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40 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Chapter 6 Installation Underground Piping 61° Piping. (2410.1) ins hall be in 61.1% All piping wed in privute fire service accordance with 6.111, 4119, or 61.1.3, [2410.11] G.1.1 Listing. Piping manufactured in accordance with Table 6.1.1 sill be pesaitted to be used, (24510.1.1.1] Piping specifically listed for vse in private Fire service niains shall he permitted to be used, [24:] GALL2A Where fisted pipe is used, it shall be installed in accordance widh the listing linitations including installa Instructions, [24: 6.11.22 Where listing limitations or installation instructions dlffer from the requirements of this standard), the listing limita salto stress ply EMU. L122) ‘Table Manufacturing Standards for Underground Pipe G.LL.3 Steel piping manuftetured in accordance with Table that is externally coated and wrapped and internally galvanized shall be permitted to be used between the hose ompling(s) a the Fie sepeartiswat ssmection anal the check wale [2410.13] GL sel ed in the fire department eanneetion piping, J External coating and wrapping as tequived by proved. (24210. 6.1.14 Dry Pipe Underground G.LL4L Where necessary to place pipe that will be under air presure underground, dhe pipe sual be prowected against 6.1142 Unprotected castiron or ductiledron pipe shall be permitted where joined with a gasketed joint listed for air serv. tee underground: Materials and Dimensions ‘Dustile Tr Coment Mortar Vining for Ductile Irom Pie and Bitings Pulyethylene Encasement for Ductile lion Pipe Systems Rubber Gast Joints fr Ductile Im Pressure Pipe and tings Flanged Ductil-bon Pipe with Ductitetron or Gray-von Thiradet ‘anges ‘Thickness Design of Ductile on Pipe Duce lo Pip, Centrally Cas Standard for the Installation of Ductile Lon Water Mains and Thea Apypurtenances Concrete Renfro Cmerte Presi Pe, Stel Cylinder Tye Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Stct-Cylinder Type Reinfowed Concrete Pesuae Pip, Now Cyd Type Retford Concrete Pesce Pipe, Sue-Cylinder Type, Prtensioned ComenteMontar Lining of War Pipe Lines in Pau, i (100 mm) and Larger Plastic AWWA.C15 AWWA CL AWWA C500 ‘Standard AWWA CHOU ABTA AWWA C105/A21 NCU/ARLTT AWWA C A215 Y/A21.50 JN AWWA C00) AWWA C201 ‘AWWA C302 AWWA C303 AWWA C602 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. Through 12 in AWWA COHN (100 mm Through 300 mm), for Water Transmission and Distribution Polveinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings, AWWA C905 TA in Vhrngh 8m. (330) mam gh 100 mn), or Water Tranemission and Distribution Polyethylene (PB) Pressure Pipl Pkg, 1 (100 mem) ‘Through 63 in. (1375 mm) for Waterworks ‘Molecarly OreniadPatyzenyt Chorale (PVCO) 4 sn. ough 24 in. (100 mm Through 600 mm) for Water, Wastewater, and ‘evened Water Servue Benes Specification for Seamless ed Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes Copper Sperificaton for Seamless Copper ibe AWWA CONN AWWA CMI ASTM BAS ASTM B75/B75M Spica for Seems Copper Water Tbe ASIM B38 Repuirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and CopperAlley Tube ASTM B251 ‘Stainless Steel Specification for Standard Specification for Seamtess, Welded, and SSTM.A312/312M Hawily Cold Worked Austenitic Staintess Ste Pipes Tatane TT 20 Eaton INSTALLATION UNDERGROUND PIPING isan ‘Table Steel Piping for Fire Department Connections Seana ASTAA705/A705M Standard Specification for Black ‘and tiptoe. (Galvanized) Welded and Seuss Stet Pipe for Fite Protetion Use ‘Stand Spefiation fon Pipe Sto, Black