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K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Basic Terms ‘Atomic weight ‘Atomic mass unit ‘Gram atomic weight Molecular weight ‘Gram molecular weight Mole Equivalent weight, Equivalent weight of an element ‘+ Equivalent weight of an acid and a base ‘The equivalent weight of a salt + Equivalent weights of oxidant reductant fon + Law of equivalents * Displacement method + Double decomposition method © Electrolysis method Percentage composition Empirical and Molecular formula Elements and Compounds Nature “An element is a pure and homogeneous substance. ‘A compound is also a pure and homogeneous substance. Tipe of atoms atoms, ‘An element contains only one type of ‘A compound contains different types of atoms. ‘Separation of constituents means ‘An element cannot be broken down substance by physical or chemical ‘A compound may be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Nature of properties Atom John Dalton (1766 — 1844 A.D) was the first chemist to use the name ‘atom’, An atom is the smallest particle of an element which can take part ina chemical reaction and is considered the basic unit of matter. eg. O, Cl are atoms. ‘The atom is built up of a number of sub atomic particles. Example: Pure copper is composed of only one type of atoms i., copper atoms, Calcium is made up of only one type of atoms ice, calcium atoms. Constituents: Atoms are made up of many subatomic particles. The important of them being, clectrons, protons and neutrons. Units of Size: Angstrom (A° and 1A° = 10-" m) Shape: Atoms are assumed to have spherical shape, “An element has characteristic physical and chemical properties. ‘A compound has characteristic physical and chemical properties, but these are entirely different from those of its constituent elements. Molecule twas the Italian chemist, Amedo Avogadro (1776 - 1856 A.D), who introduced the word ‘molecule’ ‘The smallest particle of an element or a compound that can exist independently is called a molecule. Example: O, is a oxygen molecule, O, is a ozone molecule, NH, is @ ammonium molecule, CH, is a methane molecule, etc. Constituents: Molecules are made up of atoms; ‘atoms in turn are made up of sub-atomic particles. Units of Size: Angstrom (A*) Shape: Different molecules have different shapes A few examples are 2s follows: i) The shape of water molecule (H,0) is angular. ii) The shape of ammonia molecule (NH,) is pyramidal Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, NEWTONCLAS: ular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0851-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘confused with the terms ‘atom’ and ‘molecule’. An atom is the smallest part of an element which takes part in chemical reaction and do not exist independently (except inert gases), whereas a molecule is the smallest part of an element or a compound which can exist independently under ordinary conditions. Thus, chlorine gas consists of molecules of Cl, under ordinary conditions; but at very high temperatures, these molecules will split upto form chlorine atoms. Types of Molecules The molecules like, H,, C/,, F, are formed by the combination of atoms of the same element and the molecules like HO, N,O, NO, are formed by the combination of atoms of different elements. Thus, molecules can be categorised as follows Homogeneous Molecules: Molecules that are formed by the combination of atoms of the same clement are called homogeneous molecules. Example: H,, Cly Fy Oy Sy S, Heterogeneous Molecules: Molecules that are formed by the combination of atoms of different clements are called heterogeneous molecules. Example: H,O, NO,, NO. If you observe the examples of homogeneous molecules, itis clear that they differ in the number of atoms. Based on the number of atoms present, homogeneous molecules are further classified into the following types. ‘Number of atoms of homogeneous molecules Termed as ‘Only one Two ‘Monaatomie Diatom Three “Tratomic o Four Teara atomic Pe "More than four Poly atomic 86.8, Gu Atomic Weight ‘The atomic weight or the relative atomic mass (RAM) of an element is defined as the number of times an t atom of an element is heavier than the mass of 7th of C-12 isotope's atom, Relative atomic mass of an element (RAM) = Mass of latom of that element (Mass of C-12 atom) Atomic weight has no units. Table solving Atomic Weight of first 20 Elements “Atomic weight (approximately) | T 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS: Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Magnesium ‘Abminium Potassium ‘The relativeatomic mass of an element indicates the numberof times one atom of that element is heavier than x of mass of C- 12 isotopes atom. For example, the atomic weight of calcium is 40, This means that an atom of calcium is on average is 40 times the mass of 1/12 the mass of C- 12 isotope’s atom. Atomic weights of many elements are not whole mumbers due to the presence of stable isotopes. The number of atoms ofa particular isotope present in 100 atoms of anatural sample ofthat element is called its relative abundance which always remains constant fora given element, ‘Natural chlorine is a mixture of two isotopes with relative abundances 75% (C35) and 25% (C137) (15435) £(25%37) approximately. Then, the atomic weight of chlorine is “ =355 Atomic Mass Unit ILis the smallest unit of mass and is used to measure the masses of atoms and subatomic particles. The mass 1 cof one amu. is equal to the mass of 7th the mass of C-12 atom. The other names of amu, are Aston Dalton and Avogram, Notes] amu. = 1.66 x10 g oF 1.66 x10 kg. Relation ofa.m.uwith Atomic weight Consider an element with atomic weight ‘x’. Itmeans that one atom of the element is ‘x’ times heavier than 1/12 of C -12 isotope’s atom. That is, mass ‘of one atom of element = x x mass of 1/12* of C-12 isotope’satom=x a.m.u(- 1 a.m.r= Mass of 1/128 of C- 12 isotope’s atom) Ifthe atomic weight of an celement is ‘x’, then the weight of one atom of that element is ‘x’ a.m.u. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Examples to understand further: i) The atomic weight of nitrogen is 14. So, the mass ofan atom of nitrogen is 14. a.m.u(its atomic weight expressed with amu). ii) The atomic weight of chlorine is 35.5. So, the mass ofan atom of chlorine is 35.5 a.m.u (its atomic weight ‘expressed with a.m.u). ‘Table showing atomic weights of first 20 elements in “ome welgit “omic weight (approximately) Guam) T Tamu 661075 z [amen cos | Tame Trametes Tamia" Element To RmaRT ALOIS Ramee Toy | “Atomic weight Tamim te OOS TameD Tos Team IOS Tams e Sulphar 3 Tamas wore ‘Chlorine BSammiss1 eel; | ‘Aron Damo E Porassianr Bama SOTO Casio amet ITE Gram Atomic We Atomic weight of an element expressed in grams is known as its gram atomic weight. For example, the atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.008. So, the gram-atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.008 g. Gram atomic weight of any substance is also called its gram atom. For example, | gram atom of carbon weighs 12 gram and | gramatom of nitrogen weighs 14 grams, ‘Number of gram atoms Given weight ‘Gram atomic weight For example, the number of gram atoms in 5 g of hydrogen =5/1 Note: 4) Weight of gram atoms =x x Gram atomic weight. ii) 1 gram atom or gram atomic weight of an element contain= 6.023 x 10 atoms. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] ii) Number of atoms in a given substance ( given element) = Number of gram atoms «6,023 x10, iv) Number of atoms in | gram ofan element 6.02310" ‘Atomic weight I Formative Worksheet --— ‘The ratio of weight of one stom of an element to its atomie weight is equal t0 ‘The mass of an atom of an clement *x’ is 39. The number of atoms of it present in gram atomic weight of it is The approximate number of electrons that are required to make 1 smallest unit of mass is Gram atom of any element contains Find the number of gram atoms present in the following (4g of hydrogen (i). gof helium @ «i a)2 1 b)0.25 4 ol 4 a4 025 Find the number of gram atoms present in 8 gram of sulphur? ‘The ratio of weights of hydrogen and helium is 1 2. Find the ratio of number of gram atoms. How many gram atoms of the lightest element weigh same as 1 gram atom of the heaviest element? weightof oneatomof anelement Tisatomie weight weight of onemoleculeofacompound _ ismolecular weight Then, x: y is [Conceptive Worksheet JH | amu is equal to the mass of 1 > 1 @jzthofC-12 atom b) 7;thof 0-16 atom ©) Igof H, 4) 1.66 « 10 kg Atomic weight of an element is “x”. The weight of ‘one atom of that element is a) °x° amu bx = 1.60% 10% 1.66 *107%g Al ‘The mass of one atom of an element is 40 * 1.66 « 10g. The number of protons in its nucleus is The weight of Helium atom in grams is Atomic weight of an element is x. It means that weight of one atom of that element is, a Which lowing is correct? a) Molecular weight of oxygen is 32 ) Gram molecular mass of sulphur (S,) is 256 g. ) The weight of one molecule of O, is 48 amu. all Among all the naturally occurring elements, which one can generate the maximum number of gram atoms from a given amount? 1) Hydrogen ) Uranium ) Caleium 4) Mercury Molecular Weight Molecular weight or relative molecular weight is defined as the number of times a molecule is heavier than <4 the mass of C-12 isotope’s atom. Average_mass of one molecule Weight of 1/12°of C-12 atom Relative molecular mass or molecular weight has no units. The molecular weight ofan element or compound indicates the number of times a RMM= molecule is heavier than 1° the mass of C-12 ‘Sotope’satom. Forexample, the molecular weight ofcaleiumearbonateis 100, it implies that mass fone molecule of calcium carbonate is 100 times heavier than ; the mass of C-12 isotope's atom, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET 6 R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 10. Relation between Molecular Weight and a.m.u Consider anelement/compound with molecular weight ‘y’. Itmeans that one molecule ofthe element/compound is ve times heavier than 1/12 of C -12 isotope’s atom, That is, Mass of one molecule of element/compound = y* mass of 1/12 of C-12 isotope’s atom = y a.m.u (.. a.m.u-Mass of 1/12" of C-12 isotope’s atom) If the molecular weight of an element/compound is ‘y’, then the weight of one molecule of that element! compound is *y’ a.m. Examples to understand further: 1) The molecular weight of water is 18. So, the mass of a molecule of water is 18 a.mau (its molecular weight expressed with a.m.u). 2) The molecular weight of Sulphur dioxide is 64. So, the mass of a molecule of Sulphur dioxide is 64 a.m.u (ts molecular weight expressed with a.m.u). Table showing molecular weights of some compounds in a.m.u Molecular weight (in amu Pamu=2*1.66107 8 1.60108, ‘Carbon dioxide ‘Carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide , 46 s.m.u=4Ox1. 610g ered Water TS amuRT8%1.60010"% Hydrochloric acid 3 36.5 amu-d"166™10E Sulphuric acid 98 amu 9OX 1.6010 Nitric acid 63 a.m.u=63x1,60"10 7g Gram Molecular Weight Itis the molecular weight of an element or compound expressed in grams, For example, the molecular ‘weight ofhydrogen gas is 2, So, the gram molecular weight of hydrogen is2 g. Grammolecular weight ofa substance is also called its gram molecule or mole molecule. For example, the weight of | gram molecule or ‘mole molecule of H,O is 18 grams and the weight of | gram molecule of N,O is 44 grams. ‘Number of gram moles= Given weight__ Gram Molecular weight Note: 4) Weight of moles of any compound =x x Gram molecular weight. 4) Number of molecules ina given substance= Number of gram molecules x 6.023 x 10°. ii) Weight of substance in grams = Number of gram molecules x GMW. jv) Gram atomic mass of an clement and Molar mass ofan element are just the same. ¥) Gram molecular weight ofa substance and Molar mass ofa substance are also just the same. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] [Formative Worksheet JI ——— 10. ‘What isthe weight of one carton dioxide molecule? The mass of one molecule of a compound is 1.66 * 10 g. The molecular weight of the compound is Statement A: The number of atoms present in gram atomic weight of different elements are equal Statement B: The number of molecules present in gram molecular weight of different substances is equal. a) ‘A's true, 4 b) ‘Ais false, ©) Both ‘A’ and “Bare true 4) Both ‘A’ and “B® are false Find the number of gram molecules present in the following: ') 5g of Neon ii) 7 g of nitrogen @ «i a)0.25 025 b)0.25 os 05 025 al 2 FFind the number of gram molecules of hydrogen present in 1 gram molecule of methane gas. Gases like H,, O, are called elementary gases, whereas gases like SO,, NO, and CH, are called ‘compound gases. I gram mole of which compound ‘gas weighs least? IConceptive Worksheet |IF—— Which of the following is the smallest particle of matter that exist independently? a) Atom b) Molecule ©) element <4) compound In which of the following, the smallest particles exists in diatomic form? a) Hydrogen gas ©) Oxygen gas Match the following: b) Nitrogen gas 4) Flourine gas Column - 1 i) Sodium Column - It ) Monoatomic 4@) Diatomie 1) Triatomie 5) Poly atomic ii) Oxygen iv) Ozone vy) Sulphur a) i ii pg tigi iv-15 V-8 Db), it -psi- qi iver v- ©) ili p; iv-qiii-r; v-s 4) iiv- pj ili-qii-rv-8 ‘The units of molecular mass (or) molecular weight is _ ‘The weight of ammonia molecule in grams is 100 g of which gas contains of the maximum ‘number of gram molecules? a) SO, »)0, ©) He aH, Identify the gas whose 2 gram molecule weigh 32g a) He »)0, 9a 80, Mole ‘Thisis unit used to express the quantity of matter in chemistry. It is defined as “the amount of a substance which contains the same number of chemical units (atoms, molecules or ions) as there are atoms in exactly 12 grams of pure carbon”. 12g of carbon-12 is found to contain 6.023 10” atoms of carbon-12. Thus, a mole represents collection of6.023 » 10° chemical units (atoms, ‘molecules or ions). ‘The number 6.023 « 10° iscalled the Avogadro's number, The Avogadro's number is denoted by Nor L. Most commonly the symboLN, isused. ‘Thus, a mole represents the quantity of material which contains one Avogadro's number (6,023 * 10) of chemical units (atoms, molecules, or ions) ofany substance. Itis important to note that while using the unit mole, itis necessary to specify the chemical unit also. For example, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Tole of hydrogen atoms 6.023 * 10" atoms of hydrogen T mole of iydrogen molecules 6.023 * 10 molecules of hydrogen T mole of carbon dioxide = 6.023 = 10 molecules of earbon dioxide T mole of electrons 6.023 10" electrons Tole of sodium ioas (Na") = 6.023 x 10" Na ions ‘The unit of mel is givena symbol mol. So, if you want to express one mole, you may write as 1 mol. Importantrelations related to mole: a) I mole nfparticles = 6.023 x 10 particles (atoms! molecules/ions/electrons(protons/neutrons/nucleons). ) The weight of I mole atoms ofan element = gram atomic weight of the element. ©) The weight of 6.023 . 10 atoms ofan element = gram atomic weight of the element. 4d) The weight of | mole molecules of a compound = gram molecular weight ofa compound. @) The weight of 6.023 x 10 molecules ofa compound ~ gram molecular weight of the compound, 4) The weight of ] mole of formula units off salt = gram formula weight of the sal, as [contain [6.023% 102 2grams | ——— | Hydrogen molecules 2 6.023" 108 [Canta |_stectrons at | [a 6.023" 108 2» 6.023" 102% protons, Hydrogen ‘atoms a Jax 6.023% 10 ] sucleons I mote of | weighs ——__ 602s 10) NO 1,0 molecules tleatrons| ooo age | = nitrogen oxygen ‘atoms ‘toms: Be 6.023 108 27 * 6.023% 10 neutrons De 14 «6.023. 108 ‘nucleons 16" 6023 10% —— nucle ‘Some more important relations: Given _weight 1. Noofgram atoms ormoleatoms= Gram atomic weight 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 14, MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Number of moles (n) Given_weight Gram Molecular weight Weight of x gram atoms =x x Gram atomic weight . Weight of x moles of any compound = x » Gram molecular weight . 1 gram atom or gram atomic weight of an element contains 6.023 x 10? atoms. . | gram molecule or gram molecular weight of a substance contains 6,023 x 10 molecules. ‘Number ofatoms in a given substance ( given element) = Number of gram atoms (n,) 6.023 510% . Number of molecules in a given substance ( N,,) =Number of moles (n) » 6.023 x 10” Number of atoms in I gram ofan element = 6.023% ‘Atomic weight 10.Number of molecule in | gramofa substance 6.023%10% Molecular weight 11. Weight ofan element in gran gram atoms xGAW 12. Weight of substance in grams = Number of moles x GMW Number ofatoms ofan element per molecule can be calculated if MW and percentage mass ofthat ‘element are given by using the formula, = Number of MW> Percentage mass No.of atoms = At.wtx100 [ Note: Number of atoms is always isa whole number] 15, No. of atoms present in given amount of substance (N,) =No. of molecules (N,,) No. of atoms present in] molecule ofthe substance. io. of moles (n) x N, x No. ofatoms present in | molecule of the substance. No. of subatomic particles (electrons / protons, etc) present in given amount of substance (N,) No. of molecules (N,) * No. of subatomic particles present in 1 molecule of the substance. = No. of moles (n) x N, * No. of subatomic particles present in 1 molecule of the substance. [Formative Worksheet f 16. 