Women'S Safety System Using Raspberry Pi: Key Words

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)


V.Saravanan Perumal, Assistant professor, ECE department, sperumal181@gmail.com
1.R.Charulatha,ECE department,charurajan1020@gmail.com
2.M.Kavipriya, ECE department,kavipriya1723@gmail.com
3.R.Kowsalya, ECE department,vijayvg055@gmail.com
4.J.Menaga Prithi, ECE department,menagabhavi@gmail.com

This project describes about a smart intelligent security system for women. Women all over
the world are facing much unethical physical harassment. This acquires a fast pace due to lack of a
suitable surveillance system. Our project is a venture to resolve this problem. We are using two
objects wrist band and spectacles that are used in day to day life. The system resembles a band on
the wrist incorporated with pressure switch as an input which when activates shows the result
Screaming alarm and tear gas mechanism are imposed for self-defensing purpose and send location
and messages to the emergency contacts and also figure out the attacker using live streaming video.
Tear gas mechanism and live streaming video using webcam is incorporated in the spectacles that
act as a weapon of the smart technology. We really believe that this endeavor will make a difference
in the women life.
Key words: Women Security, Live Streaming Video, GSM, GPS, ARMV7-A, Raspberry pi 2.

I.INTRODUCTION The proposed system is to design a portable

device which resembles a band on wrist. It
The status of women in India has gone consists of Pressure switch, Raspberry pi 2,
through many great changes over the past GSM modem, GPS receiver, Screaming alarm,
few millennia. In modern India, women Tear gas, and Live Steaming Video. When the
Pressure switch is pressed, the device will get
continue to face social challenges and are
activated automatically with in a fraction of
often victims of abuse and violent crimes and, milliseconds. Immediately the location of the
according to a global poll conducted by victim will be tracked and messages will be
Thomson Reuters, India is the fourth ost sent to emergency Smart Intelligent Security
System for Women
da gerous ou try i the world for wo e ,
http://www.iaeme.com/IJECET/index.asp 43
and the worst country for women among the editor@iaeme.com
G20 countries. This project focuses on a
security system that is designed solely to contacts. The screaming alarm unit will be
serve the purpose of providing security and activated and will produce siren sound to call
safety to women so that they never feel out for help. Tear gas is applied to harm the
helpless while facing such social challenges. attacker which may help the victim to escape.
The Delhi Nir haya ase that triggered the Live Streaming Video will make to process the
whole nation was the greatest motivation for situation of the victim using a preferred IP
this project. It was high time we women address so that it help to detects the face of
needed a change. the attacker along with the surrounding
environment that helps to figure out easily..

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 137 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

Tear gas release and Live streaming video IV. METHODOLOGY

using webcam are incorporated in the
spectacles which act as a new weapon for
smart technology.


While referring keeping the same concern in

mind many developers have come up with
innovative applications. Major existing
applications are- Figure shows the methodology the system
A. VithU app A. Raspberry pi 2
This is an emergency app initiated by a The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card–
popular Indian crime television series sized single-board computers developed in the
“Gumrah” aired on Channel [V]. VithU, is an United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi
emergency App that, at the click of the power Foundation with the intention of promoting
button of your Smartphone 2 times the teaching of basic computer science in
consecutively begins sending out alert schools and developing countries. The
messages every 2 minutes to your contacts Raspberry Pi 2 is based on the Broadcom
that you feed into the app as the designated BCM2836system on a chip (So C), which
receivers or guardians. The message says "I includes an ARMcortexv7 900mhz processor,
am in danger. I need help. Please follow my Video Core IV GPU, and was originally
location." shipped with 256 megabytes of RAM. As of 8
B. The stun gun June 2015, about five to six million Raspberry
This small gun charges an attacker with an Pi’s have been sold. The Raspberry Pi 2, was
electric shock. The shock weakens the attacker released in February 2015.
temporarily, giving you sample chance to B.GSM SIM900A
escape the scene. When its trigger is pulled, a A GSM modem is a specialized type of
stun gun pumps about 700,000 volts into the modem which accepts a SIM card, and
attacker’s body. Some stun guns are small operates over a subscription to a mobile
enough to be concealed in a pack of cigarettes. operator, just like a mobile phone. From the
They run on Lithium batteries and can be mobile operator perspective, a GSM modem
carried either in handbags or held in waist looks just like a mobile phone. When a GSM
straps. modem is connected to a computer, this allows
C. Fight back the computer to use the GSM modem to
FightBack app is a very basic app similar to communicate over the mobile network. While
ones listed above. However, one unique these GSM modems are most frequently used
feature we like about the app is the Facebook to provide mobile internet connectivity, many
status update. Apart from providing SMS and of them can also be used for sending and
Email options to alert the other person during receiving SMS and MMS messages. Mobile
distress, this app also updates your Facebook services based on GSM technology were first
status. launched in Finland in 1991. The SIM900A is

