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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (DS)


Copyright 2005 Brian McPhee

Author: Brian McPhee (Kirby021591)

Most Recent Update: August 20, 2005
Originally Created: June 2, 2005
Version 1.0

---------------------------Table of Contents---------------------------

Section 1*


Section 2*

Anakin Walkthrough*
Obi-Wan Walkthrough*
Special Missions*

Section 3*

Force Upgrades*
Fury/Focus Moves*
Multiplayer Mode*
Ships & Unlocking Ships*

Section 4*

Credits and Legal Information*

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||----------------------------Section 1*-----------------------------||
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Welcome, everybody. Now, this set of readers is a whole new crowd from
my usual audience, meaning all my lame jokes will be new to them. But,
really, I know that I have been writing nonstop Mario/Zelda/Sonic
guides, throwing in the occasional miscellaneous game, but I was
inspired to do something Star Wars-related after seeing Episode III for
the second time. Naturally, I came to this, a new game based on a
great movie. Yes, I will admit that, Nintendo aside, I am a huge Star
Wars geek, and yet I have no costume for a convention. This was my
only alternative. But whether you like Star Wars or not, this game is
truly awesome. Here's why.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith hit theaters in theaters on
May 19, 2005. I saw it, of course, and I was quite pleased with the
sixth installment of the best movie series in existence. Featuring no
chatter from Jar Jar Binks at all (he only appears twice in the entire
movie, non-speaking roles both times), it was by far the best of the
prequels, and perhaps even superior to some of the later episodes. I
also liked the title - Revenge of the Sith. The original title for
Episode VI was "Revenge of the Jedi," but it was turned to "Return of
the Jedi" because Jedi don't take revenge. They are nearly saints.

Anyways, go see Episode III if you haven't. Furthermore, buy this game
if you haven't. It really lives up to the movie, even with the odds
stacked against it. Yes, usually movie-licensed games are rather awful,
but this game managed to use movie characters and retain its appeal and
fun game play. Furthermore, this game is not a first-person shooter
like many Star Wars games. Although you can control some ships, the
majority of the game is good old lightsaber duels, force powers
included. And 2-D has good graphics, much like the Star Wars: Clone
Wars series.

But who says ships are bad? The multiplayer mode, playable with up to
four friends, is in full 3D and is great fun, too. The multiplayer
might as well be the main attractor. It's certainly the best part of
the game, in my opinion. And if you don't have anyone to play
multiplayer with, test your skills with some bots. So, what are you
waiting for? You actually read this entire introduction? Scroll down
a bit to "Navigation" and let's get this guide started!

And remember, my friends:

The saga may end, but the Force shall forever be with us.


So, you think you can just scroll down around the guide, huh? Wrong!
Fortunately for you, I have a navigation system in place. You see, it
explains why the asterisks (*) are stuck after each section title. If
you press CTRL and F (that's Apple and F if you're using a Mac), a
Find/Search box pops up. Type in the name of a section, asterisk and
all, and click Find/Search to go to the first time that phrase is used,
which will be the Table of Contents. Click it again to go to the
beginning of that section. No scrolling needed. The asterisks
distinguish the text from any times I might use a section title in text
(navigation, navigation, ahem, navigation).


This time, we're having separate sections for storyline and characters.
To people new to Star Wars, the plot is exceedingly complex, but it's
really quite simple. Here's a summary of Episode I, Episode II and the
beginning of Episode III.

| Episode I |

When Episode I begins, the Galactic Senate is debating whether or not

to tax the use of certain trade routes. During their squabbling, the
Trade Federation, which controls trade in the Republic, began to
blockade the planet of Naboo. Two Jedi, the keepers of peace in the
galaxy, were sent as ambassadors to work out an agreement with Viceroy
Nute Gunray, leader of the Trade Federation. The meeting never
occurred, though, and the two Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi -
escaped the ship to Naboo's surface.

To make a long story short, they managed to escape the blockade with
Queen Amidala in tow (she is leader of Naboo), but their damaged ship
could not make it far. They were forced to land on a remote desert
planet named Tatooine, where Padme Amidala met a slave boy named Anakin
Skywalker. Qui-Gon was able to free Anakin from bondage, leaving his
mother, a slave, behind, and they left for Coruscant, capital planet of
the Republic. Qui-Gon sensed that Anakin had great power, and he
requested that he take up a new padawan, or apprentice. The Jedi
Council rejected him, however, but Qui-Gon was still determined to
train him, believing Anakin was the chosen one (the one who will bring
balance to the Force).

So, they left for Naboo, where the Gungans (a race who lives on Naboo,
reluctant ally of the human inhabitants there) battled the Trade
Federation's droid army for as long as they could. The Battle of Naboo
was a mere diversion, though, as Amidala, Panaka (her bodyguard), Qui-
Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin swept into the palace of the queen to force
the Viceroy to sign a treaty that would bring an end to the blockade.

Amidala eventually did find and force Viceroy Nute Gunray into signing
it, but it was during that time that Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi
were intercepted by a dark lord of the Sith (think of them as anti-
Jedi), Darth Maul. Their fight was intense, and Darth Maul killed Qui-
Gon Jinn. But, Obi-Wan struck back, slicing Maul in half. Obi-Wan
became a Jedi Knight, the next rank after padawan, and Anakin became
his padawan. Padme retired as queen shortly after to become a senator.
So, what you need to know about this episode is:

- Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi and Anakin Skywalker becomes his apprentice.

- I totally omitted anything and everything about the most annoying

character ever concocted, Jar Jar Binks. He was a Gungan general who
would also become a senator from Naboo, sort of.

- Anakin is affectionate toward Padme Amidala, who becomes a senator

from Naboo. I didn't really touch upon this, but it is very important.

| Episode II |

Then, ten years later, Episode II begins. The Republic is in shambles,

as nearly half of it, led by the separatist and former Jedi Count Dooku,
wants to succeed. Now in debate is the approval of a grand new army of
the Republic that could fight in a civil war should one occur. The
vote on this is crucial, and many senators that would vote on it are
being threatened.

Padme Amidala, a senator from Naboo, has had several attempts on her
life so far (the opening scene of Episode II shows her body double
dying in an explosion on Coruscant), and two Jedi are assigned to
protect her - Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawn Anakin Skywalker. To make
a long story short, Obi-Wan discovers that the bounty hunter out to
kill Padme is named Jango Fett. More interestingly, though, they meet
on Kamino, where a cloning facility is at work creating a new army of
the Republic, supposedly at the request of a Jedi Master who died ten
years ago.

Jango Fett is the original the clone soldiers are based off. Obi-Wan
follows Jango Fett to the remote planet of Geonosis. Here, he finds
Count Dooku and the other separatist (sometimes called the CIS, the
Confederacy of Independent Systems) leaders, including Viceroy Nute
Gunray. Obi-Wan is found and trapped, however. It is up to his
padawan, who has been romancing Padme and avenging his mother's death,
Anakin Skywalker, to transmit a message to the Jedi Council regarding
Dooku's base of operations and his current condition. Though Anakin
was told not to, he goes with Padme to Geonosis, where both of them are

They are to be executed in a coliseum-like arena. Just as they are

about to die, Mace Windu (second-in-command Jedi of the council) leads
the other Jedi into battle against the Separatists. But, they are no
match for Dooku's droid army. But then, just as unexpectedly as before,
Yoda (leader of the Jedi Council) drops in with thousands upon
thousands of clone troops from Kamino. The Battle of Geonosis begins.

During it, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Count Dooku, but they lose. Anakin
lost more than the others, as his hand was chopped off in the fight.
Yoda tried to defeat Dooku, but he chose to rescue Anakin and Obi-Wan
instead of killing the count. Separatist forces lost the Battle of
Geonosis, but, as Yoda said... Begun the Clone War has. But, in the
last scene of the movie, Anakin and Padme secretly wed... You should
know this:

- A civil war broke out. It is called the Clone War, and the
competitors are the Separatists and the Republic.

- Against the Jedi Code, Anakin marries Padme. Their marriage must be
kept secret, lest Anakin be ousted from the Jedi Order and Padme the
Galactic Senate.

- Although I didn't explain it, Chancellor Palpatine (the chancellor

presides over the Senate) was given immediate executive powers to make
quick decisions during the Clone War. He is now the Supreme Chancellor,
and he is basically dictator of the Republic. As a note of interest,
it was that foolish Jar Jar Binks who suggested he gain his powers.

- The leader of the separatists is a Sith Lord named Count Dooku. But,
unbeknownst to all else, Count Dooku actually takes orders from the
same one who Darth Maul took orders from, the dark Lord of the Sith,
Darth Sidious.

| Episode III |

And so begins Episode III. Into the Clone War, Obi-Wan is now a
general and Jedi Master, while Anakin is now a Jedi Knight. The
Chancellor was kidnapped by General Grievous of the Confederates, and
it is up to Obi-Wan and Anakin to rescue Chancellor Palpatine...

Perhaps I confused you a bit, but that last paragraph is the only
important part of the storyline that you should know to enjoy the game.
The rest is just background information about how the Clone War started
and who married who, etc.


Star Wars has more characters in it than... well, a lot of stuff. In

order to make these brief and understandable, I'll only give bios for
important characters and only talk about their roles in the prequels.

---------------------------Anakin Skywalker----------------------------

A former slave from Tatooine, he was freed by Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn.
Leaving his mother behind, Anakin became Qui-Gon observer to learn from
him the Jedi ways, as Qui-Gon sensed that he had great potential (his
blood showed as much). Qui-Gon believed that Anakin was the chosen one,
the one who would destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force. So,
when Qui-Gon was killed by Darth Maul, Qui-Gon's apprentice, Obi-Wan
Kenobi, became Anakin's new master in his study of the Jedi.

Anakin trained under him for ten years, becoming a powerful Jedi, until
they were assigned to look after Senator Padme Amidala, who Anakin had
met as he was being freed from slavery. The two went to Padme's home
planet of Naboo for safety, and it was there that they fell in love,
forbidden to Jedi. The two traveled to Geonosis when they received a
distress signal from Obi-Wan, and it was there that Anakin fought Sith
Lord Count Dooku in the commencement of the Clone War.

Dooku was a wiser fighter than Anakin, and he defeated the novice
padawan. The duel cost Anakin his hand, which he would be forced to
replace with a robotic one. It was shortly after that that Anakin
married the love of his life, Padme Amidala, breaking the Jedi Code.
In the interim between Episode II and III, Anakin was promoted to rank
of Jedi Knight, and he developed a friendship with Chancellor Palpatine.
In the beginning of Episode III, Anakin and Obi-Wan must board the ship
of General Grievous in the Clone War to rescue abducted Chancellor

------------------------------Count Dooku------------------------------

A former Jedi, Count Dooku caused a separatist uprising in the Republic.

Spurred on by his master Darth Sidious, Dooku led a revolt against the
Republic that would start the Clone War. Eternally faithful to Sidious,
Dooku is leader of the Confederacy, and he guards the chancellor,
kidnapped by Grievous, at the beginning of Episode III. His Sith name
is Darth Tyranus, pronounced in different ways by different people
(sometimes like "tyrant," other times like "tyranny").
---------------------------General Grievous----------------------------

A general of the CIS, Grievous first appeared in "Star Wars: Clone

Wars," a micro-series on Cartoon Network. A battle with Mace Windu
damaged his internal workings, which accounts for his sporadic fits of
coughing. In any case, Grievous is an advanced insect-like droid with
artificial organs and a shrewd mind. He hunts and kills Jedi for sport,
and he proudly carries (and uses) four lightsabers from his victims.

Count Dooku trained him to wield them, and his unorthodox style is
extremely effective. Known for his boldness, Grievous swept into the
Republic capital of Coruscant and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine. It
is the beginning of Episode III that Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan
Kenobi arrive at his personal ship to rescue the chancellor. Grievous,
like all other members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, is
commanded by Darth Sidious. And of course, Grievous's name is an
actual word meaning "grave" or "dreadful."

------------------------------Mace Windu-------------------------------

Tsecond-in-command of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu is the only Jedi to

use a purple lightsaber. He is central to the council, having led the
Jedi into the Battle of Geonosis and killing Jango Fett. Master Windu
plays an active role in Episode III, but it is a tragic one.

----------------------------Obi-Wan Kenobi-----------------------------

The apprentice of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan became a Jedi Knight and the
master of his new padawan, Anakin Skywalker, after the death of his
master in Episode I. Obi-Wan trained Anakin alongside himself for ten
years before the duo was assigned to protect Padme Amidala, a senator
that Anakin was rather fond of.

While he left Anakin to look after the senator, he left for Kamino to
investigate a strange object he had found on the body of the first
assassin they had found. As it turns out, Kamino was pumping out clone
troops based off of Jango Fett, the very bounty hunter that had tried
to kill Padme. Obi-Wan engaged Jango and his "son," Bobo Fett, but he
could not defeat them. In a Jedi Starfighter, Obi-Wan pursued and was
pursued by Jango until they reached Geonosis, a remote planet in the
Outer Rim.

Captured by separatist leader Count Dooku, Obi-Wan was to be executed

in an arena (along with Anakin and Padme, both of whom had tried to
rescue him). Obi-Wan survived though it until Mace Windu led a legion
of Jedi into battle to save them, and then after Yoda arrived with
clone troopers. Obi-Wan fought through the battle, even fighting (but
losing to) Count Dooku. He was later appointed Jedi Master and general
of the Republic's army. At the beginning of Episode III, Anakin and
Obi-Wan are flying into a CIS fleet to rescue the kidnapped chancellor
from General Grievous.

-----------------------------Padme Amidala-----------------------------

Formerly the queen of Naboo (elected queen, mind you), she became a
senator after her term. When an important vote arose to decide whether
or not an army of the Republic should be formed to quell separatist
movements, a bounty hunter was after her life to prevent her from
voting, and she was assigned two Jedi as bodyguards. They were Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, both of whom she had met during a period
of strife when she was queen.

Anakin defended her loyally, and eventually they left to Naboo where
she could be safe. She fell in love with Anakin there, and she
followed him to Tatooine where Anakin avenged his mother's death.
Shortly after they left for Geonosis. Padme played a small role in the
Battle of Geonosis before she and Anakin returned to Naboo to be
secretly married. At the beginning of Episode III, Padme remains a
senator from Naboo, but she is ready to announce something important to
Anakin. She is pregnant.

--------------Supreme Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious---------------

This guy's been playing on both sides of the fence. Because of the
current chancellor's inability to lead the Galactic Senate, Padme
Amidala suggested that he be voted down. In his place, Palpatine was
elected as chancellor.

Meanwhile, Palpatine concealed a dark secret. He was Darth Sidious,

dark Lord of the Sith. He commanded Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade
Federation to invade Naboo, and he offered the help of his new
apprentice, Darth Maul. Darth Maul died during (not in) the Battle of
Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sidious had trained Darth Maul
since Maul was but a child, and he wanted a new apprentice quickly that
he would not have to train.

He found one in former Jedi Count Dooku, whom he directed to lead the
separatists into leaving the Republic, thus beginning the Clone War.
Meanwhile, the Clone War led to, at the suggestion of Jar Jar Binks, a
vote on a temporary increase in Palpatine's powers. It was accepted,
and Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, now having total
control over all matters of the Republic.

Using the Sith as his instruments to raise his own political power,
Palpatine still seeks further empowerment by destroying the Jedi. But,
Count Dooku is old, and Sidious desires a younger, more powerful
apprentice. To that point, he orchestrated his own kidnapping in the
beginning of Episode III.


The leader of the Jedi Council, Yoda is the wisest being in the galaxy.
He just happens to talk somewhat backwards in semi-broken English.
Standing two feet and two inches tall and over 800 years old, Yoda is
also extremely powerful, having a greater understanding of the Force
than any other Jedi. Yoda appears in Episode I, but we first see him
in action in Episode II.

After Obi-Wan reported the clone armies on Kamino, Yoda went to see
them for himself. And it was during the Battle of Geonosis, just as
the Jedi were being overpowered, that Yoda arrived with thousands of
clone troops from Kamino, ready to wage war with the separatists.
Thanks to Yoda, the Jedi survived and won the Battle of Geonosis. He
even fought Count Dooku toward the end of it, and Yoda clearly won, but
Dooku used his Force powers to try to crush defeated Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Yoda saved them from death only to let Dooku escape.

