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Submitted To: Mrs. Frennie Jay A. Casundo
Submitted By: Ralph M. Betinol
This picture was taken from another municipality near to our town, Trento. The
local people who lived there called it “Binugwakan Cold Spring”. From the name itself we
can easily identify what kind of body of water it is. So yes, it is a spring, scientific
explanation tells us that a spring is a water resource formed on the side of a hill where
groundwater naturally emerges from the Earth’s subsurface in a defined flow and in an
amount large enough to form a pool or stream-like flow. And what I saw on the
environment it is literally located on the side of a hill or some small looking mountain and
the source of the water was from a cave that had underground water which we are
prohibited to swim because it is very deep and some myths in their town said we might get
sucked below. We rode motorcycles to travel a small distance from the ground before we
reached that spring because it is located beside on the hill, so we need to use vehicles, so
we can easily have climbed up the hill.

The spring was very cold and the way between the different part of the spring was
very steep and if you fell off you’d probably die. But the place was surrounded by many
numbers of trees, so we used the vines of the trees, so we have something to grasp on steep
areas. The place was full of rocks and if you have a broad imagination you can consider
some of it as a magnificent rock formation. The locals used that place as a tourist attraction
for their neighboring towns and before people can enter they must pay a fee at the
entrance. And as per observed even though it is a tourist attraction the place was very
clean and free from any pollutions. You wouldn’t see even a single trash on that place, so I
can conclude that the people visiting that place is very minimal. But the spring has the
potential to grow and to bloom so it can be a trendy attraction someday if it is properly
maintained and developed.

Pollutions are the major factors that ruining our nature including the one we love to
go to swim and go outings. It may be water, air or land pollution all of them are risk factors
to our environment. Like in the spring that I visited if water pollution is prevalent there the
spring get intoxicated and no one will ever try to swim. And if the air got polluted there will
be a disturbance of biodiversity due to loss of freshness in the air that some species can
adapt. While if the land get polluted and plastics and unsegregated garbage are scattered
everywhere it may cause the land to erode and may alter the geographical features of that

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