Chapter 17

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INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HANGING AND SUPPORT OF SYSTEM TIPING Chapter 17a Req ean FF agg a Support of System Piping 171" Genera. 1711 Unless the requirements of 17.12 are met, ypes of Inangers shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chap: ter Ir. 172. Hangers certified by 1 registered professional engineer to inchude al ofthe following shail he an Aeceprable alternative to the requirements of Chapter 17 (1) Hangers shall be designed to support five times the weight of the waserilled pape pls 24) Uh (US kp) at teach paint of piping suppor, (2). These points of support shall be adequate to support the (9) The spacing between hangers shall not exceed the value give forthe type of pipe: indicated in Hable L742. 1(a) for Table 17:4.21(6), (4) Hanger components shall be ferrous (8) Detailed calculations shall be submitted, when required by the reviewing authority, showing, streses developed st angers, piping, and iting, sl sitet factors allowed 17.1.3 Support of Non-System Components 17.8.1% Sprinkler pipiy support non stem compone hangers shall not be used 171.32 Sprinkler piping shall he permitted to utilize shared support structures in accordance with 17.1.4 A714 Shared support structures shall be certified by a regi tered. profesional engineer in aecordance wih 17.1.2 and Ta I7LA.1* The design of a shaved support structure shall be based on either 17.1A.L.L oF 17.UAL2 ITAA. Sprinkler pipe and other distribution systems shall be permitted to be supported from a shared support structure designed to support five times the weight of watersilled sprin= er pipe and othet supported disuibution systems plus 250 Tb (CL bg), based on the allowable ubimate stress. Sprinkler pipe and other distribution systems shall bbe permitted to be supported from a shared support structure dlesigned to support hve times the weight of the waterfilled spuunkles pape plus 250 Ib (115 ly), and one and oneal umes supported distribution systems 3 The building structure shall not be considered a shated support stucture, Wada 174138 Vie seqgvinenents of 171A shall mat xpply tn Systems that are incompatible with the fire sprin- Her systems based on vibration, thermal expansion and contraction, oF other factors shall not shave support structures. VZA.S Where waterhised fire protection systems sre required to be protected against damage from earthquakes, hangers shall also meet the requirements of Section 18.7. ssig7 17.1.6 Listing. 17.6.1 Unless permitted by 17.1.6. oF 17.1.6, the compo- rnenis of hanger assemblies that disectly atiach to the pipe, Iuilding structure, or racking structure shall be Fisted* Mild steel hanger rods and hangers formed from imiid steel rods shall be permitted to be not listed, V2.6. Keteners as spevilied in 17. shall be permitted te not Histed 238, aml 1224 171.64 Other fasteners shall be permitted as part ofa hanger assembly that has been tested, listed, and installed in accord. ance with the listing requirement. 17.1.7 Component Material YTATA Unless permitted by 17.1.7. or, hangers and their Component shall be ferrous metal. Nonterrons components that have heen proven by fire tests to be adequate for the hazard application, that are Fisted for this purpose, and that are in compliance with the ‘other requirements of this section shall be acceptable. T2A.7.8 Holes throngh solid. strictural members. shall he periniuted to serve as hangers for the support of system piping, provided such holes are permitted by applicable building codes and the spacing and support provisions for hangers of this sald ate sisted. 17.2 Hanger Components. 