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In this form, a single record may appear in multiple rows in the Form
window in order to fully display the field name label and data. 14. In Access, this view is used to create and modify the structure of a
A) Datasheet B) Tabular
C) Justified D) Columnar A) Normal B) Datasheet C) Form Design D) Control

2. Which of the following is not a Form style available in the Form 15. To set a password for the database, select ____________ in the
Wizard dialog box. Microsoft Access Open window.
A) Blends B) Standard
C) Stone D) Highlights A) Open Read Only B) Open Write Only
C) Open Explicit D) Open Exclusive
3. You can move between fields in a form by using any of these keys
except 16. To enter the Input Mask Wizard

A) Tab B) Enter C) Shift+Tab D) Page Up A) Click on the three dots to the right of the Caption entry field
B) Click on the three dots to the right of the Format entry field
4. Queries are based on this, allowing you to use a query as the source C) Click on the Input Mask toolbar
for forms and reports D) Click on the three dots to the right of the Input Mask entry field

A) Filters B) Tables C) Records D) Fields 17. Saving a database in Access is done

5. This type of query summarizes large amounts of data in easy-to- A) At the beginning of the database B) The first time you save data
read, row-and-column format. C) When closing the application D) During auto save

A) Crosstab B) Columnar C) Select D) Action 18. The file extension for an Access 2003 database is

6. Which of the following is not one of the methods available in the A) EXE B) DOC C) EXC D) MDB
New Query dialog box to create queries?
19. Which of the following best describes the Grouped Report?
A) Design View B) Crosstab Query Wizard
C) Simple Query Wizard D) Datasheet View A) A part of report that can be generated by the report wizard
B) A report that displays data that has been sorted in ascending or
7. This query wizard will create a select query. descending order
C) A report that displays data grouped by fields you specify
A) Crosstab B) Find Duplicates D) None of a the above
C) Simple D) Design View
20. What is the use of description field in Table Design window?
8. The quickest way to add a field to the Selected Fields list is to
double-click its field name in this list. A) The description will be displayed on status bar when entering data
in datasheet view
A) Find Fields B) Search Fields B) The description will be displayed on status bar when entering data
C) Search Record D) Available Fields in form
C) Both of above
9. The result of a query is displayed in a D) None of a the above

A) Record B) Query datasheet

C) Query table D) Form Answers6

10. Changing the order of this in the query datasheet does not affect the 1-C, 2-D, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A, 6-D, 7-C, 8-D, 9-B, 10-C, 11-C, 12-B, 13-B,
field order in the table. 14-C, 15-D, 16-D, 17-A, 18-D, 19-C, 20-C

A) Record B) Row C) Column D) Sort

1. How can you display the related records from other tables in
11. In the second Subform Wizard dialog box you specify the table to datasheet view?
use as the data source and the
A) Click on the expand indicator next to the record
A) records from the selected form B) Double click on the record to expand it
B) form from the selected table C) Apply Filter by command to display related records
C) fields from the selected table D) All of above
D) content from the selected form

12. This is not one of the sections of the Form Design window 2. Which of the following query type is best suitable to analyze data?

A) Form Footer B) Form Content A) Cross tab Queries B) Parameter Queries

C) Form Header D) Form Detail C) Action Queries D) None of above

13. When you select this control, its associated text control is also 3. Which of the following is a database management system?
selected and the two controls will act as one when manipulated.
A) MS Word B) MS Excel C) Oracle D) Lotus 1-2-3
A) Text B) Form C) Label D) Field
4. In relational database schema each tuple is divided into fields known
as? Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
A) Relations B) Queries C) Records D) Domains
2. Which program do you use to edit code for data access pages?
a. Microsoft script editor
5. Which of the following columns does not exist in Macro Design b. Microsoft code editor
window? c. Microsoft data access pages editor
d. None of above
A) Arguments Correct Answer: a
B) Comments
C) Conditions Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
D) Actions

