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In online version, Ctrl and left-click to jump to... EL Science Units:
EL Science Unit1 41
B1a: Human Biology EL Science Unit 2 42
B1b: Evolution and the Environment EL Science Unit 3 43
B1: Biology 1 EL Science Unit 4 44
C1a: Products from Rocks EL Science Unit 5 45
C1b: Earth and Atmosphere EL Science Unit 6 46
C1: Chemistry 1 EL Science Unit 7 47

P1a: Energy and Electricity EL Science Unit 8 48

EL Science Unit 9 49
P1b: Radiation and the Universe
EL Science Unit 10 50
P1: Physics 1
EL Science Unit 11 51
Practical Assessments
EL Science Unit 12 52
Miscellaneous Resources

MrScience 1|Page
Unit Lesson Human Biology (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1a 01a Our Nervous System and Reflexes Senses handout, reaction timing strips, senses We are learning about our senses because they
crossword (requires Crossword Forge) define how we understand our world!
Resources 01
Rulers, sellotape/glue-sticks, Bop-It 2 Extreme!
B1a 02 The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol We are learning about drugs and alcohol
because they affect the way our bodies work,
Resources 02 not always for the better!
B1a 02 & The Effects of Drugs on our Bodies “Drugs and You” handout, computers We are learning about the damage that legal and
04 illegal drugs can do to our bodies because you
Resources 02 Vodka (or better still ethanol), egg, glass jar need to know so you can choose
Resources 04 with lid, alcohol rubs, computers
B1a 03 Smoking and Tobacco Diamond ranking cards, False or True cards We are learning about the effects that cigarette
smoke can have on our bodies because you need
Resources 03 “Smoking Machine”, cigarettes (both low-tar to understand what damage you might be doing
and normal if available), bicarbonate of soda,
cotton wool balls
B1a 04 Legal and Illegal Drugs We are learning about drugs because of the
damage they can do to our bodies, minds and
Resources 04 lives
B1a 05 Hormones Worksheet B1a5a (Edit), hormone table and We are learning about how our body controls
hormone bingo cards itself using chemical messengers because these
Resources 05 control how we grow and develop
B1a 06 Homeostasis Worksheet B1a6c, Practical handout We are learning how our bodies react to
changes in our internal environment because it
Resources 06 Boiling tubes, liver pieces, potatoes, celery, helps us understand why we feel ill
yeast, newspaper, balloons, ice, cold water, hot
water, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, wooden
B1a 07 Menstruation Worksheets B1a7a, B1a7c, Pearson’s AQA We are learning about the jobs of hormones in
textbook page 22 menstruation and pregnancy because without
Resources 07 them, you wouldn’t be here...

MrScience 2|Page
Unit Lesson Human Biology (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1a 08 Food and Health Practical handout, food labels We are learning about the effects that diet has
on our health because you may need to make
Resources 08 Benedict’s solution, biuret reagent, iodine decisions for yourselves or your children
solution, Sudan III for fat (if available).
Samples of foods (e.g. Bread, egg white, sugar,
oil, potato, mushroom, cheese, water, slices of
ham, apples, milk), test tubes, test tube holders,

Frozen chips and frozen pizza, BLENDER!

B1a 09 Metabolism Worksheets B1a9a, B1a9c, photo handouts We are learning about the things that can affect
the speed at which our bodies use energy
Resources 09 because this has a DIRECT effect on our health!
B1a 10 Fat and Cholesterol Worksheets B1a10a, B1a10c, Skin Diagram We are learning about fat and cholesterol
(colour printout), Fat and Cholesterol summary because they get a bad rap but are actually quite
Resources 10 sheets (print P1 only) important!
B1a 11 Diet Problems (2 lessons) Computers, task handouts, copies of pages 30 We are learning about how diet can affect
and 31 from the Pearson’s AQA textbook health because good nutrition is something you
Resources 11 need to know about!
B1a 12 Micro-Organisms and Hygiene Worksheets B1a12a, B1a12c We are learning about how hygiene didn’t use
to be so important in hospitals because
Resources 12 nowadays it is vital for patient survival
B1a 12 & Pathogens and Defence Worksheets B1a12a, B1a13b We are learning about how hygiene didn’t use
13 to be so important in hospitals because
Resources 12 nowadays it is vital for patient survival
Resources 13
B1a 13 Pathogens and Defence Worksheets B1a13b, B1a13c We are learning about the little blighters that
make you sick because it helps you to
Resources 13 understand how your body defends itself
B1a 14 Hygiene Worksheet B1a14c, (Game of Survival) We are learning about how viruses and bacteria
hide so we can understand how to fight them!
Resources 14
B1a 15 Drug Development Worksheets B1a15a, B1a15c, Spot the We are learning about how new drugs are made
difference photo handouts because you need to be able to trust the
Resources 15 medicines you take
MrScience 3|Page
Unit Lesson Human Biology (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1 Misc Our Heart and Lungs Lesson 1 Worksheets with incomplete heart & lung We are learning about the parts of the heart and
diagrams, circulation cloze paragraph, and the lungs because we need to keep them healthy to
Resources parts of the heart & lung survive
B1 Misc Our Heart and Lungs Lesson 2 Dissection “Sightseeing” sheet We are learning about the heart and lungs
(Dissection) because then we can cut some up
Polythene sheets for desks, non-latex gloves,
Resources work trays, craft knives for dissections, goggles
and plastic aprons, bucket for waste, cleaning
cloths and disinfectant spray. Bucket, bleach
and mop to clean floor

Hearts and lungs – order from butcher for pick

up on morning of practical (not as smelly)
B1 Misc Rat Biology (Dissection) Rat Dissection Score Sheet, Rat Dissection We are cutting up a rat because then we can see
Practical Sheet what makes it tick and which of the kids it
Resources makes feel sick...!
Rats (dead, preferably), scalpels, dissecting
scissors, trays, gloves, antibacterial spray, soap,
bucket and bin bag for remains
B1 Misc Extracting DNA Microscope handout, practical sheet DNA is the building blocks of life. Let’s take a
look at some...
Resources Microscopes, slides, CHILLED rubbing
alcohol (or IPA), clean cups or glasses, salt, tap
water, cocktail sticks, glass stirring rods,
washing-up liquid, (strawberries or kiwi as a
backup in case oral DNA doesn’t work, pestle
and mortar for crushing the fruit)

MrScience 4|Page
Unit Lesson Evolution and Environment (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1b 01 Adaptation Worksheets B1b1a, B1b1c (LAL), B1b1d We are learning about how animals and plants
(HAL), photo sheets adapt to their environment because adaptation is
Resources 01 the key to survival
B1b 02 Adapting to Cold and Dry Conditions Worksheet B1B2c, moth outline sheets, photo We are learning about adaptation for certain
sheets conditions because this is how animals (and
Resources 02 people!) can survive in harsh environments
Coloured pens, scissors, prizes
B1b 02 & Competition and Adaptation Work sheets B1b2c, B1b3b (as quiz questions), We are learning about adaptation and
03 workbook pages 29 and 31 competition because life can change to survive
Resources 02 in almost any conditions!
Resources 03
B1b 03 Competition Worksheet B1b3b, B1b3c, B1b3d, cutaway We are learning about competition because it is
eye sheet one of the main driving forces behind evolution
Resources 03
Eyeballs(!!!!) scalpels, scissors, tiles, gloves,
trays, aprons, tennis racquet for beating
squeamish pupils (optional), microscopes and
fresh slides
B1b 04 Genes and DNA We are learning about DNA because it’s the
blueprint for our bodies
Resources 04
B1b 05 Sexual Reproduction We are learning about sexual reproduction
because plants and animals use it too!
Resources 05
B1b 04 & Genes and Sexual Reproduction Worksheets B1b4c, B1b5c, workbook page 34, We are learning about DNA and sexual
05 embryo comparison photo, sexual reproduction reproduction because this tells us about who we
Resources 04 diagram, DNA handout are
Resources 05
B1b 06 Asexual Reproduction We are learning about asexual reproduction
because it has different advantages, and is
Resources 06 cloning really!
B1b 05 & Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Worksheets B1b5c, B1b6b, workbook page 34 We are learning about sexual and asexual
06 reproduction because these are two ways that
Resources 05 nature has found to pass on DNA
Resources 06

