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The main purpose of this mini project is to establish a new concept of trolley which able the

mechanism of trolley to be steer more efficiently and are able to move through various kind of

surface floors without having trouble as well as having enough safety for the customer and the

surrounding when the trolley is been used. A modified feature of trolley will be installed to

improve the quality of the trolley. Several, The market was analyses and information like the

customer requirements as well as product marketing potential and competitors were extracted from

the analysis and was thoroughly evaluated. In the House of Quality (HOQ) the engineering

characteristics of the concept product are highlighted and the product design specifications (PDS)

are then introduced. The project is continued with further analysis and calculation of the conceptual

product based on the discussion of the group. Overall it may be said that this Smart Trolley is a

significant product in the market and may become relevant to in this modern era of technologies.

Abstract 1
1.0 Introduction
1.1 General needs of product 3
1.2 Benchmarking on competitive product 4
1.3 Opportunity for competitive advantage 4
1.4 Problem statement 5
2.0 Analysis
2.1 Physics of task, artefact or system 6
2.2 Customer requirements 7
2.3 Engineering Characteristics 8
2.4 Constraints 9
2.5 House Of Quality(HOQ) 10
2.6 Determine your Decision Characteristics 11
3.0 Conceptual design process
3.1 Five feasible concept 12-17
3.2 Concept selection process(Morphological Chart, Pugh Chart ,Weight
Decision Matrix)
3.3 Final concept sketch and description 22
3.4 Product Design Specification(PDS) 23-24
4.0 Embodiment and detail design process
4.1 Product architecture 25
4.2 Configuration design and provide part layout 26-27
4.3 Parametric design for custom parts 28-29
4.4 Complete engineering drawing set 30-31
4.5 Estimate product cost 32
4.6 Parts list and bill of materials 33
5.0 Conclusions 34
6.0 References 35


1.1 General Need for Product

Shopping malls are an emerging trend in the global arena. The first thing that comes

in our mind about the shopping malls is that it is a big enclosed building housing a variety of shops

or products. According to historical evidences shopping malls came into existence in the middle

ages, though it was not called so. The concept of departmental stores came up in the 19th century

with the Industrial Revolution. Originally the first of the shopping malls was opened in Paris. Then

the trend followed in the other metros over the world, and there was a spree of shopping malls

coming up at various places. In this age of mass production and mass consumption, the concepts

of shopping malls are most modern method of attracting consumers.

In order to build the good concept of shopping mall, factor of safety must come first due

to the fact that shopping mall not competent to provide a good shopping trolley. So, uses of

efficient shopping trolley is the most effective way to give more comfort, durability and safety to

the customer when they have desire to buy their item needed in their lifestyle. At the same time,

its help the customer to buy any item that they want if the shopping mall provide the good scale

and efficient shopping trolley that have full function for the users. Therefore, we choose to invest

our smart shopping trolley that is intended to solve the general problem, that is customer have

difficulties when they buy many item but the size of compartment of shopping trolley is limited.

As student, we highly recommend this product as it will give more durability and safety to the


1.2 Benchmarking

Aspect Old Product Our Concept Product

Weight Heavy Light

Material toughness No Yes

Center of gravity High Low

Environmentally Yes Yes

Optimum size Normal More bigger

Cost High Low

Safety Low High

Durability/Compactness Low High

1.4 Opportunities for Competitive Advantage

This product benefits the older product because it is superior in different ways. One of those

aspects is the mobility and lightweight that the previous product does not have, as it is difficult to

Maneuver and steer the trolley around the supermarkets .Furthermore, user-friendly product as

there will be no setting up required as the product is ready-to-use. The concept product is also

environmentally-friendly as it offers users the recycle product when not in use .Centre of Gravity

of the product is lower making it more stable that the competitor. While the toughness of material

chosen will be tougher that the old product. Lastly, the design of the product is made to be having

an optimum size for the customer to use it as well as having a good safety features.

