 56, Write the no of electrons that can be accommodated by 5, p, 4, fsublevels respectively. 57. ‘The maximum no. of electrons in an orbit, sub level and orbital are, _ and _ respectively. ‘The no. of orbitals present in K,L,M,N shells respectively are é Role of Spectral Study in Building an Atom ‘Apart from atomic models given by various scientists, spectral study plays an important role in unveiling Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES the mystery of an atom and building up of moder atomic model. During de-excitation, electron radiate electromagnetic radiation which appear as bright lines in the spectrurm. So, the bright lines indicate the presence of orbits (Main energy levels). Finer lines were observed when a bright line was seen under a spectroscope. These finger lines indicate the presence of sub energy levels (sub- levels) within the main energy levels (orbits). When the source of spectrum is subjected to an electric or magnetic field, the fine lines further spit into very fine lines. These very fine lines indicate the presence of orbitals, within @ sub-level. Energy levels in an atom Orbits: ‘The non-radiating energy paths around the nucleus are called as Energy Levels of Shells. These are specified by numbers having values 1, 2, 3, 4, or K, Ly M, Ny in order of increasing energies. The energy of a particular energy level is fixed. [orbitne fn Name IN fo |r Sub-onergy Level: The phenomenon of spliting of spectral line in electric and magnetic fields reveals that there mst be extra energy levels within a defi- nite energy level. These were called as Sub-Energy Levels or Sub-Shells. There are four types of sub- shells namely; sp, First energy level (K or ) has one sub-shell d nated as 1s, the second energy level (L or 2) has two sub-shell as 2s & 2p, the third energy level (M (or 3) has three sub shell as 3s, 3p and 3d, and the fourth energy level (N or 4) has four sub-shlls as 45, 4p, 4d and 4f. The energy of sub-shell increases roughly in the order: s< p m= QI +1) =I]. In p sub-shell there are three orbitals corresponding to three values of m : -1, 0 +1. [= 1 = m= (21 +1) = 3). These three orbitals are represented as P,»P,+P, along X,Y, Z axes perpendicular to each other. In d sub-shell, there are five orbitals corresponding to -2, -1, 0 +1, = [UE = 2 sm = ( 2x2+1)=5]. These five onbitals are represented as dy sd... 2", In f sub-shell there are seven orbitals corresponding to -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, #2. 43 = 3 = m=@%3+1)=71 ‘Spin Quantum Number: This quantum number was introduced by Ublenbeck and Goud Smith When an electron rotates around @ nucleus it also spins about its exis. Ifthe spin is clockwise, its spin quantum number is +1/2 and is represented as 1. If the spin is anti-clockwise, its value is —1/2 and is represented as |. If the value of s is +1/2, then by convention, we take that electron as the first electron in that orbital and if the value of s is -1/2, it is taken as second electron, 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 1 ) 0.Rules involved in Fi Electrons Aufoau's Rule: This rule tells how, sublevels are filled by electrons, ing of i) Sub-levels in an atom have different energies. fi) The increasing order of energies of sub-levels is given by Moiler’s diagram, The increasing order of energies are as follows’ Is < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s <3d< 4p 2s > 2p > 35 + 3p > ds > 3d Block representation of filing » (AL) »L) [LULL » AL) eA) +f) fey The other rule which explains the filling of electrons in a sub-level is (n+ 1) rule. The electrons occupy that energy level, which has the least (n + /) value Explanation: 4s n=4 [=0 nti=4 Bd n=30 [=2 nt+i=5 4s level has less (n + 1) value, Therefore, the electron enters 45 level If there is a tie between (n +) value is same for two sub-levels, then the one having lower value of principle quantum number, has the least ‘energy and electrons prefer that. For example, the (n + J) value for 2p (2 + 1 = 3) and 3s (3 + 0 =3) is same ie., 3. Therefore, the electron enters 2p, as its principle quantum number is less. Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity ‘The electronic configuration of *N’ is Is? 2s? 2p? The outer electronic configuration of ‘N’ is 2s? 2p" The three electron of 2p sub-level can be adjusted in either of the two following ways: A B 7 7 ALi 1/1 2p 2p Which is a valid arrangement A or B? In arrangement A, two electrons are adjusted in the same orbital, leading to more repulsion Hence arrangement A is less stable. In arrangement B, as the electron occupy orbitals singly, the repulsion is minimum and hence arrangement B is more stable, From the above example, we can conclude that, Conclusion: Orbitals in a sub-level are occupied, 1 singly a Let us now consider the electronic configuration of oxygen i.e. Is? 25%, 2p¢ The outer electronic configuration of ‘O° is 2s*, 2pt. The four electrons of 2p sub-level can be adjusted in either of the two following ways: 5 e LALLA] (AL 111, LL. ur] « (er Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES In arrangement A, two electrons are adjusted in the same orbital leading to more repulsion Hence, arrangement A is less stable. In arrangement B, as the electrons occupy orbitals singly the repulsion is minimum and hence arrangement B is more stable From the above example, we can conclude that Conclusion: Pairing of electrons start in @ sub- level only after all the orbitals in it are singly filled — @) ‘The above two conclusion are known as “Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity’. Thus, pairing of electrons start in a sub-level, only after all the orbitals in it are singly filled. Pauli’s Exclusion Princip! We know that, electronic configuration of Neon (Z = 10) is 1s? 28* 2p*. The six electrons of ‘2p’ are adjusted in the order 1 to 6, following Hund’s rule of maximum ‘multiplicity, as shown below: 2P2_ 2p 2P? AVAL AL 142536 Now, let us compare the quantum numbers of third and sixth electrons. nim s QusiuaNmberotekeronne.3: 4] 201 +1 [FH Qunumsunbwroteneron nas: |) 2 1 +1 [102 It is seen, that they have three quantum numbers as the same, and they differ in the fourth quantum number. Likewise, if we try to write the four quantum number values of any two electrons in an atom, we find that no two electrons in an atom can have all the four quantum numbers same. Atleast they differ in one quantum number. This was observed by Pauli’s and has given the following principle Pauli’s Exclusion Principle: No two electrons in an atom have all the four quantum numbers as the same, TWo electrons in an atom, can have at the most three quantum numbers as the same, but they differ atleast in the fourth quantum number. According to Pauli each fixed orbital could hold no more than two electrons. When an orbital is filled, the next electron is excluded, and has to pass into one of the other orbits in the shell. And iff there are no orbits with a free space in this shell, it is further excluded to occupy an empty orbit in the next outer shell. Not only did Pauli’s exclusion principle show how the electrons avoided cramming into the inner orbits, but also explained the structure of the elements in the periodic table. Electronic Configuration Quantum numbers are used to characterize the electrons in an atom. To describe the arrangements and distribution of electrons for different elements, we use the rules discussed earlier. The distributions of eletrons in an atom is known as the electronic configuration of that element. Method of Writing Electronic Configuration: While representing the electrons ina subshell, the principal quantum number (n) is written before the symbol The mimber of electrons present in a subshell or orbit lis written as superscript near the right hand side st the top of the symbol. For example, if we have two elecirons in the s = orbit of first energy level, then i is written as Ifa subshell is completely filled, then electron enters next available sublevel. Some times electronic configuration is represented im a different way where an orbital is represented by a square box and the electrons are represented by arrows. Such representation is known as Block representation. For example: 18° w Examples: i) Hydrogen = Z=1:As ithas only one electron, itmust goto /s orbital = E.C —> 1s! or [| 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] i) Lithium —Z 3 : The first subshell can accommodate 2 electrons. Therefore, third clectron goes to the next lowest energy orbital of 2s subshell = E.C ys 28t oe [TE][T_ i) Mion 2 =7 The et ews ection eer en Zo eal, a tn iB il eb he retaining 3 electrons ito obi als of 2p subsbel (Hus rule shoal be applied) =>EC 1828 2p o TOLL Exceptional Configuration in Chromium and Copper: There is an exceptional configuration in chromium and copper i.e., the configuration of Chromium - 1s°2s*2p*3s?3p*ds'3d? instead of 1s°2s°2p°3s*3pt4s°3d" and Copper : Is'2s"2p'3s"3p'4s!3d!"insiead of Is*2s?2p'3s73p‘4s?3d” The reason for the above configuration is that half filled or completely filled orbitals are more stable. Electronic Configuration of Elements up to Zinc Element | Atomic Electronic configuration, Valence number | ms Electronic In terms of Orbitals | In terms of | configuration Inert gases Is! Is! 2s? Is? 152s! [He)2s" 1525? [Hes* [He25"2p [He]2s%2p? [He]2s"2p? [He)2s°2p* [He}2s"2p* [He]2s"2p° Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Element | Atomic Electronic configuration ‘Valence umber | | Electronic Interms of Orbitals | In terms of | configuration inert gases Ti | 1s2s2p%3s" [Neps' |e 12 | 1s2e2pe (Neps | 3e 13 | 1s25'2p%s'3p" [NeBe ap" | Bap! 14 | 1s282p3e3p° [NeBeap? | aap" 1s 1s'2s?2p%3s"3p? [NeBs'3p° | 35°3p* 16 | 12%2p%93p" INeBS ap" | 343p° 17 | ts2e2p53eap° INeBe3p° | 33" 18 | 1s2F2p%s3p" TNepe 3p" | 3 3p" 19 | 1s'2s*2p%3s°3p"4s! [ArHs! 4s! 20 [is2e2pse3p'4e | TATHe 21 | 1s'2s'2p*3s'3p"4s'3d!