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STOR UN CIRC RCO Cm TRUCOS e Itt US ACSA UTS SCLC es UMC UAC CURE COR ON ce Suddenly, you feel the floor tremble beneath you. The trees that enshrine your property begin to shake their branches as their fruits fall with a cacophony of soft thuds. SUC CO CR RIO MUMS CO LL RURAL) UCR CURT CC LCE RCE OIC RRC HU RCO RCCL through the crisp autumn air. SCAT eu Outside there is a great commotion. Women and children scream as they flee towards their homes. Wagons hastily make way across a the town square, attempting to bring weapons to any able bodied man able to take up arms. You purse your lips and blow out the candles in one mighty and concise blow. The room turns a dull gray as you done your helmet. Adorning the wall to the right of your shrine sits your katana. Forged in the 15th century, it has been passed down from generation to generation. You take a deep breath before gripping the handle, CR CCRC RL The crowd is roaring outside. They are confused and frightened. The enemy horde CC aR RCE CCU COO ORES Cn REL C PCI G SCRUB OLE ICM § | I I} Ht E R iy TORE ca sa UNS Atm ACCU CSRS LS Cem Ce You begin to make way into the center of the town. The people’s teary eyes track SOR AUC UAC RRR UR COU CSM TO RR NSCOR Oe NOR NALA CU NCUERa CIRC ARC uM SC Sm CTL men willing to follow you to the ends of the world join in. Then the blacksmiths. Then the farmers. Soon, every warrior is filled with the spirit of the warrior. SCARCE CSR Ta DCMU RTT CO eR COL Today, the lives and futures of these men and women rest on the samurai’s shoul- Ces § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TABLE OF CONTENTS i. BUTS TTR a i. | SAMURAI’S WEAPONS i. SU SEU § | HT | I] ity 4) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNANIC NUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SO LS Every movement of the shoulder complex requires the collaboration of several tissues. In a previous shoulder ebook we went over the shoulder joint based on con- ventional anatomical location of the muscles. The shoulder, like the samurai code, may be complex and at times paradoxical. In this phase | wish to expand your under- SOT Before we delve into new material, let's review the basic shoulder anatomy. PCC ICS a IU SAIC RM ORCC ICG role and purpose designed to achieve the overall goal, complete decimation of your people. Similarly, the deltoid is made up of several muscles which make up your overall shoulder muscle. Your deltoid is divided into three main parts: the anterior (front) or clavicular portion, the middle or acromial portion, and the spinal or anterior (rear) portion based on their origin. § | OU | D E ie CORLL Mea ass SU aL rd The anterior deltoid has two main functions. The first is to raise the arm at the shoulder joint such as in a dumbbell front raise or when you raise your katana SOL CMR ACC CROMER CA NAC Ce TE arm at the shoulder. For example, if you have your arm hanging at your side your TO ACEO CM URC R CRMC CRM e CHC deltoid to rotate your arm if you wanted to have your thumb face your body. Repetition is the father of mastery. You know this from your countless swings upon bamboo shoots. The man with a thousand slices will fall before the man with one perfect attack. Unfortunately, modern gym goers have taken this to heart with their anterior deltoids. The standard weightlifter focuses on pressing enormous weight in an effort to lay claim to the gym domain. Lifters consistently increase their pressing power throughout their career, but this can lead to incongruent growth in our deltoid muscles. Bench presses, of any variety, can target the anterior deltoid just as much as TO OUR CORON ECM need a balance of strength and speed, harnessed with skill, to have a chance at TC aA 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EF} SO LS ORO COS RRO CR ee URN aCe CALS DUM CUM UIN CACC RR UCN Co TCC CMC the dumbbell side raise. The medial deltoid is the most coveted, but the most elusive superficial muscle of the MS CRC I OCR CUR CR Mm TCH CC MTT pulling incredible masses activates your rear delts. Lift your weights overhead and the spirits of your brethren up so that you may grow strong enough to save your os § | OU | D E ie CORLL ao au a) UCR ORO OAM SSCs eC MURR IE arm and shoulder backwards in a movement called retroversion (such as in the but- terfly stroke). It can also help with adduction at the shoulder joint wherein you bring the arm closer to your body. In