1.4 Problem Statement

A customer in a supermarket is having a hard time to carry things that they want to buy. The best

alternative to help them to carry all those product are to use a shopping trolley .Despite using a

trolley , other problems arises as the trolley have some defect and flaws that unable it to work at

full efficiency. The customer will experience difficulty in steering the trolley on various type of

floors especially when moving from a smooth surface to a rough surface or going on an

escalator .Apart from that, all of these problem will effect the time taken for customer to do the

shopping and will requires more energy to steer the trolley. The safety of the customer will be

affected too if all those problem stated above is not solve.

Therefore, as a solution to the problem above, the group have decided to install a new features and

mechanism to the trolley so that it could be steer more efficiently and are able to move through

various surface floor without having trouble.

1.5 Objective
In this mini project the objective would be to produce a design which satisfies the problem

defined in the problem statement above. Thus, our groups have identified several objectives

which must be met by the design.

 A trolley that will provide mobility to the user when steering it.

 Design a trolley that is compatible with the usage and storage of the products for the


 A trolley that provides comfort to customer when using it.

 A trolley that are able to support its own weight and the weight of household products

including any additional loads that the user might need to carry.

 To minimize the time taken and energy for a customer when doing its shopping


2.1 Physics of task, artefact or system

Physical understanding of the trolley structure
♦General/fundamental overview of trolley analysis
Weight + load

Centre of

Anterior Posterior
Normal Normal
♦Static/Dynamic analysis♦
Newton’s second law, the acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and
inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Fnet = m • a

2.2 Customer Requirements

● Light weight : It can help workers of an to move the trolley from the store to the useable

area with less effort

● Low cost/affordable : It can attract the buyers in term of marketing in large/mass


● Optimum size: Shoppers might need the trolley to be not too big either too small when

doing shopping because big trolley will eventually take much space or small trolley

would not fit a lot of thing.

● Long last material: The type of material should not undergo oxidation or rust that may

effect its performance.

● Stability : The trolley need to be stable and able to withstand high load

● Safety : The trolley should not bring any harm to the users and the surrounding by not

having defect such as sharp edge

● Smooth Maneuver: When handling the trolley, it must be a smooth ride through any

surface and floors without disruption

2.3 Engineering Characteristic

 Jamming probability , % : The tendency of the material to have better efficiency and
does not jam when in use

 Material toughness, MPa√m: Toughness of material is the ability of a material to

absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing. One definition of material
toughness is the amount of energy per unit volume that a material can absorb before
rupturing. Toughness requires a balance of strength and ductility referring to the trolley

 Material rigidity, Mpa: Rigidity is also called stiffness is a measure of elasticity, and
represents a material's resistance to permanent deformation. Rigidity of a trolley is more
focus on material's resistance to bending, whereas strength is a material's resistance to

 Average speed, m/s: The trolley is able to move on optimum speed which is very low
when in push force is applied.

 Durability: The trolley is able to work for long period of time on various surfaces of
floor without needing maintenance frequently

 Centre of gravity, m: Having a low Centre of gravity making it more stable when
moving and carrying lots of load.
 Energy required , N: A least amount of energy should be needed to push the trolley up
to the optimum speed

 Weight, kg: Has a low weight in order to decrease the overall load capacity when

2.4 Constrain

Before placing our product on the market, restriction and standards set by international and local
government must be met. The International Standard Organization (ISO) and the Malaysia
Standard (MS) set these constraints and standards and must be followed and fulfilled when
designing our product. MS 1765: PART 1:2004` will be the Malaysian Standard (MS)
Requirements for the Strength, Durability and Stability of Tables and Trolleys for Domestic and
Contract Use. The requirements of this standard are intended to demonstrate the ability of the
item to give satisfactory service in its intended environment. Conformity with the standard does
not ensure that structural failure will not eventually occur as a result of habitual misuse or after
an excessively long period of service. A specified test can be carried out on trolleys, but the tests
do not guard against accidental damage and attention is drawn to the additional requirements
trolleys containing glass which are contained in BS 7376.4. If a trolley incorporates storage
facilities, reference should also be made to MS 1581: Part 1. International Standard Organization
(ISO) standards are also considered like ISO 19894 which is the specification of moving
trolleys. All the restriction and constrain are observed and to be followed through out this project
and designing of desire product.

