Annex D

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13499 Annex D Sprinkler System Information from the 2018 Edition, of the Life Sufety Gide Tha ees 18 oto fant of te ruanements of thas NEPA acumen Irate for informa frpses my D.l Introduetion, This annes is provided as an aid wo the user ‘of NFPA 13 by identifying those portions of the 2012 edition of NFPA 107 dhat pertain to sprinkler system design andl instal tion, 1s no iatenled sat th antes provide complete safe ‘mation regarding all aspeets of fire protection addressed by NFPA. 101 It is important to note that this information was copied from NFPA 161 but did not use NFPA's extract policy au is not intended tbe a part of the requirements ub NEPA TS. D.LA. The following sections cover situations where NEPA 101 provides different guidance on the design or installation of a © sprinkler systems from NFPA 19. Lu souse cases, his differ cent guidance based on descriptions of unique: situations handled by NFPA 01. In other cases, this different guidance stems from the different objective for NFPA 101, life safety of the occupant, rather than the property protection afforded by NBPA 13, DALI Features af Fire Protection. D.A.L.1.1 Atriums. Glass walls and inoperable windows shall De permitted in lieu of the five bavtiers where all che following (1) Atwomade sprinklers ae spaced slong both sides ofthe fla wall andthe inoperable windows at terval not to exceed Gt 8a. lie sprinkler spe i AO.7(N(E)() of ANPP it arvana snc rm he ge wel on wo execed 12 In. (300 mm) and arranged s0 that the fete surface of the glass wet upon operation of the sprinklers. Tie ge wal isu tempered, wiv, olin! pase hel place by gasket tenth allows the ls rn ing stem to deflet without breaking Gading) the gas before te sprinklers operate The aulomaie sprithlew required by 86.70)(0@) of NFPA arena seston ese seo Ihe pe fel and the inoperable window where there is no Walk ‘ey or other flor area on the asm side above the man floor level, UOH85.70) 0] D.L.L2 Special Structures and High Rive Buildings. D.L.L.2.1 Highrise buildings shall be proteeted throughout by aan approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accord: dunce with NFPA. 101, Sectivir 9.7. A sprinkler Coutul valve aul 2 o o 4 waterllow device afta bee pruwidedd tor each Hoa [rant 831) D.L.L.3. Lodging or Rooming Houses. D.LA3.1 In buildings sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 19, closets that contain equipment such as washers, diver furnices, or water beaters shill be sprinklered repaid ess oF size. [1072638215] D. In existing lodging or rooming houses. sprinkler installations shall not be required in clorets not exceeding (2.2 m#) and in bathrooms not execeding 55 f¢ (5.1 m®) D.L.1d New Hotels and Dormitories. D.L.L4.1 The provisions for draft stops and closely spaced spunklets in NEPA 18 shall not be required lor openings complying with NFPA 101, 849.1, where the opening is within the guest room or guest suite. [10:28 3.5.4] D. Listed quickresponse or listed residential sprinklers Slrall be asedt dirouphhont puest eouns andl guest root sues [mers 5.56) D.L.L.5 Existing Hotels and Dormitories. D.LL5.1 In guest rooms and in guest 1001 inoallations sbuall ao be requited an clos 24 RE (2.2 m®) and in bathrooms not exceeding 5 ([101: D.1.1.6 New Apartment Bi D.L.L6.1 In NFPA 13: o suites, sprinkler ot exceeding f (1 m') ings. sprinklered in buildings accordance with Closers tess tan 12.0 CLL mm) i inutvideal dweting units shall not be required ta he sprinklered Closets that contain equipment such as washers, dryers famaces, or water heaters shall be sprinklered regardless olive. Lmet.453) ° D162 Lined quich-response or listed sesidential sprinklers shall be used throughout all dwelling units, (101:, D.L.1.6.8 ‘The draft slop sal closely sued sprinkler reqite= ‘ments of NFPA 13 shall not he required for convenience open. ings complying with NFPA 101,, where the convenience ‘opening is within the dwelling nit. [101320.5.9.9] D.L.L.7 Existing Apartment Buildings. D.L.L.7.1 In individual dwelling units, sprinkler instalation He (29 wp and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 ft” (1 m"). Closets that ‘ontaitt equipment suclt as washers, dryers, furnaces, or water heaters shall he sprinklered regardless ob