Throughout the Clone War, Yoda assigned Jedi to different regions for
different battles, and he himself aided the Wookies during the war. He
has yet to act his biggest role, though. And as an interesting tidbit,
Yoda teaches all younglings, the rank before padawan (it goes youngling
-> padawan -> Jedi Knight -> Jedi Master). Also, he personally trained
Count Dooku, who trained Qui-Gon Jinn, who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi, who
trained Anakin Skywalker, whose son was also trained by Yoda. What a
small galaxy...

And those are all the important characters of Episode III. Sure, there
are others like Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, or Plo Koon, but they just
don't make the cut.


The items of the game are called pickups, and some are very creative.
Didn't think picking up a Yoda head would save your life? I pity you.
Here's a list of what's what based on appearances.

| Single-Player Mode |

Bacta Tank: These look like orange and blue capsules. Getting them
recovers your HP (Health Points).

Customization Point: These are light green orbs. Collect ten in a

level to learn a Force power in the next cut scene. In other words,
collect them all.

Extra Life: These look like your character's head (either Obi-Wan or
Anakin). Collect them for another try at a level if you die.

Force Shadow: It's a floating blue orb. Getting it recovers your Force

Palpatine's Order: An Emperor head... yuck. Get one as Anakin Skywalker

and you'll get a fury boost plus extra strength for a while.

Yoda's Protection: If you are Obi-Wan Kenobi, then collecting Yoda head
items gets you a focus boost plus a temporary shield.

| Multiplayer Mode |

HP: Resembling a blue plus (+) sign, this restores a few lost Health
Points to your ship.

Laser: These look like red spikes. Collect it and your ship's lasers
do more damage to other ships for a brief period of time.

Missile: Appearing to be a yellow missile, these gives you maximum

ammunition (like torpedoes). Some ships do not use missiles and will
not be able to utilize this pickup.

Shield: If your ship has shielding, this will fill your shield's bar to
the maximum on both sides of the ship. If not, you will not be able to
pick this up. It looks like a green shield (simple enough).

Speed: Collect this, bearing remarkable resemblance to two purple

arrows pointing upward, and your engine is cooled. Not only that, but
you get a temporary boost in speed to boot.

So now you know. Those are all the pickups in the game. In the guide,
I'll point out where Customization Points are and number them in each


The controls of the game, not including Force Combos, are rather simple.
Sure, there are advanced controls, but most are natural and easy to use.
Remember, this guide is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for
the Nintendo DS, not GBA, Xbox, PS2, or any other system it may come
out on. The DS installment is actually different from the others (they
really are separate games). As such, we have crazy X and Y Buttons all
over the place here.

| Universal Controls |

Start: Pause to go to the Status Screen.

B: In a menu, press this to return to the previous screen.

| Single-Player Controls |

D-Pad: You can use the different directional buttons to move in the
corresponding directions. If you tap a certain direction twice, you'll
run in that direction.

Select: In the Customization Screen, press this to display information

on a select Force power.

L: Hold L to block with your saber. Tap it to deflect a laser.

R: Used for Force powers.

A: Jump. If you run and jump, you'll perform a long jump.

B: Attack with lightsaber. If you hold Up on the D-Pad (the

Directional Pad, looks like a +), you'll do an Uppercut. Hold Down and
press B for Anakin to do a Hammer Strike. Obi-Wan does a circle kick.
If facing a certain direction and you press B and the opposite
direction, you'll do a Back Thrust. If running and you press B, you'll
do a kick (Anakin) or a stab (Obi-Wan). If aerial and you press B,
Anakin does a Vertical Slash or Obi-Wan a Vertical Spike. If you hold
down while in the air and press B, you'll do a Spike Down. Also, when
you are being held by someone or throttled, you can press this to break
| Multiplayer Controls |

D-Pad: Tilt or move the ship in a certain direction.

L: Roll to the left.

R: Roll to the right.

L + R: Auto-stabilize (become upright).

X: Accelerate (get it? X-elerate).

Y: Use primary weapon (lasers).

A: Use secondary weapon (missiles).

B: Brake (slow down).

And now that you know the controls, you're all ready to play as either
Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi to turn to the Dark Side or to
defend the Jedi Order. Let's get started.
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||----------------------------Section 2*-----------------------------||
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This is an important note. For the purposes of this guide, I will

cover the game on the Jedi Difficulty Setting. Why? Well, although
one can also play in the Padawan Difficulty Setting, it is extremely
easy. Basically, if the guide works for the Jedi Setting, then it also
works for the Padawan Setting, but not vice versa. Also, there's a
Master Setting unlocked if you beat a mode with a certain character.
The only difference between it and Jedi Setting is that the Master
Setting gives you only one life before you get a Game Over. You have
three in Jedi.

==========================Anakin Walkthrough*==========================

| Scene 1 |

Ooh! They have the scrolling-up-the-screen beginning and everything.

Currently, kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine is being held hostage in the
ship of General Grievous of the droid army, and it's up to you to
rescue him with the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi, your teacher. Stealing a
line directly from the movie, Anakin's ready for the fun to begin.

"I have a bad feeling about this!"

As the game says, the time you take to complete a mission and the use
of your Jedi abilities determines Customization Points that allow you
to upgrade your character. That said, go forward and you'll encounter
your first enemy, a Beta Droid of the CIS (also known as a Battle
Droid). Hack and slash with B.

Upon defeating it, go forward to find two more droids. Defeat the
lower one (you can actually move up and down in the lanes of the path)
and you'll get a green orb called a Customization Point, which I will
henceforth call "CP" for convenience. You want to collect ten in each
level. They are used to buy upgrades.

Now, notice that droids don't just shuffle about mindlessly. Beta
Droids occasionally use their blasters to shoot you. You can deflect
these by tapping L (a little advanced, though. You can also move out
of the way by jumping, which is A, or moving up and down).

Before continuing, move up and slash the capsule to break it open for
another CP (2). Now go forward to find a trio of Beta Droids. If you
defeat them all, one drops a blue orb pickup called Force Shadow. It
restores your Force energy. Force energy is shown on the blue bar
below your health bar (yellow). Another Beta Droid drops a Bacta Tank.

They restore your "vital life force," your HP. Go forward to defeat
another trio of Beta Droids. It's the perfect chance to practice combo
move. Go forward in the center. If you want to run, tap and hold the
direction pad in that direction twice.

Run into the first and press B to do a kick. Then do an Uppercut (B

and Up) and a Hammer Strike (B and Down). Or, if you want, you can do
a Vertical Slash by jumping and pressing B. After that, move on to the
next screen.

The game now explains how to block and deflect shots. The Beta Droid
ahead will shoot. Hold L to block its blaster's fire. Then, when it
shoots again, tap L to deflect the shot back at it, thus destroying it.
Pick up the Bacta Tank it leaves behind and go right. You will be
ambushed by two groups of three Beta Droids.

Defeat them all (if one comes up behind you, hold Left and press B to
back-stab it). Take the CP (3) one of them drops and then the Force
Shadows the other do. Now go forward, defeating another trio of Beta
Droids, destroy some canisters for another CP (4), and you'll reach a
point where Anakin speaks.

Droids up where? He jumps up into the next screen to defeat some

droids he somehow saw. First, notice the leg of a Beta Droid on the
ground. If you press R and hold Right on the D-Pad, you can use a
Force Push attack to chuck it at the droid, defeating it (quite cheaply
produced, huh?).

Then go forward to three more droids. If you strike opponents, your

Fury Bar increases. When it is full (the Fury Bar is that red bar that
wraps around your character's face's picture), you can use Vader's
Wrath, your only current Fury Attack. Hold R and B to use it
(alternately and more easily, press the picture of it on the Touch
Screen), causing a bolt of electricity to destroy all enemies.

Now go forward and defeat more Beta Droids, taking a CP (5) and Bacta
Tanks. Defeat the next three Beta Droids for a CP (6) from one and
another CP (7) from another. The third harbors a Bacta Tank. Now head
forward to a new screen.

Take the Force Shadow and CP (8) from the Beta Droids ahead and then go
forward to more enemies. Defeat one Beta Droid for a CP (9), and then
destroy the others to move ahead, Bacta Tanks collected. Make sure to
make use of the Force Pull. What's that, you ask? Well, I'll explain

Press R and pull them to you (in your direction, either left or right).
As you hold them there, slash them to bits. Or you can push one enemy
into the other. Be creative; it gets you points. Afterward, go right
to jump down to the next screen.

After complaining about no challenge, Anakin can take a CP (10) before

facing the "boss" of sorts, a Geonosian Starfighter. Go forward and
the fighter flies overhead, dropping four bombs. If you can, jump and
vertical slash it as it flies over you. But, make sure to move out of
the way of the bombs. It occasionally tries to plow through you on the
ground, which is another chance to hit it.

When you've beaten the first form, the wings transform into a spider-
walker of sorts. It patrols the area, shooting lasers all the way.
It's rather easy to beat. Jump past its laser to get behind it. Then
jump and slash the head a few times until it explodes. As it blows up,
make sure to get away from its collapsing body. And now the level ends.

Anakin rejoins his master Obi-Wan Kenobi and the two chat about Obi-
Wan's lack of skills and insinuations. The level is over, and you are
graded on speed, style, and your CP is tallied up. After that, press A
to go to the Customization Screen.

Here, you can exchange your points (points are gotten by taking a
fourth of your grade) for new moves or upgrades to current moves for
Anakin. Anakin's Jedi Style points are based on aerial attacks, combos,
Force powers, and Fury moves. Assuming you have more than 15, buy
Saber Throw. It's great for earning Jedi Style points, and pretty
useful, too. Then, you get to pick whether you want an increase in
Stamina or Strength. At this point, increase your Stamina to make your
Health Bar longer. More HP means longer lives. Sometimes you'll also
be able to choose Intuition. This extends your Force Bar.

Recommended: Saber Throw (R + B)

| Scene 2 |

Anakin senses Dooku, just like in the movie. And then they have the
same "Spring the trap" line from the actual movie. While we were in
the hangar before, now we are in the corridor, and Beta Droids aren't
our biggest threat here. After Obi-Wan asserts that Anakin should be
careful, they rush off in separate directions to reach Dooku and the
kidnapped chancellor.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Defeat the Beta Droids ahead and break the above canister for a CP (1).
Now go forward to another canister you can destroy with a Force Shadow
in it. Afterward, a legion of Beta Droids, including the rapid-fire
brown variation. I suggest holding L to block against their triple

After them you'll find a new breed of enemy ahead, a Super Battle Droid.
This one's alone, making it pathetic. Move up or down from it, slash
it, and you've beaten it. Now go ahead and you'll see a trap on the
floor. First, go up and slash the boxes for a Bacta Tank. Then jump
the lasers. Now go forward (hit the canister for a Bacta Tank) and
you'll be ambushed by a Super Battle Droid and a series of Beta Droids.

Defeat them all, making use of Fury power Vader's Wrath, and go forward
to another canister. Bust it open for a CP (2), go forward, and you'll
find moving lasers on the ground. Jump the first, strike the box after
you land for a CP (3) and then go forward past another moving laser to
reach another ambush. After besting several Super Battle Droids,
Anakin finds the exit. He runs forward out of the corridor and into a
new place.

Go forward into a hallway where several droids will assault you,

including a few Super Battle Droids. Expect to gain a CP (4) in the
process. Then proceed forward to find a door that opens to churn out
some Super Battle Droids. After defeating two, hit the upper wall for
a CP (5) go forward to some moving lasers (two in total) that you must

Do so as they are coming at you and then run forward to a new

battleground. After sorting through several Beta Droids and picking up
a CP (6), you'll be able to lay your saber on some delectable Super
Battle Droids. After them, go right to a new screen.

Hit the first wall you come to for a CP (7). Go forward to fight a
series of Beta Droids and a Super Battle Droid or two. Before the
Super Battle Droids, hit the walls for a Force Shadow and a CP (8).
After sparse defense - a Beta Droid plus two Super Battle Droids armed
with Bacta Tanks - go forward a hangar.

Unfortunately, it is well guarded by a small army of droids. Defeat

them all and advance to the right, defeating more droids as you go, and
you'll reach a hallway with lasers. Jump between them, defeating a
Beta Droid along the way for a CP (9), and continue.

After it, you'll fight off a series of droids before you can go right.
As usual, it's hack and slash warfare with Fury and Force thrown into
the mix. Hit the column on the wall for a Bacta Tank, the right for a
CP (10). This time, though, going forward earns you a mission complete.

Obi-Wan is close. And so is Count Dooku. Anakin runs forward to the

next mission.

Recommended: Absorb (R + Up)

| Scene 3 |

Duel: Darth Tyranus

Anakin and Obi-Wan rush forward to find Chancellor Palpatine chained to

a chair. But just then, Dooku enters the room by running in (in the
movie, he appeared with two Super Battle Droids and flipped over the
side of the ledge he stood on, taking out lightsaber to fight. Much
cooler than running forward).

It is the rematch of the century; Obi-Wan and Anakin lost, even tag-
team, to Count Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis in Episode II.
Anakin drops his movie-stolen line about doubled strength, to which
Count Dooku replies "Good. Twice the pride, double the fall." In the
movie, he never said "good." The battle begins!

"Fear is the path to the dark side."

Yes, Obi-Wan came for the battle, but he's more there for scenery than
for actual fighting. Like in the movie, it's mainly a struggle between
Anakin and Dooku. Notice Dooku's red lightsaber. This means that he
is a Sith (Jedi can have green, blue, and even purple lightsabers).
The battle is more introductory than anything else. Lightsaber battles
are very high-speed and enjoyable.

Dooku comes forward to do a high attack (you can tell by his fist). To
block them, press L and hold Up. If he raises his lightsaber into the
air, he's preparing a low attack. For them, press L and hold Down. He
also has a Force attack (it looks more like a blue blast, though), that
can be absorbed to your Force Bar's benefit by pressing R when he does
it. And normal attacks can be blocked with plain old L. Now, Count
Dooku is old and easy to beat.

He charges his attacks, and you should know how to block them. If you
are hit by his lightsaber, you alternate with Obi-Wan. When Anakin
returns, Count Dooku notices his fear, his hatred, and his anger. He
has them, he says, and yet he does not use them. That is the primary
difference between Jedi and Sith; Sith fight with passion, and they
live for themselves. Jedi are selfless and focused. Anyways, Obi-Wan
and Anakin control much the same. Your strategy should work like so.
First, block lightsaber strikes. When he recoils after an attack, hit
him. When he uses a Force attack, absorb it to add to your Force, and
then hit him. And when you're frustrated, use Force Pull to bring him
to you for an open slash. Dooku occasionally uses Jedi Lightning, and
it can hurt badly if you don't block it (normal L). Keep high on
health to avoid it if you can.

If either Anakin or Obi-Wan dies, you will lose the battle (unless you
have a spare life). When Count Dooku is very low on health, Obi-Wan
jumps in if you're Anakin at the time, gets beaten, and they switch out
to Anakin. Yep, Obi-Wan is out cold for now, and a cinema begins.

Chancellor Palpatine can speak again. Count Dooku is defeated, and

harmless now (in the movie, Anakin cuts off his hands during the
battle). Palpatine directs Anakin to kill Count Dooku, even though he
is an unarmed prisoner. Anakin objects, but he cannot resist an order
from the Supreme Chancellor. He slays Dooku by decapitating him, and
Palpatine turns to other thoughts. First, the chancellor thinks they
must leave now. They should abandon Obi-Wan (unconscious), he says,
but Anakin can't do that. He awakens Obi-Wan (in the movie, he carries
Obi-Wan until he wakes up) and they free the chancellor from his chair.
They must now escape the ship and return to Coruscant, which they are
flying over...