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 138 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

a complete Dual-band GSM/GPRS module in E.Extra features

a SMT type which is designed especially for A DC 3V motor pump for the tear gas
Chinese market, allowing you to benefit from mechanism is used which can be incorporated
small dimensions and cost-effective solutions. on the one side of the spectacles. This will
Featuring an industry-standard interface, the harm the attacker, when it is sprayed in the
SIM900A delivers GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz eyes. For Screaming Alarm,we are using the
performance for voice, SMS, Data, and Fax in electromagnetic 3V buzzer to call out for help.
a small form factor and with low power all these mechanisms work when pressure
consumption. With a tiny configuration of switch pressend which is located in the wrist
24mm x 24mm x 3 mm, SIM900A can fit band.
almost all the space requirements in your ARM Processor:
applications, especially for slim and compact
demand of design.
An ARM processor is one of a family of CPUs
C. GPS Receiver based on the RISC (reduced instruction set
GPS Module continuously receives the data computer) architecture developed by
from the satellite and transmits Advanced RISC Machines (ARM). ARM
correspondingly to the RS232. It is developed makes 32-bit and 64-bit RISC multi-core
by US department of defense (DOD).The GPS processors. RISC processors are designed to
signal is applied to the antenna input of perform a smaller number of types of
module, and a complete serial data message computer instructions so that they can operate
with position, velocity and time information is at a higher speed, performing more millions of
presented at the serial interface. The current instructions per second (MIPS). The ARM
date, time, longitude, latitude, altitude, speed, processor’s smaller size, reduced complexity
and travel direction among other data, are and lower power consumption makes them
provided by the module and can be used in a suitable for increasingly miniaturized devices.
many applications including navigation, fleet ARM is the industry's leading supplier of
management, tracking systems, mapping and microprocessor technology, offering the
robotics. The module can support up to 51 widest range of microprocessor cores to
channels. The GPS solution enables small address the performance, power and cost
form factor devices which deliver major requirements for almost all application
advancements in GPS performances, accuracy, markets. Combining a vibrant ecosystem with
integration, computing power and flexibility. over 1,000 partners delivering silicon,
They are used to simplify the embedded development tools and software, and more
system integration process. than 50 billion processors sold, ARM truly is
D. Live Streaming Video “The Architecture for the Digital World.
By configuring the wi-fi,we get a ip adress.
Using Logitech c270 webcam,by installing the
motion software in Raspberry pi 2 model B.
We can see the live streaming video or else we
can save the video for the recording purpose
and capture the image of the attacker.finally
we can put him behind the bars.

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 139 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