1. 18, [Conceptive Worksheet |} 15. How many moles and molecules of O, are there in 64 g 0,2 What is the mass of one molecule of O, From 200 mg of CO,, 102 molecules are removed. How many grams and moles of CO, are lef? An alloy has Fe, Co and Mo equal to 71%, 12% and 17% respectively. How many cobalt atoms are there in a cylinder of radius 2.50 em and a length ‘of 10.0 cm? The density of alloy is 820 g/ml. Atomic weight of cobalt = 58.9. Calculate the nurnber of CI and Ca* ions in 222 g anhydrous CaCl. The dot at the end of this sentence has a mass of about one microgram. Assuming that black stufTis carbon, calculate approximate atoms of carbon needed to make such a dot ‘What is the molecular weight ofa substance, each molecule of which contains 9 carbon atoms, 1 3 hydrogen atoms and 2.33 x 10 g of other ‘component? ‘The total number of protons in 10 g of calcium carbonate is (N, ~ 6.02 * 102 1 How many atoms are contained in one mole of suerose (CysH,,0,,)? Calculate the number of atoms present in 1g He gas. The density of O, at NTP is 1.429 giL. Calculate the standard molar volume of gas. ‘A-compound contains 28% N and 72% of @ metal by weight. Three atoms of metal combine with two atoms of N. Find the atomic weight of metal ‘The number of oxygen atoms in 4.4 g of CO, is approximately is ‘The number of water molecules present in a drop ‘of water (volume 0.0018ml) at room temperature ‘The number of water molecules in 1 lite of water is (N, = Avogadro number) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES . The Gram Equivalent We have already dealt with fundamentals which the student must understand in order to speak the language ofthe chemist and work with measuring and counting of small particles like atoms, ions, molecules, etc., We are now ready to use some of these fundamental ideas in studying the mass relationships involved when the various elements combine to form compounds. In order for the chemist to explain quantitatively the laws controlling the formation of compounds from elements, @ unit of mass called the gram- equivalent weight has been devised. This represents the third unit of mass discussed, based upon the actual masses of atoms and molecules, the gram-atom and the mole having been presented earlier. Let us first understand the concept of equivalent weight Equivalent Weight The uation ofthe following observation will lets understand the concept of eauivalnt weight. Understanding equivalent weight with respect fo indigen Try to determine the amount in grams of Na, K, Ca, Migand7n, respectively that would be required to liberate | gram atom (1 g) of H from HCI. 2Nav 2HCI— 2NaCl +H, et 2 2K+ 21 —92Kc1+H, 7 ag i a Geta —osc1, +8, & & Mgt 21c1— MgC, + a ir) We find that, 23 g of Na, 39 g of K, 20 g of Ca, 12 g of Mg and 32.5 g of Zn would be required t0 liberate one gram atom i.e., 1 gram of hydrogen from HCI. Here, the above weights of the respective elements are equivalent to | g of H and are hence the equivalent weights of the respective elements Understanding equivalent weight with respect 10 chlorine ‘If we determine the amount of chlorine with which 1 g atom (1 g) of H will combine, we will find that 1.0 g of H will combine with 35.5 g of Cl and is the ‘equivalent weight of Cl. Cl, —>2Hel Now, try to determine the amount of Na, K, Ca, ‘Mg, Zn that would combine with 35.5 g of Cl. Na+ Cl, —>2NaCl a) BF aaste ae Ta 2K+ Cl, —92kcl b) SB sade bat ieee ca+ cl, —ocacl, ©) sb ae From the above observation, it is clear that, the amount of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn that would combine with 35.5 g of Clis 23g, 39g, 20g, 12g and 32.5 g respectively. To our surprise, we will find that the amounts required are same as the amount required to liberate Ig of H, iv, 23 g of Na. 39 g of K, 20 8 of Ca, 12 g of Mg and 32.5 g of Zn respectively. The above weights of respective elements arc equivalent to 1 g of H or 35.5g of Cl and hence are the equivalent weights of the respective elements, Understanding equivalent weight with respect 10 oxygen: We can determine experimentally that 1g of H or 35.5g0fCl will combine with 8g.ofO the equivalent weight of oxygen. By actual experiments, it is found that 23g of Ne, 39g of K, 20g of Ca, 12 of Mg and 32.5g of Zn respectively combine with 8 g of. This is evident from the following equations: 4N2+0, —+2Na,0 oe 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 4K + 0, —+2K,0 See ag at ‘Bit 2Mg+ 0, —+2Mgo ie ‘it 2zn+ 0, —+2Zn0 wah ie Let us define it from the unification ofall the above observations Element [Amount that liberates I g] Amount that combines | Amount that combines of hydrogen with 35.5 ofchlorine | ~ with 8 g of oxygen Ra Be Be Be K ae 308 392 Ca 206 208 2e Mg Ig 12g Rg Zn 325g 35g 325g From the chart, itis clear that the amount of Na, K, Ca, Mg and Zn respectively, that will liberate 1 g of His also the amount of each that will combine with 35.5 g of Cl and 8 g of O. That is, 23g of Na is equivalent in strength (replacement power or combining power) to | g of H, 8 g of O and 35.5 g of Cl. Likewise, 39 g of K, 20 g of Ca, 12 g of Mg, 32.5 g of Zn respectively, are equivalent to | gof H, 8 g of “Oand35.5g0fCl Now, things equivalent to the same things are equivalent to each other: Therefore, 23 g of Na, 39g of K, 20g of Ca, 12g of Mg, 32.5g of Zn, 1g of H, 8g of O, and 35.5 g of Cl are all equivalent to each other, and these weights ate their respective equivalent weights. Now, let us define equivalent weight. ‘The equivalent weight of an element is that weight of the element that will combine with or replace direetly or indirectly 1g of H oF 35.5 g of Clor 8 g of O. 15. Equivalent Weight in terms of Volume Since hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine exist as gases, we can also define equivalent weight in terms of volumes. Volume equivalent to 1g of hydrogen, 35.5g of chlorine and 8 g of oxygen at S.TP. is 11.2 litres, 11.2 litres and 5.6 litres respectively. Thus, Ee ‘welght is that weight of substance which combines with or replace 11.2 litres | hydrogen or 11.2 litres of chlorine or 8.6 litres of oxygen at S.T.P. 16. Equivalent Weight in terms of Electrons Consider the following reaction: Mg+Cl, —> MgCl, How many electrons does Mg lose to form Mg"? ion in MgCl,? | atom of Mg loses 2 electrons be become Mg” ion. It we start with 1 g atom or 1 mole or 24 g of Mg, we have N(6.0 « 10°) Mg" ions. Thus, 24 g of Mg lose 2.N electrons or 12 g of Mg lose N electrons. The weight of Mg which loses N electrons. The weight of Mg which loses N electrons (Avogadro's number, 6.0 * 10° electrons) is the combining or equivalent weight of Mg. Thus, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Equivalent welght of an element is that weight of the element which loses or gains Avogadro number (N) electrons. 7. Important Formulae to calculate Equivalent Weight respect to Hydrogen [Formative Worksheet J ——— | ** 24, 25, 1 Chlorine ! Oxygen Let us know them by solving the following problem grams of oxygen, what wolud be the equivalent weight of the If x’ g of a substance combines with substance? Given, x’ g of substance Eq. of the substance ey combines win 8xx +, Eqwt. of the substance = —— *y gof oxygen 8 g of oxygen (EW of oxygen) a From the above operation, let us try to drive some important formulae useful for problem solving. From equation (1), we can also write, Eq.wt. of the substance ~ Equvt. of substance _ (09 Eq.Wt of CIVH/O Wtof CI/H/O Wtof the substance swt. of oxygen *Given wt. of the substance iven wi. of oxygen In terms of volumes, the above formulae can be modified as follows: Eq.wt. of substance Eqwvol of H, (112 litre) /C1(11.2 litre) /O(S.6lite) 0.24 g of metal hydride contains 0.01 g of hydrogen in it. What isthe equivalent weight of the metal? 0.218 g of a metal is dissolved in dil. HC. The volume of hydrogen liberated at N.T.P. reacts with 75 ml of oxygen at N.T.P. Calculate the equivalent ‘weight of metal 0.224 g ofa metal, when dissolved in ditute acid, liberates 285 ce of hydrogen, measured at 17° C, and 78 cm of mercury pressure. Find the equivalent weight of the metal 3.36 g of iron were dissolved in dilute HCI and the ferrous chloride formed was completely oxidised to the ferric state. Ferric hydroxide was precipitated by adding excess of ammonia and was filtered off, washed and converted into ferric oxide by heating strongly until the weight was constant. The ferric oxide weighed 4.8 g. What is the ‘equivalent weight of iron? —___Weof the substance __ Vol. of H/C1/0 liberated at STP When 31.6 g of of pure copper oxide are completely reduced by dry hydrogen, 7.20 g of water are produced. Calculate the equivalent weight of copper. During the formation of a compound with chlorine, 45 g of a metal has lost 3.0115 x 10” electrons. What weight of the metal will combine with 48 g of oxygen? [Conceptive Worksheet JH-— 21, 24 gof metal reacts with an acid and liberates 22.4 litres of hydrogen at S.T.P. What is the equivalent ‘weight of the metal? 20 g of an unknown metal combines with 4 g of oxygen to form its corresponding oxide. What is the equivalent weight of the metal? 0.05 g of a metal piece in a ditute acid gave 1Sml of H, at 27°C and 751 mm pressure. Find the equivalent weight of the metal. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS: Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] The equivalent weight of a metal is 28. What volume of hydrogen measured at 20°C and 77 em Hg would be displaced from an acid by 4g of the metal? (I litre H, at $.T.P. weighs 0.09 g) ‘A metallic oxide contains 60% of the metal. What is the equivalent weight of the metal? 1.62g of Zn was dissolved in excess of cone. nitric ‘acid and the residue aftr strong heating gave 2.02 1g of oxide. What isthe equivalent weight of zinc? Number of Gram Equivalents Equivalent weight expressed in grams is called gram equivalent weight. For cxample, the equivalent weight of sodium is 23, therefore its gram equivalent weight is 23 g. Similarly, gram ‘equivalent weight of Magnesium is 12 g, Aluminium is 9 g,ete, While expressing gram equivalent weights, for the sake of simplicity, we introduce a term gram. equivalent or simply 1 equivalent which means equivalent weight in grams Gram-equivalent or equivalents isthe ratio of weight of the substance to its gram equivalent weight. 18. 4 Number of gram equivalents (n,.) We. of the subs tance in grams(w) Fa. w. oF subs tan ce in grams (GEW) =n, ~GEW Where * w’ is weight of the substance in grams and GEW is gram equivalent weight of the substance. Note: Equivalent weight of any substance completely combines with! equivalent weight of other substance. For example, in NaCl, 23.0 g of Na* (eq.wt of Na’) combines with 35.5 g of Cl (eq.vt of CD Similarly, if we consider NaOH, 23.0 of Na’ (eq.wt. of Na’) combines with 17 g of OF (eq.wtof OH) Equivalent Weight of an Element Let understand it by checking the equivalent weights of some elements: Relation between EW and AW From the above chart, itis Clear that the equivalent weight of Na, Mg, Aland C are 23, 12, 9 and 3 respectively and are obtained by dividing their respective atomic weights with 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. But 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the valencies or oxidation numbers of Na, Mg, Al and C respectively. The equivalent weight of an element is obtained by dividing the atomic weights with their respective valencies or oxidation numbers. Therefore, we can say that, [Ensivton weight oan oman sao af is eons weigh Ts vale ov non numbers Atomic weight Equivalent weight of an element = Yajercy or oxidation number Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 1) Table showing equivalent weights of some elements: Faq. wt. At. We | Valency At. We. | Valeney y AW 1 aw) | a | Ew-AS || Hemet Gay} ay Element 19 39 40 ants in some compounds: Comp. | Element | AW Comp. | Element Pcl; 31 FeCl; 3 PCls 31 cup Fech | Fe | 56 cud [Formative Worksheet | —— 30. Identify the sat, whose 3 g equivalents weighs 171 g a) AICI, by NaCl ©) MgCl, @ ALSO), 31. Equivalent weight of a metal is 9. It forms a chloride ofthe formula M,C, in vapour state. Identify the element. 32. 12 g of anclement combines with 32 g of oxygen. What is the atomic weight ofthe clement if its valency is 4? 33. 1.6 g of Ca and 2.6 g of Zn when treated with an acid in excess separately produced the same amount of hydrogen. If the equivalent weight of Zn is 32.6, what is the equivalent weight of Ca? 34, Equivalent weight of sulphur in SCI, is 16. What i its equivalemt weight in S,Cl, (S = 32, Cl= 35.5)? 35. Determine the equivalent weight ofthe respective metals in each of the following compounds: a) NaCl b) CaCl, ) Fe,0, Na Ca Fe a)23 20 186 )20 186 B ©) 18.6 134 260 aod 103 294 40 of an unknown metal combines with 2 g of hydrogen to form its corresponding hydride. What is the ‘equivalent weight of the metal? Ifthe metal is divalent, find the atomic weight of the element. ‘The equivalent weight ofa metal is 4.5 and the molecular weight ofits chloride is 80. Find the atomic weight of the metal [Conceptive Worksheet J——— 27. Find the number of gram equivalents present in 400g of each of the following: 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] NaOH AIN MgCl, 4) CaCO, ays 355 6.30 10 b)10 29.4 842 8 ois 156 os4 6 20 5.30 Rn 4 Find the millequivalens of a) Ca(OH), in 74g b) NaOH in 20g ©) H,SO, in 2.45 g Find the weight of NaOH in its 50 milliequivalents. Find the equivalent weight of Li,Ca and S. Determine the equivalent weight of iron in FeCl, FeCl, Equivalent Weight of an Acid The equivalent weight of a substance is the weight of it which provides ions with 6.02 * 10° positive or negative charges or that will lose or gain 6.02 * 10 electrons in reaction with other substances.It should be noted that the equivalent weight of @ substance depends upon the reaction itis undergoing. The value of equivalent weight of compounds and the methods to calculate differs with the nature of the compound. The equivalent weighit of an acid may be calculated and expressed as the molecular weight divided by the ‘number of replaceable hydrogen ions in one molecule of its formula, But, the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms in one molecule of an acid is known as its Molecular weight of the acid Equivalent weight of an acid Basicity ‘Table showing Equivalent Weights of some Acids Examples Basicity | Formula to ealeulate ® Eg, wt. Molecular ae weight ACT 36.5 ‘Type of acid Monobasic Molecular wei acids 1 ENS CH,COOH HSO, Dibasic acids HxCOy (cooH), HPO; Molecular weight 3 Tribasie acids| HPO. Terra basic Molecular weight acids 4 HO Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 16 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 21. Equivalent Weight of a Base ‘The equivalent weight of a base can be calculated or expressed as its molecular weight divided by its number of replaceable hydroxyl ions-present in 1 molecule of the base. But, the number of replaceable OH~ ions present in I molecule of a base is its acidity. Molecular weight of the base Acidity Table showing the equivalents weights of some bases: .. Equivalent weight of am actd Aciity @ Type of base Lio# aOR Moteube weigh | pain, cuoH, RIOR Tracie Molecular weight ‘ates . FeOWs 22. The Equivalent Weight of a Salt The equivalent weight of salts can be calculated or expressed as its formula weight divided by total number of positive charges or negative charges present in 1 formula unit of the salt . Formula weight Equivalent weight of a salt = 7 5t31 qumber of positive charges negative charges For example, the number of positive charges in CaCl, is 2 and its formula weight is 111 ut Therefore its equivalent weight is = —~ = 55.55. Table showing equivalent weights of some salts: 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] seit | tons itcomtains Total + ve charges ve charges (x) qt, Mob Kcl+K7+cr K,80, 92K" +80} CuSO, Cu"? +807 Note: You should not get confused with positive charges and negative charges with cations and anions respectively. There is athin line difference and should be known clearly. Consider a salt Al,(SO,), How many ‘ve charges, ~ve charges, cations and anions does it contain? Let us check the ions it contains: Al, (SO,), — 2A1 + 3807 ‘One formula unit of Al(SO,), contains 2A1” ions and 350% ions. Here, Al” is a cation, SO?