Boss Completed! Anakin learns a new Fury move, Plo Koon's Round. Plo
Koon is a member of the Jedi Council (he's the weird one with the
orange-like skin and a black respiratory device over his mouth,
roughly). To use the move, 25 % (a fourth) of your Fury Bar must be
filled. Either press L and R and A to use it or touch the lit move on
the Touch Screen like you would with Vader's Wrath. Ah, what a lovely
device the DS is... Use it to swing your lightsaber in a complete circle,
destroying anything in its path.

| Scene 4 |

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine are headed out of the ship when they
hear a noise. Anakin decides to check it out, and so he opens a door
to an elevator shaft. Here's where Obi-Wan and Anakin split up their

"It's a trap!"

You start out taking an elevator down a long shaft. Beta Droids drop
in; just defeat them as they come. And after loads of them (Plo Koon's
Round comes in handy), you'll reach a hallway.

Go forward and hit along the wall for Bacta Tanks and CP (1). Here,
bombs are dropping onto the canisters, causing them to explode. Stay
away from explosive material. Now go forward to more canisters. Two
green Super Battle Droids, the tougher type, come to assault you.

Rough them up, use Force Push to detonate some bombs into a Beta Droid,
and take the CP (2) that results. Now go forward, hitting the walls
for Force Shadows and blowing the canisters up for a CP (3). After
fighting the rapid-fire Super Battle Droids, go right to a new screen.

Hit the wall ahead of here for a CP (4). Now go forward to meet an all
new enemy, the Droideka (also known as the Destroyer Droid). It rolls
in, shoots lasers, and uses a shield generator to protect itself
afterward. Slash it relentlessly until the shield comes undone and
then hack it to bits. Now go forward, hitting the walls for a CP (5)
and a Force Shadow.

Afterward, defeat a Beta Droid ahead by pulling it to you and then

hacking it up. A turret in this room will try to destroy you. So,
always be on the move and go right past some exploding canisters, a
turret, a Beta Droid, and explosives. Past them is a Droideka to
defeat for a CP (6). Then hit the last wall for a Bacta Tank. Go
right into a new screen.

You have one minute to complete this part. Everything's exploding, and
I advise you run forward. Hit the upper wall for a CP (7) and hit the
last column in this segment of the screen for a Bacta Tank. Run
forward after it to destroy a Droideka, leaving behind a CP (8). Along
the way, hit walls to uncover a CP (9). Then go forward to another one,
which you need to defeat to advance to the right. After that, hit a
final wall for a CP (10) and run right for a level complete.

Anakin rejoins Obi-Wan in the collapsing ship with Palpatine. Ray

shields trap them in place, though, two Droidekas arrive to escort them
to General Grievous, leader of the CIS army, who has a Russian accent
(you can't tell, but he does). Along with his two bodyguards, he plans
to kill them and steal their lightsabers (it's his hobby - killing Jedi
and keeping their sabers as trophies).

But, Anakin and Obi-Wan break themselves free of the shield (in the
movie, R2-D2 did that), and Grievous runs like a coward, breaking
through the glass of the ship to escape, then reentering to an escape
pod. Piloting the ship, Anakin is able to land it on Coruscant and

Recommended: Choke (R + Down)

| Scene 5 |

Anakin was sent to mingle with the politicians anxious to hear of their
mission to save Chancellor Palpatine. Back in Palpatine's office, the
chancellor praises Anakin, but asks him why he thinks he's been kept
off the Jedi Council. Anakin claims that they think he's too young,
but Palpatine disagrees. He suggests that the council fears him.

Palpatine appoints Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal

representative. Now, to add a little mission to the game that wasn't
in the movie nor the GBA version of this game, you must fly Anakin's
ship through Coruscant's trafficked "roads" to reach the Jedi Temple.
Anakin does not expect that they will be pleased with the request made
by Palpatine (to force Anakin onto the council), but he will make it

Flying is rather simple. Press B to slow down and press X to

accelerate. Do not accelerate too much, though, or your ship will
overheat (the right bar on the left side of the screen). Press A to
launch missiles (use them sparingly, as you have only four) and press Y
to shoot lasers, of which you have an unlimited supply. Your health
bar is just left of your overheating gauge, and you can adjust your
shields to different parts of the ship on the right side of the screen
(power to the frontal shields or posterior shields depending on where
you're being fired at from).

For the level itself, all you must do is fly forward and avoid hitting
things. Just fly forward around buildings, under billboards, through
openings, and so on. If you feel the level is too fast for you to
control, just brake to slow things down. At the end, you'll fly
through a tunnel and reach the Jedi Temple. Uh-oh! Conveniently timed
Vulture Droids have flown down to attack us. Let's take care of these
half-wits and get onto becoming a Jedi Council member, shall we?

Vulture Droids are very easy to beat. They fly around, barely even
attacking. Use the Radar on the Touch Screen to see where they are and
pursue them, shooting them with Y swiftly and relentlessly. They'll
soon explode, letting you move on to other targets. Upon beating all
ten of the Vulture Droids (that was easy!), Anakin lands at the Jedi
Temple and enters.

Announcing the chancellor's request, Mace Windu (second-in-command of

the Jedi Council) accepts him onto the council, but does not grant him
the rank of Master. Anakin, the youngest Jedi to ever take a seat on
the Jedi Council, remains a Jedi Knight, the only Jedi ever to take a
seat on the Jedi Council to not be a Jedi Master. As Anakin exits,
Obi-Wan intercepts him. He has a secret mission for him (it wasn't
worded quite like this in the movie).

The council would like Anakin to report on all the chancellor's

dealings. Spy on the chancellor? Commit treason? Obi-Wan explains
that the Jedi vow allegiance to the Senate, not to its long overdue
leader whose term has since expired. And while Obi-Wan Kenobi receives
the important task of finding and obliterating General Grievous to end
the Clone War, Anakin has to track down a small force of droids in
Coruscant (again, this did not happen in the movie). How exciting!

"My loyalties lie with the Republic."

Hmm, no prologue? I guess the whole flight stuff was it. Go forward
to find a Droideka. Defeat it just as it is coming out of its roll for
a quick kill. Then take the Bacta Tank and go forward to two Beta
Droids. Defeat both for a CP (1), and then continue. Now go forward
until you see a cannon.

Stay away from it (I suggest the upper path) and let a series of
enemies attack you, including new, realistic Super Battle Droids (they
actually look like them). One droid drops a CP (2), and the cannon is
destroyed after the fight. Go to the next screen.

Go forward to find a cannon and more Super Battle Droids to defeat.

The first was even kind enough to drop a CP (3). Now go forward to
find... a trap. Two Droidekas roll in. Beat them quickly before their
shield generators activate.

After Beta Droids and collecting a CP (4) from the remains of your
robotic enemies, you'll face a Super Battle Droid with a Force Shadow.
Now go forward to a new screen.

Go forward to engage a Super Battle Droid by a cannon. Defeat the

former to destroy the latter and then collect your CP (5). Now go
through the arches to find what could be a massacre for you. First, I
suggest you destroy the three cannons ahead along with a Super Battle
Droid by using Vader's Wrath.

Then take out of the remaining Super Battle Droids, who could overwhelm
you if you don't defeat them quick enough. They can grab you and hold
you there until you press B a certain number of times, which not only
does damage to you but also makes you a sitting duck for Beta Droids'
lasers. Afterwards, though, they drop an Extra Life (some of the
rarest pickups in the game) and a CP (6).

Now go forward, jumping and vertically slashing as soon as you hear the
sound of mechanized feet against the stone. Two Super Battle Droids
will tackle you, literally. Defeat them for a CP (7) and a Bacta Tank.
Into the next screen with you.

Go forward to find a cannon and a band of Beta Droids. They even say
"Roger, Roger," and not in the dumb way that droids talk in Episode III
in theatres (why did they change droid voices? They sounded semi-cool
in Episode I, but then they went and made them talk like losers).
Crush their puny circuits for a Force Shadow and a CP (8). Go forward
to find a Droideka and a Super Battle Droid to defeat.

I suggest using the Force Pull to defeat the Droideka quickly, and then
focus on the Super Battle Droid. They drop a CP (9), and let you go
right. Defeat two Beta Droids ahead (what measly defense!) and go
forward to another ambush. Here's where Plo Koon's Round or Vader's
Wrath comes in real handy. You're pitted against two Droidekas, two
Super Battle Droids, and two Beta Droids. Destroy them all for a CP
(10) and then go forward to find the "boss" of the level in a new

This tank, Trade Federation-funded, of course, is what we Star Wars

nerds like to call an AAT (Armored Assault Transport). And for some
reason, Anakin's convinced that his lightsaber would be useless against
it. However, it is easily beaten. Two Beta Droids come out from the
sides of the AAT. Deflect their fire back at the tank by pressing L
quickly (yes, that's the easy way to deflect blasts). When you see
crosshairs on the ground as if it's about to fire a giant laser, it is.
And it homes.

Step into it, wait for a second, and then walk out of it to avoid
taking a hit. Occasionally, it will run down the aisle shooting
bullets. Jump to avoid those. Eventually, when you've blown up the
tank in three parts, the Beta Droid operating the AAT pops out of the
hatch. Well-timed L hits will sends its rapid-fire lasers back at it,
winning you the battle.

Anakin returns to the chancellor to report the news. The setting is

different from that in the movie, but the dialogue is somewhat close.
Somehow, Palpatine knows that they asked you to spy on him. He reveals
that he has certain knowledge of the Force, too.

He says that "There once was a Sith Lord so strong in the Force......
he could cheat even death! He taught his apprentice everything he
knew...... and his apprentice killed him in his sleep." Then he drops
a liner about the Dark Side. Hmm, let's put two and two together
here... Whoa! Chancellor Palpatine IS the Sith Lord!

Anakin immediately says that he'll turn him over to the Jedi Council.
But, Palpatine guards with knowledge of Padme (who up to now was not
mentioned), and he is the only one who can save her from certain death.
With that, Anakin runs along.

Recommended: Rage (R + A)

| Scene 6 |

Anakin runs to the Jedi Temple and finds Mace Windu. Anakin reveals
that he's learned a terrible truth. Chancellor Palpatine... is the
Sith Lord. Mace throws off his cape and runs off to arrest the Sith
Lord. He instructs Anakin to wait in the chambers, but Anakin disobeys
and follows after much talking to himself. If he is to save Padme,
then the chancellor must live (as we learn in the movie, Padme is
supposed to die in childbirth. Funny, that was never said in the game).

"What does your heart tell you?"

Go forward to find Droidekas and two Super Battle Droids. I wonder how
they got here. The Super Battle Droids are new types, but they
shouldn't present any problems. And two of them drop a CP (1) and
another CP (2).

Go right now until you're ambushed by a group of Super Battle Droids

and a Droideka. Piece of cake! Just back-stab these fools into
tomorrow morning ad pick up a CP (3) from their shattered metal bodies.
Now go forward to the next screen.

Defeat the Super Battle Droid and slash the statue (that got into a
rated E game?) for a CP (4). Now go forward and slash the next statue
open for a Bacta Tank. Now proceed right to three Droidekas and some
Super Battle Droids. One drops a CP (5) in all the mayhem.

After them, go right to two statues to destroy for two pickups and then
into a Super Battle Droid-destroying frenzy. Backward stabs are the
best because they can destroy them quickly, but feel free to use
Vader's Wrath if you'd like. This delivers another CP (6) to you.
Afterward, head right to a new screen.

Defeat all the enemies to the right, including many Super Battle Droids.
Then go right again to a small hallway where you'll fight a Droideka
and a Super Battle Droid, leaving behind one CP (7). Go forward now
and slash the statue there for a CP (8). Then go right again to find
two more Super Battle Droids with more on the way. Defeat them all, go
right, hit the statue for Force Shadow, and then go right to a new

More droids! To reach the chancellor, we must destroy thirty of them,

for some reason. Go forward and fight off nine consecutive Super
Battle Droids (the short red type). Then go forward to a statue you
can crack open for a CP (9). Then after nine more Super Battle Droids
of the same type (the last one drops a Bacta Tank), go right to a
statue you can break for a CP (10).

Now slash the next objects for a very rare item, Palpatine's Order.
With it, Anakin gains some Fury and extra strength. Go forward, slash
the statue for a Bacta Tank, and then fight off the last twelve Super
Battle Droids (same red type as before). Finally!

Anakin rushes right to find Mace Windu, purple lightsaber extended,

standing over the chancellor. Master Windu is ready to kill him, but
Anakin won't let him. Only Palpatine can save Padme...

Recommended: Store CP

| Scene 7 |

Duel: Mace Windu

Master Windu is about to finally wipe out the last of the Sith when
Anakin intervenes, slicing off Mace's arm (well, in the movie it
happened that way. And then Palpatine threw him out the window with
his Jedi Lightning. But, in the game, we fight Mace Windu). Now, to
save the chancellor, and to save the life of Padme, Anakin must kill a
mentor and the second-most powerful Jedi.

"Fear leads to anger."

Mace Windu is a much harder boss than Count Dooku. He'll try to force
you to the left behind a statue so that you can't really see what's
happening. And, Mace Windu has a few tricks up his sleeves. First,
use L to block his lightsaber attacks. When he attacks you several
times consecutively with the saber, he'll jump into the air to do a
vertical slash. But, the fast saber business before knocks your
lightsaber to the side. Press L and then L when he jumps to block it.

Windu can also try to punch you repeatedly. Block that with your
lightsaber, too (his hand would be incinerated! Ah, but I digress).
When he holds his saber to his right like he's about to swing it like a
bat, press L to block the first strike and then press L and Down to
block the second. And if he uses a Force attack, absorb it with R.
After each attack is blocked, you can strike his body a few times.
Repeat this until you've drained his health a lot.

When he's losing, Mace Windu has another attack he'll use. If you do
not block it, you're history. He stands up, faces the screen, a purple
aura surrounds him, and he does a rapid saber attack on you. Block it
with L and Down and hold it! Then he starts again; use L this time.
When he starts again, use L. Continue fighting until Master Windu has
no health left.

Then (we don't see it), Palpatine uses Jedi Lightning to cast Mace
Windu out the window and into the bottomless fall that is from
Coruscant's sky-high buildings. He now appears robed in his true form,
Darth Sidious. Darth Sidious offers to teach him the dark side of the
force. Sure, if you can save Padme, that is! Only together can they
save her, he says. "I pledge myself to your teachings," says Anakin.

So begins his downward spiral into the Dark Side of the Force. He
names Anakin anew as Darth... Vader. Darth Vader, the coolest villain
ever. And now, Darth Sidious has a new task for his new apprentice.
Every Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic. Go to the Jedi Temple and
eliminate them all. Show no mercy. Only then will Anakin gain the
power he seeks.

Boss Completed! We now have a new Fury Move - Tyranus' Uppercut.

Darth Tyranus is the Sith name of Count Dooku, Sidious's former
apprentice. To use it, you must have at least 50 % of the Fury Bar (a
half) full. Activate it with L + R + B or just press the icon on the
Touch Screen. What's it do? With it, you can jump straight up,
bringing your lightsaber into close quarters with a target.

| Scene 8 |

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is preparing to enter Utapau to destroy General

Grievous. He must enter hyperspace, but that's hard to accomplish with
these Separatist ships out here. So, let's destroy all enemy ships,
another thing not shown in the movie. Utupau Starships are pretty weak.
Like Vulture Droids in a previous scene, just fly until you see the red

Shoot in the center of them and you'll see an explosion. However, the
starships actually fire back this time. That's why you should convert
all power to frontal shields. And if you sustain heavy damage, just
look for the blue + pickup for extra HP. Thanks to you, Obi-Wan was
able to land on the planet in an all-too-quiet city. Now, back to

Anakin arrives at the temple. He kills the younglings with no problems

(they are pre-padawans), but he finds some resistance ahead. He
readies himself to kill those traitorous scum. The Jedi shall not
overthrow the Sith Lord... ATTACK!

"Wipe them out..."

Slash the statue to the upper-left for an Extra Life. Now go forward
to engage the traitor there. They are inexperienced, and you can just
slash them repeatedly until they're on their backs. Then plunge your
saber into him. Go right and break open the statue for a CP (1). Then
go forward to be attacked by some wimps.