17.2.1 Hanger Rods. TT2A1 Unles the requirements of 172-12 are met, hanger rod sive shall he the same as that approved for nse with the hanger assembly, and the size of rods shall not be less than that given in Table 17.2.1. TT2L2 Rous of smaller diameters dha indicated in Table T7217 shall he permitted where the hanger sembly bits been tested and listed by a testing laboratory and installed within the limits of pipe sizes expressed in individual listings. ‘Table 172.11 Hanger Rod Sizes Pipe Stee Diamorer af Rad Uptoand % w including 4 5 15 i 6 150 8 200 Ww 0 % ib 12 300 % 20 orn tion 1138 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Where the piteh of the branch line is 6 in 12 or greater, a reduction in the lateral loading on branch line hanger rods shall be done by one of the following: (1) Seven Irangers (2) Lateral sway brace assemblies on the mains (3) Branch line hangers utilizing an articulating structural attachment (1) Equivalent means providing support wo the branch fine Ihanger rads 1.4 Uslooks. The size of the rod material of U-hooks ‘wot be less tan that given an Table 172.14 172.1.8 Fye Rode 1721.51 The size of the rod material for eye rods shall not ‘be less than specified in Table VE2AK2 kyo rods shal preventiateral motion, 1721.53 Where eye rods are fastened to wood structural rieabers, dhe eye sod shall be backed ith Iagge Mat washer Fearing directly agains the structural rmexnbye, i adeiton: to the lock washer. ger incall ination the required mais be secured with lock washers 10 172.16 Threaded Sections of Rods. Threaded sections of rods shall not be formed or bent. 17.2.2 Fasteners in Concrete. 1722.1 Unles prohibited by or 17.223. the use of listed inserts set in concrete and listed postinstalled anchors to suppout hangers shall be permuitied for mins and brane lines. Postinstalled anchors shall not he used in cinder concrete, except for branch lines where the postinstalled anchors are alternated with through-bolts or hangers attached tw beans, ‘Tihle UHaok Rod Sizes Uptoand ou Me 8 cluding 2 DitwG 65.10 150 % 10 8 00 % i Diameter of Rod Fipe Size With Beat Eye With Welded Eye Upteand 10) wo % 0 including 4 3 3) % oD % 13 6 wo | % ts 20 | % 9 B 20 Eaton 17.22.38 Postinstalled anchors shall not be used in ceilings of syPsum or other similar soft materia 17224 Unles the requirements of 172.25 ae met, pose installed anchors shall he installed in a horizontal position in the sides of concrete beams 17.225 Postinstalled| anchors shall be permitted to be instalk led in the vertical positions ander any of ue Fllewing, con (2) When used in conercte having gravel or crushed stone aggregate to support pipes + in. (100 mm) oF less in diameter (2) When poscinselled anchors are alwermaved wilh Hangers connected dircedy to the structural members, stich as trusses and girders, or to the sides of concrete beams [to support pipe 5 in, (125 mm) or larger] (9) When postinstalled anchors ave spaced nut over 10 f (bin) apart [to support pipe in, (100 nun) or larger] 17.226 oles for postinstalled anchors in the side of beams shall be above the centerline of the beam or above the bottom reinforcement steel rods, 1222.7 Holes for postinstalled anchors sed in the vertical position shall be drilled to provide uniform contact with the shield over its entire circumference. ‘he depily of the postinstalled auicor hole shall wot he lees than speeitied forthe wype of shield sed 17.2.29 PowderDriven Studs. Powderdriven studs, welding studs, and the wols vwsed! for installing these devices all be listed 17.22.92 Pipe size, installation position, and construction ‘material into which they ate installed shall be in accordance ‘with inlividual hstings. 172.24.5" Representative samples of comerete inter which suds are to be driven shall be tested 10 determine that the studs will hold a minimum load of 750 Ib (340 kg) for 2 in. (50 nn) or ssualler pipes 1000 Uy (45H by) for 2%. an, oF 3¥, in. (65 mm, 80 mm, or 99 mm) pipe; and 1200 Th (4 kg) for 4in, or 5 in, (100 mm or 125 mm) pipe. 17.22.94 Increwer couplings shall be attached diteety co dhe pemlortriven studs 17.22.10 Minimum Bolt or Rod Size for Concrete. 1722.10.1 Ihe size of a bolt or rod used with a hanger and installed Untough concrete shall aot be less Usa speciied ie Table 1722.10.) Holes for bolts or suas shall ot exceed Yo i (120 nim) greater than dhe diameter Of de boll or rod 17.2..10.3 Bolts and rods shall he provided with flat washers 23.1 Powderiiven studs, welding studs, and dhe vols ted fe instling tase covices stall be ste 17.232 Pipe size, installation position, and construction ‘material info which they ate installed shall be in accordance vith andhividual bstings. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HANGING AND SUPPORT OF SYSTEM TIPING ‘Table Minimum Bolt or Rod Size for Concrete Pipe Size ‘oF Bolt or Rod Uproand 0 including 4 3 % 3 6 5 Ww 16 12 20 1723.3 Increaser couplings shall be attached directly to the pemiderdliven studs or welding stds, 17.284 Welding stds or other anger parts shall nor be attached by welding to steel less than US, Standard, 12 gauge (2.8 mm). 17.235. Minimum Bolt or Kod Size for Stee! 1223.51 The size of a bolt or rod used with a hanger and stalled through steel shall not be less than specified in Table T7235 17.2382 Holes for bolts or rods shall nat exceed in (1.6mm) greater than the diameter ofthe bolt oF rod, 8 Dols and rods shall be provided with Mat washers 17.2.4 Fasteners in Wood, 1T2A.L Drive Screws. A72AcLaL Drive screws stall be wel only i a horizontal posi tion as in the side of a heam and only tor in. (80) mm) oF smaller pipe 17.2A.1.2 Drive screws shall only he used in conjunction with hangevs thet esquire ten pains of allachments, 17.24.2 Ceiling Flanges and U-Hooks with Screws. 172421 Unless the requirements of 1724.22 of 172423 save miei, for ceiling anges sad Uchowhs, screw ti ‘val no be les ham hose piven iy ale 172421, Uptoand 100 % including 4 5 125 % 13 6 15 5 200 260 % an % 13139 ‘Table Screw Dimensions for Ceiling Flanges and U- Hooks: Pipe Size in, mm ‘Two Screw Ceiling Flanges Uptoand 50 | Wood screw No, 18 1 in, including 2 or Lag serew ein. 1% in, (an 10 sm) Three Serew Ceiling Flanges Up toand 50 | Wood serew No, 18 14 in, ff ™ 65 | Lag serew in, %2in (U0 mm * 50 men) 3 80 oy 0 4 100 | daa seve Yi. 2 (USmm « 50 mm) 6 8 Lag screw Sin. in, rm 5 Four Screw Ceiling Flanges Uptoand 30 | Wood serew No, 18% 1% netting 2 Py 65 | Lag screw iin. x 164. {10 en x 40 men) 3 80 % 0 4 100 seve Ye in 25m (13mm » 50 mm) 5 rc 6 150 8 200 | Lag screw Hin, x 2, (16mm 50 mm) UHooks Up toand Drive screw No. 162 in, melding 2 2m Lag serew Yin. {10 en ss) 3 0 9% 90 4 00 ug serew Yin. in (13 mm «75 mm) 5 125 6 180 8 200 | Lag screw Yin, » Sin, 6 aa = 7 orn tion 13130 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS When the thickness of planking and thickness of flange clo not permit the use of screws 2 in. (50 mm) long. sevens 1% an. (45 man) long shall be peraited with hangers Spaced noe ower 10 fe (Sem) apart 1724.23 When the thickness of beams or joists docs not pesimit the use of screws 21 ine (G9 mm) long, screws 2 inn (30mm) long shall be permitted with hangers spaced! mar over 10 f (3m) apart 17.243 Bolts, Rods, or Lag Screws. TI2ABA Unless the requirements of 1248.2 are me size oF hott, rod, or lag screw used with a hanger and ins ‘on the side of the beat shall not be less than specified in Table 1724.31 in ret ow stems rl) permit the use of screws 214 in. (85 mm) long, screws 2 ia, (50 mm) long shall be permitted with hangers spaced not over 10 1.(9:m) apart 1724.38 All holes for lag serews shall be predrilled % in. (3'mm) less in diameter than the maximum root diameter of Ue Lag sew Urea 2 Where the thicksuss 172434 Holes for bole or rods shall not exceed My in, (1.6mm) greater than the diameter ofthe bolt or rod Boles and sods shall be provided with flat washers mnt ws 17.244 Wood Screws. Wood screws shall be installed with a screwdriver, V72A8 Nail Nai hangers, 17.248 Screws in Side of Timber or Joists. AT2AGA_ Seren in dhe side of a Gimber oF jvist shill be Hot less than 2% in. (65 mm) from the lower edge where support ing pipe is up Wo anxl inching wominal 2% i, GS sn) and root es dian in. (75, nun) where supporung, pipe is yteater than nominal 2¥, in. (68 mm) A72A6.2 ‘The requirements of shall not apply to 2 in (GO umn) oF Uhicher nailing strips vesting on twp of steel shall Hot Ie acceptable for fate ing ‘Table Minimum Bolt, Rod, or Lag Serew Sizes for Side of Ream Installation Length of Lag. Size of Bolt, | Screw Used Rod orLag with Wood Beams Up sean M0 5 including 2 aews cowie | % os | 8 (incsivey 8 200 3 20 Eaton Coach Serew Rods, Minimum Coach Screw Rod Size. The size of coach screw rods shall nol be less dian de requitements of Lable T2471 1724.72 The minimum plank thickness and the minimum width of the lower face of beams or joists in which coach screw fuxds are used shall be wot less ian Usal specified in Table V724.722 andl shee in igure 1ST 17.24.73 Coach screw rods shall not be used for support of pipes larger than 4 in, (100 mm) in diameter. ‘Table Minimum Coach Serew Rad Size ‘Minimum Pipe Size Penetration im. mom in, Uptoand 100 3 tnchuding 4 anger thant Wo | NP NP [NP NP NB Nowpernied ‘Table Minimum Plank Thieknesces and Ream or Joist Widths ‘Nominal Width ‘of Bea or Pipe Size ‘Joist Face Up toand 2 50 inv tuing 2 ™ 6 es 3 80 1 ols 7% a 90 i 100 Tema wet ot eat ot jot ao ‘Nomis! pinkthekness FIGURE 1724. Coach Serew Rods INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HANGING AND SUPPORT OF SYSTEM PICING 13431 17.24.74 All holes for coach serew rods shall be predsilled % inn (9 unu) Hess in diaueter hau the maxinnun 19ut diaaetet (a the yan seve trai 17.3% Trapere Hangers. 