2.6 Determine your Decision Characteristics

 Position/Height of handle bar

The drawing (left) of the zones shows where humans are
strongest and weakest, yet so often heavy loads are put
too high or too low rather than onto the middle shelves, and
too often lower shelves come right to the edge of the trolley
so that humans cannot bend their knees when lifting or
placing a heavy load, thus straining their backs.

Based on study about strength location, there are multiple

strong point that could affect the pushing efficiency.

We did not include this engineering characteristic in our HOQ because of study needed
to be made first about the average people height based on where do our customer lived.


3.1 Five feasible Concept

Concept Drawing
Five design concepts for our product are outlined. Each of them has various features and
functions to help customer in supermarkets. We have, however, selected three concepts among
them the best that meet most of the criteria that would be perfect.


 Middle Position Cage
 Front Wheel steering
 Chest Level
 Centralized Support

For this concept, it is built with a few functions like front and back wheel steering operate by 360
degree to make smooth movement in different surface or floor. On the other hand, there is also
the middle position cage to give more stability and large scale space provided to the customer.
Then, the handle position is parallel with chest level to indicate more comfort and it help us to
take a good care of a human’s backbone effectively. Besides, this shopping trolley also equipped
with centralized support to back up the load of item in the cage.


 Double Cage
 Rear Wheel
 Chest Level
 Mutiple Support Bar

For second design, it was a double cage that locate upper and lower with different size. These
concepts only have a rear wheel that in front is 360 degree and back wheel is fixed. This design
has an advantage which is the shopping trolley does have the multiple support bar to stabilizes
the cage with load by lower the center of gravity.



 Upper Based Cage

 Rear Wheel
 Chest Level
 Mutiple Support Bar

For this design, its functions are focus more on the safety side of the customer where its design
covers almost safety factor like multiple support bar and the stabilizers. Just in case accident
occurs, it can prevent customer from any injuries. This design also operates with the cage that its
design is little bit of upper position but it provides less space to the customer when shopping.
Other than that, the handle is attached with the cage and it’s located at chest level that more
comfort to customer.



 Middle Position Cage

 Fixed Wheel
 Chest Level
 Centralized Support

As last design, the cage is located in the middle position which is upper part of the trolley that is
bigger than concept 3 for the size. But for the tyre for this concept, vice versa with the concept 4
as the front tyre is fixed while back tyre can rotate 360°. It is convenient for the back tyre to have
360° roation angle compare to front tyre. As the cage located at the top of trolley, the lower part
of trolley is not occupied so we need support for the cage to withstand bigger load in the cage.
The handle for this design is fixed with the cage so it is convenient for customer to push the
trolley with load smoothly without need more force.


 Lowered Based Cage
 Rear Wheel
 Chest Level
 Dual Support Bar(Front and Back)

For the fourth design, the cage located at the lowest part so it is more stable than other as the
center of gravity are more down to earth. As for the handle, it designs to chest level which is
easier for the customer to grab the handle and push it smoothly. Then, front tyre also got attach
together with the handle as it can rotate 360° angle which is easier to control the direction of the
trolley. For the back tyre, it is fixed to the trolley and also bigger than front tyre as it will support
the entire load from the cage.