- is an anion (negative radical). But, each Al” ion contains three positive charges and cach SOZ radical contains two negative charges. So, in the above salt altogether, ‘we have 6 positive charges (2 * + 3= +6) and 6 negative charges (3 x -2 = -6), From this observation, we can say that: {Cations the ion formed by the loss of electrons by an atom and the value of charge on it varies depending on the number of electrons it loses, ii) Anions the ion formed by the gain of electrons bby an atom and the value of charge on it varies depending on the number of electrons it gains ii Positive charges are present on cations or positive radicals. And a cation/positive radical an have any number of positive charges on it depending on the number of electrons it loses. (Total number of cations positive radicals present in one formula unitof the compound) x (Number o charges present on one cation / positive radical Total number of positive charges in a compound For example, total number of positive charges in AL,SO,), are 6 (2 * 3) iv) Negative charges are present on an ions/ negative radicals. And an anion/negative radical cam have any number of negative charges on it depending on the number of electrons it, loses. (Total number of anions / negative radicals present in one formula unit ofthe compound) x (Number of charges present on ‘one anion / nogative radical Total number of negative charges in acompound 38. Ta the above example, the total number of negative charges in Ai,(SO,), are 6 (3 * 2) [Formative Worksheet [IH Calculate the equivalent weights of i) HPO, HPO, iit) HPO, iv) HPO, Calculate the equivalent weight of () NaOH Gi) MeOH), Git) AKOF), Calculate the equivalent weight of Gi CuSO, Find the weight of one gram-equivalent of H,PO, in each of the following reactions i) H,PO, + NaOH > NaH,PO, + H,0 ii) HPO, + 2NaOH —> Na,HPO, + 24,0 iii) HPO, + 3N@OH > Na,PO, + 3H,0. The weight of 0.5 gram equivalent of an acid is 22.5g, | mole oft completely neutalises the 2 gram. equivalents of a base. Identify the acid Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘The number of equivalent of an acid required to neutralise one molecule of a base is 3. If equivalent weight ofa base is 35.6, find the molecular weight of the base. [Conceptive Worksheet JH 32, 33. Caleulate the equivalent weight of () CH,COOH Gi) COOH, Detrermine the equivalent weight of each given below, if formula weight of these compounds are XY Zrespectively i) Na,SO, i) Na,PO,,12H,0 iii) CaPO,), Caleulate the equivalent weight of Ca(OH), in the following equation Ca(OH), + 2HCI —> CaCl, +2H,0 Calculate the equivalent weight of the salt formed in the following equation. 2NaOH + H,S0, —>Na,S0, + 2H,0 Equivalent Weights of Oxidant Reductant / lon Equivalent weight of a reducing / oxidising agent Formula weight “No. of electrons lost/ gained Equivalent weight of an ion/ radical= __Tonic or Radical weight Total charge on ion or radical Law of Equivalents Let us understand it from the following reaction. H,SO, +2NaOH —»Na,S0, +2H,0 What is the ratio of mumber of equivalents of reacting substances? From the above reaction, i is clea that 1 mole of $0, reacts completely with 2 moles of NaOH. 4) The weight of | mole of H,SO, = 49 g 7: Neabs of am equvset of $0, 372 ——) i Te weight of2 moles of NaOH is 80 g (2 « 40 Beam equivalent weigh of NaOH = 40 g Number of gram equivalents of NaQH = Far 40 From (1) and 2), we can conclude that the ratio of number of equivalent of the reacting substances is ‘NaOH Nimber of gram equivalent 2 2 Ratio of gram equivalents 2 1 Let us consider another reaction and check the ratio of number equivalent of reactants reacting Na,CO, +2HC]—+2NaCl+H,0+CO, Inthe above reaction, 2 mole of Na,CO, reacts with 2 mole of HCL ') The weight of | mole of Na,CO, is 106 g Gram equivalent weight of Na,CO, is 106 g ‘Number of gram equivalents of Na,CO, 106 32———_®) The weight of 2 moles of HClis 2 x 36.5 g Gram equivalent weight of HC! is 36.5 g 2. Number of gram equivalents of HCI = ats 36: From(3) and (4), we can conclude thatthe ratio of number of equivalents of the reacting substances is ‘Number of gram equivalents 2 2 Ratio of gram equivalents From the above observations, we can conclude that, “one equivalent weight of one substance reacts exactly with one equivalent weight of another substance”. (or) Substance (elements/ compounds) combine in the ratio of their gram equivalent weights or equivalents. This is called Jaw of equivalents Mathematical form of Law of Equivalents Consider the following reactions: A+B ——> C +D Let m, and m, be the masses of A und B reacting respectively. E, and E, are the equivalent weight of A and B respectively. Then according to law of equivalents, Number of gram equivalents of A ‘gram equivalents of B 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Mass of A —_——— Matra A__ ‘Gram equivalent weight of A Mass of B ‘Gram equivalent weight of B = Mass of A Mass of B Gram equivalent weight of A ‘Gram equivalent weight of B Li =G.b m, —E, In general, if X and ¥ are the substances reacting, We of X _ Eqwt. of X Woof ¥ Eq. of ¥ This proportional relation is very useful in calculation of equivalent weight of the substances. then, I Formative Worksheet f Find the equivalent weight ofboth oxidant (oxidising agent) and reductant (reducing agent) in HNO, +H,S ——> H,0~NO+S Find the equivalent weight ofboth oxidant (oxidising agent) and reductant (reducing agent) in KMnO, + FeSO, + H,S0,— K,SO, MnSO, + Fe,(SO,), + HO Find the equivalent weight of chlorine in the following reaction: 2Cr-+F, —> Cl, +2F Find the equivalent weight of chlorine in the following reaction: ClO; + 6Fe*+ HY —> Cl + 6Fe* + 3,0 Find the equivalent weight of both oxidant (oxidising agent) and reductant (reducing agent) in the following reaction. K,Cr,0, + HCI+ CrCl, + H,0 +l, Calculate the equivalent weight of the following, i) FeSO, (NH,)SO, 61,0 (converting to Fe") ii) K[Cr,0, in acidic medium H,C,O, (converting to CO.) iv) Na,S,0,. SHO (reacting with 1,) ‘The two acids H,SO, and H,PO, are neutralised separately by the same amount of an alkali when sulphate and dihydrogen orthophosphate are formed respectively. Find the ratio of the masses of H.SO, and H,PO,. 0.376g of aluminium reacted with an acid to displace 0.468 litres of hydrogen at N.1.P. Find the equivalent volume of hydrogen, if the equivalent weight of Alis 9 [Conceptive Worksheet -— 36. Find he equivalent weigh ofboth oxidant (oxidising agent) and reductant (reducing agent) in HNO, + Cu —+ Cu(NO,), + NO, +0, Find the equivalent weight of chlorine in the following reaction: ClO-+ 2+ HO > Cr+ 1p +208 Find the equivalent weight of chlorine in the following eaction: clo, —+ cl +20, The equivalent weight of MnSO, is half its molecular weight when it is converted to @ Mn, (b) Mn0, (©) MnO, @all Day hydrogen was passed over 1.58 of red hot copper oxidtll all of t was completely reduced 10 1.26¢ of copper (Cu). If in this process 0.36g of 1,0 is formed, what will be the equivalent weight of Cu and O respectively? Caleulate equivalent weight of the following ions or radicals? i) SO? itt) CIO; ii) PP i)POF v) SOF . Displacement Method ‘When one metal displaces another from a solution of one of its compounds, the equivalent weight of ‘one metal displaces one equivalent weight of the other. Therefore, ifthe, equivalent of one metal is known, then that of the other can be found. For instance, if metallic zine or iron be added to a solution of silver nitrate or copper sulphate, finely divided silver or copper is precipitated: 2AgNO, +Zn—+2Ag+Zn(NO,), ‘CuSO, + Fe —+Cu + FeSO, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES When zine displaces silver in this way, one Thus, ‘equivalent of zinc displaces one equivalent of silver. *E imbasA._ ig waht! If the equivalent of zinc is known, that of silver "Wi of subsanceB ” Eq.wt of sabstanceD a By knowing the weights of substance A and B Woof Zn _ Equwt.of Zn liberated at two different electrodes and equivalent Woof Ag Eqwt. of Ag weight of (say) A, we can find the equivalent ‘Note: Magnesium and Zine can also displace the SelitofB. rt om satin, er onan | Formative Worksheet |] 52. 1.081 g of copper displaces 3.67 g of silver froma Double Decomposition Method solution nitrate. Find the equivalent weight of This method enables us to find the equivalent copper; that of silver is 107.88. weight of the compounds as well as their 2.47 gof CuO was obtained by oxidising 1.986 g een of copper by nitric acid. 0.335 g copper was ‘AB + CD AD+CB precipitated by 0.346 g of zinc from CuSO, solute What are the equivalent weights of copper and zine respectively? Wtof AB _ Eqwt.of AB . 0.194 g of the chloride of a certain metal, when Wiof CB Eqwt.of C dissolved in water and heated with excess of silver aa nitrate, yield of 0.5 g of silver chloride. Calculate = TA” + EQ. weot DB: the equivalent weight of the metal. (Ag= 108, C: Equwt.of C’ + Eq.wt.of B 35.5) Eq: Consider the reaction, BaCl, + Na,SO, ‘When metallic magnesium reacts with 0.0985 of BaSO, | +2NaCl 2 an acid, it forms 0.12g of anhydrous magnesium eee salt, Calculate the equivalent weight of the acid, if Fer the alenizesction, the atomic weight of Mg is 24 and valency is 2 Same quantity of electricity deposits 0.65g of Zn Weof Na,SO, _ Eq.wt.of Na,SO, and 1g of another metal. If equivalent weight of “Wiof BaSO, ~ Equwt.of BaSO, Zo is 32.7, what is the equivalent weight of the other metal? 96 The equivalent weights of Zn and Cl are 32.5 and 35.5 respectively. When same quantity of electricity ‘Thus, applying the law of equivalents, we have EN’ + _ENa’ + ESOP _ EBs +ES0 137,96 is passed through ZnCl, solution, what isthe ratio ‘ of the weight of elements Zn and Cl, deposited / liberated at their respective electrodes? Hence, equivalent of weight of Na can be When same quantity of electricity is passed, it calculated. deposits 0.46g of Na and 2 g of another metal. If ; the equivalent weight of Na is 23, what is the Flectralyaig Method ee equivalent weight of the other metal? he equivalent weights can also be determine from Faraday's Second Law of Electrolysis. | ff Conceptive Worksheet [J According to this, when the same guantity °F | 490.139 of copper displaces 0.432g of silver from Sheeley hee ea ere ie silver nitrate solution. 0.13g of aluminium displaces Placed tn reper vo tetas nthe 0.47g of copper from copper sulphate while 0.13g 3 sstances of hydrogen is displaced by 1.1g of aluminium liberated at the electrodes are proportional to re ineyapate spartan ee cacti from these figures the equivalent weight 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0851-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 1.081 of Cu displaces 3.67g of Ag. What is the ‘equivalent weight of Cu? (Eq. wt. of Ag = 108) L.L1g of the chloride of @ metal dissolved in water were treated with an excess of silver nitrate solution. The weight of the precipitated silver chloride after washing and drying was found to be 2.87g, Calculate the equivalent weight ofthe metal The ratio of weight of clements A and B liberated at electrodes during electrolysis is 2 : 3. If the equivalent weight of B is 30, what isthe equivalent weight of A? The passages of a current of electricity through acidulated water and solution of copper sulphate liberate 203 ce of hydrogen at S.T.P and deposits 0.57lg copper. Calculate the equivalent weight of copper. (Wt. of lee of hydrogen is 0.000092). 1.081g of copper displaces 3.67g of silver from a solution of silver nitrate, Find the equivalent weight of copper: that of silver is 107.88. The ratio of weight of hydrogen to oxygen is 1: 8 Ifthe equivalent weight of hydrogen is 1.008, find the equivalent weight of oxygen, Percentage Composition itis defined as the number of parts by weight of different elements, present in hundred parts by weight of the compound. Itcan be calculated by using the following formula. Percentage composition of an element in & compound jens te eee} Ati neih of tect AW), bec weigh! hecomzod(M) [Note: Percentage composition is also the percentage by mass of atoms of an element present in mole of the compound] For example, percentage composition of calcium 1x40 100 in Caco, %100 = 40%, that carbon is 1x12 1x1? 100 = 12% at of oxygen is To 12% and that of oxyg 3x16 100= 48%. 100 er Percentage composition can be also calculated for ‘a component in a compound, % Composition of any component Weight of the component is compound 100 Total weight of the compound For example, consider washing soda, Na,CO, 10H,0. Let us calculate the percentage composition of water in washing soda. 286 g of washing soda contain 180 g of water. 180 ‘% composition of water = 55-100 ~ 62.93 % composition of water ~ 35 629 [Formative Worksheet 59, Haemoglobin contains 0.25% iron by weight, The molecular weight of Haemoglobin is 89600. Caleulate the number of iron atoms per molecule of haemoglobin Glucose (C,H,,0,) is the most important nutrient in the living cel for generating chemical potential energy. What is the percentage composition of each element in glucose? Iron, as Fe’, is an essential nutrient. Pregnant women often take 325 mg ferrous sulphate (FeSO,) tablets as a dietary supplement. Yet iron tablets are poisonous, causing death in children. As litle as 550 mg Fe can be fatal toa 8 kg child. How many 325 mg tablets would it take to constitute a lethal dose to a 8 kg child? ‘What weight of Fe,O, can be obtained from 5 tons Fe? (Fe= 56; O= 16} Insulin contains 3.4 % sulphur. Calculate minimum mol. wt. of insulin. Calcium is one of the most important elements in the diet because it is a structural component of bones, teeth, and soft tissues and is essential in many of the body's metabolic processes. 99 percent of the total calcium is stored in bones and teeth. The deficiency of calcium leads to weakening of bones, teeth and soft tissues. So, children are often given extra calcium in the form of calcium tablets and other compounds like 1) Calcium carbonate, CaCO, Ml) Calcium lactate, Ca(C,H,0,), I) Calcium gluconate, Ca(C,H,,0,), 1V) Caleium citrate, Ca,(C,H.0,), Calculate the percentage of calcium in each of the above compounds. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES [Conceptive Worksheet i— 49. Calculate the percentage composition of: 4) Potassium in potassium dichromate(K = 39, Cr = 52, O= 16] b) Phosphorus in calcium phosphate (Ca,(PO,),} [Ca=40, P -33, 0=16] Caleulate the mass of nitrogen supplied to the soil by 5 ke of urea [COONH,),] [N= 14, C= 12, = 16, H= 1) Calculate the percentage composition of i) Silver insilver chloride ii) Iron in ferric oxide and ii) Potassium in potassium sulphate Calculate the percentage of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Empirical and Formula ‘The empirical formula of compounds the formula which gives the number of atoms of different cements preset in one molecule ofthe compound, in the simplest mimerical rato Molecular he molecular formula of s compound shows the actual number of atoms of different” elements, contained in onte molecule of the compound. Example: The molecular formula of glucose is C,H,,0, and its empirical formula is CH,O. Similarly the molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is H,O, and its empirical formula is HO. Determination of Empirical Formula of a ‘Compound: The empirical formula of a compound can be determined, if percentage composition of the respective element present in a compound is known. Let us understand the steps of determination of empirical formula by finding the empirical formula of a compound of sodium, sulphur and oxygen having the percentage compositions, Na = 29.11%, $= 40.51%, O = 30.38%, [Na = 23, = 32, O= 16] ‘We know that, empirical formula can be obtained, ithe simplest ratio of atoms of different elements is known. The following steps help us to find the same, Step ~ I: Express the weight of each substance in 100 grams of the compound by using their Percentage compositions. Element % Composition ‘Wein the 100 g of the compound Sodium Dal Sulphur 4031 Oxygen 3038 29.0 4051 3038 Step - It: Find the number of gram atoms of each clement by dividing the weight of each element with its respective atomic weight to get the relative number of atoms, Number of gram atoms of: a= tte) 3 Step - Hl: a) Selec the smallest ratio or number [quotient] amongst the relative number of atoms and divide the remaining ratios by the smallest number to give the simplest ratio of atoms present in the compound in whole numbers, {eg. the smallest ratio amongst 1.266,1.266 and 1.898 is 1.266; hence divide each ratio by 1.266}, _ 1.266 266 1.898 _ 1266 S* 1266" '* 1266 Simplest ratio of atoms Ls Na 15 ') Ensure that the ratio is made to whole number. If the ratio in a particular case is 1.5, the ratio is then multiplied by 2 to get a whole number ratio, 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0851-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 23 In the given case, as the ratio is fractional, we multiply the whole ratio by 2 to make it whole number ratio. (1 12 1.5)x2=2:2:3 ©) Use the numbers obtained in the above step, as subscripts, to the lower right of the symbol of various clements. This gives the empirical formula of the compound. The simplest ratio of Na, $ and Q is 2 23, Hence, empirical formula is Na,S,O, Note: It is always better and easier to carryout the various steps