Think they know the ways of the Force, do they? If you want to, just
slash them repeatedly. You get more style points for using Choke on
them or lifting them before slashing them. Collect the CP (2) from the
first padawan you defeat and then go right.

Slash the pillars, the second of which yields a CP (3), and two
padawans emerge to the right to attack you. Hack them up, push them
into each other; do whatever it takes. One drops a Bacta Tank (as if
this level is that hard). Now go right to a new screen, Darth Vader.

The orbs that shoot lasers that younglings train with (called training
remotes) are stationed here as defense mechanisms. Deflect their shots
back into them or walk up to them and slash them open for a CP (4).
Now go forward to a pillar you can dent for a Bacta Tank and then two
padawans assault you.

Defeat the novices for a CP (5), and go right to face more. When you
reach a padawan with two laser orbs to protect it, force pull the
padawan to you, defeat him, and then deflect the lasers of the orbs
back into them. And, defeating them picks you up two more CP along the
way, a CP (6) and a CP (7). Now go right a screen.

The padawans get tougher here. Some use Force Push, and female
versions of the padawan begin to appear. It's the same story, though.
Go forward to find an area with tons of laser orbs. Defeat one for a
CP (8). Then hit the right pillar for a CP (9).

Now go right to find a group of padawans huddled together. Make them

pay for their treason! Defeat them all, making good use of Vader's
Wrath and the back-stab, for a CP (10). Now go right a screen into the

A Clone Trooper outside contacts you. They are coming your way and
will be there in two minutes. What does this mean for you? Survive
for two minutes against the most aggressive padawans in the galaxy,
that's what!

These two, an advanced boy and girl, are unbeatable. They will use
shields on themselves when weak, and they will use Force Push too much.
Also, they'll start to use Saber Throw eventually. Jump to avoid it,
or block with L. Notice that when they use Saber Throw, their
lightsabers turn from green to blue.
They can also charge up and rush you if one holds you (press B
repeatedly). They aren't actually beatable, but you can blow lots of
time standing in a corner and shielding yourself. Aside from Force
Pull, they won't be able to touch you. Alternately, force them against
the wall and hit them repeatedly so that they are forced to block.

When the two minutes are up, those resilient padawans are taken down by
lasers from the clone troopers. They now go to destroy all Jedi
Starfighters. None will escape. Mission complete!

Recommended: Force Push II

Scene 9

The clone troopers report that the escape ships have been destroyed.
Now all men are stationed at the exits. No one can enter, and no one
can leave. And now to take care of all the Jedi hiding in the library.

"...all of them!"

Hit the statue heads ahead (pun!) of you for a Force Shadow and CP (1).
A padawan now drops down from the ceiling for you to defeat. Remember,
they are quite susceptible to vertical slashes and spike downs. Go
right, slashing busts as you go for Force Shadows, and you'll come to a
padawan. Defeat her and take her CP (2). And now go right to two more

Kill the first two and a second pair come out to rumble. Defeat them
and go right to two more bust. Break both, getting a Bacta Tank and a
CP (3). And now let the padawans come and become part of the Force.
Take the Force Shadow and Bacta Tank from their remains before heading
right. Three laser orbs and a padawan later will let you advance to
the next screen. I suggest destroying the training remotes first,

Go right and slash the busts for Palpatine's Order, strengthening

Anakin and giving him fury. Kill two padawans that drop down in a
single swipe before heading right to destroy another bust for a CP (4).
Now go right to another bust, which just so happens to contain a Bacta

Take it and then go right a bit more to be assaulted by padawans and

training remotes, the latter of which should be destroyed first. Take
a CP (5) from a fallen padawan and a Force Shadow from another. Go
right now to two more laser orbs. Defeat them and then proceed right.
A slew of padawans appear to fight you. Vader's Wrath comes in handy
for this, as does Choke.

Now move ahead, taking a Bacta Tank and a Force Shadow, to reach a bust.
Reduce it to dust for a CP (6). Destroy the next bust for an Extra
Life (maybe not as rare as I thought). Now go right to a new screen, a

Hit the pillar above for a CP (7). Now choke the padawan to the right
to death. Go right and a group of padawans come to assault you. Make
good use of Fury and aerial attacks to beat them. Now go right to a
girl you need to slash up. After her, go right again to choke another
young padawan in training. And then take the CP (8) from her. Go
right, hit the right pillar for a Force Shadow, and then begin the
showdown between Jedi Knight and padawans.

Defeat them all with Vader's Wrath or regular fighting and three new
padawans drop in. Defeat them for a CP (9) and a Bacta Tank. Hit the
next pillar for a CP (10) and then go right to destroy a padawan
learner. Go right and Anakin senses padawans hiding. It is... Master
Drallig. The foremost lightsaber expert, Anakin has always wanted to
challenge that Jedi. The level is now complete, and Anakin will now
need to eradicate few more Jedi before the Order is extinct aside from
a few stragglers fighting in the Clone Wars.

Recommended: Choke II

| Scene 10 |

Duel: Cin Drallig

Another Jedi... Cin sees Anakin and realizes that he has indeed
embraced the Dark Side. With his padawan, he shall show no mercy.

"Anger leads to hate."

Cin Drallig appeared briefly in Episode III, but he's not a very
important character. He fights with his padawan, but it is a very
minor setback; the padawan is pretty easy to beat.

He approaches you and tries to hit you with his saber. Hold L to block
and then ruff him up with your lightsaber. He loses tons of HP to
every attack. Or, when he uses a force attack, absorb it with R. He
also uses a shield occasionally to restore HP, but it just flickers on
and off.

After you've weakened the padawan considerably, his master steps in.
And Cin Drallig is far stronger than his puny padawan. Watch two
things on him - his head and his lightsaber. When a green or red aura
appears by it, press R to absorb a force attack. When he holds the
lightsaber to his right, away form his body, just press L to block the
attack. If he holds it up close to his body, hold L, then L and Down,
then L, and then L and Down to block a quadruple attack (!). If he
jumps to attack, block with normal L.

And after each attack, give the Jedi Master a taste of your lightsaber.
Or if you get frustrated, try using Rage or Choke (Rage is the best).
Like all Jedi and Sith, he has a special attack when weakened. If he
holds his saber up against his back pointed away from him, block low
(it's a trick setup). When you've finally killed Cin Drallig, Anakin
contacts Darth Sidious.

The deed is done. Now he directs you to go the Mustafar system to wipe
out the Separatist leaders there. That will end the war once and for
all. And as he leaves to his home and then to his ship, Padme makes an

She heard there was an attack on the Jedi Temple and wanted to know if
you were all right. Anakin says that the Jedi tried to overthrow the
chancellor, and that Jedi are enemies now. He then says how he's going
to go to Mustafar and end this stinking war. And he tells her to wait
until he returns.

Boss Completed! You learn a new Fury move, Sidious' Hate. Darth
Sidious is the Sith name for Chancellor Palpatine. To use it, you need
to have 75 % (three-fourths) of the Fury Bar filled, and then you have
to press L + R + B + A, or press the Touch Screen icon. Anakin will
cast Force energy into the ground to create shockwaves that hurt other

| Scene 11 |

All that is left to do to end the war is destroy the Separatist leaders
providing funding for the CIS army, like Viceroy Nute Gunray and other
commerce guild leaders. To add in a little extra to the DS version, we
now have a ship level. We need to find a way to Mustafar's surface and
destroy communication satellites so that they cannot call for help as
you massacre them.

The communications satellites have yellow brackets around them. Of

course, you should also know that they are guarded by enemy starships,
but they can be blasted out of space with a few seconds of pressing B.
Reserve your torpedoes for the satellites; they are quite resistant to
lasers. Once you've found and decimated three communications
satellites, you'll be instructed to destroy all enemy ships.

There are four, and the real challenge is flying around to find them.
When you do, shoot them up until they explode. Afterward, Anakin flies
down onto Mustafar, "where destiny awaits him." Darth Sidious now
instructs you to make your way into the compound to crush the

"I will not tolerate failure."

Jump past the mines and go forward to find some Neimoidian guards.
True to their species, some will flee when you defeat their red leader.
Bust the upper wall here for a CP (1) and then continue right. Several
guards approach, but they run away when the red one is defeated. Move
onto the next screen to the right.

Defeat the Super Battle Droids and go right to... A gigantic Hailfire
Droid appears to run you down! Run right, leaping over the fire pits,
and then stop to destroy the Super Battle Droid. It will try to hold
you in place for the Hailfire Droid's missiles to hit you. Defeat it
for a CP (2) and then jump the fire to the right.

Run along the upper path for a CP (3) and you'll come to some Super
Battle Droids. Defeat them and continue right to find two more Super
Battle Droids. Defeat one for a CP (4) and then go right, jumping
across flames, until you reach a Neimoidian guard.

Slash it to bits, always wary of the missiles, and then defeat the next
guard that appears. For it, you'll get a CP (5). Now continue running
right to a new screen away from the Hailfire Droid.

Defeat the Super Battle Droids and go right to... find that another
Hailfire Droid is tailing you. Run right, jumping the flames, and
you'll reach a Neimoidian guard. Defeat them for a CP (6) and continue
right. You'll stop next at some Super Battle Droids.

Defeat them all for a CP (7) and then go right to jump over some lava
pits. Here, you must defeat some Neimoidian guards to advance to the
right. Hit a wall along the way for a CP (8) and then go right to a
new screen.

Go forward and jump over some mines. Two Neimoidians approach, but you
can defeat them with a few simple saber swings. Then go right to some
explosive canisters. Slash one from a distance and then slowly
approach it so that they all blow up, revealing a CP (9) and an Extra

Continue right to more canisters and a turret. Blow up the lower

canisters to reveal a CP (10) and then go right to jump some lava when
explosives aren't falling. Then go right, destroy the Nemoidians by
the mines, and continue right to a droid in a turquoise version of the
AAT in a new screen.

First, stand opposite the AAT and press L at just the right pace to
deflect all its lasers back at it. Now move out of the way of the
missile targeting system, the gunfire from the AAT, and then align
yourself with the bomb-shooting droid. Let a bomb be shot out and then
use Force Push to throw it into the AAT.

When the side turrets are destroyed, use bombs to destroy the main
cannon. Survive until the cannon blows up and the Beta Droid pilot of
the Armored Assault Transport appears from the opened hatch. To defeat
it, just deflect lasers from its blaster back at it until it dies. The
tank explodes, and Anakin realizes that his master was right about the
dark side. Nothing can equal his power!

Recommended: Store CP

| Scene 12 |

Inside the Separatist base on Mustafar, Anakin needs to reach the

control room. Palpatine instructs him to destroy Viceroy Gunray and
the others... Wipe them all out! To the control room! To end the Clone
War once and for all!

"A tremor in the Force."

Destroy the control panel right of the pillar for a CP (1). Go right
to find a group of Neimoidian guards and a bomb droid. Defeat them all,
especially the red variation, and go right. Hit the control panels for
a Force Shadow and then head right to another guard ambush. Defeat
them all and two Super Battle Droids run in. Defeat them both and
collect your CP (2). Now go right to a bomb droid. Defeat it and go
right to a new screen.

Break the third control panel from the left for an Extra Life. Now
beat the living daylights out of the Neimoidian guards and bomb droid
here for a CP (3) and another CP (4). Then go right to be ambushed
again. A Droideka rolls in several red Super Battle Droids. When
you've crushed their circuits, a tall Super Battle Droid rushes in,
along with more shrimps. Beating the second tall Super Battle Droid
earns you another CP (5). Now go right, crack open the control panels,
and take out a CP (6). Break the next one for a Force Shadow before
going right to the next screen.

Now outside, we can see the true nature of Mustafar - a magma planet.
Bypass some mines by jumping and then walk between the next mines to
reach a Super Battle Droid melee. Defeat them for a CP (7) and a Bacta
Tank. Also, you gain access to the right. As you go right, hop over
the fire beds when they are low, avoid falling debris and mines, and
you'll find a Super Battle Droid. Demolish it and take the CP (8) that
it was harboring. Then go right to a new screen.

Ahead are some Neimoidian guards after some mines and falling debris.
Defeat them all for a CP (9). This marks the arrival of a few Super
Battle Droids. Defeat them for another CP (10), the last one in this
storyline. Go right a bit and Anakin boasts that the Separatists were
taken care of. The level is complete (even though he actually went
into a building and slaughtered actual Separatist leaders, not guards,
in the movie...)!

Recommended: Force Pull II

| Scene 13 |

Duel: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Padme has come all the way from Coruscant to find Anakin. Obi-Wan has
told her that Anakin embraced the Dark Side, and she asks him if it is
true. Anakin is proud of it; he is now more powerful than the
chancellor. He can overthrow him, and together, they will rule the
galaxy and make things how they want them to be. Padme objects, of
course, as she's a pro-democracy senator.

Anakin wants to know why she cannot follow him, and his thoughts turn
to that traitorous rat, Obi-Wan. Then Obi-Wan arrives, and Anakin sees
the truth. Padme brought him here to kill him! In a fit of ranges, he
uses the Force to strangle Padme. Obi-Wan gets him to drop her, but
Anakin is still livid. And, I know I shouldn't comment on political
things but I just HAVE to point this out.

George Lucas wrote in a really Bush-bashing line in Star Wars Episode

III; Anakin says, "If you're not with me, then you're against me,"
which is also President George W. Bush's Iraq policy. Anyways, George
Lucas subtly making fun of the current American president aside, the
two Jedi leap off the bridge and down into the arena on Mustafar...

"Hate leads to suffering."

The music here, like all other Star Wars music, is composed by the
brilliant John Williams, and this particular song is called "Duel of
the Fates." That aside, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Anakin's former master and
the strongest boss you'll face as Anakin. Obi-Wan has a blue outline
when he's about to use a Force attack. I suggest using your Force
energy to use Choke or Rage when you have it.

Of course, you can get Force by absorbing his (press R when he's about
to use a Force attack). When Obi-Wan holds his lightsaber up to his
neck pointed to the upper-right, he's about to use a kick attack.
Block low for it. When he plunges the lightsaber into the ground,
block low to have your lightsaber absorb the shockwaves or jump. When
he jumps into the air to kick you, block at normal level (L). And when
he holds the lightsaber far away from his body, just press L to block
it. Each time you successfully block a hit, start attacking him.

When you've reduced him to half his health, you both jump off the side
of the cliff onto a metal platform hovering over the magma below.
Don't worry; you cannot fall over the edge and into the magma. Concern
yourself with Obi-Wan. He does much the same thing as before, but he
now has a new attack. If he holds his lightsaber away from his body
parallel to the platform, he will do a spinning attack repeatedly that
can be blocked with just L.

He will also use a fake-out "Force" attack where his entire body glows
blue but he ends up doing the kicking attack. Block low. And when he
scarcely has any health left, he'll use a strong attack - he performs
three rising slices and then one vertical drop. Block low thrice
(three times) and then block normally. When his health is depleted,
the platform in the magma reaches the bank of land.

Obi-Wan leaps off the platform onto the high ground. Anakin is still
fighting fiercely, and he tries to jump onto the ground. Anakin jumps
and Obi-Wan attacks, cutting him along his waist. Anakin lands just
above the magma. Obi-Wan takes his lightsaber and leaves. Anakin
announces that he hates Obi-Wan, and it is but hours later that Darth
Sidious arrives.

The clone troops bring Anakin to the ship, and they take him back to
Coruscant. It is there that his burnt, scarred body is repaired. With
mechanical enhancements and a cool respiratory system in place, Anakin
truly is Darth Vader...

CONGRATULATIONS! You beat Anakin's side of the game. For beating it

on the Jedi Difficulty Setting, you get an additional 50 CP to
customize Anakin further. You can now play Anakin's story on Master
Setting, just like Jedi only with only one life! Or you could play
Obi-Wan's side of the story. Either way, you have to watch the credits
eventually. Star Wars forever!

=========================Obi-Wan Walkthrough*==========================

| Scene 1 |

Beginning the game, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, and his apprentice,
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, run forward into the ship of General
Grievous, the bold droid general of the Separatist army that kidnapped
Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic. They must reach the chancellor,
but Anakin runs off in his own direction. It's up to Obi-Wan to get
there by himself.