_ | [Arl4s'3d 22 [1s2s ape ap'arsd |AMs3d | 43d 23 |isaapseapacse |[Aesd | eae 24 | is2s2p%s3p'asisd [[Anas'3a® | 4513 25 [1s2s2p%seaptaesa® [tanas3d® | 43a 26 |[is2eapseap'arsa® [tAmesd | acsa® 27 _[1s2e2p%seap'arsd’ | TArHS3" | 43d" 28 | 15'2s’2p%3s?3p‘4s'3d*_| [Arj4s’3a"_| 4s'3¢* 29 | 1s2e2p'3eaptas'ad” | [Anas'3a” | 463d” 30 | 1s2e2p%eap'acaa” [[anassa® | 4734” [ Formative Worksheet J ——— 2s. 26. 27. 28, 29 30. 31 Which of the following orbitals designation is not possible and why? 6s,2d,8p,4/,1p,3f Electrons, after filling 4p, enter ‘5s° but not ‘4d. Why’? This is according to which rule ? Write the electronic configuration of Titanium. ‘An element has 2 electrons in its K shell, 8 electrons in L —shell, 13 electrons in M-shell and one electron in N = shel. Identify the element ‘The species X*" has the electronic configuration Is 2s? 2p* 3s? 3p* 3d?. The atomic number of the X is ‘Aneutral atom of an element has 2K , 8L,, 11M and 2N electrons . The total number of s-electrons in the atom Find the number of ‘p’ electrons in Caleium and Zinc. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 7 Find the number of electrons present in M shell of Titanium, Chromium and Zine. Which of the following elements has least number of electrons in its *M’ shell ? aK b)Mn Ni 4)Se Write the electronic configuration of Fe ion ‘The electronic configuration ofa di-positive ion, M™ is 2,8, 14 andits mass number is 56. Find the number ‘of neutrons present init Identify the element from which pairing of ‘¢” orbitals starts Find the number of unpaired electrons in chromium Z=m4) Find the number of unpaired electrons present in cr ‘Which of the following species is diamagnetic? (Hint: The species in which all electrons are paired in their valence shell are diamagnetic in nature.) a) Ti Z=22) by Za* Z=30) o) Ni (Z= 28) 4) Cr (Z= 24) Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired d-electrons ? a) Feb) Co” ©) Co a) Mr Give the possible correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron of CI atom. Four quantum numbers for the differentiating electron in the Manganese atom are ‘The quantum numbers for the last elestron present in the valence shell of an clement are given as: n= 2,1=0, m=0, = + 1/2. Identify the atom. Identify the element whose last € address is n= 4, 1=0,m=0,5=-1/2. Identify the clement, the address of whose last electron isn=3, 1=2, m=0, s=+U/2 Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is(are) not permitted? 1 1 a=3,1=3,m=0s-41 D m= 0.545 47. Which set of quantum number represents permissible values? Nn=3,1=1,m=1,s 2)n=3,/=1,m=4,s 3) 4) Five valence electrons of ,,P are labelled as. AB. x |x fz cn ¥ If spin quantum number of B and Z is +, then the ‘group of electrons with three of quantum number same is: 1) XYZ, AZ 2) AB, XYZ, BY 3) AB 4) AB, XYZ List -1 List - 11 AA) Prineipal quantum 1) Shape of orbital number B) Magnetic quantum 2) Orientation of number orbital (©) Azirmuthal quantum 3) Spinning of number electron D) Spin quantum number 4) Size of orbit 5) Wave nature of electron The correct match is: ABCD ABCD D4 123 H 4213 Q1 245 4 3 152 Ifthe quantum numbers forthe 5 electron in carbon atoms are 2, 1, 1, + 1/2, then for the 6* electron, these values would be_ IConceptive Worksheet [+—— ‘The correct order of increasing energies of the or- bitalsis: 1)3s, 3p, 34,4s,4p 2) 38, 3p, 4s, 4p, 3d 3)38,3p,4s,3d,4p 4) 3s, 3p,3d,4p, ds . InAufbau’s principle, what does the word Aufbau” - In the ground state of chromium atom [Z~ 24], the total number of orbitals populated by one or more electrons is In which of the following electron distribution in sround state, only Hund’s ru is violated? Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 2s 2p 2A Gi 2 2p fw *A0 Goo Write the correct set of four quantum number for valency (outermost) electron of rubidium (Z= 37)? Write the correct set of four quantum number of a4 d- electron ? In ground state of chromium atom (Z = 24), the total numberof orbitals populated by ane or more electrons Which set of quantum numbers is wrong ? a ims 2 1 0 +2 2 2 2 0 +12 33020 42 43 2 0 +2 ‘An electron wil have the highest energy inthe st 1) 3,2,1, 12 2) 4,2.