and Hot Dipped Zine Coated, Wolded and Seamless Siandand Spcifiation for rere Resistance Weld Sie Pipe Teirtabie ot) ASTM ADS /A09M 6.1.2* All piping used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the Piping, fs expe to oat sh tbe ete at less ea TMD pk (1osar), [2410.19 6.1.3* When lined piping is used, the manufacturer’ liter tue for internal diameter shall be used for all hydauic calcu tations (24210.1.3] 6.14% Underground piping shall be permitted to extend into the building through the slab or wall not more than 24 in, (600 mam). [2:10.14] 210.2) 6.2.1 All fixings uscd in private fire service mains shall be in accordance with 6.211 o 62.1.2. [24:10.2.1] 6211 Fitngs manulactured in accordance with Table 62.11 shall he permitted to be used, [3410 2.1.1] 62.1.2 Special Listed Fittings. Fittings specifically listed for use it private fine sevvice sai sill be peraniied to be used, [aasi02.12) Where listed fittings arc used, they shall be installed in accordance with their listing limitations including installi- tion instructions, (24: ‘Table Fittings Materials and Dimensions Materials and Dimer ‘Standard ast Iron ry tn see Bag, (Classes 125 and 250 Gray tron Pie Manges and Hanged Fillings, Classen 29, 125, ond 250, ASME BLU ASME BIO.L Ductile Iron Ductilefron and Grxyron AWWA C110/A21.10 Bulings Ductilefron Compact Pings AWWA C153/A21.53 ‘Malleable Iron. Malleable Irn Threaded Fitings, Clases 150 and 300, Tretnie 0911) ASME B16. Where listing limitations or installation differ from the requirements ofthis standard, the li tions and installation instructions shall apply. (24: 122 All fittings sed im private fine service mins shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the fitings are exposed, but shall not be rated at less than 150 psi (0.3 bar). (24:10.2.2) 625 Where finings installed ima private fire service main must be installed above grade, the fitings shall conform to NFPA 13, (24:10.2.3] Sul Fidings in acevsdance with 6.2.1 shall be petite for he transition tote ubove grown piping. or fillings [2e1023.11 6.3 Connection of Tipe, Fittings, and Appurtenances. (24103) 6.3.18 Connection of all fittings andl appurtenances to piping shall be in accordance with Section 63. [24:10.3.1] 6.3.2 Connections of OL andl Table 2 fenced! standard in the pipe and fittings indicated in Table 1 shall be on aceiebaice wl Ue veler= le. [2421052] 6.3.3 Listed Connections. Connections utilizing listed prod- ‘ucs shall be in accordance with the listing limitations and the dnagiafacturer's installation iasuvetions, (2410.33) Where listing limitations or installation instructions differ from the requirements ofthis standard, the listing limita: tions and installation instructions shall apply. (24:] 6.54 RAPER TAU Where pipe, Flings or appurtenancesare connected using threads, all threads shal be in accordance with ASME 1.20.1. Pipe Thaeads, Geneval Purpose 10.9.4] oveel Connections. Where pipe, finings, or appurte nances are connected using grooves, they shall he connected in accordance with through [2410.3.5] 69.51 Pipe, fiuings, and appurtenances w be joined ith ove coal all enti ety el are dimensionally Pipe, fittings, and appurtenances that are connected with grooved couplings and are part of listed assembly shall Toe poctinitea orb seed [AMD i" Pipe joined with grooved fitings shall be joined by a Tisted combination of fittings. gaskets, and grooves. (2410353) 6.3.6 Capper ‘The. All joints for the connection af copper tube shall be brazed or jained using pressure fitings as spect fied in Table, (24:10.3.6] Ga Protection of Private