Chemical Engineering Science: Haim Kalman, Anubhav Rawat

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Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

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Flow regime chart for pneumatic conveying

Haim Kalman a,b,⇑, Anubhav Rawat a
Laboratory for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheba 84105, Israel
Aron Fish Chair in Mechanical Engineering-Fracture Mechanics, Israel

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 A new flow regime chart Re(Ar) was

 Flow regime chart enables to predict
the flow shape for any material, air
 Two new types of plugs were
 For Ar > 100 all kind of plugs may
 For Ar < 100 only Plug-1 was found.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dense phase pneumatic conveying is preferred by industry over dilute phase flow due to its advantages.
Received 2 June 2019 Models enabling to calculate pressure drop are worthless for a designer if he is unable to predict in
Received in revised form 25 August 2019 advance the mode of conveying. Therefore, this research is focused on developing a new flow regime
Accepted 30 September 2019
chart. Based on hundreds of experiments all required threshold velocities are defined by Reynolds num-
Available online 4 October 2019
ber as a simple power function of Archimedes number. This work, revealed two new kind of plugs
unknown before. Using the threshold functions a new flow regime chart was plotted By comparing the
results to previously published models characterizing only the material properties revealed that the fee-
Pneumatic conveying
Flow regime chart
der is probably have a major role controlling the final mode of flow. Taking into account the findings in
Plug flow this paper, one might have ideas of how to improve the feeders in order to fully fulfill the flow potential.
Dune flow Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dilute phase flow

1. Introduction homogeneously distributed in the pipe and the particle-particle

interactions might be neglected. In dense phase flow a number of
Pneumatic conveying is a common way to convey particulate flow types may exist, such as: stratified, dune, fluidized, slug or
materials in a pipe insulated from the surrounding. At the same plug. Dense phase flow is gaining popularity because of its advan-
time the surrounding is insulated from the powders to prevent tages in overall power saving and capability to decrease pipe wear
contaminations. In a common practice the flow in the pipe is and particle attrition. A proper engineering design for a given
divided into two main regimes: dilute phase flow and dense phase pneumatic conveying system requires to calculate or define the
flow. In dilute phase flow only one type of flow exists: particles are air source operation, thus, air flow rate and pressure drop. The lit-
erature provides many suggestions how to define the air flow rate
and to calculate the pipe pressure drop. However, they all requires
⇑ Corresponding author.
first to know the flow type, whether it will be dilute or dense.
E-mail address: (H. Kalman).
0009-2509/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

Archimedes number, gq qp  q d =l2 (–) pick-up velocity (ms1)
Ar Upu
D internal pipe diameter (m) Usf superficial fluid velocity (ms1)
d particle size (m) l fluid viscosity (Pas)
g gravity acceleration (ms2) q fluid density (kgm3)
R bend radius (m) qp particle density (kgm3)
Re Reynolds number, qU sf d=l (–)
t time (s)