"I've got a bad feeling about this!"

Walk forward to find an enemy, a Beta Droid (also called Battle Droids).
To defeat it, try pressing B to slash it. Then go forward to find two
more Beta Droids. You have an assortment of ways to defeat them. You
can slash them with B, jump and press B to do a vertical spike (jump is
A). Jump, B, and Down make a spike down. B and Up form an uppercut,
and a running (to run, tap the direction on the D-Pad twice) B is a
stab for Obi-Wan.

Defeat the Beta Droids and one will drop a Customization Point, which I
will call "CP" from here on out. Ten in each level, these are used to
purchase upgrades for your character at the end of a level. Now go
right and bust the canister open by slashing it with the lightsaber.
Out comes another CP (2). Now go right to find a trio of Beta Droids.
Why not try a new trick on them? If you press R and then move them
with the D-Pad, you can push them onto their backs, ready for a spike
down, or you can pull them toward you, ready to be slashed.

Be warned, though, that this takes up Force energy, the blue bar in the
upper-left corner. One Beta Droid drops a Force Shadow. These pickups
are used to restore Force energy. Now go forward to another trio of
Beta Droids. Defeat them all and one will drop a Bacta Tank. These
items are used to recover HP (Health Points), which is the orange bar
above your Force bar. If you run out of HP, you lose a life. Run out
of lives and you get a Game Over. Now continue right to reach a new

See this Beta Droid? It shoots lasers at you. To block them, press L
and hold it. If you want to deflect the lasers, tap L so that they
bounce off the lightsaber. To deflect multiple lasers in succession,
tap L quickly. Use this to defeat the Beta Droid ahead of you. Now go
forward to be ambushed by six Beta Droids.

Luckily, these are the weakest type. Slice them all up for a CP (3)
and a Force Shadow. Now go right to some crates. Slash the first one
to unveil a CP (4). Proceed right, defeating some droids, and go
further right. Obi-Wan senses some droids above, and he jumps to them
in a new screen.

Try to use as many Force moves as possible with Obi-Wan. Doing so

increases his Focus Bar, the green meter in the upper-left hand corner.
The game will let you do it ahead by a group of Beta Droids for free,
but normally you need a full Focus Bar to use Obi-Wan's Sense. To use
it, either press the icon on the Touch Screen or press R and hold B.
Your Focus Bar must be at 100 % to use it, though.

Obi-Wan's Sense is a series of high-speed slashes through enemies. Now,

go forward to be ambushed by a group of Beta Droids. When you defeat
one, notice how its leg is left behind. For an effective attack, use
Force Pull or Force Push (R and Over) to launch the leg into another
enemy. One leaves behind a CP (5).

After beating all the Beta Droids, go right to find a trio of Beta
Droids with ready blasters. Deflect their fire back at them or slash
them to find a CP (6). From the droids here, you should also have
picked up a CP (7). Go right to a new screen.

Defeat two oncoming Beta Droids for a Force Shadow and a CP (8). Then
go forward to an ambush of Beta Droids. Defeat them all for a CP (9)
and then go right. Hack the Beta Droids to bits and then go right to
jump off the bridge and down into an arena.

A Geonosian Starfighter arrives for you to destroy as the "boss" of the

level. Go forward and collect the CP (10) in front of you, first. A
mediocre enemy at best, the fighter flies overhead and drops five bombs
in one lane of the room. Use an uppercut (B + Up) to hit it, or hit it
when it tries to plow through you on the ground.

Once it starts smoking, the wings transform into a spider droid of

sorts. It walks around, scanning the floor with its laser, and tries
to hit you. Get behind it when it's moving upward and do a series of
vertical spikes on it until it explodes. Get away from the body as it
does that to avoid damage, by the way.

Obi-Wan and Anakin regroup afterward. After insinuating that Obi-Wan

is weak, they go forward to find the chancellor. Congrats on your
first level complete as Obi-Wan. After each level, you are scored on
several things. First, your Jedi Style - based on combos, Force powers,
deflection, environment interactions, and Focus moves - is given to you.
Then your Speed is judged - how quickly you got through the level.
Then the number of CP you found is added in.

This equates to a grade, and you get a certain number of points for
doing this (one-fourth of your grade). You can exchange points for
upgrades. First, I always recommend a certain purchase. Since you
probably have more than 15, I suggest buying Force Heal. It lets Obi-
Wan heal himself using Force. Then you're allowed to pick between an
increase in Stamina (extends your Health Bar) and Intuition (extends
your Force Bar). I suggest Stamina for your first go (Obi-Wan has low
HP to start with), but I'll let you choose whatever you want each time
we beat a level in the future. I also recommend what to buy with your

Recommended: Force Heal (R + B)

| Scene 2 |

Anakin senses Dooku. Then Obi-Wan does his whole spring-the-sensed-

trap line from the movie. Anakin runs off ahead into the level, and
Obi-Wan decides to take it slow again.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Go forward and deflect the lasers of the Beta Droids back at them.
Then hit the canister for a CP (1). Then go right, breaking more
canisters for a Force Shadow, and you'll reach a large group of Beta
Droids. Use the Force Pull or Push on them as much as possible if
possible and then go right to When you've defeated them all, go right
to find a Super Battle Droid, a new enemy.

They are stronger than regular Beta Droids, and they have stronger
lasers, plus more defense. Pull it to you and strike it down. Then go
forward to hit the box here for a Bacta Tank. Jump the laser and head
right to a large group of Beta Droids and two Super Battle Droids.
Destroy them all and go right to a canister.

Bust it open for a CP (2). Now go right, jumping a laser and hitting a
box for a CP (3). Jump the next laser and you'll reach another group
of droids. Defeat them all and then go right to what Obi-Wan hails as
the exit.

How wrong he was. Go forward and into a hallway where some droids
assault you. Defeat the starting Beta Droids and two Super Battle
Droids appear. Defeat them and subsequent droids to be one CP (4)
richer. Now go right to a door that opens to pour out new enemies.
While you fight, you can hit the pillars on the side for a Bacta Tank
and a CP (5).

Now go right to a hallway. Jump across the moving lasers here and
you'll reach some Beta Droids. Defeat them and then strike the pillars
here for a Bacta Tank. Continue right to a swarm of droid attackers.
Defeat the first wave for a CP (6) and then go right a screen.

Hit the pillar to knock loose a CP (7). Continue right to fight a

series of droids, quite easy, really. After them you will reach two
thick pillars containing a Force Shadow and a CP (8). It is then that
you should go right to find a hangar where a group of warriors attack.
After defeating a series of easy foes, go right to a Super Battle Droid.
Force Pull it over and then strike it down before going right, hitting
the pillars as you go for a Force Shadow.

Crush the circuits of the Beta Droid and continue right to a few lasers.
Jump over them and defeat the Beta Droid for a CP (9). Then jump right
over a final laser to reach an arena. If you need to heal, the left
pillar contains a Bacta Tank, the right a CP (10). After defeating the
legions, you'll be able to go right to a level complete. Anakin and
the chancellor are very near... And so is Count Dooku...

Recommended: Force Shield (R + Up)

| Scene 3 |

Duel: Darth Tyranus

This is the only boss that Anakin and Obi-Wan have in common. In fact,
it's a tag-team effort. Obi-Wan and Anakin run into the chamber that
Palpatine is being held captive in. But just as Anakin promises
heroics, Count Dooku (a.k.a. the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus) runs into the
room. Dooku, leader of the Separatists, is a former Jedi, and his
saber's movements reflect the old style of lightsaber duels.

He taunts them, asserting his victory over the two in the Battle of
Geonosis. Anakin can't take it, and the battle begins. Two on one?
Hardly fair. Still, Dooku is the second-strongest Sith Lord there is
(as well as the only other Sith Lord there is). Now, let's go, Dooku!

"There is no emotion; there is peace."

Lightsaber duels are fast-paced and fun, testing your reflexes and
determination. Count Dooku is the easiest boss in the game, and his
attacks are long, charged ones. Remember that you can use L to block
attacks. This is essential to battling. If Dooku holds the lightsaber
to his side, just hold L until he hits your lightsaber and pauses. If
he kneels and charges it, press L and Up to block high. He will do a
rising strike, and you'll get hit otherwise.

If he holds the saber high up in his hands, blow low with L and Down.
And if a blue "bubble" appears in front of him, he's trying to use
Force Push. Absorb his energy with R. Each time after you block an
attack, hit him a few times when he pauses. Continue fighting until
he's low on health. He throws in two attacks when desperate. First,
he might use his special, Jedi Lightning (even though he's a Sith).

When he uses it, bolts of electricity fly from his hand. Just hold L
to block it for the duration of the attack. If he holds the saber at
his side, hits, and then aims low, block low. He does this combo over
and over (normal to low to normal to low, etc.) until he eventually
does a jump attack (blow high). When he has but a sliver of health
left, you've won.

Obi-Wan tries to finish Dooku, but he is cast against the wall, knocked
unconscious, in Dooku's last Force Push ever. Palpatine praises Anakin
and then... asks him to kill Darth Tyranus. Kill an unarmed (in the
movie, Dooku's hands are chopped off) prisoner? In the end, Anakin
gives in to the chancellor's influence (peer pressure) and decapitates
the count. Palpatine's thoughts now turn to escaping the vehicle. He
insists they leave now without Obi-Wan. Anakin awakens his master and
they are off.

Boss Completed! Each time you win a duel, you get a new Focus move for
Master Kenobi. Requiring only 25 % (a quarter) of your Focus Bar be
full, Knight's Slam is activated either by touching the icon on the
Touch Screen or by pressing L + R + A. What's it do? Quite aptly
named, Obi-Wan slams his lightsaber into a target with tremendous force.

| Scene 4 |

Heading for an escape pod or the control room, the trio are walking
down the hall when Palpatine hears a noise. Anakin should stay with
the chancellor; Obi-Wan will investigate.

"It's a trap!"

The door leads to an elevator shaft. Here, all you must do is

annihilate a ton of Beta Droids to reach the bottom of the shaft. Once
there, take the door out.

Go forward to find some explosive capsules. If you approach it, some

debris falls onto the capsules, causing them to explode to reveal a
Bacta Tank. Take it and go right to some pillars. Bust it open for a
CP (1) and then go forward to more capsules. When they explode, take
the Force Shadow from them. Now continue right to reach a group of
enemies. If you use your lightsaber to make the capsules explode, you
can get a CP (2).

Now defeat your enemies to go right. Hit the pillars to the right for
a Force Shadow. Now go right to a series of explosive capsules. Blow
them up by slashing them and approaching them, back-flipping away to
avoid the explosions, and take a CP (3) from the smoke. Now defeat two
of these new green Super Battle Droids. The difference between gray
and green? Green have rapid-fire blasters. That in mind, go right to
hit a pillar for a Force Shadow. Now go right a screen.

To the right, slash the pillar for a CP (4). Then go right to find
another new enemy, a Droideka (also known as Destroyer Droids). Though
the fears of the CIS in Star Wars movies and most games, these are
pathetic in this game. As they roll in, slash them before they set up
for a victory. Or, when they set up, deflect their shots. Or, slash
through their shields if the generators are up to make them easy

When it's defeated, go right through a small hallway to an opening.

Slash the pillars here for a CP (5). Notice the turret. The missile
targeting system is visible on the ground as red crosshairs. Stand
clear of them and defeat the Beta Droids. Now go right under some
falling debris when it's down to reach an area filled with explosive

The turret here will blow them up first, and then the red crosshairs
come into play. Avoid them and defeat two Beta Droids to go right past
more falling debris. Defeat the Beta Droid you encounter for a CP (6).
Also, hit the pillar to the right for a Bacta Tank. Now proceed right
to a bran new screen fresh out the oven.

For some reason, we're limited to one minute to beat this. Overheating
or exploding, I'm sure. Go forward and avoid falling debris. Hitting
one gets you a CP (7), and the last pillar in that segment of the
screen holds a Bacta Tank. Continue right to a Droideka, which you
want to defeat for a CP (8). Now run under some falling debris to
reach pillars.

Slash the first two for a CP (9), and then you'll reach a Droideka.
Defeat it and then run right past more debris raining from the heavens,
err, ceiling, to find another Droideka. Let it sample your saber and
run right to some pillars. Hit the first for a CP (10) and then go a
bit further right to finish the level.

Obi-Wan rejoins Anakin and Palpatine only to be caught in ray shields.

Two Droidekas roll in to take them to General Grievous, cyborg leader
of the droid forces. Also, he has a Russian accent and a bad cough
given to him by Mace Windu in a fight. Anyways, the general hunts and
kills Jedi Knights to take their lightsabers, which he uses to fight.

He taunts Obi-Wan and Anakin until they break free of their ray shields
with one of Obi-Wan's moves (he uses it in one of Anakin's boss
battles), but the cowardly Grievous escapes to an escape pod. Obi-Wan
plows through his bodyguards and Anakin rushes to pilot the ship, now
plunging into Coruscant's atmosphere. Fortunately, they are able to
land successfully.

Recommended: Mind Trick (R + Down)

| Scene 5 |

Obi-Wan is in the Jedi Temple to talk to Yoda and Mace Windu. He

admits that Anakin did not take to his new mission (spying on the
chancellor) with much enthusiasm. Mace seems to not trust him, but
Obi-Wan asks if he is not the Chosen One, he who will bring balance to
the Force and destroy the Sith.

Yoda points out in his usual semi-backwards speech that "A prophecy
misread, it could have been." But, that's beside the point. The
Republic has learned the location of General Grievous. The army and
the general are hiding in the Utapau system. If Grievous is destroyed,
then the Senate would surly vote to end the war. Now, to the remote
planet of Utapau, to terminate General Grievous and end the Clone War.

But first, Obi-Wan is flying over Coruscant where a few stragglers from
the Battle of Coruscant are preventing his jump to hyperspace. So, all
you must do is fly the ship and destroy them. The controls are very
simple. Y fires lasers, A fires missiles, B brakes, and X accelerates.

The blue bar on the Touch Screen to the far-left is the Health Bar, and
the bar next to it your heat gauge (it rises as you accelerate. Keep
it low). And across the screen is the shield distribution icon, which
can be used to convert power to the frontal or posterior shields. And
right in the middle of it all is a radar to help you locate the
Separatist ships out here.

So, fly around and look for red cursors over enemy ships. Then let
them have your laser fire (repeatedly press Y) until they blow up.
Missiles also work, but you are limited to four and they aren't as fast.
They also may shoot at you. If your HP is low, grab a blue + pickup in
the map to restore your health. When you've destroyed six ships, Obi-
Wan takes off to land on Utapau.

Obi-Wan must stay quiet to infiltrate the base and reach Grievous. But
already some troops find him. So begins his struggle to reach the
general of the CIS army.

"The Force will be with you always."

Go forward to defeat two Beta Droids from the cinema. When they are
destroyed, go right to a turret just like the ones from before. Avoid
their crosshairs and prepare to engage a group of Beta Droids that fall
from above. Defeat them all, taking a CP (1) from one of them, and
then go right to some moving lasers.

When they are separating, jump over the beam and then jump right as the
lasers are closing in on you. Go right to two Super Battle Droids.
Beat them quickly for a Bacta Tank and continue right. Two Beta Droids
and two Super Battle Droids, one of which harbors a CP (2), are all
that stand in your way here. Obliterate this defense. Go right, now,
to the next screen.

Go right to find a Super Battle Droid and a stun-type Beta Droid. Beat
these amateurs for a Bacta Tank and a CP (3). Then go right to a
turret and some moving lasers that make for an interesting arena. Two
Beta Droids fall in, and it's in your interest to destroy them for a CP
(4). Now go right a little ways to be assaulted by two Super Battle
Droids and a brand new enemy, a Bodyguard.

Force Push it onto its back and then spike it down repeatedly until it
is history. Afterwards, go right, jumping past some lasers as they
fade away, to reach two Beta Droids. Defeat them for an Extra Life and
then go right to a new screen.
Go right and two Beta Droids drop in at separate times. The second one
drops a CP (5) when destroyed. Now go right a bit to be assaulted by
a... Hailfire Droid! Fast and heavy, it cannot be destroyed by the likes
of you. Run right past a few mines and the Hailfire Droid stops to let
you fight two Beta Droids.