17.3. For trapeze hangers, the minimum size of steel angle or pipe span between structural members shall be sich that dhe Section module reqquinedl in ‘able 17-3.1(8) dies nat exceed the available seetion modulus of the trapeze member from Table 17.3.1(b) or Table 17.3.1(0). 174 Any other sizes or shapes giving equal or greater section mont sll be acceptable, 17.33 Allangles shall be installed with the longer leg vertical 17.34 The trapeze member shall be secured to prevent slip- page. 17.38% All components of cach hanger assembly that attach to a trapeze member shall conform to 17.1.6 and be sized to support the suspended sprinkler pipe. VIS The ing, shall be manuftera member, tov elevis installed ona pipe trapere to fit the pipe sie of the eapere 17.3.7 Holes for holes or souls sll wot exceed Yo in (1.01) greater than the diameter of the bolt a rod 17.38 Bolts and rods shall be provided with flat washers and 173349 Where angles are see! for erapee angers ane stated holes are used, the slotted holes shall meet all ofthe following: (1) The length of each slotted hole shall not exceed 3 in. (75 iam). (2) The wily oF thw slouied tee shall not exceed ie (16mm) grea meter (3) The minimum distance between slotted holes shall be Bin, (75mm) edge to edge. (4) The minimum distance from the end of the angle ta the tele the slates! hse shal Iw, (BRS. (8) The number of sls shall he limited to three per section of angle (6) The warher(s) required by 17.3.8 shall have a mi Uiickuess of one half dhe dhichies of Ure angle (Washers nd nuts required by 178 shall be provided on Doth the top and bottom of the angle. 17.4% Installation of Pipe Hangers. 1 General, ITA.1.1 Ceiling Sheathing ITAALLI* Unless the requirements of 174.112 are met, sprinkler piping shall he supported independently af the ceil. ing sheathn VIALA2 ‘Tnggle toangers shall he permitted ny for the support of pipe 144 in. (40 mm) or smaller in size under cei ings of hollow tle or metal lth and plaster 17A.1.2 Storage Racks. Where sprinkler piping is installed in sarage racks, piping shall he supparted from the storage rack structure or building in accordance with all applicable provi fons of Section 17.4 and Chapter 18,° Building Structure, I7A.L.3.1 Sprinkler piping shall be substantially supported from dhe building suucture, which must support de added Toad of the water filled pipe plus 250 Ib (11 ky) applied at the ng, except where permitted by 17.41.12, 174.1.33,and 174141. 1 shall be used whiete necessary 10 sninator lnaes ta apptepriate sternal members. Flexible Sprinkler Hose Fittings. 1 Listed flexible sprinkler hose fittings and their ig components intended for use it nstalauions rannecting the sprinkler sstem piping tn sprinklers shall he installed in accordance with the requirements of the listing including any installation instructions V7AASA2 When installed and supported hy sumpended seit ings, the eciling shall meet ASTM GH35/C835M, Standand Spo feation for the Manufacture, Peformance, and Tating of Metal ‘Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Clings, and Slall be insialled in atcotdance with ASTM C590/C636M, ‘Siemdard Prac for Insatatin of Mota Coding Suspension Systems Jor Aeaustient Tite and Lay-In Panels 17A4. Where flexible sprinkler hose fittings exceed 6 ft (8 m) in length and are supported by a suspended ceiling in, sevrnitaniee itl TALUS o ages) ail Ie the ate sre shall he required ta enstire that the maxima tinseppor ted length docs not exceed 6 fe (1.8:m). 