A number of border lines between dilute and dense phase flows type A and C might be conveyed in plug flow with difficulties, type
were suggested in the past, through either saltation velocity, B will not convey naturally in plug flow and type D are the best
pick-up velocity or minimum pressure velocity. However, the case candidates for plug flow (Sanchez et al., 2003). Dixon (1979) based
for dense phase flow is more complicated. his analysis on Geldart’s classification and modified the border
The scientific work on plug conveying (one of the types of dense lines between classes. Mainwaring and Reed (1987) suggested that
phase flow), theoretically, experimentally and numerically, started the flow type is dictated by the combination of two factors, the
years ago. Works (Muschelknautz, et al., 1969, Konrad, 1980, permeability factor and the de-aeration factor. Both of them are
Janssen, 1985, Mi and Wypych, 1995, Pan and Wypych, 1997, usually measured in a fluidized bed column. Later on Jones and
Hong and Klinzing, 1989, Borzone and Klinzing, 1987, Aziz and Mills (1990) and Jones (1988) showed that the de-aeration factor
Klinzing, 1990) present a number of basic models for predicting can be measured by tapping and vibrating a material sample. In
the pressure drop while conveying the particulate plugs. A number any case, they defined three types of flow: materials with low per-
of publications (Vasquez et al., 2003, Jae Bum and Klinzing, 2010, meability factor and high de-aeration factor values can convey in a
Lecreps and Sommer, 2007, Lecreps et al., 2009, 2014a, 2014b, moving bed mode, materials with lower de-aerations and high per-
Nied et al., 2017) focused on single plugs and measured the friction meability factors are conveyed in plug type flow, all others can
force, analyzed various velocities and calculated the void fraction flow only in dilute phase flow. Pan (1999) classified the materials
with a plug. However, all of the above were related to only one based on their loosely poured bulk density and median particle
kind of plug, which we call here as Plug-2, and therefore, their diameter into three groups. Fine powders (roughly groups C and
solutions or analysis are appropriate for only this kind of plug. It A according to Geldart) can flow in dilute or fluidized dense phase.
should be mentioned that literature present various names, such Larger particles with low density may flow in dilute or slug flow.
as plug and slug, to the same kind of flow, which might be confus- Particles having higher densities can be conveyed in only dilute
ing. Specifically, various names, such as: moving, fluidized dense phase flow. Sanchez et al. (2003) conducted an excellent review
phase, turbulent flow, dune flow, stratified flow, etc., are given to of the above and more models. They also compared 175 experi-
apparently similar kind of flow. Recently, Shaul and Kalman ments they have found in the literature and some of their own to
(2014, 2015a, 2015b) defined three kind of classical plugs, which the various models. It should be emphasized that all of the above
are: considered the materials properties and disregarded the operating
conditions (air and solid mass flow rate) and the system at hand
a. Plug-1: moving pistons of particulate materials covering the (kind of feeder, pipe type and connections, way of inserting the
whole pipe cross-section leaving empty pipe after passing. air, etc.). Therefore, their conclusions must be limited to specific
b. Plug-2: same as Plug-1 only stationary layer exists between cases.
plugs. The plug front picks-up the layer and the rear release Only one paper by Borzone (2010) was found to take into
particles to the layer. All the above references, but (Shaul account also the operating conditions. However, he tested only
and Kalman, 2014, 2015b), related to this kind of flow. two similar materials and therefore his results are not conclusive.
c. Plug-3: same as Plug-2 only small plugs are moving at the He conducted experiments with a blow tank connected to a short
pipe top over a large stationary layer of particles at the pipe 1-in. pipe. He controlled the air velocity and changed the pressure
bottom. drop, which apparently changed the solid mass flow rate. Accord-
ing to Geldart classification, the materials are characterized as class
Shaul and Kalman also corrected the basic differential equation D, which is a good candidate to plug flow. According to Pan classi-
used by all previous researchers and developed mechanistic fric- fication the materials are characterized to the third group which
tion models to all three kind of plugs. Later on, these models were can be conveyed only in dilute phase flow. However, Borzone
modified and confirmed by experiments (Rawat and Kalman, (2010) showed that the materials can flow in all kind of flows given
2019a, 2019b) to show good agreement. the appropriate air velocity. At high velocities the conveying is con-
All of the above models and research has a great scientific merit, ducted by dilute phase flow. Reducing the velocity, it becomes
however they have no practical use if the designer can’t predict the dune flow. Further reducing the air velocity, it might flow either
type of flow in advance. It is worth to quote Sanchez et al. (2003): as plug or slug (depending on the pressure drop and solid mass
‘‘One of the most challenging issues in solids handling is being able flow rate). Finally, the flow might become as static bed. The flow
to predict ahead of time whether a powder or granular material was only slightly dependent on the pressure drop.
will convey in a dense phase plug format. Until now, we have Rabinovich and Kalman (2011) presented a flow regime chart
had to rely on conducting almost full scale testing on the material for vertical pipe flow that present both material properties and
to ascertain if it will convey in this mode.” Therefore, a number of operating conditions (air velocity). The chart is defined by Rey-
investigators have proposed a number of techniques to address nolds number (operating conditions) as a function of Archimedes
this problem. number (solid properties). The chart predicts the flow type for
Geldart (1973) was the first to classify materials for fluidization any material at any air velocity, whether to be packed bed, flu-
and defined four classes. It is commonly believed that particles of idized, bubble flow or slug flow (in the range of fluidization) or fast
H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256 3