Defeat them, wary of the crosshairs constantly, and you'll get a CP (6)
from the last. Now continue right to reach a Bodyguard, a formidable
foe with the Hailfire Droid's missiles present. Force Push it down and
then relentlessly strike it. Take a CP (7) from its remains when
you're done. Then go right to a new screen.

Go right to two Super Battle Droids. Defeat them for a Bacta Tank and
a CP (8). Then go right to be rejoined by the Hailfire Droid. Walk
right to a Super Battle Droid and friends, followed by two more Super
Battle Droids. Defeat them for a Bacta Tank and a CP (9) before
getting on the road again.

Go right to a Bodyguard, the near final defense this level has to offer.
Force Push it down, fake out the missiles, and then spike it down until
you can claim it's CP (10). Then run right to a new screen.

The "boss" of the level is an AAT (Armored Assault Transport), the

Trade Federation's finest tank. Obi-Wan realizes that his lightsaber
can't pierce the armor in time for him to destroy it unscathed, and so
we must find an alternative. We must destroy the guns. But, to slow
us down are a constant two Super Battle Droids. These are the taller,
more realistic type. They are also stronger.

Now, aside from having a turret-style main cannon, the AAT occasionally
shoots small lasers. To defeat the AAT, we must deflect them back at
it. Alternately, defeat Super Battle Droids and use Force Push to send
their parts flying into the tank. After destroying the side blasters,
occasional rounds of gunfire fly your way. Aim for the guns next and
hit those until they explode. Then repeat the Force Push process to
nail the cannon until it explodes, too. Left with no other options,
the Beta Droid piloting the AAT comes out of the hatch to attack you.
Deflect its rapid-fire lasers back at it until it explodes, too. The
tank itself now explodes, and the mission is beat. But, if the base is
this heavily guarded, Grievous must be here...

Recommended: Force Speed (R + A)

| Scene 6 |

Appearing in a new area, Obi-Wan reasons that Grievous is in the most

fortified part of the city. And therefore, that's where he's headed
for. Yes, we're still on our way to the general.

"The negotiations will be short."

Defeat the Super Battle Droid ahead and take the CP (1) from it. Now
go right to some explosive capsules. A Droideka rolls in to batter you,
followed by several Super Battle Droids. Defeat them all and go right
past some explosives to reach walls. Slash the second pillar for a CP
(2) and then prepare yourself for a fight with a Bodyguard.
Force Push it forward and then spike it, stabbing it as it stands up,
until it is destroyed. Take a Bacta Tank from it and then turn around
to a second Bodyguard. Force Push it down and defeat it like the
previous to allow yourself space to the right.

As you head right, strike the pillars. The one guarded by explosive
capsules contains a CP (3). After it, you'll face a Droideka and a
Super Battle Droid, the former of which yielding a CP (4). Head right
to a new screen.

Hit the pillar near you for a CP (5). Now go right to face a Droideka
and a few Super Battle Droids along with it. Obi-Wan's Sense is good
to use here. Afterward, go right several control panels. Slash the
third set of buttons for a CP (6) and prepare to face a Bodyguard.
Force Push it onto its back and then ruff it up until it explodes,
yielding a Force Shadow.

With it in your possession, go right to break the machine there for an

Extra Life (rare item alert). Now go right to face two Bodyguards and
two Super Battle Droids for a Bacta Tank and a CP (7). Now go right a
screen, deeper into the compound still.

Go right to two capsules. Blow them up and take a CP (8) from beneath
the right one. Then go right to find two Super Battle Droids. Defeat
them quickly to bring on another Super Battle Droid and a Bodyguard.
Defeat both in your usual manner to gain access to the right wing of
the screen.

Advance in that direction to a capsule; break it for a CP (9). Now go

forward to two Droidekas. Dispatch them and do the same for the next
Super Battle Droids that dare to attack you. Go right afterwards past
falling debris and explosives to reach a new screen.

Obi-Wan senses that Grievous is close. It is time to call in

reinforcements. Commander Cody, a clone trooper officer from Cartoon
Network's "Star Wars: Clone Wars" micro-series, is Obi-Wan's aid in
this battle. Reinforcements arrive in two minutes. In the meantime,
Obi-Wan must survive that long against attackers. First, go forward
and strike the capsule for a CP (10).

With it come three Bodyguards. Ouch. And each time you destroy one, a
new one takes its place. OUCH! As you are in the business of wasting
time right now, Force Push them down in groups (lure them together).
Then you can slowly attack them to keep them down until they all die.
Repeat for the next batch of Bodyguards.

Or, as an alternate and FAR superior strategy, walk up to the capsule

but do not destroy it. Stand behind the red switch on the wall and
you'll be safe. The Bodyguards don't come, but the timer starts to
tick. Wait out the majority of the two minutes, collect the tenth CP,
and let your troops arrive to kill off the Bodyguards. Obi-Wan orders
them to take all men and secure the city. Leave Grievous to him...

Recommended: Store CP

| Scene 7 |
Duel: General Grievous

They taunt each other, and soon Grievous reveals that he was trained in
the art of Jedi combat by Count Dooku. Obi-Wan responds by revealing
that he trained the Jedi who KILLED Count Dooku! Oh, it's on!

Even though Grievous had four arms and four lightsabers in the movie,
he does not have them now, but he is still a somewhat tough boss. If
he holds his lightsabers to his sides far away from his body, he is
about to spin them at you. Defend with L. If he holds them behind him,
he's going to vertically drop them on you, which should be blocked with

When he jumps, jump also and then press L immediately upon landing to
block his attack. If he holds his sabers to his neck in an X, he is
about to swipe at you three times (normal L) and then at your legs (L
and Down). Fortunately, Grievous has no Force attacks. And, of course,
after each blocked attack, hit him as many times as you can to deal

As the battle progresses, he may use another attack - he swiped at you

once, then at your legs, then top, then legs, then top, then legs. To
block this, do a normal block/low block combo three times. When he has
very low health, he calls you a "sniveling Jedi."

Prepare for new attacks. If he turns to his side before striking,

block normal and then low. Continue fighting until flames burst from
his eye sockets and his chest. Now that's what I call heartburn (pun!)!
His body collapses, and Obi-Wan theorizes that the war will soon end.

Boss Completed! You learn a new Focus move now. Yoda's Teaching
requires 50 % of your Focus Bar to be full (one-half), and it is
activated either with the button combo L + R + B or by touching its
icon on the Touch Screen. With it, Obi-Wan spins around a few times in
a circle, reducing anything in his path to rubble.

| Scene 8 |

Meanwhile, Anakin has been converted from Jedi to Sith, and is now
known as Darth Vader. Having killed every living soul within the Jedi
Temple, he must reach the spaceport, careful to kill any Jedi trying to
attack him in Jedi Starfighters as he goes.

A difference between the DS and GBA version of the game is flying, and
this mission was added in. First, fly around the Jedi Temple to shoot
up any enemies you see. If you are low on health, or if you want a
different pickup, they are all found on the edges of the Jedi Temple's
roof. Once you've destroyed all Jedi Starfighters, Anakin makes his
way to the Spaceport.

Here, a few Separatist stragglers, as well as buildings and low

overhangs, will make life difficult. Fighting in such cramped quarters
is a risky venture, and I recommend simply avoiding enemies. Have
brakes on at all times to reduce your speed; it helps a lot. Avoid
solid objects and note that you have infinite lives. Eventually, you
will reach the end of this short flight sequence. At the end, Anakin
enters the Mustafar system where Separatists await their demise...
Meanwhile, Commander Cody receives a message from the chancellor, a.k.a.
Darth Sidious. The time has come. Commander Cody, along with all
other clone troopers, must now execute Order 66. The order? It
instructs all troops to attack Jedi at sight. Obi-Wan, who is
currently leading the battle against the Separatists on Utapau, is
under attack by his own men.

"Order 66: Seek and destroy all Jedis."

We must escape Utapau! Run forward and attack the clone troopers ahead.
They are much like Beta Droids; a few slashes and they're dead. Take a
CP (1) and then run right. Eventually, a trio of clone troopers is
stationed to attack you. Get up to them and kill each clone, and then
killing their replacements.

After more clones comes the leader of the regiment dressed in red.
Defeat him with a series of blows by lightsaber and grab a Bacta Tank
afterward. Now go right, slashing rocks for Force Shadows, until you
reach some more troopers to defeat.

Do so and go right under a waterfall to reach a pile of stones. Slash

them for a CP (2). Now go right to another group of clone troopers.
Kill these soldiers and go right a screen.

Go right to find a cannon and three clone troopers. Kill the organic
enemies to destroy the cannon. Then claim your Force Shadow and CP (3).
Afterward, go right to a stack of blocks you can slash for a Force

Now attack the clone troopers here (you could even Force Push the
boulder into the troopers). Go right to find three cannons and even
more clone troopers. Kill them all for CP (4) and CP (5), as well as
to stop the cannons from firing. Now go right to a new screen.

Hit the stone stack here for a Force Shadow and a CP (6). Then go
right to a large pile. Avoid falling boulders and hit the wall in
different spots for a CP (7) and a Bacta Tank. Defeat two troopers
before advancing to the right, where you should hit a stone spire for
an Extra Life. Then go right to fight off more troopers. Right after
them are some mines.

Jump them to go right into an ambush. Six troopers arrive. If there

was ever a time for Obi-Wan's Sense, this is it. Alternately, Force
Pull them all to you, defeat them, and then work up the rows. When
you've triumphed over them, collect a CP (8), go right, and enter a new

Hit the first stone pile for a CP (9). Hit the next one for a Bacta
Tank. Now go right to four assembled clone troopers. Defeat them for
a CP (10) and then go right to fight three troopers in total. After
them, go right to dual cannons and dual troopers. Use Knight's Slam or
Force Pull to draw them near you to defeat them, and then go right to a
new screen where the "boss" awaits.

It's another Geonosian Starfighter. That's rather odd, considering

this entire level was fighting off Republic forces. The only real
difference from this fight and the previous fight with it is that this
one shoots bullets as well as dropping bombs. So, uppercut slash it
when it flies overhead, spike it when it flies below, and be sure to
avoid gunfire and bombs.

When it starts smoking, it transforms into a spider of sorts. It drops

bombs, while the other didn't. Don't mind them, though. Get behind it
and do repeated vertical spikes until it explodes (step away from the
exploding machinery, by the way). After the fight, we cut into cinema.

Chased by his own men, Obi-Wan retreats into a cave. Will it be a safe
haven? Probably not, considering that the next level is named Utapau

Recommended: Force Push II

| Scene 9 |

Obi-Wan has stole away into some caves, but he still needs to reach
Coruscant to find out what's going on. But, his troops are on his tail.

"There's no such thing as luck."

Go forward and you'll find three troopers. Use Force Push to pelt them
with boulders and then defeat any who are still left. Afterwards, go
right past some mines to a scout droid. Quickly defeat it for a CP (1).
Then go right to fight a few clone troopers and some scout droids.
Defeat them all before heading right.

Here, run under the boulders to reach some mines where you'll be
ambushed. Blue troopers have different types of guns. Just as red
have powerful blasters, blue have long beams that hold you in place.
Perfect for the scout droids here. Once you've defeated them all, take
a CP (2) from a fallen enemy, and then go right to a new screen.

Coming at you are three indigenous animals. And you're standing below
another one in the background. Go forward to find some boulders
falling and some scout droids attacking you. Deflect their lasers back
at them for a quick beat and take a CP (3) from them.

Run under the boulders to find a platoon of clone troopers to be

defeated with replacements for each color. After beating four red and
two blue, collect the CP (4) that they dropped. Now go right to a new

Go right a bit to be assaulted by several clone troopers and scout

droids. Use Force Push to send the boulders their way and then finish
off those who remain. Take a CP (5) from the battle and go right. Run
under the boulders and stop before the mines. Three scout droids
appear to attack.

Deflect their lasers back at them and jump to the upper one for a CP
(6). Now jump the mines and go right to three boulders. Defeat the
clone troopers that assault you there for a quite profitable Extra Life,
Force Shadow, and a CP (7). Then go right to a brand new screen.

Kill the enemies ahead of you, a blue and red trooper, for a CP (8).
Now go right. Another blue trooper comes out for some beating. Defeat
it for a CP (9). Now let's head on over to jump some mines to the
right when the boulders aren't falling. Then go forward to a group of
those slimy creatures we saw earlier. Defeat them quickly with Force
Pull or lightsaber moves for a CP (10). Now go right to finish the

Recommended: Force Heal II

| Scene 10 |

Duel: Bodyguard

As Obi-Wan reaches the end of the caves, he sees some droids. They
were... devoured! One reboots, proving to be a Bodyguard of General
Grievous. Very odd, that. It then remembers to destroy you and

Since they are Bodyguards and they're easy to beat, there are two
different ones that alternate between each other for the battle. If
the droid holds it to their hip horizontally and then pokes you with it,
block low with L and Down.

When they arrive, block their strike with L. Use L also to block their
spinning attack, and use L to block their flipping attack. And, since
they are machines, they have no Force moves. You should use Force only
to heal yourself. They're really easier than Grievous (you just have
to press L after each initial strike and L and Down from time to time).

Boss Completed! Using up 75 % (three fourths) of the Focus Bar, your

new Focus move - Jedi's Devotion - is used with L + R + A + B or by
touching its lit icon on the Touch Screen. Use it to shock the ground,
sending shockwaves at all enemies.

| Scene 11 |

Obi-Wan has stolen an enemy fighter, apparently, and is now trying to

escape the planet. But, there are some Republic ships still trying to
kill you. We must now destroy all enemy ships.

Just fly around and look for enemies to destroy. The only enemies that
shoot back, most of the time, are the ones situated on what can only be
a Star Destroyer model in the middle of the arena. After defeating a
few, Obi-Wan takes off for Coruscant.

Obi-Wan lands in the Jedi Temple only to be attacked by more clone

troopers. And the bodies of young padawans are littered all over the
ground. After killing the troops, Yoda arrives to see Obi-Wan.

Yoda informs us that clones all over the galaxy have been killing Jedi.
And now a distress beacon at the Jedi Temple beckons Jedi to the temple
where clones are in wait to kill them. We must shut it down! Leave it
to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"A Jedi's strength flows from the Force."

Hit the statue you start by for a CP (1). Now go forward to a legion
of scout droids. Deflect their shots or just batter them with your
lightsaber. Now go right to find a red clone trooper. Defeat it for a
CP (2). Now go right to a hallway.

Hit the pillar for a CP (3) and some clone troopers attack. Orange
types shoot multi-bullets and yellow shoot bombs. Defeat them all for
a CP (4). Then go right a screen.

Hit the second pillar for a CP (5), and then go right to three orange
clone troopers. Take a Bacta Tank and a Force Shadow and go right to a
pillar that is not hit. Strike it for a CP (6). Defeat the next
troopers and scout droids for a CP (7) until you can go right. Defeat
two clone troopers to the right, the second for a CP (8), and go right
to a new screen.

Defeat the scout droids here for a CP (9). Afterward, continue right
to more clone troopers and a pillar. Hit the latter for an item -
Yoda's Protection - that gives you a three-second shield and a boost in
Focus. Now go right to defeat the clone troopers for a CP (10), and
then go right to find two more clone troopers. Then, after the red,
defeat two orange and two yellow. Afterward, go right to a new screen.

To the right is a purple clone trooper, no doubt the leader of this

invasion. He sends the troops away, but he is unaware that Obi-Wan
Kenobi is close behind. He shoots a blast into the air, which explodes
into bombs. And then two red clone troopers arrive.

After beating each, the purple clone trooper steps in to shoot some
bombs. You need to kill him. When he steps in, attack him. Use Force
Pull to hold him there if you need to. Obi-Wan's Sense would be ideal
to use when the purple trooper is out. When it is beaten, defeat any
lingering troopers, and Obi-Wan rushes into the main area of the

Yoda joins him, and Obi-Wan's fears are realized - no Jedi are left
alive. They realize that they died not from blasters but by lightsaber.
They realize that Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan's friend and apprentice,
slaughtered the Jedi...