3. The way a particular application views the data from the database
6. What is the type of query that extracts data from a table and puts that the applicaton uses is a
them into separate table? a. Module
b. Relational model
A) Parameter Query c. Schema
B) Make Table Query d. Sub-schema
C) Update Query Correct Answer: d
D) Put Table Query
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
7. What type of control in a form can display data from database table?
4. Which of the following is a database management system?
A) Bound Control a. Ms-Word
B) Unbound Control b. Lotus 1-2-3
C) Both of above c. Oracle
D) None of above d. None of above
Correct Answer: c

8. To display value from table for a label control Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
A) Set teh control source and record source prom property panel
B) Choose the databse, table, field and select data value to display 5. What is the corresponding text for the <#1/1/95# validation rule
C) Look at the table and type value in the Caption setting?
D) set the record source property and then control source a. Neter a value less or more than 1,195
b. Value must be less than 95 characters
c. Enter a date before 1995
9. Which of the following is not a section in Report Design window? d. All of above
Correct Answer: a
A) Report Header Section
B) Page Header Section Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
C) Summary Section
D) Report Footer Section
6. What is the name of the Visual Basic Editor utility that allows
you to view the Microsoft Access type library’s available objects and
10. You can not import data into Access database from members?
a. Object Viewer
A) dBase III database files b. Object Browser
B) Excel Spreadsheets c. Type Library Spy
C) Comma Delimited Text Files d. None of above
D) None of the above Correct Answer: b

Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
7. A computer language for informing the DBMS regarding the data
structure used is
1-A, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D, 5-C, 6-B, 7-A, 8-D, 9-C, 10-D, a. PASCAL
b. DDL
1. Which control does access use to link data access page
components to access data? Correct Answer: b
a. Microsoft Dynamic Data Control
b. Microsoft Data Connection Control
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. Microsoft Office Data Source Control
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
8. Which of the following is not a data type
a. Picture/graphic
b. Data/time 15.Which of the following terms does not describe a database structure
c. Texst used by a DBMS to link data from several files?
d. Number a. Relational
Correct Answer: a b. Structural
c. Network
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on d. All of the above Correct Answer: b

9. The executive responsible for the data processing function in an Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
organization is
a. PM
b. DBMS 16.In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
c. DP a. Relations
d. DPM b. Domains
Correct Answer: b c. Queries
d. All of the above
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on Correct Answer: b
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
10.Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft Access database
a. Queries 17.How do you filter by selection?
b. Workbooks a. Right click the field value and select filter by selection from the
c. Forms shortcut menu
d. Tables
Correct Answer: b b. Find and double click the value on which you want to base the
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on c. Find and select the value on which you want to base the filter and select tools>filter by selection from the menu
d. None
11.A file containing relatively permanent data is Correct Answer: a
a. Random file
b. Transaction file Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. Master file
d. Sequential file
Correct Answer: c 18.What is a fast way t adjust the width of a column?
a. Right click the left side of the column heading
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. Double click the left side of the column heading c. Double click the right side of the column heading
d. Select tools>adjust column width from the menu
12.The complete picture of data stored in database is known as Correct Answer: c
a. Record
b. Scheme Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. System flowchart
Correct Answer: b 19.What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?
a. Rows
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. Fields c. Cells
d. Records
13.A subset of characters within a data field is known as Correct Answer: b
a. Record
b. File Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. Data string
d. Byte
Correct Answer: c 20.How do you update Pivot Table report data after changes are made
to the source data?
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on a. Save your changes, close the workbook, and then reopen it. b. Select the Pivot Table worksheet and press F9 on the keyboard
c. Click the report, and on the Pivot Table toolbar, click the refresh
14.Data items groped together for storage purposes are called a data button
a. Record d. All of the above
b. Title Correct Answer: c
c. List 1. In access, the best types of queries to use for data analysis are:
d. string a. Select queries
Correct Answer: a b. Parameter queries
c. Action queries
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on d. All of the above Correct Answer: a
a. Tables
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. Relations c. Tuple
d. Both a and b
2. How can you add a table to the relationship window? Correct Answer: d
a. Select Tools>Add table from the menu
b. Select the table from the table list on the toolbar Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. Click the show table button on the toolbar
d. Select Edit>Add table from the menu
Correct Answer: b 9. Which of the following database objects asks a question of
information in a database and then displays the result?
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on a. Tables b. Reports
c. Queries
3. What is the first step in creating a form or report with the form d. Forms
wizard or report wizard? Correct Answer: c
a. Selecting the fields that you want to appear in the form or report
b. Selecting the underlying table or query on which you want to Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
base the form or report
c. Reading several screens of mostly useless information and
clicking next 10.What data type should yo choose for a zip code field in a table?
d. Selecting how the form or report should be formatted a. Text
Correct Answer: a b. Number
c. Memo
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on d. All of above Correct Answer: a