fluidization flow, plug flow or dilute phase flow (in the conveying a vertical section in order to force the plug to be symmetrical. In
range). The chart was enabled due to previous researches showing case of Plug-2 and 3 repeated plugs were fed to create a stable sta-
that all known and relevant threshold velocities can quite accu- tionary layer. The measurements took place only when the whole
rately be defined by simple power equations of Re vs. Ar. It was new plug could move over the stationary layer to the cyclone with-
valid for terminal and minimum fluidization (Rabinovich and out causing any change to the layer height. The air is applied at the
Kalman, 2008a), saltation and minimum pressure (Rabinovich top of the plug to force it to move through the long radius bend
and Kalman, 2008b, 2010) and pick-up (Kalman et al., 2005) veloc- (R/D = 10). In both cases, experiments were conducted with pipe
ities, among others. In most of the cases, Re was modified to take diameters of 1, 2, 3 and 4-in. The movement of the plug is recorded
into account the pipe diameter and Ar was modified to take into by a high speed camera to measure the plug length, plug velocity
account various affecting parameters, such as particle sphericity, and particle velocity. The camera has the capability to record the
coefficient of restitution, friction coefficient and volumetric videos up to 5000 frames per second. All the pressure drop and
concentration. flow related data is read and recorded in the Lab-View system.
In this paper, previously defined threshold velocities and newly The results presented in this paper are the operating conditions
developed ones are used to define a new flow regime chart for (air flow rate), material properties and visual observation of the
horizontal flow. The threshold velocities which were not defined type of flow.
earlier, will be defined in the same way as all other, as Re vs. Ar.
In this way the flow regime chart will include both solid properties 2.2. Materials
and operating conditions. Afterwards, the flow regime chart will be
compared to results and other charts from the literature to discuss For the current study related to various plugs and other kinds of
the differences between the definitions and what is probably the flow over 30 materials have been measured at a very wide range of
reason for the differences. It should be emphasized that although shapes and properties. The particle size range was from 4 lm up to
the new flow regime chart provide the basic phenomena, some 5 mm, the particle density ranged from 935 kg m3 up to
other parameters, not fully considered in this paper, may affect 7800 kg m3 and the Archimedes number from 103 up to 4.2
the flow, such as: system parameters (feeder type, line configura- 106. The materials properties, which used specifically in this work,
tion, bends, pipe diameter and wall friction) operating parameters are presented in Table 1. All other materials are described in the
(air flow rate and humidity and solid mass flow rate), particle prop- appropriate references. Also data from the literature, which will
erties (moisture content, electrical charging, particle shape, size be described later, will be used.
and size distribution) and finally, interactions between plugs in Table 1 indicating the particle size and the distribution. Two of
multi-plug systems. All these parameters should be further inves- the materials are mono-sized (plastic beads and wheat) and two
tigated in order to improve the basic flow regime chart. have narrow size distribution (zeolite and potash), which means
that they were classified in between two sieves and the size repre-
2. Experimental sent the average of the range. Four materials have size distribution
(sand E3, fine salt, sand E2 and fly ash) presented in Fig. 2. In the
To study the threshold velocities from one type of flow to last case, the indicated particle size is the median size (Fig. 2). Most
another, previous and new experiments are conducted in 2-in, 3- of the particles have irregular shapes, but the plastic beads (nearly
in and 4-in Plexiglas pipe networks as appropriate. The experi- spherical), wheat (elongated) and zeolite (spherical). The particle
ments are conducted on a variety of materials; some are granular, densities were measured by a pycnometer, either Helium or water.
up to 5 mm in size, whereas others were fine, down to a few
microns in size. Details of the experimental test rig, materials used, 3. Flow regime chart
and procedure adopted are explained in previous publications
(Rawat and Kalman, 2017, 2019a, 2019b) and shortly in subse- The flow regime chart is developed based on a number of
quent sections. threshold velocities, some already published and some will be pre-
sented here at the first time. The flow regime chart describes the
2.1. Test rig potential of flow in the pipe and takes into account the material
properties and operating conditions. Whether the potential flow
The current results related to various plugs flow have been con- will be realized in a real system or not depends also on the feeder.
ducted in the indigenously fabricated experimental test rig, whose Since here all the tests were conducted by artificially inserting a
generalized line diagram is as shown in Fig. 1a and b. The system plug into the pipe, as presented in Section 2, the effect of the feeder
shown in Fig. 1a is used to Plug-1 studies and consists of a com- is eliminated. This is important for getting general behavior, since
pressor (1) of capacity 6–6.5 bar to generate the compressed air in addition to that a specific feeder may result with a specific flow
for the experiments. One stop valve (2) and a gate valve (3) are pro- regime or eliminate a specific flow regime. However, these results
vided to control the flow to the flow meters (Q) and to the Plexiglas may lead to design of new and better feeders. As for the operating
pipe network, respectively. The first pipe section (4) which is of conditions, it is assumed that the solid mass flow rate has no sig-
250 mm length is filled with plastic beads for flow straightening. nificant effect. This is based on the fact that the following results
The second pipe section is of 350 mm length and is provided with are achieved with various starting plug length and also partially
the pressure transducer (P1). The third pipe (5) is 1.5 m long test on the work of Borzone (2010) that showed only a minor effect
section which could be separated from the line for the loading of the solid mass flow rate. It is assumed here that the solid mass
and unloading of the artificial plugs. The plugs were tested after flow rate doesn’t affect the flow regime, but it may affect the plugs
some tapping. The fourth pipe (6) continues for 4 m up to a cyclone length and frequency.
separator (7) and is provided with two more pressure transducers
P2 and P3. All pipes are connected with each other by flanges. The 3.1. Dilute-dense border
particles after experiments are collected in a collector at the bot-
tom of the cyclone (8). By decreasing the air flow rate while keeping the solid flow rate
The system shown in Fig. 1b is used for the other plugs tests. constant the flow will change from dilute to dense phase flow at
The basic system is the same, only the plug is artificially fed into the saltation velocity. A number of definitions can be found in
4 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the test rig. a: for Plug-1 tests; b: for other plugs tests.

Table 1
Materials properties.