Fire Service Mains. [2410.4] Geld Protection from Gurrusiom, [2421041] 2010 tion INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS GA.1.1 Coatings. All bolted joint accessories shall he cleaned and thoroughly coated with asphalt or other corrosion: retarding material after installation. (24:10-4.1.1] Al! The requirements of BRB shall not apply to epoxy coacd fitings, vakes, glands, or other” accessories, [2410.4.1.3] GALS* Where iis necessary join metal pipe with pipe of ‘scimitar moral, the joint shall be insted of an electric current using an approved method. | 6.2 Protection of Piping. (24:10.4.2] 6A2 Prowetion from Freeding. ‘The depilt of cover for Drivite fine serice mains and their appnirtenances tn prarect agains freezing shall be in accordance with 6-42. [24:10-42.1] GALA The top of the pipe shall be buried not less than TOW (800 sine) below the Feast Tine lie te lowly [2104.21.1] The depth of piping shall be measured from the top. ofthe piping to the final grade. [2410.42.1.2] BALI Where lived piping is usedd amd she Inary dept differs from this standard, the listing limitations shall apply. [2410.] GA2LA Where private fre servic grind, hey shall he protected from treering, in accordance With NEPATS, [2610.42.14] GAAS Private fre service mains installed in water raceways ‘or shallow streams shall be installed so that the piping wil emai inthe sunning water dteomghent the year 1241049151 GAG Where piping is insalled adjacent to a vertical face. it shall be nstalletl frou he vestical face at Une same distance the piping wore buried! [2410.12.16 Protection of private fire service mains from freezing tosing heat tracing shall be permitted when the heat tracing specifically Iisted for underground use, (24210<] SAQITA Hear macing not titel for andtergronnd ase 3 ‘be permitted when piping is installed in accordance with 6.1.4, ([24104. GA22 Protection [rom Mecanical Damage, Ihe dept ol ‘cover for private fre service mans and their appurtenances 1 pproteet against mechanical damage shall be in aceardance with GAS. (94: GA221 The depts of pipiny, sh ‘ofthe piping ra the final grade [2 M I be nies eray rons tne op 642.22 In locations where freezing is not a fuctor the depth ‘of cover shall not be less than 90 in. (750 mm) below grade to prevent mechanical damage, [2410342.2.2] 62221 Wh sitters from [2e1042.2.21) wed ing in listed piping, ‘wumdare, the i til de buy dept tations shall apply 64.2.2. Private fire service mains installed under driveways ‘or roadways shall fe buried ata minimum depth af 8 ft (GM a) [META 99 8) 20 Eaton 6A. Sidewalks, walkways, and other paved or concrete pedestrian pastageways shall not be required to comply with 6A.2.23, (24: GALLA. Private fre sexvice mains in tacks shall be buried at a minimum (24:10- 42.241 Where sailiuad operaivs requite a greater depts ‘of inry, the greater cept ball apply [2421042241] led under alr pth of 4 fe (1.2 m) 64225 Private fre service mains installed under large piles ‘of heavy commodities of subject to heary shock and vibrations be busied at 4 winimum deplr of 4 (12 m). A223] 6A.2.2.6 Where private fire service mains are installed above ground, they shall be protected with bollards or other means as Approved by the AF when subject to mechanical damage. (2i10.122.8) GAS Private Fire Service Mains Under Buildings. Except as allowed by 6.4.3, private fire service mains shall not be allowed to run under buildings. (24:10.4.3] GAS.1® Private fire service mains supplying fire protertian systems within the building shall be permitted to extend no ‘more than 10 ft (0 m), as measured from the outside of the building, under the building to the riser location, [24:10.4..1] GA.8.1.1 Pipe joints shall not be located directly sneer fou ation footings. [2410.4 3.1.1] 6A.3.L2* Piping shall be installed a minimum of 12 in. (800 im) Leow the bottom of building, Foundations o foo ers [M10 1517 GAS.L21 The requirements of shall not apply when the ‘piping is sleeved with” an approved material. (2k.