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Programme: Ma5ter ofBusin:ess Administration Full Time
(Batch: 2016-18), Term 111

Course Title and Code Business Laws :GM502

Credit Hours 3.0
1. Prof. Naresh Poturaju
Course Faculty
2. Prof. Mahesh C. Gupta
E-mail Ids
Course Blog
·contact No.
. ...... 2.09825091414·· ····

I. Course. .Overview:
· The course intends to provide understanding of economic framework and basic
fundamentals of various commercial laws to be dealt with in routine course of
business. This will· provide a brief idea at macro level of variou·~ legislations,
formalities, rules and regulations applicable on day to day basis.iil:espective of
discipline to enable the students to take better busi~ess decisions.
; •

II. Course Objectives .

1. To sensitize the students and also help them appreciate ~e overall
legal framework within ··which legal framework aspects re~ating to _
business activities are carried out ..
2. To create awareness in respect of rules and regulations affecting
various managerial functiohs.

III. Course Learning Outcomes

After going through this course, the students should be able to:
1. understand the legal framework of the country and relate with
2. analyze legal issues in various business decisions, and
3. apply law-relate'tl knowledge in various business decisions.

IV. Reading Material: . ' - -- ----

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· "'·. . -- - Text Book: __ :_ __ _ .;____ ·- · - . :. :-·: :.. .-... . .... .... . . .·
~:-.~: ·:·.~ -_- ·:: -- ~-1 . Legal a5pee'fi_ .;·Akhlleshwar·Pathak - 6 e edition- Mcgraw Hill ·
- -- -......,C... --- --· -

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V. Assessment components and schedule:

. Components Weightage Schedule Overall Brief

Sr. with No. of of each Weightage Description of
No. Assesments Assessment ( 0/o) the Assignment /
( 0/o) Project
1. Quiz 1 5 After 6 Sessions 20 --·-
Quiz 2 7.5 After 12 Sessions
Quiz3 7.5 After 20 Sessions
2. Group 20 Presentation from 20 Moot Court on the
Assignment 17-19 Session, assigned topic to be
Submission on performed by each
21st Session group along with
.. submission of case
facts, case details
and individual
learnings. Each The
group may be of 5
·.3. '.
Class Test .20 After 15 Sessions 20 -----
.. 4. End Term 40 As per schedule 40 -----

·VI. Session Plan

Sr.No. \fopics/ Sub Topics Sess ion D etails
1 !Various Forms of organizations TextBook Chapter 1 ; pg 1-5
~d their functioning. Ped~o_gy_ Lecture cum Discussions
SLO To explain vanous forms of
. organization with different
2 ndian Constitution Text Book Chapter 37; Pg 679-

Reading_ Extra handout shall be provided

Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
SLO To explain vanous important
concepts of constitution of India
and process of law making and
its enforcement.
3 Legal system of the country: Text Book Cliapter 37; Pg 679-
Act, Rules, Regulations, Bye: Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
laws, Ordinance and custom5 CLO 1
etc SLO To explain various important
.- .. concepts of constitution of India
-- - ---- - - .. .
·- and process of law ll?aking and

.. '' - -
~I ~ ' .
. - -· - -- ; __ _·:.:.· :-
- -
£ '~_::_
--- - - ' its enforcement.
-- . -- .. - - ---- - ' . .. . -
4 Concept of Partnership, Text Book Ch~ter 12; pg 184-208
Partnership Deed
. Reading
Bare Act- PDF
Lecture cum Discussions J
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·" CI.O
SLO - - ,fo1. 2oxpluin vurious provisions of
ptll'tnot·~hlp u~very populnr form
of business orgunizntion.
5 Rights ond Llnhllltitls of 'l't1 ~ ( Uuul' C hupt9r 12; pg I H4-208
Portners, Reglstrntlon ol' Finn ltt,ntllng Uurc Act- PDF
nnd Dissolution. l'cth~gt• gy Lecture cum Discussion
CI.O 1.2
SLO To oxplnin ri ghts nml . duties of
Jlltrtncrs nnd closme of business.
6 Limited Liability Pnrtncrship 'l\1xt nuul( _Qutpter 26: pg 573-59H
(LLP), chnroctcristics nnd ltt•u,llng _ _ Bme Act- I' DF
rcgistrntion, Pt•dng~gy l.ccture cum Discussions
CI.O I. 2
SLO To explain VIII' lOllS concept of
t.LP & its rcgbtrntion procedure.
7 Limited Liability Pnrtncrshi p 'l'llxt Bunk Chapter 2Gi e.g 573-59H
(LLP), Conversion of other ltcn d ing Bme 1\.ct- PDF
entity into LLP nnd viet.! vcrsn. Pcllng~gy l.ccturc cum Discussions
'(Guest faculty) C LO
SLO '· 2 explain conversion of othcr
entities into LLP.
8 Nature nnd kinds of Contmcts, Tt•xt Bunk Chapter I :1~ 6-9
OfTer nnd its ncccptnncl! ~n d ing Uare 1\.et- PDF
Pcd a~ogy I.cduw cum Discussions
SLO To explain \ meaning and
characteristic <> t contract and
concept of offer and its
9 Contracts: quast contrncts, Text Book ChapterS ; pg 124-l26
void agreements and Chapter 5; pg 66-71
agreements opposed to public Rending Dare 1\.ct- PDF
policy. Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
CLO 3 '
SLO To explain certain elements
relating to contract.
10 Consideration, Free consent Text llook Chapter 3-4; pg 31 -59
and specialized contracts Reading Dare Act- PDF
Pcditgogy Lecture cum Discussions
CLO 2, 3
SLO To explain certain elements
relating to contract.
11 Perfonnance and discharge of Text Bool{ Chapter 6-7 pg 84-110
~ontracts, Indemnity and Chapter 9; pg 132-141
!Guarantee Rcltding Bare Act- PDF
I l,cdngogy Lecture cum Discussions
t • ~ •
I ' ' ' fo''' • • ;
CLO ... ... 2 :
- ..
. .... ' ' "''. . .. .... ~ - 4 . . . . . ... ' . .......... ·SLO .. . To : explain certain elements
relating to contract.
12 Bailment and Pledge; Contract Text Book Chapter 10-11; pg 146-177
of Agency Rending Bare Act- PDF