Material Particle Size, mm Size Distribution Particle Shape Particle Density, kg/m3 Archimedes number, Ar
Plastic beads 4 Mono-size Nearly spherical 935 2.16.106
Wheat 2.95 Mono-size Elongated 1251 9.61.105
Zeolite 2.2 Narrow Spherical 2210 7.90.105
Potash 1 Narrow Irregular 2046 6.12.104
Sand E3 0.275 See Fig. 2 Irregular 2373 1.90.103
Fine salt 0.36 See Fig. 2 Irregular 2170 982
Sand E2 0.175 See Fig. 2 Irregular 2373 485
Fly ash 0.012 See Fig. 2 Irregular 3794 0.122

the literature for the saltation velocity. However, by increasing the qU pu d

Re ¼ ð1Þ
air flow rate the flow changes from dense to dilute at the pick-up l
velocity. The pick-up velocity is always higher than the saltation  
gq qp  q d
velocity. Since the present experiments started with artificial plugs
(dense phase), the pick-up velocity is adopted as the border line Ar ¼ ð2Þ
between dense and dilute phase flows.
A comprehensive research of Kalman et al. (2005) analyzed where q and q p are the air and the particle densities, l is the air
almost hundred experiments of their own and others found in viscosity, g is the gravity acceleration, d is the particle diameter
the literature to present power relationships between Re and Ar and Upu is the minimum superficial air velocity picking up the par-
in three zones. The pick-up velocity was defined for an air stream ticles. They modified Re by a function considering the pipe diame-
over a stationary layer of particles, as visualized in Fig. 3a and pre- ter, since the pick-up velocity increases as the pipe diameter
sented in Fig. 3b. Reynolds and Archimedes numbers are defined as increases. The effect of the pipe diameter is bounded by a factor
follows: of 1.4 for infinite pipe diameter related to a 2-in. pipe. However,
H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256 5

Kalman et al. (2005) to the values of Fig. 3b. However, in the follow-
ing equations and flow regime chart, the pick-up velocity for a 2-in.
pipe for spherical particles will be plotted.
The three zones take into account the effect of the cohesive
(Van-der-Waals) forces. Zone I is valid for large particles where
the pick-up force should overcome the particle weight. For smaller
particles, of Zone II, the pick-up force should overcome both the
weight and the cohesive forces. For fine powders, of Zone III, the
cohesive forces are so high that agglomerates are picked up instead
of individual particles. The relationships for the three zones are
presented in Eqs. (3)–(5):

Re ¼ 5  Ar3=7 for Ar > 16:5 ð3Þ

Re ¼ 16:7 for 0:45 < Ar < 16:5 ð4Þ

Re ¼ 21:8  Ar 1=3 for Ar < 0:45 ð5Þ

3.2. Blockage and Plug-1

Fig. 2. The size distribution of four materials.
Blockage is defined here as the conditions in which even an
existing plug in a pipe will not move or change. Rawat and
Kalman (2017) conducted a comprehensive experimental analysis
of the detachment velocity. In their tests, they used the rig config-
uration presented in Fig. 1a in which a plug of a material was
inserted into the horizontal pipe after some tapping. Then the air
flow rate was increased until one of two possibilities happened.
Either the plug was moved as Plug-1 (see Fig. 4) or particles
detached from the front and top part of the plug (see Fig. 5) creat-
ing a layer of particles. Consequently, plugs might move over the
stationary layer as Plug-2 or Plug-3. It was found that Plug-1 moves
only for materials having Ar < 100 (Rawat and Kalman, 2017).
Since data were gathered through observations, while the air
flow rate increased by increments, the values are probably slightly
higher than should. Therefore, the border line for the blockage is
defined as the line for which all the measurements presented by
Rawat and Kalman (2017) are above. The power function describ-
ing the detachment velocity is:

Fig. 3. Particle pick-up a. visualization; and b. three zones model (Kalman et al.,

it is almost insignificant for pipes of 2–4-in. in diameter. Archi-

medes number was modified by the particle shape that presents
higher pick-up velocity for lower sphericities. Therefore, Fig. 3b is
valid for spherical particles in a 2-in. pipe. Other pipe diameters Fig. 4. Visualization of movement of Plug-1 of Magnesium Oxide inside a 3-in. pipe
and particle shapes are converted by the functions presented by at Usf = 0.5 m/s (Rawat and Kalman, 2017).
6 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

between Plug-3 and Plug-3* can be defined by a simple power

function, where Re defines only the critical value corresponding
to the border line:

Re ¼ 0:06  Ar 0:56 for Ar > 100 ð8Þ

and between Plug-3* and Plug-2:

Re ¼ 0:28  Ar0:47 for Ar > 100 ð9Þ

The existence ranges of Plug-3* is wider for lower Ar and nar-
rower for higher Ar numbers. For Ar > 106, practically, Plug-3* does
not exist and by increasing the air velocity a transition occurs from
Plug-3 directly to Plug-2.