¢ PrieAte fre SOReIG® MAHA shall nor be permitted 10 extend more than 10 # (3 m) under the building exceptias allowed in, [24:] A321 Where privawe fre service mains extent more Ura 10 ff (3 m) into the building, they shall he ran in a coxcred wench. [241043.9.11 ~ INGA.82.1.1% The trench shall he accessible from within the Iain LARMLS2.1 1 64.3.2..2 The wench shall have rigid walls and a base. (241043.2.1.2) Nb. {he wees shall be constricted of noncombustible N643.2.1.48 Prov the wench, [24:10:<4] 1 Where the piping in the tench is installed under Foundations or foowers, clearance shall be provided in accord since with 6.1512 or BAS.121, LEM10AS2.1.5) WN Piping in the wench shall be permitted to be in accordance with 6.1.1. (24:10.4.3:2.2] NB 21 Abowerinind piping in uccordtance with NEPA 1S permitted to be used. [2410.43.21] INSTALLATION UNDERGROUND PIPING 1349 IN 64.32.22 Where piping installed in the trench is in accord ance with 6.1.1, all joint shall be restrained in accordance with 6.6.2 or 66.3. (24: VAS28* Where piping is installed im a trench as permitted bby, a vake shall be provided where the underground piping enters the trench, (24:] IN Whiew piping, i sta 6129 shall no apply. [2410.4 “Una wench, bury depths of 24) IN 64.32.41 Piping in the trench shall be protected from freex ing in accordance with 6.2.14 (2410.43.41) 5 Grounding und Bonding. [24210.5 65.1% In no case shall the underground piping be used as a grounding electrode for electrical systems. [24:10.5.1] GoeL17 The requisement of 6.5.4 shall uot preclude die bonding of the undergronind piping to the lightning protec tion grounding spstem as required by NFPA 780 in those cases where lightning protection. is provided for the structure. [2410.5.1.1] 6.6% Restraine. Private fire service 1 ns shall he retried against movement at changes in direction in accordance with 6.6.1, 6.6.2, oF 6.6.3. [2410.6] 6.6.17 Thrust Blocks. ‘Thrust blocks shall be permitted! where soil is sable fand capable of resisting the anticipated thrust forees. ([24: 6.6.2 Thrust blocks shall be concrete of a mix ao leaner than ‘one part cement, two and onchalf parts sand, and five parts stone. [24:] Thrust blocks shall he placed between undisturbed aril andl the Gilling, Wn be: seateaioed and alll be capable af resisting the ealeulated thrast forces, [MEMO 6 1 8] 66.14 Wherever posible, thrust blocks shall be located so that the joins ate accessible for repair, [24:] 6.6.2° Restrained Joint Systems. Private fine service mains using restrained Joint systems shall inelude one or mare of the following: () Locking mechanical or push-on joints (2) Meclsuieal jets tlie ete re (8) Rated Hange jaints (A) Pipe clamps and te rods (8) Other approved methods or devices [24s10.6.2] phones Sizing Clamps, Rods, Rolis, and Washers. [2410.62.11 ©6211 Clamps. [24:] 66.24.14 Clamps shall have the following dimensions: (1) Yin 2 (U5 a sen) ie (1D se) te 6 (150 mam) pi (2) in. 2M in, (16 mm + 65 mm) for 8 in. (200 mm) to 10/n, (250 mm) pipe (8) inn Bin (1G st = 10.62.01.) sum) For 12 a (300 man) pine “Vable 66.2122 Kod Number 66.2112 The diameter of a bolt hole shall be % in, (2 mum) layer daw dat of the