B1a14 Hygiene

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Topic: B1a14 – The fight against disease

Date: Class: Lesson Start: End:

Targets from
Learning WALT:
objectives  How Edward Jenner discovered vaccination
(be as explicit  The advantages and disadvantages of vaccination
as possible –  How antibiotics and vaccines work
use the reverse
of the page if WILF:
necessary) All: Recall how antibiotics and vaccination work
Most: Explain that some medicines only treat the symptoms, not the
pathogens causing them
Some: Evaluate the disadvantages of immunisation
Pupil Speak We are learning about how viruses and bacteria hide so we can
understand how to fight them!
Key words Virus, bacteria, immune system,

Materials Worksheet B1a14c

Safety Use of scissors; any cuts to be rinsed under the tap, covered and
Considerations directed to the designated first aider
Relationship to
Assessment opportunities (related to learning objectives)
During the Responses to QUAD questions, completed worksheets.
After the
Time Pupil Activity Teacher activity
Discuss diseases and symptoms, create
table or several small mind maps showing
diseases and their specific symptoms in

What would you use to cure these

symptoms? Does it cure the disease?

Main part of lesson:

QUAD how we CURE diseases working
towards vaccines and antibiotics (allow
hygiene/prevention from Semmelweiss and
last lesson)

How do bacteria hide from our immune Use soldier analogy (bacteria as
system? specials forces in camouflage,
(Evolving “stealth shield”) antibiotics as the spotter that shows
them up, immune system as the
How do antibiotics work? sniper that shoots them down)
(Breaks down “stealth shields”)

Why won’t they work for viruses? (Viruses as infiltrators, dress up in

(Hide inside cells) your body’s uniforms)

Move on to Edward Jenner and describe Infected young boy with pus from
how he discovered vaccination – brief cow pox to inoculate against small
aside if time, was this a moral action? pox – antibodies 
Would he have been able to do this

So how does a vaccine work? Return to

anti-bodies from the previous lesson, copy
down antibody -> antigen diagrams.

Discuss disadvantages and scientific

method – MMR and autism.

Complete sheet B1a14c


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