3.4. Transition between Plug-2 and Plug-2*

Plug-2* was first reported by Rawat and Kalman (2019b)

through an extensive analysis of Plug-2 behavior. Plug-2* flows
Fig. 5. Detachment phenomenon visualization on Wax particle plug of particles
in the same way as classical Plug-2 only the layer left at the rear
dp = 5 mm in a 3-in. pipe at Usf = 0.45 m/s (Rawat and Kalman, 2017).
is moving and not stationary. The layer is moving at a decreasing
velocity and eventually in the experiments conducted in this work
Re ¼ 6  104 Ar 0:69 for Ar > 100 ð6Þ the layer will halt. However, the moving distance is high enough
that in a multi-plug system the consequent plug will arrive and
and the minimum velocity in which Plug-1 moves can be defined pick-up particles from a moving and not stationary layer. The mov-
as: ing layer’s height decreases as is shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8 presents a
comparison between the rear layer of classical Plug-2 and Plug-2*.
Re ¼ 0:0041Ar 0:28 for Ar < 100 ð7Þ Since it is difficult to show in photos the moving of the layer it is
Any velocity (Re) lower than presented in Eqs. (6) or (7) will emphasized by arrows. However, the decrease of the layer height
keep the plug unchanged, therefore, it can be defined as the block- is clear.
age condition. In case of classical Plug-2, the particle velocity is lower than the
Although here Ar = 100 is defined as the border line between plug velocity and the plug length has to be constant (Rawat and
Plug-1 and other kind of plugs, Rawat and Kalman (2019a) showed Kalman, 2017). However, in case of Plug-2* the plug length may
that for Plug-1 also cohesiveness should be significant, thus Haus- change and also the particle velocity may become equal to the plug
ner number, which is the ratio between the tapped and free bulk velocity, as was reported by a number of researchers claiming for
densities and considered as an indication for flowability, should Plug-2.
be higher than 1.25. They showed that due to that even larger par- Through extensive experimentation and visualizations, the bor-
ticles (Ar > 100) may move as Plug-1 if their moisture content der conditions between Plug-2 and Plug-2*, could be plotted for
brings their cohesiveness to the required level. In any case, all data seven materials (Ar = 500-2106) and three pipe diameters in
and analysis in this paper are related only to dry particles. Fig. 9. It is clear that the pipe diameter does not affect significantly
the results. The border line between Plug-2 and Plug-2* can be
defined by a simple power function, where Re defines only the crit-
3.3. Transition between Plug-3 and Plug-2 ical value corresponding to the border line:

The most common and mostly investigated plug, is Plug-2, as Re ¼ 1:1  Ar 0:44 for Ar > 100 ð10Þ
presented in Fig. 6a. A stationary layer exists between consequence
plugs which is picked up at the front of a moving plug and is
released at the rear of the plug. The released layer becomes imme- 3.5. Transition between Plug-2* and moving bed/dune
diately stationary and will be picked up by the next plug. At low air
velocities, but above the blockage velocity a classical Plug-3 may In order to complete the flow regime chart, another kind of flow
occur. This is described as a small plug moving at the top of the that exists between Plug-2* and dilute phase flow should be iden-
pipe over a thick stationary layer of the particulate material, as tified. This kind of flow was given various names in the past, which
presented in Fig. 6b. The front of the moving plug picks up a small is gathered here under one category. In this category are included
part of the stationary layer and release the same amount at the all kinds of flow, which are not diluted neither plug flow, thus, they
rear, in the same way as Plug-2 moves. However, along extensive include: slug, stratified, dune, fluidized, moving bed, turbulent,
visualization, a new kind of plug was observed, as presented in etc., as presented in Fig. 10 for a number of materials. Here, they
Fig. 6c. This is called Plug-3* and it has the same small plug moving will all called as dune flow. Probably, the material is dictating
at the top of a thick layer. However, the layer is not stationary and the type of flow within this category, while coarse particles having
it has a velocity distribution along it. It might be considered as larger Ar will flow as classical dunes and fine powders, having low
transient between Plug-3 and Plug-2. This kind of plug was not Ar, will flow as fluidized or turbulent flows.
known, was not investigated before and therefore should be inves- Through extensive experimentation and visualizations, the bor-
tigated in details in the future. der conditions between Plug-2* and Dune flow, could be plotted for
Through extensive experimentation and visualizations, the bor- six materials (Ar = 0.1-2106) and one pipe diameter in Fig. 11.
der conditions between Plug-3* and Plug-2, and between Plug-3 Results for Dune flows could be achieved only by using the 2-in.
and Plug-3*, could be plotted for six materials (Ar = 500-2106) pipe, since this kind of flow requires high air flow rates that could
and three pipe diameters in Fig. 7. It is clear that the pipe diameter not be achieved with the current apparatus for higher pipe diame-
does not affect significantly the results. In addition, the border line ters. The border line between Plug-2* and Dune flow can be
H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256 7

Fig. 6. Visualization of three kind of plugs: a. Classical Plug-2, plastic beads at Usf = 1.6 m/s in a 2-in. pipe; b. Classical Plug-3, potash at Usf = 1.6 m/s in a 3-in. pipe; c. Plug-3*,
potash at Usf = 2.06 m/s in a 3-in. pipe.