corvespouding Lull [ati 103) Rods. [24:10.62.12] Revs shull be wot less haa % in, (16 aa) ian diane eter (241062121) Table 66.21.22 provides the numbers of various diameter rods that shall be used for a given pipe size. [e10.02.1.22) When nsing bolting rods, the diameter of mechani «al joint bolts shal imi the diameter of rods to % in. (20 mm), [2410.62.12] 621.24 Threaded sections of rods shall not he formed or bent 124:10.62.1241 Assemblies in which a restraint is made by means of sso clamps canted on the barrel of the pipe shall be permitted to use one rod per clamp if approved for the specific snstall- tiou by die AH]. [24: Where using combinations of rods, the rods shall be symmetrically spaced. [24:] Clamp Bolts, Clamp bolts shall have the following slinnters (1) % ie. (16 mm) for pipe 4 in. (100 mm), 6 in. (150 mm), and 8 in. (200 mm) (2) Yan, (20 mm) for 10, (200 mm) pipe (2) inn (2 nun) for 12 in, (800 wun) pipe [2106213] Washers. [24: G.62141 Washers shall be permitted to be cast aon or steel and roid or quate [24210.] Castiron washers shall have the following dimen: (1) % in 3 im, (16 a «7 an) fa 4 nn, (100 sa, 6 i (180 mm), 8 in (200mm), ane 10 in. (250 mm) pipe (2) %4in, 302 in, (20 mm 90 mm) for 12 in, (300 mm) pipe [24: Diameter Combinations ime him Mim Tin. Ga.) (mm) (16mm) (20mm) 22mm) (25 mm) 4200) 2 = S = 6450) 2 8 (200) 5 2 = = 10 (220) 4 8 2 = 12 300) 6 4 3 2 14 (3) 8 a 4 8 16 (400), 10 z 5 4 Note Tis bie as been dered wing pressure ol Ib ps (183 ba) sl dei ste 95,00 pi (172-1 MID). [e4sTanle 1989199] 2010 tion ER SYSTEMS — a Rod nole FIGURE. 6,] Restraint Straps for Tees. [2Figure 66.2449 Seeel wastes sll a nesasions Yin. x 8m, (1 mm x 78 mm) for tin. (10K) mm), 6 (250 mm), $ in. (200 mm), and 10 in. (250 mm) pipe (2) ‘ein, 3%in, 12 mm x 90 mm) for 12 in, (300mm) pipe [241062145] The diameter of holes shall be % In, (3 mm) larger than that of bolts or rods. [24:] Sines of Rest 662.21 Rest dimensions: a traps For Tees, (24: inc straps for tecs shall have the following im, (16 mm) thick and 2% in, (65 mam) wide for 4 ins (10 nn, 6 (150 8. (200 ts al 1 (250 mm) pipe 4 in. (16 mm) thick and 3 In, (75 mm) wide for 12 in, (300 mm) pipe (24106221) 66.222 The diameter of rod holes shall be Ys in. (1.6 mn) larger than that of rods, [2410.6.2.23] 6.62.23 Figuie 66.223 an Table 6.62.23 shall be sed i Sving thw rostosne strap for hots mechanical ne push om Joint ee tings. 124210.62.231 6.6.25 Sizes of Pug Strap for Bell End of Pipe. (24: 6.28.1 ‘The strap shall be % in, (20 mm) thick and 26 in (65 mm) wide. [24: The strap length shall be the same as dimension A For tee arpa shaman is Figure: G22. [AAA 2 8.2] 6.2.33 The distance berween the centers of rod holes shall be the same as dimension B for tee straps as shown in Figure 6.62.29. (24:] 86.24 Material. Clamps, mds, rod coupling ar rarnbuekles, Dolts, washers, restraint straps, and plug straps shall be of a material that ‘has physical and chemical characteristics that ® 06.2.3] The Restraint Straps for Tees indicate its deterioration under stress can be predicted with reliability. (24:] 6.62.5" Corrosion Resistance. Alter installation, roUs, nuts, holts, washers, clamps, andl other restraining de cleaned and thoroughly coated with a bitun acceptable corrosionsretarding material (24:] 62.5.1 The requirements of 66.2.5 shall not apply lo epoxy costed fining, wiles, ghinds, or other arresaries 2410.62.5.11 6.5.5* Private fire service mains utilizing one or more of the Following vounection mediods shall uot requise additional resin provided sat stich joints ean pass the hyevsatie tent (0F6.10.2.2 without shifting of piping aw Q o Threaded connections Grooved connections Welded connections (1) Heatfised connections (3) Chaemical or solvent cemented connections (241063), 62 Stow (n007) 6.2.1 On sicep grades, mains shall be additionally restrained to prevent slipping. [24:10.7.1] 62.14 Pipe shall be restrained at the bottom of a hill and at ny turns (Laveral or vertical). [24810.7.1.1] 71.11 The restesint specified in shall be vo natural rock of to suitable piers built on the downhill sie of the bell (24:10-7.11.1] Bell ends shall be insrlled facing uphill, [2410.71 2] Straight rans on hills shall be restrained as determined bya design professional, [24810.7.1.9] lems 6.8.1 Piping, valves, hydrants, gaskets, and fittings shall be inspected for damage when received and shall be inspected prior to mstalauon, [24310.8.1) 6.8.2 ‘The righmess of holted joints shall he verified by the bott torque of by the method described in the listing information ‘oF manufacturer's installation instructions. (24:10.8.2] 6.8 Installation Requirements GA Pipe, values, lyase shal feces a ree from internal debris. [242108 4] 6.84 When work is stopped, the open ends of piping, valves. hydrants, and fitings shall be plugged or covered to prevent Foreign vars From watering [2420.84] 4 wo Wk Mm oF 4 6 1 ae 12% 308 BY TL yw 10% 1% Soo eSB 10 350 19% 16 424 146 5 17 12 900__ 22% Ie 487 17 149 Tate 20 Eaton INSTALLATION UNDERGROUND PIPING 1345 6.8.5 All piping, fitings, valves, and hydrants shall be exam- ined for cracks or other defects while suspended above the trench and lowered into the trench using appropriate equip- sent. [PRINS] 6.8.6 Plain cnds shall be inspected for signs of damage prior to installation, [24:10.8.6] 6.2.7 Piping, Huings, valves, lydramts, aud appurtenances sll nor he dropped, dimped ar rolled or skidded against other materials. [2410 8.7] 6.8.8 Pipes shall be supported in the trench thro fall Feng aud shall uot be supported by dhe bell ens valy ot ny blocks. (2410.88) 6.8.9 Ifthe ground is soft, other means shall be provided to support the pipe. [24:10.8.9] GALI Vitel iting supported and restrained in ncenrdance cr'vinstallation instructions, [24:108.10] 6.9 Backing. [24:10.9] 6.9.1. Hackl materia! shall be ramped nye or fps under and around pipes vo prevent settlement or lateral move- ‘ment and shall contain no ashes, cinders, refuse, onganic ‘matter, or other corrosive materials, [24:10:9.1] 192 Backill material shall not contain ash, cinder ‘organic matter or other earrosive materials [2410.9 2] nel with nan pipe sal be fy the mantfactar ets, 16.9.3" In the absence of specific guidelines or specifications, the maximum allowable particle size for backfill within 1 It (300 mm) of the pipe shall nat be larger chan 1 in. (40-mm), [24:10.8.3] W699 Nousinal pipe sizes uf 4 in. (100 uu) oF suuales sll not exceed %in, (14mm) maximum particle size, [2410.9.8.1] N Nominal pipe sizes of 6 in. to 12 in. (180 mm to 300 snum) shall wot exceed % in. (19) mmm) maxis particle See, [24210.98.9) 6.9.4 Frozen earth shall not be used as backfill material. (24:10.9.4) 5._In trenches ent throngh rock, tampedt backfill shall he used for at least 6 in. (150 mm) under and around the pipe and for atleast 2 ft (600 mm) above the pipe. [24:10.9.5] 6.9.6 Wheve usin pips lise for private fre service sn, the sire’ nallaion trees fs ie ksh followed. [2410.95] 6.10 Testing and Acceptance. [2410.10] 6.10.1 Approval of Underground Piping. The inst contract shall he response for he following (1) Notiging the AH and the owner's representative of time and date testing isto be performed (2). Performing all required acceprance tests (3) Completing and sing the conuactor's material and est, erties) sgt gine B10. 