rowing motions, the rear deltoid pulls the arm posteri- OOO RT CLC RUM ECCT CEERI Le SSC CCRC ICMR RU CLUS R CCR TAM RUC CRU ORT LMU MUU CR Recency physique. Large rear delts can create a sculpted shoulder look which helps form a desirable V-shape. A true warrior knows that you must turn your weaknesses into strength. You must turn your rear deltoids into unbreakable armor, lest the enemy SORT CAC 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OE Though you walked out alone to face the approaching menace, your brothers in arms refused to let you fight this battle alone. Similarly, it is rare that isolate one of the deltoids in a movement pressing or pulling overhead like a press or clean. The other DCMT OM CRSA CRC CCUM ons Flexion of the deltoids will always result in raising of the arm. This movement requires the cooperation of the medial and anterior delts. Later we will speak on muscles performing extension of the shoulder additionally to the posterior deltoid. § | OU | D E ie CORLL aa aU i OE CURL RCO Ue CMe RUT ON ACCC need supporting muscles to help control your burgeoning power. The strength of your sword is nothing without unwavering will. The strength of the shoulder is COTO RRS UALR CL The rotator cuff is made up of four small muscles, each with its own origin. These DORIC RCO ROE eC CRIR Uy AULA AR NARACOORTE more, they help keep the shoulder safe from impingement during exercise. Note: These muscles were not forged by the blacksmith and cannot take a large amount of force. These provide precision, integrity, and form to your shoulder and DU ORM a TO CRE RCO UL PICTUS OS) oh AT | OU | D E RS. 1} COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 SO LS SECU CURLER Ce TALC mse CURL scapular spine and acromion (the flat, bony projection that forms the AC joint with your clavicle bone) to insert into the humerus. This small muscle may seem like part of the upper back, but its origin and insertion make it an integral part of the Ane LR CS SS CRUST AC Cle AL eC cer UR MUSIC CSC NOTE: The muscles location makes it ripe for impingement syndrome. PRO MUR OTRO AU TEU CLC ROTA MATT SoM § | OU | D E ie CORLL aa aU i SU Ld The infraspinatus also originates from the scapula, just below the spine (the thick boney projection that leads to the AC joint) to insert into the humerus. SCC MOS CREST RCSD RUC COUN Sa eCRCR Lag OOM TCS URN UR UCN AOUR CCAR CSS OUR Oe CMR UM Se PRU Ra tL CU ea TSU ARCS TUT Ses Sa UCU TAL hold your shoulder humeral head firmly in the shoulder socket. § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SU Ld UC MOURA CCeSC TO Ca LC falls right below the infraspinatus. It is smaller than the previous two rotator cuff CO OS CCN Cm OMAR RY rise where others would fall. The teres minor is an apprentice of the infraspinatus. It follows the former's path and helps complete its overall goal. Therefore, the teres minor helps externally rotate the arm and performs abduction. Contraction of the teres minor can also help in retro- PRIM HOR R UR ETL mC Loa § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 The final muscle of the rotator cuff is the subscapularis. This is a relatively large muscle compared to the teres minor. It attaches to the front facing portion of the RT RISTO UCR CUI AURIS The unique origin and insertion point of the subscapularis provides internal rotation of your arm. It also helps pull your upper arm forward and down, keeping the front ORCA CSCC URC SOC mL SRT RL eC OCR UORCO NAN ALC TC CI URLs ~ 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ll UO CR A CORALS CC CML ALORS eS DORR SC SCR RT LC ICRA tional and respected rotator cuffs. They are spoken about in hushed tones and only after they fail to support the might of their deltoid brothers. The enemy has only a PCR TUSCOLA RESIS A CIELO UCIT not the countless hours, training, and spiritual nourishment required to achieve this CLR OCU SESS URS IM CMU RUT shoulder to perform its duties. The coracobrachialis dances with the other muscles of the upper arm. This may be why it is not regarded amongst the pantheon of the shoulder gods. The coracobrachi- alis originates at the coracoid process of the scapula (the small, bony outcropping at the anterior portion of the scapula) where its tendon is partially intertwined with the short head of the biceps. It inserts into the midway of the humerus between the medal head of the triceps CU MCR TC acts in concert with the rotator cuff to provide stability to the