-1,172 3) 4,1,0,-12 4) 5,0,0,172 ‘Aneutral atom ofan element has 2K, 8L , 11 Mand 2N electrons. Total numberof electrons with = willbe: 1) zero 23 3)6 4) 10 [Summative Worksheet J--— 1. The value of four quantum numbers of valence clectron of an element n=4,/=0, m=0 and $= +4 The element is 1)K 2)Fe 3)Na_4)Se ‘Anelement has 2 electrons in its K~ shell, 8 electrons L_—shell, 13 electrons in M-shell and one electron in N ~ shell. The element is Cr 2)Fe 3)V TI Which of the following elements has least number ‘of electrons in its *M" shell ? NK Mn -3)Ni_ 4) Se ‘The maximum number of electrons in subshell with 1=2 and n =3 is 2 26 © 3)12— 410 ‘The atomic number of an element is 35. What is the total numberof electrons present in all the p orbitals of the ground state atom of that element? 6 QM 317 423 6 If the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation is 2000A, what is its energy in ergs ? 19.94% 10 2)9.94« 10°" 3)497x 10% 4) 497 x 10 ‘The energy of an electromagnetic radiation is 3 10-2 ergs. What is its wavelength in nanometres? (h= 6.625 « 10°" erg see ; e=3% 10! em sec) 1400 2)228.33)3000 4) 662.5 The energy of an electromagnetic radiation is 19.875 * 10°" ergs. What is its wave number in en! ? (h = 6.625 x 10-Mergs sec ;e=3 — * 10"°ems sec 5 1)1000 2)10" 3) 1004) 10,000 The atomic number (Z) of an slement is 25. How many electrons are present in ‘te *N” shell in its ground state? 13323) In the ground state, an element has 18 electrons in its M shell’, The element 1) Copper 2) Chromium 3) Nickel 4) Iron Which one of the following ions has same number ‘of unpaired electrons as that of V™ ion ? 1) CP" 2) Mn 3) NPY 4) Fe Which one ofthe following set of quantum numbers {snot possible for a 4p electron? 1 em tim +t 1)n=4, [= 1,m=4,m=+ > 2)n=4,/=1,m=0,m, 3)n=4,/=i,m=2,m=+ 4yn=4, 1 The rule that explains the reason for chromium to have [Ar] 34°s' configuration instead of [Ar] 34° 4stis 1) Pauli’s exclusion principle 2) Autbau principle 3) Hund’s rule 4) Heisenbera's principle |. The wayelengti of light having wave number 4000 em! is 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 1) 25am 2) 250um. 3) 254m 4) 25 nm Which one of the following has mote number of unpaired delectrons ? Zn 2)Fe* 3)NP*4)Cut ‘The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in all the orbitals for which = 3 is, 6 2)103)14_— 418 ‘When the 4p orbital in any atom are filled completely, the next electron goes to 1)5s—orbital 2) 3d—orbital 3)4d—orbital 4) 4P orbital When the speed of the electron increases, the specific charge 1) increases 2) remaining unchanged 3) decreases 4) increases then decrease ‘The electronic configuration of a dipositive metal jon M” is 2,8.14 and its atomic weight is 56 a.m, ‘The number of neutrons in its nucleus would be 30-2)32««3)34 ga? ‘The electrons identified by quantum numbers n and iE @n=4,1=1 Gi)n=4,1=0 Gii)n=3,1=2 (iv) n=3,1=1 can be placed in order of increasing energy, as IGv)< Gi) * + Numerical 6610" g 9.1510" I mole = 6.023 « 10 Mass of one electron = 9.1 « 107g :. Mass of I mole of electrons 9.1 10%, = 055 «10% = 0.55 mg v= 480 nm = 480 « 10° m We know that, ¢ = 310 mis ce __3xl0t 3805107 =1830:1 1023 « 10% « = 6.2510" sec Therefore, the frequency of radiation =6.25%10"" sec! ‘Wavelength of the radiation (2) = 580 nm = 580 107m =5.80x 107 m Velocity of radiation (c)=3 = 10° mis Frequency (v)=?; Wave number (¥ ) We know that, e= vv = v=£ x __3x10'ms"! 580x107 m 17410" ms" We know, 5.1710" ms: “3. 580x107 m v= 172108 mr = 100 Miz = 300 km Time taken () ) Wave length (7) iii) Wave number (+ Finding time () We know, = In this case, vis the speed of radio waves and is ‘equal to speed of light in ar ora vacuum, 8 30010 3x10" Therefore , the signal takes 107 s to reach the receiver set. Finding wavelength (¥) ce 3x10 We know, 2-2 = - oh) “Tooxo 3 ‘Therefore , the wavelength of the radiation is 3 m. Finding wave number (¥) =10"s 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] he E 310" 6,63. 10% x3:c10" Ls 39.7810" m =3978A Therefore, the wavelength of the radiation is 3978A. Energy of lower orbit (E:) Energy of higher orbit (E:) Wavelength of light (2) =? h= 6.625 x 10s, e=3x10' ms Im=10" A] We know, AE = he 2 -E, Er E {-13.6)=10.2ev =10.2%1,6x10") Substituting the values in (1), we get 6.6% 10" 310° 10.2%1.6%10 12,375x107 102, ‘Therefore, the wavelength is 1.21 * 107 m For an intermediate orbit in between n= 3 and n 4 the value of m is fractional =e 1.21107 m = mvr=" is not satisfied. 