17A.L.3.3.47 Where flexible sprinkler hose fittings are used to connect sprinklers uy branelt lines iat suspended ceilings, shel limiting relocation af the sprinkler shall be provider on the anchoring component. I7A.LA Metal Deck. 17. Foran tine hangers tached! te meal deck shal be permitted only for the support af pipe 1 in. (23 mm) or smaller in size, by drilling or punching the vertical portion of the metal deck and using throtigh bolts. T7AdA2 The distance fron Use bolton of dhe bolt hole 6 the bottom of the vertical member shall be not less than % in (0mm), ITAL.S Where sprinkler piping is mstlled below ductwork, piping shall he supported fram the building smicrare ar from the ductwork supports, provided such supports are eapable of handling both the load of the ductwork and the load specified m T/Ad Sel 2° Maximum Distanee Between Hangers. 174.21 The maximum distance between hangers shall not exceed that specified in Table or Table 17-4.2.1(b). except where the provisions of 17-44 apply VTARL he 9 nonmetallic pipe sh tual product listings. 17.4.3 Location of Hangers on Branch Lines. ITAA Subwecsion 174.5 stall apply 10 the support af ste pipe or copper tube as specified In 7.3.1 and subject to the provisions of 17.4.2 a ers ine Heed I fae reited av sited fn the ince 2010 tion ssase INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS om Modulus: Required for Trapeze Members (in) ‘Nominal Dimer of Pipe Beng Supported Sehedle 10 Stel pa if) > 3 3 35 5 6 a ry 23 ay O18 Tas 0G 050 a 30 om 0% 0 038 Ost 087 Bs 0220210388 a2 On 078 50 oat OS 07.0 06) 085 LIB BS os 08) al Oat oss Oat Tz to OR On Oe m1 Lat bs oat 04d as 52 om un ‘i oH 047052 O58 oss 119 1 047 OSL 083.80 os) 138 80 oo) Oak) 8 rey 80 5G O6L 6 17158 ss om OG 07 Fs ris 1 oo ons O88 018 rin 130 ns OR O78 085 Oat 11.95 130 Ost OSS 96 Las Las 221 135 ons Ost Look ror 330 M0 Oss 09503 LAL Ler 238 ire) oor 098 ko? is 37 155 oF be as 1s 264 160 Kon tosis rr ‘Nominal Diameter of Pipe Being Supported — Schedule 40 Steel ‘Span Dee 5 5 * 0 15 om 0m) 25 OL 015016 ONTOS 0 aL 30 OL oly OR) ORR) OR 8D O8e. 40 O28 Om OaG OR) OUD & a 037 om) ost Oats 30 ox 037 Olas 80 038 om OM on fa) 55 0.36 O42 O48 OM 050 OBL OTS 80 ose an 079 OK 20 0.49 039088071 89 Los os our 00 Oe oor ts 105 O38 om 077 0a Lo 13% uo os oi OM at too ae 113, On 07) ORS 0. mn 13s iy 066 Oo ONS U8) kiya 135 oa oman an wis bu on 085 09407 L136 Mo on om Los as, Ld 168 M3 a0 09 Lor mas ita 180 083 oo Lt) 13 us is 135 0s6 qo LM Las tes 1a For Stunisy, Tin = 254mm: TAO Note:The table i based on 2 maximum bending stress of 15 ksi (103.4 MPa) and a mispan concentrated load from 15 (4.6m) of watered pipe plus 230 Ib 14 4) 20 Eaton INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR IANGING AND SUPPORT OF SYSTEM FIFING sass ‘able 173.106) Available Section Modulus of Common “Table 173.1(6) Available Section Modulus of Common ‘Trapeze Hangers (in.’) ‘Trapeze Hangers (cm") Pipe Modulus | Angles | Modulus Pipe Modulus | angles | Modulus cn iu) tm | om | tae) | tem marae Biiedule 10 Pee 1 vor | amcines | tat an ee see % an | soxsns 21a gig | zxax% | 019 % tos ancines | aan a6 | axons | oe : tie | Soxnes | sar 0a BeBe Yo O19 ca na BO MB 110 na | deo | O9R 2 io | oaseines | tan Tot |2%rtexre| 028 % mea | mans | ts gs | aged | tas « tan | soxanen | tae tae | sean | 030 : 7 | memes | tos sis anak | 030 ‘ ma | scamin | 70 as | auask"| 03s fwaate | an entlen | 039 80 50% 5 on oat os | oat | aneeseta ‘Seledule 40 1% a2 88 Bu Sx %y 1 | ous vas Meo | sa | esuesat m8 | as oat sm | oe | ean m0 | ass | amaa de | 08 He ma | gxsoxio 3 mo | ssverelo 2 om | oom | scan | one ss 2 | ‘sousws ; ; mee - * see | toxeose mw | io | ayeaem | one : ses | foxex0 sw | im | rename é 103 | Sonesa0 soveswio 3M 0 230 Banh 80 «80% 10 + 100 | gar | acai ane stm | oats | saxeee's sowso~ it 6 150 | 850 | shaauen too» 1006 we sou sow is Dea 100.808 Perr 200 1008 ea Iwouioelo sae 125 "9068 1092 10016 Perera 10 100=8 ton rope ita a0 43% 150 100 10 tee, Ios los 1s Bde to {20 100220 tet Io Ibo 4d peaee 174328 For welded or mechanical outs on a continuous asa section of pipe, Inger spacing: shell be according Table xIXe 17A21 (a) or Pable Bu 44% ° o fntint 1743248 Starter lengths Jess than 6% (18 m) shall not imum Number of Hangers. 