Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering: Inst Ruct Ions T O Candidat Es

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 03

21207 Total
21207 No. of21207
Questions 21207
: 09 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

B.Tech.(CE) (2011 Onwards) (Sem.–6)

21207 21207 21207 Subject Code
21207 21207 : BTCE-604
21207 21207 21207 21207
Paper ID : [A2291]
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY cons is ting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks
21207 2.
21207 c ontains 21207
FIVE questions
21207 c arrying 21207
FIVE marks 21207
eac h and s tudents
21207 21207
have to atte mpt any FOUR ques tions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks e ach and s tudents
have to atte mpt any TWO questions.
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207


o m
.r c
1. Write briefly :
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
a. Find the positive root between 0 and 1, of the equation x = e to a tolerance of 0.05%.

21207 21207
b. Evaluate n (e3x+5).
21207 21207

p e21207 21207

m 21207 21207

.r c
c. Find the Eigen vectors of the matrix

p a  3212072 1

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

 2 3 1

1 2 3

p e
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

d. Find the general solution of the differential equation
21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207

 3  u
 un–1 – 1

e. Solve the boundary value problem u // = xu


b rp
n 0
21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 U (0) + u/ (0) = 1, u21207

21207 (1) = 1 with h21207
= 1/3. Use the 21207
second order method.
21207 21207 21207

f. Fit a polynomial of second degree to the data prints (x, y) given by (0, 1), (1,6) and
(2, 17).
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
g. Show that the set of functions [n (x)] are orthogonal on the interval a<x<b where,

n (x) = sin nx, n = 1,2,3……. [0, ]

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
1 | M-71085 (S2)-434

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21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

h. What is meant by saying that Runga-Kutta formula is of the fourth order?

21207 21207 i. Find21207

the general solution
21207 of the difference
21207 equation :
21207 21207 21207 21207

2un – 3un + 2u n = 0

21207 21207 j. Find21207 equation x sin 21207

the root of the21207 x + cos x = 0. 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 SECTION-B

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

2. Solve the system of equations

21207 21207 u' = –3u21207
+ 2v u(0) = 0 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

v' = 3u – 4v v(0) = 0.5

21207 21207 With h =21207
0.2 on the interval
21207 [0, 0.4], use the classical21207
21207 Runga-Kutta fourth
21207 order method.
21207 21207

3. Solve the boundary value problem

o m
.r c
21207 21207 21207 x
u" = u – 4xe xl
021207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

u(0) – u'(0) = –1 u(1) + u'(1) = –e
21207 21207 Using the second order21207

p e
h = 1/3. Use suitable
method with 21207 21207 fourth order
21207 approximation
21207 to 21207

.r c
the boundary conditions. Compare with the exact solution u(x) = x(l – x)e


p a
The following values of the function

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

F(x) = sin x + cos x are given

b 10° 20°
p e 30°
21207 21207 21207
F(x) 21207
1.1585 21207

a 21207
1.2817 21207
1.366021207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207

and compare with the exact value.

Construct the quadratic interpolating polynomial that fits the data. Hence, find F 
21207 21207
 12
21207 21207

5. Find a real root, correct to three decimal places of the equation

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
2x – 3 = cos x

3  
Lying in the interval  ,  .
21207 21207 21207 2 2
 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

2 | M-71085 (S2)-434

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

6. Estimate Y at X = 5 by fitting a least square curve of the form y  to the
x( x – a )
21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207
following data :

X 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8

21207 21207 Y 21207 0.83 0.31
21207 0.17
21207 0.1021207 0.07 0.05
21207 0.04
21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

1 2 1 
7. Find the inverse of the matrix  2 3 –1
21207 21207 21207 21207
 21207
 21207 21207 21207 21207
 2 –1 3 

Using the Gauss-Jordan method.

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

8. Design a computational algorithm to

o m
.r c
21207 21207
a) Implement
interpolation formula and21207
use it to compute
the value 21207
of F(5) 21207
from the following data for x and F(x) :

21207 21207
(2, 46), (7, 71), (10,110).
21207 21207

p e 21207 21207

m 21207 21207

.r c

b) Fit a curve of the form y   bx
21207 21207 21207

r p
21207 21207 21207

By the method of least squares to the following data of x and F(x) : (1, 5.43),
21207 21207

(2, 6.28), (4, 10.32), (6, 14.86), (8, 19.51).

21207 9.
21207 Apply Galerkin’s
21207 method
21207to solve the21207

boundary value21207
problem as p 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207

dx 2 21207

y(0) = y(1) = 0
– 64 y  10  0
21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207 21207

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