2m Therefore, electron cannot stay in between n =3 nds Angas omen (L) =? al Welnow, L=mvr (from the hint) goo RY ab Bs (from Bohr’s atomic model) Q) oh from (1) and (2), we have, L= => 2a mvt where = 6.625 x10™ Js _ 16,6510 =10%s 23.14 n=l S29" = 0.529 «10m wa Momentum (P) Kinetic energy (Ex) =? Calculation of momentum P=mwv How to get mv? A= 10") 1<6,625%10™ 1 2x34 0529x10" 1 1 0529 ~ 0.529 19x10" kg—m/s ‘Therefore, the momentum of the electron is 1.9 « 10°" kg-ms ays 1 ny=2 nox n-y =10 x x10 x10" ah We know, mvr= =~ Ps 1 “h’ and ‘m’ are constants) vy 2°x 2x Therefore, the ratio of their velocities is y: 2x. ‘Number of sublevels =p ‘Number of electrons in the orbit = ? We know, Number ‘of electrons in an orbit = 2n (where ‘n’ isthe orbit number.) We also know that number of sublevels in an orbit = orbit number. +. Orbit number = p Number of electrons = 2p’ Maximum number of electrons that can be ‘accommodated in an orbit = 2n° Maximum number of electrons present in an orbit = 50. 50=2n? => n?=25 = n=5 = Number of sublevels No. of sublevels in 3" orbit = orbit number = 3 The sublevels are s, p and d Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES _ B10! 6.6310 «3x10 15 =38,76<10%m =39788 |1- 1m=10°A ‘Therefore, the wavelength of the radiation is 3078A Energy of lower orbit (E)) =-13.6ev Energy of higher orbit (E:) =-3.4ev Wavelength of light (2) =? = 6.625 x 10" Js = 3x 10' ms We know, Al ai-_% B-E Ex-£y= ~344-13.6)=102 ev 102x1.6x10""5 isting the values in (1), we get 6.62107 3108 T02x1,6x10™ 12375110" 102 | “Therefore the wavelength is 1.21 x 10°7m For an intermediate orbit in between n= 3 and n =4 the value of mis fractional => mvr= 2 js not satisfied. 2 “Therefore, electron cannot sty in between n andn=4. “Angilar momentum (L) =? n=l We know, L= mvt from the hin) =1.21«107m ah myr= = 2m (from Bokr'sstomic mode!) . from (1 and @), we have, L= where h= 6,625 «10 Js 1.662510 2x34 a1 P0298" 10s, = 0529 « 10m Momentum (P) Kinetic energy (E,) =? Calculation of momentum P= my How to get mv? nh We know, mur= 5 ahd 3 nv=Pa Ext palx6025e10™ 23.4” 0.529%10" 10° 1 gat 19 “9s “os "1010 = 1.910% kg—m/s Therefore, the momentum of the electron is 1.9 x 10 kg-mis nay ‘h’ and ‘m' are constants) yl a My 2 x Ox Therefore, the ratio of their velocities is y= 2x. ‘Number of sublevel ‘Number of eleetrons inthe orbit We know, Number ‘of clectrons in an orbit ~ 2n? (where ‘nis the orbit number.) We also know that number of sublevels in an ‘orbit = orbit number. Orbit number = p ‘Number of electrons = 2p? Maximum number of electrons that ean be accommodated in an orbit = 21° Maximum number of electrons present in an => Number of sublevels No. of sublevels in 3" orbit The sublevels are s, p and d 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] No. of orbitals in s-sublevel = 1 No. of orbitals in p-sublevel = 3 No. of orbitals in d-sublevel = 5 Ratio of maximum no. of orbitals =0,:0,: 04: 0/=? We know that number of orbitals in a sublevel = 20+1 = Ratio of number of orbital in s, p, d and f sublevels: = O, : 0} : Og: Of = (20+ I)s: 2F+ Ip: 2+ Id: @E+ DE [2x0] + 1) : (Qxl] + 1): (22) +): 23] +) = (O+1) : 41): 441): G1) =123:527 ‘Therefore, the ratio of number of orbitals in s, p, 4 & Forbitals is 1:3: 5 No. of orbitals in an orbit =O, =n" K-shell = n= 1 Meshell => m= 3 L-shell > n, =2 N-shell = ny =4 = Ratio of orbitals in K, L, M & N shells is ~ PF P14: 9:16 The ratio of number of orbital N shells respectively is 1 34:9: 16, K,L,M& 24.) Number of orbitals in a sub-shell = 2¢+ 1 For g sub-shell, ¢ value ~ 4; therefore, the number of orbitals it contains = 9. (b) From 5" orbit, g sub-shell may arise. ‘The total number of orbitals in this orbit - 25. 2d is not possible. This is because, the second orbit can accommodate only two sublevels ie, sand p. Hence 2d is not possible. Ip is not possible. This is because, the first orbit can accommodate only 1 sublevel ie, s Hence, Ip is not possible. 3fis not possible. This is because, the third orbit can accommodate three sublevels ic, s, p and 4. Hence, 3f is not possible. According to Aufbau’s rule, electrons enter those sublevels first, which have least energy and relative energies can be obtained from (n+ 0) values [from (n + ¢) rule). Let us check (n+ ¢) value of the given sublevels. $5 3540-5 4d=3442=6 --Bnergy of ‘5s is less than “4d = Electrons first enter ‘Ss° and then “Ae Titanium (Ti) = Z=22 = No. of electrons ~ 22 13+ 28+ 2p +38 > 3p + 4s + 3d ‘The electronic configuration of titanium is 1s" 2s Opt 33° 3p! ds" 3d. Total number of electrons in neutral atom of the element =2+841341=24. = The element is chromium. Atomic number of an element =? Atomic number = Number of protons present in an atom ‘Number of electrons present in neutral atom. Electronic configuration of X™* = Is? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p" 3d No. of electrons in X2" = 27 ‘Neutral atom X has 27 + 2 electrons => 2742 = 29 ‘Therefore, the atomic number is 29, We can find the total number of s-cleetrons from its electronic configuration. ‘The total number of electrons present in neutral atom=2+8+11+2=23 The electronic configuration of given neutral atom is 1s" 2s" 2p°3s" 3p°4s*3d° Therefore, the total number of s-electrons in the atom are 8. ‘We can find the total number of p electrons from the electronic configuration. Number of ‘p’ electrons => Electrons present in p-sublevel of the respective elements Let us check the same. Calcium = Z=20 2p 3s? 3ph ds? > No, of *p” electrons =6 +6 = 12 Zinc => Z=30 = EC=Is'2s? 2p’ 35? 3p 4st 3d! = No. of *p’ electrons = 6 + 6= 12 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES We can find the number of electrons in M shell from the electronic configuration expressed in terms of shells ) TisZ=2 > EC. =Is'2s' 2p* 35° 3p! ds? 3a? (or) KL MN 2 8 0 2 = No. of electrons in *M’ shell = 10 i) (ro Z=44 2EC. 2p® 38° 3p? 4s! 3° oo SL MON 8B = N 1. of electrons in *M" shell of C= 13 i) Zn=> Z=30 SEC, 3p’ 4s? 3a” wor K LMN 2818 2 = No. of electrons in *M’ shell of Zn = 18 ‘We can find the number of electrons in M shell from the electronic configuration expressed in terms 0: shells, eee apse yeassa apse yeaa While writing electronic configuration of ions, we need to first write the electronic configuration neutral atom. The electrons should be removed from or added to the outermost shell fora cation or anion respectively Electronic configuration of Fe is [Ar] 3d° 4s" Fe’? is formed by the removal of 3 electrons from the ncutral atom of Fe. ‘The first two electrons are removed from 4s orbital ard the third electron is removed from 34. ‘Therefore, electronic configuration of Fe * is (Ar] 3d Number of electrons in M" = 24 -. Number of electrons in M = 26 i.e. Atomic number (Z) = 26 Mass number (A) = 56 . Number of neutrons = A ~Z = 56 26 = 30. We know that, Electrons start entering ‘d” sublevel from third orbit = 3d sulevel and ‘4 sublevel has $ orbitals = pairing of orbitals in ‘é” sublevel stars with 6% electron = Outershell configuratoin is 3d° Let us check the element which ends its configuration in 34”. 2 38 Dp 35° 3p det 3d 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] =>Number of electrons in neutral atom of that element = 26 3 Z=26> Iron ‘The _no. of unpaired electrons can be identified from the block representation of the valence shell configuration, Electronic configuration of 24Cr = [Ar] 4s! 34. The block diagram of its valence shell is: TMT) ‘Therefore, the number of unpaired electrons is 6. The no. of unpaired electrons can be identified from the block representation of the valence shell configuration EC of chromium is Is 2s 2p* * 3° 3p° 4s! 3d EC of Cris Is 2s" 2p 3st apt ds ade Therefore, the numberof unpaired electrons present in Cr™ is 3. 1 Tt LI 40 3 ‘Therefore, the number of unpaired electrons present in Cr is 3. Species having paired electrons are diamagnetic. EC of Ti = [Ar] 3d’. EC of Zn" = [Ar] 3d”. GOTT) Git ECof NI =[Ar] 3°. EC of Cr“? =[ar] 30°. ETT TT GOTT I From the above, it is clear that Zn"* has all the orbitals with paired electrons. Hence, itis diamagnetic in nature The no. of unpaired electrons can be identified from the block representation of the valence shell configuration, ECof eis 15° 2s? 2p* 3s? ap° ast ad? 0 ooo * ss ECof Co” is 1s? 2s? 2p* 35° 3p* as? 344 Do os Fr E.Cof Co™ is 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p® as? 3d? 0 ooo + x ECof Mn**is 15? 2s? 2p 35? ap* asad? Domo -.Co* has maximum number of unpaired d-electrons ic., 5. Chiorine= Cl S2Z-17 26 2p 3 3p! Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES tt ‘Unpaired electron is electron number 3 n=3, &s=+12 Mn => Z=25 EC = [Aras 3d trh The last electron is the first electron in 2s sub-shell or the given quantum number corresponds to third electron. ‘The total number of electrons in the neutral of that atom is 3. 2nd electron” éesublevel dsorbital Differentiating ¢"is second electron of ds sublevel = All the sublevels before 45 are completely filled. Let us write the configuration till second electron of 4s configuration = Is* 2s* 2p* 3s* 3p* 4s? Wes y CALCIUM anil Le Te[eT a ho 4, the first electron present in the 34,, orbital is. as follows Configuration of first electron of 3dg, = Is* 2s? 2p? 3s* 3p" 45° 34? No, of e"*= 23 — Element is vanadium Ifs=—'/ in the previous problem, the element could be If =—l/,=> the last electron is the 2nd one in 3d 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] To arrive at 2nd electron of 3d, first we should singly fill 34. 7 Till 4s? > 20" & Se" of 3d => ‘28'e* => Ni fl For a given value of ‘n’, the permitted values of ¢ are 0 to n ~ 1 Similarly, for a given value of ¢, the possible ‘m’ values are ~1 ..U.. a) Forn= 3,623, Hence, this address is not permitted b The given address is correct. ey For ¢~ 1, the values of m are 1. 