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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FM-273 AM/FM STEREO SYNTHESIZER TUNER THE FIRST NAME IN HIGH FIDELITY FISHER FM-273 CT TASK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. 0 NOT OPEN ‘CAUTION: TO REDUCE THERISK OF ELECTAIC SHOCK, DONOT REMOVE COVER, NO USER-SERVICEARLE PARTS INSIDE, SPECIFICATIONS FM SECTION ele Se ono 2suviiaieaat Sterso Bouvier aBt 50cB avietne Seneitvty ono souvi7 2981 Stetso _ S5uv/a00g8 Slara-o-Noise Ratio 2 1808 ‘This symbol ingicatos that dangerous vol- tage constituting @ risk of electric shock is present within ths unit, REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. See r0 8 ‘At. Channel Sect [2-400 00) 7018 nage Response Ratio 4808 Spurious Response IF Response al 7068 This symbol indicates that there are impor: Mono 00 04% tantoperatng ondmelsonance neturtions So a3 inthe erature eecomanyingthisunt Serer sees ono voes Micsleovartwwetn — SheuSeS Biv oniorfejcien 19 ao] —eerr8aB ‘dio Frequere exponen er s1008 Awsecrion IF respoe to Ts038 THIS TUNER EMPLOYS A QUARTZ LOCKED GENERAL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER DIGITAL TUNING Poe faitemans over o8 SYSTEM. THIS TUNING SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO TUNE ONLY TO THE AM AND FM BROADCAST STATION FREQUENCIES ASSIGNED FOR THE USA BY THE FCC (FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMIS- SION) AS IN EFFECT 1 JAN 1983, : Sr a 89, Because its products are sublect to continuous Im= brovement. Fisher Corporetion reserves the rsh To Irouty product designe and specifications without notice nd withautincuring ny obligetion WARNING: 70 Avoip THE HAZARDS OF FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR OTHER MOISTURE. 2 IMPORTANT . . . This Stereo Tuner was developed by FISHER to give you many years of énjoy- ment, Please read the following instructions carefully. They have been prepared to assist you during the initial set-up procedure and to assure you of optimum performance at all times. THE WARRANTY ON THIS UNIT DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY MISHANDLING OR MISUSE. cauriot © Do not plug the power cord into an AC wall outiet until after all connections have been made, '* Be sure to make the correct connections, paying atten- tion to the L (left channel) and R (right channel) marks, Connect the lead wires securely. Loose connections will result in unsatisfactory sound reproduction or cause noise problems. Refer to Fig. 4 on Page 4. © Refer to SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS for proper antenna installation, © ANTENNA Terminals 1) Connecting an FM antenna Choose an appropriate FM antenna, taking into con- sideration the strength of signals tobe recelved and the prevailing conditions for FM reception. (See page 4) ‘© Dipole antenna Connect the dipole antenna supplied with the tuner to the ANTENNA terminals marked FM 3000 ig. 1) oF '* Outdoor antenna with 3000 feeder-line (Fig. 1) Connect the lead-in to the ANTENNA terminals marked FM 3000 the same way as the dipole anten- naor.. ‘* Outdoor antenna with 750 coaxial cable To minimize noise interference from engines of motor vehicles and high tension power lines, the se of a 750 coaxial cable is recommended. Con- ect it tothe FM 7501 terminals as in Fig, 2. NOTE: In weak signal areas, the use of an outdoor FM antenna and 759 coaxial cable Is necessary for good FM re- ception. Contact a FISHER desler for advice 2) Outdoor single wire antenna for AM reception For the reception of faint AM signals in a remote area or Inside a ferro-concrete building, the installa tion of a single wire outdoor antenna Is recom- mended, Spread an insulated wire about $0 feet in length as illustrated (Fig. 4 on page 4.). An antenna of this kind will pick up radio waves too weak for the ferrite, bar antenna to receive. A single wire antenna stretched along an eave of a house will also produce good results. The indoor fend of the antenna should be connected to the ANTENNA terminal marked AM. @ Ferrite Bar Antenne This unit ls equipped witha ferrite bar antenna for the reception of AM radio programs. Uniess radio signals are too weak, no external antenna ie necessary. When listening to AM broadcasts, adjust the position of he bar antenna forthe best reception, (See Mustraton on pages) Broadcast Broadoast station mg station g Outdoor Fit antenna sues seth Dist antenna 200 outdo: Lsslaereion on Broads our 750 coaxial cable 758 coaxial cable connection Fig.2 eae + + Fin (1) Strip the braided wire fora distance of about 1-1/8" by Cutting off the cuter insulation (2) Untwist anc told back the braided wire, Strip the core wire by taking off the inner insulation for ‘distance of about 3/4" Keep all speaker, audio and power cables away from the bar antenna and never use it asa handle. © ourPur connections Connect the output cabies supplied with the tuner to the TUNER input jacks on your