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The nuclear force is a force that acts between the protons and neutrons of
atoms. The nuclear force is the force that binds the protons and neutrons in a
nucleus together. This force can exist between protons and protons, neutrons
and protons or neutrons and neutrons. This force is what holds the nucleus


The most obvious example of nuclear force, as discussed earlier, is the binding of
protons, which are repulsive in nature because of their positive change. On a
larger scale, this force is responsible for the immense destructive power of
nuclear weapons.

Nuclear force The range of the nuclear force is short only a few femtometer (1fm=m),
beyond which it decreases rapidly. The nuclear force is about 10 millions times stronger
than the chemical binding that holds atom together in molecular. The modern preception of
the nuclear forceis that it is a residual interaction (similar to the Van der Waals force
between neutural atom ) of the even stronger force between quarts, which is mediated by
the exchange of gluons and holds the quarks together inside the nucleon

electromagnetism is a two way link between electricity and a magnetism. An electric current
creates a magnetic field,when it changes creates a voltage. The discovery of this link led to the
invention of the transformer electric,motor and generator. It also,after more than 50 years of
further work,explained what light is and led to the invention of radio

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