MrScience 5|Page
Unit Lesson Evolution and Environment (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1b 07 Cloning We are learning about cloning because it has
promise for curing diseases, but many moral
Resources 07 objectors
B1b 08 Genetic Engineering We are learning about genetic engineering
because it has huge potential in many areas, but
Resources 08 several potential downsides...
B1b 07 & Cloning and Genetic Engineering Worksheets B1b7c, B1b8a, workbook pages We are learning about cloning and genetic
08 35-38 engineering because these are important for
Resources 07 food production and health
Resources 08
B1b 09 Early Life on Earth We are learning about ancient life on earth
because it helps us to understand why we are
Resources 09 the shape we are!
B1b 10 Evolution We are learning about evolution because it is
our best guess for how animals and plants
Resources 10 adapted to the changing world
B1b 09 & Early Life on Earth & Evolution Worksheets B1b9a, B1b9c, B1b10c, cloze We are learning about early life on earth and
10 paragraph evolution because these are important to know
Resources 09 who we are and how we came to be
Resources 10 Computer for plenary quiz
B1b 11 Darwin We are learning about Darwin because he was
the man who first said “Survival of the Fittest”,
Resources 11 innit cuz
B1b 12 Extinction We are learning about extinction because to
lose something forever is a terrible thing
Resources 12
B1b 11 & Darwin’s Theories & Extinction Worksheets B1b11a, B1b11b, B1b12c, cloze We are learning about Darwin’s theory of
12 paragraph, selection crossword (requires evolution because it shows us that new
Resources 11 Crossword Forge) scientific theories can be difficult to accept
Resources 12
B1b 13 The Human Effect We are learning about the human effect on our
world because we are ALL responsible for
Resources 13 home

MrScience 6|Page
Unit Lesson Evolution and Environment (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1b 14 Waste We are learning about waste because it is
chocking our planet
Resources 14
B1b 15 Global Warming We are learning about global warming because
if it is true we must do something before it’s too
Resources 15 late
B1b 16 The Problems of Deforestation We are learning about deforestation because
people are no good without lungs, and neither is
Resources 16 the planet!
B1b 17 Problems of Pollution We are learning about pollution, where it comes
from and how to reduce it because it’s us we are
Resources 17 making ill!
B1b 13, 14 The Human Effect, Waste and Worksheets B1b13a, B1b18a, Human Effect We are learning about the human effect on our
& 18 Sustainability flow chart world, dealing with waste and becoming
sustainable because every day we damage our
Resources 13 world a little more and we must understand is
Resources 14 so that we can fix it.
Resources 18
B1b 15, 16 Global Warming, Deforestation and Research handouts We are learning about the damage we are doing
& 17 Pollution to our planet because... well, if I have to explain
Computers why...
Resources 15
Resources 16
Resources 17
B1b 18 Sustainable Living Worksheets B1b17a, B1b18c, Extension: We are learning about sustainable living
B1b18d because there are ways we can live in balance
Resources 18 with the world around us

MrScience 7|Page
Unit Lesson The Natural World (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1.1 B1.1.1a Diet (Healthy Eating) Worksheets “Food Groups” and “Will it Blend?” We are learning about the effects that diet has
on our health because you may need to make
Resources 1.1.1a Benedict’s solution, burette reagent, iodine decisions for yourselves or your children
solution, Sudan III for fat (if available, otherwise
alcohol and paper can be used). Samples of foods
(e.g. Bread, potato, mushroom, cheese, water,
slices of ham, apples, milk), test tubes, test tube
holders, pipettes

Kettle, frozen chips and frozen pizza, BLENDER!

B1.1 B1.1.1b Metabolism and Exercise Worksheets B1a9a, B1a9c, photo handouts We are learning about the things that can affect
the speed at which our bodies use energy
Resources 1.1.1b because this has a DIRECT effect on our
B1.1 B1.1.2a Micro-Organisms and Hygiene Worksheets B1a12a, B1a12c We are learning about how hygiene didn’t use
to be so important in hospitals because
Resources 1.1.2a Prepared agar plates, cotton buds, kettle, beakers, nowadays it is vital for patient survival
incubation equipment
B1.1 B1.1.2b Pathogens and Defence Worksheets B1a13b, B1a13c We are learning about the little blighters that
make you sick because it helps you to
Resources 1.1.2b understand how your body defends itself
B1.1 B1.1.2c The Fight Against Disease Worksheet B1a14c, “The Lymphocyte Effect” We are learning about how viruses and
bacteria hide so we can understand how to
Resources 1.1.2c fight them!
B1.2 B1.2.1 Nervous System and Reflexes Senses handout, Reactions handout, reaction timing We are learning about our senses because they
strips, senses crossword (requires Crossword define how we understand our world!
Resources 1.2.1 Forge)

Rulers, masking tape/glue-sticks, Bop-It 2


MrScience 8|Page
Unit Lesson The Natural World (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1.2 B1.2.2a Our Internal Environment Worksheet B1a5a (Edit), hormone table handout, We are learning about how our body controls
practical handout itself using chemical messengers because these
Resources 1.2.2a control how we grow and develop
Liver pieces, hydrogen peroxide, ice cubes

Test tubes, beakers, gauzes, heat mats, burners,

kettle to pre-boil water, balloons, stirring rods to
use as pokers, goggles, stop watches
B1.2 B1.2.2b Menstruation and Fertility Worksheets B1a7a, worksheet B1a7c, Pearson’s We are learning about the jobs of hormones in
AQA textbook pp22-23 pregnancy because without them, you
Resources 1.2.2b wouldn’t be here...
B1.2 B1.2.3a Control in Plants Definitions handout, tropism crossword, colour We are learning how plants react to their
printouts of plant tropism examples environment so we can understand why plants
Resources 1.2.3a are also good survivors!
Broad bean sprouts (prepare beforehand), potting
medium, bottles, cardboard, paper, glue, tapes,

(Venus flytraps and insects (maggots?) to

demonstrate thigmotropism?)
B1.3 B1.3.1a The Misuse of Drugs False or True cards, Drugs and You HO, computers We are learning about the effects of alcohol
and nicotine because although they are legal,
Resources 1.3.1a they can still be dangerous
B1.3 B1.3.1b Drug Development Worksheets B1a15a, B1a15c, Spot the difference We are learning about how new drugs are
photo handouts made because you need to be able to trust the
Resources 1.3.1b medicines you take
B1.4 B1.4.1a Adaptation Worksheets B1b1a, B1b1c (LAL), B1b1d (HAL), We are learning about how animals and plants
photo sheets adapt to their environment because adaptation
Resources 1.4.1a is the key to survival

MrScience 9|Page
Unit Lesson The Natural World (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1.4 B1.4.1b Competition Worksheet B1b3b, B1b3c, B1b3d, cutaway eye We are learning about competition because it
sheet, competition word search (requires crossword is one of the main driving forces behind
Resources 1.4.1b forge), alternate task handout evolution

Eyeballs(!!!!) scalpels, scissors, tiles, gloves, trays,

aprons, tennis racquet for beating squeamish pupils
(optional), microscopes and fresh slides
B1.4 B1.4.1c Living in Cold and Dry Conditions Worksheet B1B2c, moth outline sheets, photo We are learning about adaptation for certain
sheets conditions because this is how animals (and
Resources 1.4.1c people!) can survive in harsh environments
Coloured pens, scissors, prizes
B1.4 B1.4.2a The Human Effect and Waste Worksheets B1b13a, B1b14a, Human Effect We are learning about the human effect on our
Flowchart world because every day we damage it a little
Resources B1.4.2a more and we must understand is so that we can
fix it
B1.4 B1.4.2b Air Pollution and Deforestation Research handouts We are learning about the damage we are
doing to our planet because... well, if I have to
Resources B1.4.2b Computers explain why...
B1.4 B1.4.2c Global Warming and Sustainability Worksheets B1b17a, B1b18c, Extension: B1b18d We are learning about global warming and
sustainable living to try to find a balance with
Resources B1.4.2c the world around us
B1.5 B1.5.1 Energy in Biomass Mask templates on card, Bush Tucker Pyramids We are learning about where the energy for
worksheet, glue sticks, coloured pens and pencils life comes from to helps us understand why
Resources B1.5.1 for the masks, camera balance is needed in our environment
B1.6 B1.6.1 Decay Processes Computer and projector to show time lapse video We are learning about decay processes because
of decaying animal without them most materials would be lost
Resources B1.6.1 forever when organisms die
Fresh potatoes, knives to cut them, lots of plastic
cups, materials for insulation, beakers to hold
water, yeast, cling film to seal the cups, salt, kettle
to boil water, oven and pan to cook potatoes (or
burner and beakers), incubator to keep potatoes
warm, Post-It notes

MrScience 10 | P a g e
Unit Lesson The Natural World (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1.6 B1.6.2 The Carbon Cycle Carbon cycle cloze paragraph, computers, A3 We are learning about how carbon is cycled
paper (coloured if available), coloured pens through our environment because it's another
Resources B1.6.2 reason why we need balance in our world
Piece of charcoal or smokeless fuel in a sealed
B1.7 B1.7.1a Why Organisms are Different Worksheets B1b4c, DNA Extraction HO, DNA We are learning about DNA because it’s the
Diagram, Photo Sheets blueprint for our bodies
Resources B1.7.1
Filter funnels, filter paper, paper clips for wire
hooks, 100ml and 250ml beakers, large bowl or
pan for hot water, pestle and mortars, goggles,
scales, measuring cylinders, stirring rods, washing
up liquid, salt, vodka, kiwi fruit or strawberries, hot
and cold water, onion, microscope, slides
B1.7 B1.7.2a Sexual Reproduction Worksheets B1b5c, workbook page 34, embryo We are learning about sexual reproduction
comparison photo, sexual reproduction diagram because it explains why we are all different
Resources B1.7.2a (PDF), squared paper and calculators
B1.7 B1.7.2b Asexual Reproduction Worksheet B1b6b, practical questions handout We are learning about asexual reproduction
because it is natures other answer to the
Resources B1.7.2b Small pots or cut off water bottles (for visible root problem of passing on our genes
growth), compost, rooting hormone, spider plants
for direct growth or a mature geranium or basil for "C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Teaching
cuttings, thin Styrofoam or other buoyant material Resources\Science Resources\AQA Practice
(e.g. balsa wood) to mount the cuttings in water, Papers\Science from 2012\AQA-BL1FP-QP-
scissors and boiling water to sterilise JUN12.PDF"