4. Which action will optimize your database performance? Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
a. Set the record set type to Snapshot
b. Use the compact and repair database tool
c. Create a replica of the database 11.In order to use DBMS, it is important to understand
d. All of the above a. The physical schema
Correct Answer: b b. All sub schemas that the sytem supports
One sub schema
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on c. Both a and b Correct Answer: c

5. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
a. Sorting
b. Classifying
c. Reproducing 12.A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all
d. Summarizing people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful key
Correct Answer: a would be
a. The pin code
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. The last name c. A compound key consisting of the first name and the last name
d. All of the above
6. According to Access Help, what’s a good way to design a Correct Answer: c
a. Start from data access pages and work backward Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
b. Sketch the design of your database using a pencil and paper
c. Use the Table Analyzer to reverse-engineer your flat source data.
d. None of above 13.What happens when you add the asterisk (() from any field list ot a
Correct Answer: b query?
a. The table will not include any fields from the table
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. The query sorts the table’s record in the order you specify c. The query will include every field from the table
d. The query uses the records from the table without displaying
7. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a them
a. storage space is wasted Correct Answer: c
b. changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency
c. It can be more easily accessed Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
d. both a and b
Correct Answer: d
14.Which editor was provided for use with Access Basic?
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on a. The Visual Basic 1.0 editor b. Notepad
c. The QuickBasic editor
8. A relational database management (RDBMS) package manages d. All of above
data in more than one file at once. How does it organize these file? As Correct Answer: b
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on