in a tabular form. The above steps can be simplified and shown in a table as follows: % Composition] At wt. [Relative No, of atoma [Simplest Ratc Since the ratio is fractional, we multiply the whole ratio by 2 to make it whole number ratio (I: 1; 1.5) «2= 223 Empirical formula = Na,S,0, Relation between Molecular Formula and Empirical Formula: Let us obtain the relation by observing the following chart. Empirical Relative between formula formula EF and ME CHO «6 =C.H,O, CHx6=CH, CH, «2=) EF xa=MF ‘Therefore, molecular formula (MF) = Empirical formula (EF) * Integer (n) Molecular Formula Weight _MFW Where n= “Empirical Formula Weight — EFW [Formative Worksheet | ——— 6 ‘A whole new branch of chemistry opened up in 1952 with the announcement of the synthesis of a carbon, hydrogen and iron compound called “ferrocene”. The researches reported C = 64.4%, H = 5.5%, Fe= 29.9%, ‘What is the empirical formula of ferrocene? ‘A compound of calcium, carbon and nitrogen is found to contain 20 grams of calcium, 6 grams of carbon and 14 grams of nitrogen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? A given compound consists of 1.20 % 10°* atoms carbon, 3.61 10" atoms hydrogen and 6.02 * 10° atoms ‘oxygen. What is the simplest formula? Phenol is a colourless or white solid when itis pure; however, iti usually sold and used as a liquid. The primary use of phenol isin the production of phenolic resins, which are used in the plywood, construction, automotive Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES and appliance industries. It is also used asa silicide, as a disinfectant, and in medicinal products such as ear and nose drops, throat lozengs, and mouthwashes. It contains 76.57% C, 6.43 % H, and 17.00%, If the molecular weight of phenol is 94, can you find the number of atoms of each clement preseri in Lmolecule of it? In the western countries, cooling system ‘components are protected from freezing at low ‘temperatures and guarded from rust and corrosion and prevented from boil-over in summers by the use of antifreeze, a coolant, diethylene glycol. The percentage composition ofits elements is: 45.27% C, 9.50% H and 45.23% O. If the weight of 1 molecule of the compound is 106%1.66% 10 grams, can you predict the molecular formula of the compound? [Conceptive Worksheet J-— 33, fen in the older literature of mineralogy the composition of clay like materials was given in terms of the oxides. For example, the minerals tale was expressed as MgO = 31.88%, SiO, = 63.37%, and H,O = 4.75%, What is simplest formula of tale? AA crystallised salt on being rendered anhydrous loses 45.6% of its water. The percentage ‘composition of anhydrous salt is: AI = 10.5% ; K= 15.1%; $ = 24.8% ; O = 49.6%, Calculate the simple formula ofthe anhydrous and the crystallised salt. Percentage of elements in a compound are © = 40%, H = 6.6%, 0 = 53.4%. Find the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular weight is 60. Dimethythydrazine is a compound of C, H and N used in rocket fuels. When burned completely in oxygen, a 0.312 g sample yields 0.245 @ CO, and 0.274 g H,O. What s the possible simplest formula of dimethihydrazine? [Summative Worksheet [J 1 10 ce of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen was mixed with 20 ce of hydrogen, and the mixture then exploded. The volume after explosion was found to be 21 cc (measured) at the room temperature and pressure). Calculate the volumetric composition. 25 ce of a mixture of carbon monoxide, and nitrogen was exploded with excess of oxygen. ‘When gases were cooled to the room temperature, ‘a contraction of 18 cc was observed. On treating the residual gas with caustic potash, there was a further contraction of 15 cc. Calculate the ‘composition ofthe original mixture. 10 cc of a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide was mixed with 15 ce of oxygen and exploded. The resulting mixture of gases was cooled to the original room temperature and pressure and measured 19 cc. On shaking with potash a further contraction to 12 cc took place. Deduce the percentage composition of mixture. 0.15 gof.a hydrocarbon upon combustion gave 0.44 of carbon dioxide and 0.27 g of water. If the ‘vapour density of the hydrocarbon is 15, find out its molecular formula, How many gram molecules of methane are present in*x’ g of it, where ‘x’ is equal to the weight of I ‘gram molecule of SO,? How many years it would take to spend Avogadro's ‘number of rupees at the rate of 10 lac rupees per second? A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylindrical particles of 150 A in diameter and 5000 A long. The specific volume of the virus is 0.75 cm'/g. If the virus is considered to be a single particle, find its molecular weight Calculate the number of atoms of oxygen present in 88 g CO,. What would be the weight of CO having the same number of oxygen atoms? P and Q are two elements which forms P,Q, and PQ,.1F0.15 mole of P,Q, weighs 15.9 g and 0.15 mole of PO, weighs 9.3 g, what are atomic weights of P and Q? ‘Copper forms two oxides. For the same amount of copper, twice as much oxygen was used to form first oxide than to form second one. What is the ratio of the valencies of copper in first and second oxides? ‘Compute the percentages of K, Fe, C, N and H,0 in crystals of K,Fe(CN),3H,0. Caffeine (Mol. ‘wt. = 194) contains 28.9% of nitrogen, How many number of nitrogen atoms are present in one molecule of caffeine? 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] How much H,SO, can be produced from 500 kg of sulphur? ‘A 5.82 gsilver coins dissolved in nitric acid, When sodium chloride is added to the solution, all the silver is precipitated as AgCl. The AgC! precipitate weighs 2 g. Determine the percentage of silver in the coin, (At. wt. of Ag = 108] A sample of potato starch was ground in ball mill to give a starch-like molecule of lower molecular ‘weight. The product analyzed 0.086% phosphorus, If each molecule isassumed to contain one atom of phosphorus, what is the average molecular weight of the material? A gaseous hydrocarbon has 85% carbon and vapour density of 28. The possible molecular formule of the hydrocarbon will be (Note: Molecular weight = vapour density *2]___ Carbohydrates are compounds containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen having the atomic ratio of H: O as 2: 1. When heated in the absence of air, these compounds decompose to form CO, and H,0. (@) 1f310 g of a carbohydrate leave a residue of 124 g of carbon on heating in the absence of air. ‘What is the empirical formula ofthe carbohydrate? (b) If 0.0833 moles of the carbohydrate contains 1.00 g hydrogen, what i the molecular formula of the carbohydrate? The empirical formula of an organic compound containing carbon and hydrogen is CH, The mass of one lite of N, is same as one litre of organic gas. Therefore, the molecular formula for the organic gas is 9.5 g of magnesium chloride (MgCl) is formed along with hydrogen (H,) gas, when magnesium (Mg) is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid (HCI). Caleulate the following: i) Moles of MgCl, formed ii) Moles of Mg dissolved iil) Moles of HCI that reacted jv) Moles of H, liberated v) Mass of HCI that reacted vi) Volume of H, liberated of S.1.P. On heating 0.398 g ofa metallic oxide ina current of hydrogen, 0.09 g of water was formed. Calculate the equivalent weight of metal On reduction of 1 gram of metal oxide, we get 0.68 g of metal. What is the equivalent weight of the metal? Metallic chloride has 71% chlorine. What is the equivalent weight of the metal? Find the equivalent weight of the following: cinco Cinco, Find the equivalent weight of the following Hin HCI H.C,0, HPO, . Insulin contains 3.4% sulphur, Calculate minimum ‘mol. wt. of insulin. ‘Which one of the following pairs of gases contain the same number of molecules? ‘The largest number of molecules are present in a) 34g of water b) 282 of CO, ©) 46g of CH,OH d) 54g of NO, ‘The number of moles of sodium oxide in 620 g of it is [Hots Worksheet |--—— Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are plant nutrients required for most of the erops in large quantities. Often, chemicals containing these three nutrients are mixed in varied proportions to make fertilizers of different compositions. The composition of a given mixture is usually indicated by three numbers printed on the fertilizer bag. The first number is the percentage of nitrogen in the rmixtut, the second gives the amount of phosphorus as they are present in P,O, (that is as the percentage P,O, in the mixture); the third gives ‘the amount of potassium as they are present as K.O in the mixture, For example, the numbers 15- 10-5 indicate a composition of 15% total nitrogen, an amount of phosphorus equivalent to 10% P.O, and an amount of potassium equivalent to 5% K,0. Calculate the weights (in grams) of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a ,00kg sample of a 15-1065 fertilizer. (Atomic weight of N= 14, 39, P=31). Consider the combustion of amyl alcohol, 2C,H1, OH + 150, ——5 10CO, + 12,0 (i How many moles of O, are needed for the combustion of 1 .0 ml of amyl alcohol? i) How many moles of H,0 are formed for each mole of O, consumed? (iii) How many grams of CO, are produced for cach mole of amyl alcohol burnt? (iv) How many grams of CO, are produced for cach gram of amyl alcohol burnt? Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES (¥) How many tons of CO, are produced for cach ton of amyl alcohol burnt? Potassium chromate, a bright yellow solid, is produced by the reaction of solid chromite ore (FeCr,0,) with solid potassium carbonate and -gaseols oxygen at high temperatures. The other products of the reaction are solid iron (III) oxide and gaseous carbon dioxide. In a particular experiment, 169 kg of chromite ore, 298 kg of potassium carbonate, and 75.0 kg of oxygen were sealed in a reaction vessel and made to react at a high temperature. The amount of potassium chromate obtained was 194kg. Calculate the percent yield of potassium chromate. (Hint: The molecular weight of FeCr,O, is 224 and molecular weight of K,CO, is 138, the balanced ‘chemical equation is 4FeCr,0 (3) + 8K,CO, (3) +70, (g) —+ 8K,CrO, (s) + 2Fe,0, (8) + 8CO, (g), molecular weight of K,C1O, is 194]. Penicillin, the first ofa large number of antibiotics (antibacterial agents), was discovered accidentally by the Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Flemming in 1928. But he was never able to isolate it as a pure compound. This and similar antibiotics have saved millions of ives that ‘might have been lost to infections. Penicillin F has formula C,,H,.N,SO,, Compute the mass percent of each element. Phosphorite, the phosphate rock, is @ mineral containing PO," and OH anions and Ca”? cations. [Cis treated with sulphuric acid in the ‘manufacture of phosphate fertilizers. A chemist finds calcium content in an impure sample of phosphate rock by weighing out a 0.4367 g sample, dissolving it in water, and precipitating the Ca’? ions as the insoluble hydrated salt CaC,0,H,0 (C,0,~ is called the oxalate ion). After being filtered and dried (at a temperature of about 100°C so that the extraneous water is driven off but not the water of hydration), the CaC,0,,H,0 precipitate weighed 0.2920 g. Calculate the mass percent of ealcium in the sample of phosphate rock. Titanium dioxide is used as the base powder for a variety of cosmetics. Suppose you decide 10 ‘manufacture TiO, in a furnace by the reaction Ti +0, —+ TiO,, Your titanium supplier can ‘supply titanium at Rs.2.00 per gram. In this process, the reaction has a 33% yield, Market forces demand that you sell your TiO, product at a cost not more than Rs. 3.50 per gram. ’) Assuming that you can sell as much TiO, as you can make and the O, is freely available from the atmosphere, is it profitable for you to ‘manufacture TiO,? ii) [Fit is not profitable to make TiO,, what do you need to charge, per gram, in order to break even, assuming no other costs than the Ti metal? A student gently drops an object weighing 15.8 fm into an open vessel full of ethanol, so that a ‘volume of ethanol equal tothe volume ofthe object spills out. The experimenter now finds that the vessel and its contents weigh 10.5 g aveze than the vessel full of ethanol. The density of ethorci 1s 0.789 gem". What is the density of the odject? Sm of a gaseous hydrocarbon was exposed to 30 mi of O,, The resultant gas on cooling was found to measure 50 ml of which 10 ml is absorbed by NaOH and the remainder by pyrogallol. Determine the molecular formula of hydrocarbon. All the ‘measurements are made at constant pressure and temperature: On heating 60 ce of a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and an oxide of chlorine and cooling to atmospheric temperature, the resulting gas ‘measured 75 ec. Treatment ofthis gas with caustic soda solution resulted in a contraction to 15 ce. Assuming that all measurements were made at the same temperature and pressure, deduce the formula of the oxide. Calculate the number of molecules present (i) in 34.20 grams of cane sugar (C,,H,,0,,) (ii in one litre of water assuming that the density of water is 1 gem’ (iiiin one drop of water having mass 0.05 g Arrange the following in order of their increasing masses in grams ? ()) One atom of silver, (ii) One gram-atom of nitrogen, (iii) One mole of calcium, (iv) One mole of oxygen molecules (8) 10 atoms of carbon and (vi) One gram of iron. a)Ag CaCt, +H,C,0, 3) Mg(OH1), +2NH,Cé—> MgC, +2NH,OH 4) Zn+2Ag CN + 2Ag+Zn(CN), When KMnO, acts as an oxidising agent and ul- timately forms MnO;’, MnO,, Mn,Q, and Mn*?, then the number of electrons transferred in each case respectively is 143,15 2)1,5,3,7 3)1,3.4,5 4)3,5,7.1 In the co ordination compound K,[Ni(CN),], the oxidation state of nickel is Del 20 3)+1 4)+2 ‘Avogadro's number is the number of molecules present in 1) 1 gof molecule 2) | atom of molecule 3) gram molecular mass 4) Litre of molecule “The oxidation states of sulphur inthe anions SO, S,0% and S,0; fallow the order 1) 8,07 SC¢, +2MnC£, +2KCé+8H,0 thereduction product is 1 CE, 2) MnC?é, 3) 4,0 4) Kce Inthe reaction P+ NaOH —> PH, +NaH,PO, 1) Pis oxidised only 2) P'is reduced only 3) Na is reduced 4) P is reduced as well as oxidised The oxidation state of the most electronegative ‘atom in each of the product is H, +0, >H,0, +H,0 1) -2,-2 2) +1,-2 3) 42-1 4) -1,-2 ‘The oxidation number of nitrogen in NaNO, is 1-3 243 3) 4 +5 the molecular formula of a compound, if reaction its empirical formula is CH,O and its molecular weight is 90? 1)C,H,0, CHO, 3)C,H,O, 4)C,H,0, How much volume of CO, at $.T-P is liberated by the combustion of 100 em? of propane (C\H,) 1) 100 cm? 2) 200m? 4) 400m? and Ca? 3) 300 em? The number of Cy CaCe, are 1)2N, IN 3)2N,4N ions in 222 g 2) 1N,2N 4)4N, 2N 16. The weight of one molecule of a compound CaF is 1) 12x10 2) 5.025x10%g 3) 14x10, 4) 6,023«10"g Oxidation state of Fe in Fe,O, is 32 25/4 3)4'5 483 Which has maximum molecules ? 1) 7gmN; 2) 2gmH, 3) 16gm NO, 4) 16gmO, ‘The percentage of C, H and N in an organic com- pound are 40 %, 13.3% and 46.7% respectively then empirical formula is 1) GHN, 2) CH,N 3) CH,N 4) CH.N 30 g of nitrogen and 30 g of oxygen are reacted and the residual mixture contains 1) 45 g of magnesium oxide and 15 g of oxygen 2) 50 g of magnesium oxide and 10 g of oxygen 3) 60 g of magnesium oxide only 4) 45 g of magnesium oxide and 20 g of oxygen How many water moiecules are there in one drop ‘of water (volume 0.0018 mi) at room temperature . 1) 6.02310" 2) 1.084x10" 3) 6.023x10” 4) 4.84x10" ‘The oxidation state of nitrogen is highest in DNA 2) NH, 3) NH, 4) NH,OH How many grams of CaCO, will give 56 g of C20? 11208 2)568 3)1008 4 112g ‘The oxidation number of chromium in potassium dichromate is: +6 2)+3 3)+5 4)+7 An organic compound containing carbon, hydro- gen and oxygen contains 52.20% carbon and 13.04% hydrogen. Vapour density of the com- ound is 23. Its molecular formula will be 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 1) CHO 3) C,H,O 2) CHO 4)C HO ‘Theempirical formula of a compound is CH, . One mole of this compound has a mass of 42 gm. Its molecular formula is : 1) CH, 2) CH, 3) CH, 4) CH, 0.56 em of gas occupies 280m? at NTP, then its molecular mass is 148 2)448 3)2 4)224 Which one of the following is ambiguous ? 