Recommended: Store CP

| Scene 12 |

Yoda now instructs Master Kenobi to find Anakin. Obi-Wan wants to kill
the Emperor (the Republic has been renamed the First Galactic Empire by
the Supreme Chancellor, making him the Emperor), but Yoda thinks Obi-
Wan is too much of a weakling to do that, whereas Anakin is just his
speed. Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find Anakin you will.

"...pain. Terrible pain."

Break the bust to the right for a CP (1) and then terminate the
troopers here. Now go right to fight some more clone troopers.
Afterward, continue right to a hallway. Hit the pillar for a Force
Shadow and then defeat the troopers for a CP (2).
Then go right to more troopers. Defeat them, hit the bust for a CP (3),
and then go right to a pillar. Hit it for an Extra Life. Then
continue on right, plowing through clone troopers as you go. You'll
end up going right a screen.

Hit the statue for a Force Shadow. Now go right into battle. New
droid scouts are out, although they are essentially the same as the
originals, but you'll still have little trouble defeating. One drops a
CP (4) and a CP (5).

Now go right down the hall to another bust. Hit it for a CP (6). Now
continue right to beat down some clone troopers of the red and blue
nature. Afterward, continue right down a hallway to be assaulted by a
series of scout droids and some clone troopers. They drop a CP (7),
too. Now go right to a new screen.

Go forward and slice the bust in half for a CP (8). Now go forward to
six regular clone troopers, one red, and one yellow. Afterward, go
right to attack some scout droids. Either some fancy jumping and saber
moves or a bit of deflection will help you here. One drops a CP (9).
Now go forward after them, hit the last bust for the last CP (10) in
the Obi-Wan storyline, and go right.

You arrive in the room that Anakin killed Jedi Master Cin Drallig in.
Defeat four scout droids there and then four clone troopers, three
white and one yellow, pop in. Beat them and four red and one blue
arrive. If you can survive the onslaught, proceed right to a mission

Escaping the temple and reprogramming the message to warn Jedi to keep
away, Obi-Wan takes off to Anakin's home. There, he finds his secret
wife, Padme. He warns that Anakin is in danger... from himself. He
has turned to the Dark Side. Padme realizes that Obi-Wan is out to
kill him, and so she refuses to give him assistance in murdering her
husband. Obi-Wan also notes that Anakin is the father. He now leaves,
or does he?

Recommended: Force Pull II

| Scene 13 |

Duel: Anakin Skywalker

Anakin is on Mustafar, the magma planet. There, he killed the

Separatist backers like Viceroy Nute Gunray so that the Republic could
victor in the Clone War at the order of Chancellor Palpatine, now known
as the Emperor. But, when he exits, he finds Padme! Anakin reveals
his plan to her - to kill the Emperor, to take control of the Empire,
and to rule the galaxy with her by his side. The true way of a Sith...

Padme, a pro-democracy senator, refuses his request, and Anakin asks

why. He jumps to the conclusion that Obi-Wan, that traitorous Jedi, is
responsible. Obi-Wan arrives, and Anakin sees the truth. Padme
brought him here to kill him! In reality, Obi-Wan snuck onto her ship
and got a ride from her.

Anakin is livid, and he starts to use the Force to strangle his

pregnant wife. Obi-Wan forces him to let her go, and they taunt each
other. Then, Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is a Sith, and he must kill
his friend and pupil. And so begins the ultimate battle to decide the
fate of the galaxy!

"There is no death; there is the Force."

Your student can't outdo you! Anakin is probably the hardest boss in
Obi-Wan's side of the story, but he isn't that tough. When Anakin
squats, he is going to use a sweep attack. Block low with L and Down.
If he kneels, he is about to use a jump kick. Block normally three
times, and then block low to stop the spread of electricity (the last
part of that attack).

If he is about to swing his lightsaber like a bat, block with normal L.

If he tries to use Choke on you, absorb it with R. If Anakin tries to
kick you, block normally. And after each block, hit Anakin with your
lightsaber as much as you can before he starts to block.

Halfway through the fight (Anakin has half his health full), you two
jump off the side of the bridge and onto a metal platform hovering over
the magma. Don't worry; you can't fall off the edge and into it.
Anakin now utilizes a few new attacks, but they're all easy to block.

He now has a few multi-strike swing attacks just blocked with L. He

also uses a different style of hitting you with normal L (he does it
like an uppercut). If Anakin tries to stab the platform with his
lightsaber, block low to prevent the shockwaves from spreading to you.
Now keep fighting until Anakin has but a sliver of health life.

The platform reaches a bank in the lake of magma, and Obi-Wan jumps
onto it. Having the high ground, Obi-Wan declares himself the victor.
But, Anakin tries to jump to the bank to kill his master, and Obi-Wan
slashes again at his student to scar him along the waist.

His deformed body falls at the side of the lava, and Obi-Wan uses the
Force to take his lightsaber. Anakin was the Chosen One, and yet he
did not destroy the Sith, he did not bring balance to the Force.
Anakin is set on fire by the magma, and Obi-Wan leaves him there to die.

Obi-Wan returns to Padme's ship. He fears for Padme's life, as she was
recently strangled by Anakin in a fit of rage. Senator Bail Organa and
Yoda shall go now to Polis Massa. Obi-Wan shall go, too. There, Padme
has twins, but she dies shortly afterward, having lost the will to live
after learning of Anakin's new identity. One baby, Leia, is given to
Senator Organa.

The other, Luke, is given to Owen Lars, the step-brother of Anakin, and
his new wife. They will be raised in secret until one day when they
will realize their Jedi roots. Obi-Wan will go to Tatooine to look
after Luke. Yoda goes to Dagobah in exile. And Anakin was rescued by
the Emperor. Though nearly dead from the battle, he was mechanically
reconstructed to become the terror of the galaxy, Darth Vader. Some
day, a new hope shall rise... Episode IV...

CONGRATULATIONS! You beat Obi-Wan's side of the story. But, there's

still more to do. You can now play Obi-Wan's storyline in the Master
Difficulty Setting, getting only one life to do it. Or, you can spend
the 50 CP you earned for beating the storyline to customize Obi-Wan
further. Or you could even try the Dark Side out and play Anakin's
storyline to learn under what circumstances he became Darth Vader. And
don't count out replaying levels for perfect grades! Congrats again,
my friend.

===========================Special Missions*===========================

After watching the unbearably long credits you see after beating a game
as Anakin or Obi-Wan, you'll be taken back to the Main Menu. There,
"Special Missions" will become available. There, you can play through
Anakin or Obi-Wan's flying missions from their walkthroughs. Since
they are all covered in the guide and most of them take about three
sentences to sum up, anyways, I won't explain them in-depth here, but I
will tell you which scene they're from.

Anakin's Special Missions


Scene 5
Scene 8
Scene 11

Obi-Wan's Special Missions


Scene 5
Scene 8
Scene 11

Oddly, both Scene 8 special missions involve controlling the other

character; Anakin's Scene 8 uses Obi-Wan Kenobi and Obi-Wan's Scene 8
involves Anakin Skywalker. In any case, that's all you need to know
about the main game, except for a nifty list of moves, of course.
/ \
/ \
||----------------------------Section 3*-----------------------------||
\ /

============================Force Upgrades*============================

By earning points, Anakin and Obi-Wan are allowed to purchase moves and
upgrades revolving around the Force. I decided to compile a list of
these moves here.

Name of Move


Above is the setup. Pretty straightforward, right? Good. Below is
the list. Note that they all cost Force energy.

Anakin's Force Moves
Saber Throw (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: The first upgrade lets you throw your lightsaber forward
in a boomerang-like fashion. The second upgrade gives you minimal
controls over it and causes it to do more damage. The third upgrade
gives you full control and maximum damage is dealt. Use it with R and
Absorb (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: This lets you drain an enemy's HP into Fury for you. The
first upgrade drains 6 HP per second. The second upgrade absorbs 16 HP
per second, and the third absorbs 30 HP per second. To use it, press R
and Up.
Force Pull (I, II, III)

Cost: NA/30/60

Description: This lets you pull an enemy toward you with R and Over
(toward you). You start with it, but the second upgrade makes it do
damage to those you pull. The third makes it do lots of damage to
those you pull.
Force Push (I, II, III)

Cost: NA/30/60

Description: Just the opposite of Force Pull, use this to push an enemy
away from you with R and Over (opposite the way you're facing). Like
Force Pull, it can also be used to throw objects into enemies. The
upgrade makes it actually do damage, and the second upgrade does lots
of damage (you start with this move).
Rage (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: Press R and A to use this move. It strengthens Anakin,

making his attacks do double the damage for the next three hits. The
first upgrade does triple the damage for the next four hits, and the
second upgrade does triple the damage for the next five hits.
Choke (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: Anakin's trademark attack, Choke lets you throttle an

enemy with the Force. Press R and Down to use it. The first upgrade
chokes one enemy for three seconds causing 60 HP in damage. The second
upgrade does 64 HP damage to two enemies in two seconds. The third
affects three enemies for 1.5 seconds dealing 75 HP damage to each.
Obi-Wan's Force Moves
Force Speed (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: Obi-Wan's speed is increases for three seconds by 25 % if

you press R + A, a seldom used move. The upgrade increases his speed
by 50 % for three seconds, and the second upgrade by 50 % for five
Force Heal (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: Another great move in Obi-Wan's defensive arsenal, this

can be used to heal yourself. The first purchase heals 15 HP per
second. The second heals 30 HP per second, and the third 60 HP per
second. Quite useful when you can't get your hands on a Bacta Tank.
Activate it and hold it for as long as you can (it really sucks up your
Force energy) by pressing R and B.
Force Pull (I, II, III)

Cost: NA/30/60

Description: This lets you pull an enemy toward you with R and Over
(toward you). You start with it, but the second upgrade makes it do
damage to those you pull. The third makes it do lots of damage to
those you pull.
Force Push (I, II, III)

Cost: NA/30/60

Description: Just the opposite of Force Pull, use this to push an enemy
away from you with R and Over (opposite the way you're facing). The
first upgrade can knock two enemies to the floor, and the second
upgrade can knock three enemies to the floor. If the enemies are weak
enough, it might even destroy them.
Force Shield (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60

Description: Another defensive move, this shields Obi-Wan for three

seconds. The first purchase makes him immune to blasters. The second
makes him immune to blasters and stun projectiles (blue lasers, for
instance). The third makes him invincible for three seconds. Nice to
have, but pretty short. It is activated with R and Up.
Mind Trick (I, II, III)

Cost: 15/30/60
Description: The fabled Jedi Mind Trick, use the first purchase to stun
an enemy for two seconds. The first upgrade stuns three enemies for
two seconds, while the second upgrade stuns all enemies on the screen
for two seconds. Pretty good, really. Use it with R and Down.

And those are all the Force Moves and their upgrades. Anakin focuses
on attacks and hurting enemies, while Obi-Wan focuses on defending
himself and stunning enemies. Anakin's moves are probably more useful
for a combat-based games, but Obi-Wan has his moments.

===========================Fury/Focus Moves*===========================

Furthermore, each character gets a Fury (Anakin) or Focus (Obi-Wan)

move from beating bosses, save the last. And of course, you start out
with one, too. Here's a nifty list of each character's moves.
Although they have button combos assigned to them, it is much easier to
use the Touch Screen to activate them.

| Anakin's Fury |

Plo Koon's Round: A move apparently inspired by Plo Koon, a Jedi

Council member, this requires 25 % of your Fury Bar to be full. Anakin
swings his lightsaber in a complete circle once, knocking down or
destroying any enemies in his way. He learns it from beating Darth
Tyranus, the first boss.

Tyranus' Uppercut: Inspired by Darth Tyranus, this move takes 50 % of

the Fury Bar to use. Anakin swipes his lightsaber up in an arc,
defeating whatever happened to be in his way. He gets it after dueling
Mace Windu, the second boss.

Sidious' Hate: The negative energies of Darth Sidious, this move

requires 75 % of the Fury Bar to be full. Anakin sends a red energy
orb into the ground with the Force that spreads some shockwaves to
defeat enemies within a certain radius. He learns it after dueling Cin
Drallig, the third boss.

Vader's Wrath: When you have 100 % of your Fury Bar full, use this to
destroy all enemies on the screen with a bolt of electricity through
the ground and to their bodies. Anakin starts with this move.

| Obi-Wan's Focus |

Knight's Slam: This uses only 25 % of the Focus Bar. A move of the old
Jedi Knights, Obi-Wan slams his lightsaber with surprising force into
an enemy, most likely destroying it. Obi-Wan learns it after dueling
Darth Tyranus, the first boss.

Yoda's Teaching: Spending 50 % of your Focus Bar, this move was

apparently taught to Obi-Wan by Yoda. Obi-Wan swings his lightsaber in
a full circle several times, destroying whatever was in range. Obi-Wan
can make use of this move any time after defeating General Grievous,
the second boss, in a duel.

Jedi's Devotion: Setting you back 75 % of your Focus Bar, this attack
reflects the lifetime commitment Jedi make to protecting peace and
justice in the galaxy. Using it, Obi-Wan plunges his lightsaber into
the ground, causing electricity to shock and destroy any enemies in the
vicinity. He acquires it after dueling the Bodyguards, the third boss.

Obi-Wan's Sense: Taking up 100 % of your Focus Bar, it destroys all

enemies on the screen with a series of ultra-fast slashes. Very useful,
you start out with this life-saver.

Make use of these moves. Not only do they help you in battle, but your
Jedi Style Points are affected for the better by them.

===========================Multiplayer Mode*===========================

Reminiscent of Rouge Squadron, you can fly ships in full 3-D in a

multi-card (your friends need to have a game cartridge, too),
multiplayer battle for superiority. Very fun, this is a completely
optional experience, which is how it landed itself in my Section 3.
Using any of 17 ships and different skins for the ships, you try to
blast each other out of the sky. The ships will be covered in the
below section. Here, I'll cover maps and options.

| Options |

Time: You can set a length of time to the game to make the battle as
short or long as you like, ranging from five to twenty minutes.

Frag: If you've ever played Super Smash Bros., think of these as your
KO's. This sets the number of points you need to win a game. You gain
one point for defeating other players (making them blow up), but you
lose a point for committing suicide (flying into a building, etc.).
The first one to a set number of points, at most 20, at least 1, is the

Respawn: This is an important option. If you say "Yes," then you will
be able to start playing after your ship is destroyed. If you say
"No," those whose ships blow up stay out of the game for the remainder
of the game.

| Maps |

City 1: Set in Coruscant, a fog tries to blind you to the numerous

towers set up around here. Avoid buildings and hunt for enemies behind
towers. Flying low is quite possible here, especially with the fog.

City 2: If you aren't paying attention, you'll fly into a tower here.
Aside from a pallet change and tricky skyscraper placement, it's little
different from City 1. Avoid them and you'll be fine.
Space 1: A small asteroid belt with pickups scattered along it.
Asteroids don't move, but they can pop up out of nowhere if you're
preoccupied with shooting down an enemy. Don't fly into them and
you're good here.

Space 2: More interesting, an inactive Star Destroy adorns the center

of the stage. Space debris with pickups inside make for weird
obstacles, but don't go into the opening for a pickup and then crash
into the capsules.

Space 3: Also containing a down-sized Star Destroyer in it that serves

as an indestructible obstacle, this area is also home to several
asteroids. Remember: if it's solid, don't fly into it.

Space 4: A large starship and some asteroids, this is barely different

from Space 3. Avoid the starship and the asteroids, of course, so that
you can focus on your enemies.

Tatooine: A classic desert planet that Anakin was born on, this planet
has appeared in more Star Wars movies than any other planet. With a
few arches and lots of open space, it's the true death arena. Get
close to the ground and the bumpy terrain can cause you to crash. Also,
don't try to fly into the Jawa vehicle here, or what has to be the
Sarlaac's pit. I guess he's sleeping.