size, LTOESU 5.8) D.A.L7.2 In buildings sprinklered with NEDA 14, futenims nt grester than BB FE (BV an) in inv val dwelling unit shall not be required to be sprinklered. [101: D.L.L7.8 The draft stop and closely spaced sprinkler requite- ont of NEPA 1 shall not he reqpiited for convenience pen ings complying with NFPA 101, 89.1, where ‘opening is within the dwelling unit. (101:31.3. D.L.L8 Existing Residential Board and Care Occupancies. D.L.LB.1_ Standare-response sprinklers shall he permitted for use in hazardous areas in accordance with NFPA 101, 33.2.3. [101:, in accordance D.AL8.2 Where at automatic sprinkler 9stem is installed, fo cider total ur part building Coverage, all Uf die followin requirement stall be mer (2) The system shall be in accordance with NFPA 101 Section 9.7, and shall initiate the fire alarm system in accordance with S42.34.1, as modified by B25.) ivengle 98.2 ol NEPA TO orn tion 15.494 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (2) The adequacy of the water supply shall he documented to the authority having jurisdiction, [101:35:23.5.9] D.1.1.8:2.1 In prompt evacuation expabili following shall apply (1) An automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 19D shall be permitted. (2) Autwoitic sprinklers shall not be required in elsees Hot cexceedling 2112 (2.2 m!) and in hathrooms nor exceed- ing 55 f (5.1 m’). provided that such spaces arc finished with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15-minute Urer nal asi [rmess155.81] false, all of the: D. In slow and impractical evacuation capability fuii- ties all ofthe following shall apply (1) An i ler system in aecordance with NEPA 18D with a 30) minute water supply shall he permit ted. (2) All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered, (9) Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms not exceeding 58 12 G.L ai"), provided nat such spaces are finished sith lath and plaster ar marerials providing a 15-minute thermal barsier, ([101: $12.8 In premnps anal slow evaevotion easbility faclitie, where an automatic sprinkler system is in accordance with NEPA 13, sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exoceds ing 24,82 (22 m2) snl throm no exceeetiny (5.1 m, prosided that such spaces are fnished with lth and pce cn neatevials panic, Leanne thesis tien [rors 555) In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities ilings four or fewer stories above grade plane, systems in accordance wih NEPA ISR shall be permitted [rans 2.55.61] D.11.825 In impractical evacuation capability facilities in buildings four or fewer stories above grade plane, systems in accordance with NEPA 19K shall be permitted. All habitable il closets shall be sprinklered. Automatic sprinklers Shall not be required in bathrooms not exceeding 59 1 (5.1 m}), provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or materials providing a L5-minute thermal barrier, [ronss8.233.538.) DA1L8.26 Initia required for fof the fire alarm system shall nor be installations in accordance with te pte Suvthenn by oo nepeee ope teed uit desir en Be aeedance ity KER WOE, Sea S5 8 fianas235371 iLL New Mercanile Ocupancies Distt Pred of Vere Openings Ay vel open BEson sexed under he long conan (1) th Chas or Chas B mercante occupancies ioughout by an approved, supervised auton lor system in crarlanew with NFPA JOD, S7-11(I), 20 Eaton ‘unprotected vertieal openings shall be permitted at one of the following locations: (a) Between any ww Moors (hy Among the street Hor, the first aujsrent tloor below, and adjacent floor (or mezzanine) above (2) In Class C mercantile occupancies. unprotected openings shall be permitted between the street floor and the (8) The draft sop and closely spaced sprinkler requirements of NEPA 13 shall not be required for unenelosed vertical openings permitted in NFPA 101, 363.1(1) and (2). y or: D.1.1A.2 Rooms honsing building service equipment, closets, and service elevators shall be permitted to open directly ‘onto exit passageways, provided that all of the following criteria are met: (1) The requived tine resistance ring, between sich enon for areas and the exit passageway shall he maintained in accordance with NFPA'T01, (2) Such rooms or areas shall be protected by an approved, supervised automate sprinkler system in accordance with NEPA 101,, but the exceptions in NEPA I allowing the omission of sprinklers fram such rooms shal not be permitted U013644.9.2] ». 