humerus in the shoulder socket. ee OEIC RAC Cem TC) fowards your body, and assist in internal rotation OAC UM 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 SUC Ld he Hidden Sword: The muscles mentioned to this point have been the most common muscles associated TUR ORC RUNG URI CCR AR SS SRL shoulder joint. Latissimus Dorsi: The lats are the largest and strongest adductors of the shoulder joint. However, due to their location they are not granted a seat beside the other shoulder muscles. Yet, TCR TEC UCR UC Ia ICR PREC UC CRC TC NACOm ACU UC ALCS CRC UO R LLL shoulder joint. The lats also provide stability of the core from the bottom of the torso RUE es The lats span a great surface area. The connection of the arm to the spine allows extension and adduction of the shoulder. On the spine, the origin of the lat begins at TERRIER MUM OK UDR DUR LT RICE RL next insertion point is at the top of the iliac crest. Followed by the posterior aspect of the last 3-4 ribs to help with breathing. Then the lat connects to the very tip of the scapula known as the inferior angle of the scapula with scapulohumeral rhythm. § | I I} Ht E R iy TORE ca sa UNS iE] SU Ld SC CORN RSME CUR UREN Tm Tm Le ReC Ses Ca CaCO CRU LU UCR e LCC CCL PEGS URC C CSC RCO ROR ICRC CSUR Se a tion like a pull up. This placement on the arm also pulls on the final insertion which ROC RC CC CU Ce Cas umn UCR a tionality of this point. This insertion point may provide load transfer to the hips through the glutes from the shoulders and stability of the core. To provide balance the lats pull on all insertion points. The lats help the body balance in response to mul- tidirectional exerted tensions. § | I U Ht E hy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | Ly A true samurai knows that enlightenment and self-mastery is integral to perfecting POU CMC REL UPI ROM IT CY RUC SDR UCR IOC CUS Ie CUS understanding of bodily function. It also drags you into further debate of if the pecto- rals and other muscles are part of the shoulder. | want you to keep your mind open in conversations and remember your perception of understanding may be from a dif- CACC CE CALCU Re 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. iy ee LE LRU UE ae a The enemy army eagerly awaits you in the field. They have come for a decisive battle against a relic of a bygone era. However, you have much more in your arsenal than they realize. Grab your students, neighbors, and friends. There are weapons for them cil HOW TO PERFORM THE MOVEMENT: SPCR IS UMC U MARCO CLT Cm a PRR eC RUN e UC RCC MMO should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart. This will be your starting STL 3. Brace your core and your legs as you press the weight overhead. 4. Extend your arms straight towards the ceiling and pause. 5, Return your arms to the starting position. 6. Repeat for the desired amount of reps. ) es at eG ros § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 SE UCT Tae ee a ee 0 Crea eC ROR OC Te CUR UCLA 3) Place them in front of your thighs, with your palms facing your body. 4) Slightly bend your knees and hips, holding this position without change through- CUA 5)Brace your core and begin to pull the dumbbells MORI RU Ce 6) Keeping your elbows only slightly bent, bring your arms up into a Y position. UCR a CURLER ROR movement, slowly bring them back down to the starting position. 8) Repeat for the desired amount of reps. § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1] SE "SEATED DB OVERHEAD SHOULDER FLYES , RRO COMO MACRO R MT mee 2. Hold your arms at a 60-degree angle with your palms facing forward. Your hands SORE ACCCMUUURSIDLCM CLR RR Ce CUCU R IC ER UCT CR RCM OCMC WML CM Ce ST OSLO SCR eee Ia CUM TRC PTSIBUCR MUL IST RLU Cn PRUs STAR OCR Cee RC) get them without discomfort. 6. Slowly return your arms to the starting OST 7. Repeat for the desired amount of reps. ea Cw SS Si Se ise py S | 0 U 1D E R S.. COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ty ” SINGLE ARM STRAIGHT BAR LATERAL RAISE , SOCORRO CUR RCs OM 2. Slightly bend your elbow and allow your arm with the bar to hang at your side. SO MCS CORRE UC RL AMTROe O ST SLL 3. Raise your arm as you slowly rotate your arm internally so that your pinky is angled towards the ceiling. CRS CURR CUCR CRI 5. Return the weight to the starting position slowly. Repeat on both sides and for the COST TLCGs § | 0 U Ht E hy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNANIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1) MTU a 1. Attach a single handle to each side of a cable set, set both sides at a height level with or just above your forehead. 