3.2 Concept selection process

Morphological Chart
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Type of Cage Lowered Double Upper Middle Position

Based Cage Cage Based Cage

Maneuvering of
tyre 4-Wheel Front Wheel Rear Wheel Fixed Wheel
Steering steering Steering
Height and
Location of handle High No Handle Low Chest Level

Support Bar No Support Centralized Dual Mutiple Support

Bar Support Support Bar
and Back)

guard rails Horizontal Sloped Raised edges

Shelf Design Design Inwards

Side Gates Mesh bars plate sides Fixed sides detachable gates

Pugh Selection Chart

Selection Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Loading capacity S + - + S
Retail price + + - - +
Mobility S - + - S

Harmless + - + + -
Stability + + - + +
Durability S - - + -
Attractiveness S - + - S
Life span + - - + +
Perseverance - + + - -
Space consumed S - - + S
# of pluses 4 4 4 6 4
# of minuses 1 6 6 4 3

3.3 Final Concept Sketch and Description

This is the final concept that generated based on the design. This Design will have an optimum

size of cage which are in centralized position to lower its center of gravity to make it more

stable. It has 360 joint wheels which are more stable when moving and able to move through

various floor and surfaces. The design of the handle is merge with the support bar to increase the

ability to support the load when the trolley is moving .The position of handle itself position right

below the chest level to give a good posture to the customer when using it.

3.4 Product Design Specification(PDS)

Product Identification Key Project Deadlines:

Product Name:  Two week to finalize design
SMART SHOPPING TROLLEY  Target advertising for shopping mall

Basic Function: Financial Requirements

To transport heavy things such as shopping  Pricing policy over life cycle:
products  Target manufacturing cost: RM 250
 Estimated Retail Price: RM 375
Special Feature:  Warranty Policy: 3 years complete
 Rear wheel steering: Give smooth warranty
movement when use it.
 Lowered cage: More stable and can Life Cycle Targets
withstand any load.  Useful life 3 years and beyond
 Optimum height of handle: Give  Maintenance schedule: Maintain
comfort to the customer. only where there is a problem in

 Dual support bar: Help to maintain functioning

weight of trolley cage.  Reliability: 3 years

Market Identification

Key Performance Target:  The target market for this product

 Able to work efficiently according to will be South East Asia.

optimum loading capacity.  Year 1-2: Based on market

 Able to move in various kind of acceptance expand to nationwide

floor and surfaces without market in 3rd year.

destruction.  Competing and fully safety products

Service Environment:  Brand Name: UNIMAP Smart

 Outdoor: -28 to 50 degree Trolley(environmental Friendly)

 Up to 100% humidity
 Energy saving
 User Training: None

Physical Description Social Political, Legal and Requirement
 External Dimension measured from  Safety and environmental regulatory
side view will be followed
o Length is approximately 800cm  Intellectual property: Will
to 1200cm. investigate patent property
o Height is approximately
o Width is approximately 500mm
to 700mm.
 Material: covered by steel for inner
and outer part
 Light Weight


4.1 Product architecture


Grip the handle

Customer push
24 the shopping
Large scale cage trolley
Help customer to
Potential energy buy the item

Support bar
Additional backup
to stabilizes the
Rotational energy trolley


Control and
accelerate the
speed movement
Maintain the load
by apply center of

4.2 Configuration design and provide part layout

According to our product design specification (PDS), the function for the component of our
smart shopping trolley is like below:-

 The cage will be the main

component and act as the
backbone of the product

 The cage will hold the baby seat

 The cage is used as the main part

to put the customer related


 The Wheel act as the main part
of the dynamic movement where
it can move through various
surfaces and floors


 This part will act as the base

support of the trolley and to
support sencondary load

 This part will be use to put

secondary items of the customer


 Handle will be place at below

chest level to give a good
posture to the customer when
handling the trolley

 Support bar will act as the main

support to the cage


 Holds the baby safely when the
trolley its moving


Parts Purchased or Design

CAGE Designed

WHEELS Designed

BASE Designed

HANDLE Designed


BABY SEAT Purchased

4.3 Parametric design for custom parts

Cage part

• Normal force, N:
↑+∑Fy = 0 : N – W = 0
= mg
• Horizontal force component
Fx1 = F cos θ
• Moment, M1 = Fx1 ᵡ y1
• Ultimate tensile strength of steel = 600 MPa
• Stress, σ = Load/Area
600Mpa = Load/(π(0.02m)2/4)
Load = 188.5kN
• This part can withstand a stress of up to 188.5kN before material failure
Parameter Symbol Units Lower Limit Upper Limit