10. Existing Mercantile Qecupanctes, D.L.1.10.1 Protection of Vertical Openings. Any vertical open ing shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 101, Section 8.6, except under any of the following conditions (1) In Clas: A or Class B mercantile occupancies proteetedt throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprin- Her system in accordance with NITA 101., ‘unprotected vertical openings shall be permitted al one ‘the following loca (a) Rerween any nen floes (b) Among the strect floor, the first adjacent floor below and the adjacent floor (or mezzanine) above (2) In Class C mercantile ocenpancies, unprotected openings shall he permitted! between the stveet nor snl ae (3) The draft stop and closely spaced sprinkler requirements of NEPA 13 shall not be required for unenclored vertical ‘openings permitted in NFPA 101, 9..1(1) and (2). (ansi-5.1) D.L.1.10.2. Rooms housing building service equipment, janitor closets, and service elevator shall be permitted to open directly ‘ante exit passageways, provided that all of the following, criteria (1) The required fire resistance rating between such rooms or areas and the exit passageway shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 101, (2) Such rooms or areas shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkles sem sv acondance wth NEPA 1 1) fn the exerptinns im NEPA. 1S allowing the ‘omission of sprinklers from sich rooms shall not he permitted, (u0187.4.4.9.), 13495 D.LLA1 Industrial Oceupancies, D.LLull.1 Special Provisions — High-Rise Buildings. The provsions of NFPA 101, for jockey pumps and NEPA 107, 11.85.3118) for air compressors serving dry pipe and preaciion systems shall not apply to special-purpose indus twial occupancies, [101:40:4.8.2) Dz Life Safely Code, 1.2.1 Fentures of Fire Protection. D.2.1.1 Design Requirements. (Reserved) 2.1.2 Installation Requirements. D. Atiums. Class walls and inoperable windows shall be permitted in licu of the fire barriers where all the following. (1) Automatic sprinklers ave spavedd along, hott sles of the ‘gs wall andl the: inoperable wineenvs at intervals not 40 fexeced 6 fe (1.8 m) ‘The automatic sprinklers specified in NFPA 101, 86.7(1) (0G) are located at a distance from the glass wall not to ‘exceed [Zin (HA) man) and arranged sac Une enire surface of the glase i wer npon operation af the sprin Revs ‘The glass wall t of tempered, wired, or laminated glass held an place by a gasket system that allows the glass ing sje co deer withone hreaking (losing) ae hefore the sprinklers operate ‘The automatic sprinklers required by NEPA 101, 86.7(1) (€)() are not required on the atrium side of the glass wall and the inoperable window where there is no walkway or fother Hoor area on the atrium side hove the ai Hor level [1078.6.7(1)(6)] D.22 Special Structures and High-Rise Buildings. D222 Design Criteria, D. Highrise buildings shall be protceted throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accord: dance with NFPAZ0T, Section 9,7. A sprinkler contrat yale aud waterllow device afta bee provided tor each Hoa [met] D.23. New Assembly Occupancies D.2I.1 Design Criteri D.28.1.1 Prowesion af Vertical Openings. Any vertical open ing shall be enclosed or protected in accordance ith Section 8.6 of NFPA 101, unless otherwise permitted by one of the following: w e a Stains ar ramps steal Ie permite to. he smenelesest Ihenween balconies or mezzanines and main assembly areas located below, provided that the balcony or mezza- nine i open to the main assembly area. Exit access stairs from lighting and access catwalks, galler 16s, and gridirons shall not be required to be enclosed, Asseably occupancies protected. by ait approved, super vised atomatic sprinkler system’ in nceordanee with Section 9.7 of NFPA 102 shall be permiued to have unprotected vertical openings between any two adjacent Moors, provided that such openings are separated fiom tunproveried vertical openings serving other Haars by harrier complying with 86.5 of NFPA 101 2 o (4) Assembly aceupaneies protected by an approved, super- vised automatic sprinkler system’ in. accordance with Section 9.7 of