1 Unless the requirements of 17.4322 through 17.4,3.2.5 are met, there shall be not less than one hanger for each section of pipe. 17A822° Unless the requiremens of 174828 are met, where sprinklers are spaced less than 6 fe (8 m) apart, hang” cers spaced up to a maximum of 12 ft (3.7 m) shall be permit teal. require a hanger, unless on the end line of asidefeed system or ‘where an intermediate eross main hanger has been omitted. T7A26" A single vection ol pipe shall uot require a hanger when the cumubitive distinee between hangers on the branch Tine dacs not execed the spacing required by Table and Table, 17ASS Clearance ty Bangers The distance beoween iniger ant the centerline ofan upright sprinkler stall not be Jess than 3 in, (75 mm). orn tion ose ‘Table Maximum Distance Between Hangers (ftin.) INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ‘Nominal Pipe Size (in.) KA % 2% 8 % 4 5 6 8 Steel pipe except threaded lightwall | NA 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150150 Vhreaded lightwall tee! pipe NA Z0 0 120 12 120 NANA NANA NA Copper whe a) 100 120 120 1290 150 150 150 150150 cPvc, iO 74 «90100, NANA NA NANA Ductileiron pipe NANA NANA NA 130 NA SONA 1150 NA Notappliabie ‘Table Maximum Distance Between Hangers (m) Pipe Size (mm) 2 ee) Steel pipe eweept threaded lightwatl | NA 87 re ee ee eT eT ‘Threaded lightwall steel pipe NA 37 37°37 37 7 NA NA NA NA NA Copper tube wat S087 87 BT 48 1B crv, 118 Bl 24 87 30 NA NA NA NA NA Dacre iron pipe NA__NA, NANA NA NA MG NA, NA Not appheable, We SA® Unsupported Lengths. 174341 For steel pipe, the unsupported horizontal length between the end sprinkler and the last hanger on the line shall not be greater than 36 in, (900 mm) for I in. (25 mm) pipe. {in (19m) tow 1H, 5m (89 mom) pipe, ame Hl i (URI) oe 1% in, (40 mm) or lager pipe. 174342 Kor copper tule, dhe unsupported borizan length herween the endl sprinter andl che last hanger an the Hine shall not be greater than 18 in. (450 mm) for 1 in. (2 mm) pipe, 24m. (OU mm) tor 1% in, (3 mm) pipe, and iin, (750) mm) for 1¥in, (4) mm) or larger pipe. ITA3AS Where the limits of ITASA1 and 174342 are ‘exceeded, the pipe sill be eatenled beyousl dhe en sprinkler at sll be stant ay a alin anger 1743.44" Unsupported Length with Maximum Pressure Exceeding 100 psi (6.9 bar) and Branch Line Above Ceiling ‘Supplying Sprinklers in Pendent Position Below Ceili TIASAAA Where the maxinnan staie or Howing presse, Whichever i greater at the sprinkler. applied other than through the fire department connection. exceeds 100 psi (6.9 bar) and a branch line above a ceiling supplies sprinklers in a Treition below the ceiling, the Iuingee areemably Stppenting the pipe supplying an end sprinkler in » penelent potion shall be of a type that Fests upward movement of the pipe 1743442 The unsupported length between the end sprine ler in a pendent position o drop nipple and the last hanger fou the branch ine shall uot be gteater than 12 in, (300 mim) for sce! pipe or 6 in. (150 mm) for eopper pipe. ATA3AA3 When the limit of is exceeded. the pipe shall be extended beyond the end sprinkler and suppor- fed by an additional hanger 20 Eaton AAA Unless Hlexible hose Biking i aceortdance with 17411331 andceltings in accordance with 171382 are used, the hanger closest to the sprinkler shall be of a type that restrains the pipe from upward movement 5° Unsarpparted Armaver Leng 5.1 The cumulative horizontal length of an unsuppor ted armover to a sprinkler, sprinkler drop. or sprig shall not exceed 24 it, (GOD ta) for see pipe ur 12 int, (300 su) for opp be 1743.59 Unsupported Armover Length with Maximum Presrure Exceeding 100 psi (6.9 bar) and Branch Line Above 174.3521 Where the maximum static or flowing pressure, Whichever is greater at the sprinkler. applied other than through the fire department connection, exceeds 100 psi (6.9 har) and a branch line above a ceiling, supplies sprinklers in pendent positinn heliw the eeiling, the exmmulative herent Tength of sn unsupported srmover to a sprinkler or sprinkler drop shall not exceed 12 in, (300 mm) for steel pipe and 6 in. (150 mm) for copper tube. V7ASS.2.2 Unless flexible sprinkler hose fsings in accord ance with are used, the hanger closest ta the sprin- ler shall be of a type that restrains upward movement of the pipe. 17.43.28 Where the armover exceeds the maximum unsup- ported length of TAS 21 neal He Iie ligtanee from the end” sprinkler nr drops pple tn the Ihanger is not greater than 19 in. (300 mm) for stecl or 6 in. (150 mm) for copper, or the pipe shall be extended beyond the end sprinkler and shall be supported by an additional rages. WalLmounted sidewall sprinklers shall be restrained to prevent movement. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HANGING AND SUPPORT OF SYSTEM TIPING nis Sprigs. Sprigs 4 ft (12 m) or longer shall be restrained against lateral movement. 17AA Location of Hangers on Mains, 1744.1. Unless any of the requirements of 17.442 through 17-447 are met, hangers for mains shall be in accordance with 17.42, between each branch line, or on each section of pipe. whicliever i ie lesser dimension. 1744.2 For welded or mechanical outlets on a continnoxts section of pipe, hanger spacing shall be according to Table or Table 174A For cross mains in steel pipe systens in bays having, neo branch lines, the intermediate hanger shall he permirted to be omitted, provided that a hanger attached to a purlin is installed on each branch line located a8 near to the eross main as the location of the purlin permits, TTAA..1 ‘The remaining branch fine: hangers sulle: instal led in accordance with 17.43. ITAA For cross mains in steel pipe systems only in bays Heavy Uivee: banelt lines, euler site or center feed, one (only) intermediate hanger shall he permisted to he omitted, provided that a hanger attached to a puelin is installed on each branch line located as near to the cross main as the location of the purlin permits. TAAL ‘The remaining branch fine agers hull be instal led in accordance with 17.4.3. 174.45 For cross mains in steel pipe systems only in bays having four or more branch lines, either side or center feed, for itwrmertiate tramgers shall he permite tn be amie provided the maximum distance berween hangers dacs mat exceed the distances specified in 17-49 and a hanger atached toa purlin on each branch line is located at near to the cross sna the puulin pesiits. IN 17.446 The unsupported length of the end of a main shall he no greater than one half the maximum allowable hanger spac. ing per Table and Table 17.7 _Atthe end of Une main, intermediate Uapece hangers shall be installed tnless the main i extended to the next fram. ing member with a hanger installed at this point, in which event an intermediate hanger shall be permitted to be omitted in accondance with ITAA, 1744, and 17445, 174.8% A single section of pipe shall not require a hanger when the cumulative distance beween hangers on the main does not exceed the spacing required by Table 17-4.2.1(a) and lable 1/42.1(b). W17AA.9 ‘The unsupponed tengih of the end oF main shall be no greater than one half the maximum allowable hanger spac ing per Table 17-4.2.1(a) and Table ITA Support of Risers. ra, (600 mm) af the centerline of the riser 1 Risees shall be sn tnested im the be parted hy riser clamps or by hang: otal commeetions within Min Riser clamps supporting risers by means of set screws shall wot be used° Riser clamps anchored to walls using hanger rods in the horizontal position shall not be permitted to vertically support risers, IIASA Mulistory Buildings. 17A54.1 In multistory buildings, riser supports shall be provided! atthe lowest level, at each alternate level above, above and below ollsets, andl at ue twp of te nse Supports shove the lowest level shall also restrain the pipe to prevent movement by an upward thrust where flexi bie fitings are used. e rer are supported from dhe ground, ue hall eanstiite the frst level af riser support Y7A5.A4 Where risers are offset or do not rise from the ground, the first ceiling level above the offset shall constitute the fet level el rer separ. 1745.5. Distance herween supports for risers shall not execed 258 (7.6m). 17.5" Pipe Stands. 17.5.1 General. 17.5.L.1 Where pipe stands are used to support stem piping. the requirements of Section 17.5 shall apply unless the requice= meats 0 17.9. 12 ane me Pipe stindls centfied by a registered professional engt nicer to include all ofthe following shall be an acceptable alter native to the requirements of Section 17. (1) Pipe: stands shall be designed fey support fie times he weight of waterfilled pipe pls 250 ll (115 kg) at each point of piping support. (2) These points of support shall be adequate to support the (8) The spacing, between pipe stands shall wot exceed th valne given tor the type of pipe as indicated in 1742.12) or Table (4) Pipe stand components shall be ferrous (3) Detailed calenlations shall be submitted, when required ly thee reviewing snathnrity,sluswingg stresses level i the pipe stand), the system piping and firings, and safory Tuctors allowed. 