ARMv3 chips, as in originalAcorn

Archimedes, had smaller) and 32-bit
arithmetic; the ARMv8-A architecture,
announced in October 2011, adds support for a
64-bit address space and 64-bit arithmetic.
Instructions for ARM Holdings' cores have
32-bit fixed-length instructions, but later
versions of the architecture also support a
variable-length instruction set that provides
both 32- and 16-bit instructions for improved
code density. Some cores can also provide
hardware execution ofJava bytecodes. With
ARM, originally Acorn RISC Machine, later over 50 billion ARM processors produced as
Advanced RISC Machine, is a family of of 2014, ARM is the most widely used
reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architecture in terms of quantity
architectures for computer processors, produced. Currently, the widely used Cortex
configured for various environments. British cores, older "classic" cores, and specialized
company ARM Holdings develops the SecurCore cores variants are available for
architecture and licenses it to other companies, each of these to include or exclude optional
who design their own products that implement capabilities.
one of those architectures including systems-
ARM Holdings' primary business is selling IP
on-chips (SoC) that incorporate memory,
cores, which licensees use to
interfaces, radios, etc. It also designs cores
createmicrocontrollers (MCUs), CPUs, and
that implement this instruction set and licenses
systems-on-chips based on those cores.
these designs to a number of companies that
Theoriginal design manufacturer combines the
incorporate those core designs into their own
ARM core with other parts to produce a
complete device, typically one that can be
A RISC-based computer design approach built in existing semiconductor fabs at low
means processors require fewertransistors than cost and still deliver substantial performance.
typical complex instruction set computing The most successful implementation has been
(CISC) x86processors in most personal the ARM7TDMI with hundreds of millions
computers. This approach reduces costs, heat sold. Atmel has been a precursor design center
and power use. Such reductions are desirable in the ARM7TDMI-based embedded system.
traits for light, portable, battery-powered
The ARM architectures used in smartphones,
devices including smartphones, laptops and
PDAs and other mobile devices range from
tablet computers, and other embedded
ARMv5 to ARMv6, used in low-end devices,
systems. For Supercomputers, which consume
to ARMv7-A used in current high-end
large amounts of electricity, ARM could also
devices. ARMv7 includes a hardware floating-
be a power-efficient solution.
point unit (FPU), with improved speed
The company periodically releases updates to compared to software-based floating-point.
its cores. All cores from ARM Holdings
support a 32-bit address space (only pre-

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 140 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

In 2009, some manufacturers introduced While ARM Holdings does not grant the
netbooks based on ARM architecture CPUs, in licensee the right to resell the ARM
direct competition with netbooks based on architecture itself, licensees may freely sell
Intel Atom. According to analyst firm IHS manufactured product such as chip devices,
iSuppli, by 2015, ARM ICs may be in 23% of evaluation boards and complete systems.
all laptops. Merchant foundries can be a special case; not
ARM Holdings offers a variety of licensing only are they allowed to sell finished silicon
terms, varying in cost and deliverables. ARM containing ARM cores, they generally hold
Holdings provides to all licensees an the right to re-manufacture ARM cores for
integratable hardware description of the ARM other customers.
core as well as complete software ARM Holdings prices its IP based on
development toolset (compiler,debugger, perceived value. Lower performing ARM
software development kit) and the right to sell cores typically have lower licence costs than
manufactured silicon containing the ARM higher performing cores. In implementation
CPU. terms, a synthesizable core costs more than a
SoC packages integrating ARM's core designs hard macro (blackbox) core. Complicating
include Nvidia Tegra's first three generations, price matters, a merchant foundry that holds
CSR plc's Quatro family, ST-Ericsson's Nova an ARM licence, such as Samsung or Fujitsu,
and NovaThor, Silicon Labs's Precision32 can offer fab customers reduced licensing
MCU, Texas Instruments's OMAP products, costs. In exchange for acquiring the ARM core
Samsung's Hummingbird and Exynos through the foundry's in-house design
products, Apple's A4, A5, and A5X, and services, the customer can reduce or eliminate
Freescale's i.MX. Fabless licensees, who wish payment of ARM's upfront licence fee.
to integrate an ARM core into their own chip Compared to dedicated semiconductor
design, are usually only interested in acquiring foundries (such as TSMC and UMC) without
a ready-to-manufacture verified IP core. For in-house design services, Fujitsu/Samsung
these customers, ARM Holdings delivers a charge two- to three-times more per
gate netlist description of the chosen ARM manufactured wafer. For low to mid volume
core, along with an abstracted simulation applications, a design service foundry offers
model and test programs to aid design lower overall pricing (through subsidisation of
integration and verification. More ambitious the licence fee). For high volume mass-
customers, including integrated device produced parts, the long term cost reduction
manufacturers (IDM) and foundry operators, achievable through lower wafer pricing
choose to acquire the processor IP in reduces the impact of ARM's NRE (Non-
synthesizable RTL (Verilog) form. With the Recurring Engineering) costs, making the
synthesizable RTL, the customer has the dedicated foundry a better choice.
ability to perform architectural level Companies that have designed chips with
optimisations and extensions. This allows the ARM cores include Amazon.com's Annapurna
designer to achieve exotic design goals not Labs subsidiary, Analog Devices, Apple,
otherwise possible with an unmodified netlist AppliedMicro, Atmel, Broadcom, Cypress
(high clock speed, very low power Semiconductor, Freescale Semiconductor
consumption, instruction set extensions, etc.).

