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Course Code:- BBA 205- Environmental Science


Submitted by-:

Name : Radhika Bakshi

Roll no:- 2K18/BBA/133

Class: BBA 2nd year, Section A

1) What are the various sources of Delhi air pollution?

The air quality in Delhi, the capital territory of India, according to a WHO survey of 1650
cities, is the worst of any major city in the world. It is estimated that air pollution in India
kills about 1.5 millon people every year mainly from chronic respiratory diseases and
asthma, according to WHO. In Delhi specifically, poor quality of air damages the lungs
of around 2.2 million or 50 per cent of the children.
The various sources of air pollution in Delhi would be as follows:
 Overpopulation- Being the most populous city in India, overpopulation has led to
over exploitation of resources and much higher rates of emissions.
 Lack of active monitoring and reaction by the authorities.
 Lack of political priority.
 Motor vehicle emissions are one of the major sources of poor quality in Delhi.
India’s Ministry of Earth Sciences published a research paper in October 2018
attributing almost 41 per cent to vehicular emissions,21.5 per cent to dust and 18
per cent to industries.
 Wood burning fires and fires on agricultural land.
 Exhaust from diesel generators, dust from construction sites, burning garbage and
illegal industrial activities in Delhi.
 Heavy metal rich bursting of fire crackers.
 Agricultural stubble burning also affects Delhi’s air quality when crops are being

2) Evaluate 3 different strategies of controlling Delhi air pollution?

The three different strategies of controlling Delhi air pollution are as listed below:-
 Banning of firecrackers and closely monitoring the illegal sales of it. People
caught hold of burning firecrackers should be heavily fined . Banning of
firecrackers will evidently alleviate decrease the levels of air pollution.
 Regain CNG profits – Policies to encourage thee wide use of CNG reduced the
annual PM10 levels by 16% between 2002 and 2007. High costs of CNG not only
disincentivize people from switching to cleaner energy solutions and affect the
public transport costs.
 Efficient practice of the 3Rs: Reuse, reduce and recycle along with the people
themselves taking the initiative of converting garbage into compost in their
localities. The citizens should also take the initiative of planting more trees and
switch to public transport as much as possible.
If the public transport facilities are easily available and well connected, by 2020
the capital’s 80 per cent population will use public transport. The government
should enforce effective measures to implement homogenous emission standards
and increase the number of buses and improve in terms of reliability , comfort and
More and more cycle paths should be created to increase and improve walkability.
This will not only reduce the usage of private vehicles for small distances but at
the same time it will encourage the citizens to become more health conscious and

3) Which one would you recommend to make Delhi air cleaner?

To improve the air quality of Delhi and and make the air cleaner and healthier for its
citizens, I would recommend the last strategy to be the most effective and impactful.
It is imperative for the citizens to be aware about the consequences of the poor air quality
of Delhi and act upon it immediately. If the citizens become more and more conscious
and careful about vehicular usage and switch to public transport and car pooling, the air
quality will definitely improve. It is also essential for people to plant more and more tress
and completely abstain from burning fire crackers.

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