1) a mole of electron 2) a mole of sodium atoms 3) a mole of potassium ions 4) a mole of hydrogen M’ ion loses 3¢". Its oxidation number will be no 2)+3 3)+6 4)-3 ‘Anorganic compound on analysis gave C=39.9%, H=6.7 % and 0 ~ 53.4%. The empirical formula of the compound is 1) CHO, 2) CH,O 3) C,H,O, 4) CHO. In the Balaning the XZn+NO; + YH" — XZn?" + NH] +ZH,Q. XY & Zare 1)4,10,3 2)3,8,3 3)3, 10,3 4)4,3, 10 The heat evolved in the combustion of methane is given by the following equation CH,(g)+ 20, (g) + CO, (g)+2H,0(1); AH =-890.3kJ. How many grams of methane would be required to produce 445.15 kJ of heat on combustion ? Dae 288 32g 4) 16g. ‘The mass of 112 m‘of methane at STP 10.16, 2) 0.08 g 3)08¢ 4) 16g reaction 34, ‘One amu is equal to 1) 1.66%10" g 2) 1.66x10" g 3) 1.66x10" g 4) 1.66%10™ g The vapour density of a gas is 22. What is its mo- Jecular weight ? pu 22 344 4) 66 ‘Volume occupied by 1 gram of oxygen at NTP is nor 2241 3)2.247 4521 ‘The number of atoms in 0,004 g of magnesium will. be 1) 4x10” 3) 10” 4) 6.0210" ‘Assuming fully decomposed, the volume of CO, released at STP on heating 9.85 g of BaCO, (Atomic mass of Ba = 137) will be 2) gx10” 1)4067 22241 3) 0.847 41120 A.compound contains atoms of three elements A,B and C. If the oxidation number of Ais +2, Bis +5 and that of C is - 2, the possible formula of the compound is A,(B.C); 3)A,(BC,), 4) (BC,), A metal M of atomic weight 54.94 has a density of 7.42 g/cc. The apparent volume occupied by one atom of the metal will be 1) 8.1310 cc 2) 1.8310 ee 3)1.23x10% cc 4) 7.404 ce Iron in lowest oxidation state is in 1) FeSO,, 7H,0 2) Fe(CO), 3) Fe, 4) Fe,0, 0.24 g of a volatile substance upon vaporisation, sives 45 ml of vapour at STP. The vapour density ‘of the substance is 1)5.993 2)59.93 3)95.39 4)95.93 The oxidation number of iron in the complex [re(t1,0),(N0y'|s0, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES net 242 a)+4 4)+3 Molecular weight of a gas is 44. The volume oc- cupied by 2.2 grams of the gas is YL it 2)1.Alit 3) 2.24 it 4) 5.6 lit ‘The oxidation state of chromium in potassium dichromate is +2 2-2 3)+6 4)-5 Which pair of substance have same percentage of carbon ? 1) CH,COOH, C,H,0H 2) CH,COOH, C,H,,0, 3) HCOOCH,,C,,H,,0,, 4) CHO, CH20,, ‘The amount of oxygen needed for the burning of 4g of methane is 4g 288 3) 16g 4328 The mole of CO, contains 1)3 gram atoms of CO, 2) 18x10" CO, molecules 3) 6x10 O atoms 4) 6x10” C atoms Number of moles of KMnO, that will be needed to react with one mole of sulphite ion in acidic so- lution is 2 38 3 3 4 a5 a1 Ina sample of pure compound, 0.0887 mole of Na, 0.132 mole of O and 2.65x10* C atoms are present. The empirical formula of the compound 1) Na,CO, 2)Na,0,C, 3)Naco 4) Nac, How much quicklime cab be obtained from 25 grams of CaCO,? DIsg 34g 2)568 428 2. Formation of polythene from caleium carbide takes place as follows CaC, +H,0 > Ca(OH), C,H, +H, > C,HA(C,H,)> (CH, -CH,), The amount of polythene obtained from 64 kg of CaC, is 1)28 kg 2) 14k, 3)21 kg a7 kg ‘The number of moles of KMnO, that will be needed to react completely with one mole of fer- ‘ous oxalate in acidic solution is 2 1) DE a5 41 ‘Volume of gas at NTPis 1.12107 ec, Thenum ber of molecules present in itis 1) 3x10 2) 3x10” 3) 3x10" 4) 3x10" ‘Volume occupied by 4.4 g of CO, is 1) 2240 lit at STP 2)2.24 lit at STP 3)22.4 itat STP 4) 224 nat STP ‘The weight of a molecule of a compound CyyHyz> 18428 3) 5x10" g ‘The empirical formula of a compound is CH,O. If the molecular weight of the compound is 180, the molecular formula is 1)C,H,.0, 3)C,H,O, aH’ +C, 2) 14x10™ g 4) 1.66x10™ g CHO, CHO, i + MnO; > yMn™ +CO, +5H0 Here x and y are respectively 1)2, 16 2)16,2 3)3,16 42,3 15 cc of gaseous hycrocarbon required 45 ce of ‘oxygen for complete combusion. If 30 ce if CO, is formed, the formula of the gaseous compound is 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] DCH, CH, 3) CH 4) CH, The number of moles in 3lit3M NaCt is yt 02 39 a4 The amount of zine required to produce 224 ml of H, at NTP ontreatment with dilute H,SO, solu- tion will be 1) 065g 2) 0.065 g 3658 4658 0.01 mole of iodoform (CHI,) reacts with Ag powder to produce a gas whose volume at NTP is 1)224 mi 2)112ml 3)336 ml 4) none of these Number of moles of water present in 720 grams of water D4 210 3)30 440 The number of atoms present in 4.25 grams of NA, is approximately D 1x10 2) 15x10" 3) 2x10 4) 6x10" The tral number of valence electrons in 4.2 grams of nitride ion is DIAN, 2) 24Ny 3)32N, 4) 42N, ‘The number of moles of H, is 0.224 lit of hydro- gen at STP DI 2)0.1 3)0.01 4) 0.001 ‘What weight of sodium hydroxide is required to neutralise 100 ml of 0.1N HCY? 4g 2048 3) 0.04 4) 40g in the chemi K,Cr,0, +xH,SO, + ySO, > K,S0, +Cr,(SO,), +2H:0 Here x,y and z are D131 24,14 3)3,2,3 4)2,1,2 0.132 of an organic compound gave SO ml of N, atNNTP, The weight percentage of nitrogen in the compound is close to reaction 70. is 2)20 3)25 4)30 Iron shows least oxidation state in which of the following ? 1) K,[Fe(CN),] 2) K,[Fe(CN),] 3) FeSO, (NH, ),S0,6H,0 4) Fe,(CO), 2x10” moles ofan acid containing >> ionuses up 1.2107 moles of MnO; for the oxidation |A® to AO}. The value m is 15 22 3)3 4)4 IF8 grams of H, and 8 grams of O, are mixed, the mass of resulting water in grams D8 2)9 316 472 ‘An organic compound contains 40 % C, 6.66%IH. ‘The empirical formula of the compound is 1) CH, 2) CH,O 3) CHO, 4) CHO, In the reaction NH|NO, ->N, +2H,0, the nitro- gen in NH} and NO} undergoes respectively 1) oxidation, oxidation 2) oxidation, reduction 3) reduetion, oxidation 4) reduction reduction Characteristic oxidation number of atoms in free metal is yl aI 3)0 4) any number (D1 molecule of oxygen, (Il) { atom of nitrogen, (ID) 19° gram molecular weight of oxygen and (IV) 107! gram atomic weight of Cu, The in- creasing order of the masses of the above four, I) to (IV) samples is Wi Cu+Zn® with reference to this ‘equation which ofthe following is true 1) Zn is reduced to Zn? 2) Zmis oxidised to 7 3) zn2* is oxidised to Zn 4) Cu is oxidised to Cy?" Compound that acts as oxidant as well as reduc- tant 1) $0, 2) CrO, 3) MnO, 4) ALO, The total weight of 19” molecular units of CuSO, SHO is nearly 4144 2458 3)24.95 g 4)41.45¢ The total number of atoms of al elements present in 1 mole of ammonium dichromate is p14 2)19 3) 6x10” 4) 114x10" ‘The number of electrons to balance the equation NO; + 4H" +e" >2H,0+NO Ds 22 3)3 44 ‘The amount of oxygen required in moles to oxidise completely one mole each of etahne, ethylene and acetylene are respectively ‘Oxygen exhibits positive oxidation states in co 2) N,O 3) H,0, 4) 50 ‘Oxidation state of oxygen atom present in potas- sium superoxide is 241 1 DS 3)-2 4+ 2 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS: Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Largest number of ions are present in the electro- Ie 1) 50g K,SO, (mol. wt. 174) 2) 50g NaCI (mol, wt, 58.5) 3) 50 NH,Cé (mol. wt. $3.5) 4)50.g CaC#, (mol. wt. 111) The number of molecules present in 4.4 g of CO, gs is 1) 6.023x10” 2) 5.02310" 3) 6.023x10" 4) 6.023107 Oxidation number of phosphorus in barium hypophosphite is D+3 242 att 4-1 For decolorisation of one mole of KMnO,, the moles of H,O, required is 1 D5 2 5 ol a7 D2 The element which forms oxides in all oxidation states from + 110+ 58 DN 2p 3)As 4)8b Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.} R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES MOLE CONCEPT WORKSHEET SOLUTIONS | FORMATIVE WORKSHEET} Atomic weight Weight of oneatom of that element ~ wiht hot 120m 1 = 1 amu = mass of 75th of C~ 12 isotopic atom ___ Total weight Number of atoms weightof singleatom ‘Weight of single atom = (Atomic weight) amu = 39 amu = 39 * 1.66 * 10g. Total weight~ Gram atomic weight = 39g 208. Number of atoms = 395366x10" — = 10 6.02310" 66 ‘Smallest unit of mass = amu ‘Mass of one electron = 0.00054 amu Lamu No. of electrons = 5-690S4amu = 18523 ‘gram atom of any element contains 6.023%10" atoms, We know, Number of gram atoms (n,) Given weight(m) Gramatomic weight(GAW) —— !) () Applying (1), we get, number of gram atoms @)=7 (Gi) Applying.(1), we get, number of gram atoms(n,) 1-025 4 Therefore, the number of gram atoms present in 1g of helium is equal to 0.25, 6 We know, number of gram atoms (n,) = m _8_l GAW 324 We know, number of gram atoms (n,) = oop ny (GAW), _ my (GAW) Oe m," (GAW), (GAW),,. ‘Substituting the values in the above equation, we ny _1 4_2 ma 2 Td ‘The heaviest naturally occurring element is uranium ie, ,U™ The ightest atom is hydrogen ie, JH Given, weight of hydrogen= weight of I gram atom of uranium. Let's find the weight of 1 gram atom of uranium. Number of gram atoms (n,) ___ Givenweight(m) Gramatomieweight(GAW) —‘)) =! Be => m=238¢ ‘Therefore, we need to find the number of gram atoms of hydrogen in 238 g of it. Applying 1, we get, Number of gram atoms 238 1 (-GAWof Unmiumis238g) weightof one atom weightof thot CI2atom 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS: Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] _, Weight of one atom Tis atomie weight 1 = weight of 73th of C~ 12 atom = x Molecular weight = Weight of one molec Weightot th of C-12 atom Weight of one molecule = “Its molecular weight 1 = Weight of th of C-12atom=y > x=yor xey=1il (6) Weight of one molecule = (molecular weight) amu Molecular weight of CO, = 12 +(2 * 16) = 44. => weight of one molecule of CO, = 44 amu To find out the molecular weight, we need to find the weight of one molecule in terms of amu, :, Weight of one molecule in terms of amu Weightingrams _ 1,66x10 = T66x10" ~ 1.6610 ~ 108m ., molecular weight of the compound = 100. Let us consider two elements, A and B, whose atomic weights are ‘x’ and *y’ respectively => Gram atomic weight of A= ‘x’ g Gram atomic weight of B ="y’ g weight of one atom of A= "x" amu x * 1,66 * 107g ; weight of one atom of B= ‘y’ amu = y x 1.66 « 10g Number of atoms of A 8 1 502310? x 1.66x10% @ 1.66 Number of atoms of B * 1" YxL66x10™@ 1.66 Number of atoms of A= Number of atom of B. Similarly, the number of atom of any element in its gram atomic weight = 6.023 x 10°. ‘Now, consider any two compounds, say °C’ and ‘D’, whose molecular weight are ‘p’ and “q’ respectively. =6.023x10? = Gram molecular weight of C molecular weight of D weight of one molecule of C Dx 1,66 x 10% weight of one molecule of D = 4 1.66 « 10% [Number of molecules of © P's 10 Px1.66x10™ 1.66 ‘Number of molecules of D = 6,023x10" ‘a's 1.6610" E (@) We know, Number of gram molecules (n,,) ____ Given weight (m) Grammolecular weight(GMw) ——(!) Applying (1) tothe cases, we get, ‘Number of gram molecules of Neon (Ne) sol 2004 [Number of gram molecules of nitrogen 25 (-:GMWof Ne=20) 25 (GMWotN, 1 gram mole of methane weigh 16g, => Weight of methane = 1 < 16 = 16g => Weight of hydrogen in 16g of methane = 4 g (as 4 hydrogen atoms are present) We know, Number of gram molecules of hydrogen Weightof thesubstance(m) 4 Gram molecular weight(GMW) ~ 2 (@ Weight of compound gas = Number of moles x Gram molecular weight. => Weight of compound gas oc Gram molecular weight (-7 Number of moles are constant ie., 1) For the weight of compound gas to be minimum, its molecular weight should be minimum, ‘The ‘compound gas with minimum molecular weight is CH,, Hence, it weighs the least. 32 g 0, has mole 2 axl (64 g 0, has mole = —7-=2moles Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 6.02310" x64 -: 320, contain we 12.0410” molecules N molecules of 0, weigh 32 g 1 molecule. of, weighs 32. 6.02310" 6.023 * 10 molecules of CO, = 44g 10% molecules of 44x10" = 0, = FR gFE 731 * 107 g= 73.1 me CO, left = 200 73.1 = 126.9 mg ‘Also Mole of CO, left = 31310 wt, _126.9x10" mut. Ae ‘Weight of alloy eylinder = Volume * density = 2.88% 107 = gtnxd= 2x (25) x10%8 20=1610.7¢ 1610.7%12 100 + 58.9 g cobalt has atoms = 6.023 « 10% 193.3 g of cobalt has atoms 6.023 10 193.3 589 (mol. wt. CaCl, = 111 g) .- IT gCaCl,= N ions of Co* Nx222 2224CaC\, = 5 + II gCaCl, = 2N ions of Cr 2xNx222 im ‘Weight of cobalt in alloy = 93.3 19.8 «108 N ions of Ca” 3 D2 gCaCl, = ions of CI” ions of Ct Mass of carbon in dot = 1 10 g + No, of atoms 102310? 1x10 2 Molecule has C, H and other components 2 Wt of 9 C atoms = 12 « 9 = 108 amu > Wtof 13 H atoms = 13 » 1= 13 amu ‘Wt. of 2.33 x 107 g of other atom = 5x10" atoms of C 233x107 1.6610 Total weight of one molecule = 108 + 13 = 14.04= 135.04 amu Mol. weight = 135.04 () Total no. of protons in given amount of CaCO, = No. of molecules in the given amount of CaCO, (N,) * No. of protons in | molecule of CaCO. In i molecule of CaCO,, the no. of protons = 20 + 6+24=50 => Total no. of protons = SON, Let us find the no. of molecules. We know, 1 mole of CaCO, contains 6.02310" molecules. ‘The weight of | mole of CaCO, = 100 gm => 100gm CaCO, = 6.023 10 molecules 23x10 - 10m CaCO, =" = 6.023 * 10 molecules 6.023 * 10 molecules of CaCO, X 10% =3, 0115 * 10%, (@) 1 mole of sucrose contains 6.023 x 10 molecules 1 molecule of sucrose has 45 atoms :, 6.023 * 10" molecules of sucrose has 45 « 6.023 = 10” atom/mole. Given that, 0.24 g of metal hydride contains 0.01 g of hydrogen. = The weight of metal = 0.24 - 0.01 =0.23 g. = 0.23 g of metal combines with 0.01 g of hydrogen Eq, wt of metal combines with 1 g of hydrogen. 1x 0.23 = Bq = == 23 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of metal is 23 ‘Weight of the metal = 0.218 g. FQ ¥t y=? ‘Volume of H, liberated = Volume of O, with which itreacts = 75 ml. First method: We know, Eqwvtofsubstance _ wtof thesubstance EqvolofO, (561) Vol. of O, 10 _ Fawtof substance 0.218 5600 5 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] => Eq.wt. substance OIE = 16.277 Therefore, equivalent weight of substance is 16.277 Second method: Let the volume of H, liberated during the reaction be'x’ ml => 0.218 gof metal tems, *3? ml of H, at STP. = Eq.wt. of metal ses, 11200 ml of H, at STP, 11200 0.218 > Eqn, = TS —____ay To get eq, wt, we need to know the value of x. Given ‘x’ ml reacts with 75 ml of O, at S.T.P, ‘We know, 2H, +0, —, 2H,0. = AtS.L.P. 1 mole of O, reacts with 2 moles of 4, = 75 ml of O, reacts with 150 ml of H, = x= 150ml = ——(2 Substituting (2) in (I) we get Eq.wt. 11200 0.218 150 Therefore, the equivalent weight of the metal is 16.277. Equivalent weight of the meta isthe amount oft that liberates 11200 ce of H, at S.1.P. Let us find the volume of H, liberated by the given amount of metal at S.TP, Given condition See = 16.277 S.TP. condition 78 em off Hg (.. weight of metal is same) The formula connecting the above terms: AM _ RM [en =m] 8285 , 273 975.35 ce 290" 76 So, 0.224 g of metal liberates 275.35 ec of H, at STP. => xg (Eq, wt.) of metal liberates 11200 cc of H, at STP, _ 11200« 0.224 "275.35 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of metal is 9.11 Weight of iron = 3.36 g Weight of iron oxide =4.8 g => Weight of oxygen lig. Eq.wt of iron _ Wtf iron Eq.wi. of oxygen Wi. of oxygen Substituting the values in the above equation, we Bet, Eg.wt. of iron Eq. of iron = Therefore, the equivalent weight of Fe is 18.67. ‘Weight of copper oxide = 31.6 g; Weight of water produced = 7.20 g Eq, wt. of copper =? Fq. wt. of copper can be obtained, if the amount of oxygen present in the given amount of oxide is known. ‘The given reaction can be represented as follows: CuO +H, —> Cu+H,0 From the above reaction, itis clear that, ‘the amount of oxygen present in oxide is equal to the amount of oxygen of present in H,O. 18 g of water contains 16 g of oxygen. 12x16 7.2 g of water contain —<5-* = 6.48 oxygen. The weight of copper in the copper oxide used = 31.6-64=25.2¢ Eqwt.of Cu_ Wt of Cu Weknow, Equwt.of 0, Wiof 0, Eq.wt.of Cu _ 25.2 64 = Eqwt. of Cu Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Hence, the equivalent weight of copper is 31.5 The above question can be answered, if the equivalent weight of the metal is known. We know that, equivalent weight of metal loses 6.023 x 10 electrons during the formation of its respective compound, Given, 4.5 g of metal —1#2_5 3.0115 « 10° electrons. +. Eq. wt. of metal i 5 6,023 x 10” electrons. :. Eq, wt of metal = 9. We also know that, equivalent weight of metal combines with 8 g of oxygen. (Eq, wt.of Oxygen) = 9g of metal —cmtiaes wth, 8 g of oxygen. xgof metal sation sm, 48 g of oxygen, = x= 54g, Therefore, 54 g of metal combines with 48 g of oxygen, Weight of the salt = w= 171 ‘Number of gram equivalents = 1, Salt =? ‘Asal can be identified ftom its formula weight. GEW But, gram equivalent weight of salt We know, n, —1) Gram formula weight Total number of positive of negative charges From (1) and (2), Gram formula weight -0) wx Total + ve or-ve charge/s —) If the resultant value of the R.H.S. of above equation is equal to the gram formula weight of the above mentioned salts, then, we can identify the salt. GFW of AICI, is 133.5 g, GEW of NaClis 58.5 g, GEW of MgCl, is 95 g and GFW of Al(SO,), is 342g, Letus identify the above salts by applying formula G) ie, the formula for gram formula weight 171x3 a) AICL,:GFW= = = 171 But, the GFW of AICI, is 133.5 g and hence, the sat to be identified is not AICI. 171d oo as But, the GFW of NaCl is 58.5 g and hence, the salt to be identified is notNaCl. ©) MgGi:Grw= #222 - 14 But, the GFW of MgCl, is 95 g and hence, the salt to be identified is not MgCl, b) NaCl: GFW @)AlS0),.GFw = * 3 Me ‘The GFW of AI(SO,), is 342 g and hence, the salt to be identified is Al(SO)), Eq. of metal = 9 Metallic chlord =3 Element =? ‘We can identify the element, ifits atomic weight is known, ‘We know, Atomic weight = Equivalent weight * Valency=9 x 3=27, ‘Therefore, the element is aluminium. Weight of element = 12g; swt of element = x g Weight of oxygen = 32 g; wt of oxygen = 8 g At wt. ofthe element = ? We know, Weight of element _ Weight of oxygen Eq.wt. of clement Eq. wt.of oxygen wo 1232, 8x12 x 8 32 ‘We know, Atomic weight = Eq, wt. « Valeney = 3 12 ‘Therefore, the atomic weight of the element is 12, Weight of Ca = 1.62 Eq. wt. of Ca= xg Weight of Zn = 2.6 g Eq. wt of Zn = 32.6 We know, tof Ca_ Weight of Zn Eq.wt. of Ca Eq. wt of Zn 16 _ 26 ai 26. ,Cl, => Valency of the metal 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 32.6%1.6 26 Therefore, the equivalent weight of calcium is 20. Eq.wtof sulphur is the amount of sulphur combined with 35.5g of chlorine Let us find the same, In S,Cl., 64 g of sulphur _=mtines~»_, 71 gof chlorine Eq.vt, of sulphur comics win, 35.5 35.5x64 => Eq. mt of sulphur = 2 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of sulphur in S,Cl, i832. We know, Equivalent weight of an clement = = 20 Atomic weightof the element Valency Applying (1), we get —) 3 2) Paver wei ofne= 2225 (Wey of a=) a ) Equivalent weight of a = “2 aah Gz Valency of Ca = 2) (. Valeney of Fe = 3) Weight of metal = 40 g weight of metal = ? Weight of hydrogen = 2 g metal =? 