240.1011 6.10.2 Acceptance Requirements. [24:10.10 Flushing of Piping, [24810.10:2.1] Underground piping, from the water supply to the system riser. and leackin connections to the system riser, include ing all hydrants, shall be completely flushed belore connection i imude tir awnstees fie protection system piping, [zero 109115 The flushing operation shall continue wntil water flow is verified to be Clear of debris. (24:] 6.1021.89 The mini with Table 12 mae Hw sh 0.102.181, accordance ‘Table Flow Required to Produce Velocity of 10 f1/see (9.0 m/see) in Pipes Nominal Pipe Size Flow Rate in spm L/min 2 100 380 mM 150 it 3 220 833 4 100 590 100 3 610 21300 ‘ a0 600 8 1,560 5.900 10 250 20 9,280 R 300 33520 13,300 Teiable INTOR IST Where the flow rates established in Table GULLS ave tothe system shall he accept “tlainable, tae sin Ua Ye [pat 109151] Provision shall be made for the proper disposal of water used for flushing or testing, (24:] 6.10.22 Hysirostanie Test. [2410.10.22¢ All piping and auached appurtenances subjected to system working pressure shall be hydrostatically tested at auge presure of 200 psi (19.8 ba) oF 90 psi (At bar) in exer of the system working presuure, whichever is greater, and shall maintain that pressure at gauge pressure of 13 psi (0.34 bar) for 2 hours. [24:10.10.22-1] G.10.22.2 Acceptable test results shal fli eile peste: Mn lew tha for by no vial leakage, [2410 1022.9] be determined by inde ige presse FB pe The test pressure shall be read from one of the following, located at the lowest elevation of the system oF the portion af the sytem being tested (1) A gauge located at one of the hydrant outlets (2) A gange located at the lowest point where no byelrants are povided (ee10,102233) 6.102.249 The ech shall be Ieklilled ferwern jinis bofore resting o prevent mavement of pipe, [2410.10 2.2.4), Where required for safety measures presented by the hazards of open wenches, the pipe and joints shall be permiued 1 be bucklilled, provided the installing contractor fakes the responsibilry tor locating and carreeting leakage. [2410.102.2.51 2010 tion 1546 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping {Upon completion of wor nspecton and ets shat be mage by tne contractors representative and nested by an cumers ‘procul dolce cal bo worcd weleytot lelin conve buare contacter poral aly tae. ‘Acero shale fle ut and sgn by bath epresentatves. Caples be pepe for epnrving ichrtlos owners, ona Conrato tie uneretooa tne aners repeseranes sgntur m no Way orjuseos ary een againa conactr or ty mate, poet ‘rehmanhip or ala a comply wih apn ahr reqaremar or acl rd reper acere55| ‘ensped by approving autor fame) ‘Abo Plan Tnsninfionconorms io acenied plans (vee Une Envemer wt apr Dye Ban Has personin charg fre equpment been ineruste af eatin ot Die Dn rit aor and care and mainonanos ol his naw equa? ino. tremens | seve ene 0 appt harcore ond aeons Dve One Io, en Location | Siping Pipa wpa an laa Tina ne Pip cantons andr Dye One tgs earn neon ves One Underground | I, oh pipes and joints Jens neesing anchorage clamps stepped, or ackein| Ove One tno, ean ishing: Fw th rate i ni wir in onr a lei hy olen of ign nial arog haga vs ach ae Fiera ant wo esean nannanes wn na ravens ob 10.8 Tyresat: Al pina and tached appurtenances stfcte sytem Working Pressure shal ba hcostataly iste a 2000s [138 bar or 50 pei 4 bam ence of eytom workng posture, whichever & goal and chal antan Mal