NFPA. JOJ shall be permitted to. have eomenieney slain openings in aeeondkanee willy MO2 ob NEDA 707 [70112.3.1] D.2.3.2 Installation Requirements. (Reserved) D224 Reis Wg Assembly Oceupancies, D.2.4.1 Design Criteria D. Protection of Vertical Openings. Any vertical open faye’ shall be enclosed or protected iy accordance wit NEPA. TU, Section 86, umnlest otherwie permitted by ame of the following: (1) Stats or ramps shall be permitted to be unenclosed betwee balconies ox mezcanines aid main asseinbly ares located eons, proved tha mny wr mez nine is open to the main assembly area. Exit access stairs from lighting and access catwalk, galler ies, and gridirons shall not be required to be enclosed. Ancembly orenpaincies pwoterted by an apyeried, sper vised antomati sprinkler system in acenteanee with NFPA 701, Section 417, shall be permitted ta have unpro- tected vertical openings between any two adjacent floors, provided that such openings are separated from unpro- ected vertical openings serving other fons by a butter complying with NEPA 101, 86.5 Assembly occupancies protected by an approved, super vised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NIA 101, Section 9.7, shall be permitted to have conven- ince stair rpenings. an aernetinee wilh NEPA TI, s509, [701:13.3.1] D.2.4.2 Installation Requirements. (Reserved) DK New Faneati e oy o Ovcupanetes. (Reserved) D.26 Existing Educational Occupancies. (Reserved) D.2.7 New Day-Care Oceupancies. (Reserved) DX Eelstng Day-Care Oceupancies. (Reserved) D.2.9 New Health Care Occupancies. (Reserved) 10 Existing Health Care Occupancies. (Reserved) 111 New Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies, (Reserved) D219 Existing Ambulatory (Reserved) b. Health Care Occupanctes. and Correctional Oceupancies. D.2.14 Existing Detention and Correctional Occupancies. (Reserved) 19 One- and Iwo-amily Dwellings, (Reserved) 16 Lodging or D.2.16.1 Design Requirements. (Reserved) 1V.2.10.2 Installation Requirements. DAL In buslings sprinblered! in ccordtance with NFPA1S closers thar contain equipment such as washers, voming Houses. orn tion 13496 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS dryers, furnaces, or water heaters shall be sprinklered, regard less of size. [L01. 1V. In existing lodging or rooming, houses, sprinkler inosallarions shall no he required in closets not exteeding 2410 (22 m") and in bathrooms not exceeding i” (6.1 m") [1012236220] D.2.17 New Hotels and Dormitories. 2.17.1 Design Requirements (Reserved) 217.2 Install jon Requirements. D. The provisions for draft stops and closely spaced sprinklers in NFPA 13 shall not be required for openings complying with NFPA 10/,, where the opening is within the guest roo or puest suite, T0H28.S.5.4) Listed quiekresponse or listed residential sprin- Klers shall be used throughout guest rooms and guest room suites. [101:28..5.0) D.2.18 Existing Hotels and Dormitories. 2.18.1 Design Requirements, (Reserved) bs D21R21 Ie guew rooms nel i guest room sites, sprinkler installations shall not be required in closets not exceeding ALE (222 12) ana in barons wot enceedling 56 U2 (5. an"). [rates 55.51 D.2.19 New Apartment Buildings. 18.2 Installation Requirements, Requirements (Reserved) lon Requirements. D.2.19.21 In buildings sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 15: (1) Closes tess than FE 2 C11 me) i native welling, its shall not be required to he sprinklered (2) Closets that contain equipment such as washers, dryers, furnaces, or water heaters shall be sprinklered regardless ol sue, [10rs35.3) 1219.22 Listed quickresponse or listed residential sprin- shall be used dhigughut all dwelling units, [101: 19.2 10 stops al closely spared sprinkler seqpite iments af NEPA 14 shall not he required for comveniene ings complying with NFPA 101, 8.69.1, where the convenience ‘opening is within the dwelling unit, (101:] he 1.2.20 Existing Apartment Bully. 1D.2.20.1 Design Requirements, (Reserved) 1D.2.20.2 Installation Requirements, sand in Ieathrowmns no exewerding 95 12. ‘contain equipment sich as washers, dryers, furnaces, or water heaters shall be sprinklered, regardless of size. [2031.3.5.3] 20 Eaton D. The draft stop and closely spaced sprinkler require mients of NFTA 13 shall not be required for convenience open ings complying with NFPA 101,, where the convenience pening twithin the dwelling anit, ORES] D221 New Residential Board and Care Occupancies Reserved) D222 Exist evidential Hoard nl Care Oceania. 