amplifier. e © Ac (Power cord) Alter completing tte instalation and all connections, make sure that the BOWER switch on no font panel the tunor is aot to OFF. Then plug tne powe Cord ito tm AC wallouie oran AG outlet on emit. 9 Lit iS ‘Outdoor AM Antenna: Bar Antenna ‘Adjustable Feri a oa Ene Integrates Stereo Ampitier Fig.4 INSTALLATION OF FM ANTENNAS For ihe best FM sound quality, itis necessary to install an appropriate type of antenna. This should be done with con- sideration of the signal strength of the broadcast station and the surrounding conditions. ‘SELECTION OF AN FM ANTENNA 1. With nearby FM stations: Use the dipole antenna supplied with the tuner for ro- ception of local stations. NOTE: Every antenna has a directional characteristic (its abil ly 1 pick up signals varles according to is orienta: tion! Spread the T-section of the dipole antenna supplied with your tuner: rotate it in order to determine the best signal-recelving position and then install it in that position. 2. Indareas relatively near FM stations: In case the supplied dipole antenna fails to eliminate noise interference or if you want to pick up signals from distant stations, install a multi-element outdoor antenna. NOTE: Generally, the sensitivity of an outdoor FM antenna corresponds to the number of its elements. This should be the criterion for the selection of an FM an- tenna, 3. Directional characteristic of an outdoor FM antenna An increase in the number of elements not only Im- roves the sensitivity of the outdoor FM antenna but ‘enhances its directional characteristics. This means that such an antenna has to be positioned accurately for the best reception of FM radio waves. MULTI-PATH DISTORTION A nearby mountain or a high-rise building reflects FM radio waves, which interfere with the waves coming in directly. Noise and sound distortion caused by this phenomenon are known as multi-path distortion, Multi-path interference can be considerably reduced by taking advantage of the directional characteristic of a multi-element FM antenna and by using an antenna rotor. GENERAL REMARKS ON FM ANTENNAS FOR, OUTDOOR INSTALLATION Keep the following in mind when installing an FM antenna outdoors, (1) Install the antenna away from road traffic and place the antenna as high above the ground as possible. (2) Determine the best antenna position in relation to nearby buildings and trees, (3) Keep the antenna away from high tension power lines. CONTROLS AND OPERATION This section describes the tuner's controls in the order in which you would normally use them. Follow the Instructions, ina step-by-step sequence and in avery short time you will master complete operation of the unit. © roweR switcn .. When depressed, the digital frequency display panel, AUTO tuning and ST/MUTE (stereo/mute) indicators light up and power is supplied to the tuner. To switch the power off, release the switch by depressing t again. CAUTION: Even when the power switch is released, the power transformer remaine switched on. The unit switch will not completely switch off the power to the unit, @ digitar Frequency Display Panel This 5-digit display shows the exact tuned-in frequen- cy. The FM range Is indicated In MHz and the AM range in kHz © Brosdcast Band Selector Buttons Each button wil operate when genile pressure Is ap- pile tone contr ofthe button eNPM: When tis button Is prossed broadoast sation within the FM reaveney range of 87.80 to 100.00, Wiz can be received When an i stereo broadcast Isrecolved, the STEREO Inceater lights up, = Asien iis buttons pressed breadcast stations within the AM requongy range of 520 0 1710 ie Can be received @ Mode Button and ST/MUTE Indicator Used to select the stereo or monaural mode. When the , power is switched on, the ST/MUTE indicator lights up, the stereo mode’ is automatically set and tne muting circuit that suppresses the Interstalion noise uring tuning is. activated. Stereo. broadcasts are heard in stereo while monaural broadoasts are heard in mono. This button should normally be set to stereo mode. For monaural mode, press the button, The ST/MUTE indicator goes out. Simultaneously, the muting clreult Is cut. When receiving weak-signal FM stations or when tuning inthe stations manually, set to he monal- ral mode. Auto/Manual Tuning Button and AUTO Tuning Indicator Used to select the auto or manual tuning mode. When the power is switched on, the AUTO tuning indicator lights up and the tuning mode is automatically set to ‘auto. When the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING button is pressed, the unit will scan up or down the frequency ‘band and automatically stop at the very next station, For manual tuning, press the button The AUTO tuning Indicator goes out. Any frequency assigned by the FCC for U.S. broadcast stations can be tuned In manu- ally by pressing the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING bution. @ ve > y/00WN (<) TUNING Buttons Used for tuning