(other plants that can be used for cuttings: coleus

(Coleus spp.), Swedish ivy (plectranthus australis),
or wandering Jew (tradescantia zebrine))
B1.7 B1.7.2c Cloning Worksheet B1b7c, CGP workbook pages 35-38, We are learning about cloning because it is
question 4c from the AQA Jun 2012 BLY1F exam important for food production
Resources B1.7.2c paper, clip on cloning from Jurassic Park

MrScience 11 | P a g e
Unit Lesson The Natural World (top) Resources Pupil Speak
B1.7 B1.7.2d Genetic Modification Worksheets B1b8a, Pros and Cons sheet, CGP We are learning about genetic engineering
workbook pages 35-38 because it’s currently a hot topic in food
Resources B1.7.2d production and health
B1.8 B1.8.1a Early Life on Earth Worksheets B1b9a, B1b9c, cloze paragraph print We are learning about early life on earth
out, video questions sheet, work book page 40 because this can help explain why many
Resources B1.8.1a animals are the way they are
Video: Life on Earth episode 2 – Building Bodies
B1.8 B1.8.1b Evolution Worksheets B1b10c, cloze paragraph We are learning about evolution because it
shows that adapting to our environment is the
Resources B1.8.1b Computers for the “Darwin – Who wants to live a key to survival
million years?” game

Computer and projector for plenary quiz

B1.8 B1.8.1c Darwin’s Theories Worksheets B1b11a, B1b11b, cloze paragraph We are learning about Darwin’s theory of
evolution because it shows us that new
Resources B1.8.1c scientific theories can be difficult to accept.
B1.8 B1.8.1d Extinction Worksheets B1b12a, B1b12c, Conservation We are learning about extinction because the
Phrases loss of one species can change an entire habitat
Resources B1.8.1d

B1 B1R01 B1 Revision 01 - Control in Plants and Plant hormone definitions handout, human We are looking at human and plant hormones
Human Hormones hormone cards (colour print out) to see how we both use hormones to control
our internal chemistry!

MrScience 12 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Products from Rocks (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1a 00 Unit Introduction Lesson Cut out word sheet, photo sheet We are learning about the areas of chemistry we
will be exploring because it helps us to see
Resources 00 where we’re going!
C1a 01 Digging up rocks Worksheets C1a1a, C1a1b, Pearson’s AQA We are learning about using the materials under
textbook page 88 our feet because we get so many important
Resources 01 materials from the ground
Rock samples, table salt and ice cubes
C1a 02 Using limestone for building Worksheet C1a2e, page 90 from student book We are learning about limestone because as a
material it has played an important role in our
Resources 02
Goggles, burners, limestone chips, tongs, lives for thousands of years
heatproof mats, beakers, measuring cylinders,
straws, dilute acid, test tubes
C1a 02a Using Limestone and Concrete Lesson 1: Goggles! Sharp sand, cement, plastic We are learning about limestone because as a
& Experiment (2 lessons) mixing containers, spoons for measuring and material it has played an important role in our
02b mixing, moulds to hold concrete mixture, lives for thousands of years
Resources 02 temperature probe, condom and Vaseline (not
as dodgy as it sounds!)

Lesson 2: C-clamps, carrier bags, bottles of

water to act as masses, goggles

Samples of granite and limestone for acid rain

demo, HCl, goggles, beakers, stopwatch
C1a 03 Atoms and Elements Worksheets C1a3b, C1a3bF and C1a3d, We are learning about atoms and elements
wordbuster and cloze paragraph because these are the things that make up our
Resources 03 ENTIRE WORLD!!!
C1a 04 Periodic Table Periodic tables, blank cube nets, (and card sort) We are learning about the periodic table
because it shows how different elements share
Resources 04 scissors, coloured pens, pencils things in common
C1a 05 Chemical Compounds We are learning about the formation of
chemical compounds because the world would
Resources 05 be pretty boring if there were only 109 things in

MrScience 13 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Products from Rocks (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1a 05 & Compounds and Equations Worksheets C1a5a (LAL) C1a5b (HAL), We are learning about compounds and
06 C1a6a, C1a6e, practical handout equations because these describe how living
Resources 05 things work!
Resources 06 Table salt, sodium metal, sodium bicarbonate,
copper oxide (or other metal oxide),
magnesium metal powder, sulphuric acid,
hydrochloric acid, test tubes, test tube holder,
spatulas, splints, beakers, sticky labels
C1a 06 Writing Equations Worksheets C1a6a, C1a6e, practical sheet We are learning about chemical equations
because they can show us that NOTHING is
Resources 06 Burner, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, lost during a reaction
(other metal carbonates), spatulas, test tubes,
test tube holders, test tube racks, splints,

C1a 07 Mining Metals Worksheet C1a7a, photo sheets and flow chart We are learning about metals and ores because
statements they are very important to our way of life
Resources 07
Water trough or large heat-proof bowl, lithium
metal, gold (ring or students jewellery?),
C1a 08 Extracting Metals from Ores Worksheet C1a8c, page 64 from the workbook, We are learning about metal extraction because
reactivity series handout, practical sheet it is necessary to make ores useful
Resources 08
Tin-foil, stiff tin (pie dish type) or thicker for
reaction vessel, aluminium, calcium and
magnesium powder, aluminium sulphate
powder, calcium carbonate powder, magnesium
nitrate powder, spatulas, burners, GOGGLES
C1a 09 Turning Iron Into Steel Worksheets C1a9b, C1a9c and work book We are learning about making changing iron to
page 69 steel because iron is actually fairly useless on its
Resources 09 own!

MrScience 14 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Products from Rocks (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1a 10 Alloys We are learning about alloys because this is a
clever way of making useless metals into
Resources 10 wicked wheels
C1a 11 Transition Metals Worksheet C1a11a, transition metal quiz We are learning about the transition metals
handout, properties of metals handout because some have strange properties that make
Resources 11 them VERY useful...
Retort stands, test tubes, test tube holders,
(mineral wool (can we get away with steel
wool?)), spatulas, beakers of water, burners,
tweezers, glass rod, copper carbonate/copper
oxide, carbon powder
C1a 10 & Alloys and Transition Metals We are learning about transition metals and
11 alloys because they are very important for
Resources 10 today’s technology.
Resources 11
C1a 12 Mixtures Worksheet C1a12a We are learning how to separate mixtures
because very few experiments make pure
Resources 12 Experiment: Funnels, beakers, filter papers (or products!
coffee filters!), sand and sea salt mixture,
evaporating basins (or similar), burners, heat
mats, tongs
Demo: Vodka, distillation equipment, burner,
collection flask
(Whoosh bottle: Water cooler bottle, small
amount of fuel, ignition)
C1a 13 Crude Oil Worksheet C1a13c, videos (Industrial We are learning about the fractional distillation
Fractional Distillation (from 03:57), Oil of crude oil because without it planes, trains and
Resources 13 Refining Animation Uses of Crude Oil automobiles would cease to run!
Fractions), hand outs
C1a 14a Alkanes (1 of 2) Worksheets C1a14a(edit), C1a14b(edit), We are learning about alkanes because they
C1a14c make up most of crude oil which is vital for our
Resources 14 current lifestyle and technology
Samples of various hydrocarbons (e.g. wax, tar,
vehicle oil, petrol and butane), molymod, and
workbook page 73
MrScience 15 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Products from Rocks (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1a 14b Alkanes (2 of 2) Samples of various hydrocarbons (e.g. wax, tar, We are learning about alkanes because they
vehicle oil, petrol, butane), molymod make up most of crude oil which is vital for our
Resources 14 current lifestyle and technology
C1a 15 Hydrocarbon Fuels We are learning about hydrocarbon fuels
because they are running out (and are fairly
Resources 15 dirty to be honest!)
C1a 16 Alternative Fuels Worksheet C1a16c, practical handout, We are learning about alternative fuels because
pinwheel handouts, pins, art straws we will probably run out of oil and gas in
Resources 16 YOUR LIFETIME!
Several different light sources (e.g. torches,
candles, sunlight, desk lamp, roof lights), solar
panels and multimeters, straws, pins, pinwheel
templates, empty drinks cans, string or thread

C1 Misc Make a Density Column Practical handout We are learning about density because it
explains the ocean currents
Resources Bottles (labelled A-F) with the following
liquids inside: golden syrup, thick honey, water
(blue food colouring), rubbing alcohol with red
food colouring (70% ipa min), baby or mineral
oil, vegetable oil.

