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1. To navigate and configure the AutoCAD Interface correctly.

2. To use the drawing commands ,editing commands and dimensions command in the
development of an engineering drawing correctly.
3. To use the precision drafting tools, layer functions, text functions, block functions, plot
functions, title block, template and layout views in the development of an engineering drawing
4. To develop an electrical layout drawing.

AutoCAD is a graphical software for designing and drawing with computer aided in the
formation of 2-dimensional sketch models and 3 dimension or better known as Computer
Aided Drafting and Design Program.

How to start AutoCAD?

Starting AutoCAD software to select and double-click the following icon on the Desktop

AutoCAD 2007 AutoCAD 2010

Figure 1.1: Icon AutoCAD

Starting AutoCAD software

Figure 1.2: AutoCAD Main Window

Method of command entry

1. Field Command Prompt type in using the keyboard. Example: type "L" for Line.
2. Menu Bar is located at the top - Menu Bar / Pull-Down Menu.

Figure 1.3: Pull Down Menu

3. Dialogue Box

Figure 1.4 : Dialogue Box

4. Icon Menu

Figure 1.5: Icon Menu

5. Toolbars Icon can be created by selecting the desired type of icon in the Toolbars
Dialogue Box as shown below (in the menu bar select view => Toolbars ...)

Figure 1.6: Toolbars Icon

6. Mouse
7. Cursor Menu - Displayed on the graphic window where the cursor is located. How
to get, press the Shift key and the Enter key on the mouse.

Function Keys


a. Line (l)

Figure 2.1: Icon Line

The function of this command is to allow the construction of a continuous straight line through
the determination of the starting point and end point in the form of a combination
of dots 2-dimension or 3-dimension. For 2-dimensional points, the views available will assume
the Z component set to zero (0). There are several command options that can be used for the
operation of this command.
i) U (Undo) - Delete the last line segment without the need to get out of the command function.
ii) C (Close) - Creating the formation of the final segment connecting the end points of the line
to the starting point to form a closed object.
iii) Spacebar / Enter - Establish a connection to the previous line or arc.
Freehand is also a combination of lines that can be formed by using 'Sketch'.

Figure 2.2: Icon Sketch

b. Circle ( c)

Figure 2.3: Icon Circle

The function of this command is to allow the construction of a circle with a number of methods:

i) Determine the center point of the circle and the radius or diameter (‘center’, ‘radius’ or
‘center’, ‘diameter’ )
ii) Determine 2 points on the circle diameter is the distance ('2-point ')
iii) Determine the 3 points on the circumference of a circle to be formed ('3-point ')
iv) Forming a circle with a given radius of the contact tanjent value between 2 or 3 other
objects ('tangent', 'tangent', 'radius').

c. Arc (a)

Figure 2.4: Icon Arc

The function of this command is to allow the construction of a curve or circle shape with the
best combination of 3 points depending on the selection of the following:

i) 3-points
ii) ‘Start, Center, End’ or ‘Center, Start, End’.
iii) ‘Start, Center, Angle’ or ‘Center, Start, Angle’.
iv) ‘Start, Center, Length’ or ‘Center, Start, Length’.
v) ‘Start, End, Angle’.
vi) ‘Start, End, Radius’.
vii) ‘Start, End, Direction’
d. Point (po)

Figure 2.5: Icon Point

The function of this command is to allow the creation of points that can be changed or defined
style and size. Style and size determination can be made in the Point Style Dialogue Box
(shown in Figure 2.6) to select the menu 'Format' => 'Point Style ..' in the Menu Bar.

e) Polyline ( pl )

Figure 2.7: Icon Polyline

The function of this command is to allow the creation of lines and arcs chain of entities.
f) Donut ( do )

Figure 2.8: Icon Donut

The function of this command is to allow the construction of a circle and solid ring by inserting
the values of the diameter and outside diameter.

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