FM and AM stations. For frequency ad- jstment press these buttons while observing the digi tal frequency display panel and SIGNAL strength in- dicators. When the UP (>) TUNING button Is pressed, the display frequency will be increased. When the DOWN (<) TUNING button is pressed, the display fre- ‘uency will be decreased. @ STATION MEMORY Button and Indicator... When the STATION MEMORY button Is pressed, the MEMORY indicator will light up for approximately 10 seconds. Pressing one of the preset STATION buttons during this time Interval will store the selected station in the tuning memory. You may store up to 8 FM and 8 AM stations (a total of 18) © Preset STATION CALL Button and indlatore Press to store selacted statone in tne tuning memory or when you wish to receWe stations that are atoady Stored nthe memory. Pressing one of thewe Suttons Automatically tunes the select station (thas boon Stored inthe memory) and ts indoator Tights ub. © sionat strength naicators Show the relative signal strength of the received signal When a dvectonal antenna wih a rotor lo seed Boston itn the fection where the Highest signal Btrengih is inaleated (most Ingleators @ sTeAc0 incictor Lights up automatically when the FM buton is pressed tnd’ stereo prosccast Is recetvod. The ndeater wl nat ight up when the ST/MUTEinaleator le not por tien the broadcast isin mone TUNER OPERATION AUTOMATIC TUNING (Recommended Tuning Method) Stations are tuned in automatically simply by pressing the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING button. When the frequency display reaches the lower limit (87.8 MHz FM or 520 kHz AM) or the upper limit (108.00 MHz FM or 1710 kHz AM), the auto scan will automatically reverse direction, 4. Switch on the power. The unit is automatically set to the auto tuning and stereo modes, 2. Press the FM or AM button to select the broadcast band, 8. Tune in a station by pressing the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING button, When the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING button is Pressed, the frequency display moves up (increases) (or down (decreases) and it stops as soon as a station Is received. When It Is pressed again, the frequency display moves up of down again and the next station is received. Repeat this operation until the station you want is received, 4. The SIGNAL strength indicators light up in relation to received signal strength. 8. The STEREO Indicator lights up during reception of an FIM stereo broadcast. MANUAL TUNING (Alternate Tuning Method) Proceed with manual tuning when receiving a weak-signal station which cannot be picked up by automatic tuning When the mode button is set to stereo, the FM interstation noise is suppressed. When receiving a weak-signal station, the signal sometimes fades away along with the noise. In this case, set the mode button to monaural 1. Switch on the power. The unit is automatically set to the auto tuning and stereo modes. 2. Set the auto/manual tuning button to the manual tuning mode. 3, Press the FM or AM button to select the broadcast band. 4, Tune’in a station by pressing the UP (>) or DOWN (<) ‘TUNING button, It the UP (>) or DOWN (<) TUNING button is pressed land HELD in that position, the frequency display will advance or recede until the button is released, or the beginning or end of the FM or AM band is reached When the desired frequency is approached, release the button. Then, pressing the button momentarily will move the frequency up or down in 100 kHz steps in the FM mode or in 10 kHz steps in the AM mode. 5. The SIGNAL sirength indicators light up in relation to received signal strength. 6. _The STEREO indicator lights up during reception of an “PM stereo broadcast. PRESETTING (MEMORIZING) STATIONS Up to 8 stations each for FM and AM can be preset (a total of 16). Once a station has been preset, all that has to be done is to press the corresponding STATION button once, 41. Tune in the station to be preset. Refer to the section on Automatic Tuning or Manual Tuning 2 Once the station has been tuned, press the STATION MEMORY button and press one of the STATION but- tons while the MEMORY indicator is lt up. Once the MEMORY indicator light goes off, stations can no longer be preset. Make sure that you press the STATION button while the MEMORY Indicator Is lt up. Itithas gone out, repeat the presetting operation NOTE: = Presetting Is possible in any order and with any of the buttons for both FM and AM stations. = When a STATION button Is used to preset a new, dif- ferent broadcast station, the previously preset station is erased. (It is not possible to erase the previous pre- setting without presetting another station.) = It, ater presetting, the power is interrupted, the preset stations will be retained in the memory for approxi- mately one week. = When the preset STATION buttons are pressed after the station frequency has been entered into the mamory, the frequency of the preset station is indicat- ed on the digital requency display panel. LISTENING TO BROADCASTS First, set the amplifier to the TUNER mode, Make sure that you turn down the VOLUME control on the amplifier before ‘operating the tuner. 