Fig. 12. This flow regime chart describes the expected flow regime,
whether Plug-1, 2, 2*, 3, 3*, Dune flow or Dilute phase flow for any
material, where its properties are described by the Archimedes
number and operating condition by the Reynolds number. It is
assumed here that the effect of the pipe diameter, as presented
in this paper, and the effect of the solid mass flow rate, are insignif-
icant, although these should be further investigated for a final clar-
ification. The present flow regime chart is unique since it involves
also the operating conditions, which were neglected by most pre-
vious flow characterizations, as will be further discussed later in
the paper.
It should be emphasized again that this chart presents the pipe
flow potential. However, the potential might not be realized in a
practical system due to limitations inserted by the feeding system.
This will also be further discussed later in the paper.
The flow regime chart shows that for Ar < 100 Plug-1 may exist,
but by increasing the velocity, dune flow might occur before dilute
phase flow is achieved. For Ar > 100, almost all kind of flows may
occur at various Reynolds numbers. First, at very low air velocities,
Fig. 7. The border lines between Plug-3 and Plug-3* and between Plug-3* and Plug-
Plug-3 might appear. At higher velocities, Plug-3 is changing to
2 defined by tests with a number of materials (Ar) in various pipe diameters. Plug-3*. However, the regime for Plug-3* is narrowing as Ar
increasing. Practically, for Ar > 106 (which includes most of the
plastic beads having particle diameters of about 4 mm), Plug-3*
defined by a simple power function, where Re defines only the crit- does not exist. Increasing the air flow rate the classical Plug 2 exists
ical value corresponding to the border line: for all materials. With even higher air velocities the flow regime
changes to Plug-2*, than Dune flow and finally Dilute phase flow.
Re ¼ 5  Ar 0:39 ð11Þ
Note, that dune flow exists at very narrow range of air velocities,
Please note that this border line is valid also for fine powders although the range increases for very high as well as very low Ar
having Ar < 100. Thus, Dune flow may occur also for the Plug-1 numbers. Fig. 13 presents all the data measured by us in this work
zone for higher velocities. and previous ones categorized according to the new flow regime
chart. The classification is very good.
3.6. The flow regime chart The new flow regime chart agrees with the general statements
of Borzone (2010). He also showed that the materials can flow in all
Putting all of the above threshold velocities into one figure, a kind of flows given the appropriate air velocity. As with the new
new and unique flow regime chart is achieved, as presented in flow regime chart, in high velocities the conveying is conducted
8 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

Fig. 8. Comparing between the rear part of classical Plug-2 and Plug-2*: a. Classical Plug-2 of zeolite in a 2-in. pipe and at Usf = 1.26 m/s; b. Plug-2 of zeolite in a 2-in. pipe and
at Usf = 2.87 m/s.

that for only two materials and didn’t further develop the idea
since this was a small part of a paper aimed to analyze particle
attrition in pneumatic conveying.

4. Comparing to previous characterizations

The comparison to previous works is divided into two parts. In

the first part, various experiments claimed for Plug-2 that were
used to develop various models are put on the new flow regime
chart. In the second part, the new flow regime chart is compared
to a number of previously developed characterizations.

4.1. Previous experiments for Plug-2

A number of previous papers related to Plug-2 flow and

developed models based on and validated by experiments. The
total range of their experimentation was quite narrow
(Ar = 8105-5106), since they all tested only kinds of plastic pellets
at various sizes (3–5 mm). Archimedes and Reynolds numbers
were calculated based on the properties reported in the relevant
Fig. 9. The border line between Plug-2 and Plug-2* defined by tests with a number publications. The non-dimensional numbers are presented in
of materials (Ar) in various pipe diameters. Fig. 14 accompanied by the relevant border lines according to the
new flow regime chart. Although they were all claimed for Plug-
2 and analyzed Plug-2, the comparison shows that for some cases,
by dilute phase flow. Reducing the velocity the flow becomes dune Plug-2 is confirmed by the new flow regime chart, but for many of
flow. Further reducing the air velocity, it might flow either as plug the experiments the new flow regime chart claims that they were
or slug (depending on the pressure drop and solid mass flow rate). at the Plug-2* range and even in some cases also in the Dune
Finally, the flow might become as static bed. However, he showed regime. This could be due to mainly three reasons.
H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256 9

Fig. 10. Visualization of dune, moving bed and fluidized flows for various materials. a. Potash, Ar = 6.1104, Usf = 5.8 m/s; b. Salt, Ar = 982, Usf = 5.5 m/s; c. Sand, Ar = 1881,
Usf = 4.4 m/s; d. Fly Ash, Ar = 0.122, Usf = 2.6 m/s.

Fig. 12. The final flow regime chart showing the border lines between various flow
modes, appropriate to a wide range of materials.
Fig. 11. The border line between Plug-2* and dune flow defined by tests with a
number of materials (Ar) in a 2-in. pipe.