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 141 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

(now NXP Semiconductors), Nvidia, NXP, virtualization requirements for the non-
Qualcomm, Renesas, Samsung Electronics, secure operation of the CPU.
ST Microelectronics and Texas Instruments.  Thread mode (ARMv6-M, ARMv7-M,
CPU modes: ARMv8-M): A mode which can be
specified as either privileged or
Except in the M-profile, the 32-bit ARM unprivileged, while whether Main Stack
architecture specifies several CPU modes, Pointer (MSP) or Process Stack Pointer
depending on the implemented architecture (PSP) is used can also be specified in
features. At any moment in time, the CPU can CONTROL register with privileged
be in only one mode, but it can switch modes access. This mode is designed for user
due to external events (interrupts) or tasks in RTOS environment but it's
programmatically. typically used in bare-metal for super-
 User mode: The only non-privileged  Handler mode (ARMv6-M, ARMv7-M,
mode. ARMv8-M): A mode dedicated for
 FIQ mode: A privileged mode that is exception handling (except the RESET
entered whenever the processor accepts an which are handled in Thread mode).
FIQ interrupt. Handler mode always uses MSP and
 IRQ mode: A privileged mode that is works in privileged level.
entered whenever the processor accepts an Instruction set:
IRQ interrupt.
 Supervisor (svc) mode: A privileged The original (and subsequent) ARM
mode entered whenever the CPU is reset implementation was hardwired without
or when an SVC instruction is executed. microcode, like the much simpler 8-bit
 Abort mode: A privileged mode that is 6502processor used in prior Acorn
entered whenever a prefetch abort or data microcomputers.
abort exception occurs. The 32-bit ARM architecture (and the 64-bit
 Undefined mode: A privileged mode architecture for the most part) includes the
that is entered whenever an undefined following RISC features:
instruction exception occurs.
 System mode (ARMv4 and above): The  Load/store architecture.
only privileged mode that is not entered by  No support for unaligned memory
an exception. It can only be entered by accesses in the original version of the
executing an instruction that explicitly architecture. ARMv6 and later, except
writes to the mode bits of the CPSR. some microcontroller versions, support
 Monitor mode (ARMv6 and ARMv7 unaligned accesses for half-word and
Security Extensions, ARMv8 EL3): A single-word load/store instructions with
monitor mode is introduced to support some limitations, such as no guaranteed
TrustZone extension in ARM cores. atomicity.
 Hyp mode (ARMv7 Virtualization  Uniform 16× 32-bit register file
Extensions, ARMv8 EL2): A hypervisor (including the program counter, stack
mode that supports Popek and Goldberg pointer and the link register).

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 142 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

 Fixed instruction width of 32 bits to costly direct memory access hardware.

ease decoding and pipelining, at the cost The first samples of ARM silicon worked
of decreased code density. Later, properly when first received and tested on
theThumb instruction set added 16-bit 26 April 1985.
instructions and increased code density.  The first ARM application was as a
 Mostly single clock-cycle execution. second processor for the BBC Micro,
where it helped in developing simulation
To compensate for the simpler design,
software to finish development of the
compared with processors like the Intel 80286
support chips (VIDC, IOC, MEMC), and
and Motorola 68020, some additional design
sped up the CAD software used in ARM2
features were used:
development. Wilson subsequently
 Conditional execution of most rewrote BBC BASIC in ARM assembly
instructions reduces branch overhead and language. The in-depth knowledge gained
compensates for the lack of a branch from designing the instruction set enabled
predictor. the code to be very dense, making ARM
BBC BASIC an extremely good test for
 Arithmetic instructions alter condition
any ARM emulator. The original aim of a
codes only when desired.
principally ARM-based computer was
 32-bit barrel shifter can be used
achieved in 1987 with the release of the
without performance penalty with most
Acorn Archimedes. In 1992, Acorn once
arithmetic instructions and address
more won the Queen's Award for
Technology for the ARM.
 Has powerful indexed addressing
 The ARM2 featured a 32-bit data bus,
26-bit address space and 27 32-bit
 A link register supports fast leaf
registers. Eight bits from the program
function calls.
counterregister were available for other
 A simple, but fast, 2-priority-level purposes; the top six bits (available
interrupt subsystem has switched register because of the 26-bit address space)
banks. served as status flags, and the bottom two
 Acorn RISC Machine: ARM2 bits (available because the program
 The official Acorn RISC Machine counter was always word-aligned) were
project started in October 1983. They used for setting modes. The address bus
chose VLSI Technology as the silicon was extended to 32 bits in the ARM6, but
partner, as they were a source of ROMs program code still had to lie within the
and custom chips for Acorn. Wilson and first 64 MB of memory in 26-bit
Furber led the design. They implemented compatibility mode, due to the reserved
it with a similar efficiency ethos as the bits for the status flags. The ARM2 had a
6502. A key design goal was achieving transistor count of just 30,000, compared
low-latency input/output (interrupt) to Motorola's six-year-older 68000 model
handling like the 6502. The 6502's with around 40,000. Much of this
memory access architecture had let simplicity came from the lack of
developers produce fast machines without microcode (which represents about one-