40 g of metal —somtincs wit, 2 of H Equivalent ‘Valeney = 2 Atomic weight of Eq. wt. of metal —combioesmin_, 1 g of H => Eq. wt. of metal = Atomic weight Valency => Atomic weight Eq, wt. « Valeney =20* 2= 40 Therefore, etomic weight of the element is 40 Eq.wt. of metal = 4.5; Molwt. of smetallic chloride ~ 80 At. wt. of the metal = ? ‘At. wt. ofthe metal = Eq, wt. of metal < Valeney =) ‘Valency ofa metal is the numberof chlorine atoms with which I atom of the metal combines or the ‘number of negative charges present in the metallic chloride Eq. wt of metallic chloride ~ Molwt. No.of positive or negative charges We also know, Eq. wt. = => Number of positive or negative charges = Mol.wt, No. of metallic chloride ————) We know, Eq.wt. of metallic chloride = Eq.wt. of metal + Eq.wt. of chloride => Eq, wt, of metallic chloride = 35.5 + 4.5 = 40 Substituting the above value in (2), we get, 80 ‘Number of positive or negative charges = = =2 ‘Therefore, the valency of the metal is 2 and substituting this value in (1), ‘we get. At. wt, of the metal = 4.5 x 2=9 ‘Type of acid le Formula to calculate Eq. _ MoLwt. ws Monobasic acids 1 ‘Molecular weight 66 = 66 nat= 14 Tribasic acid ri Molecular weight wa=27a Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Acidity | Formula to calculate Examples rc) Eq. wt. Molecalar Base | weight Molecular weight “ NaOH 40 ‘Molecular weight 2 MgO): Molecular weight . NOH); Tons it contains lara | kal | KcloK’+cr Cx806" | cuso, + cu? +802" AICh AICI, + AI +3Cr ‘The weight of 1 gram equivalent of a substance is equal to its equation weight expressed in grams. Equivalent weight of an acid Molecular weight ~ Number of replaceable hydrogen ions — HPO, + NaOH —> Nall,PO, + H,0 In this reaction, only one out of three hydrogen atoms of H,PO, are replaced with one Na atom. Applying (1), we get, 98 Grom eqvt of H,PO, = 7 =98 & ‘Therefore, the weight of | gram equivalent of H,PO, in the above reaction is 98 g. HPO, + 2NaOH — Na,HPO, + H,0 In this reaction, only two out of three hydrogen atoms of H,PO, are replaced with Na atoms. 98 Gram eq. wt. of HPO, = >= 49 8 ‘Therefore, the weight of 1 gram equivalent of H,PO, in the above reaction is 49 g. HPO, + 3NaOH -> Na,PO, + 3H,0 In this reaction, all the three hydrogen atoms of H,PO, are replaced with Na atom, 98 _ 50.67 Gram eqevt. of HPO, = == 32.67 & “Therefor, the weight of 1 gram equivalent of H,PO, inthe above reaction is 32.67 Given, the weight of an acid is 22.5 g. Number of gram equivalent = 0.5. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] ‘An acid can be identified by its molecular weight We know, Number of gram equivalents Given weight -GEW, OD But, gram equivalent weight of an acid = am molecular weight Basicity From (1) and (2), Gram molecular weight = __ Given weight x Basicity Number of gram equivalent 0.5 Since, gram molecular weight is 90, the acid is (COOH), From the given information, itis clear that acidity of the substance = x = 3 Eq.wt. of base = 35.6 Mol. wt. =x=? Molwt. => Molwwt, = Equwt, x x= 35.6 * 3= 106.8 ‘Therefore, molecular weight of the substance is 1068 Equivalent weight We know, Bq.wt Mol. wt. of OA or RA No.of electrons gained or lost Mol. wt.ofAorRA__ — (1) ‘Change in oxidation number HNO, + HS —+H,0+NO+8 From the above equation, itis clear that HNO, is an oxidant and H.S is a reductant, HNO, "NO 3 H,S—* 58 Applying (I) we get, Eat of HNO, 34 63 = 93-2) and Eq.wt of H,S = 54-17 72) and Ea a KMinO, + FeSO, +H,S0,—» K,80, + Mn80,+Fe, (80,),+H,0 From the above equation, it is clear that, KMnO, is an oxidant and Fe is a reductant. KMno, —“*>Mn8o, + FeS0, =" +Fe, (SO,), 15.8 Eqwt of KMn0, == 3531.6 and Equt. of reso, = 12? -159 Eq, wt of chlorine ___Atomie weight Number of e lost/gained 2Cr+F, —> Cl,+2F Eq. wt. of chlorine Atomic weight __ 35.5 Number of ¢ lost Eq, wt. of chlorine _ _ Atomic weight Number of & gained K,Cr0, + HCl —> KCl+ CrCl, +H,0+ Cl, K,Cr,0, “crcl, Hac, 204 Eq, wt of K,Cr,0, ==3~=98 and Eq, wt of HCI = % = =36.5 Molecular weight oxidation number Molla west of FeSO, (NH1)S0, 61,0 = 392 Change in oxitaion number = Elen weight of FeS0, (NH), 64,0 292 “7 92 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES K,Cr,0, —+2¢r* Molecular weight of K,Cr,0, = 254 (Change in oxidation number ~ 6 Equivalent weight of K,Cr,0, ae H.C0, —>2C0, Molecular weight of H,C,0, = 90 Change in oxidation number = 2 :. Equivalent weight of H,C,0, Na’S‘0, 5H,0 +1, —+Na,8,0,+2F & 8,07 —}s,0f Molecular weight of Na,S,0, . SH,O = 248 (Change in oxidation number ~ 1 _ Equivalent weight of Na,S,0, . 5H, 248 94s 1 The formation of sulphate and dihydrogen orthophosphate can be shown as follows H,S0, —>2H" + SO? H,PO, —>H" +H,PO? From the above, it is clear that the basicity of H.SO, is 2 and that of H,PO, is | ‘We know that, for a neutralisation reaction Number of gram equivalents acid = Number of ‘gram equivalents of base No. of equivalents of alkali = No. of equivaleints of H,SO, = No. of equivalents of H,PO, WtofH,S0, __WrofH,PO, wtf H,SO, Eq.wiof H,PO, . _Wtof SO, _ 491 ““Eq.wtofH,PO, 98 2 Therefore, the ratio of the masses of H,SO, and HPO, is 1:2 We. of Al= 0.376 Volume of H, liberated = 0.468titres Eq, wt. of Al=9 Applying law of equivalents Number of equivalents of Al = Number of equivalents of H,, Wtof Al Eq.wt.of Al Volof H, atN.DP Eq.volof H, 0.376 _ 0.468 Therefore, equivalent volume of hydrogen is 11.2titres ‘Weight of copper ~ Weight of copper used for displacing = 1.081 g Eq.wt of copper = x ‘Weight of silver = Weight of silver displace => x=112litres Eq. wt of sitver~ 107.88 Wtof Cu__ Wtof Ag Weknow, Eq wt.of Cu Eq. wt.of Ag 081 _ 3.670 x 107.88 7.881.081 3.670 31.71 First, we have to find equation of copper by using ‘the given data Weight of Cu0 Weight of copper Wt. of oxygen combined = copper A7~1,986=0.484g Eq.m. of copper = x=” Eq." of copper is the amount of it that combines with 8 g of oxygen, 1,986 g of copper —==#==_, 0.484 oxygen xg of copper —ssntices_, 8 g of oxygen -. Eq.wt of copper is 32,83 g. Given, Who Zn = 0.346 g Equwt. of Zn=x g Wi. of copper = 1.986 g Equit. of copper = 32.83 We know, Wtof Cu _ Wtof Zn Eq.wt.of Cu Eq.wt of Zn 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Substituting the values, we get, 1,986 _ 0.346 3283 x 4 = 0346%32.83 =33.91 1986 ‘Therefore, equivalent weight of zine is 33.91 ‘Weight of metal chloride 0.194 Eq.wt. of metal = x =? Weight of silver chloride = 0.5 g Eq.wt. of chloride ion= 35.5 ‘The formula connecting the above terms, Eq.wt. of metallic chloride Eq.wt. of silver chloride _ We of metallic chloride WL of silver chloride _, Pawt of metal+ Fat. of chloride ion Equwt.of silver + Eqovt of chloride ion _Wt. of metallic chloride "We of silver ehloride Substituting the values, we get, x+35.5 0.194 108+35.5 0.5 = (K+35.5)0.5 = 0.194 (108 + 35.5) 0.5x + 17.75 =20.952-+ 6.887 x=20.17 43 Therefore, the equivalent weight of the metal is 20.17 4 of acid = 0.0983 Wt. anhydrous magnesium salt = 0.12g Equivalent weight of acid =? ‘We know, Eq.wt of the acid = Eq.ut. of hydrogen + Eq.vt. of acid radical Eq, wt, of hydrogen is 1. So, to find the eq. wt. of the acid, we need to find eq, wt. of acid radical and let be “x” c. Eg, wt of the acid = 1 +x — —«) ‘The magnesium salt consists of magnesium and the acid radical Equivalent weight of magnesium = 24/2 = 12 z. Eq, wt, of magnesium salt = Eq. wt. of Mg + . wt. of acid radical = 12 + x We also know that, Weight ofthe ac Weight ofthe Mg sat But ofthe sid i, wt othe Mg sa Substituting epective values in @) we gt 2098 Lx 5 a2 i-x" 60+ x= 588 = 49x rx 48 or the Eq. wt of the acid radical = 48 Eg. wt. of the acid = Eq, wt. of hydrogen + Eq, Wt. of acid radical = 1 +48 = 49 — @) Zine ‘Unknown metal Wi. ofzine= wi = 0.653 Wi. of unknown metal =wa = 1g Eg, wt. of zine = 32.7 ‘Same quantity of electricity is passed We know that, when same quantity of electricity is passed. Faw Eq.wt, 0.65 _ 32.7 32.7 ws 0.65 Therefore, the equivalent weight of the other metal is 50.3 Eq.wiof zine = 32.5; Eq.wt of chlorine = 35.5 ‘We know that, when same quantity of current is passed, We. of Za 32.5 Eqwt.of Zn _ 32.5 Wt. of CI 355 Eq.wt.of Cl => 32.5:35.5 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Wt. of Na ~ 0.46 g; Wt. of another metal = 2 g Eq, wt. of Na= wt. ofinctal =x = 2 When the same quantity of electricity is passed: Wtof Na of Na Wi of other metal Eq.wt. of other metal ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of the other metal is 10 Percentage weight of iron = 0.2: Molecular weight of haemoglobin = 89600 No. of atoms of iron = n = 7; Atomic weight of iron = 56 We know, Percentage composition of Fe = nx At.wtofFe 199 Molecular weight =3 nx $6 39600 0.25% 89600 100% 56 ‘Therefore, the number of iron atoms per molecule of haemoglobin is 4. 2B ‘We know, percentage composition of an element BAL Wt og = 025= 100 mol.wt -@ Molecular weight of glucose = 180. Applying (1), We Bet, Percentage composition $212 199-2 «100-40 180 180 Percentage composition of hydrogen 1241 199 = 42 100=6.7 180 80 Percentage 6x16 180 Stablets 2 g-atom Fe give 1 mole Fe,O, (or) 2*56 g Fe sive 160 g Fe,0, of carbon composition of oxygen 28 100 = 53.3 80 5x 10% 160 5% 105g Fegive -~— Tenn. 142 hs 0r7.142 tons Minimum molecular weight of insulin can be found out, assuming that 1 molecule of it contains | sulphur atom. Percentage weight of sulphur = 3.4; Molecular weight of insulin = No, of atoms of sulphur =n Atomic weight of sulphur = 32 We know, Percentage composition of S nx At.wtofS ane Ae tex 100 Molecular weight 1x32 a 4100 =» 132100 x O4LI? ‘Therefore, the molecular weight of insulin is 941.17 We know, percentage composition of an element nx Atwt Aen 100 a 4) In caleium carbonate, CaCO,: Molecular weight of CaCt 100 = 40+ 124 48= % composition of Ca in CaCO, ~ 1x40 100 =40 100 ») In calcium lactate, Ca(C,H,0,), Molecular weight of Ca(C,H,0,). (6«12)+(10x1) + (6*16)=40+72"10+96 % composition of Ca in Ca(C,H,0,),: = 1540 199 -18.34 218 6) In caleium gluconate, Ca(C,H, 0), Molecular weight of CaC,H,0,), = 40 + (12 12) +22 x1) + (14% 16) = 40+144 +22 +224=430 % composition of Cain Ca(C,H,,0,), 1x40 190=9.3 30 06 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Rancl NEWTONCLAS: hhi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 4) In caleium citrate, Ca,(C,H1,0,), Molecular weight of Ca(C,H,0,), = (3 * 40)+ (12 » 12) + (0 * I) + (14 x 16) = 120+144+10+224=498 3 x40 ‘% composition of Ca" in Ca,(C,H,0,), = 100 = -24.48 490 Blement | % Composition Atwt. | Relative No, of atoms Simplest Ratio c aa 2 64.4 53619 33 29.9 56 1 refore, the empirical formula of ferrocene is CH, Fe Element Weight No. of gram atoms _| Simplest ratio of atoms 20 40 6. 2 og 0510.5 6g 0.5/0.5 = 1 14 N 4g L a 105 =2 Therefore, the empirical formula of the compound is CaCN,. Simplest formula can be obtained from the simplest ratio of atoms. ‘The number of gram atoms or relative number of atoms can also be obtained by dividing the given number of ‘atoms with Avogadro number of atoms. No. of gram atoms —_| Simplest ratio of atoms 120x105 5 0200.1=2 6.02310" 3.6110 6.02310" 6.0210 x10" ‘Therefore, the empirical formula of the given compound is C.H,O. 0.6/0.1 =6 0.1 0.10.1 = 1 ‘The number of atoms present in 1 molecule of phenol can be found out if its molecular formula is known ‘The molecular formula of the compound can be determined if its empirical formula is known ‘Molecular formula = Empirical formula * n () Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Let us first find the empirical formula of the compound. % Composition | Relative No. of atoms Simplest ratio of atoms Empirical formula =C,H,O => Empirical formula weight = (6x12) + (6x1)+16=94 Molecular weight = 94 Molecular weight _ 94 Empirical weight 94 Substituting the value of n in (1), we get Molecular formula of phenol = (C,H,O) * 1 = C,H,O ‘Therefore, phenol contains 6 atoms of carbon, 6 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of axygen ‘The molecular formula of the compound can be determined if its empirical formula is known, Molecular formula = Empirical formula x n ————(1) Let us first find the empirical formula of the compound. a =1 Element | % Composition | Relative No.of atoms [Simplest ratio of atoms © 527% 45.27 a =1.33x304 77 7 oS 8: 5 95% 3s =95 =3.36x3 ~10 45.23 =1x3= ° 45.23% 7282 282 19-5 Empirical formula=C,H,,0, => Empirical formula weight =(4%12)+(10*1}+(3%16) = 106 Molecular weight = 106 Molecular weight _ 106 Empirical weight 106 Substituting the value of n in (1 ), we get ‘, Molecular formula = (C,H,<0,)* 1 = C, CONCEPTIVE WORKSHEET | 1 (@ —th of C-12 12 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] (@) Weight of one atom of an element = Atomic weight * amu. 40x1.66%107* 1.6610 Mass number = 40 and the element is either calcium (or Argon. :, Number of protons = 20 (or) 18. (©) Weisht of He atom =4 amu =4* 1.66 10g (4) Weight of an element = Atomic weight x 1.66 * 10% (@) All the given statements are correct. (a) We know, number of gram atoms () Atomic weight = =40 = Given weightof thesubs tan ce( ‘Gramatomic weight(GAW) = Number of gram atoms 1 : Taw” Weight is constant) = For the number of gram atoms to be maxi- ‘mum, the gram atomic weight of the element should bbe minimum. And the gram atomic weight is mini- mum for hydrogen. ‘Therefore, hydrogen can generate maximum num- ber of gram atoms from a given amount (b) The smallest particle of matter that ean exist independently is & molecule (a,b.c.d) H,, Nyy Fy» Oy (a) i) Sodium rmonoatomic (Na) ) Helium monoatomic (He) i) Oxygen diatomic (0,) iv) Ozone triatomic (0,) \) sulphur polyatomic (S,) (@ Molecular weight has no unit as it is @ ratio of the mass of single molecule of a compound to 1 the mass of FT hal ‘of C~12 isotopic atom. (©) The weight of ammonia molecule = 17 amu 7 * 1.66 * 10g (@) Given that the weight of the gas is 100 g We know, Number of gram molecules (n,) Given weight(m) Gram molecular weight(GWM) mass is same for all the From the above equation, it is clear that the gas ‘with the least molecular weight contains the maxi- ‘mum number of gram molecules. ‘The gas with the least molecular weight is hydro- gen. Therefore, it contains the maximum number of gram molecules. (©) Any gas can identified from its molecular weight %. 21, — We know, GMW: 2 GMW = =16g=> Molecular weight ~ Weightof thesubstance(m) ~ Gram molecular weight (GMW) ~ +p A gH has 6,023 « 10 IgHenas 5025510 atoms = 1.506 « 10" atoms Standard molar volume isthe volume occupied by 1 moie of gas at NTP. 1.429 g of O, = 1 litre at NTP sagoro, = 2% teat? 22.39 litre at NTP. Molar volume = 22.39 litre mol" Given that, 3M+2N —> MN, Let ais at. wt. of metal Ga‘ 28) g M,N, has metal = 3a 3ax100 2. 100.8 MAN, has metal = (35 ¢-28) 3ax100 (Ga+28) a=24 4 (@) No. of males of CO,= = 1 1 mole of CO, contain 1 mole of ‘C* atoms and 2 ‘moles of oxygen atoms. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES => 44gofCO, has 2 « 6x 10° atoms of oxygen. 1210” “x44 = 1.2 «10% us 1210 44g of CO, has Mass Volume Density of water = 1 gm/ml => 1 ml of water weighs 1 gm, 0.0018 ml=0.0018¢m ‘Number of moles weight 0018 ~Molecularweight 18 Number of water molecules = 6.023 « 10° | * 10+ = 6.023 x 109 (@) Density of water = Ignvml = I mi of water weighs | gm > | litre (100ml) of water weighs 1000g, 1000 18 =1x10* No, of mol 5.55 No. of molecules =No. of moles *6.023%10 = 55.55%6.023%102 = 55.55, Given, 24 gofmetal _t===_, liberates 2.4 litres of H, at S.TP. 2. Eg. wt ofmetal Ym, 11,2 litres of H, at STP. -12 ewan ee ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of metal is 12. Amount of metal = 20 g weight of the metal = ? Amount of oxygen = 4 g 20g of metal _seatiecwit, 4 g of O, Eq, wt. of metal somtanvit_, 8g Equivalent 8x20 Bq, wt, of metal = 3 = 40, ‘Therefore, equivalent weight of the metal is 40. Equt. of the metal is that weight of the metal, which gives 11.2 litres or 11200ml of H, at S.T.P. Therefore, we need to find the volume Hi, liberated by the metal at S.T.P, Given conditions T,=273 +27 = 300K T5ix15 273 2300 *760 => At S.LP. 13.488 ml of H, is liberated by the metal = 0,05g —Meaer_, 13.488 ml of H, at stp :. Eqgwt, —Sentee_, 11200 ml of H, at S.1.P 11200%0.05 Faw 13.488 equivalent weight ofthe metal is 41.5 [Letus find the volume of hydrouen liberated tthe given condition by the equivalent weight of the metal 8.TP. conditions 11200 ce 2 273K T,=20+273 293K P.