Boiling tubes, samples of cork, metal, red and

blue food colouring, beads and other small
objects to drop in, retort stands, funnels

MrScience 16 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Earth and Atmosphere (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1b 01 Cracking Hydrocarbons We are learning about cracking because useless
hydrocarbons can be broken down into smaller
Resources 01 useful ones!
C1b 00 & C1a Recap and Cracking Hydrocarbons Worksheets C1b1b, C1b1c, C1b1d, student We are learning about the cracking of
01 book page 81 hydrocarbons because some fractions of crude
Resources 00 oil are fairly useless as they are!
Resources 01 Cracking demonstration requires water bath,
clamp stand, burner, boiling tube, bung and
delivery tube, porous pot, ceramic wool and

(Another version of the demo involves motor

oil and a condenser using an iron based catalyst
[coins or nails?!?])
C1b 02 Making Polymers We are learning about polymers because they
play a vital role in our daily lives!
Resources 02
C1b 03 The Properties of Polymers C1b3d Properties of Polymers We are learning about the conditions used to
make polymers as these have a huge effect on
Resources 03 the final properties
C1b 02 & Polymers C1b3c crossword and workbook (p83,84), We are learning about polymerisation because
03 practical handout we use polymers and plastics every day!
Resources 02
Resources 03 Props: Carrier bags, cling film, clear plastic
salt/pepper grinder, crisp packet, non-stick pan

Slime practical: Borax, PVA glue, glass jars,

Ziploc bags for storage, food colourings,
disposable plastic cups, tablespoons
C1b 04 Uses for Polymers C1b4c Gore-Tex We are learning about the different uses for
polymers because they are changing all the time
Resources 04
C1b 05 Disposing of Polymers C1b5d Chemistry of Plastics We are learning about disposing of polymers
because there make up about 80% of our waste
Resources 05 today!
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Unit Lesson Earth and Atmosphere (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1b 04 & Using and Disposing of Polymers Worksheets C1b4b, C1b5a, C1b5c We are learning about the disposal of polymers
05 because they contribute to the large volume of
Resources 04 Empty crisp packets as props for shape waste we throw away everyday
Resources 05 memory and for the waste disposal component,
pipettes, beaker of water, test tubes, nappies
(for hydrogel)
C1b 06 Making Ethanol We are learning about the methods for making
ethanol because it is such a useful (and tasty!)
Resources 06 chemical
C1b 07 Vegetable Oil Fuels! We are learning about making alternative fuels
from vegetable because for all the advantages,
Resources 07 there are some serious problems
C1b 06 & Ethanol & Vegetable Oil Worksheets C1b6b (provides words for cloze We are learning about ethanol and vegetable
07 paragraphs) and C1b7b, ethanol cloze oils as fuels because supplies of crude oil have a
Resources 06 paragraphs and “What Can I Get For You Sir?” limited life-span!
Resources 07 handout
C1b 08 Emulsions Worksheets C1b9c (LAL), C1b9d (HAL), We are learning about emulsions because many
practical handout naturally occurring and industrial processes
Resources 08 depend on this happening
Vegetable oils, vinegar, eggs, soy lecithin,
milk, glass jars with lids, (microscopes, food
colouring and slides)
C1b 09 Hardening Vegetable Oils We are learning about hydrogenating vegetable
oils because although it makes them more
Resources 09 useful, it makes them less healthy...
C1b 10 The Vegetable Oil Diet We are learning about vegetable oils in our diet
because we need to know we are eating
Resources 10 healthily!
C1b 09 & Hydrogenating Vegetable Oil & Diet Worksheets C1b9a, C1b9b, FalseOrTrue We are learning about fats because they play an
10 cards, Fat Molecule handouts, Missing Bonds important part in our diet and health
Resources 09 handouts
Resources 10
C1b 11 Food Additives We are learning about food additives because
whilst they get a bad press, some are actually
Resources 11 okay!
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C1b 12 Analysing Food We are learning about food analysis because
this is how scientists make sure our food is safe
Resources 12
C1b 11 Food Additives & Analysis Worksheets C1b11a, C1b12a, Food Additives We are learning about food additives because
&12 handout they can have important health implications
Resources 11
Resources 12 Big bags of M&M’s, filter paper, sellotape,
scissors, pencils as supports, rulers, beakers,
measuring cylinders, apple, knife, ascorbic acid
solution (1% w/w) or lemon juice in a bottle
labelled ascorbic acid, food colourings
C1b 13 The Continental Jigsaw We are learning about how our earth is
constructed so we can understand earthquakes
Resources 13 and tsunamis!
C1b 14 Continental Drift We are learning about continental drift because
it explains the shape of our world today!
Resources 14
C1b 13&14 Tectonic Plates & Continental Drift Worksheet C1b14a, Tectonics handout, Layers We are learning about tectonic plates and
handout, Continental Jigsaw handout continental drift because these forces have
Resources 13 determined the shape of our world
Resources 14 Balloons, instant jelly sachets (strawberry or
raspberry ‘cos they’re red!), sellotape, biscuits,
syrup, beakers, burner, potassium
permanganate crystals, tweezers

Sugar cubes, peanut butter, Ziploc bags and

card for bases, corn starch, granola cereal,
marbles and trays for doing the earthquake
C1b 15 The Early Atmosphere We are learning about how the air we breathe
has changed because it shows how important
Resources 15 plants are...
C1b 16 The Noble Gasses We are learning about the noble gasses because
although they are very unreactive, they’re still
Resources 16 very useful!
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Unit Lesson Earth and Atmosphere (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1b 15 & The Atmosphere & The Early Atmosphere Worksheets C1b15d, C1b17a, C1b17d We are learning about the atmosphere today and
17 how it has changed because it may tell us what
Resources 15 we can expect in the future
Resources 17
C1b 16 & Noble Gasses & The CO2 Cycle Worksheets C1b16c, C1b18b, C1b18e We are learning about the atmosphere because
18 industry and our current lifestyle may be having
Resources 16 a negative effect
Resources 18
C1b 17 Our Atmosphere Today We are learning about our atmosphere because
it’s changing and we need to know why...
Resources 17
C1b 18 The CO2 Cycle We are learning about the movement of carbon
in our atmosphere so we can see what affect our
Resources 18 activities are having on our world!
Misc pH Rainbow 1M acid solution, 1M alkali solution, universal We are learning about how densities affect
indicator solution, test tubes, test tube racks, which things will float on others because it
pipettes, goggles, indicator paper controls such things as our atmosphere and the
make-up of the ocean!

Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak

MrScience 20 | P a g e
Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.0 C1.0 Introduction to Chemistry Print outs of photos and different materials for We are learning about the areas of chemistry
the grouping task we will be exploring because it helps us to see
Resources 00 where we’re going!
C1.1 C1.1.1a Atoms, Elements and Molecules Starter Cloze (LAL Support), worksheets We are learning about atoms and elements
C1a3b, C1a3bF, wordbuster and cloze because these are the things that make up our
Resources C1.1.1a paragraph ENTIRE WORLD!!!

Coat hangers, aluminium wire, polystyrene

balls, string, cocktail sticks, coloured paints
C1.1 C1.1.1b Electronic Structure Electronic structure worksheet We are learning about where electrons live
because this affects how atoms react
Resources C1.1.1a Coat hangers, aluminium wire, polystyrene
balls, string, cocktail sticks, coloured paints
C1.1 C1.1.2 Periodic Table Periodic tables, blank cube nets, (and card sort) We are learning about the periodic table
because it shows how different elements share
Resources C1.1.2 scissors, coloured pens, pencils things in common

Periodic Table Blank

C1.1 C1.1.3a Chemical Reactions Cloze paragraph We are learning about chemical reactions
because it's the basis for all life on Earth!
Resources C1.1.3a
C1.1 C1.1.3b Compounds and Mixtures Starter word search, carousel sheets A-F, FoT We are learning about chemical equations
handouts and mark scheme because they can show us that NOTHING is
Resources C1.1.3b lost during a reaction
Molymod models set up for lesson as required,
glass beakers, trays for “molecules”

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Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.1 C1.1.3c Chemical Equations Worksheets C1a6a, C1a6e, practical sheet We are learning about chemical equations
because they can show us that NOTHING is
Resources C1.1.3c Magnesium powder, copper oxide, sodium lost during a reaction
bicarbonate, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid
in bottles/jars labelled A-C for the solids and 1-
2 for the liquids

Spatulas, test tubes, test tube holders, test tube

racks, pipettes, splints, goggles, molymod kits
C1.1 C1.1.3d Uses for Limestone Worksheets C1a1d and page 90 from the We are learning about limestone because as a
student book, Making Limewater sheet. material it has played an important role in our
Resources C1.1.3d lives for thousands of years
Goggles! Burners and stands, limestone/marble
chips, tripods, clay pipe triangles, crucibles,
pestle and mortars, heatproof mats, beakers,
funnel and filter paper, boiling tube, test tube
stand, straws, dilute acid and a test tube,
universal indicator solution
C1.1 C1.1.3e Digging up rocks Worksheets C1a1a, C1a1b, Pearson’s AQA We are learning about using the materials under
textbook page 88 our feet because we get so many important
Resources C1.1.3e materials from the ground
Rock samples, table salt and ice cubes

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Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.2 C1.2.1a Using Limestone and Concrete Student book page 90 We are learning about limestone because as a
Experiment (2 lessons) material it has played an important role in our
Lesson 1: Goggles! Sharp sand, cement, lives for thousands of years
Resources C1.2.1a gravel, plastic mixing containers, spoons for
measuring and mixing, moulds to hold
concrete mixture, temperature probe, condom
and Vaseline (not as dodgy as it sounds!)