175.9 Where waterbased fre protection systems are required 10 be protected against dame sliquskes, pipe stands shall alsa meer the requirements of Seetian 188, 17.5.2 Component Material. 175.21 Pipe stands aul dheit components shall be fer1uus unless permite by 17.5.2 175.22 Nonferrous components that have been proven by fire tests to be adequate forthe hazard application and that are in compliance with the other requirements of this section shall De acceptable 175A Siring 1753.1* The maximum heights for pipe stands shall be in accordance with Table 17.5.31 unless the requirements of T7582 met. orn tion fest ‘Valle 17.5 — Pipe Stand Diameter Diameteet sin Yin. ein Simin Bin Dein 66k O4R ISR eR IROR BAR Bin. 4k 94R 1138 GSR IKOR 258K 2%in — SIR 113A 188A Iso 268K Sin. <= sae 13R 138 IkOR 268 finupto = = OTR 368 and including Bin, For Sl unit im = 25 mn TAO my “Pipe aus are Schedule 10 pipe “system piping i assumed! 10 he Schedule 10 (8 in. OR) is Schednle" Pipe diameters up tn and including 10 in, QBONB) Schedule 10 are permed ta be supported hy 2 i, (30 mn) diameter pipe stands when all of the following canditions are (1) The maximum height shall be 4 { (1.2 m), a6 measured from the base of the pipe stand to the centerline of the pipe being supported (2) The pipe stand shall be axially loaded. The distance between pipe stands shall not exceed tHe Values i Kable 17-4221 (a) or Table 1-42.10) LSA Pipe Stand Rase. IZA. The pipe stand base shall be secured by an approved sictlod. VEA.96 Pipe stand hase plates shall he threaded! malleable iron flanges or welded stcel flanges in accordance with Table Tal. V715A.2.1 Pipes stands installed in accondance with 1753.2 hal he permitted se welled steel plate 17.54.34 Pipe stands shall be fastened to a concrete floor or {footing using listed concrete anchors or other approved means, Table 172 “$ Required Section Modulus for Pipe Stand Horizontal Support Arms (in?) INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 17.544 A minimum of four anchors shall be used to attach the base plate to the floor 175A Pipe stands installed in accordance with 17.58.2 shall be permitted tise a minima of two ania to attach the base plate to the floor 17.5.5 The mininvunn diameter for Une anchors sll be % in, (1B mim) tor pipe stant diameters up 1 and including, 3 i (80 mm) and % in. (16 mm) for pipe stands 4 in, (100 mm) diameter and larger, 17SA.5.1 Where the pipe stand complies with 175.32, % in, (@Omm) anchors shall be permitted. sis Attaching to System Piping. YEB.1 Piping shall be attached! to the pipe: stinel wih U bolts or equivalent attachment. at be move hats Lt (0.8 m) ax measured harivoneally from dhe centerline oF the pipe stand ta the centerline af the supported pipe. 17.8.3 Horizontal support brackets shall be sized such that Ue section modulus requited in Table dues not exceed Ue availa sections ais fron Table 17.3.1(0). 17.56 Thrust 1756. surges. 17.56.24 Where thrust forces are anticipated to be high, pipe ring or camp shall secure the ysteus piping © the pipe Stan 1° System piping shall be supported and restrained to mocement rive fo sprinkler/worele reaetian and walee 17.57 Exterior Applications 17.5.7... Where required. pipe stands used in exterior applica lions shall be made of galvanized steel or utler suitable ‘cortosion-resistant tari 173.72 A welded, threaded, grooved, or other approved cap shall be securely attached to the top of the pipe stand. ‘Nominal Diameter of Pipe Being Supported din) 1 Im 2 2% Kk 5 6 8 Section Modulus = 022, 024 030096042 OD OGD Schechute 10 Steel Section Modulus — 022024 «(024087 0380S GSS CASH Seliedule 40 Steel Note:The table is based on the controling section moduli determined fora concentrated load ata 1 (0.3 m] canslever using: a) g ste of 15 ksi (10 MPa) anda concentrated load equal to the we 1 (008 MP) sa rmersiata lel Be ies he we bent smo hevaing ns ai 20 Eaton of 151 .6an) of watered pipe plus 250 Ib (IB). b) a gh of 15 8 (La) sa water filled pe pls 25h

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