15.The filter By selection feature allows you to filter: 2. Which action do you use in a a macro to automatically send a
a. Those records that match an entity in a field report snapshot in an email message?
b. Records based on a criterion you specify a. Use mail
c. Records that meet any of several criteria you specify b. Send object
d. All of above c. Run macro
Correct Answer: a d. All of the above
Correct Answer: b
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
16.What is the memo data type field used for?
a. To add table 3. How can you display sales grouped by country, region, and
b. To store objects created in other programs salesperson, all at the same time?
c. For long text entries a. Use the Sort Descending command.
d. For shout text entries of no more than 255 characters b. Use the Pivot table view command
Correct Answer: c c. Use the find command on specified groups
d. All of above
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on Correct Answer: b
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
17.What is the purpose of the description column in Table Design
a. To define the data type applied to each field within the table 4. The checking operation performed on input data is called the
b. To describe the data that should be entered in each field a. Validation of data
c. To enter lookup data that the field should refer to. b. Verification of data
d. None of the ablve c. Cross check
Correct Answer: b d. Control of data
Correct Answer: a
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
18.What is the propose to a sub datasheet?
a. To provide a hierarchial view of related tables or queries in a 5. A form defines
single window a. Wqhere data is placed on the screen
b. To display grouped data in a report b. The width of each field
c. To display summarized data. c. Both a and b
d. All of the above d. All of the above
Correct Answer: a Correct Answer: c
1. How do you insert a graphic of your company’s logo on a report?
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on a. Click the image button on the toolbox and drag on the report to draw a place holder for the graphics
b. You can’t. Microsoft Access won’t let you insert graphics files.
19.Which of the following is NOT a selection technique c. Select Insert > Picture from the menu
a. To select a word, double click the word d. Select Tools > Insert Picture from the menu
b. To select an entire table click the empty bosx to the left of the Correct Answer: a
field names
c. To select a row, click the record selector box to the left of the row Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
d. To select a column, double click anywhere in the column
Correct Answer: d
2. The Fill/Back Color button on the formatting toolbar applies
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on color to: a. The border fo the selected control
b. The text in the selected control
20.How can you display Pivot Table report summary data in a currency c. All aspects of the control
format? d. The background of the selected control
a. Use custom calculation Correct Answer: d
b. Type in the currency symbol
c. Modify the field settings Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
d. None of the above
Correct Answer: c
1. What method can you use to add a new table to your database? 3. Which type of query extract the data and put them into separate
a. Use Design View to create a table table?
b. Enter data directly by using a datasheet a. A parameter query
c. Both of above b. A make-table query
d. All of the above c. An update query
Correct Answer: c d. A crosstab query
Correct Answer: b
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
10.Which of the following database object can you import from one
4. Which of the following criterion is NOT written using the proper Microsoft Access database to another? (Select All that apply)
syntax? a. Queries
a. “Haris” b. Tables
b. <500 c. Forms
c. NO VALUE d. All of the above
d. Between #1/1/2000# and #12/31/2000# Correct Answer: d
Correct Answer: c
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
11.What field type is used to store picture in a table?
a. Memo
5. IIF [Age]>65, “Senior”,”Adult&rdquo This expression is an b. OLE
example of: c. Hyperlink
a. A conditional expression d. None
b. Algebraic expression Correct Answer: b
c. Something that belongs in a Microsoft Excel book
d. A financial expression Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
Correct Answer: a
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on 12.How can you add a table to the query design window? a. Select Edit>Add Table from the menu
b. Select Tools>Add table from the menu
6. Which property determines what is displayed in a control? c. Click the Show Table button on the toolbar
a. The control source property d. Select the table from the Table list on the toolbar
b. The display property Correct Answer: c
c. The comes from property
d. The data property Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
Correct Answer: a
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on 13.Which of the following type s of queries are action queries? a. Update queries.
b. Crosstab Queries
7. How can you view the properties of a form c. Parameter queries
a. Select View>Form properties form the menu d. Append Querits
b. Right click anywhere on the form and select properties frm the Correct Answer: d
shortcut menu
c. Double click the form selector box in the upper left corner of the Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: b 14.A query prompts a user for a data and then displays only records
that contain the specified date. Which type of of query is this?
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on a. A parameter query b. A crosstab query
c. An update query
8. Where you can keep the sum([Sales]) to calculate the totals for d. An action query
each month? Correct Answer: a
a. In the report footer section
b. In the page footer section Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
c. In the month group footer section
d. In the summary section
Correct Answer: c 15.Which of the following is NOT a report section?
a. Report Header section
Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on b. Summary section c. Page header section
d. Details section
9. What is the procedure for selecting multiple controls on a report? Correct Answer: b
a. Hold down the Shift key as you click each object that you want to
select Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on
b. If the controls are aligned along a horizontal or vertical line, click
the horizontal or vertical ruler above or to the left of the controls
c. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click each object that you want to 16.You can display a database Object in design view by
select a. Opening the database object and clicking the view button on the
d. All of these toolbar
Correct Answer: a
b. Selecting the database object and clicking the design button on
the database window
c. Selecting the database object and press Ctrl + V
d. Opening the database object and selecting Tools>Design view
Correct Answer: b

Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on

17.How can you display the relationship in a database?

a. Select View > Relationship form the menu
b. Click the Relationship button on the toolbar
c. Select Edit >Relationship from the menu
d. Click the Relationship button in the Database window
Correct Answer: b

Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on

18.If you are creating a cross tab query, what must table you are
querying contain?
a. Lots of confusing information
b. More than 100 records
c. At least one field
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: c

Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on

19.A query summarizes information in a grid, organized by regions and

months. Which type of query is this?
a. An update query
b. A parameter query
c. An action query
d. A cross tab query
Correct Answer: d

Microsoft Access Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) published on

20.What type of text box does the toolbox and to a form?

a. Bound
b. Rebound
c. Calculated
d. Unbound
Correct Answer: d


1-D, 2-D, 3-A, 4-A, 5-B, 6-A, 7-B, 8-A, 9-C, 10-C, 11-C, 12-D, 13-A,
14-C, 15-A, 16-B, 17-C, 18-B, 19-C, 20-C,
21-D,2 2-C,23-B, 24-B, 25-D,26-C,27-B, 28-D, 29-C, 30-A, 31-A, 32-
D, 33-D, 34-B, 35-B, 36-B, 37-D, 38-A, 39-C, 40-A,

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