Maximum force before P kN 60

material failure

Bending Moment M N.m 800

Mass M kg 1000

Wheel part

 Frictional force, Fk
o Fk = µkN
Where µk = coefficient of kinetic friction
o The material must have enough kinetic friction so that it is less prone to
slip while walking
 Stress, σ = Load/Area
 Moment, M2 = Fx2 ᵡ y2
Parameter Symbol Units Lower Limit Upper
Maximum force before P kN 300
material failure
Coefficient of kinetic µk - 0.1
friction µk - 0.3
Coefficient of kinetic

4.4 Complete engineering drawing set

Individual Part Drawing


Handle and Bars:

Complete Assembly Drawing

4.5 Estimate product cost
For the cost of this product, it consists of a few simple calculations as shown below. There will be
estimation on the product cost due to many unknown condition and aspect that is unpredictable;
therefore we can just get the approximate cost for this smart shopping trolley.

Total Manufacturing Cost = Material + Tooling + Processing

Material - The cost is for the material to produce the smart shopping trolley

Tooling - This cost is for the moulds, jigs and the tool bits that need to be used in the
manufacturing process of this smart shopping trolley

Processing - This is the cost needed during the manufacturing process like labour, electricity and
so on.

Therefore, in short:


Quantity Parts Total Cost, RM
1 Cage 105.00 105.00
1 Baby Seat 50.00 50.00
4 Tyre 25.00 100.00
1 Base 30.00 30.00
1 Handle with support 40.00 40.00
Total 325.00
Ct = cost per hour, (machine rate + labor)
t = cycle time (hours per part)
Processing Cost, then CP = Ct t
Assembly CP = (RM25/hrs)*(2hrs/part)
= RM50/part
Total Manufacturing Cost = RM325 + RM50
= RM375 per trolley

4.6 Parts list and bill of materials

Bill of Materials
Part Model
Quantity Material Supplier Company Origin
Description Number
Stainless Zhejiang, China
1 Cage ST-01 China
steel (Mainland)
1 Baby Seat steel and Shandong, China China
plastic (Mainland)
P101- Cast iron
4 Tyre Guangzhou, China China
11D075X25S and rubber
1 Base 170L Shanghai, China China
Handle with Stainless
1 WG-ST01 Jiangsu, China (Mainland) China
support steel


Throughout this mini project, the group has able to identify the best shopping trolley design that
can be used in the supermarkets which adapts the customer’s requirement and needs.We followed
each of the steps from having a general needs of product and lastly to produce a detail design of
that product. The Final concept that has been chosen is Concept 4 .Some modification has been
made to this concept to make it more successful ,attractive and efficient Our design is very simple
but yet its useful and will be more competitive to other product if it is a published in the market.
The manufacturing of product will take less time and the process of commercialization of these
product will continue to become a profitable one.

A part from that, the team has also discover some design refinement that cannot be may
made successfully during this project due to some problems. However, some suggested design
such as maximizing the size of cage, having more support bars and substituting the wheel to a bike
wheel will eventually make this product more efficient and successful.

Some strength of this product that can be discuss is that it has an optimum size of cage
which able to fit customer related product and it will not take too much space when moving
around .It will also have a combined handle and support bar which are strong enough to support
the load of the trolley. The handle of the trolley is positioned below the chest level that will give a
good posture to the human body when pushing the trolley. Last but not least it has wheel that are
able to rotate 360 degree and are able to move thorugh various surfaces and floors without having

Not all products are perfect, our product has some weakness that cannot be avoided. Some
of them are, the trolley still have some sharp edges that may affect the safety of the user when
handling the trolley .In general, the product may have some small aspect that we can’t really
overcome with the technology and ability we have right now.

Lastly, we hope that this design will aid in the production of product with this kind of concept
approach, so that the trolley design in the future will be user friendly, lightweight ,inexpensive
can be more readily available to the market to full fill market needs


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