pressure 2p (053 ar 2 aes, : ‘vor addon! wate added Wo str a muinan Botox prowess by 6.10221, rex | Bruce Alma 2 toot an | SEEM ae ae ees ect aso ag mn be cn a £18935 so 8 hella svi” "ene PerNowe vaso 8S maddie Se ibe nas ate lente S085 he een gunds per oa neh ne Tew nine ping Re aon | Ue Ue ert tarry tconcan) Fm oie ‘ow ing ow nanan “righ nay oping runing | Ch Patiowair Tenkorwoonci DFimpump | Hyena Don in fae ‘Louth ine fhashed wavording to ndard by (company) Lad Yes: La No tm eon Tr ig Hw vs aed Tag oa pe aE (Public water J tankorreserwnir (rire pump a Sa a flange open pipe © z010Nainl Fe Pinson NFPA 10 108) FIGURE 6.10.1 Sample of Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping. [24:Figure 10.10.1] 20 Eaton INSTALLATION UNDERGROUND PIPING 147 ‘teat ps tor hours. ves Uno Satori alasar rons a Tmoage | Ponctovonetned worn avonas id aw On = Cee ‘Wai eat vale fl wide oper Dre One 1 ea Ts Ree |crcevnaea = fe ‘Asstonal epanaton and noes NEPA 13 @ 2012) FIGURE 6.10.1 Cotinned 2010 tion 148 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 6, Hydrostatic Testing Allowance, Where additional water is added to the system to maintain the test pressures required by, the amount of water shall be measured ral all it extweal the Kents Tale: 6 MEL (5, alae se hase upon the fallonsing equations US. Customary Unit (6.10226) SOE 148.000 where esting allowance (taken Tenge of pipe teste! (ft) nominal diameter of pipe (in.) P average test pressure during hydrostatic test (gauge psi} ) Leph hn] Mewie Units ( sry 794.797 where: L~ testing allowance (makeup water) (L/h) 5 — length of pipe tested (m) 1D wuninal diameter of pipe (a) P= ere teat presoare ding, bydeostatie tet (KD) [2410.10.26]" Other Means of Hydrostatic Tests. Where eceptae bie wo the AHP, hydiostatic tests shall be permitted wo be completed in accordance with the gaielines. praised in AWWA C800, Jnstallation of Ductleion Mains and Their Appure- rnances, AWWA MO, Concrete Pressure Pipe, ANWA M33, PVC Pipe —Design and Installation, or AWWA MB9, PE Pipe — Design and Tnstallaton, as long, as the test pressure and test duration resprinesnents 6. 1029.1 re sil prmployest (241010224) 6.10.24 Operating Test. [24:10.10.24] 610.241 Excl lycliant shall be fully opened and closed tutor systenn wader pressure, [Z4210.10.24.1] 20 Eaton Dry barrel hydrants shall be checked for proper drainage. (24: 8 All vontsol valves shall be Lully closed and opened system iter pressire to ensure proper operntion, 724:, 4 Where fire pumps supply the private fire service sea oy O.1024 sell Ie cone ted! with the pumps running. [2410-10:2-4.4) Backflow Prevention Assemblies. [24:] The backflow prevention assembly shall be forwatd How cesteat ensure prope openition. [ZU1.10.25.1] 6, The minimum flow rate tested in shall he the system demand, including hose stream demand where applicable, (24:], ‘Table 6, Hydrostatic Testing Allowance at 200 psi (13.8 bar) (gply/ 100 fof Pipe) ph 101 ‘of Pipe) “Testing Allowance Nominal Pipe Diameter gph 100 feof pipe fin, (mm) (_ph/100 m of pipe)! 2 (00) 0.019 (0.475) #100) 0.038 (0.95) 6.130) 0.057 (1.425 8200) 0.076 (19) 10 (250) 0.096 (2.58) 12 (300) 0.115 (09) 14 (850) 0.134 (3.95) 16 (100) 0.15% (488) 18 (450) 0.173 (43) 2m) 191 (4.78) 24 (600) 0.999 (5.73) (1) For osher lenge, eiameters and pressures, nize Equation 6.1092 fa or 610228 to determine the appropiate we allowance. (2) For test sections that conta vanous ses and sections ot pipes the tesing allowance she sum of de vesngalloyances foreach ice and [e4eTahte 10.19226)

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