Lesson 2: C-clamps, carrier bags, bottles of

water to act as masses, goggles

Samples of granite and limestone for acid rain

demo, HCl, goggles, beakers, stopwatch
C1.2 C1.2.1b The Limestone Cycle Page 90 from the student book, (practical We are learning about how limestone can be
(Alternative to lesson 1.1.3d) sheet), Limestone Cycle resource changed because it is a very versatile starting
Resources C1.2.1b Goggles! Burners and stands, limestone/marble
chips, tripods, clay pipe triangles, crucibles,
pestle and mortars, heatproof mats, beakers,
funnel and filter paper, boiling tube, test tube
stand, straws, hammer and cloth, dilute acid
and a test tube, universal indicator solution
C1.3 C1.3.1a Mining for Metals Worksheet C1a7a, photo sheets and flow chart We are learning about metals and ores because
statements they are very important to our way of life
Resources C1.3.1a
Water trough or large heat-proof bowl, lithium
metal, gold (ring or students jewellery?),

MrScience 23 | P a g e
Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.3 C1.3.1b Extracting Metals from Ores Worksheet C1a08c edit, page 102 from the We are learning about metal extraction because
text book, reactivity series handout, practical it is necessary to make ores useful
Resources C1.3.1b sheet

Tin-foil, stiff tin (pie lid type) or thicker for

reaction vessel, aluminium, calcium and
magnesium powder, aluminium sulphate
powder, calcium carbonate powder,
magnesium nitrate powder, spatulas, burners,
C1.3 C1.3.2 Turning Iron Into Steel - Alloys Worksheets C1a9b, C1a9c and Student Book We are learning about making changing iron to
pp104-105 steel because iron is actually fairly useless on
Resources C1.3.2 its own!
Alloy demonstrator (MDF boards and marbles
to lock them)
C1.3 C1.3.3 Transition Metals Worksheet C1a11a, transition metal quiz We are learning about alloys because this is a
handout, properties of metals handout clever way of making metals more useful e.g.
Resources C1.3.3 turning ugly metal into beasty rims
Retort stands, test tubes, test tube holders,
(mineral wool (can we get away with steel
wool?)), spatulas, beakers of water, burners,
tweezers, glass rod, copper carbonate/copper
oxide, carbon powder
C1.3 C1.3.1c Extracting Metals without Carbon Access to the internet We are learning about extracting metals when a
reaction with carbon won’t work because
Beakers, graphite rods, power supplies (6v DC without it we’d have no aluminium, zinc,
required), copper sulphate solution (below lithium, potassium...
1M), goggles, scrap metal items and croc clip
leads to demonstrate electroplating

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Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.4 C1.4.1a Separating Mixtures Worksheet C1a12a

Experiment: Funnels, beakers, filter papers (or

coffee filters!), sand and sea salt mixture,
evaporating basins (or similar), burners, heat
mats, tongs
C1.4 C1.4.1b Crude Oil Worksheet C1a13c, videos (Industrial We are learning about the fractional distillation
Fractional Distillation, Oil Refining Animation of crude oil because without it planes, trains
Resources C1.4.1b Uses of Crude Oil Fractions), handouts and automobiles would cease to run!
C1.4 C1.4.1c Making Crude Oil Access to computers for research task, main We are learning about the origins of crude oil
task handout, crude oil word search for plenary because you need to understand why it will run
Resources C1.4.1c out
C1.4 C1.4.2 Separating Crude Oil Vodka and crude oil substitute, table hand outs We are learning about separating crude oil
because as it comes it’s pretty useless!
Resources C1.4.2 Distillation equipment, burners, heat mats,
beakers, test tubes, test tube holders, goggles
C1.4 C1.4.3a Marshmallow Structures Crossword/word search as plenary We are learning about building structures based
on rules because it’s fun!
Two colours of marshmallows, lengths of
C1.4 C1.4.3b Structure of Hydrocarbons (1 of 2) Worksheets C1a14a(edit), C1a14b(edit), We are learning about alkanes because they
C1a14c make up most of crude oil which is vital for our
Resources 14 current lifestyle and technology
Samples of various hydrocarbons (e.g. wax,
tar, vehicle oil, petrol and butane), molymod,
and workbook page 73
C1.4 C1.4.3c Structure of Hydrocarbons (2 of 2) Samples of various hydrocarbons (e.g. wax, We are learning about alkanes because they
tar, vehicle oil, petrol, butane), molymod make up most of crude oil which is vital for our
current lifestyle and technology

MrScience 25 | P a g e
Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.4 C1.4.3d Hydrocarbon Fuels Computers for research, A3 sheets (coloured We are learning about hydrocarbon fuels
paper if available), access to colour printer, because they drive most industries and vehicles
colour print-out of model poster (and are fairly dirty to be honest!)

Candle, open metal gauze, flame tornado

apparatus and workmate, white spirit, long-
reach lighter, goggles
C1.4 C1.4.3e Alternative Fuels Worksheet C1a16c, practical handout, We are learning about alternative fuels because
pinwheel handouts, pins, art straws we will probably run out of oil and gas in
Resources C1.4.3e YOUR LIFETIME!
Several different light sources (e.g. torches,
candles, sunlight, desk lamp, roof lights), solar
panels and multimeters, straws, pins, pinwheel
templates, empty drinks cans, string or thread
C1.5 C1.5.1 Useful Substances from Crude Oil Worksheets C1b1b, C1b1c, C1b1d, chain of We are learning about the cracking of
(Cracking) paperclips, molymod hydrocarbons because some fractions of crude
Resources C1.5.1 oil are fairly useless as they are!
Cracking demonstration requires water bath,
clamp stand, burner, boiling tube, bung and
delivery tube, porous pot, ceramic wool and
kerosene (possibly mineral oil?)

(Another version of the demo involves motor

oil and a condenser using an iron based catalyst
[coins or nails?!?])
C1.5 C1.5.2a Polymerisation Introduction RSC CFnS 75 Instructions, Polymers Word We are learning about polymerisation because
search, projector for video clips it keeps our world in one piece
Resources C1.5.2a
Skimmed, semi-skimmed and whole milk,
vinegar or ethanoic acid, dilute hydrochloric
acid, dilute sulphuric acid, bicarbonate of soda,
filter funnels, beakers, filter papers, clamp
stands, cup hooks, wood scraps, stirring rods,
kettle, water bath

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Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.5 C1.5.2b Polymers – Using and Disposing of C1b3c crossword and C1b4b worksheet We are learning about polymerisation because
we use polymers and plastics every day!
Resources C1.5.2b Props: Carrier bags, cling film, clear plastic
salt/pepper grinder, crisp packet, non-stick pan,

Samples of thermochromic plastics and


Molymod, blu-tack, paperclips, hydrogel,

beakers, water jug, empty crisp packets to
shrink, OVEN
C1.5 C1.5.2c Making Nylon Taken from RSC Resource CfNS 75 We are learning about the process of making
nylon because without it we'd probably all be
Resources C1.5.2c GOGGLES, nitrile safety gloves (powder free), naked right now!
small (25 cm3?) beakers, tweezers or a
Take careful note of the safety information paperclip hooks, clamp stands, empty cotton
if this is to be used as a practical and not reels with a nail in the end and side to act as a
just a demonstration windlass, empty glass jar to mix leftover for
disposal, sodium hydrogen carbonate for spills

Made up before hand

a) Solutions of 2.2 g of 1,6-diaminohexane
(Corrosive) in 50 cm3 of deionised water.
(This solution is approximately 0.4 mol dm-3.)

b) Solutions of 1.5 g of decanedioyl

dichloride (Corrosive) in 50 cm3 of
cyclohexane (Highly Flammable and
Harmful). This solution is approximately 0.15
mol dm–3.