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 143 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

quarter to one-third of the 68000) and There are 3 GPIO banks on BCM2835.
from (like most CPUs of the day) not
including any cache. This simplicity Each of the 3 banks has its own VDD input
enabled low power consumption, yet pin. On Raspberry Pi, all GPIO banks are
better performance than the Intel 80286. A supplied from 3.3V. Connection of a GPIO
successor, ARM3, was produced with a 4 to a voltage higher than 3.3V will likely
KB cache, which further improved destroy the GPIO block within the SoC.
A selection of pins from Bank 0 is available
RASPBERRY PI: on the P1 header on Raspberry Pi.
 The idea behind a tiny and affordable
computer for kids came in 2006, when GPIO PADS
Eben Upton, Rob Mullins, Jack Lang and
Alan Mycroft, based at the University of The GPIO connections on the BCM2835
Cambridge‘s Computer Laboratory, package are sometimes referred to in the
became concerned about the year-on-year peripherals datasheet as "pads" - a
decline in the numbers and skills levels of semiconductor design term meaning "chip
the A Level students applying to read connection to outside world".
Computer Science. There was a situation
where computers had become so The pads are configurable CMOS push-pull
expensive and kids couldn’t learn the output drivers/input buffers. Register-based
programming and experimentation. control settings are available for

GPIO Overview:  Internal pull-up / pull-down

General Purpose Input/Output pins on the  Output drive strength
Raspberry Pi  Input Schmitt-trigger filtering


This page expands on the technical features of All GPIOs revert to general-purpose inputs on
the GPIO pins available on BCM2835 in power-on reset. The default pull states are also
general. For usage examples, see the GPIO applied, which are detailed in the alternate
Usage section. When reading this page, function table in the ARM peripherals
reference should be made to the BCM2835 datasheet. Most GPIOs have a default pull
ARM PeripheralsDatasheet, section 6. applied.

GPIO pins can be configured as either INTERRUPTS

general-purpose input, general-purpose output
or as one of up to 6 special alternate settings, Each GPIO pin, when configured as a general-
the functions of which are pin-dependant. purpose input, can be configured as an

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 144 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

interrupt source to the ARM. Several interrupt Raspi-config:

generation sources are configurable:
The Raspberry Pi
 Level-sensitive (high/low) configuration tool in Raspbian,
 Rising/falling edge allowing you to easily enable
 Asynchronous rising/falling edge features such as the camera, and
change your specific settings such
Level interrupts maintain the interrupt status as keyboard layout.
until the level has been cleared by system
software (e.g. by servicing the attached Config.txt:
peripheral generating the interrupt).
The Raspberry Pi
configuration file.

The normal rising/falling edge detection has a

small amount of synchronisation built into the
detection. At the system clock frequency, the Switch your audio output
pin is sampled with the criteria for generation between HDMI and the 3.5mm
of an interrupt being a stable transition within jack.
a 3-cycle window, i.e. a record of "1 0 0" or "0
1 1". Asynchronous detection bypasses this Camera Config:
synchronisation to enable the detection of very
narrow events. INSTALLING OPERATING Installing and setting up the
SYSTEM IMAGES USING WINDOWS: Raspberry Pi camera board.