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Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions ;

SLO To explain certain elements
relating to special contract.
13 Sale and Agreement to sell; Text Book Chapter 13; pg 217-243
goods, movable properties; Reading Bare Act- PDF
swap and Barter, Conditions Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
and Warranties, CLO 2, 3
SLO To explain certain elements
relating to contract of sale vis a
vis agreement to sell.
14 Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, TextBook Chapter 13; pg 217-243
Performance and Rights of Reading Bare Act- PDF
~npaid seller Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
CLO 2, 3
SLO To explain right of buyer and
seller including unpaid seller.
15 ~nds of Negotiable TextBook Chapter 14; pg 254-278
instruments and parties thereto; Reading Bare Act- PDF
Dishonour of cheques under Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
Section 138 of the Act, with CLO 2,3
Supreme Court judgments SLO To explain VariOUS types of
negotiable instruments and
' dishonor of cheque.
16 · Corppanies Act, 2013: Text Book Chapter 18; pg 354-373
Company Law Administration Reading Bare Act- PDF
and ·~ functioning of companies Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
in Intlia. CLO 2
SLO To explain functioning of
corporate in India.
Group Assignment Pedagogy Presentation and Discussion
Presentations CLO 2,3
17 SLO The students would be able to
know about the various findings
of group assignment

Group Assignment Pedagogy Presentation and Discussion

PresentationS CLO 2,3
18 SLO The students would be able to
know about the various findings
of group assignment
Group Assignment Pedago~ Presentation and Discussion
Presentations CLO 2,3
19 SLO The students would be able to
know about the various findings
of group assignment.
20 !Formation and
. . conversions of Text Book Chapter 18; pg354-373
- - . ~oinpa.nies - Reading Bare Act- PDF
Lecture cum Discussions

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~~ .
SLO To explain process of online
registration of Companies.
. 21 MOA, AOA, DIN· and Digital TextBook Chapter 19; pg 377-401
signature Certificates Reading Bare Act- PDF
Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
CLO 2. 3
SLO To explain contents of MOA,
AOA & Amendments therein.
22 Concept and Issue of Shares, T ext Book Chapter 20; pg 409-44 1.
allotment of shares, Buy-back Reading Bare Act- PDF
of securities, Demat of Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
securities CLO 2
SLO To explain process of issue of
shares and its buy-back.
23 Mobilization of Deposits and Text nook Chapter 21 ; pg 451-478
Meetings of Shareholders and Reading Bare Act- PDF
Board of Directors Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
CLO 2,3
SLO To explain deposit provisions
and regulatory mechanism and
provisions relating to meetings.
24 Pividend payment, Corporate Text nook Chapter 22; pg_ 486-52 1
Governance, Small Shareholder Reading Bare Act- PDF
directors, Postal Ballot, e-voting Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
NCLT. CLO 1, 2
Guest Faculty) SLO To explain relevant provisions.
SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009, Reading Bare Act- PDF \
Right issues, Offer for Sale; Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
25 Stock Exchanges and Listing CLO 1, 2
of Securities and ICO SLO To explain provisions relating to
IPO & role of SEBI.
26 Definition of Consumer, Text nook Chapter 15; pg 288-299
Consumer Dispute Redressal Reading Bare Act- PDF
Forums, Relief and Appeals Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
under Consumer Protection CLO 1, 2
Act SLO To explain need of separate body
for protection of consumer and
Redressal agency.

27 Intellectual Property Rights Text Bool{ Chapter 35-36; pg 641 -674 of Ref
(IPRs) including Trade Marks Book-1
and Patent Laws. Reading Bare Act- PDF
Pedagogy_ Lecture cum Discussions
SLO To explain concept of IPR and its
28 FEMA: Regulation and T ext Book Chapter 16; pg 305-324
Management of Foreign Reading Bare Act- PDF
Exchange, Authorized Person, Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
Bank Accounts by CLO 1, 2
NRis/Foreign Nationals SLO To explain important provisions
Guest Faculty) of FEMA and relevant

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procedural aspect.
29 . Applicability of IT Act, TextBook Chapter 17; pg 330-348
Definitions, Digital Signatures, Reading Bare Act- PDF
Certifying Authorities, Cyber
Pedagogy Lecture cum Discussions
Regulation and Appellate
Tribunals and penalties under CLO 2,3
the Act SLO To explain need of IT Act and
reg\llatory framework.
30 Course Review and Feedback Text Book -
Pedagogy Discussion
CLO 1,2,3
SLO To review the course and to
provide and receive feedback

VD Reference Books:

1. Business Law for Management by K. R. Bulchandani - Himalaya Publishing House

2. Legal Aspects of Business: Daniel Albuquerque- Oxford University Press
3.. Chartered Secretary : Monthly publication of The Institute of Company Secretaries of

Useful ·W ebsites:

1. w'

.. .......

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