Chapter 5

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1338 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Chapter 5. Water Supplies Bal General. Ball. Number of Supplies. Every sntomatie sprinkler system shall have atleast one automatic water supply 5A.2 Capacity. Water supplies shall be capable of providing the vequived flow and pressure for dhe remote desig area determined using the requirements and procedures a spect fied in Chapters 19 through 26 inchiding hase stream allow- ance where applicable for the required duration. 53 Size of Fire Maine BALSA Exeepr as provided in 51.82 or 5133, no pipe smaller than 6 in. (150-mm) in diameter shall be installed as a private service mai. BLAS For maine that dena supply hyde, ses sonal than 6 in. (150) mm) shall he permitted to be used subject 10 the following restrictions: (1) The main supplies only automatic sprinkler systems, open, sprinkler ysteins, water spray fixed system, foaun syle ‘or Glass I stanlpipe syste. (2) Hydrautic ealeutations show thar the main wil supply the total demand at the appropriate pressure. Systems that are not hyetraulically calculated shall have a main at Teast sas aye as Ube syste se Where a single main less than 4 in. (100 mm) in diam- eter serves both fire systems and other uses, the nomfire demand shall be added to the hydraulic calculations for the fire system at the point of connection unless provisions have Fhoent mace: to atstonaically lace dhe sun Fre neal ding, afire event 5.1A Underground Supply Pipe. For pipe schedule stems, the underground supply pipe shall he at least as large as the 5.1.58 Water Supply Treatment. GA.5.AL Water supplics and environmental conslitions shall be fevilaaed! for dhe existence of microbes andl conlitions dat contrite to mierobiologically intiuenced corrosion (MIC) Where condidons are found that contrbute ta MIC, the owner(s) shall notify the sprinkler system installer and a plan shall be developed to treat the system using one of the Follow ing methods: (1) Install a water pipe that will not be affected hy the MIC microbes (2) Treat all water that enters the system using an approved acter inibivor (3) Implement an approved plan tor monitoring dhe imexine conditions af the pipe at established time intervals and locations (4) Install corrosion monitoring station and monitor at estab- lished intervals BA.5.2. Water supplies snd environmental conditions stall be fecilied for condiions thar eonribnate ra sinisal corrosion properties. Where conditions are found that contribute to lunusual corrosive properties, the owner(s) shall notify. the sprinkler system mstaller and a plan shall be developed to treat tHe syste using one af the following metho: (1) Install a woter pipe that is corrosion resistant 20 Eaton (2) Treat water that enters the system using a listed corrosion inhibitor. (8) Implement an approved plan for monitoring the interior sanlitions a he pipe st entablished interval sun fore (4) Install corrosion monitoring station and monitor at estab- lished intervals (©) Fill diy-pipe oF preaction ystems with niuogen as a Supervisory yas Lo mutate against corrosion. (6). When using a generator, use an approved nitrogen gener Where listed bacterial inhibitor and/or corrosion intabiors are used, hey stall tee compacible with system components. Where used together, they shall also he: compat ble with each other 5.16 Arrangement, Connection Resween Underground and Abovegron Piping. B.1.6.11 The connection between the stem piping and underground piping shall be made with a suitable wansition piece and shall be properly strapped or fastened by approved devices. Where required due to specific mechanical or envi= Fonmental conditions, the transition piece shall be protected against possible ckumayge [rom earresive agents, solvent sack, ‘or mechanical damage Connection Passing Through or Under Foundation Walls. When system piping pierces a foundation wall below grade’ or is locawed under dhe foundation wall, clearance sul be provided to prevent hreakage af the piping die to biieling settlement. B.LJ® Meters. Where meters are required by other author tues, they shall be iste. 5.1.8 Connection from Waterworks System. 5.8.1 The requirements of the public health authority having jurissliction shall be determined and followed. Where equipment is installed to guard against possible ‘contamination of the public water system, stich equipment and devices shall be listed for fire protection service. 522 ype. 5.2.18 Water supplies for sprinkler systems shall he one of the following or any com (1) A connection to an approved public or private water works s)stenr in accordance with 5 (2) Neonnection including a Bre pump in accordance sith 523 (3) A connection to a water storage tank at grade or below grade installed in accordance with NFPA 22 and filed from an approved source (A connection wa prewsure tush in accordance with 5 hin filled from nn approved sire (3) connection to a gravity tank in accordance with 5.2. and filled from an approved source (©) A peusiock, Mune, tives, Take, pond, or veservoit ine actoakaice with 5:26 (7)* A source oF reeyeled or reclaimed water where the build ing owner (or their agent) has analyzed the source of the 2A Warne SUPPLIES 1339 water and the treatment process (if any) that the water tundergoes before being made available to the sprinkler ‘stem and determined that any materials, chemicals, or ef in ts water il ot Ieee components af the sprinkler stem it eames in com ‘with 5.2.2* Connections to Waterworks Systems. BILLA connection to a reliable waterworks syste shall fe fan acceptable water supply source The volume and pressure of a public water supply shall be determined from waterflow test data oF other approved smell 5.2.34 Pumps. A single automatically controlled fire pump installed in accordance with NFPA 20 shall be an acceptable water supply source. A Pressure Tanks. 524.1 Acceptability. 52411 A pressure tank installed in accordance with [NRPS 22 shal an aceypeaie water sappy some 524.12 Pressure tanks shall be provided with an approved ‘mean For automatically maintaining the required air pressure. 413 Where a presure tank i the sole water supply, ait Approwed ranble stirm shall also fe provided ra inline alr pressure and low water level with the alarm supplied from an electrical branch circuit independent of the air compressor. Pressure tanks shall not be tsed to supply other than sprinklers and hand hose attached to sprinkler piping, RAZ Capacity 4.2.1. In addition 10 the requirements of 8.1.2, the water capacity of a pressure tank shall include the extra capacity needed to fill dry pipe or preaction systems where installed. BALAL2 Ve total vohune stall te tases one the capacity pls the air capacity roquired by 5.9.43, Water Level and Air Pressure. 5243.1 Pressure tanks shall be kept with a sullicient supply ff water 0 meer the demand of the fire protection system as calculated in Chapter 27 for the duration required by Chap- ter 19, Chapter 20, or Chapter 26. 5.24.9:2 The pressure shall be sufficieut t push all of dhe water out of the tank while minstaining the necessary resid pressure (required! by Ghaprer 27) atthe top of the system, 5.2.5 Gravity Tanks. An elevated tank installed in accordance ‘with NEPA 3 shall be an acceptable water supply source. 5.2.6 Penstocks, Flumes, Rivers, or Takes. Water supply connections from penstocks, fumes, rivers, lakes, or reservoirs shall be arranged to avoid mud and sediment and shall be provided with approved double removable screens oF approved sarainers installed in an approved muannes, 2010 tion

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