0,+1 The given m value does not match with the above values. Therefore, this address is not permitted. a ‘The given address is correct. Therefore, the right options are a,c. The permitted values of * are 0 to n=! The permitted values of 'm’ are ~ (..0.¢ (. ‘The permitted values of 's" are +4 or — Applying the above information, we ean say that only (a) is permitted. 48, ‘sof Band zis +! @ + |rotfoo ‘The correct aswer is (2) 49. A-4,B-2,¢~1,d-3 1 50. 2,1,0, 2 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES CONCEPTIVE WORKSHEET} Note: There isan error in numbering of the questions of onceptive ‘worksheet though there no change nthe question even for cach concept Please note tht the solutions are given in ‘accordance wih gueston umber he bookto avoid contin Mass of proton = 1.00726 a.m.u Mass of neutron = 1.00866 a.m. Lightest nucleus belong to lightest atom Hydrogen The mass of hydrogen nucleus = 1.00762 amu ‘The mass of electron ~ 0,0005486 a.m ‘The mass of positive ray particles is more than the ‘mass of cathode ray particles. => fm ratio for positive rays is less than cathode rays. 1, aePre Hydrogen (,H") does not contain any neutrons. Zn= 2-30 and A~70 Total n0.0f neutrons = 70-30 40 Atomic number changes only ifthe numberof protons is changed. Atomic mass depends on the number of protons and neutrons. This is due to existence of isotopes. It is to detect the presence of alpha particles. ‘As Rutherford discovered nucleus, his model is called Nuclear Model. According electrons revolve round the nucleus just lke planets round the sun. Hence, his model is also called Solar Model or Planetary Model. According to Rutherford, Two types of forces act ‘on a revolving electron, in an atom, 4) Inward force: The electrostatic force of attraction ‘between the electrons and the nucleus. This force palls the electrons towards the nucleus. ii) Outward force: The revolving electron also ‘experiences a centrifugal force directed away from the moving path of electrons. This force pulls the electrons away from the nucleus. These two forces are equal and opposite. Thus the atom is stable. 34 > 21. CGS value is 6,625x10~"' erg ~see and SI value ‘is 6.625*10™J-sec . Therefore, 1 SI unit of h is equal to 10° CGS units of h. Eomy poe, he a E an orbit = 2n? 3 = 72=2n' > n=6 Sublevel Max, no of clectroms, B d f an? .2(2+1),2 K-1, L-4, M-9, Ne16 (3) ~ By Aufbau principle. Aufbau is a German word meaning ‘building up’ The electronic configuration of Cr [Z - 24]is Is* 2s! 2p? 38° 3ph 4s! 3¢° the total number of orbitals = 1+ 1+341+ 3+145=15 4.3 75.5,0,0,+1/2 11S 2 79, 2 76.4,2,1,+1/2 80.2 SUMMATIVE WORKSHEET} s=+'%4 => Clock wise spinning electron in *43° orbital. = The outermost electronic configuration is 4s! => Electronic configuration = Is* 2s* 2p* 3s° 3p 4st => Number of electrons in neutral atom'= 19, => ‘The element is potassium. Total number of electrons in neutral atom of the element = 2 +8 + 13 +1 =24, => The element is chromium, Ko LM ON 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] ELC of K(19) ~ Is? 23? 2p* 3s? 3p 4s! (or) 28 8 1 E.C of Mn(25) = Is? 2s? 2p 38° 3p! ds? 3d" (or) 2 8 B2 E.C of Ni (28) = Is! 25? 2p 38° 3p 4s* 3d! (or) 2 8 6 2 E.C of Sc (21) = Is? 2s? 2p" 3s" 3p! 45° 3d! (or) 2.8 9 2 1=2 for d subshell hence 10 electrons, EC = 1s 2s? 2p 3? 3p 4s? 3d 4p Total numberof electrons in p-orbitals ~ 6 + 6 + 5~ i. 2000A° = 2000x10" em =2%10-em, h= 6.625 * 107 ergesee 6.625510 7 x3x10" 2x10 = 9,937 « 10°? erg E=3 «10°? ergs A=___nanometer, h= 6.625 = 10” erg-see c= 3x 10" emis We know, E=hv 6.625107" «3.10! 3x10 A =6.625x10* = A= 6.62510" x10" nm = 662.5 om. E= 19.875 * 10 erg E We know. E=K(orja= LE 987510” 1 he 6.625x10" «3x10 EC = 1s! 2s? 2p 3s! 3p 4s! 34°(0r)2,8. 15.2 > “2 electrons are present in ‘N’ shell Cu = 2=29 = E.C= Ist 26 2p 35° 3p ds! 3a? (or) 2,8, 18,1 EC of V3) = 1s Burs. =10%enr! 2pt 3s? ph ds? 3a => Two unpaired electrons: EC of Cr? = 1s? 2s? 2p* 33° 3p 30? = Three unpaired electrons. B.C of Mn’ = Is? 2s? 2pt 3s? 3p 34° = Five unpaired electrons E.C of Ni? = Is? 25" 2pt 35° 3p! 3eh => Two unpaired electrons E.C of Fe" = Is? 2s? 2pt 3s? 3p 3d => Five unpaired electrons 4p = n=4,!=1,m =-1 (or) 0 (or) +1, 5= 444 1 4000em* 1 he =0.25x10" om shay om 0.2510? «107 <10° um = Sum 1) Zn GO) = Is! 2s! 2p? 3° 3pt As? 3d!” = Zero unpaired electrons 2) Fe® = 1s 26 2pt 38° 3p! 3d!= Four unpaires electrons 3) Ni = Ist 2s! 2p? 38° Spt 36° electrons. 4) Cur = 1s! 25 2ph 36° Spt 34" — zero 13 Number of electrons ~ 4! Three unpaire: ‘Check the Moiler’s diagram. E.CofM 2=2.8 14 Number of electrons in neural atom of M= 2+ 8+ 14 2=26 n=A-Z=56-26=30 3p< 4s <3d<4p. Apply (n+!) rule. HOTS WORKSHEET| Three possibilities of electron spin => An orbital can accommodate three electro => The sublevels s, p, d and fe: 3. 