MrScience 27 | P a g e
Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.5 C1.5.3 Ethanol Worksheets C1b6b (provides words for cloze We are learning about ethanol because it is a
paragraphs), Making Ethanol cloze paragraphs poisonous, flammable liquid that you will
Resources C1.5.3 and “What Can I Get For You Sir?” handout, probably drink at some point in your life!
B1a Human Biology Word Loop Task
C1.6 C1.6.1 Vegetable Oils Worksheets C1b9a, C1b9b, FalseOrTrue We are learning about fats because they play an
cards, Limonene Extraction Handout important part in cooking and our diet and
Resources C1.6.1 health
Pestle and mortars, sunflower seeds (peeled if
available), cashew nuts, paper bags, rolling
pins, chopping boards, bag of oranges, an
orange zester, distillation apparatus
C1.6 C1.6.2 Emulsions Worksheets B1b9c (LAL), B1b9d (HAL), We are learning about emulsions because many
practical handout naturally occurring and industrial processes
Resources C1.6.2 depend on this happening
Vegetable oil, eggs, soy milk, mustard, glass
jars with lids, (microscopes, food colouring
and slides), oil and water demo jar

MrScience 28 | P a g e
Unit Lesson What We're Made Of (top) Resources Pupil Speak
C1.7 C1.7.1 The Earth’s Crust Worksheet C1b14a (2 sheets), Tectonics We are learning about tectonic plates and
handout, Layers handout, Continental Jigsaw continental drift because these forces have
Resources C1.7.1 handout literally changed the shape of our world

Balloons, instant jelly sachets (strawberry or

raspberry ‘cos they’re red!), sellotape, biscuits,
syrup, beakers, burner, potassium
permanganate crystals, tweezers, (food
colouring and convection apparatus may work
instead of pot perm and hot water)

Earthquake practical:
Requires shake tray (marbles, large tray,
smaller tray with large plastic lid glue to
underside [depth of lid smaller than diameter
of marbles), additional small trays to stack into
it filled with 1) Plasticene to simulate bedrock,
2) granola to simulate gravel and 3) cornstarch
and water mix to simulate the behaviour of
sand during an earthquake. Sandwich bags are
required to make waterproof bases and sugar
cubes and peanut butter for bricks and mortar.
A stopwatch is useful for making a timed
C1.7 C1.7.2 The Earth’s Atmosphere Worksheets C1b15d, C1b17a, C1b17d We are learning about the atmosphere today
and how it has changed because it may tell us
Resources C1.7.2 what we can expect in the future

MrScience 29 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Energy and Electricity (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1a 01 Conduction Worksheets P1a1a, P1a1b, P1a1c We are learning about thermal conduction and
insulation because it’s nice to know how to
Resources 01 Test tubes, balloons, beakers; metal, glass & keep warm when it’s cold!
wooden rods of similar length; Vaseline &
beads (or data loggers and multiple temp
probes), clear jar with lid to hold beads for
demo of solids, liquids and gasses. Particle
model machine and variable voltage AC power
P1a 02 Keeping Warm Worksheets P1a2a, P1a2b, P1a2e We are learning about insulation because it
keeps the cost of heating down, and variables
Resources 02 Containers, water heater, thermometers, because they help us to investigate things in
different types of insulation (e.g. warm science
jumpers, tea towels, newspaper, other material
samples as available – rob the art cupboard!),
stopwatches, (data loggers, temperature sensors
& software for hot/cold drink demo)
P1a 03 Convection Worksheets P1a3a, P1a3c We are learning about convection currents
because they help heat our homes and cause
Resources 03 Lava lamp, Convection Demo apparatus, kettle, weather patterns
potassium permanganate, various beaker sizes,
measuring cylinders, thermometers,

[Rijke tube (metal tube and gauze)? Helium

balloons & paper clips?]
P1a 04 Radiation Worksheets P1a4a, P1a4b, P1a4d, photo We are learning about radiation because this is
sheets how the sun warms up the Earth!
Resources 04
Heat lamp, sheets of black and white paper, tins
painted black and white, thermometers, white
& black card, blu-tac and 1 bead jar

MrScience 30 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Energy and Electricity (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1a 05 Making Accurate Measurements Worksheets P1a5b, P1a5c, results handout We are learning about accurate measurements
because otherwise we’d never be able to make
Resources 05 Galileo thermometer, probe thermometer, spirit or test anything right!
thermometer, forehead thermometer, meat
thermometer, pan balance, kitchen scales,
bathroom scales, mini digital scales, weights,
any other measuring devices to hand (the more
and varied, the better!)
P1a 06 Reducing Heat Transfer Worksheet P1a6c, Heat Transfer handout We are learning about heat transfer because
reducing it can keep our bills down and our
Resources 06 Corrugated cardboard, newspaper, pieces of a drinks warm!
survival blanket, polystyrene, plastic and paper
Note: Leads into ISA P1_4  (no longer live) cups, thermometers, kettle
P1a 07 Reducing Energy Consumption Worksheet P1a7d, Insulation handout We are learning about reducing energy costs
because we’ve only got so much hard-earned!
Resources 07 Card board, scissors, glue, cotton wool sheets, (And it’s good for the planet too!)
thin polystyrene foam sheets, clear acetates,
small, empty bottles, cloth, rubber bands, thin
wooden spars or balsa wood to cut, paints,
small boxes, access to computers and printers
P1a 08 Energy Transformation Worksheets P1a8a, P1a8b, P1a8c (HAL) We are learning about energy transformations
because they are happening all around us, all
Resources 08 Torch, rubber band, reciprocal-charging torch, the time!
filament torch (big, bright one that gets warm),
LED torch (leads into efficiency?), tennis ball,
gas stove, (toaster?), graph paper
P1a 09 Electrical Energy Worksheets P1a9a, P1a9b (laminated), P1a9c We are learning about mains electricity because
and Pearson AQA textbook page 184 (in the national grid powers our homes, shops and
Resources 09 colour) the places we work
P1a 10 Efficiency Worksheets P1a10a, P1a10d, photo sheets We are learning about efficiency because it
helps you choose appliances that won’t cost you
Resources 10 Bouncy balls, meter rules, graph paper, a as much money to run!
filament bulb and an energy saving bulb

MrScience 31 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Energy and Electricity (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1a 11 Paying Up Worksheets P1a11a, P1a11b, We are learning about the cost of electricity
because you wouldn’t want your energy
Resources 11 Kettles, measuring cylinders supplier to cheat you!
P1a 12 Reducing Electricity Use Worksheets P1a12a, P1a12c We are learning about reducing electrical
energy because it will help you save money (oh,
Resources 12 Instant cupcake mixture, eggs, water, light bulb and the planet at the same time, how efficient!)
holders, filament and energy saving lamps,
microwave, standard oven
P1a 13 Generating Electricity Worksheets P1a13a (use statements) and We are learning about power stations because
P1a13b (use pictures), P1a13c and P1a13d, where we get our energy from will be very
Resources 13 P1a13a&b Answer Sheet important within your lifetime...

Scissors, pie tins, (alt: card, glue sticks and

foil), dowel, drawing pins or dress makers pins
(possibly better), funnels, beakers, gas burners,
clamp stands & spare arms, goggles
P1a 14 Comparing Power Stations Worksheets P1a14a, P1a14d, FoT handout, We are learning about different types of power
P1a04 photo sheets stations because the science makes this a
Resources 14 potential political issue
P1a 15 Renewable Resources Worksheets P1a15b, P1a15c, P1a15d We are learning about renewable energy
because as fossil fuels run out, they are
Resources 15 increasingly the only forms of electrical power
available to us!
P1a 16 Renewable Energy and the Environment P1a16a, P1a16c We are learning about the impact of renewable
technologies because as fossil fuels run out
Resources 16 Computers these will become more and more important
P1a 17 Meeting the Demand We are learning about changes in electrical
demand because this explains some brown-outs
Resources 17 and unexpected power cuts
P1a 18 The Future We are learning about the future of electrical
energy because this is likely to have a major
Resources 18 effect on your lives in the future

MrScience 32 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Energy and Electricity (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1a Misc Power Station Practical Pylon: Art-Straws, masking tape, scissors We are revising the parts of the national grid
because it plays such an important role in our
Resources Turbine: Burner, goggles, beaker, funnel, daily lives
gauze, heat mat, pie tins, scissors, clamp stand
with two arms, water, string/drawing pin, wood

Transformers: Wire, ferrite rings, power supply

with AC output, bulb holders, bulbs, c-cores,
metal bolts

Pupils insulated house models from lesson

P1 Misc The Homopolar Motor Practical handouts We are learning about the homopolar motor
because not all machines have to be
Resources Rare earth magnets (metal coated), magnetic complicated!
screws, batteries with magnetic caps, short
lengths of wire with stripped ends
P1 Misc Hovercraft Racing Computers for research

Polystyrene chip containers, plastic carrier bags

(or other thin plastic material to use for the
skirt), key rings to run along track, motors,
propellers, power packs, wires, croc clips, bare
wire for the “track”, string to anchor clamp
stands, clamp stands to secure track wires, card,
paper, scissors, craft knives, sellotape or
equivalent, other construction materials
P1 Misc House Building Project