This resource explains how to install a
Setting up your Pi to work in
Raspberry Pi operating system image on an
your local language/timezone.
SD card. You will need another computer with
an SD card reader to install the image.
Default pin configuration:

Changing the default pin

We recommend most users download states.
NOOBS, which is designed to be very easy to
use. However, more advanced users looking to Device Trees Config:
install a particular image should use this
guide. Device Trees, overlays and
Some basic guides to configuring your
Raspberry Pi.


ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 145 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

RASPBIAN OPERATING SYSTEM: Raspbian  Select the drive letter of the SD card in
is the recommended operating system for the device box. Be careful to select the
normal use on a Raspberry Pi. Raspbian is a correct drive; if you get the wrong one you
free operating system based on Debian, can destroy the data on your computer's
optimised for the Raspberry Pi hardware. hard disk! If you are using an SD card
Raspbian comes with over 35,000 packages: slot in your computer and can't see the
precompiled software bundled in a nice format drive in the Win32DiskImager window,
for easy installation on your Raspberry Pi. try using an external SD adapter.
Raspbian is a community project under active  Click Write and wait for the write to
development, with an emphasis on improving complete.
the stability and performance of as many  Exit the imager and eject the SD card.
Debian packages as possible.

APT- Advanced Packaging Tool:


Official images for recommended operating

systems are available to download from the The easiest way to manage installing,
Raspberry Pi website Downloads page. upgrading, and removing software is using
Alternative distributions are available from APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) which
third-party vendors. After downloading the comes from Debian. If a piece of software is
.zip file, unzip it to get the image file (.img) packaged in Debian and it works on the
for writing to your SD card. Raspberry Pi's ARM architecture, it should
also be available in Raspbian. To install or
 Insert the SD card into your SD card remove packages you need root user
reader and check which drive letter was permissions, so your user needs to be in
assigned. You can easily see the drive sudoers or you must be logged in as root.
letter, such as G:, by looking in the left Read more aboutusers and root.
column of Windows Explorer. You can
use the SD card slot if you have one, or a To install new packages, or update existing
cheap SD adapter in a USB port. ones, you will need an internet connection.
 Download the Win32DiskImager Note that installing software uses up disk
utility from the Sourceforge Project page space on your SD card, so you should keep an
as a zip file; you can run this from a USB eye on disk usage and use an appropriately
drive. sized SD card. Also note that a lock is
 Extract the executable from the zip file
performed while software is installing, so you
and run the Win32DiskImagerutility; you cannot install multiple packages at the same
may need to run this as administrator. time.
Right-click on the file, and select Run as
 Select the image file you extracted

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 146 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

SOFTWARE SOURCES: │ ├── asteroids.py

APT keeps a list of software sources on your │ ├── pacman.py

Pi in a file at/etc/apt/sources.list. Before
installing software, you should update your │ ├── README.txt
package list with apt-get update:
│ └── tetris.py

sudo apt-get update  Typing man tree gives the manual

entry for the package tree
 Typing whereis tree shows where tree

tree: /usr/bin/tree
sudo apt-get install tree
Typing this command should inform the user UNINSTALLING A PACKAGE WITH
how much disk space the package will take up APT
and asks for confirmation of the package
installation. Entering Y (or just hitting Enter, REMOVE
as yes is the default action) will allow the
installation to occur. This can be bypassed by You can uninstall a package with apt-get
adding the -y flag to the command: remove:
sudo apt-get install tree -y
sudo apt-get remove tree

Installing this package makes tree available The user is prompted to confirm the removal.
for the user. Again, the -y flag will auto-confirm.


Tree is a command line tool which provides a You can also choose to completely remove the
visualisation of the directory structure of the package and its associated configuration files
current directory, and all it contains. with apt-get purge:

 Typing tree runs the tree command.

For example: sudo apt-get purge tree

tree.. VI. RESULTS

├── hello.py When the pressure switch is pressed, the
buzzer turns on. Spectacles are used by the
├── games victim, on right side of the spects the tear gas
will be sprayed on the attacker eyes to harm

ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 147 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

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video, so that this will be helpful to get the International Journal of Research in
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easily to the victim. it is observed that the An in-vehicle infotainment software
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ISSN(Online) : 2456-5717 148 Vol. 3, Special Issue 34, March 2017

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