2.22.1 Design Requirements. (Reserved) D.2.22.2 Installation Requirements. B22222.1 Standarcresponse sprinkles shall be permite for vase fn aad sotance with NEPA TUT, $82.32. 10133.29.9.4) D. In prompt and slow evacuation facilities, where an ‘automatic sptinkler system is in accordance with NFPA. 13 sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 ff (2.2 m4) and in bathrooms nar exceeding 88 fe (5.1 m?), provi ded that stich spaces are finished with lath and plaster or mate~ rials providing a L5-minute thermal barrier. [10/:3%.] D228 New Mercantile Occupancies. 1D.2.23.1 Design Requirements, (Reserved) 1D.2.23.2 Installation Requirements. D2228.241 Protection of Vertical Openings. Any vertical open ing shall be protected in accordance with NEPA 701, Section 86, except under any ofthe following conditions: (2) In Chass A or Class B mercantile occupancies protected uougliout by an approved, supervieed automatic spun ler sistem in aecoreémew with NEPA TO, “unprotected vertieal openings shall be permitted st one of the following locations: (4) Betweet any «wu Moors (yy) Among the street Hoon, she fie aujsrent Moor below, and adjacent floor (or mezzanine) above (2) Im Class C mercantile occupancies, unprotected openings shall be permitted between the street floor and the (8) The draft stop anel closely spaced sprinkler requirements of NFPA 13 shall not he requited for unenclosed vertical openings permitted in NFPA 101, 96.3.1(1) and (2) i 101 . Rownns Ionsing Inilding serview oy ino losers, and service elevators shall he permitted 0 open directly ‘onto exit passageways, provided that all of the following criteria are met: (1) The seaquivedl fine resitanre rating between sachs sees for arent and the exit passigesay shall he maintained in fccordance with NFPA'0/, (2) Such rooms or areas shall be protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NEPA 101, 9.7.L.L(1) but the exceptions in NEFA 13 allowing the omsion of sprinklers ron such 190m shall thot be permitted. (10136-4492) D.2.24 Existing Mercantile Oceupancies. D.2.24.1 Design Requirements, (Reserved) 2.21.2 Installation Requirements, D. Protection of Vertical Openings. Any'v ing shall be protected in accordance with NFPA Section 8.6, except under any ofthe following conditions: w tical open 101, In Clas: A or Css B mercantile oecupancies proved throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprn- ler system in accordance with NEPA 101, tunprotected vertical openings shall be permitted at one ‘af the following, keaton (%) (by Bernsren any tn floors Among the street floor, the first adjacent floor below, and the adjacent floor (or mezzanine) above Inn Glass C mercantile occupancies, unprotected upenings shall be permitted between dhe suet Hoor and the ‘The draft stop and closely spaced sprinkler requirements (of NIA 13 shall not be required for unenclosed vertical fopenys permuted in NFPA 101, 363.11) and (2) [rares7 3.1) D. Rooms housing building service equipment, janitor closets, and service elevators shall be permitted to open directly ‘onty exit passageways, provided dhat all of dhe following criteria a 2 8 ‘The required fire resistance rating between such rooms ‘or areas and the exit passageway shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 101, (2) Such rooms or areas shall be protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NEPA 101, 9.7.1-1(1), but the exceptions in NFPA 13 allowing the: ain spikes tn sete se al not he permived [013744921 D.2.25 New Bu jess Occupancies, 2.25.1 Design Requirements, (Reserved) 1D.2.25.2 Installation Requirements, (Reserved) D.2.26 Existing Business Occupancies. ». 11 Design Requirements. (Reserved) D.2.26.2 Installation Requirements. (Reserved) D.2.27 Industrial Occupancies. (Reserved) ». 1 Dsign Crier, D227. Special Provisions — HighRise Buildings. The provisions of NFPA 101,, for jockey pumps and NFPA 101, 11.80.94), for air compressors serving dry pipe an pret psc ll sot ply special pup is tal occupancies. [1074022] D.2.28 Storage Occupancies. (Reserved) orn tion

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