MrScience 33 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Radiation and the Universe (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1b P1aR P1a Recap Lesson Heat lamp, blow heater, bottle of warm water, We are learning about energy and electricity
thermos flask, drill because it is the basis for so much of our
modern life
P1b 01 Electromagnetic Radiation
P1b 02 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
P1b 01 & Electromagnetic Waves and the EM String & paper cups, mugs & objects, woolly We are learning about the electromagnetic
02 Spectrum gloves, tape measure, stopwatch, white paper, spectrum because everything we see relies on
prisms, torches, LED light sources just a tiny part of it!
P1b 03 Uses and Dangers: Radio Waves
P1b 04 Uses and Dangers: Microwaves
P1b 03 & Uses and Dangers: Radio and Microwave Worksheets P1b2e, P1b4a, practical handout We are learning about radio and microwaves
04 Radiation and question slips because they are everywhere in our lives but are
potentially very dangerous!
Walkie-talkies, stereo, microwave, cocktail
sticks, cork, glass jar, 3 plastic bottle caps,
lighter, steel wool, inflammable plate, glass,
water, light bulb, dead CD discs, soap, tinfoil,
pencil, magnesium shavings, grapes, torch and
P1b 05 Uses and Dangers: Infrared
P1b 06 Visible Light and Communication
P1b 05 & Infrared and Visible Light - “what are they Worksheet P1b5c
06 good for?”
Laser pointers, prisms, optical fibre equipment,
remote control, Wii lamp thing, mobile phones
with cameras
P1b 07 Ultraviolet Light We are learning about ultraviolet because it can
be both dangerous and useful
P1b 08 X-Rays
P1b 07 & UV and X-Ray Radiation
P1b 09 Gamma Rays – The Daddy
P1b 08 & X-Rays and The Daddy: Gamma We are learning about x-rays and gamma rays
09 because they are very useful in medicine
MrScience 34 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Radiation and the Universe (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1b 10 Uses and Advantages of Analogue and Worksheets P1b10a, P1b10c, P1b10d, We are learning about analogue and digital
Digital Signals (P1b10e), Binary Numbers Worksheet signals because they have advantages and
Bulb boxes (1 between two of digital and 1 for disadvantages and are having a real effect on
analogue), analogue/digital demonstrator our world today!
P1b 11 “Where Does Radioactivity Come From?” Worksheets P1b11a, P1b11c, periodic tables We are learning about what atoms are made of
because we are all made from atoms!
Glass jars, large bowls, large red and blue
beads, smaller green beads
P1b 12 Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation Worksheets P1b12a, P1b12c, P1b12d, Pearson We are learning about the different types of
AQA textbook pages 12 & 13 radiation because it can help us to stay safe

4 tennis balls and a net bag (alpha), golf ball

(beta), slingshot and ammo (gamma), several
large sheets of paper
(Alpha source, Geiger counter, paper, tinfoil)
P1b 11, 12 Atomic Structure and Radiation Worksheets P1b11b, P1b12a, P1b12c, P1b13a
& 13
(Cloud chamber, alpha and beta sources, CO2
fire extinguisher or dry ice, Geiger counter,
paper, tinfoil and thin lead sheet)
P1b 11, 12 Atomic Structure and Radiation (Long Worksheets P1b11b, P1b12a, P1b12c, P1b13a We are learning about what atoms of made of
& 13L Version) because we are all made of atoms!
(Alpha source, Geiger counter, paper, tinfoil), 4
tennis balls and a net bag (alpha), golf ball
(beta), slingshot and ammo (gamma), several
large sheets of paper, small polystyrene balls
painted red and yellow (half and half), small
green beads, thread, coat hangers, glue
P1b 13 Hazards and Dangers: Alpha Radiation
P1b 14 Hazards and Dangers: Beta Radiation

MrScience 35 | P a g e
Unit Lesson Radiation and the Universe (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1b 13 & The Uses and Hazards of Alpha and Beta Worksheets P1b13a, P1b13d, P1b14a We are learning about alpha and beta radiation
14 Radiation because, although they are dangerous, they can
4 tennis balls and a net bag, a golf ball, also be useful
slingshot and ammo, (alpha source and Geiger
P1b 15 Radioactive Half-lives Worksheet P1b15c, Page 238 from the

Dice, tray to throw dice into, (alpha and beta

sources, Geiger counter, paper, tinfoil and thin
lead sheet)
P1b 14, 15 Nuclear Radiation - Uses, Dangers and Worksheets P1b14a, P1b14c, P1b15a, We are learning about the half-life and dangers
& 16 Half-lives P1b15c, P1b15d, P1b16b of radioactive sources because different sources
are useful for different reasons
(alpha and beta sources, Geiger counter, paper,
tinfoil and thin lead sheet), dice
P1b 15 & Uses and Nature of Radioactive Half-lives Worksheets P1b14c, P1b15a, P1b15c, We are learning about the half-life and dangers
16 P1b15d, P1b16b of radioactive sources because different sources
are useful for different reasons
P1b 16 Using Radioactive Half-lives
P1b 17 Look Up in the Sky: Telescopes
P1b 18 The Expanding Universe or “How it all
P1b 17 & Telescopes and the Big Bang Worksheets P1b17a, P1b17b, P1b18a, We are learning about red-shift as it is a proof
18 P1b18c, P1b18d for the big bang which may have started the
Balloons, pens, oscilloscope/signal generator
with microphone and loudspeaker/headphones
to demonstrate the Doppler effect. [Singing
tube (for Doppler effect and red-shift)]

MrScience 36 | P a g e
Unit Lesson How the Universe Works (top) Resources Pupil Speak

MrScience 37 | P a g e
Unit Lesson How the Universe Works (top) Resources Pupil Speak
1 P1.0 Introduction to Physics
P1.1.1a Infrared Radiation Worksheets P1b5a and P1b5c We are learning about Infrared light because it
is important for high-speed communication and
Resources P1.1.1a Laser pointers, prisms, optical fibre equipment, keeping warm
remote control, Wii lamp thing (IR LEDS),
mobile phones with cameras
P1.1.2 Solids, Liquids and Gasses Kinetic Theory We are learning about the states of matter
because it helps to explain a lot of what we see
Resources P1.1.2 in the real world

P1.1.3a Convection Using kinetic theory to explain heat transfer in We are learning about convection currents
solids, liquids and gasses because they help heat our homes and cause
Resources P1.1.3a weather patterns

P1.1.3b Evaporation and Condensation Foundation Science to GCSE pp158-161 We are learning about evaporation and
condensation because they are important for
Resources P1.1.3b Evaporation demo: Methylated spirits, probe cooling our bodies and surviving in the desert!
thermometers, 250ml beakers, straws, water,
measuring cylinders, stopwatch
Solar still: water, kettle, black bin bags, large
gravel/small rocks, clamp stands, large pans,
250ml beakers
P1.1.3c Cooling Worksheets P1a2a, P1a2b, P1a2e We are learning about insulation because it
keeps the cost of heating down, and variables
Resources P1.1.3c Containers, water heater, thermometers, because they help us to investigate things in
different types of insulation (e.g. warm science
jumpers, tea towels, newspaper, other material
samples as available – rob the art cupboard!),
stopwatches, (data loggers, temperature
sensors & software for hot/cold drink demo)

MrScience 38 | P a g e
Unit Lesson How the Universe Works (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1.1.4a1 Heating and Insulating Buildings 1 Worksheet P1a6c, Heat Transfer handout We are learning about heat transfer because
reducing it can keep our bills down and our
Resources P1.1.4a1 Corrugated cardboard, newspaper, pieces of a drinks warm!
survival blanket, polystyrene, plastic and paper
cups, thermometers, kettle, measuring
P1.1.4a2 Heating and Insulating Buildings 2 Worksheet P1a7d, Insulation handout We are learning about reducing energy costs
because we’ve only got so much hard-earned!
Resources P1.1.4a2 Card board, scissors, glue, cotton wool sheets, (And it’s good for the planet too!)
thin polystyrene foam sheets, clear acetates,
small, empty bottles, cloth, rubber bands, thin
wooden spars or balsa wood to cut, paints,
small boxes, access to computers and printers
P1.1.4b Specific Heat Capacity Specific Heat Capacity
P1.2.1a Energy Transfer Worksheets P1a8a, P1a8b, P1a8c (HAL) We are learning about energy transfers because
they are happening all around us, all the time!
Resources P1.2.1aTorch, rubber band, reciprocal-charging torch,
filament torch (big, bright one that gets warm),
LED torch (leads into efficiency), tennis ball,
gas stove, (toaster?), graph paper
P1.2.1b Efficiency Sankey diagrams for given appliances (fan, We are learning about efficiency because it
kettle, drill, car engine, different types of light means we can make what we’ve got go further
bulbs) Might be worth keeping this a single
period lesson to prevent zzzzzz.
P1.3.1 Transferring Electrical Energy Power, time, cost, energy transfers (useful,
P1.4.1a Generating Electricity: The Future Worksheets P1a13a (use statements) and We are learning about power stations because
P1a13b (use pictures), P1a13c and P1a13d, where we get our energy from will be very
Resources P1.4.1b P1a13a&b Answer Sheet important within your lifetime...