=T6cmofHg P= 7Temof Hg The formula connecting the above terms: BY BY: Ly, PMB T b TP 1.5. Therefore, the Given condition a V, = 2OH11200 293 = 11864 oe 273 77 So, 28 g of metal liberates 11864 ce of H, in the given condition. 1.4 gofmetal Yew, x coof H, «x= LEUNG 1 694.865 ce. 28 Therefore, the volume of hydrogen displaced by the acid is 1694.865 cc. Metallic oxide contains 60% of the metal = 100 g of metallic oxide contain 60 g of metal => Weight of oxygen = 40 g => 60 g of metal nbs, 40 g of oxygen 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] => Equivalent weight of metal —smisewn § g of 0, 8x60 Equival sme = 2 = Equivalent weight = “> Therefore, the equivalent weight of the metal is 2 Weight of zinc dissolved = 1.62 g Weight of zinc oxide = 2.02 g Equivalent weight of zine = x =2 Weight of oxygen = Weight of ZnO ~ Weight of Zn= 2.02 ~ 1.62=0.4g Bq, wt. of oxygen = 8 ‘We know, We of zinc Eqwt. of zinc We of oxygen Eq.wt. of oxygen ai uX 5, oS 304 0.408 0.40 Therefore, the equivalent weight of zinc is 32.4 Weight of each compound is 400 g, ‘Number of gram equivalents Given weight Equivalent weight Equivalent weight of NaOH — Molecular weight ___ 40 _ 4, No. of replacable OH™ions 1 © Number of gram equivalents Equivalent weight of AIN Molecular weight 41 Total no.of +ve(or)= ve charges 3 =136[ AIN-¥ AI? +07] 400 {umber of gram equivalent = ——= 29.4 Number of gram equivalent = 75" Equivalent weight of MgCl, Molecular weight ~ Total no.of + ve(or)—ve charges 33 ars 2 400 s. Number of gram equivalents = <= 8.42 Number of gram equivalents = 2-5 [-Mgcl, > Me” +2C"] Equivalent weight of CaCO, Molecular wei ~ Total no.of + ve(or 00 we 30 Number of gram equivalents = ——~=8 ‘gram equivalents = “So [+ caco, ca? +c0F] Meq. of COM), = Gray * 1000 4 ~ Gq * 1000-2000 Meg, of NaOH = 2 x 1000 = 500 ea. of NAOH = 5 (2 GEW on = 408) Meq.of H,SO, 245 1000 SO 49 (¢ CEWyxo, = 498) Meg, of NaOH = «1000 50= 1000 GEW 40 50% 40 1000 ~7® We need to find the equivalent weights of the elements ‘We know, Eq, wt. of an element Atomic weight Valency/o Let us apply (1) tothe given elemento find their respective equivalent weights. 7 a) Eq. wt. of Li= 7 =7 [ valency of Lis 1] => Weight of NaOH Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTON R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 40 2 32 Ba, we of $= #16 [1 valeney ofS is 2] Eg, wt. of Ca= [valency of Ca is 2] 2 Eq. wt of Cin CO= F=6 [+> oxidation no.of C in CO is 2] 12 Eq, wt, of Cin CO = =3 [+ valeney of C in CO, is 4] 3 Eq, wt. of H in Hi fo valency of Hin HCL is 1] 4 Eq, wt. of H in H,C,O, 1 [s+ valency ofHinHC,0! is] Eq, wt. of H in H,PO, = tl [i valency of H in H,PO, is 1] Iron exhibits the valency 2 and 3 in FeCl, and FeCl, respectively. Atomic weight of element Equivalent weight of element = Valency a) ») Basicity (%) | calculate Eq, wt. Type of acid Acid Monobasie Molecular weight acids 1 | CHsCOOH Dibasic Molecular weight | (COOH) 2 acids ~~ Molecular weight Equivalent weight of compound ~ =7o557 charge on cation (or)anion x Exaso, 3 = (Charge on 2Na is +2 (or) on SO,* is -2) Ey, p0,+128 ort (Charge on PO, is -3) 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] z Ecairou, = g (Charge on 20,” is -6) For the complete neutralisation 1 molecule of Ca(OH), requires 2 molecules of HCI. Hence the acidity of Ca(OH), is two. We know, Equivalent weight of base = Molecular weight _ 54 _ ‘Acidity 2 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of base is 27. Equivalent weight of salt is the amount obtained by neutralising one equivalent of an acid or a base. In th e given reaction, 142.g of Na,SO, is formed by _ssumime 80 g (Q) gram equivalent of NaOH z. Eq, wt of Na,SO, is formed by _sstmtsne 40 g of I gram equivalent of NaOH 142 +. Bg, wl. of Na,SO, = —>==71 27 HNO,+Cu—Cu(NO,), +NO3+0, From the above equation, itis clear that HINO, is an oxidant and Cu isa redvctant. HNO, —“5NO, + Cu—=4Cu(NO,), Eq.wt of HNO, B63 and Eq.wt. of 63.5 2 Eq, wt. of chlorine Atomic weight _ 35, Number of e” gained Eq, wt. of chlorine Atomic weight _ 35.5 _ 2? 24.43 Number of" gained 2 cu Mol.wt 2 Weight of copper oxide = 1.583 Weight of copper = 1.26g Weight of water = 0.36 Copper oxide + Hl, ——+ Cu + H,0 +. Number of gram equivalents of copper oxide Number of gram equivalents of Cu = Number of gram equivalents of H,0 Weight of copper oxide Eq, weight of copper oxide Eq. wt, of MnSO, __ Weight of Cu _ Weight of HO Eq.ofCu Eq. w. of H,O Let the eq. wt. of Cuand O be x and y respectively. Since, eq. wt. of His 1, we have, 2 X= 31S and y=8 SOF Sulphate 96 S=48 2 2 Pe Phosphide 31 a $1033 ClO; Chlorate 1 BS.g55 1 PO} Phosphate 95 =316 er; Thiosulphate 112 To find the equivalent weight of silver, we have to first find the equivalent weight of aluminium and copper. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES i) Finding equivalent weight of aluminium: Given, the wt. of hydrogen = wt. of hydrogen displaced by aluminium=0.13g Eq, wt. of aluminium = x=? Weof aluminium Weof hydrogen We know, _ Eq.wi. .of aluminium (x) ~-Eg.wtof hydrogen ‘Substituting the values in the above equation, we eet, Ja7s1,008 O13 ‘Therefore, equivalent weight of aluminium ~ 9.072. ii) Finding equivalent weight of copper: Given, the wt. of aluminium == wt. of, «aluminium used for displacing copper = 0.138 Eq, gt. of aluminium = 9,072 ‘Wt. of copper = wt. of copper displaced from copper sulphate =0.47g Eq, wt. of copper = x= We know, =9.072 Eq.wt.of copper(x) Eq.wtof aluminum ‘Substituting the values in the above equations, we Wtof copper _ Wrof aluminium 0.479.072 0139072 =*"— 913 Therefore, equivalent weight of copper is 32.8 ii) Finding equivalent weight of silver Given, the wt. of copper = wt. of copper used for displacing silver=0.13g Eq. wt. of copper = 32.8 We of silver = Wt. of silver displaced from silver nitrate = 0.4328 Eq, wt. of silver = x=" =328 Wofsiver _ Eqwtof silver We know, Wi of copper Eqwtof copper Substituting the values in the above equation, we Xn 0482 013 328 0.13 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of silver is 109. 32.8=109 43. We. of Ag displaced = 3.670g Eq, wt. of Ag = 108 WI. of Cu = used for displacing silver = 1.081g Eq, wt. of Cu=x~ Eq.wtofAg_ WtofAg We know, Eq.wtofCu WtofCu wp 08367, y= 108 31.35 x 1.081 3.39 Therefore, equivalent weight of copper is 31.85 Wi. of metal chloride = 1.11 We of silver chloride = 2.873 Eq, wt. of silver = 108 Eq, wt. of chloride ion = 35.5 Eg, wt. of the metal = x=? We knoy, Wtofmetal chloride em8% We. of silver chloride Eq, wt. of metal + Eg. wt. of chloride ion Fg. wi. of silver ~ Eq, wt. of ehloride ton ‘Substituting the values in the above equation, we (x4355 _x435.5 1084355 143.5 1.11%143.5 2.87 Hence, x = 55.5 ~35.5=20 Therefore, the equivalent weight of the metal is 20. Weof A liberated _ 2 Wt of Bliberated | 3 Eq, wi. of B=30 Eq. wt. of A=x=? ‘We know that, when same quantity of electricity is passed. Wtof A liberated _ Eq. wt. of A Wt ofBliberated Eq, wt. of B 287 or X+35.5 55.5 2_x ea 3 30 Therefore, the equivalent weight of metal Volume of hydrogen liberated at S.T.P We. of ce of hydrogen = 0.00009, _, Wt. of hydrogen liberated at S.T.P = 203 « =>x=20 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS: Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 0.00009g~ 0.018272 Wt. of copper deposited = 0.5712 Eq, wt. of hydrogen = 1.008 Eq, wt. of copper =x =? We know Wt. of copper 4. of copper Wt. of hydrogen Eq, wt. of hydrogen 0.571__ Eq.wtof copper 0.01827 1.008 Eq, wt. of copper O57) 1.008=31.49 0.1827 “Therefore, the equivalent weight of copperis 31.49. Weight of copper = Weight of copper used for displacing =1.081 g Eq, wt of copp ‘Weight of silver= Weight ofsilver displaced =3.67g Eg, wt ofsilver= 107.88 WeofCu___Wrof Ag Weknow, Eq wrotCu Eq.wtof Ag 081 _ 3.670 “x 107.88 107,881,081 3.670 Therefore, the equivalent weight of coppers 31.71 Wt.of H, liberated _1 Given,“ Q jiberated 8 Fq.wt. of H, = 1.008; Eq.wt. of 0, =? Eqwt.of H,_ Wt of H, liberated Fq.wt. of ©, ~ We. of O. liberated 3.71 We know, 1.008 _1 x 8 Therefore, the equivalent weight of oxygen is 8 a) Molecular weight of _ potassium dichromate[K Cr,0,= 78+ 104~ 112 = 294 Number of atoms of potassium in 1 molecule of potassium dichromate = 2 ‘We know, percentage composition of an element nx Atwt mol. wt x= 1008x828 100 Percentage composition of potassium in K,cr,0, 2439 99 _ 78100 294 204 Molecular weight of calcium phosphate [Ca(PO), =3 x 40 +2. x31 +8 16=310 Number of atoms of phosphorus in Imolecule of calcium phosphate = 2 Percentage composition of phosphorus in 2x31 12100 a 100 0% CalPOds ~ S310 10 Weight of each FeSO, tablet = 325 mg = 0.325 g Amount of Fe" that is fatal tothe child 55g Let the number of tablets that constitute 2 ! dose to the child be x. a ‘Weight of Fe"contributed by 1 FeSO, tablet a Calculation ofthe amount of Fein | FeSO, tablet 1 mole of FeSO, contain I gram atom of Fe'=> 152 g of FeSO, contain 56 g of Fe 6.53% 0.32556 = 0.325 g of FeSO, contain “55 =0.11 gofFe ‘Substituting the above value in (1), we get, on Therefore, 5 tablets of FeSO, turn to be lethal to the child Molecular weight of urea [CO(NH,),] =12+16+28+4=60 = 60 g of urea contains 28 g of nitrogen 5 % 1000 g of urea contains ‘x'g of nitrogen = 28%5%1000 _ 5533 39 Mass of nitrogen supplied to the soil by 5 kg of urea is 23333 g. a) AgCl => % of Ag 108 108 100 = «100 = 75.26 (108+355) 43.5 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 2x56 ) Ferric oxide = Fe,0, => % of Fe= (56) 14g *100-7 (2*38) 9 = 2 Dasa "7853244 The formula shows that 1 mole H,O contains 2 g atom of hydrogen and 1 g atom of oxygen. ‘The weight of 1 mole is 18 g. 18 g of water contain 2 g of hydrogen and 16 g of oxygen. )KS0, > %ofK= 100 = 44.82 . 2 _ Percentage composition of hydrogen = +, %100~ 11.1 % 16 The percentage composition of oxygen = 5, *100~ 88.9% Element | % Composition | Mol. wt. Relative No. of ‘Simplest Ratio molecules MgO 31.88 40 31.88 o 63.37 SiO, 63.37 056 60 478 Ho 475 8 SB =0264 Therefore, the simplest formula oftale is 3MgO. 4810, H,0. or MgSi0, (Calculation of simplest formula of anhydrous salt= Element } % Composition Al 10.5 0757 797 3 K (Calculation of simplest formula of erystallised sal Simplest formula is AIKS,O, Simplest formula weight =27+39-+64 +128 =258 Weight of 1 mole of anhydrous salt is 258 Since 100 g of hydrated salt lose 45.6 g of water, weight of anhydrous salt is 100-45.6-54.4 g 54.4 g of anhydrous salt combine with 45.6 g of water. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 258 g of anhydrous salt (1 mole of salt) combine with 45:6, 55g =216 g of water. 344 Number oftmoes of water in 1 mol of crystalised sat'= === 218 =12 «. Number of moles of water in 1 mole of crystallised sa = Seas =p Hence, the simplest formula of erystallised salt is AIKS,0,.12H,0. The molecular formula of the compound can be determined i it empi Molecular formula = Empirical formula *n Let us first find the empirical formula ofthe compound. Element Relative No. of atoms | Simplest ratio of atoms c 0 3 DD 333 6 68 SE a ss 34 336 Fig 3.33 = Molecular weight molecular weight _ 60 Empirical weight 30 Substituting the value of in (1), we get :, Molecular formula = (CH,O) x 2 = C,H,O, SUMMATIVE WORKSHEET} Let the volume of O, be x ee. The volume of N, be (10 — x)eo Volume of hydrogen = 20 ec; Volume after explosion = 21 ce [At room temperature, N, is non-reactive, only oxygen reacts with hydrogen to form H,O in liquid state. The formed water (at room temperature) occupies negligible volume. ‘The contraction in volume due to explasion = (10+ 20-21) = 9ee This 9 ce contraction is due to the formation of water. 2H,+0, —32H,0 Let us consider the volume of oxygen as ‘x’ ‘Then, volume of hydrogen = 2x Volume reduced = 9 = x + 2x= 3x x3 So, volume of O, used = 3 6c Volume of H, used = 6 ce This is due to the combination of H, and O, to form water of negligibly small volume. Now, 242+ 0:3 2H,0 1%. Dol. Ivol __ Neligiblevolsay=0 Contraction in volume = 2+1=3 volumes; and the vol. of oxygen used up by hydrogen is one-third of the contraction, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES =, O, present in the mixture = 9/3 = 3 ec and N, present in the m ixture = 103 = 7 cc Let the volume of CO jin the mixture be x ec and that of CH, be y ee. = Volume N, = 25 ~ (x + y) ec Nitrogen does not take part in the combustion. The other reactions caused by the explosion are: 2€0 +0, —2C0, Bo! “ive 2y0l xe Me CH,+20,—>CO, + 2,0 Tyot 2vol—tyohNepigibiysmallvot ye Fe Se rats It is clear from the equations that x ce of CO ‘combines with 3/4 ce of oxygen and produces x ec oc CO, Contraction in volume due to burning of CO ‘Similarly, contraction in volume due to bumning of CH, =y+2y-y=2y ce _ Teta contacto in ylume =2 +2900 But, itis given that the total contraction in volume is 18 ce Seayeit Now, total volume of CO, formed, as shown in the equations = (x+y) cc This volume = the contraction in vol. with KOH, ie, 15 06 xty=15 (2) Solving the equation (1) and (2) simultaneously, we getx=8andy=7 Hence, the original mixture contained CO = Bee; CH, = 7ee; N, =25-(8+ 7) of 10ce Let volume of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide be ‘x’ ec, ‘y’ ce and ‘2’ ce respectively. ‘Then, on explosion, the following reactions occur: 2H,+0,—> — 2H,0 —_— ‘hea vie 2¢0+ 0, —+200, co, —+co, Since the contraction on shaking with potash is due solely tothe absorption of carbon dioxide, then: ytz 19-12 Butx+y+ mixture) ‘Then equations can now be rewritten: 2H,+0, = ~—-2H,0 vet tee (nts) 0 (from the original volume of the 200+ 0, 2c0, co, = ©, ‘Volume of oxygen required for complete 1 combustion -( 3 Des, and since 15 ce of ‘oxygen were originally present and | of oxygen % Composition is H, = 30%; CO = 30%; CO, 40% Let the hydrocarbon be C,H, Mass of hydrocarbon = 0.1 5 g; Mass of CO, formed = 0.44 g Mass of water formed — 0.27 g; Vapour density of hydrocarbon = 1.5 => Molecular weight of hydrocarbon = 1 5 2= 30 Molecular formula => x=?, y=? ‘The general combustion reaction of a hydrocarbon is as follows: c.H, +(1+2}o, »x00, +2140 From the above equation, it is clear that, | mole of hydrocarbon ‘on complete combustion x moles of CO, ives 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] => 30 gof hydrocarbon s+ x x 44 g of CO, (., 1 mole of CO, weighs 44 g) Given, 0.15 g hydrocarbon ev, 0.44 g of co, 30 _ 44x _ 30x 0.44 aa ax 01s 044“ 0.15«44 Similarly, on complete combustion gives 1 mole of hydrocarbon 5 moles of 1,0. = 30 ghydrocarbon —sstasrsmtaten * 18 g of HO =. (I mole of H,O weighs 18 g) Given, 0.15 g of hydrocarbon > 0.27 g of HO 30 __ iy 10227 > 0133x0277” osxi8 ~* ‘Therefore, the formula ofthe hydrocarbon is C,H, (@) Given that the weight of methane (x) is equal to the weight 1 gram mole of SO, and the weight of | gram molecule of SO, is 64g Weight of methane = m= 64 g Gram molecular weight of methane GMW = 16g We know, number of gram molecules (0,)-B CMW 16 Therefore, the number of gram molecules of methane are 4, Total rupees to be spent = 6.023 « 10% Rupees spent per second = 10* Rupees spent per year = 10® x 60 « 60 x 24 x 365 -s 108 « 60 x 60 « 24 x 365 rupees are spent in 1 year 6.023 x 10° rupees are spent 6.02310" 10° 60x 60%24%365 = 1.9099 * 10" years Volume of virus years LE ‘ 7g x10 5000%10 = 0.884 10 om? Weight of ~— one _ 088410" 075 », Mol. wt. of virus 1.178 » 10" x 6.023 » 10° = 7.095 « 107 ++ Mol wt. of CO, = 44 and ithas 32 g 0, and one molecule of ©, has atoms. 44g CO, = 2N atoms of 0 », 88 gCO, = 726.025510" 88 toms of CO = 24,092 « 44 10° atoms of Oxygen ‘Also mol.wt, of CO 28 and it has 16 g O and one atom of O in one molecule of CO. +: N atoms of O are present in = 28 g CO +, 24,092 x 10° atoms of O are present in 28 24,092.10" 6.023%10" Let at. wt. of P and Q are a and b respectively. Mol.wtof P,Q, = 2a + 3b and Mol. wt. of PQ, 32 kg of S will give 98 kg of H,SO, 98 = 500 kg ofS will give S00 5> keof H,SO,, 1530 kg H,S0,. ‘Therefore, 1530 kg of H,SO, can be produced from 500 kg of sulphur. Fraction of Ag in AgCl Atomic weight of Ag _ 107.9 _ 4755 Formula weight of AgCl 143.5 Weight of Ag in 7.2 g AgCl = 0.753 7.20 =5.42gAg Hence, the 5.82 g coin contains 5.42 g Ag. Fraction of Ag in coin Weightof Agincoin 542 = Total weight ofeoin 5.82 “9-93! = 94.1% AB ‘Therefore, percentage of silver in the coin is 94.1. % of phosphorus in the material = 0.086 Minimum molecular weight Minimum molecular weight => molecule of the material should contain at least one atom of phosphorus => 0.086% of the molecule weighs 31 a.m.u. (C: weight of I atom of P is 31 a.m.u.) “The weight of molecule (100%) of the material = 100%31 Dre = 36046.5 a.m ‘Therefore, minimum average molecular weight of the material is 36046.5 % of C= 85. => % of H= 100-85 = 15 ‘Vapour density of hydrocarbon = 28 = Molecular weight of Hydrocarbon = 28 » 2 = %6 Molecular formula of hydrocarbon =? ‘The molecular formula of the compound can be determined if its empirical formula is known. Molecular formula = Empirical formula * o- 0) Let us first find the empirical formula of the compound. 