9, 15 and 21 electrons respectively Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘=> Electronic configuration: 4. As per Pauli’s exclusion principle an orbital 395°39)3nhadl ae) 4p" Se! cannot accommodate more than 2 electrons. Ee 2p Senet 446138 Moreover, 7 electrons in an orbital leads to (b) In such case, 1* orbit would have 2 sublevels: répulsia belween thie spuinnig lectroay Meading ite, Is and Ip ; 2% orbit would have 3 sublevels | tg the collisions of atom. Hence, it is not ie, 25, 2p, 2d and 3rd orbit would have had 4] posible. sublevels i, 35, 3p, 3d, 3f a8 i Electronic” configuration is as follows: | Fe” = postive charges : “ m . Total charge = No. of positive charges Is' Ip 2s" 2p° 2d” 3s°3p*3d""40"4p"5s? Charge of cach proton ‘The total magnetic quantum numbers values is = 3 41.602 510" = 4.086% 10" C. equal to the no. of orbitals in a sublevel ‘Therefore, the no, of orbitals get changed, Let us see the changed number of orbitals in each sublevel m No.of (For a revolving electron, the sub} oT | sis vatmes ecto that r bevel value sub level can electrostatic force of attraction = centrifugal accommodate force.) 0 Or Therefore the new configurations are follows: (a) Fy1s'2s°2p'3s! z z 6 8 a (b) Is'26?2ph353p tas! Following Bohr’s postulates, the angular Let the monoatomic ion with charge + 3 be M Mass number (A) = 45 ‘Number of neutrons = 1.14 ( no. of protons) {a) No. of electrons = ? (b) Name of the element = ? No. of electrons in ion = No, of electrons in its neutral atom ~ 3 No. of electrons in its neutral atom = No. of protons present in its nucleus (Z). Let the number of protons, Z be x. Number of neutrons, n= 1.14 x. We know that mass number (A) = Z+n => 4S x4 114x=214x => x= 21.02 Therefore, the number of protons = no. of electrons present in the neutral atom of that element = 21 No. of electron in M’ 18 As 21 protons are present in its neutral atom, its 0 atomic number is 21 and hence the element is 3 1.028%10° Scandium, h ‘momentum is always an integral multiple of >, 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0851-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 NEWTONCLASSES.NET ATOMIC STRUCTURE [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] bh 6.625x10 my 91x10" x1.028«10" = 7.08x10""'m Mass of carbon = 0.12 mg = 0.12«10°g=12x10%g Total no. of electrons/protons/neutrons = no. of atoms x total no. of electrons/protons/neutrons present in one atom of an element No. of carbon atoms -___Totalmass of carbon ‘Mass of single atom of carbon Mass of single atom of carbon = 12 amu = 12% 166 * 10%g (tamu 166x109) Substituting the value, we get No. of carbon atoms ___12x10° 12x1.66%10™ i)No, of electrons in 0.12 mg of carbon = 6.023 x10! 5 no, of electrons in 1 atom of carbon = 6.023 x 10 x 6 ii)No. of protons in 0.12 mg of carbon = 6.023 x10" x no. of protons in | atom of carbon 6.023 10" x 6 i) No, of neutrons in 0.12 mg of carbon = {6.023 x 10 x no, of neutrons in atom of carbon = 6.023 10" x 6 iv) Total mass of electrons in 0.12 mg of carbon =Total no, of electrons in 0.12 mg of ‘carbon x mass of each electron. = 6.023 x 10" x 9.1 x 10g, (mass of one electron = 9.1 x 107*g) \) Total mass of protons in 0.12 mg of carbon = Total no. of protons in 0.12 mg of carbon x ‘mass of each proton. = 6.023 10" x 1.675 10g -+ mass of one proton= 1.672 10%*g) 02310" vi) Total mass of neutrons in 0.12 mg of carbon Total no. of neutrons in 0.12 mg of carbon x mass of each neutron, = 6.023 x10! x 1.678% 10% g (-zmass of one neutron= 1,678 10 g) E, = -5.42x10" erg ; E, = 24110"? erg => A= 6.604% 10° em or 6.604% 10° x10" = 604° Atomic orbitals are 45, 3s, 3p and 3d (n + 1) values being 4, 3, 4 and 5. Hence 3d has highest energy. Radius of nucleus of fluorine atom = 5 x 10-18em Density of fluorine nucleus = ? Average mass of nucleon = 1.6710 gm. Mass Density —otume® ‘Mass of nucleus = Total mass of nucleons. = No, of nucleons x Mass of single nucleon = 19 x 1.6710 gm. Volume of nucleu: ? (-: itis spherical) = Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 4 . $a atdx(seto") = 4.186 4125 102" Substituting the values, we get 191.6710" Density 4.186% 125% 10 6.0410" g/oe Let the charge on each disk be x ax=txto%e. 3 ‘And no. of electrons x charge on each electron total charge 1 ae = 11.610" = 510 _ 10" 1x1.6x10 => x= 2.09 * 10°, We know that 12g of C contain 6.023 = 10° atoms. ot 5x10 IT JEE WORKSHEET| a2 m1 4 SN 73 84 94 103 12)4 13)3 14)2. 15) IML 188 194 208 22)2 23)1 24)4 25)2 273 281 29)4 302 321 33)234)2 eee 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.}

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