First, it should be mentioned that the original test of Konrad and

Davidson (1984) appears at the border line between Plugs-2 and
2*, which is good. It should be also mentioned that Lecreps et al.
(2009, 2014a, 2014b) and Nied et al. (2017) conducted their exper-
iments with the same apparatus. The three reasons for the dis-
agreements are:

1. Since Plug-2* was not known before and it is easy to confuse

between them (if one is not aware to what should be focused
on when watching the visualization) confusing Plug-2* with
Plug-2 is reasonable. Therefore, it is understandable why so
many of the data are actually in the range of Plug-2*.
2. The second reason is relating to the fact that experiments are
involved. Experiments are unfortunately always accompanied
by errors, which could be sometimes significant without even
being aware to that. If there are measurement errors they are
probably with the air flow rate measurement. Air flow rate
devices are difficult to calibrate. In many of the pneumatic con- Fig. 13. All present experimental data on the new flow regime chart. The symbols
veying rigs used by various researchers a bank of nozzles is used are based on visual analysis of the videos.
10 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

Fig. 15. Comparing previous classifications in terms of Re and Ar numbers to the

current flow regime chart.
Fig. 14. Comparing previous tests claimed for Plug-2 to the flow regimes claimed in
this work.
be provided. The comparison will therefore relate to the parameter
describing the particle properties, which is the Ar number.
Geldart (1973) was the first to classify materials for fluidization
and defined four classes. The borders between various types are
to control the air flow rate. A bank of nozzles was used, as
defined by density difference (particle and fluid) and particle diam-
reported, by Vasquez et al. (2003), Lecreps et al. (2009, 2014a,
eter. The main border line, between type A to type B, is developed
2014b), Nied et al. (2017), Li et al. (2002). However, some of
based on two early and simple correlations for minimum fluidiza-
them added or used also a rotameter (Mi and Wypych, 1995;
tion and minimum bubbling velocities. However, more recent
Vasquez et al., 2003) others didn’t report any measurement
equations define both the minimum fluidization and bubbling
beside the use of a nozzle bank. It should be emphasized that
velocities as functions of the Ar number. Moreover, for practical
also a nozzle should be calibrated once in a while by comparing
range of the densities difference (500–5000) original border lines
to measurement of the air flow rate. In the present work, the air
of Geldart can be reasonably described by constant Ar numbers,
flow rate was measured by two hot-wire mass flow rate trans-
thus, the border between C and A can be described by Ar = 0.7, A
ducers, and a third one was used to conduct a new calibration
and B by Ar = 100, and B and D by Ar = 20,000. These border lines
when the two mounted on the pipe line began to show different
are presented in Fig. 15. It is commonly believed that particles of
results (which happened a few times). Another source of errors
type A and C might be conveyed in plug flow with difficulties, type
may be related to air leakage, which leads to measure higher air
B will not convey naturally in plug flow and type D are the best
flow rates than actual flows in the pipe.
candidates for plug flow (Sanchez et al., 2003). Later, Dixon
3. As mentioned earlier, the feeding system may affect the flow
(1979) modified the border lines between classes.
regime and mainly the blockage conditions. In this research sin-
Jones and Mills (1990) and Jones (1988) based their character-
gle plugs were inserted into the pipe and tested, in a similar
ization on testing many materials defining visually their type of
way as was done by Vasquez et al. (2003). But the tests pre-
flow. Then they relied the classification on permeability and de-
sented in Fig. 14 are measured in systems, which used rotary
aeration factors. Materials with low permeability factor and high
valves (Li et al., 2002; Sanchez et al., 2005), blow tanks
de-aeration factor values can convey in a moving bed mode, mate-
(Lecreps et al., 2009, 2014a, 2014b; Nied et al., 2017; Konrad
rials with lower de-aerations and high permeability factors are
and Davidson, 1984) and an orifice (Tomita and Asou, 2009).
conveyed in plug type flow, all others can flow only in dilute phase
flow. Using, their tests and definitions, shows that their classifica-
The solid part of the new flow regime chart is the line for the
tion, based on two parameters (permeability factor vs. de-aeration
pick-up velocity. This three zones model was reported by Kalman
factor), can be successfully described by only Ar number, as is pre-
et al. (2005) and validated over and over again by many indepen-
sented in Fig. 15. That is probably because both factors can be
dent researchers and new experiments. This line can’t be higher
defined by the Ar number.
and all other types of flow should be presented at lower velocities.
Pan (1999) classified the materials based on their loosely
In any case, it should be emphasized that if the differences pre-
poured bulk density and median particle diameter into three
sented in Fig. 14 are true, any of the previous models (which were
groups. Fine powders can flow in dilute or fluidized dense phase.
all assumed Plug-2) should be reexamined if they were relied by
Larger particles with low density may flow in dilute or slug flow.
mistake on Plug-2* tests.
Particles having higher densities can be conveyed in only dilute
phase flow. As the definitions of Pan (1999) are presented in
4.2. Previous flow regime definitions Fig. 15, they don’t correlate with Ar number. The regimes of Pan
(1999) are overlapping each other. The overlapping is not reason-
Some efforts have been focused in the past to be able to predict able if Ar number defines the material.
the flow regime for a specific material. Here, three of the main For fine powders of about Ar < 100, Geldart (1973) classification
efforts are described and compared to the present flow regime claims that plugs (what kind of plugs is not mentioned) may flow
chart in Fig. 15. First of all, it should be emphasized that all previ- with difficulties. Jones (1988) claims that moving beds should be
ous efforts characterized materials, but not operating conditions. expected and Pan (1999) expects fluidized dense phase, which is
Therefore, a full comparison to the new flow regime chart can’t probably the same as moving bed. However, the current flow
H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256 11