2. Grab the cable handle on the left with your right arm. RCC Ue LU e a UO RICO) CRIB UE AT IURLC Oats 4. Place your hands overhead with the handles just barely crossing. CS AOAC TERM CORR CCR CL cRNA 6. Bend at your elbows slightly and keep a neutral spine. This is the starting position. 7. Keeping your upper body and head stationary, begin to pull your arms away from CUE OC 8. Continue to pull backwards as well as downward until your arms are straight out and level with your shoulders. 9. Return the arms to the starting position and repeat for the desired amount of reps. § | I I} Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PJ] Mea Ca Ne HOW TO PERFORM THE MOVEMENT: 1. Load a barbell with a weight that you can control. ‘.Grab the weight slightly wider than shoulder width apart and stand up straight. SRO RM CHL CMR RSS CL ERROR CURE until your upper arm is parallel to the floor. Avoid using hip drive. 4. Return to the starting position in a OC MUON LA 5, Repeat for the desired amount of reps. § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21 SE m7 Tee Ved ORI CUCM CRORE CRC AON 2. Set each side of the cables to about face height. SRO OT UOC RR SOS CaO URC D PN UR CMEC EER UL OCR OR EICRC COCA M En your arms stretched out and up ina Y. For advanced position, get on 1 knee and keep hips and shoulders level. 5. Begin to drive your elbows down towards your ribs. Feeling the pull through your armpits will indicate you are using more lats than biceps to pull. 6. Lower the handles until your elbows are touching or as close as you can get them to your ribs. TAT UR RCS 8. Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position. 9. Repeat for the desired amount of reps. § | I I} Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ry) SCC CCC COME MEAL a Ree cic chaos and quiet control. So too must you be ready to perform a multitude of different PURO M TET CA RR eR La Choose 2 of the following workouts to add on to your current workout regimen. Each POOR ORR CU RAT LER 12.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ve] eS eet ” WORKOUT #1, A USSR Sad AU LLCS Movement Reps Sets Rest Load eet 4 Ee EO oy Cr Sere einen ised 12 ce EO ery Cr eee aa eee Rast Pd cn Eee 60% Wide Grip 5 5 root EZ) eased era re) 5 Ce one EZ) Ins Seal 5 5 oot a EO) eee Se ea ‘ ~° We y ‘m. ee « U § | 0 U Ht E R S. TORU a aU eo P| eet ” WORKOUT #2 , SPECIAL NOTES: Superset every 2 movements Moverner Reps Sets Rest Cable Lat Pull avd Ka ROR Tooley yy nn See) iy cay Eee a 4 Pre Ne ea Wide Grip iy coy 30 seconds | 60% ead Tea) Ey 5 chery 75% er erie Rao) 5 cee eZ) reo Dumbbell Y-Pull | 8 5 coe aslo bad om § | 0 U Ht E R S. TORU a aU eo Pd eet SPECIAL NOTES: Each movement is supersetted with a 30 second plank. " WORKOUT #3 , Movere: Reps Sets Rest Load Effort ET 16 6 | 45 seconds nid Stent ri Teed ed Cee ee Cea sea Se ges Seat aaa eC) 6 | 45 seconds Cee i arg Ce Dee Oe eka eps) Saar eet) rT 6 | 45 seconds Ce Ce es Plank Cocoa) Se Oa eke Cone crn ns Wide Grip 16 6 | 45 seconds Cnr Peery Plank Corey CO ee eu Deri oaey Rec) 16 6 | 45 seconds Ene ett) Shoulder Fiyes eres Plank Rr Se Cea tt or) ‘Overhead Shoulder Flyes § | I U Ht E R iy ) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I eet ee Ca a S20 VME MAC RCC AMR RSC Movement Reps Sets Rest Load Effort eee 6 jo Ces In ac COR) Sco eda Ler ae avn) Wide Grip Ty 6 jo es read Plank Corey ue Tek Ler) raed ea 6 jo Ces pea ae Corea) ca ores eee aa Seat rT 6 jo ets pre BS) telN le edt) rs Cera Se ede CES Peas Sea Pa E 4 § | 0 U HI] E R ie POP TOT DE Seo CEs SA sais ry | eS eet SPECIAL NOTES: Superset every 2 movements " WORKOUT #5 . Movement Reps Sets Rest Load eneiaty cece ry ced Poa nd P : Perey) Shoulder Press | stnset:6 a) aL ‘Standing coe) i} LOE Teele y Se ai De a cD aa 4th set: 16 pipenbond 7 uaa aL) 5th set: 60% bth set 8 C4 Cable Lat Pull | tstset: 12 6 t) Sy In Paty Pi a ci Se 8 CED co ripen paced aL 6th set: 70% fer) Re ay J CSET Teele y coe ai Cable Reverse | 2nd set: 10 peda ie piper pipet eae ere oe Co Wide Grip cerca 6 0) ceed Wet Paty PE a) Rea) Ee 4 bcd 4 Sua : paced coer eee ere ew G 60 seconds _| tet sot: 70% nee aio pao Stamm ree pert pales aL 5th set: 60% ete Corea) Coe acLy ST ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED,

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