Hoth: The infamous ice world where the Rebels were massacred by the
Empire in the Battle of Hoth at the Echo Base at the beginning of
Episode V, Hoth makes it into tons of Star Wars games. The ruins of
fallen AT-AT's (All-Terrain Armored Transports) serve as odd obstacles,
but the turrets and other outcroppings can be ran into (none fire
weapons). Open space all the way, for the most part.

And there you have all the maps and options. See below for details on
each vehicle and how to unlock them.

=======================Ships & Unlocking Ships*========================

There are seventeen ships to choose from, but you can't pilot them all
from the start. Some are locked, and I'll explain how to unlock them
here. But first, each ship's stats. Speed is how fat it can move,
Hull is its defense, Laser is its blaster strength, Shield is its
shielding strength, and Torpedo is how strong the missiles their ship
can carry are, if the ship can carry any.

Jedi Starfighter II

Speed: *****-----
Hull: *****-----
Laser: ****------
Shield: ****------
Torpedo: ****------

Notes: Not bad, but it could be better. The ship of the Jedi is all-
around and good, but there are better choices out there.
Millennium Falcon (Locked)

Speed: *********-
Hull: *********-
Laser: ********--
Shield: **********
Torpedo: ********--

Notes: It has the best stats of enemy ship, but its size is a bit of a
debility. In reality, it should serve you the best, even if its turns
could use some work. In the original trilogy, this was the ship of Han
Solo, who won it from Lando Calrissian. It is a great ship in the
movies, and the best ship in this game.

Obi Jedi Starfighter II (Locked)


Speed: *****-----
Hull: *****-----
Laser: ******----
Shield: ****------
Torpedo: ****------

Notes: The ship Obi-Wan uses in his Special Missions, this is the
personal Jedi Starfighter of Obi-Wan. It is almost exactly the same as
the Jedi Starfighter II, but it has superior lasers. Good, but not a
great locked ship.

Slave I (Locked)

Speed: ******----
Hull: ********--
Laser: *******---
Shield: ----------
Torpedo: *******---

Notes: The ship of Jango Fett in Episode II, and later of his "son"
Boba Fett in the trilogy, this ship is oddly constructed on its side.
Having no shields, it needs a good Hull score. While it's not that bad,
it's weaker than you'd expect.

TIE Fighter Advanced (Locked)


Speed: ********--
Hull: ****------
Laser: *******---
Shield: ****------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: The modified TIE (Twin Ion Engine) Fighter that Darth Vader uses,
this has good control and okay stats. Not having torpedoes isn't a big
disadvantage, but its hull is very weak, forcing you to use your shield
distribution to the fullest.

TIE Fighter
Speed: ******----
Hull: **--------
Laser: ****------
Shield: ----------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: Standing for Twin Ion Engines, TIE Fighters are the basic ship
of the Galactic Empire. As such, they are very disposable. Having no
shields, torpedo, and hardly any hull, you'll have the time of your
life shooting these down in droves. If you want to be handicapped, use
this ship.

Droid Tri-Fighter

Speed: *******---
Hull: *---------
Laser: ******----
Shield: ----------
Torpedo: *---------

Notes: A CIS common ship, these are very bad. Hardly any hull and no
shield? Give me a break. These are worse than the TIE Fighter. If
you don't get hit ever, these are not that bad. But, get hit, and you
explode in a big way.

V Wing: Clone Fighter


Speed: ****------
Hull: ******----
Laser: *******---
Shield: ****------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: The V-Wing of the Rebels was probably adapted from this, a
Republic ship. Resembling a Jedi Starfighter, these aren't that bad if
you don't mind the speed and not having torpedoes. It's probably the
second-best you can get without unlocking anything.

X-Wing (Locked)

Speed: *******---
Hull: ********--
Laser: ********--
Shield: *******---
Torpedo: ******----

Notes: The most popular ship from Star Wars (one of them; maybe the
Millennium Falcon is more popular), this is the famous ship of the
Rebels. It is Luke Skywalker's ship of choice, and it is pretty darn
good. It's just about the only thing that can stand up to the
Millennium Falcon as far as stats are concerned. Not bad at all for a
mass-produced ship. No wonder the Rebels eventually overthrew the

Geonosian Starfighter

Speed: *****-----
Hull: ***-------
Laser: ******----
Shield: ----------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: The ship used by the Geonosians of Geonosis, it became a threat

to the Republic during the opening battle of the Clone War. Mediocre
at best, I don't recommend using this.

General Grievous' Ship (Locked)


Speed: *******---
Hull: *****-----
Laser: *****-----
Shield: *****-----
Torpedo: *********-

Notes: A very well-rounded ship that starts locked. A large supply of

torpedoes makes for average blaster strength. In reality, of course,
the command ship of General Grievous and the flagship of the CIS fleet
is much larger than this; the first four levels of either storyline
take place on it. This is not the flagship, as reader dsoverpsp points
out. It is actually the ship General Grievous uses to fly to Utapau,
the same ship which Obi-Wan steals to fly off the planet.

Utapau Starfighter

Speed: ****------
Hull: ***-------
Laser: ****------
Shield: *---------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: Utapau is an Outer Rim planet that doesn't see much action.
Commander Cody's forces must've been scarcely troubled by these, as
they are lousy in many ways. It's weak, slow, practically defenseless,
and perhaps the worst ship in the game. Maybe the TIE Fighter is worse,
but it is faster. In any case, don't use this ship.

Ani Fighter (Locked)


Speed: ****------
Hull: ****------
Laser: *******---
Shield: ***-------
Torpedo: ***-------

Notes: This is the modified Jedi Starfighter that Anakin used in "Star
Wars: Clone Wars," a micro-series on Cartoon Network. It isn't
anything special, but it's not as bad as some other ships.

Ani Jedi Starfighter II (Locked)

Speed: ******----
Hull: *****-----
Laser: *******---
Shield: ******----
Torpedo: *****-----

Notes: This is the Jedi Starfighter Anakin uses in his Special Missions.
It's pretty good, really. Anakin sure knows how to modify ships.

Arc 170: Clone Starfighter


Speed: ******----
Hull: *******---
Laser: ****------
Shield: ****------
Torpedo: ****------

Notes: A proto-X-Wing used by the Republic in Episode III (new for the
movie), this is a pretty good fighter. Though it doesn't control very
well, it is better than what you could be piloting. The best of the
starting ships, easily.

Vulture Droid

Speed: ******----
Hull: **--------
Laser: *******---
Shield: ----------
Torpedo: ***-------

Notes: This is a Trade Federation ship that was incorporated into the
Separatist army when the feds joined Count Dooku. Although lacking in
defenses, it's not completely terrible, just the majority. Offense is
the only reason why you'd want to use this ship.

Jedi Starfighter I

Speed: ***-------
Hull: ****------
Laser: ****------
Shield: **--------
Torpedo: ----------

Notes: The original Jedi Starfighter wasn't that good. Obi-Wan used it
in a battle with Jango Fett in Episode II, if you don't remember seeing
it in action. Slow, weak in both defense and offense, and all-around
bad, it's a real contender for worst ship in the game. Use the updated
Jedi Starfighter II instead. You'll feel the difference, trust me.

Now, you may've noticed that all of the good ships are locked. The
locked ships are the one's you can't pilot from the get-go. Here's a
list of who's not playable at the start of the game.

Millennium Falcon
Obi Jedi Starfighter II
Slave I
TIE Fighter Advanced
General Grievous' Ship
Ani Fighter
Ani Jedi Starfighter II

Yes, eight of the seventeen ships, just under half, are not playable at
first. Aside from two of them, the ships are all unlocked by beating
the bots controlling them in Skirmish Mode, a single-player ship battle
with computer opponents. Generally speaking, you must destroy the ship
before you can pilot the ship. The exceptions are Obi Jedi Starfighter
II and Ani Jedi Starfighter II.

| Unlocking Ships |

Obi Jedi Starfighter II: Unlock this by beating Obi-Wan's storyline on

any Difficulty Setting.

Ani Jedi Starfighter II: Unlock this by beating Anakin's storyline on

any Difficult Setting.

Aside from them, the other ships are unlocked in Skirmish Mode. You
pick the setting, the time, the frag count, the respawn, and your ship
just like in Multiplayer Mode (see above section), but you also get to
choose your enemies, who are piloted by bots. Here's who you must beat
to unlock a ship.

Millennium Falcon: Defeat the Han Solo bot.

Slave I: Defeat the Boba Fett bot.

TIE Fighter Advanced: Defeat the Darth Vader bot.

X-Wing: Defeat the Luke bot.

General Grievous' Ship: Defeat the General Grievous bot.

Ani Fighter: Defeat the Anakin bot.

Here's a strategy for doing this.

1) First, you want to unlock the simple ships. Start by fighting Boba
Fett in the Slave I. Use default settings and beat him one-on-one.
Then do this for the other easier bots - General Grievous and Anakin.

2) Now we can focus on the harder opponents. You're going to want the
X-Wing to unlock the Millennium Falcon; fight Luke in his X-Wing one-
on-one with all default settings. If you win, you'll unlock the X-Wing.

3) Use the X-Wing to engage the Millennium Falcon. It will be a tough

fight, but you should be able to beat him. Now that you have the
ultimate ship, you're ready to fight a real hardy opponent, Darth Vader
in the TIE Fighter Advanced. He's an exceptionally skilled pilot.
Good luck.

Enjoy owning your friends with the M. Falcon!


Here's where the Frequently Asked Questions (questions I'm sick of

answering in e-mail) get posted. Please read it before contacting me.
It will save both you and I some time.

Question: Who's better, Obi-Wan or Anakin?

Answer: Well, Obi-Wan defeated Anakin in a fight at the end of the game
(this is debatable), but it really depends on your style. If you are a
defensive fighter, Obi-Wan is for you. If you are an in-your-face
offensive powerhouse, Anakin is your best option. Anakin is probably
easier to learn with because you develop great lightsaber skills, but
Obi-Wan's missions seemed easier to me. Probably just because of his
weaker enemies...

Question: I really don't understand your storyline. Explain it, now!

Answer: Not a question, but I'll run with it. I'd really rather not.
I explain things to the best of my abilities there, and you really have
to see the movie to know what I mean. If you've seen the movie, know
who the characters are, and you actually remember them, then my
storyline section reveals character motivation and explains a few
reasons for doing things. Otherwise, you'll be lost. My friends like
to compare Star Wars to Greek mythology - lots of names, places, and
events. Also, the game doesn't really explain the events very well
(they never say that Padme is pregnant until the near end of Obi-Wan's
storyline, or other important things). Also, the game differs from the
movie in many points. First, Obi-Wan was shot down into a lake from
which he infiltrated the city to get his ship; he did not fight his way
into a cave. Second, Mace Windu and Anakin never "battled." Anakin
cut off Mace's arm to protect Palpatine, and then Sidious killed him.
There are others, too, but I'm not up to explaining them all. Lots of
movie lines were used, though, even if they weren't said at the right

Question: What's the difference between this and the GBA version?
Answer: The 2-D part of the game is ripped right from the Game Boy
Advance version. Everything you see in 3-D is brand new, and it's a
welcome addition. Also, the Touch Screen makes it easier to use Fury
and Focus moves. I think it's a great improvement, personally. And
the PS2 and Xbox versions are very different. They do have a fun
multiplayer fighting option, though.

Question: Why don't you have a guide for Padawan/Master Setting?

Answer: But I do! First, the only difference between Jedi and Master
is that Master provided you with only one life; Jedi has three. As for
Padawan, the levels are the same. There just aren't as many enemies.
So, the guide is good for every difficulty setting.

Question: How do I prevent from being choked/picked up?

Answer: Press B rapidly.

Question: How come people don't die instantly when you hit them with
the lightsaber like in the movies?
Answer: The game would be WAY too easy if the lightsabers worked like
they did in the movies.
Question: Can I use your guide on my site?
Answer: No, no, and NEVER! See my legal section for details.

Question: How can I contact you?

Answer: By e-mail and e-mail only. The address is at the top of the
guide. If you do e-mail me, know that I have a few restrictions on
that, too. First, do not send me chain letters, "tags," which are
essentially the same thing, spam, flame letters, or personal questions.
In fact, personal questions like "a/s/l" are the whole reason that I
don't take IM's anymore. Furthermore, I'd like you to put "Star Wars
Episode III" in the subject line of your e-mail so that I know what
game you need help with. Try to spell things as correctly as you can
so that I can understand the question and try to be specific with them.
Finally, make sure that your question is not answered in the guide
before you ask. I may refer you to a section if you ask a really
general question. Follow the guidelines and you can get the most help
out of me as possible.

Question: What games have you guides for?

Answer: I am a geek, not just in Star Wars, and I'll prove it. Here's
a list of all my thirty-three guides, in order of my writing them: The
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life,
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 1, Sonic Heroes, Mario Kart: Double Dash, The
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of
Time/Master Quest, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Smash
Bros. Melee, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Paper Mario: The
Thousand-Year Door, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64
DS, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle,
Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish
Cap, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda:
Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Mario Power
Tennis, Mario Party 6, Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Bros.,
Super Mario Land, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan), Super
Mario Bros. 2 (American), and my recent, unexpected guide for Star Wars
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Or, if you'd like to see an up-to-
date list of my guides, you can find them at this address:

Question: What guide's up next?

Answer: Well, I bet NOBODY expected me to write a guide for this game.
I will get back on track with a guide for Super Mario Bros. 3 and then
Super Mario All-Stars. After that, I'm off Mario for a bit; I'll
finish up the Zelda series. And then, who knows? Maybe more Star Wars
guides are in order. I should have at least one Kirby guide
considering that my contributor name is "Kirby"021591.

And that's it. Now time for the real reason you checked out this guide.
You heard me! It's time for the legal section. Oh yeah!
/ \
/ \
||----------------------------Section 4*-----------------------------||
\ /

====================Credits and Legal Information*=====================

I sarcastically pretend to like this section in all my walkthroughs,

but let's just get one thing straight, pal: I hate writing these
sections. Let's just extract this hunk of junk from an earlier guide.

Reading legal sections is about as fun as watching a slow-motion

foreign-language film about the making of boxes in black and white.
First, though, the credits. Yes, I know that everybody is dying to
know who helped me write this. Let's get started, shall we?

| Credits |

First, I'd like to thank myself for writing the guide, playing the
game, and for posting it. The man! The myth! The legend!

Second, a big round of applause for Nintendo and Ubisoft. They made
the fun flight part of the game and Nintendo licensed it, and this
guide wouldn't be around without them. Also, applause for George Lucas,
the most ingenious science-fiction writer to have ever lived, as well
as a great filmmaker. You rock, George!

Third, let's all thank GameFaqs, the great site that is the only place
where you can find my guides. Without them, you wouldn't be reading

Recently, some more people have helped me out. Here's a list of who
they are and what they did.

- dsoverpsp (so true), for telling me the origin of General Grievous'

Ship; it's the ship he flew to Utapau on.

That's it for now, but I'm sure that list will grow. Now for the legal
section. If you're really obsessed with my guides, you'll know which
one I copied the legal boilerplates out of.

| Legal Information |

First of all, I take no credit for the creation, distribution,

production, idealizing, or in any way making this game. That honor
goes to Nintendo, not me, and I do not deny this.

Second, this document is Copyright 2005 Brian McPhee.

Third, this may not be reproduced in part of in full under any

circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on
any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written
permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

To phrase that first item legally, all trademarks and copyrights

contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and
copyright holders.

To make it clear for those of you who might having problems absorbing
information, no one but the website GameFaqs may use my guides on their
sites, books, magazines, etc.

And that's a wrap, everybody. But, you know, let's not say good-bye.
Instead, let's use my ultra-cool good-bye saying. It'll rock your
socks, guaranteed or your money lost. Yes, it's time for the show-
stopping Houdini spectacular nominated for two and a half Oscars
somehow - it's my fantabulous catchphrase extraordinaire. That's right,
folks, THE phrase. Drum roll, please.

May the Force be with you.

Nah, just kidding. As cool as that'd be, I have a different


See ya later.

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