1. Switch on the power. The unit receives the broadcast station which was previously heard. 2, Press the FM or AM button to select the broadcast band. 3, Turn up the VOLUME control on the amplifier slightly In order to facilitate tuning, 4, Tune in the desired station using the STATION button which has already been preset. For automatic or manual tuning without using the STATION buttons, refer to the section on Automatic Tuning or Manval Tuning, 5. Ifthe FM stereo reception is noisy, set the mode button to monaural. In this case, the program will not be heard in stereo, although the reception will be improved and the noise level reduces 6. Adjust the VOLUME and TONE controls on the ampli- fier to your preference. NOTE: ‘The wrong type of antenna or improper antenna instal- lation are frequent causes of poor FM reception. Care- fully read the instructions given in the section entitled INSTALLATION OF FM ANTENNAS. = Ahumming noise during AM broadcast reception may bbe caused by the AC power line. This problem can be remedied by taking the following measures. 1) Position the power cord away from the antenna line and the ferrite bar antenna, 2) Adjust the position ofthe ferrite bar antenna, TIPS FOR SAFE OPERATION... 1. Location: For sate operation and satistactory performance of the tuner, keep the following in mind when selecting @ place for its installation. ‘© Shelter it from direct sunlight and keep It away from sources of intense heat, ‘© Avoid dusty and humid places. ‘¢ Avoid places with insufficient ventilation for heat dissipation. 2. When handling the power cord: ‘© Donot handle the power cord with wet hands, ‘* Do not pull on the power cord when disconnecting it from the AC outlet. Grasp the plug 8. Avoiding the hazards of electrical shock or fire: If, by accident, water is spilled on the tuner, unplug the power cord immediately and have the unit serviced by FISHER-authorized personnel, See item 6. 4. Donot drop pieces of metal into the tuner: Needles, coins and other electrically conductive mate- rials may cause problems if they get into the tuner. 5. Cleaning Wipe the front panel and other exterior surfaces of the tuner with a soft, dry cloth, Stains should be removed by wiping the surfaces with a soft cloth immersed in lukewarm water and wrung dry. Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray insecticide liquid near the tuner. Such chemicals may cause sur- face discoloration and cracking, 6 Servicing: ‘Should this tuner require service, refer to the Fisher service station list supplied with the unit. If you do not have a convenient Fisher service station nearby, write to the Fisher dealer where you purchased the unit. Be sure to give the model number and explain the problem. The dealer will advise you how to obtain service. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE you have foliowed the instructions in the CONNECTING and CONTROLS sections, and have difficulty operating your tuner, locate the SYMPTOM in the left column below. Check the corresponding POSSIBLE CAUSE and CORRECTIVE ACTION columns to locate and remedy the problem. SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE ‘No sound. Distal requency display panel does not light ‘when POWER ewiten is on Faulty contact at power outlet, CORRECTIVE ACTION Insert the plug firmly into the outlet No soundat al. Digital frequency alsplay panel lights Output cables Rave been disconnected ‘Connect output cables properly to amplifiers TUNER Jacks. rs) No reception even when station button is presses “Ampilier is being operated improperly Incorrect frequency hes been memorized, Weak signal ‘Operate ampilir properly [ Memorize requency propery. ‘Set mode button to monaural Tuning does nat stop at desired station in AUTO tuning mode, ‘Continuous or intermittent higeing noise, especially at night. Weak signal TTUNING button has been pressed continuously for prolonged pariod of time Noise caused by motors, fluorescent lamps, lightning, teevigion, ee. | Tune in station manually. Do not press continuously for prolonged period of te. Keep the unit away from noise sources, Install an cutéoor AM antenna, (Noise may be reduced, but nat completely removed) Continuous hissing noie, especially whena stereo broadcast is received Insta an outéoor FM antenne. Flickering of stereo indicator. Weak signal Use'3 105 elements ifthe brosdcast station ls far away. ‘Weak signal Install an outdoor FM antenne | FISHER’ Ptulis-tanutard” THE FIRST NAME IN HIGH FIDELITY FISHER CORPORATION, 21314 LASSEN STREET « CHATSWORTH + CALIFORNIA 91311 Copyrieht 1983, Feter Corpration [AL Rights Reserved Printed in Jann 1426-4119-01861 9-279, Issue Number

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