Fig. 16. The effect of an obstacle on Plug-1 flow of flour at Usf = 2.3 m/s in 2-in. pipe, a. after the obstacle; and b. before the obstacle. The effect of an obstacle on Plug-2 flow of
potash at Usf = 1.5 m/s in 2-in. pipe, c. after the obstacle; and d. before the obstacle.

regime chart showed that at lower velocities Plug-1 should flow shape, size and size distribution, their effect should be extended
and at higher velocities moving bed. The main difference between in future research. Also, multi-plug systems should be further
the current and those of Jones and Pan’s classification is that they investigated.
used a feeder and here the plug was directly inserted into the pipe.
The feeder may cause changes. The solid mass flow rate is not con-
trolled by a blow tank. Also the way of injecting the extra convey- 5. Conclusions
ing air may also cause differences. Fig. 16 presents, for instance,
how Plugs-1 and 2 are passing through an obstacle that was cre- The paper introduces a new and unique flow regime chart
ated by a bad joint between pipes. Flour enters the obstacle in which combines particle properties and air flow rate. Extensive
Fig. 16b as a perfect Plug-1, but exit as moving bed in Fig. 16a. visualizations of a number of materials introduced two new types
Potash enters the obstacle in Fig. 16d as a perfect Plug-2, and exit of plugs in addition to the three classical ones. Plug-3* is a subtype
also as Plug-2 in Fig. 16a. The obstacle damaged slightly the Plug-2, of the classical Plug-3 only the bed below the plug is not stationary.
but it is recovered shortly after. The obstacle destroyed the non- Plug-2* is a subtype of the classical Plug-2 only the layer between
stable Plug-1 but not the stable Plug-2. Therefore, it might be consequent plugs is not stationary. Plug-1 exists for fine powders
claimed that in many cases a moving bed flow found for fine pow- (types C and A in Geldart’s classification) of Ar < 100. At higher
ders is actually a destroyed Plug-1. Ar number, all types of plugs may be found at different Re num-
For coarse particles having about Ar > 5104 all agree that plug bers. Their order for increasing Re numbers is: Plug-3, 3*, 2 and
or slug flow may occur (see Fig. 15). Plug flows were observed 2*. All of the threshold velocities could be well defined by Re as a
for this range also in the new flow regime chart. However, the type simple power function of Ar. Therefore, the flow regime chart is
of plug depends on the air flow rate. Also dune flow can be presented by Re as a function of Ar with linear border lines on a
expected at this range. log-log diagram. In between any kind of plugs and dilute phase
For middle size particles having about 100 < Ar < 5104 all previ- flow dune flow exist at a narrow range.
ous classifications agree that plug flows can’t be expected, only Comparing the new flow regime chart to previous measure-
dilute phase flow. However, the new flow regime chart suggests ments and characterizations found in the literature suggest that
that at lower velocities all types of plugs exist. Probably, Jones considerable previous measurements considered as Plug-2 are
and Pan reached blockage while reducing the air flow rate and actually Plug-2*. As a results, models developed according to such
could not reach the plug flow. The blockage may be a result of measurements or confirmed by such measurement should be ree-
the specific feeder used. valuated. The difference between previously characterized materi-
The above analysis claim that probably the feeder, or air jets or als for flow regimes and the current flow regime chart suggest that
bad pipe connections prevent the current pneumatic conveying the feeder used in the conveying line may also affect the flow
systems to reach Plug-1 flow for low Ar and dense phase flow for regime and eliminate some potential flows. This should lead to
median Ar numbers. Since dense phase flow has many advantages reexamine the feeders and maybe to develop new ones enable to
over dilute phase flow and among the dense phase types of flows fully use the flow potential in the pipe.
Plug-1 is the most effective (no energy is lost for reaccelerating
halted particles), this paper should encourage to reexamine the
commonly used feeders and maybe to develop new ones enable Declaration of Competing Interest
to fulfill the full potential of the pipe flow.
As was described at the end of the introduction, a number of The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
parameters may affect the flow regime and are not considered in cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
this work. However, the basic chart shown here is an excellent tool to influence the work reported in this paper.
(not shown before) enable to predict in advance the flow regime
and calculating the pressure drop. The parameters that may be cat-
egorized to: system parameters, operating parameters, particle Acknowledgement
properties and multi-plug flow. Although the current investigation
considered a number of parameters: air flow rate, solid mass flow This research is supported by the Israeli Ministry of Science,
rate through the plug length, solid moisture content, particle Technology, and Space (2015-6-145).
12 H. Kalman, A. Rawat / Chemical Engineering Science 211 (2020) 115256

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