Scissors, pie tins, (alt: card, glue sticks and

foil), dowel, drawing pins or dress makers pins
(possibly better), funnels, beakers, gas burners,
clamp stands & spare arms, goggles

MrScience 39 | P a g e
Unit Lesson How the Universe Works (top) Resources Pupil Speak
P1.4.1b Generating Electricity: The Future P1a16a, P1a16c We are learning about the impact of renewable
technologies because as fossil fuels run out
Resources P1.4.1b Computers these will become more and more important
P1.4.2 The National Grid Worksheets P1a9a, P1a9b (laminated), P1a9c We are learning about mains electricity because
and Pearson AQA textbook page 184 (in the national grid powers our homes, shops and
Resources P1.4.2 colour) the places we work
P1.5.1 Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet P1b2e, practice exam questions We are learning about the electromagnetic
spectrum because everything we see relies on
Resources 1.5.1 String & paper cups, mugs & objects, woolly just a tiny part of it!
gloves, tape measure, stopwatch, white paper,
prisms, torches, LED light sources, ping-pong
balls, buckets, stopwatch, slinky
P1.5.2 Reflection

MrScience 40 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 1 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL1 EL1-1

MrScience 41 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 2 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL2 EL2-1

MrScience 42 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 3 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL3 EL3-1

MrScience 43 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 4 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL4 EL4-1

MrScience 44 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 5 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL5 EL5-1 Introduction to Chemistry Print outs of photos and different materials for We are learning about the areas of chemistry we
the grouping task will be exploring because it helps us to see
where we’re going!
EL5-2 Atoms and Elements Worksheets C1a3bF and C1a3d, Cloze We are learning about atoms and elements
Paragraphs because these are the things that make up our
EL5-3 The Periodic Table EL Science TSM Chapter 5 pp5-9 (actual pp9- We are learning about the periodic table
13) and Atomic Cubes Template because it shows how different elements share
similar properties...
Samples of some elements e.g. carbon,
titanium, iron, magnesium, sulphur, etc.
EL5-4 The Properties of Metals TSM Chapter 5 pages 10-12 (actual pp14-16) We are learning about the properties of metals
because choosing the right material for a job
Metal samples e.g. titanium blade, aluminium can make all the difference!
wire, metal foil, steel wool, magnesium ribbon,
wooden rod or stick, glass stirring rod, carbon
rod, (aim for similar lengths), power supplies,
croc clip leads, batteries and bulbs, drawing
pins, petroleum jelly, beakers, kettle, burners,

Alkali metals and suitably sized heat-proof

container, goggles, tongs, heat mat for cutting,
scalpel, universal indicator, boiling tube, clamp
stand, test tube rack

MrScience 45 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 6 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL6 EL6-1 Changes TSM Chapter 6 page 15 and page 23 (p19 and We are learning about chemical and physical
p27) changes because they're how new things are
Resources made
Filter funnels, filter paper, beakers, clamp
stands, burners, crucibles and watch glasses,
tongs, scales, mixture of salt, sand and chalk
EL6 EL6-2 Chemical Reactions Word search from TSM chapter 6 page 29 We are learning about chemical reactions
(p33) because they are happening all around (and
Resources inside!) us, all the time
Hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide or
manganese (IV) oxide as a catalyst, dilute
hydrochloric acid, magnesium ribbon, ethanoic
acid (vinegar), sodium hydrogen carbonate,
spatulas, boiling tubes, boiling tube racks,
wooden splints, ignition source, pipettes,

MrScience 46 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 7 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL7 EL7-1

MrScience 47 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 8 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL8 EL8-1 Properties of Materials Pages 6, 12, 21 and 22 (10, 16, 25 and 26) from We are learning about the properties of
Unit 8 of the EL Science TSM materials because selecting the right material
Resources for a job can mean the difference between
Iron filings, sulphur powder, burner, thick non- success and failure
iron metal vessel for reaction (highly
exothermic - can burn through thin vessels),
magnet or magnets, goggles, pestle and mortar

MrScience 48 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 9 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL9 EL9-1 Electrical Energy Worksheets P1a9a, P1a9b (laminated), P1a9c We are learning about mains electricity because
and Pearson AQA textbook page 184 (in the national grid powers our homes, shops and
Resources 09 colour) the places we work

Mains plugs and electrical cable, pliers,

EL9 EL9-2 Generating Electricity Worksheets P1a13a (use statements) and We are learning about power stations because
P1a13b (use pictures), P1a13c and P1a13d, where we get our energy from will be very
Resources 13 P1a13a&b Answer Sheet important within your lifetime...

Scissors, pie tins, dowel, drawing pins, funnels,

beakers, gas burners, clamp stands & spare
arms, goggles

MrScience 49 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 10 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL10 EL10-1

MrScience 50 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 11 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL11 EL11-1

MrScience 51 | P a g e
Unit Lesson EL Science 2006 Unit 12 (top) Resources Pupil Speak
EL12 EL12-1

MrScience 52 | P a g e
Unit Practical Assessments (top) Resources Pupil Speak
ISA B1_3 Investigative Skills Lesson Skills lesson: example datasets We are learning about how microorganisms
Microorganisms – Practical Lesson breed because we need to know how to kill ‘em
Wrap-Up Lesson Practical: Bacteria testing word search off!
(requires Crossword Forge) and practical
Resources instructions

Note: Need 4-7 days for colonies to grow

Incubation equipment, prepared agar plates or
Note: ISA exam will take a whole lesson in there agar substitute on Petri dishes, bacterial
somewhere and it is required for the wrap-up sources, cotton swabs, antibacterial samples,
lesson filter paper, tweezers, masking tape, permanent
glass pens, rulers
Note: Currently there is only one word search
which could be used in any of the four lessons...
Exam Lesson: ISA Papers
Note: Check that ISA is still live before using
Wrap-up: Completed and marked test papers,
completed results tables and charts, mark
scheme, bacteria testing word search (requires
Crossword Forge)
ISA CU1_3 Carbonate Ores We are learning about carbonate ores because
Lesson 1 Candidate research notes sheet, ISA Leaflet pp they are a major source of metals for many
11-13, teachers notes page 24, the suggested industries
research sites below in a linked document in
inclusion/worksheets/science/isa folder

Computers for research, books for research

Lesson 2
Note: Check that ISA is still live before using

MrScience 53 | P a g e
Unit Practical Assessments (top) Resources Pupil Speak
ISA P1_4 Keeping Warm ISA P1_4 Exam Paper We are learning about what effects how you
remain warm because that’s a nice thing to be
Resources Various containers of different volume, when it’s cold!
material and shape, different insulating
Note: Check that ISA is still live before using
materials, stopwatches, thermometers, graph
paper, kettle, cold water supply, trays to store
each groups equipment
ISA P1_6 Generating Electricity ISA P1_6 Exam Paper We are learning about the things that can affect
generating electricity from wind because
Low voltage motors (1.5v – 6v) to act as
Resources renewable energy is becoming more important
generators, corks, wire, card, hot glue guns, as fossil fuels run out
Note: Check that ISA is still live before using
multimeters, clamp stands, pencils, rulers,
cocktail sticks
ISA PU1_5 Wind Turbines Candidate Research Notes Sheet (partially We are learning about the things that can affect
completed). Candidate Record Form, generating electricity from wind because
Resources Secondary Data Sheets renewable energy is becoming more important
as fossil fuels run out
Note: Check that ISA is still live before using
Low voltage motors (1.5v – 6v) to act as
generators, corks, wire, card, cardboard, hot
glue guns, multimeters, clamp stands, pencils,
rulers, cocktail sticks, suitable connecting
wires, fan or hairdryer, meter stick

MrScience 54 | P a g e
Unit Miscellaneous Resources (top) Resources Pupil Speak
Misc NA Keywords AQA Keywords B1a
AQA Keywords B1b
Folder AQA Keywords C1a
AQA Keywords C1b
AQA Keywords P1a
AQA Keywords P1b
Misc NA Pictionary Biology Pictionary B1a Cards Set 1
Biology Pictionary B1a Odd-1-Out Set 1
Folder Biology Pictionary B1b Cards set 1
Biology Pictionary B1b Cards set 2
Biology Pictionary B1b Odd-1-Out
Biology Pictionary B1b Odd-1-Out set 2
Physics Pictionary P1a Cards set 1
Physics Pictionary P1a Odd-1-Out
Physics Pictionary P1b Cards set 1
Physics Pictionary P1b Odd-1-Out set 1
Physics Pictionary P1b
Misc NA Word searches & Crosswords B1 The Human Body Crossword
B1b & C1b Revision Crossword
Folder C1b & P1b Revision Crossword
C1b Revision Crossword
C1b Word search
Callum’s Wordsearch
Human Organs Word search
Kaitlin’s Wordsearch
Biology Cell Word Search (bitmap image)
The Moving Image Crossword
Cracking Hydrocarbons Crossword
Misc NA Quizzes C1a Quiz01 (PPT, Answer Sheet, Original
Folder Habitats Quiz (PPT, Jokers, Key Weirds, Odd-
One-Out, Puzzlequation, LabelMe, Sound
Round, What Am I?) (TES Link)

MrScience 55 | P a g e
Unit Miscellaneous Resources (top) Resources Pupil Speak
Misc NA Revision C1a Revision PPT 01

Misc NA The Elements Song Elements Song Video
Elements Song Lyrics
Misc NA Lessons Density Column
Folder DNA Extraction – Kiwi
DNA Extraction – Cheek Cells
Heart/Lung Dissection - Lesson 1, Lesson 2
Homopolar Motor (Short Lesson)
Internal Structure of Mammals
Loop Da Loop
pH Rainbow
Paper Folding to the Moon!
Power Station Practical

MrScience 56 | P a g e

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