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My list of dos and don’ts in communicating online, based on my own experiences

I have been communicating online for more than a decade with the use of social medias such as
Friendster, Facebook, Instagram, Google Mail and so much more platforms. With my experience, I found
out that online communication makes my life easier in a sense that it gives me opportunities to connect
with other people that I wouldn’t interact usually. As easy as it may be, I learned that there are certain
netiquettes that I must abide in order to avoid experiencing undesirable incidences such as displeasing
the individual you talk with over the screen. Here are some of the rules that I abide and acts that I avoid
when engaging in online communication :


 Customizing the way I compose letters or even short answers depending on the receiving end.
For my closed acquaintances, I include emoticons in order to exude positive emotions and for
others to easily understand the way I feel. For strangers and people with position, I avoid doing
so in order to display professionalism.
 Observing proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation for easy coherence of
 Sending messages and email at an appropriate time to avoid disturbance.
 Keeping messages and email brief.
 Answer to messages and email as soon as you read it with compliance to your schedule.


 Send long-winded explanations that cause confusion.

 Capitalization of words, phrases, or sentences in order to avoid the other party being offended
by your words.
 Use internet slangs or incomprehensive words that are not indicated in the dictionary, unless
absolutely needed to do so.
 Use offensive and curse words to anyone you talk with over the internet.
 Screenshot private message between you and the other party and spread it all over the social
 Cyberbully anyone that displeases you.
 Visit explicit sites with disturbing content and undesirable sources.
 Engage in online transactions without proper security.
 Spam or send multiple messages and emails with similar content.
 Ignore private messages just because you find it lazy or unpleasant to answer to.

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