196 Empirical formula =CH, = Empirical formula weight = 12 +2= 14 molecular weight _ 56. Empirical weight 14 Substituting the value of n in (1), we get Molecular formula = (CH,) *4= C,H, ‘Therefore, molecular formula of hydrocarbon is CH, ¢ Carbohydrate "Caron Water 124 Moles of carbon = 5-=103 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi: NEWTONCLAS Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835506812, 7546845049 ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 186 Moles of water (H,0) = 5°=103 (i) Molar ratio= 1.3 :10.3= 1:1 Hence simple or empirical formula CH,O. (Gi) 0.0833 motes ofthe carbohydrate contains 1 g of Hydrogen or 1 gram-atom of hydrogen, 1 mole of the carbohydrate contains L 0.0833 Molecular weight of carbohydrate = 12 * | 6 «CHO ER=CH, Mass of | litre of N, = Mass of I litre of compound = 12 gram -atom of hydrogen. 2HC! (aq.) —_ + H®) =244(2«355) =@*1) 24g 0fMg =73 gof HCL = 95 g of MgCl, =2 gofH,= 22.4 lit, at S.TP. 1 mole of Mg = 2 moles of HCL =I mole of MgCl, = I mole of H, Molecular mass of MgCl, = 95.S0, 95 g of MgCl, =| mole; 95 1. 958 of MgCl, = Gz =0-1mole of MeCl, 1 mole of MgC, is formed from 1 mole of Mg. +. 0.1 mole of MgCl, is formed from 0.1 mole of Mg. 0.1 mole of Mg dissolves in the reaction. 1 mole of MgCl. is formed from 2 moles of FIC. 0.1 mole of MgCl, is formed from 2 0.1 of HCI = 0.2 moles of HCI 0.2 mole of HCI reacted in the reaction | mole of MgCl, was formed with I mole of H, :, 0.1 mole of MgCl, was formed with 0.1 mole of HH, 0.1 mole of H, was liberated. I mole of HC1=36.5 g 0.2 mole of HCI that reacted with 0.1 mole of Mg=36.5 x 0.2=7.3 g of HCL 7.3 g of HCI reacted in the reaction. vi) 1 mole of H, occupies 22.4 litres at S. 0.1 mole of H, that was liberated in the reaction that occupies = 22.4% 0.1 =2.24 lites at S..P. 2.24 litres of H, were liberated at $.T.P. Weight of metallic oxide = 0.398 g; Weight of water = 0.09 g Eq.wt. of metal = ? i) To calculate the eq. wt. of meta, first we have to find the weight of oxygen combined with metal. It is equal to the amount of oxygen present in 0.09 g of water, We know, 18 gof HO comin, 16g of oxygen 0.09 g of HO —ssin_, x g of oxygen = 2.09416 18 Weight of oxygen in H metallic oxide = 0.08 g Weight of metal = Weight of metallic oxide ~ Weight of oxygen = 0.3980 — 0.08 = 0.31 80 g. ii) Equivalent weight of metal is theamount of metal that combines with 8g of oxygen. Let us find the same Weight of metal 0.08 g Weight of oxygen in Eq.wt. of metal Weight of oxygen Eq.wt. of oxygen = 0.3180 _ Eqwe. of metal 0.080 8 80.3180 . Egan of metal= So =31.8 Therefore, the equivalent of the metal is 31.8 1 gof metal oxide —S"_» 0.68 g of metal. ‘The weight of oxygen present in 1 g of metal oxide = | -0.68= 0.32. :.0.68 g of metal —_soutises sit, 0.32 g of O, =. Eq, wt. of metal —comtnce wt, 89 of O, 80.68 > Eq. wt of metal = 17 Eg. wt. of metal = —T55 Therefore, the equivalent weight of metal is 17. Percentage of chlorine = 71 => 100 g of metallic chloride has 71 g of chlorine and 29 g of metal Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES => 29 g of metal —22_5 71 g of chlorine = Eq. wt. of metal 28 5 35.5 g of chlorine > Eat. =255*22 145 ‘Therefore, the equivalent weight of the metal is 45 d a For minimum mol. wt., insulin must have at least one S atom in its one molecule, v3.4 g' then molto insulin = 100 1o00%32 2.32.88 then mol, wt. of insulin, =O 41.176 s.Minimum mol.wt.of insulin = 941.176 (2 160, bas mumber of mols = +8 Mt 282 [Number of moles re same so number of molecules are sane (0 Moe isthe 0, of moles, more is the umber of molecules. 14g, has number of moles = No. of moles = Se — (1 0, of moles = Gye ~~) Let us apply (1) to the given options. 34 oR Sean @ Op- @ (b) Sodium oxide + Na,O Molecular weight = 46 + 16 = 62 62gm of Na, =I mole 620gm of Na,0 = 10 mole. HOTS WORKSHEET} st mumber—> % of nitrogen —— (1) 2 number The amount of phosphorus ‘equivalent to % P,O, @ 3 number» The amount of K equivalent to % of KO 6) ‘The total amount of sample = 1.00 kg = 1000 g WrofN, = 2; WtofP=?; WtofK =? Sample =15- 10-5 a) = 15% of 1000 g is nitrogen; 10% of 1000 's P.O, 5% of 1000 g is K,O. () Calculation of weight of nitrogen: The weight of nitrogen 15% of 1000 |5x1000 100 (ii) Calculation of weight of phosphorus From (4) itis clear that, % of P.O, present = 10: ; P20, present 1O0%10 «1g = Amount of P.O, present 65 142 gofP,O, contains > 62g 100 g of P,O, contains > ? 100%62 _ 6200 142 142 From (4) % of K,O present = 5 => Amount 10005 resent — = 508 KO present “95 = 508 (iii) Catculation of weight of potassium Let us check the amount of *K” present in 50 x 0! Ko. 94 g of KO contains > 78g 50 g of K,O contains —> ? 50x78 _ 3900 _ 41 49g 94 Oa 2C,H,, OH + 150, ——> 10C0, + 12H.0. i) The terms in the problem are moles and voli: From the above equation itis clear, 2% 22400 ml of amyl alcohol need 15 moles of for complete combustion => 1 ml of amyl alcohol 25x. 15x 2* 22400 fi) The terms in the problem are mole and mole From the equation ; 15 moles of O, is consumed for production of 12 moles of H,0. =150g = 43.66 g =33%10° mol 2 = 1 mole of ©, gets consumed to form += moles of HO ill) The terms in the problem are mole and weil From equation: 2 moles of amyl alcoli 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] seams, 10 x 4 g of CO, = 1 mole of amyl alcohol mse, 10x44 , _ 2908 of CO, iv) The terms in the problem are weight and weight. From the equation : 2 GMW of amyl alcohol esis 10 44g of CO, = 1 g of amyl alcohol ee , 104 9 5¢ of C 2x88 -y) The terms in the problem are weight and weight. From equation : 2 88 g of amyl alcohol gives 10 x44 g of CO, = 1000 kg of amyl alcohol gives x 1000«10%44 = 2.5 x10 kg = 2.5t SXF KBB sa= 2am ‘The amount of chromite ore used = 169 kg; ‘The amount of chromite K,CO, used = 298 kg The ‘amount of oxygen sealed ~ 75kg; The amount of KCrO, formed = 194 kg Myecxo, 24g; Mu,co, = 138K; Mycio, =194 KE; % vyield Actual yield ——— e100 Theoretical yield % yield = ‘The actual yield is given (194 kg). How to get theoretical yield. The balanced equation is 4FeCr,0(s) + 8K,CO,(s) + 70,(8) —> 8K,CrO,(s) + 2Fe,0,68) + 8CO,(e) From the above reaction itis very clear that the ‘combining ratio ofthe reactants and K,CrO, is as follows ‘The number of moles of the various reactants are ‘obtained as follows: 16910" Neco =— 954 > 204 298000 = SEO = 2.16%10° mol Ky "eo, “aR mol K,CO, = 75000 _ 9 34x10°mol 0, 32 5 x 10 mol FeCr,O, Now we must determine which of the three reactants is limiting. To do so, we will compare the mole ratios of reactants required by the balanced equation with the actual mole ratios. For the reactants K,CO, and FeCr,0,the required mole _-molK,CO, tio is mol Feo, eased) = actual mole. ratio (actual) = 241610" Mol FeCr,0, 7.55x10 Since the actual mole ratio is greater than the required, the K,CO, is in excess compared with FeCr,0,. Thus either FeCr,O, or O, must be limiting. To determine wihich ofthese will limit the ‘amount of products, we compare the required mole ratio, MolO, Mol FeCr,0, with the actual mole ratio, Mol0 2.34x10° Mol FeCr,0, 755x10 Thus more K,CO, and O, are present than required. These reactants are in excess, so FeCr,0, isthe limiting reactant. ‘We must use the amount of FeCr.0, to caleulate the maximum amount of K,CrO, ‘that can be formed: From the balanced chemical equation, it is clear that 1 mole of chromite ore reacts to give 2 moles ‘of potassium chromite, (actual) = => 7.55 * IP moles of FeCr,0, E242 7.55 % 10 moles of K,CrO,= 1.51 * 10° moles of K,Cr0, ° The theoretical yield = 1.51 x 10° x 194 g This value represents the theoretical yield of K,CrO,, The actual yield was 194 kg, or 194 x 10g, ‘Thus the percent yield is 194%10° 100 65g [s2xi9axiy 1007 59 962% The gram molecular weight of penicillin F is computed as follows: C,, HaN,SO,- Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (14 * 12) + (20 « 1) + (2 x 14) +324 (4 x 16) = 168 + 204 28+ 32+ 64 ‘The G Mol. Wt. C,H,.N,S0, = 312g ‘The mass percent of C= >> 100 = $3.84. The mass percent of H 312 28 32 The mass percent of N= 375% 100~ 8.97. The mass percent ofS = 375 x100= 64 The mass percent of O= 37> * 100= 20.51 The gravimetric procedure can be summarized as follows: ee rock | Dissolution, [Ca ionsin | Addition of _, [CaCO,H, e evant in water” ‘solution “excess” [precipitate — oxalate ion Filter and dry 0.2920 | sample of CaC,0,H,0 | In this analysis excess C,O2 ions are added to ensure that all Ca?” ions are precipitated. Thus the number of moles of Ca™ original sample determines the number of moles of CaCO, H,O formed. Using the HS * 746.12—CaC,0,1,0~ 199810? in mol C26.0,H.0 ‘Thus the original sample of impure phosphate rock contained 1.998*10°mol of Ca™ions, 40.08gCa* which we convert to grams: 1.998*10% mol Ca? « “oo Gaz = 8.008 x 10g of Ca®* 8.008107 The mas percent of clu in he original sample then gag SE 100 = 18.34% The rate of purchase of Titanium=2 Rs/gram ‘The rate of selling of TiO, = 3.5 Rs/gram yield of TiO, = 33 The At. Wt. of Ti= 48 = GAW of Ti =48 ¢ GMW of TiO,= 48 + 32= 80 g (@) Is it profitable to manufacture TiO,? Itis profitable if the amount obtained by selling (X)>The amount used in purchasing (Y) X = The amount of | TiO, obtained « 3.5 ; Y= The amount of Ti used * 2 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] Actual yeild % yield Thertical yietd “100 T+ ©, —+ TiO, 5 From the reaction itis clear that 48 g Ti st , 80g of TIO, and % yield = 33 33 = 48 gofTi sm 5 795%80 gofTiO, = 48 gof Ti 2, 26.4 gf TO, = X= 26.4 x 3.5 = 89.76 Rs and Y=48 x 2= 96 Rs = Itis net profitable. ’) For this, let us firs find the rate at which we have to sell, for no profit and no loss and let the selling rate be k For this X = Y => 264 x k= 96 = k=Rs.3.64 => We have to sell more than Rs, 3.64/g of TiO, 158 Density ofthe object = ? Mass of abject= 15.8 & => Vinus~ d = Masel it ot 158 =vx 0.789 aly ): Let the mass of ethanol be ‘m’. 15.8 After some ethanol has spilled out, the mass of ethanol in the container = x = | ™——4~X0.789 According to the problem: x + 15.8g=m+ 10.5 -15.8 x158 15.8 25 0.789 , 158 195 =a, T 15.8 3g, * 079-105-158 = -1422=-534, = 268g Let the formula of hydrocarbon be = CH, cH, + (« = So, —>:C0, +2H,0(1) Volume taken: Sml 30ml 0. b ramieco fe) Also given volume absorbed by NaOH is CO, formed = 10 ml ‘The volume absorbed by pyrogalol is of O, let Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTON R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES =15 mi ‘The volume of ©, used 30- 15 = 15 ml sa=10 a=2 : S|at—| = = (018 ssa =. Hydrocarbon is C,H, Let the formula of the axide of chlorine be denoted by Cl,O,, Then since the mixture is composed of equal ‘volume of chlorine and oxide of chlorine, that is, there are 30'c.c. of each, the action of heat on the mixture is represented by the equations Cl, = Cl, (unchanged by heat) 0 30 ce. 30 cic ChxOy = ch + Zo, (ii) 2 x Ly: soca (De se( Le Equation (ii) follows from the fact that if a 1 molecule of a gas gives x/2 molecules of another gas, then 1 ‘volume must given x/2 volumes, the unit of volume here being 30 c.c. Since the chlorine gas is completely absorbed by caustic soda, the residual gas (15 .c,) must be oxygen. 2x30=15 2 1 But, after heating, 30c c.c. of the oxide of chlorine increased to 45 c.c. (Since the 30 c.c. of chlorine originally present is unchanged by the action of heat) Saaoece(Lea0]=45 4,x30= 43-¥x30=30(Sincey=1 oj ) e 2 2 cosy -, Formula for the oxide = C/,0. @ Imole of C.H.,0,,= 3428 The molecular mass of cane sugar C,H,,0,] 12% 124221 nx 16= 342 .mu. (022 « 10 molecules Now 342 g of cane sugar contain 6.022 x 10" molecules 6.02210 34.2 g of cane sugar will contain = 5 « 34.2 = 6,022 « 10? molecules Gi) 1 mole of water = 18 g= 6.022 x 10* molecules Mass of | litre of water contains 100g *. 10008 of water contains = 5220100 46,107 pt Gi) e618 coin = 602 10° ml 02210" +. 0.05 g of HO contain = 6,022 * 108 molecules = SOAIO" 0.05 = 1.673 * 10 molecules. 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS: MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] (1 mole of Ag atoms = 108 g = 6.022 * 10" atoms i.e, mass of 6.022 * 10" atoms of Ag = 108g Thi f | atom of Ag & we mass of | atom of A= T>5 5s = 1.793 x 107% ‘The mass of one gram atom of N= At. mass in ‘grams = 14g ‘The mass of one mole of Ca = At. mass in grams 402 : ‘The mass of one mole of oxygen molecule = Mol. mass in grams = 32g 1 mole of C atoms ~ 12z~ 6.022 » 10° atoms i the mass of 6.022 10% atoms of C= 12g Mass of 10 atoms of C = 2 6.022x1 ‘The mass of iron = 1.0 g (Given) ‘Thus the order of increasing weights is: One atom of silver < One gram of iron < 10° atoms of carbon < one gram-atom of nitrogen H,0 x Atoms of oxygen involved on both sides are y + 1=4 + xy may be given different values and the corresponding values ofx be calculated and such values be substituted ‘o the formula C,H,O, and the molecular weight calculated and compared with the given value of molecular weight. fy =4, x works out to be 2 and the formula of the compound works out to be C,H,O, and the corresponds with molecular weight 90. Hence the molecular formula of the compound is C,H,0, Finding the man of combustion products: Mass of CO, liberated due to combustion = 85.85 ~ 83.85 = 1.5g of CO, Mass of H,O formed = 37.96 37.55 = 0.41g Calculate the masses of C and H Mass of element in onemolecompound ‘Mass of element = Mass of compound Neo acls Gap Mass of C 12 Ls = 0.409 Mass of C= Mass of ©, * 55597 mole of Oy a Mass of H ___Mass of H__ 2 Mass of H= Mass of H,0 * Yass of mole of O41 x Ty = 0.045 The mass of Oxygen: Mass of Oxygen mass ofvamin C sample ~ (mass of C+ ass of H) 200g (04085 0.0455) 0846p ii) Find the simplest ratio of the carbon, hiydrogen and oxygen. Mass in Atomic Simple Whole grams weight alge mde ie thay number ratio wa Carbon 04 12 12 o.o3a1 Iyarogen| 0.045 885 9045 0546 Oxygen | 0.546 16 ig = 0.0381 Element The simplest ratio of C, H and O is 3:4 :3 => The empirical formula of the compound = C,H,O,. Molecular formulaempirical formula * n, Molecular formula weight _ 176.12 Empirical formula weight 88 Therefore, the molecular formula = Empirical formula x n = C,H,O, x 2 = CHO, 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MOLE CONCEPT [CHEMISTRY FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS - X] 1) Find the mass of carbon and hydrogen for the combustion products. Mass of element in Imole compound Mass of element = Mass of compound * 4555 of | mole compound Mass of C Me Gogg JD rag Mass of I mole of CO, 4 Mass of C = Mass of CO, * Mass of H Mass of H= miss of H.0 * Sas5 of mole of HO The mass of Oxygen: Mass of Oxygen = Mass of unknown compound - (Mass of C + Mass of H) = 1.55g~ 1.3gC + 0.245 g H= 0.4953 ‘These are virtually the same, so carbon and hydrogen account for all ofthe mass in the original sample. Thus there is no oxygen or other elements in the unknown compound. ii) Find the simplest ratio of the carbon and hydrogen in the given compound. Mass in | Atomic grams | weight 2 =2.21x—=0.245 8 i Whole ne number ratio Atomic ratio | Simple ratio Carton | 13 | 12 2 =0.108 | 2108 _ 4 Hydrogen | 0.245 ‘The simplest ratio of C and His 49 Empirical formula of the compound = C,H,. Molecular formula = empirical formula * n, molecular formula weight 114.2 _ empirical formula weight 57_ Therefore, the molecular formula = empirical formula «n= C,H, » 2=C,H,, 4) Calculate the masses of C and H. Mass of element in onemole compound Mass of element = Mass of compound * ass of Imole of compound Mass of C 12 = Mass of CO, = 0,882x 2 = 0.24 Mass of C= Mass of CO:* ‘Mass of Imoleof CO, 44 Mass of H ——Mass of Hy 3602 Mass of Imoleof 18 Mass of H= Mass of H,0 * The mass of Oxygen: Mass of Oxygen = mass of butyric acid sample (mass of C+ mass of H) = 0.440g ~ (0.242 + 0.04g) = 0.16g ii) Find the simplest ratio of the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTON R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘Mass in | Atomic Whole Element |'orams | weight | Atomic ratio | Simple ratio | wunter ratio Carbon | 024 | 12 | 224-002 | 2-2 12 001 0.08 0.04 Hydrogen] 0, 04 Sa oor | oot a6 0.01 Oxygen | 0.16 | 16 | 22-001 | 20 [3 16 01 ‘The simplest ralio of, Hand Os 24 c1 = Whe empirical formula of the compound = C,H,0. Molecular formula=empiricl formula Xn n— Molecular formula weight _ 88 _ Empirical formula weight 44 Therefore, the molecular formula = empirical formula x n = C,H,O x 2=C,H,O, 2 4 iT JEE WORKSHEET| Sy OO 8B OO 1g)2 21) ay 34y4 44) 474 sm 6093 704 Bye 83) 862 96)3 993, 106 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 7546845049, NEWTONCLAS:

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